OCR Interpretation

The pioneer express. [volume] (Pembina, Dakota [N.D.]) 1883-1928, January 20, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88076741/1922-01-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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I'' SssMK&fi'i •".«*•
^y-'\:--v ./' ADY^lKTtilNO
Display, yearly
Editor aad BuSinesa Maaaaser.:^V''|
4 ,- .x .'
Talk of .the'
Senator McCumber should be retain-
18 cts House,
^ct1 there, had
Display 8Da«m6Uc per inch ••.. ..
USttomeOnB"«»«»tlce•,3*r«eW5(.'per Une-.10.ct»
\.J* 'T _VK G.O.tilpMPSON.
ihe Pibheer Express)
Adam Bedei the^ or^tim. con-|mc
jn»nmaa fiom Pm« City, Mino., has
bluntly observed, "if enough people
juro out to got him. Th. highor a
"I have be^n North tiakota re
«»Uy, and from what I could team
Senrtor McCUater face.i a
kfi H*Sf.
Established, Junt. 1*78vQFFICIA^
June primaries has Northwest upon the committee on
seemed the chief topic of interest Ways and Means. As such he was
among the visitors from the North- the author of the emergency tariff
wast this week. No one Advances a jawf and supervised the writing of
^rtcetnent to -that effect frouldgb
jiWig's statement
•waaV not^ those who
ttte repr^iMJtative itbm Valley
*U *£ik'fcUw Af P^mhink. svOD^WM t6Q y6ATft 110 l^t it 06
extensive and expensive rehabilita- accounts he is very popular in his v'ant^of'fuhds^'
tion process. Their powerful mach- home district, where a year ago he '$f:.
ino has lost several cogs since the was elected.by a comfortable ma-"
last general test, when they were jority. He has been an uncompromi- bistrict Court.
fortunate to achieve a half-way vie- sing foe of socialism while his re-'- _____
tory. Some of their newspapers cord on farm legislation is such that
Major J. M. Hanley, in Washing at last reports he was mixing up
ton now, points out that McCumber with a single tax group in the East.
Jias become one of. the Senate poW- ..
«rs. This, he contends, has put the Exponents of the Great Lakes-St.
West in the ascendency in the upper Lawrence river project are gather
house, and North Dakota in a p6si- jng jn Washington preparatory to
tion of strategic importance it has launching a drive for the enactment
never before enjoyed. Accordingly,
ed as a matter of state-pride and ne City, Minn., is already on the
aelf-interest. job after an extended tour of the
"Senator McCumber's rise to middle and northwestern states. He
power upon the greatest of the Sen-
ate committees is deeply regretted farmers
In Wall street," declared Hanley. that sentiment is alive to the impor
"The East lost a great champion in tance of the undertaking all over the
Penrose, and the West has gained in country. The opposition of New
turn through the elevation of Mc-
f-K? "I™ "thing,. tho tnteratato Commode
job bu Mjer l.«r »on.» Bod.
able to do all the more harm."
Cheap home-seekers rates may be
granted by -the railroads this sum-
turned their attention to Vu« i«-»
Th. rf th» ha. «w
he represents the agricultural-
deancut prediction as to just what the agricultural schedules into the ^LSS--^8*8^
the alignments wiU be hut all seemed permanent bill. Young is nearing expenses
^preed that another, battle, royal, was the .top of
in prospect, next year. That the and Means, the big committee of the
Nonpartisan League must be consid- House. The present year may be a
ered a ^factor was''also apparent for bad tone for Republicans in many
it is held that to eliminate the or- districts in doubtful states. Another
^aniiaition that for the past six Congress should see him even far
years.: has held sway in the state, de- ther up the ladder. To leave the
spite their repudiation in November, House now for other honrts would
wipuld render any speculation futile, certainly seem anything but wise un
just where the Leaguers will be, der such circumstances.
liotoever, when the roll is :-called in In the first district it is believed
June no one seems certain. They' that Congressman O. B. Burtness
may be in the -field again with a will stand for reelection.. Mr. Burt
stiftight ticket. And they may ad- ness has been mentioned among the
liere to a recently avowed policy of' prospective senatorial candidates
certain, of their leaderS"and merely but has given no encouragement to
"endorse candidates." the rumor .On the other hsrnd he
The first course would be accord-" seems to be concern-d
ing to Hoyle. but it would require an his duties in the House
Committee on Ways
missed fire and fallen }y the even a rabid Nonpartisan should. 'me January term of district court
wayside many handy henchmen have ntf*cause for complairt. lasteu one w«.ei£ and tiie entire tune
have passed on to seek payrolls else- While the League mav rdyance a was praccicany taken up with the
"where and reports indicate countless candidate in the first district if they baui Kalil murder triai. It will be
breaches between erstwhile bosses, decide on a straight slate for• next-.-mueu*ueieu tutt Mr. ivalu, a byrian ceived'..mfnor sentences as follows:
To follow the other alternative might year the attitude of John M. Baer in pedui^r, nmraered a seventeen year Chrs. Golds rita of' Crystal, one
l»e to the personal advantage of some the last session of his term must oui &iri, Miss Annie Storey, at Ley- year In the county jail and $800 fine,
of the "leaders."' But Such dea's have cured those in the Red River den early last tail. Attorney J. E. Jo'-n hn. a pool room propri
are usually on a C. O. D. basis and Valley neighborhood of ronimessmen i»&r>ey dcieriaeu tlie accused and it etor at Walhalla, one year in the
some^ people might question the of the Townley-brand and such opro- is said he niade a strong plea for his county jail. Albert Bartlett of the
meaning of trailing, in byways. sition should not be formidable! Baer client, but tae evidence was too con- same town received "the same sen-
The case of Senator McCumber himself will scarcely be in shape to elusive and he was sent, to the peni- tence.
presents the first big question -mark, make the race again. Following his tentiary for life. States Attorney
-Since the result of the recall election defeat a Vear back he shook the dust Thomson conducted the prosecution
liis defeat has been freely predicted, of Dakota from his feet and has been and he conducted the case like a vet
In the meantime McCumber has been in Washington since that time. He eran in criminal procedure.
elevated to the chairmanship of the did not take the trouble to *ive his The-, other cases were mostly par
Finance committee..
the necessary legislation at the
r: 0Sftnt
aaJordi to Cmgreasmm Geo.
te 8f
w"? h. .tate:
general ..tuaUor,
botjJo»"t look,,
friends a hand in the recall fight and. ties who admitted their guilt and re- liquor.
session. J. Adam Bede, of
a jgreat interest among the
Ybrk City
Cumber." jBede, is the result of immature judg
Major Hanley, now on the legisla- ment. He states that the cheap pow
tive committee of the American Le-
er which
f^on, further points out that the sol- state through the construction of the
idicrs of the nation now have, a friend canal and dams is bound to win fa
in the Finance chair. McCumber
sponsored the adjusted compensation realize just what is contemplated.
%ill in the upper house and now, with
the biir again on the horizon, is in
position to put it over.
the project, and states
interests, according to Mr.
will be afforded the Empire
with the people there once they
has had the matter
g. MiU
CommerMi a
cial home-seekers rates in order
give the people of other Btates
.eommtte ch.Jm.Mhip to announced that it
Mve him. Hi. friend, mil figure
«hat a position of power h, mil he d«uu.d. and it i. con-
Congressman George M. Young's ase passenger traffic during the com
positive denial of all senatorial as- ing months. Attention was also cali
brations has eliminated him from ed to th» fact that the Great Nor-
Young', reqttert a«
jwould be granted as it would incre-
among the potential candidates for thern road had such reduced fares in.feature of the happy jests and after-'. ^1**. Wm. Dure and Tfir. Chas. Dure,
the toga next year. In his state- effect the past year from April to dinner talks was the reading of a Wi^ft&eg, Man. Mrs. A. M. Eklund,
ment Young declared he woald again October. It is believed that a simi-j dozen or more telegrams and as. Wir "J'
be a candidate for Congress' froni lar reduction will be made generally many letters of congratulations from Yii
the second district and that his an- if the demand justifies such a course, far-off friends and relatives. and
ui :. ,r
bu, to be i8aael in the near fui
SL "S^^^' Townl^ poliUcUlu .Urted to to«,j
«»™l fay Witt. th. iwe. «t North
.tepRB^.tonj «.,*«* IdBd .f swuritt51
b.ggtai. ,.
^!f.n qoeationine our ataUmmt lot
the House nearly ten years To- i.aV ft," a.u.
'-i.'-T' rr -.i l'.' nTjr'.-nr .e:' .-. _. .'v
(^an^ ia the inarli^^
ttia bi Oils itate
__id trvi*.» tn ., p.--^
to sel1
In one instanice and just l»a
fore they were ousted out of ofnir
Something like $80,000 Was paid
chie^y with »on«v on dprosit in the B^nk of
Prom all
with the sale of state bonds. It 'if
npw petting to be like it was in for
mer years, with this difference how- 3.
ever. The state was able to take up
all the school- bonds through the
state' school fund at 4 per cent then.,
This school fund amounted to sevec^1'
al inilliens of dollars and was created
through the sa'e of school lands,
that was set afeide for school pur»:
poses as provided by the constitu
tion of North Dnkpta. The Nonnar
tisnn T«a«nxa ohanfed the constitu
tion so th«y could take the school
n»onev and ev^end it for anvthinrr
t.hpv. sv^. t.. ?nd it h?»s disamwared
so p-fFp/ithrelv t^at even leal school
•wrpmn.nt"'. issued hv d's^rict"* that
was not paid for
to "°win° and avail buying out Shaw & Charlton in the grand-child. The bride was gowned
themselves of the bargains in farm 80's. jin a dresa of black satin and wore a
The house and table decorations &***& °f Killarney Roses and Lil
were beautiful and were carried out M®s °J the Valley. Mrs. George
in a colors-scheme of pink and white Thoippson Sr., 83 years, a sister of
with settings of crystal that reflected'^e bride acted as maid. She wore
diamond-like rays through the room. dw*». Wack silk. The groom
sidered probable that such a request |The table decorations were especially^^conventional black.
beautiful, with candles and pink ^e guests present were Mrs.
shades and the glare fropi a large Fraifck Keiver, Vulcan, Alta. Mrs.
electric dome above reflecting its ra- Frank McGray, Watertown, N. Y.
dian^e upon the cut glass below. A Mrsi ipeoi^e,ThMnpson Sr. Mr: and
Mr. and Mrs. Dure Celebrates their Diamond Wedding.
(By courtesy of Hallock Enterprise.)
We present the, pictures and ac-r At the ceremony last Sunday the
secre- count of the. diamond wedding cele- ^U68^, which included the children
Association of brated by Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and all the relatives, sat down to a
Dure of Hallock. They are well, 5-course wedding dinner. The groom
spe-1 known to many of our. readers, for led his bride to the table to the
Mr. Dure conducted a mercantile' strains of Lohengren's bridal march,
business in thjs city for two years, played by Miss Charlotte Nelson, a
Sh JAV* 4»
The largest and jnost reliable' cus
tom tailoring concern in the world.
New «York Chicagoy
-Iome in and see^their new spring
samples on .display at our store.
.Tohn Blackbird, six months.
Jacob Fogal, 90 days.
r» «v »s
—JUST RECEIVED from one of the largest manufacturers in the United
States, a large assortment of Beautiful N«w and Stylish Wash Dresses.
Charming Plaids, Neat Checks, Stripes, Solid Pinks and Blues. Hardly two
dresses alike
tV evcertion of Goldsmith,
the prisoners were accused of" main-
taining stills for the. manufacture of
Miss Bessie Cowan, St.
Mrs. W. J. Boss and Mr.
W. G. Thompson of Hallock.
,»v iff:
«V is
U"der present management, 35 ye»r»
?•$»,:•. •.rr,-..v':'.ysi '.
Sale! Trixie fiingham Dresses.
this lot. These extra well made garments are suitable for
/porch, street and'house wear, and come in Ladies'and Misses sizes 14 to*
46. It will be to your interest to call early and inspect these dresses be
fore the assortment is broken.
'n You Will also see our new line of Oxfords, Pumps and House Slippers. The latest
styles anu at the correct prices, $3.50 to $7.50.
Home Brand
The best by test.
J. T. Cockburn & Co.
Farmers Implement Co1
/W O O
We have a large quantity of Dry Tamarac
and Green Poplar Wood for sate at the right
price. CalLaround^and see it.
Start the New Year right—Bob-sleds and
Sleighs^that are the best. We have them.
Vj *'v&
V* 5 «4
™r 1
lieioog i«auo)«H!
For the
$2.00 a year, in
tn **.» ::\:.:-X:-'i
& v'
5 2

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