:U| Ml* *mtm Mn, Imi w. •S*®M«£' ,'"•»* •«•'Wl-«»- ,— 'j,--••?•-• '--^Ifc-"'•• if'- V'rT'"^' &m' Mlf" •«r*~ !«(»«-. etss»*| ^2 -V.il & 1 *4Vll aaeBtfiMlwn Mmrtwu'li totaMaaSC .'KXBINA, VwlMM Iml bl fMaMaami Crttttb ViBW 1/NM. •. wm gits MMssacavosat L* 1. SI., kwsvi tATHSAnr, 15 S rabSa.nmi XoctlilMMsl.a it» vfOmtk I SSsn^f •tfitamc.. Mt (KMt. Oilrf at«l OaBtdf InMaMMh ntnatfUS) rtrtuof mM MKOIMI antes la rit: Tk«N *atr4nU. tteBtsWuVoTP :«a« foe tans Mtela JBMMS,I W V.a. 110,*. O. U. W, trrt Tvrcdaf W W' «wm dor iif Ifcc W, J. K**S»BA1T^ ntnllUuli*! VMIsd 9UM» UHA DAKOTA. "ITT'.MOSBirr ar •, T*e«**aenNST. AiToiunm «uw. itAfliQATB. v"i- N. D. ATTOW^Y».\f»liAW i) bttalnrmln Wtltk. MOUTH DAKOTA taituillbNa its *1 )il* OHH, lultl ht rMl- ^6 "f&«r,tt>BOKOM. I Jmwirtle Animal* O**, Drat Blort 'M? *OB™ DAKOTA, IMMT.H.81 'SWWMA, i^oSh iiM tnMrnrr. KOtTH PAfcOTA S'JMI*. a«dc la llw com H. eoatalaliig .ETddlreMd bj •nJaMrlmnr.to racnnMlaoSk* of —IMf of _Mt. nt of KeieaibwlSIS. —r ptof fling nj lutilaMd is re tlaaottgage or say (KKbrciraa.Uiat bf L,uxl SLuOwa Ssaawj' tfis.MMat* la lte «M nxV HTSBR. mi*inn coaalr or hit —F eo»t aoaa ia toulr of iMMai -SMoS T'Um I tk t.|C Mbjaol to jmt horn In (he COB* Mortage, containing 4*A IN Ql.vrcl Uy wlrtownr) morig«gort tor tHa «3£.w to b* do* ofOkln aaUM, the fortr-lhraa dollrra 1J)» aaMaat la dollira US attr rsMNti Sollat* ZTimm£*iE£»s Swmn. tm ttina sg, 3S3888aa!ai •i sly-hro aaahanSisd Ik* cunnl wl .torcxk, ia dor on Sfl BriruM Ca.(tmf P. O. Oaraa, JBaawl Hom, jfr &?,» :'**. Tou have to pay 10 more,elaewbere. ^\LH Iff f'&g^i'L ir'jf application. .jHwl at lk« HtMlNkl fwMimniiiit ilWMll»kr rBIDAY. JULY ». 1MB. wMlqwl^ The tallowing la the wheat market repon of the past week up tolast evening, furnished byF. 8. Cheney, of the Hon arch BevatorOompapy. KHdtf* Saturday Mosflijt •«,«•••••••••••• Tuesday Wednesday Thursday., flSl 111.. us:s IAl» liKSI ttilli IsMftl ., .0«A«'l| WORM* Wt no. muUiiM' A. r»iu k. M. *4MtBlNA WKII *0.». ."*?• SMfrtaty I aa N SI El GO 48 AKHJKDTOWH. Titkrk are now confined In the eouuty Jail nineteen pnaonen. Every thing Is full, no more neea apply. TubK.P. la filling up the coal wnm-m'm.j,: ,. shed* brim full with coal preparatory .?"TSSSSJ5Kfc the fall rush In freight business. re Tub Methodist chrrch Is being .. „„v papered mid painted throughout, In lock and con*equencc of which there will be no definite has been arranged yet, services uext Sunday evening. Mas. F. M. Kino gave a reception to her sister Mn. Strong, and daugh ter, on.Monday evening. There were a large number present and a pleas ant evening spent. Owing to III health B«y. Mr. \Tath soii of Fergus Falls Minn. was. unable t*preach In IhePrcMbvtcrinn church luxt fiutidny evening as nnounrcd, but will occupy the pulpit next Sunday evening at 7:30. Okukhs have licep received at Fort Tcmbinn to linvc the company stat ioned there, removed UiFortAmiunl boine, Montuna, mid the boys are like ly to leave here about the 20th of Au gust. Tux flslilug never was belter than It Is now every day (here are large strings being brought up from the rivet, and it Is a rare exception that DAKOTA, anyone ever goes down without catch ing some. Wit understand Winnipeg baseball team plays Necbe next Tuex.iay, the 23rd, on the grounds in Neche If the weather is favorable It is safe ft say the throng of spectators will be a large one. or- Miss A'licb Palxkb, around world missionary, lectured In the of W. H. Moobbbad says the man six weeks ago, will oblige him If he A small cyclono' destroyed the house of O. D. Nelson and another house belonging to a man named Knudson, In Walsh countv, last week. Some persons were Injured, but no deaths. Don't know whether we are to blame for this or not. A Oonsidbbablbamount of coun ty correspondence and general news are crowded out this week on account «t (he court proceedings that has created such Interest and which we give nearly In full. We hooe our con tributors will bear with us In this matter. .'{Thbbb was an adjourned meeting oflihe building and loan association, Friday evening. Besides routine business transacted, a bylaw was pass edjegulating withdrawals, and com pulsory cancellation of stock soon to mature. These bylaws will be pub lished and mailed to all holding shares. City Marshal Kerr has been busy tills tfcck collecting poll tax and has had a crew ot men at work clearing the street of weeds and levelling up where necessary Benvillc street, from Cavilcer to Second street has been cleared from brush and uothing re mains now but the large oak trees that are Intended to leave remaining for the present. Tukub was a large crowd of citi zens from this side of the border who celebrated Orangemen's day in Win nipeg Friday. The train left Einer- that part,of the country. t.tinr. tMIt*. nf lltAaAHiitaii The sole source of communication I lie with the outside world of this section country, la by navigation,'either or Kittson Hall last Friday evcuing to a through from Duluth, via Tower, or fair audience she gave some Interest- Winnipeg and Bat Ptortage all freight Inor InpMnnfa and '4k* &i__ aa ... Ing Incidents and light on the mis- and the bulk of the mails are carried slonary work done In foreign lands. the latter route In the summer sea son, a distance of one hundred and sixty miles by water. There are four who borrowed his wheelbarrow some ^uTaklM*^'trl™ ?,"unldn,m» "Whf will come and get the sideboards as f"'- H. J. Mcib,son of Attorney Mulr, of Hamilton, arrived hi Hamilton, Thursday, from Chicago, on a bicycle. He was on the road nine days, and estimates the distance nine hundred miles. Mr. Mulr rides a Monarch wheel Ibu at seven and returned in the AU boats coming and going have to evening at eleven o'clock, and consist-"top at this place to get their pass ed ot eight coaches. The Winnipeg port up the river a mile anda half is Free Press estimates the attendance the lighthouse, in plain view of the. from outside at 10,000. It was by far lake. This rather crude structure Is the largest public gathering held In placed on a prominent polntoverlook- AK interpreter of. the Hungarlart language was brought over from Win nipeg for the Till trial There was a question for a little, weather tbia was not a violation of the "contaact labor law," but it was solved without further argument, when the man •aid he was an American citlsen. He ™»£ean Intelligent Interpreter,and wlth Mr. Weidennan or this city In the German made thlngsclear, to (be­ Im. M.m ... ttTvinoi^W gJJSmlU r«mkked tin tollMring report rorlcMjipenMMon. thenoathof June: It take* twenty-four koMttiiki Mm»' temperature highest Mm run from Bat 'VptW''w£Vi!b MMp. n, on tbe l«th lowest temp. Francis, but it was midnightRetort IS, on the Mth meM temperature for wm leeched our destluaUoi»»cauaed this Booth la. 1M0.« 1M1, «H MM, by «elav» at tberspkU. •0 lMI,e6s t8N,nt IBiB,6S. Prevail* TVespenttwo days sround the'falls lng dlreethMi or wlnd, M. W. total veryYleasautly. In the coatoby of movement Of wind, «l» miles Mil- y. Quaekenbush. A. D. OMkW.aM matt velocity of wind, thirty the Carlton brothers, »l| formetresl miles, south, on the Mth. Totalpre- dent* of Pembina.' Ivrrrybody Itad elpitatkm, 4.18 laches number of days the ibid feirer badly, a* Important onwblehAllneh erikoreorpreclplta. discoveries bad recent lr beehfaade ^km fell, ltxaverag. precipitation for on the Seine river, sevanty mHeseaht, tttintonthforur yean, 4JM| total and tlie Hanltou lakea Ir^nlta* Wpta JWlJlirtlM during month, north, Jtatspectora' tents wereacat ,«fl total excetw In prccJpJUtlon sloce ten-d along the banks of therlrer, January 1st, I.«7 number of clear that wero'ln getting fresh siMlles. days, partly cloody days, IB clondy The outfit of a pn*pector coiuiaU of diys, *. Dates of tbuurtcrstornis, II, an ••A" t«liit, "grub^Uke," a 'couple 12,14, IS, 10,19,2S, S8. ... of drills about an Inch Ind sis pound hammer, caatlron ilo*e andjwn and a few attcM ot dy- Mr. and Mn. B. p. Hooker Jr. loft uault«. Kc^srs. CaTileerandCxrltoii on Sunday on a visit to their former borne In Virginia. They will be nb* sent three weeks. Lewis Mussel and Prof. Coleman came over Cavalier on Wedneeday, on bl Lewla bad a few games of tennis at the fort with Lieut. Blv while the Professor attended court... Mn. Btr. Wharton and family left on Monday to join her husband In Oma ha, Neb Judge Oonmy left Ire* land laat Sunday and Is expected home the25th .....Mn.Bldgeway,of Iowa City, Iowa, Is visltlug at Lieut. Ely's ......S. R. Moorhcad left oh Monday for Thief Blver Falls, ^Mlnii., where he expects to enter upon bis profes sion. Mr. Muorhead has been connect ed with this office for nearly fire yean and Is a practical man at the print ing business, and steady in habits.... Mrs. Dr. Harris and Miss. Irene and «B 18 I' __ MWI1IQ nuu RIID9. AICHC HIIU &bv. Mb. Pbabodv, the nevr Bpts- Willie Aylen and Charley Asselstliie eepal rector, expects to hold services returned from a three months visit to at the church In this city, on Sunday Great Falls, Montana, lust Saturday at 3 o'clock. .. Cashier Douglass of Hallock was in the city Wednesday to arrange a game of base ball between the llal Pembina nines. Nothing Mn. J. D. Stack and Mrs. N. C. Young, ot Bathgate, have been at tending court this week... Miss Mina Laugton of Minneapolis Is visiting at W.J.Kneeshaw's.......Mr.and Mn Oux, of Ooderlch, Ont., are visiting their daughter, Mn. W. Douglas Mr. Cox is a printer of many yean ex perience and we acknowledge a fra ternal call Hon. It. B. Uichnrdson of Drayton is also an interested spcc tator at court. .. A Trip to the Rainy Lake. It was our pleasure', couple of weeks ago, to visit the "region of Northern Minnesota and portions of Ontario, Canada, bordering on tlie Ralnv Lake, that have gaiiiod such prominence the last year, through Its mineral resources While we have frequently given extracts from other papers and Interviews with parties that have made overland trips in the winter, about this country, we think that a description from a representa tive of the PioniucbExfubss, vlk the lake route, one of the most pleasant two weeks outing for any party that is fond of romantic scenery and na ture In Its primitive state, could tnke, may le of interest to the average reader. cll r"nC" W. H. is tired of taking care of them X««blcbirig Bll equipped for pas- Mr. Wttii McLugari and Mrs. Hyslop and fean thev.wlli ho in«r. «^ger wviee as well as freight the of Mitchell Ont. father and slater of Bdua Brydges, Swallow, Shamrock Mrs. W. N. Husband are spending the and Monarch the latter the most e)« -t (_ a.. ing the mouth of the river, aud is In charge of "Old Michel," an old half breed well known around Pembina. From the mouth of the river up, every few miles are wooding stations, where boats are supplied with cord wood tamarac at $1.25 and poplar and other soft wood at $1.00 per cord. The land along the Canadian side Is all taken op, some of the settlen have bceu there twelve yean, all cultivat ing small patches of grain and veget ables. The American side of the river, for sixty miles is taken up with the Bed Luke Indian Beservatlon. There are three rapids In the 'Balny Lake Blver wbicb cause lots of trouble and delay to navigation wa vivuwiv eauu uwmj «mu reoeive the headline to carrr it streaol to fasten It to a support sW't-V. Bros: had Just leturned from a up the Little Manltou country where iteeolved that elevator bulldlngi they had located a claim pronounced "wturnedby tbesssessors very rich. Mr.- Qusckenbush Is In charge of the townslte of Koodilchlng, and Is also Interested In several min ion claims up the Seine river. Fort Francis on the Canadian and Koochiching on the American slde,dl vldedbya waterfall twenty-five to thirty feet In height and double the volume of St. Anthony, atMlunea polis. are destined to become two prominent continental centers. The •oil is lighter than the. Bed Blver Valley soil, but Is productive, and large yields are reported by the. older settlen. Tho country lb well drain ed and covered with poplar and other timber easy to clear off. /or seventy miles down the river Inland the pine laud on the American side is estimat ed to contain four hundred thousand million fecit of lumber, and the coun try tcjthe east abounds In mineral that in time Is sure to be developed. Fort Francis Is an old Hudsons Bay trading post, and has a population of about threo hundred, while Koochi ching, year and a halt old, ha8 less than two hundred Inhabitants. It has one good hotel,Albert B. Cottiwll, a practical liotel mail, sole proprietor, one general store that could easllyhe Improved, tuid several minor places of business, such as restaurants, saloons, etc. A good general'store would do well.at Koochiching. Wo left the falls eight o'clock lu the evening, on the Swallow, the only stern-wheeler-on the lake, owoed by Capt. Lewis, a veiy accommodating gentleman, and arrived nt Bat Por tage on the following evening.. The fare for the round trip, Inctnd Ing board and berth, Is $12.00. G. G. Tnoxrson. COUNTY NEWS. •or mm •f the Vtoneer Aeaovters. A large number of Cantonites took InufaelHhof/ulyat Milton. (teuton streets have been finely graded, si^walhs extended aud solid S Injch crossing laid down. Charles LaWouu has bought Dick Edwards «r. suction In St. Thoinafc township. Dick migrates to :Thief River Falls. Win. Conlan has built a large exten sion toJils general atoraand ainabullt a targe store roum,.Ctyibtn.d&ea a blg business and he deserves too for he is as a straight as a string. ., summer here. Mr. McLngan is in gantly equipped of the quartette, was ecstacles over this beautiful vallev and says he could not have believed it,'bad he not seen It for himself. hanging on the rocks In the Sioux rapids forty miles up the river, when we passed, where she had baen for two weeks, and was liable to stay tor some time, as a rock bad stove it big hole in the side and she was sunk between two big rocks. We left Bat Portage eight o'clock in the evening, on EdnaBrydges.in com msnd of the captain whose surname she bean. The course through the lake was one continuous winding be tween islands, for a distance of sixty miles, occasionally passing fisheries, so numerous in these waten. Nearly all the larger islands have names, and some of them traditional histories, either from Indians, or experiences of early white explorera. One In parti cular, the Massocie Island, is pointed out to the pa He tigers. History has it that nearly a hundred yean ago seven missionary priests of the Catholic church took refuge from pursuing Indians on this Island and they were followed up and massacred. To their memorv is erected a large cross. Half-past three in the morning we entered the Big Traverse, the largest bodv of water in the lake,being twen ty miles north and south and sixty east and west. The wind was blow ing strong from the east, which made the boat rock in good shape,and It was not long before nearly all on board were on deck. At five o'clock the boat landed at the mouth of the Bainy river, what Is called the Fishery. Here is a large fish-house o^ned by an American company, a U. S. cus toms house in charge of Mr. Highland and a general store owned by broth er of the government official. This "city" Is located on a peninsula fire miles from the mainland, with a bay on one side and the lake on the other. Nearly every one In this neighbor hood celebrated the fourth at Moun tain P.O. Miss Belle Cardlns a sister of Mn. Geo. Westarrived here last week from Hamilton, Ont. She will remain all summer on a visit. Notwithstanding all the cloudy wenther and showen which we have had the past month, the ground here is not wet more than a foot down. Some of the wells are about dry, some thing which has never happened here, before, There will be a plc-nic held In John Staple's grove, half mile east of Mc Lean P. O. on July 20. There will be outdoor games, baseball etc. Efforts are being made to have the Cavalier and Milton baseball clubs, play that niiwu wovimu viuuBt two of which the boats have to be as- match game which has been so much slsted bv capstan to'cllmb,all in about talked about. All are Invited to come. a mile distance. A quarter of a mile from the falls the boat whistles and a down or more Indians at once pile IS In order to haven novelty, George Spearman has bought Frank Gllllce's triplet eaves. George gives out conundrum, "Whr are the triplets sre 1811 tl,c,u Crop prospects all through this sec tlon never promised better, millet, ex cepted. Long continued cool wenth' er after seeding retarded the growth while weeds as usual attended business. Many intend plowing il under. We had another heavy rain on Sunday the I4tb. Canton in the past has been some what notorious, owing to the affnoet open defiance of the prohibition law, but the last few months a very notice able change has taken place some at tribute It to the unexpected visits of Sheriff McCabe we hope he will con tlnue to drop in on us. Both of the Canton district schools closed Friday for six weeks holidays, Miss Lou Wright teacher of the No.l, sent out alargenumberot Invitations to school board and friends of the school for a closing day entertain, ment the dialogues,recitations,songs, and club swinging, were certainly good and showed much careful train Ing on the,part of the teacher. A nine day wonder has developed In the finding of a team of horses and colt, harness and wagon with wood rack, on Gillis'farm, one mile north of town. Two men wwc seen driving the team from liie north, and ap proaching Canton,they abandoned, the outfit and nothing has been seen or heard of them since the horses had evidently seen rough usage blankets, coat and bat also two axe-handles with the heads chopped off were left In the wagon, one horse was gray the other a sorrel, the latter has a colt Theorv la that they were stolen, and that fearing detection decided to ab andon the outfit. Frank Gilllce has the property. Full publicity should be given the matter, so that those en titled may get their own. ,1Mb. Hoard of oqmi{MM§'* «Mt nusuant to adJourntttMit, |Inm ful board. ibV to adjourn IlinmlMu- AdJoUrued untU UuaM met tSfeSSfSis tMHi Inclusive, liejuili UN atioaeon. *v,- Srt.tS' adjourn to four urned by 4 meat, present full iUntoived that tin"' JWi. m. ovBdJouru- k'the agens ot Elevator Minneapolis Mofthefn 4)0. In Otasston refused to list the gralu In said elevator by certifying to the owuen there of (as stated by the and to notify the agent ot said tent. Adjourned uutil 2 p.-m. Itatifl met punuant to adjourn trip meiit, preseut full board. itesoi ved that elevator buildings re mlh MfllBMAlt Kaa Adjourned until July 11th, 9. a. Board met lent, presen Besolved tl Board met punuant to'adjourn it full board that goods dlse, class 15, In Batbi and mercban itbgate village be raised 40 per cent the rest to remain as returned by the assesson. Board adjourned until July 12th 2 p.m. Board met punuant to adjourn ment present J.D. Gordon, chairman, F. C. Myrlck, Joseph Morrison, T. Halldonon, and W. Bride. The board proceeded to cqballxe and assess the bank stock of the se veral banlta. Adlourned until July 13th, I a. m Board met punuaut to adjourn ment, present same members. Besolved that the assessment of bank stock of the several banka In Pembina couuty be equalised to ag gregate the following: Fint Natl bank of Pembina$23,000 00 do do Bathgate 22,GOO 00 do do 8t. Thomas 24,000 00 Flnt Bank of Drayton 21,600 00 do do cavaDer... .. 2,ooooo do do Crfqtal 7,000 00 Baukof Hamilton. 6,500 00 v».„.,„«.,v,icni „ivri do Neche 12,000 00 Intosh were appointed Farmer's State Bank of St. Thomas 12,000 00 And that the auditor Is directed to divide the same regularly among the stockholdcn returned by the as sessbra according to number of shares owned by said stockholders. Mioutes read and approved. W. J. Bkidb, J. D. Gordon, Auditor. Chairman. Pembina, N. D. July 9tb, 1885. Board met as couhty commissioners punuant to adjournment, present full board Adjourned to July 10th, 4 p. m. July 10th, 4 p. m. Houra met pur suant to adjournment, present, full board. yv The following bll|g~V«ere allowed: J. D.Winlaw for labdrou trans fer index or hits.'. $ 90 00 John O'Keefc for medicine to county poor 3 00 W. Douglas for cash paid coun ty supplies, etc., as per vou chen 80 36 Annie B. McKentie salary as clerk reg. of deed office June 1st tu 24th I N. E. Nelson services ns dep. reg. of deeds month of June. 90 00 W. Douglas salary as county treasurer quarter ending June 30th, 1895 500 00 B. McBride salary as dep. treu surer month of June 90 00 Mahon & Robinson for work and lumber Walhalla Bridge lisper contract 254 85 J. II. Anderson salary as reg. of deeds quartereudingJune 30th 500 00 K. Samiielson for taking assess ment books to Loaema and 'J'bliigvalla 3 00 W. II. Moorhcad coffin forcoun ty poor Margaret, Belganle. 18 50 !. W. Con my for salary and clerk hire,' April, May, and Juno L. Freeman for wolf bounty... George Bates for night watch In Jail tf'P'et* H*et,hreetr,Mers?"Becau8e you cant Kd. E. Olson Constable fees Ed. Neven constables fees. liaWorOudJonsn wltncMrees'.'. J.W.Hughes Justice 581 25 200 28 00 Job. Sigurdson lumber and la bor county poor Mrs. Gerardine board and care or couhty poor In April omit ted last bill 12 54 15 00 Gil Besolved that the offer of the «.• lette-Herzog Mfg. Co. to line the Jail for $600 be accepted. Besolved that certificate No. 196, 1887 tax sale be called in and the au ditor be authorised to Issue a refund warrant for the Bame with subsequ­ ent taxes and Interest at the rate of 7 per cent. Bills allowed. B. F. Walters for draylng $ 50 John UJareason for boarding liauper, April, May and June Sigurdurdotter... 24 00 Adjourned until July lltli, II a. m. Boa«d met punuant to adjournment present full board.. The following bills were allowed: John Kerr far moving ahd tak ing rare of pile driver.. $ 2 00 WM. Mclntoshi-for1 services as county couimlssioifcei'servlccs and expenses with assessment books and mileage. 24 00 Besolved that F. C. Myrlck be ap pointed a committee to attend to the county property in SouthPemblna and is hereby Instructed to eject ten ants not paying rents. Adjourned until 2 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment,present J.D. Gordon, chairman, F. C. Myrlck, Joseph Morrison and Halldorson, commissioners. bill allowed. William Fowler for draylng....$ 50 A petition was presented to the board asking to have Beaulleu twp. divided and to organize twp. 182, rng. 56 Into a township to be named Liber ty. Besolved that the above petition be taken up and acted upon September 3rd, 1895. Besolved that George Laney be ap pointed county constable to fill va cancy caused by the resignation of Wm. Laney. The following bills were allowed. J. A. Frawley justice fees quart, er ending June 30th, 1895 report VIIUV PnutmatK Bicycle far Bala. ... $23 95 A. Schweitzer witness fees Squires cose John Alexander witness fees same case H. Scbneil witness fees same case E. A. Nevers witness reus 110 1 10 1 10 Squires, Clover & McAndrcws cases N. P. Campbell witness fees 2 20 Clover & McAndrcws case Mrs. Lheurux witness fees Clover & McAndrews case... E. A. Nevers constable fees sainc case D. J. Laxdal same case J. A. Wilson same case N. P. Campbell same case John Burns board of 'prisoners same case Joseph Ilebert Interpreter in the above and Clover cases... F. E. Ilebert Interpreter Nes bitt case A. Bechtel constables fees In Clover and Nesbitt case D.W.McNellie witness fees Nes bitt case Joseph Morin witness fees Nes bitt case.. 1 10 1 40 24 70 3 10 5 10 3 10 5 60 2 20 2 20 7 80 1 40 1 40 4 30 900 J. D. Trenltolme Juttjice fees quartly report ending June O Geo. McCabe Sheriff's fees 8 40 Chowles case George Laney constables fees same case Wm. Lanev same case... BJurnl Dalsted report ending 81 30 11 00 7 15 345 505 200 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 60 200 4 60 June 30th John McGillis constables fees same report Sveln Elrykson witness fees. Mn.Gudrun Eirykson i»™ have a second-handed pneumatic- 'ifLnM E'narson witness fees.... Into their canoe* and stand ready to »jM r»r ut am .mm, i.. Thorarln Stephanson witness.. reeelM the headline to cam It nn "W"1*30- •OSV1TO vucucwiiiue cam it up bargain. Fint come, fint served, js. Justice fees tf G. G. Tiiokpson. I Bushford eve... whl«*'JohnGudmuudson Freeman Interpreter fees. 2 40 17 60 1 80 La- lyfocjaae.. 355 K. A. Neven constable* fees... 12 20 Mahew witness fecssamo $ 1 40 Kllde same 1 10 Joseph Gnilpo same ico LeylTalllon same.. 1 so Besolved that F. C. Myrlck be ap pointed a-committee to view that por tion of the countv road In Carlisle township petitioned to be closed nnd that he be required to report at the next meeting. bills allowbd. J* A., Frawley for printing, amt ot bill, $8.40amt. allowed... $ 5 00 OH Paulson for labor nt court room. ........................ 10 75 Boy, labor In court room 4 Adjourned until Julv 12,1805. July 12th, 1895. Board met pursn •ntto adjournment, present J. D. Gordon, chairman, and commission era Myrlck, Morrison and llalldorson. Resolved that the application of Flecke through D. J. Laxdnl be re commended to the state auditor for rebate of 1892 assessment reducing the same from $2,500 to $1,250. Braolved that A. A. White be allow ed to redeem bis unplatted land In Village of Bathgate for the amount of original sales exclusive of Interest since sold. Besolved that LoulsO'Bey be allow ed to purchase lot 10, block 53, St. Thomas City for the sum of $10.00. A petition was presented signed bv James Thomson and fifteen others asking for a grant of $200 to be ex 'nded on the county road north of _jwesmont and In building a culvert between sections 6 and 7, twp. 160, range 50. Commissioners Morrison and Mc Jitosh were appointed a committee to examine the above premises and report at the next meeting. Whereas a petition signed by F. Vosper and seventeen othen asking this board to turn the road at sec tlons 7 and 18, twp. 163, range 52 one Suartertheamain of mile north on township nc at county road running west from Geroux bridge, being re Ported as having been duly advertised. It is therefore resolved that J. D. Gordon and F. & Myrlck be appointed a committee to investigate the mat ter and report at the next meeting, Adjourned until July 13th. July 13th, 1895. Board met pur suant to adlournment, present J. D. Gordon, chairman and commissioners l, r' uiiiiiuimiui Myrlck, Morrison and Halldorson. Resolved that Joseph Delorla's §outh »«»tlon for tax deed of lot 2, blot Pemblnu, be recommended the state auditor. Resolved that Josopli Clement's ap plication for tax deed on north fifty feet of lots and 2, block 23, Pembi na City be recommended to the state auditor, amount belug $10.00. James Curtis' bill for expenses nnd extra time In ionncctlon with St. Tnonins assessment book was allow ed $17.50. Adjourned until p. m. Board met punuant to. adjourn ment, same members present. The following bills were allowed: Joseph Morrison services as county commissioner $24 00 rhos. Halldorfon same 25 50 KC. Myrlck same is 00 D. Gordon came 24 00 George Luney's bond for county censtable was approved. It appearing that the new revenue law will not go into effect until after publication and proclomatlon by the governor. It is therefore incumbent upon this board to levy the taxes for the ensu therefore: Be It resolved that proceed to levy said taxes. The average expenses of the county gsrraBsssans the records In the county auditor's office Is $42,500, exclusive of road and bridge expenses. The tax levy for 1894 was $18,000 which amount was Insufficient to de fray the necessary expenses of the fiscal year and amount sufficient to cover the deficiency should be taken Into consideration and added thereto. The estimated expenses for the sever al county departments are as follows SALARIES. Auditor's office *3.500 Treasurer's office !. 3500 County Supt. of schools 2,000 States Attorney 1 goo County Judge ^500 Clerk of the court goo Countv surveyor and coroner.... 300 Countv commissioners j.ooo Custodian, Janitor, board and clothing for prisonen, aud other Jail expenses 4,000 District court expenses $.000 Refund Warrants 500 Justice court expenses 2,500 Election expenses soo Books, blanks, stationery and postage 2,500 Printing and advertising 2,000 Light, fuel and repairs tocoun ty office's court house and Jail 2,500 Support of poor Expenses of board of com mis sionere on Insanity 700 Miscellaneous expenses 2,000 .. Total, $45,900 Less the surplus revenue from the register of deeds and other offices and runds 10,900 T.. Total, $35,000 It Is therefore resolved that the levy for the ensuing year be as fol lows: For the county fund Including the support of the support of the poor 000 For the road and bridge und.. 8,000 for the interest on county bonds 300 Minutes read and approved. .Adjourned until Sept. igu.y J. ItlllDU, .1. P. IIIIION, Co. Auditor. Cl.airinan. Township Proceedings. ^Proceedings of township board July A petition presented by Mr. Defoe asking to change the road running through his pasture, for a new road to be built In the woods along the river, was laid over to next meeting. The board of supervisors together with city council met the commission en in reference to the city's share of township bonds. The commissioners do not wantany thing to do about it. so the matter stands just as it did three veare ago. It seems very queer that this thine cannot be settled In some way. I don sec tne good of lawyers If mat ters like this can't be attended to for God's sake lets find out where we Cleveland.W® Ad 10 8Cnd for Grovcr The following bills were presented and on motion allowed: Walters. Booth for treasurer's register 76 Wm. Baney services as super visor and work surveying De foe road.. John Hogan services as super •Wsor. William Carter making out road taxillsts Wm. Carter sevices as clerk and postage Antolne Chale services as supervisor Frank Batosh work on road... Pioneek Express for notices, election publications, tick ets, bill heads, letter heads, etc John Benville services as over seer Louis Boulette assessing town ship and statistics and one days clerk hire Louis Blbeault work surveying 38 80 14 40 30 00 20 00 2 »0 200 19 95 30 00 —mas Welford services as supervisor. Louis Bibault work'on'road %S§5Si U.&CknfltKipoit Baking Thomae Boadhouse ri'Bd. ••••,..... 375 «9" J?otlon board adjourned to meet July 8th, at 10 o'clock a. m. July 8th. Board met punuapt adjournment. 1 Board stated that they bad seen Mr. Young In reference to the road running through Mr. Defoe's farm, and that he advised them to let tho matter drop. The petition presented by Mr. De (vlous foe at the pre meeting waa then taken up and on motion rejected, as the board found it almost impossible to put a road through there for the present. Board adjourned slno die. Wm. Caiitbu, Clerk. Dr. H. L. Ennis will be In Hnmllton on Julv 23rd and 24th, and will be pre pared to do dental work In all Its branches. I will make a specialty, of painless extracting. Anyone having work in this line that they want done will do well to come and see mc. I will be In your town every thirty days. I will give vou first-class work at rca sonnble prices, and will guarantee you satisfactory work or no charges will be made. 52-1 00 Bronchos Strayed. Two bronchos, one steel grey, bra nd ed 52 on left thigh, and the other black with white strip lu face and two white feet, branded with a diamond with letter G111 center. Strayed Sun day night. CnAs. Atkinson, tf Pembina. Simmonds Sherman Si Co. Fashionable tailors, Metropolc Ho tel Block, Kargo, make suits to order from $12.50 up Write for samples and self measurment blanks. A rep resentative of the firm will be in Pem bina about Sept. 15th. with a full line of fall and winter samples. 1-12 For Sale. A McLcllan riding saddle, with bri dle, as good as new, will be sold very cheap. Call at this office. tf The New Laws. The Bismarck Tribune willas usual furiiish advance copies of session laws at cheap rates.The book will also con tain a synopsis of the changes in the code, and for along time will be the o«ly way to' find out these changes, which are numerous and important. Price 75 cents. Send your orders to this office. 3otf For farm loans see, .... J. D. Theniiolmb, ,9tf ddl' Agents in North Dakota. The Northern Pacific will sell tick ets to all points in North Dakota and Montana, within the throe hundred mi'c limit, at rate of fare and one fifth and to Minnesota points, within the same limit, at rate of fare and one-third. Sell July 3rd and 4th with final limit July 5th. Do you want a good complexion,fair skin and good blood? Use Dr Sawyer's EcllpseSarsaparllla. It invigorates and gives new life. T. R. Shaw & Co J. D. Trenholrac of Bathgate cun advance the money on farm loans the day the papers ureslgned I8tt You must stop it! Why? That bad condition of the blood. The blood is the lite. Dr. Sawyer's Eclipse Sarsapa rllla will do the work. T.R.Shaw & Co. Agents Wanted. Old established factory, replacing travellers, with local salesmen, repu table men can secure uncovered ground. One agent has averaged $350. per month for two years. P. O., 1371, New York. There Is no remedy for a depraved con dition of tlie blood, for restoring new life and vigor like Dr. Sawyer's Eclip se Sarsaparllla. T. R. .Shaw & Co. Did You Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to oe peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful di rect influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Lots or Appetite, Constipation, Headache Fainting Spells, or are Nervous,Sleep less, Excitable, Melancholy or trou bled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitt ers is the medicine you need. Health and Strength arc guaranteed by Its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at T. U. Shaw & CO's Drug Store. Knights of the Maccabeea. The state commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "Aft er trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough In our two children we tried Dr. King's Xew Discovery anil at the end of two diiys tlii' COIIKII entirely left tliem. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves that it cures where all other reme dies fail,"—Signed F. W. Stevens, state Com.—Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles arc free at T. R. Shaw & Co. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. A Household Tieanw W. l-'ullcr, of CanaJoharle.N. Y., ••ijs that he always keeps Dr. King's New Disco veiy In the bouse and bis family has always found the very best results follow its nee that he would not be without it, IfMocurable. G. A. Dykeman Drugglei, Catsklll, ft. Y.., says that Dr. King's New Dis covery is undoubtedly the beet Cough •ay that he has used It In his ind It has le claimed rcmcd family for eight years, and it has never faile to do all that le claimed ["P It. why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free atT. B.Shaw&Co's Drug store. Re gular sice 50c. and 100. Bucklen's Arnica faalv*. The best salve in the world forcuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, eores, tetter, chapped hands, obiiDiains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ilveper feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cente per bo*. For sale by T. R. Shaw ft CO. Uental Notice Dr. Bose, dentist, will be In Pembina from the 1st iih, Warren on the 13th to to the 12th 92 00 4 25 27 00 525 the 20th Argyle on the 21st to the 22nd Steven on the 23rd to the Mth Hallcck on the £5th to the 3lst. This will be followed up until further otice •BMaBiaaaBBMaiMMiiaBBaiiiiiiBaB ttl Number do do do Bathgate* For Sale. If you want good work horse, new milch cow, or a good pony, on easy terms or for trade, call at John son &-Holmes' ranch. Three young shorthorn bulls, one Polled Angus and one registered Jersey bull. Will sell or trade these animals, and until •old will stand for service at the ranch "V Summer 4 Sale of It's an ill wind that blowa no body good" they say, and it was a combination of unlucky circum stances that threw an immense lot of choice ribbons on the market a few days ago. Our owl, always? "Out looking for bargains" with his ever present companion, se cured a handsome lot for us. ou will find our share of them-—200? pieces in our south window at Just Half Price! Think of buying choice AT/f, QtLK gros grain ribbon at these prices: 2 4 5 do Maklow Fadden, 22. Foreman, I-2 Cents Yd Number do do 4 7. do do do 12.10 i* iatlsfactim The Homeliest Baby in the Gity, Will show off to advantage in a pair of our Boots. The Ppettiest Baby in the City, Will feel proud in our neat Boots. There are social ties and kindred ties And ties in a game of ball But the Oxford Ties that we advertise Are the prettiest Ties of all. We are both surprised and gratified with the results of our advertisments, and heartily thank our numerous patrons for their generous rally to our great bar gain offers. For the next few weeks, we will from time to time add new and special attractions, and we want every one who comes to our city, to visit our store, and see the many novelties and bargains not obtainable elsewhere. Those $12.50 all wool, fine black suits are going fast. Come gents and secure a suit at a never offered before. Cheap Cash Store. Ribbons "9 3 Cents a Yd 9. 5. 41-2 do do All colors of the rainbow and choice goods in every way. Theywon't last long, house in Pembina double the above prices Better get your shade now, ever offered good ribbon at less You can get them only at ft .1 do 9. 71-2 do 16. 121.2 do No than "5 1 ii •V 1-4 price FULL 3F-1 If rJ