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!&Vja 1TS mm ,.... wmsmsm semmsxm00fiss OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 8TATB OMCIU. 0. S Representative F. Spaulding. Senators,H.C. Ban«brough, W N.KumIi. Governor, B. F. Fanchter. 'Lieut. Governor," J. M. Devlne. Secretary of State, Fred Failey. Slate Treasurer, W. Prwcoll. State Auditor, A. N. Cerlblnm. Attorney General. John Gnwan. Judges Supreme Court, N. C. Young, Al fred Walltn, J. M. Bartholomew. Railroad CommlseionurB, Jobn Simons, Henry Erlckson, L. L. Walton, superintendent ot Public Instruction. G. Halland. Commissioner of Insurance, W. Harri son. Commissioner ot Agriculture and Labor, H. U. Thomas. HENATORS. First District, Judmjn LoMoure, Pembina. Second District, James Fuller, St.Thomas RBPREHkNTATIVM. I'iret District, W. J. Watt, Hyde Park, J. U. Wallace Drayton. Second District, E. H. Restemayer, Cava lier, Sohn Thordatson, Hcneel. .l-idgeof the District Court, Seventh Ju dicial District. O. K. -auter Grafton. Clerk of District Court. A. L. Airth. COUNTY OFFICERS. States Attorney. W. J. Burke. Sheriff. F. JI Farrow. Auditor, Donald Thomson. Treasurer, lloberi Mi-Bride. Register of Deeds. J. M. Chisholm. County Judge. V. Qnncknnbnsh -iuiifriniendem SWIH-U.-.O. -lacltsoii. Surveyor S. 0. Mc. ui/i. loroner. Dr. .i. F. Erskine. COUNTY COMMISSIONBRS. First District, F. C. My rick, I'ttmbina. sccoud District. S. .1. Sigfusson, Mountain Third District. Hun. Taylor. Bathgate. Fourth District, J. P. 'icks, N»che. Fifth District. H. P.Uttein, St. Thomas. COUNTY JUSTICES. C. Murphy Neche. J. K. Joy. Glsss on. IS. 11. i«rgm,n. Gurdar. E. L. Buck, Crjsfcil. COUNT* CoNHTABLBf. Thos. McFaddon. Neche. C. E. Flora. Walhal'a. Marshall Jackeon Neche. A. U. Foiling. Crystal. 1 OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY AND COUNTY. TEEMS, $2.00 FEB A. Wardwell. G. G. Thompson. WABSWSLL ft THOMPSON. The PIONEER EXPRESS IS sent only on the di rect order of snbec there, and is continued until ordered stopped and all arrearages paid. The rate of subscription is alike to til, $2.00 Se ir year. Subscribers paying in advance have choice of several premium papers in addi tion. "Sample" or "marked -copies" are sent as com plimentary only, aud while we desire them to be considered as invitations to subscribe, they will not be continued excep* upon request. The PIONEER EXPKEHC is the best advertising medium in ttie couutv, having a more general circulation than any other paper. Card of rates sent on application. Entered at the postoffice at Pembina as second •lass mail matter. The Pioneer Express. COUNTY SEAT LEGISLATION Mr. Restameyer of Cavalier has intro duced a bill amending the law for the removal of county seats. As reported by different authorities it has the follow ing features: 1. That three-fifths shall be sufficient to petition to remove a county seat the first time aqd two-thirds for any time after. 2. That persons signing a petition need not acknowledge their signatures before a notary but that the oath of the circulator shall be sufficient. The first article would give the first town that tried for removal the sinch on any other town trying it after. If three filths is enough to remove it the first time, why not sufficient for the second time? It is quite possible that the sec ond time of removal would be equally important as the first time. The second article is to overcome the trouble that the Cavalier circulators en countered the last time. It is well known that pebple will sign most anything in the way of a petition when pressed to do so by interested parties but under the law as it now stands, in signing county seat removal petitions they have to also swear that they are duly qualified voters and understahd what they are signing. And it is also well known and has been shown in court, that there are hundreds of men who vote, and sometimes hold office, who are not qualified. The court records in this county show on their face that some hundreds of persons, who doubtless think they are voters, and yet through negligence or worse in official circles, are not citizeris. It seems to us if a man is willing to sign a petition, he ought also to be willing to say that he has the right as a qualified voter to put his name on the petition. As such voter he has the express his wishes on such petition, otherwise his signature is fraudulent If he swears to fraud he commits peijury., If he don't sjvear, there is no means of punishing him. And that is why the law was so amended at last legislature, and the Cavalier peo ple found that the doubtful voters would not sign, whereas with a previous pe tition they had no such trouble. It needs no argument to convince any rea sonable person that any person not a bona fidevoter. has no business on such a petition,, and it is not unreasonable to require each person signing to take the responsibility of saytag that they have the right to dgn. Outside of the specific o^ecttoos tp wwWxmm Mr. Restameyer's bill, he will experience.: place given to a republican. But he considerable opposition from members' stayed long enough in the senate to de from other counties. The general feel- liver one of the most indect-nt and abus ing is against any law that permits the ive speeches that has been printed since easy removal of county seats. Very few Gen. Eagan testified. counties have their county towns in thej Clark and Daly are both millionaires, nter, such locations are exceptional.! Consequently it would be simply re The majorit of the members don't want any changes in their county. To over come the iatter objection Traill county tried for several sessions to frame a law that would be a "general" and not a "special" law and still only apply to con ditions in Traill county. But with legis latures that seemed quite willing to give Traill county a chance to change pro vided the law did not affect the other counties, no law of several passed would stand the test of the courts, and we doubt if Mr. Restameyer will be able to do any better. He will find it impossible to make a "general" statute that will fit Pumbina county only, and just as soon as his bill interferes with the statu quo in other counties he will find strong op position from the counti affected. TEMPERANCE COMMISSIONER. We don't believe in creating the pro posed office of temperance commissioner. In any county where the people want prohibition, they will elect a states at torney and snerifl who will enforce pro hibition and prohibition will prohibit. In any county that don't want prohi bition all tiie temperance commissioners ana deputies possible can't enforce the law. The enforcement of the law lies primarily with the people. The attorney and the sheriff will follow public senti ment on this question. The death knell of blind pigs was sounded in this county when the first jury, neariy half of whom were moderate drinkers, gave the ver dict "guilty" in such a case on ordinary common sense evidence. We heard a jury, four or five years ago in an aajoining county, give a verdict of "not guilty" after hearing five or six re putable witnesses swear that they had bought intoxicating liquor of the accus ed, that they knew it to be intoxicating, that they drank it as a beverage while the only evidence to the contrary was given by the defendant who said he sold it as medicine. The states attorney had done bis duty as well as a state commis sioner could have done it, the sheriff had been as faithful as the temperance com missioner's deputy could be, and yet the people by tneir verdict refused to en force the prohibition law—and this was the third trial of the same man for tne offence. We might add, public opinion has changed somewhat in the county re ferred to, and jurors now convict blind piggers—but they still have drug stores— they say. Out in a western "cow" county, the states attorney did his duty, the sheriff did his 'duty, a large amount of bottled liquor was seized and placed on the court room table at the trial. The tem perance commissioner could have done no more if we had had such an official. The jury's verdict was "not guilty"—and they explained the same by the state ment that "they didn't know what was in the bottles." We don't need a temperance commis sioner in Pembina county, and a tem perance commissioner would simply stand in the relation of a flea to a healthy pig when he got fifty miles west of Jamestown. He might irritate and cause a uttle scratching, but the pig would still —be a pig—and usually hardly troubling himself to close one eye except per chance to wink over his left shoulder— at the majesty of the law and its state official. ROW IN MONTANA. The Montana senatorial election easily outranks all the others of the present year, on account of its interesting fea tures. There is a variety of incidents that breaks the dull monotony of the deadlock. The fight has brought into prominence at least one character, and that is one Senator Whiteside. He is an adherent of Marcus Daly, who is not openly seeking the toga for himself, but is trying to prevent the election of his enemy, Clark: Whiteside, according to his own story, set a trap for Clark, by offering to deliver his own and several other votes for a sufficient valuable con sideration. The bargain was struck and |80,00j -was given to Whiteside. This sum he offered in evidence. The story had a damaging effect on Clark's campaign for the first day or two, after it was made public. Then the Montana mind saw something improb able about the narrative and members began to flock to relief of the malign^ Clark. Such is the Clark side if it Clark's vote rose rapidly from half a dozen to forty, within eight of enough to elect, and he has since been elected. The Daly people charge that the Clark votes were all bought Whiteside has been unseated 'and www VOL. XX. PEMBINA, IN". D., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1899. NIJ.M markable if there should be an honest election by that democrat legislature. The whole affair is a striking illustration of the way senators ought not to be elected.—Dispatch. DRAINAGE. One of the chief measures to come up is the amendment to tie revised codes "relating to the establishment, constiuc tion and maintenance ol dr.iins." It was introduced by Representative Ciiacy of Cass county and received its third reading in the house Saturday. The bill is of general interest to t.te state, as it iuvolves the legality of many thous ands of dollars worth of warrants now in tlv hands of farmers and contractors The hitch in the old bill was in regard to the manner of posting tli notices. Rep resentative Wolbert ol Cass, in speaking to me of the drainage bill y« sterd.iy said: "Under the old law the drainage board appointed for Cass county posted the no ces wrong, and neglected to keep min utes of tueir meetings as required by law. Legal advice was employed to fight the bill. When taken into court Judge Pollock issued an injunction based on the irregularities of the drainage board. This left between $15,010 and $t0,0 0 worth of warrants in Cass county unpaid. They had been issued to farm ers 'who sublet them to contractors. Pait were sold and used as collateral. As soon as the warrants were declared invalid it was impossible to complete any drainage begun. Bridges were nec essary. They were not put in, and in many cases farmers were obliged to drive miles out of their way in order to get around uncompleted drains on their own lands. In order to complete the work begun, an amendment of the bill was necessary. By the provisions of the new bill the old warrants can in no case ex ceed the value of the old ones already issued, but may be less." Grant Hager, of Pembina county, told me there were some $15,i 00 worth of unpaid warrants outstanding in that county, and Grand Forks and Walsh counties are similarly affected. The bill is expected to pass the senate in its present form.—Plain dealer. PRxMARY LAWS. Several bills are in committee on prim ary voting. It is hardly worth while at this stage to discuss the particular points of the proposed bills even if they were known, but as we remarked several months ago, it is an incongruity to base a strict election law like that on our statutes, on caueus and convention votes! and nominations which have no legal I status, and which are defined and rec ognized mostly by inference. Caucuses and conventions should be made legal bodies. Tliey should be clearly defined and their rights and the rights of the participants made perfectly plain. Punishments should be provided for persons who illegally participate in or who disturb such meetings, and pro vision should be made for preserving and filing the minutes and votes. But on the other hand our legislators should remember, that by far the largest and best classes of our citizens are very oiten indifferent to their duties as voters, and fail to exercise their privileges at the primaries even under the present loose and careless methods. And too much red tape or legal restriction won't brin^ them out any better. As a matter ol fact, unless there happens to be a local fight on hand, every person who has taken an interest in politics, knows how difficult it is to get voters out to caucus es, even by personal suasion and in the farming districts, where distance and other things intervene, it often occurs that no caucus is held at all. Hence we say while caucuses and conventions ought to have a definite legal status, yet we must be careful how we build a lence around what is now so often an empty house. NOT TRUE. The Pembina PIONEER EXPRESS, with Jud behind the throne, says that Mc Kenzie was' compelled to accept La Moure's choice in the late senatorial contest. This is rubbing it in.—Herald. Didn't either. We said that the Her ald and other papers conceded that La Moure named the winner. Further, the "power behind the throne,' is and has been several hundred miles away at Bis marck for a month and we havn't heard a word from hint since he went-away. WORKED BOTH WAYS. The Pembina PIONEBR EXPRESS tells how hard the editor works. Right you are. No one is worked harder than the his editor.—Plaindealer. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison—the disease which has completely bullied the doctors. They ore totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afiiictcd with a terrible blood disease, whiiih was in spots at first, but afterwards spread all over my body. a The Pembina PIONEER EXPRESS puts a question to the Johnson fellows about caucuses that looks like a rubbing of salt on the sore spots. Just like Wardwell. —Plaindealer. Some exchange irreverently says ot the ladies who are reported as having kissed Shafler, that they evidently have no objections to army beef. & & & 3 ledorf Hote St. Vincent, Minn. First Class Accommoda tions. pecial Atten tion to Transients. C. THEHORF, Prop. J, G. Sonderman. Pembina, N. D. FINE TAILORING, Complete Line of Samples to select from. knmmoni. STATE OFNOBTH DAKOTA, County of Pembina. Ini Juctice Court, before R. Aylen, Jaatlce of the Peace. W.C. Short, Plaintiff v*. Louie LaBocque Defendant. The State of North Dakota to Mid defendant: By thli lecond rammone herein you are directed to appear before me at my oflce la the City of Pembina at 11 o'clock a. m. or the 18th day of March A. D. JgW. tBere toanawerthe complaint of W. C. Short against joo, aUflRlag that yon are indebted to him in the mm of eix teen dollar* and fifty-nine oenta (tlfcM) and Intereit «t wren per cent from October lit, IgM, far aundry merchandise furnished to yoa at TO" instance and request, and you are notified that unleaa yon eo appear and answer, tfwjylatatlffwlll take lodgment against yoa ao- Oivsn this 3trd day of Jannary. 'Ill *11 till im. Bnou AYUUI. 'A*, armers 'A These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before 1 be- 1 came convinced that the doctors could do no good. I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really a a I tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. I When 1 had liliished my llrst bottle of S. S. S. I v! a .1 isrently improved iu was litlighlcu with "f.-ilt. The large red splotches oil my i.c'tan i.o grow paler and smaller and ion'.t disappeared entirely. 1 regained iv iost wi'i-.'iit. ii'eeame stronger, and my ap- S''v.t'l.v improved. I was soon entirely •'!. »rni r.iy skin as clear as a piece of class. 11. L. My vats, loo Mulberry St.. Newark, N. J. Don't destroy all possible chance of a HP* tckin^ doctor's treatment ..vv r.vy and putnsli. These minerals •i: rbo hair to fall out, and will •:vch riip entire system. im S I E E A E and is the only a! oca remedy guaranteed to contain no pot«sli. mercury, or other mineral. £'.oUs on the disease and its treat ir m.tiled free by Swift Specific Com ptu.y, Atlanta, Georgia. From Osseo, Wis. comes a marked cjpy of the Weekly Record published by William S. Gilpin formerly of the Hamilton X-Rays. Mr. Gilpin seems to be well satisfied with the result of the senatorial election in this state, and especially with the defeat of M. N. fohn son. The Record looks prosperous and the paragraphs have the finger marks Editor Gilpin's original style. a nch ihe Panorama of Cuba, Anita, the Cuban Spy, The Pioneer-Express, $grial$"-T in fact, they are literary gems. "Tferc.k 2^51. Address ti'i 1 THE GREAT WAR NOVEL, Hk Anita, It has been aptly called the "Parmer's Daily." Its Telegraphic, Congressional and Northwest News is the same as found in the great Metropolitan Dailies. Market Page coven all the leading markets of th», world, gath ered by telegraph and furnished fresh to its readers twice a week. ?a$MOII$»TIie Twice*. Week Tribune the only Western Weekly that makes a specialty of the Fashion Page. The beautiful 'llustra boMaremnyaad of the best quality. This page keeps the women postd cr. fO"n4 lt\ Tribun Twice-a Week ft' Cub BY GILSON W 1I.LETS. An KrritSng Novel of the War. Thrillingly told by the author, who knows all about Spiin and her methods, from actual experience. It takes you from the Coast of rocco to New York ana Havana from Blanco palace to the heart of the Insurgents' camps, show ing the heroic sufferings of the Cubans in their straggle for freedom. A story of CM*11 planter's daughter, who, for her devotion to Cuba, suffered terri ble persecution at the hands or the Spanish government, ending in her transporta tion to Geuta, Spun penal colony on the coast of Morocco. The story tells of her terrible life while there, and her daring escape, after which she joins the ranks "r£ents»an® *n the capacity of a spy, trading them valuable aid. 3, book is printed in dear type on good paper convenient library size =,| bound in a lithographed cover. It is a most interesting, well written story, ^Panorama of guba.* This is a complete and graphic panorama of Cuba, and exhibits the comedy, tragedy, splendor and pathos ol the Pearl of the Antilles, in a series of photo graphs taken on the spot by the artist and brilliant writer, Mr. Gilson Willets, au thor of "Anita, the Cuban Spy," and "His Neighbor's Wife." The panorama fe intensely interesting and portrays the domestic life of the people, the sheets of NAVAMJ with characteristic groups of Spanish officers* civilians, military, MOTTO Castle, Cabanas Fortress and Spanish warships the starving fwwwwiiwiU, the primitive modes of locomotion, etc., etc. Inaddhioa to the pictures, a of instructive information relating to the history, population, resources, climate, ha- bors, military condition, products and exports of the island is given. This is the •est, the most interesting and the most authentic album of Cuba in the market. [Ik €wice-a*meek fa The Tribune are the productions of t%, ve authors of current literature. Thty are new and v.\. sou.' Fof Par Special Off(r-T^a^ tteCufan Paaonrauud ttesmt mese two books and The Tribune for one year FREE to any one who s none new name for one year's subscription, with 5/.0 Or v* will send both books and The Tribune to any ot our «&•?. •cnbers and renew their subscription for one year fat J2.25. THR PiniSIfiTJO-KYDDTJCC ,'-i farmers, workers, busy peoofe eve-y- THE PIONEER-EXPRESS, Psmbi-. •. imimmfltrt.iTimrnirunimmiTiinminirtirtimmTTiminmirtirtimtnimnimnimmiriifiiniAim *0*2"^ PEMBINA TONORIAL PAkLO*, Wet Weather Won't Harm V. •Vr a The handsomely tand crriiing ,| inilT i-li Uneeda Biscuit— theonly biscuit of which this can be truly said. It's the package, a new 5 cent air tight, dust proof, moisture proof package.that keeps these wonderful new biscuit tip to the highest grade through all weathers. Uneeda Biscuit Are made from the best wheat floor, ao they're body building food. They're skillfully baked so as to be pH**1!! They're never heavy or soggy, ao fbey are never indigestible. Order them from war croeer. '.A* islBsa dr$ ."-'v.