Newspaper Page Text
Railroad Time Tabla. NORTHERN PACIFIC. aoiire SOUTH GOING NORTH 13:15 1:40 'J:88p 8:00 3:1 r. pin 8:21 I. 3:35 n. 4:i0 in 0:0 pti: 7:(9 9:25 trt W -Winnipeg Morris Pembina ... ..... J. KNEESHAW, P. BRENNAN, D. O. S. 1:05 11:87 a 10:83 am 11:I0« 9:K2am 9:48 am 9:&3a in 9 08 am 7:30 am 6:£0 a Hi 4 05 am Joliotte lJow -mont Pittsburgh Drayton Gwton East Forks Crookston Winnipeg Junction., SOCIETXES. •Wora.»ia. SPo«t, IT©. 12. GK.A.. 2%. BegularmeetingMTery ncond ndfourthMon dav of each month. J. G. SoNDERMAN, MoSES HELI-RB. Adiutant. Poet Commander. fuai^iaa Ziedft! S» A. X*. fc A. SC* Reewl«r meetiiiRS in tbe evening* of first and third Friday of every mor th. Visiting Brethren in good standing are invited. T. R. SHAW, Secretary. J- WlNL*w,„ w' IPaiaa.'blia.a. I-osLar* HO, A. Meets every lit'' and third Monday of the Month. R. MCBKIDE, F- M- 1 5,!0JP« Recorder, M. CiJ-revp, 3«7'7.. SvC. "W. Meet every Second and Fourth Monday. Vi- Clerk. v- IDOgTX®® of SOMiOI. Meets every Second and Fourth Wednesday. Yin. w. J. KNEBSIIANV, MBS. C. B. HAHRIS, C. of H. Recorder. P^Tolna S^so Dopaitmoat. Meets every First and Third Tuesday of the month. W. W. FELBON, J- WLNLAW, Secretary. 1__ Liwyer. Will practice in Oourtnot Dakota Minnesota mid before United States Laud office. Moi,ey to Loan and Collections made. PEMBINA, NORTH DAKOTA W, J- BURKE, ATTO RNEY-AT-L AW. Successor to N.C.Young. Real estate, ilonns and collections. BATHGATE, NORTH DAKOTA. R, A. THACKER, AUCTIONEER. Particular attention to sales of Farm Property. HAMILTON, NORTH DAKOTA FSTSICX&1TS. C»HA8. E. HARRIS, E. Physiciun and Surgeon. Found nt till hours when not profesHioimlly engasiol. at his ollico, on Stutsman street at day lime and at Ins resi dence on Ciivilear street at niglit. PEMBINA, NORTH DAKOTA J, DENTIST. Graduate of State University of lowu. Located permanently tit. Bathgate. Office in the Pioneer Express Building, Pembina, from the lOttt to 23rd Monthly. Batlxgate and Pembina, N. Dak- PEMBINA Building and Loan Association. PFM3INA, NORTH DAKOTA. Money loande on good Rea 1 EstuteSecuri tyany wheretu tliecounty. What you pay forrent will pay the monthly dues. No other payments have to be made, and in from six to elplu yaars you own the property. Dueson a $400 loaii -ve ji( per month. Address, E. D.BOOKBK, T. L. PRIOR, Secretary President. PEriBINA Lumber Yard FULL SUPPLY OF Building Material ADAMANT, the best plaster on earth. Linis, Sand, Brick and Cement. Free leliverjr parts of the city. E. M. NIXON. Flour and Feed Store. The undersigned desires to call the attention ot the farmers and people in general to the fact that he is now prepared to supply all with Flour and Feed of all kinds WHEAT, OATS AND BARlEv Taken in exchange, or for cash, at the highest market price, Store on corner Stuts man and Second streets Pembina. H. 0. FELDiVlAN, Proprietor. B. JOHNSON, Contractor and Builder, Pembina, N. D. Seven years experience in Winnipeg and other places. Plans and specifica tions furnished of any kind of structure. Parties intending to build or remodel their premises will save tiiemselvs trou ble and annoyance by consulting me. the druggist. of Lumber to all Row. ^BSQUUTEnrkRE Born—On Wednesday, January 18th. 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase, a son. C. N. Swanson and John Halc ovv Jr were in Pembina on business the firs: the week. Hazel, youngest daughter of Mr. am Mrs. Geo. Bellamy is serious'y ill with pneumonia. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. gave a reception to their honorary members at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, last Friday evening. A very pleasant time W is enjoyed by all. Quite a number of our young people attended Dr. Forbes' lecture, "Tin Mistakes of the Devil and Some Other People," in Drayton Tuesday evening and all were highly p'eased with it. Visions on IIIK Window Pam. There are towers and minarets, cupolas ia!r That sparkle mid K'eaui in the frnsiy «ir There are crystal pnlact« good to see In that bountiful world on tlie window-pane. There are fairj palms with deliciitespravx. There arc shrubs and blooms on the crispy ways Hii-re are myriads or boughs and fcrnv fronds In the benutiful world the window-pane. There streams and cnscudessn limpid mid eld. The rivers How there, over beds of gold There are silvery fountains of lucid sheen In that beautiful world on tli-j window-pune. Hut 'lie sttii peeps out «ud the rain-drops plav— And my visions of beauty—where are they? Dispersed and scattered and leaving no trace Of thai beautiful world on the window -pane. May the fabric we build us the .veins pass by Point niinaret-like to the azure sky May our lives lie pure as tile fountain's foam In that beautiful world on the window-pune. May our aims for good be real—not dreams. So adversity's rains or wealth's bright beams lie powerless t,n act on our i.-urposes true, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ItOVAl BAKIWO POWDtH OUNIY NEWS. Boweimont. A.J. McKibbin went to Iowa Mondny to purchase a carload of horses. Revival services are being he'd in the church this week by Pastor Robeson. Like tho3 drops and ruyson the window-pane. And unlike those phantom forms on the gins*, May the imprints we make not easily pass Let our deeds be solid not transient and frail Like lhe minatiire world or. the window-pane. K. B. M. A Most Wonderful Cure. Eminent Physicians Pronounced it Con sumption. DR. C. D. WARNER, Cold water, Mich. Dear Sir:—I have received great bene fit from your White Wine of Tar Syrup. I had a cough and the doctors gave up all hopes of my recovery and pronounced it consumption, I thought that it was death for me. I tried everything that we could hear of. Finally one of my friend-, prevailed upon me to use your White Wine of Tar Syrup. I took bottles and am cured entirely. Such mec^eine I can recommend to those who are afflicted as I was. Very resp'y yours, 7 JOSEPH E. UNDEKHIIX, Poland, South Dakotx No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attack of lagrippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a seven* cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly al home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recov ery is sure to follow. For sale at the drug store. How to prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneumonia always resti ts from a cold or from r.n at tack oi lagrippe. During the epidemic of lagrippe a lew years ago when so many cases resulted in pneumonia, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous dis ease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad colds and lagrippe. Every bot tle warranted. For sale by T. R. Shaw, Legislative Proceedings. The coming session of the legislature promises to lie an exceedingly interest ing one and beyond the election of a United States senator the voters will de sire to keep posted regarding all pro posed laws or changes in present laws and how the members stand on all ques tions. The Daily Tribune, of Bismarck, will have special reporters in ich house and in the lobby and readers of that paper will get all the news. The paper will be sent from now until the end of the session for si—costs no more to be gin now than later on. Send orders to Tribune, Bismarck, N. D. To the Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be as represented and if not satisfac tory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will relund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for lagrippe, colds and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50 cts per bottle. Try it. At the drug store. 23-29 LaGrippe Successfully Traa ed. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of lagrippe this year," says Mr. J. A.Junes, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considvrabie success, only being in bed a little over two davs against ten days lor the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but the use of this reme ly as I had to go to bed i:i about six hours after being 'struck* with it, while in the first case I able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down.'" For sale by T. R. Shaw, the druggist. 26-29 Baking POWDER CO., NEW YORK. A CITY NIGHT. Come, let us forth and wander the rich, the murmuring night. The sky blue dusk of summer trembles above the street. On either side uprising glimmer houses pale, But me the turbulent bubble and voice of crowds delight. For me the wheels make music, the mingled cries are sweet. Motion and laughter call: we hear, we will not fail. For see, in secret vista, with soft, retiring stars. With clustered suns, that stare upon the throng below. With pendant dazzling moons, that cast a noonday white. The full streets beckon. Come, for toil has burst his bars. And idle eyes rejoice, and feet unhastlng BO. Oh, let us out and wander the gay and golden night. —Lawrence Blnyon in New York Tribune. THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS. What Can Pllt Tlironeli a rI:in'N Brain In One Minute. It is very certain that the majority of dreams are only of momcntar- duration, though extended occus*onu../ to tbe length of a minute. In proof of this Dr. Sholz tells the following story from his experience: "After excessive bodily fatigue and a day of mental strain of a not disagree able kind I betook myself to bed after I had wound my watch and placed it on theuight table. Then I lay down beside a burning lamp. Soon I found myself on the high sea on uoard a well known ship I was again young and stood on the lookout. I beard the roar of water, and golden clouds floated around me. How long 1 stood so I did not know, but it seemed a very long time. "Then tbe scene changed. I was in the country, and my long lost parents came to greet me. They sent me to church, where the loud organ sounded. I was delighted, but at the same time wondered to see my wife and children there. The priest mounted the pulpit and preached, but I could not under stand what he said for the sound of the organ, which continued to play. I took my sou by the lu.nd, and with biin as cended the church tower, but again the scene changed. Instead of being near my son I stood near an early known but long dead officer. I ought to explain that I was an army surgeon during the maneuvers. I was wondering why the major should look so young, when quite oloso to my ears a cannon sounded. "Terrified, I was hurrying off, when I woke up and noticed that the supposed cannon shot had its cause in the opening of the bedroom door, through some one entering. It was as if I had lived through an eternity in my dream, but when I looked at my watch I saw that since I bad fallen asleep not more than one minute had elapsed—a much shorter time than it takes to relate the occur rence."—St. Louis Republic. TIii» Ghost In "Hamlet." Not many years ago at the Queen's theater, Dublin, during oue of the late T. C. King's engagements, "Hamlet" was being played to a densely crowded house. The at'.tor portraying the part of the Ghost solaced himself during his long wait from the first to the third act by perusing the evening paper, using his spectacles iu so doing. Being inter ested in some article (probably the "weights" for an important handicap), he delayed leaving the greenroom until the nicinent of hearing bis cue, when, hastily snatching tip bis truncheon, be rushed upon the stage without his beard of "sable silvered" oi removing his spec tacles. A titter greeted his appearance, but still the solemnity of the darkened stage and tho fine acting of King as Hamlet prevented any great outburst until the Queen, replying to Hamlet's question, "Do you see nothing there?" answered, "Nothing at all. Yet all that is 1 see," when a voice from aloft exclaimed, "Lend her your specs, old boy, follow ed by auother: "Hould your row. Sure he's put them on to see to shave him self."—Cornhill Magazine. A LBHTCP'H Retort. The greater number of cases are tried before judges without juries, and the occupants of tbe bench are accustomed to resent au eloquent appeal as some thing in the nature of an insult to their mental powers. "Do you think to soften my heart, sarcastically asked a well known chan cery judge when a member of tbe equity bar, making a rare attempt at rhetoric, drew apathetic picture of his client's wrongs. "My lord," replied the counsel, who who at once recognized the failure of bis appeal, but was quick to find success in his retort, "I know it is impossible." —London Globe. He Wasn't a Gornand. That wary old fellow. Bailie Macduff, was enticed into a fneiici's bouse the other night, and bis bost managed to win 50 shillings from him at "nap.' What i3 more ren.:'1 ttble, wheu ti.p bailie baii parted witu Lis last shilliL^ be rose, full of wrath won't you stay to Mtpper?" pres^ 'l his hofct. "We have a hue bit of barn waiting." "ISo. not 1. Dae ye think 1 eat f0 shillings'worth of bam?" London An swers. Headache Cured Quick'y. Take Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache. All druggists MICA MINES OF INDIA. Methods of Hundreds off Tears ABO Still In 17ae. The mica mines of India are in tbe interior of tbe conntry and very inaccess ible. The Abruker mine, it is stated, produces the fineet mica that baa ever been mined, both for lamination and color. It has been sunk about 200 feet, following the pitch of the vein, and all this mica and refuse have been raised and carried away by tbe natives. No machinery of any kind except drill and hammers is used in their mining opera tions. The refuse and tho mica aro placed in baskets each holding ten pounds, the baskets being passed up frora hand to band by women, who stand in a line on ladders. Tho contents of tbe baskets are deposited at tho top, and the baskets aie returned down the ladder in the same manner as they went up, but by auoth er line of women. Water is taken out of the mines by means of jugs. It is supposed that this method of operation has been carried on for many hundreds of years, except that there is more oare to protect the miuers.N After the crude mica is taken from tbe mines it is first roughly trimmed and then sorted into different grades, according to sizes and quality. It is then taken to the mica workers, who split it up and scribe out the size for it to be cut into by the shearers, the cut pieces then being cleaned, weighed and packed ready for shipment. The mica is then transported to general ware houses in baskets on the backs of bul locks and in bullock carts. In this way it is carried hundreds of miles to ship ping points at a speed of about ten miles a day. The mica can be split down to .0003 of an inch in thickness. Being both fireproof and transparent, it is very use ful for many purposes in the arts, be sides being an excellent insulator.— Electrical World. Li.iOKien Arnica Oalvc. The best salve in the world for en is iruiscs, .icires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, eorrs and all skin eruptions ••4r.d positively- urtw piles, or no pay '•ei uired. It is guaranteed to jive pei Vii satjsfaetinfi. money refunded. ri, ,. or. I rer No* For nale b? holier f«l' Hills for IVlll!iiu (Ouiily lii-aiiiiitfr Itonils N cnmiiliauci' with a ri-Holuiion paused lu ll-. t» aril of C'lint.v 1 111 111 -si m-rs I) r. 'Jl 18HS, iimtriiui'iii! the futility auditor to mlvm'w for tenders tor draiiitwi! bond' in me jjro'fs amount of twelve ihiiusaml four hundred"dol lars. (£12 -lito). under and hji virtue of the pro vision ot Sec. M,-i. of t'lirip. 'Jl. of t' rewseil codes of Ninth DnUntn. Notice is hereby uiveii thats i,1 hoiuls are re quired to issued in di iioniin itions of lhe humlroi! ilo]!nrs (*.('0) u-h. ur n*' such lesser amount *h»]I the required f'mtJ for and every sirparaie 1 ruin MCcortiinur to the estirn ttteK liled by the L»o»r«! of county drain commix HioiierK, um) that said bonds shall run for a per iod of it years (10). and bear inter si at iho ra-e noi to exot rd tevuii pur uent(7) per annum. In lereM to be p».i. s.-mi-Nnnu.-iltv. and the s|:eciti caiton ot bonds for ea- !t separate drain to be a* lolh-ws, /.• I'KAIS NO. 2. CV»mmonc.ji? a? tlie boundary line between ioiubitia and \N nlsh Counties on the section lini* forming the lioimdary line between Midland and I ruyum townships, ruiiiiini north 2 miles to the lioitli line of Sec. Tup. 51 west. 111! AIN No.:!. Commenting nt the quarter line at the west lim- ol sec. •'!, twp. lfiil. It. 51, ruiiiiini.' east about three and one lmll miles ,uid te: minuting ill the o.-iiilco in sec. (i. twp. Ji.C. 11. 45 51). .- .2,100,ID. DHAIN NO. 5. '••nimcncins 011 the quarter line at the west end of sec. :u, iwp. a'l, It. 51 rtiniiiny east ulnmt sec. 31. twp. four iiiues |). and rininatitig at it'll. It. fill, will re s.-,id liiam i! empty into tlie lied river. I III AIN' Ml. ti. O'immericiiiff on tl„.. ijimrier line at the west end ot sec. 2r. t\ p. Mil. |{. 31 running east atiimt lour milts (4), and cniptyini inio the Iteil liver near the center ol sic. twp. :ill. it. ,jo. i" ISO. 11!. 1 I).IAIN' N. v. (_'• liinieiiciiu ii• ti'C '.(li'iner line at tlie west end clsee.-Jl, twp. l. li.M. running east ahoii! live miles (,\), and einpiyirjr into the lied river nt about Hit center lit see i'J two lill It SI.IM'.I.'.HI. rill llltAIN No. S. Commencing at pmni hIK II forty rods (-10) due west trorn the north east corner of the nor'li West qiifir :er of MM-, fit', twp. ?. K. --J, and run liinj,' west between «•. t'.i and :M. twp. It. VJ. and *ecs. 21 and twp. to a point at ti'e west crossing sec ion itno what isnow kit IWII us.loseph Jlorin Sliniiili. thence follow the ol sn il sloti to Hit north east qtliu let-of section L",, IW)I. li :-!, i{ El Ni therefore 111 i,-n.,iii-e of instruction- in. LU-jned iilxive. Iiids will be received bv the Ci-veil 1111(1,1- my ha mi and seal this anil dav of ..'CCeiiibtT, 1U.iNAl.n THOMSON, County Auditor. CORN EARLIEST AND BEST SEED Vegetable, Fiower and Field ^Ei3DS. Fur:.-st and Fruit Trees .i«id sm i-risi's. AU iJu hard :e t, earlijf.t Cata logue free, .-onJ now. OSCAR H. WiLL & CO. Bismarck, N- FERRY5I T° MK SEEDS were famous years ago—their fame grows every year—as tbe seeds most to be relied on—as alwaya the beat. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. live cents per paper and always worth it Insist on having tbem. Run no risk—buy Ferry's, 1899 Seed Annual Is free. H. FEKKIA CO Detroit, Mich WM. WLEK, Prop •irma-i INE ORiNU, ouiplete Line Samples to :ie from. PIONEER Barber Shop. Hair-Cut in the Latest Styles, SHAHPOO and 1 co.iiity auditor tititi, -J o'clock p. in., Weiine'sday. I ell. .S. lolKI. iiids to he enclosed ill sealed en-j \e!opes address, to the couiity auditor and marked "Uids lo,- 'damane inds." 'the board o| county coinm.s^ii ners reserve ne rijflit. to rcje -t any or all bids. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. ARGAIN ARGAiNSf ARGAINS* These are New Goods. New, Fresh Prints, 2 7-8 cents. Good quality Gingham, 5 cents. Outings, fine goods, 5 and 7 cents. Don't Sleep Cold. Fine, large Blankets, 40 cents a pair. Don't Get the Grip. Good grade Hen's Underwear, 40 and cents. First rate Caps for Men and Boys, only 35 cents. All 60 and 75 cent riitts going for 50 cents. Got to make room for new goo- 's. Two big cases and three bales of OUT1N"^FLAN NELS, GINGHAHS, PRINTS, will make trade when you come to SEA-FOAil {JOSEPH GEROUX, mm Russell & Armstrong, PROPRIETORS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT WORKS. 3 is natural to rectify it is beneficial. If you have tought sil verware or jewelry anywhere and got beaten, the experience is worth something. The sat isfaction we will give you be all yjf W W W W V!/ W Vt/ W fa fa ETC., ed this week. Coma quick, yois want the goods, we want room. See how easy that CHAS. FULL'S, arriv Cheap Cash Store. Steam Boiler, Engine and Ha. chine repairing. Boilers reflued a specialty. Pipe fitting and supplies. General Biacksmithing Agents for Noble Refining Co. Oils and Greases. Feed grinding. KC IS HE the more pleasipa trast. Weha*'*» our stock 1 Golf i'lt -c! ai