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R. '4 U- •MIM.I nmrtiwIiB •'rrr-r- iniiinin im •*"J/^: -.-: /•'.{•V-.%:I .-./- _-4 EA8f l80U-TH CHINA ALASKA KLONDIKE Winnipeg Morrie.............. Pembina Joliette... Bowet-mont.... Dray ton Grafton .......... Grand Fork*,.. Wlnnipeu junction.. Bt.Paal..~ .... $ T. Chat. fee, 6. P. A BT.9Am.Muni. 1:80 pm 1:45 18:07p 8:06 11:02 am A. THACKER, 8:57 p-m 10:41 am 4:24 pm 10*28 am 4:42p 10:07 5:02 pm 9:88 am 5:40 pm 7:60 am 7:26 pm 6:48 am 8:28 pm 4:40 am 10:86 8:00 pm 7:16 am GREAT NORTUbHN 8T. VINCENT. Freight depart* 9:16 *m PMBepger arrives ••IjOOpm do depart* 8:lop VJACMHBHBH. 't '-1* HABT. QUACKENBTTBH ft HABT, Successors to W. J. Kneestaaw. L»W) Loans, Collections, lnsnrance. Probate Business, ROLETTE STRKER, PEMB1RA. WiJ.BTJBBE, A1TORNEY-AT-LAW. Successor to N.C. Youug. Heal estate, loans and collections. BATHGATE, NOB.TH DAKOTA. AUCTIONEER. Particular attention to sales of Farm Property. HAMILTON, NOBTH DAKOTA J, H. SNIDER. ^XfjSSRIW.A^T UMSOK Calls night, or day promptly attended, offlce at Watson's barn. Emerson, Manitoba. FECTTBICXA-tTa. CHA8. B-flAHBiS, MB. Physician and Surgeon. Found at all hours when not professionally engaged, at his office, on Stutsman street at daytime ana at his resi dence on Cavil eer street at night. PEMBINA, NORTH DAKOTA DB. w. H. FALLOON. DENTIST. Office over the Pioneer Express. Offlce hours—8:00 to 12:00 a. m., 1:00 to 6:00 p. m. All other times when necessary. PEMBINA, N- IPwaaTsSja.*. X-oAar® ±1©. O. DAK. SOCZBTXSe. •Woidwi Fast, STo. IS, GK.A.. 3R. Bejtuiar meetings every second and fourth Monday of each month. J. G. SOHDBBKAM, MoSKS HELLEK. Adlutant. Post Commander. fcxn-leiaa.*.*. 2. -A- V. da -A-- M. Regular meetings in the evenings of first and third Friday of every morth. Visiting Brethren in good standing are Invited. W. W. FBLBON, Secretary. Robt. Morrison, W. M. XT. "W, Meets every first and third Tuesday of the Month. GBO. Pbtbbson, W.W. Fblson, Recorder, M. W. feaaa/blaa «, Camp, 3277* "W. MeeteveniSecond and Fourth Monday. Vi siting neighbors cordially invited. W. E. Coats, Clerk. F. M. King, V. C. Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Meets every second and fourth Friday of each month. C. W. Shumaker, H. D. McKay, Correspondent. Foreman. Sogrx** SCoxxor. Meets every Second and Fourth Wednesday. MBS. F. M. KINO, MBS. C. B. Hauuis, C. of H. Recorder. P«ssk"bl3a.ab S*J.ra Seyattmeat, Meets every First aud Third Tuesday of the Month. W. W. Fblson, Secretary. J. D. Winlaw, Chiet. Wethodist Episcopal Church. SoNDAY SERVICES:—Epworth League 11 a. m. Snnday School 13 m. Preaching 7SO p. m. every Sunday. PRAYER MEETING each Thursday evening at 8KK) o'cleck. Rsv. JEPHCOTT, Pastor., Grace cfiurch, Pembina. EvEtif SUNDAY—School 12 o'clock. Even song and Sermon 7:30 p. M.. Choir Practice Fri day evenings at 7:80. W. Watson, Rec tor. St. Vincent. CfrJk- ^rwt This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold in one day It Cures all Kinds of Rtieumallsm and Liver tomplaint. fc'V Hi A FREE TRIAL. refunded. We guarantee oar remedy 1 Great Blood and Rheumatism Cure. Sixty Eighty Eight. Edjtor-ln Chief of the A.O.U.W. Official Fapar. to FBMBINA, N. D. :l: sovM. MKmn sowbm •••••••••••••••••••••••a** 5 County News. GLASSTON. J. R-Joy Sundayed in Hamilton. Miss Martin went to St. Thomas, Fri day eve. Marshall Jackson of Neche visited his son Earl, Sunday. Miss 'Gtinnlock went to Crystal on business Tuesday. Rev. Foster, of St. Thomas, visited friends in the city Monday. Supt. W. J. Alexander paid a short visit to our school Wednesday. Levious Gilroy and John Richmond drove up from St. Thomas, Friday eve. Mrs. Fifield and Miss Smart took the Friday evening train for St. Cloud, Minn. Miss Holbrook, of St. Thomas, has a very promising class of music scholars here. Mr. Rpbert Spence, of Waldo's Store, Bowesmont, visited his brother Dan. Sunday. R. J. Creswell, of Minneapolis stopped between trains Thursday. Mr. Creswell represents the "North and West" of Minneapolis. Jas. McCabe, Miss H.Quigley and John Quigley went to Grafton, Tuesday eve to attend the Catholic Foresters ball. A splendid time is reported. The Ladies of ttie Presbyterian church will hold a tea-meeting and social Friday evening^ Oct. 4th, in the hall, Every body welcome. Tickets 35c. Mr. Geo. Dill was suddenly called to Devils Lake on Sunday before the death of his brother Wm. Dill one of the fire men killed in the wreck there. The body will be taken to his home in Indi ana. Mr. Turner, of Neche, is acting station agent in Mr. Dill's absence. A Minister's Good Work. "I had a severe attack of billious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two dost-s and was entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without re lief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said his: boWSIs were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. -I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said 'No.' I went home and brought my bottle and gave him one dose told him to take another dose in fifteen minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was entirely cured." For sale by T. R. Shaw. NECHE. Mr. and Airs D. YV. Young are making success of their new restaurant business. George Roadhouse has sold his half section to Fred. Volrath. Consideration C. G. Bauer returned from Bauff hot springs where he was five weeks. His rheumatism is better. Thomas Trenbreath threshed 4,679 bushels from 225 acres, He is one of the best farmers in this locality. Rev. F. Drummond, of Winnipeg, lectured on"The Irish Soldier" to a large audience and gave good satisfaction. S. D. Bickford is again buying wheat for the St. Anthony and Dakota. He was out to the coast for awhile but liked this country better from a business view. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St. Port Huron Mich, writes: "I have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used. They never grip. Wis HAVE IT, I MATT J. JOHNSON'S It Cures all Blood .-Troubles and Chronic O Constipation. i* :&•: Sirs-v 1 The readers of the A.O.U.W. Guide, who may be afflicted with rheumatism, are hereby informed that vr« have used this remedy (0068) in our family for two years, that a single bottle cored rheumatism of the armof six months etandi foot of a yesr standing, after experimenting with several oeiving no rellof. ading, and rheumatism of the •Use half a bottle andjf not satisfied returnfind money be free from all meranrif tetesapd poisonous drags. For Mia and guarantee* jr"y O 'ainec, opiates, saiiey- *rug Stores 9 •i, ?i$b: ft *, ftiKINO co.. niw vomc. WKi&ivV WALHALLA. r" •.'•'"J-'- The new Leistikow elevator is com pleted and painted black. McConnachie Bros, have moved into their new and elegant hardware store. The Mountaineer's left Wwer_ Harry Goings has the typhoid and Editor Lee has to hustle. Anew manse is being erected and it is hoped that the pastor, Rev.D. Matheson, will occupy it with his wife. To Sare Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga. ap plied Bucklens Arnica gSalve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in sores, skin eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds, and piles. 25c. Cure guaranteed by T. R. Shaw, druggist. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, ulcers, wounds and sores is DeWitt's' Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin af fections. Accept only the genuine. Teachers and Patrons EDUCATIONAL "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present gbod health and my life. I was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga, Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly hav-» ing found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the prepara tion which contains the elements neces sary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. B. W. Pursen, Kintersville, Pa., says he' suffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. -'wC-CTi To Cure a 6—WHAT CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE THE APPEARANCE OF THE RURAL SCHOOL. Messrs. Curtis, Roche, Miles, Warmer, Colter, Slack, Parsons, Misses Cox, Raymond, McConnell and Wallace. Additional by the meeting. The respective leaders are entrusted with the entire management of each meeting, and may take such action as will insure the success of his own District Meeting. The District Meetings are for both the teachers aVnd patrons of our public schools, and we would suggest that whenever feasible the children be given a place on the program. One of the most important objects of these meetings is to enlist the interest of the patrons for the welfare of their schools. These meetings are held in accordance with Section 641 of the School Laws of North Dakota, and all teachers are required to at tend* Gold in One ETTfis* The M. E^ Ladies Aid of Jouette held their annual Harvest Festival at the Church Wednesday evening. A good crowd was in Attendance and a very enjoyable time was had. Over twenty Pembina people were in attendance atfd contributed very materially to the excel lent program rendered. The program consisted of recitations by Misses Vida McCaftery and Irene Aylen and Mr. Carr of Pembina Readings by Miss Thompson of Joliette, as well as music by the Short Orchestra and a clarinet solo by. Mr. W. C. Short, Miss Muriel Full accompanist. During the evening Father Lavigne of the Pembina and JolieUe R. C. Chureh responded with, some very ple..sant words of Christian fellowship and greeting, that evidenced his liberal and loving nature. The feature of the program it may truly be said, was the French Canadienne sketches by the Rev. Father Arsinault of St Thomas who is assisting Father Lavigne this week and who kindly con sented to help us in the entertainment Father Arsinault is an elocutionist of rare ability and his delineation ol the "habit ant" characters is simply perfect He delighted the audience so much he re sponded to an encore. The chair was occupied to its Full capacity. The supper was excellent and testified to the ability of the Joliette ladies to provide for the best side of man—the inside. The receipts were about $40 and no one asked for their money back. ASSOCIATION, Pembina Co.,N. I). Programs of District Meetings to be held at the Following Places on Saturday, October 19th, 1901. First District, Pembina. Principal, G. J. Keenan, Leader. Second District, Neche. Principal C. A. Powell, Leader. Third District, Walhalla. Principal C. E. Ellithorpe. Leader. Fourth District, Crystal. Principal J. S. Carr, Leader. Fifth District, St. Thomas. J. J. Samson, Leader. Sixth District, Drayton. Principal W. W. Massee, Leader. 1—PRELIMINARIES. 2—EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, AS SEEN BY THE LEADERS. Supplimentary: Jas. C. Wardwell, Lucy Gaffney, Eber Anguish, James McDougald. Ethel Fraser, J. S. Douglas, J. B. Curtis, E. M. Ashley, J. A. Slack, Nels C. Nelson, H. W. Gill, B. F. Warmer, Jen nie Brown, May Gorman, J. M. Colter, Barney Eastman, Annie Skap tason. 3—MODEL CLASSES IN READING. Misses Townsend, Dunn, Kane, Weiss, Hood, Messrs. Tisdale« Roche. Opinions by the meeting. 4—MODEL CLASSES IN ELEMENTARY SUBJECTS. Principals Carr, Martin, Powell, Keenan and Ellithorpe. Quer ies and answers. 5—MODEL CLASSES IN NUMBERS. Misses Moran, Donovan, Sullivan, Ferguson, Jackson, Everson, Mrs. Martin. Yours for an advance, W. J. ALEXANDER, County Superintendent. Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund,the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a phlysic. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect For sale by sliilii You Gam sad bs water but you can't him drink. "_ou ccv..'' hint eat You can stuff food in- a thin mans stomach bv hat doesn't make him use it. Scott's Emulsion can mak_ him. use it. How By mak ing him hungry, of course Scott's Emulsion makes a thij body hungry all over. Thought a thin body was naturally hur. gry didn't you Well it isn't. A thin bbdy is asleep—no working—gone on a strike. It doesn't try to use it's food. Scott's Emulsion wakes it up—puts it to work again making new flesh, That's the way to get fat. Send for free sample JOWNE, Chemist* 50canOi.w ,'«Ui SCOTT & BOWNE, CKemirt^ ^Pearl St., N. Ladle Coats in all the Latest yles. Everything at low est prices. CHAS. Flour and Feed Store. The nndersiened desires Feeling: Cold "f «4 (Vs. is Nonsense. While ninny warm Overcoats ara to be had at our store. Heavy Suits lor Hen and Boys Light and Heavy Cloth andJFur Over coats. Fa.irba.i\ks-Morse Ste&m Pumps. Eclipse Wind Mills. Fa.irba.nks Galvanized Steel Mills. Galvanized Steel Towers. Stea.m Engines a.nd Boilers. Pumps. Pipe. Tools. Etc. Writ© for Information a.nd Catalogues. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ST. PAUL. MINN. to call the attention ot the farmers and people in genera] to the fact that ne is now prepared to supply all with Flour and Feed of ail kinds WHEAT, OATS AND BAR BV 1 Taken in exchange, or for cash, at the highest market price Store on corner Stuts wan and Second streets Pembina. WWW FRANK FELDMAN, Succesor to H.'C. Feldman. FULL'S, Cheap Cash Store. WILLIAM RUSSELL, PROPRIETOR OF ELECTRIC LIGHT WORKS. Steam boiler, Engine and 11a. chine repairing. Boilers reflued a specially, Pipe fitting and supplies. Gen ral Blacksmithing At,cii:s w.,e Refiniug Co. Oils rand 0rentes. Feed grinding QUALITY ALL LINES. FAIRBANKS SCALES PEflBINA FULL SUPPLT OF Building:'Material 'M TRADE MARS. by ?'K ADAMANT, the b^t plasler on '«3w-«s ear^h. Lime, Spod, Bride add Ccamrt. Free delivery of Lamber to all parte of the ei^. •Y' NIX