FIRE! HAIL! Lightning and Tornado INSURANCE. We represent full '.inc of solid compnnieB, end respectfully solicit your lmninti-B in thnt line. Pol icies promptly written upon Farm Dwelling, Business. and other property. New York Underwriters Agency. Insurance Company of Oakotu. German American Insurance Co., New York. springlleld Fire and Marine Insurance Compa ny, Springfield, Mass. Uerinania Insurance Co.. New York. St. Paul Fire anil Marine Insurance Co. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Plicnix, Brooklyn. N. Y. Don't run any rinks, but call and see us at once. Yours for Indemnity. (Insurance Department Bank of Cooperstown.l TIME TABLE. S. C. & T. M. RAILROAD. Train makes round trip between Sanborn and Cooperetown every Mondny, Wednesday and Fri day, leaving Sanborn 8:80 a. m., and arriving at Cooperstownll:30a. m. Returning, leaves Coop eratown 18:30 p. m., and arrives at Sanborn 8:80 p. m. N. P. Railroad, main line—Passenger trains pass Sanborn: Going east 8:48 p. m. Going cast 10:88 a. m. Going west 6:80a. m. Tickets for all parts of the United States and Canada for sale at this station. R. M. COVIN, Agent. C. S. FEE, Gen. Pass. Agt. Jackson Bros'. BILLIARD PARLOR —AND— SAMPLE ROOMS BURRELL AVENUE. The best wines, liquors and cigars to be found in the market, always on hand. Give us a call. 1VER JAC0BS0N, Attorney C0UI73XLL0B-AT-LAW. COOPEliSTOWN, DAK. COOPERSTOWM MEAT MARKET Retzlaff Bros., Props, COOPK11STGWN JMKOTA SANB0BN HOTEL, LEE & GALLIHGEB, Propiitton, SAN HORN, D. T. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP! KNUDS0N BRYN, DAZEi', D. T, I The Simpson Troubles, uAn Easter bonnet?'" said Simpson, at the breakfast table. "About fiifteen dollars worth of pomo. trimmed with ten dollars worth of vanity, eh?" "You know very well," said Mrs. Simpson, in a cold, condensed-milk tone of voice, "that I have not had anything new in a long time." "Yes, I remember. List fall you wanted a seal skin dolphin." "It was a dolman, if you please. But I need a bonnet. One must be respect able." "Well, Mrs. Fitznoodle has a great many bonnets, and she isn't so offen sively respectable. You don't wish to dress like her, do you?" A bitter, five o'clock-in-the-morning sparkle stole into the gentle blue eyes, and the little woman sniffed the air,and muttered something about not being re stricted in her toilet to the traditional figleaf, in order to be different from Mrs. Fitznoodle. "Now, next Christmas, my dear, you will congratulate yourself for getting along without that expensive conglom eration of rye straw and hens' feathers. I'll have no idle gew-gaws stuck about you, nor no more jewels than those eyes are made of. eh, Pet?" and Mr, Simpson gives her a chuck under the chin. "A woman is lovliest in her hus band's eyes, when she is least adorned. Now, your fresh, young beauty—" "Never mind about my 'fresh, young beauty,'" said the lady coldly, as she removed the cat from the butter dish. "I am not so very fresh perhaps as I look. I want a bonnet." "Now my sainted Maria—Maria, by the way, used to make over her old bon nets." "Sir, don't Maria me! Don't men tion that obnoxious subject!" "Great Csesar, madam! That obnox ious subject was my wife." "Yes, I think 1 have beard you speak of it before. I have covered her poor, sad-eyed portrait, in the parlor, with running vines, to hide the story of her sufferings. Poor thing! She died young." "Ami to understand, madam, that you attribute her —her—departure, as it were, to—my—my—O, dammit! You are enough to drive a mau insane. There! Take it all," said Simpson excitedly throwing his pocket book on the table. *You will never be satisfied until you sit on my grave, kicking up your heels, and trying on twenty-five dollar bonnets." "Don't be heroic yet, Mr. Simpson. 1 shall examine the pocket book this time. There! It is just as I thought! There isn't a cent in it. What? Give it back to vou? Ah-h! Here is a little note, all scented up with some nasty perfume O! Heavens! 'Meet me at the corner at 8 sharp, if you can get away from the old cat.—Birdie'" "Give me that, madam! This put up job." "Birdie put it up, I suppose. I am an old cat, am I? Perhaps you will tell Birdie all about my fresh young beauty. O, this is dreadful! dreadful!" "Ahem! The fact of the matter is, my dear—I won't deceive you, you know. Ahem! You see, this young person was going with me to Syversons' to select a two-hundred dollar silk dress for you, and some bonnets. You see wanted to surprise you." "Well, you have succeeded admirably. If you and Birdie would pull the wool over my fresh young eyes a little more, I don't think I should need a bonnet." whereupon she gives vent to a flood of tears. is a The last seen of Simpson he lirfti down town buying thirty yards of black bombazine, as a peace offering. The astonishing assertion is made by the Lumber World that the loss to this country through forest fires is not less than $300,000,000 a year simply through the destruction of available timber, without counting the additional lc from annihilation of the young growth and the seeds scattered on the surface and the scorching of the ground, which often renders it steril for a gen eration,—Ex. Premium. To Jtliose parties sending in their sub scription arrears and payingone year in advance, we will present a years sub scription to the Farm, Stock and Home, a semi-monthly agricultural paper pub lished at Minneapolis, for Minnesota, Dakota and Montana. This is much the best paper of the kind issued in the Northwest. Remember, above con ditions we present you with One Year's Subscription. I AH PRINTING JUD rninilno Remember, foi let- ter heads dodt,ers envelopes, posters, tickets, etc., the COURIER office is not a Cheap John establishment, but that the stock used Is of the best quality, and the prices— Fargo prices. Cheap John work, in wlmiesale amounts, at the retail aoat of first-lass stock. Clothlag, Clothing:. We will sell you elothing cheaper than it was ever sold in the United States we roeau what we say. Bowden & Buck. In 13 tras?, small fruit trees, claim trees, seeds of all kiuds, botli field and garden. Tree seeds cheaper than ever at Valley City seed Store and Nursery. Tree claim trees $1.50 to $2.f0 per thou sand, all kinds in stock. Strawberry plants $1.00 per 100, most any kind. Timothy seed $1 50 to $1.60 per bushel. Every thing in the seed line cheaper than ever. Our timothy seed is 1884 crop. Dakota grown. Buckwheat, $1.25 to $1.50. Pure Saskatchewan Fife wheat $1.25 yer bushel, will make dis count on large orders. Onion seed all kinds cheap, onion sets $4 to $5.00 per bushel. Call or address Valley City Seed Store and Nursery. G. W. COWDREY & Co., Valley City, D. T. Five Teachers Wanted. Applications will be received by the clerk of Wheatland School township, Griggs county, Dak., for teachers for ensuing term of school, commencing May 1,1885. By order of board. A: M. SINCLAIR, Clerk. Mont Clair P.O. 9-11 Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Wc have 500 bushels of White Russian, and com mon White Oats, for sale on eight months' time. John Syverson 4" Co. Feed Mill. Cooper Bros, aie prepared to grind feed of all kinds at their elevator, in any amount, at reasonable rates. Plow Shoes. The best in the market, at lowest prices, at Bowden & Buck's. Notice. Our winter goods must and will be closed out at some price in the next 00 days. Bowden & Buck. tSTWall paper at the drug store. FOR SALE—Cheap for cash or ap proved notes. 1.000 bushels oats. 50 bushels onions. 100 bushels potatoes. 10 barrels onion setts. And other goods, inquire of Capt Robinson, Maraell. Buckeye Feed Mills, (two horses will grind from ten to twenty bushels per hour), for sale by Knud Thompson. Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrows in stock. A car load of Seeders arrived to-day for Knud Thompson. Feed of all descriptions at popular prices at Geo. W. Greenleese & Co.'s. The prices of all kinds of goods, for the next thirty davs, will astonish the natives of Griggs county. Our prices tell, and people tell our prices. Formerly with Bowden & Buck. tyDakota manufactures the finest flour in the world. Greenleese & Co. have just received a car of flour from the Fargo Roller mill. ISTThe best brands of flour at Geo. W. Greenleese & Co.'s. |yThe finest line of spring clothing in Dakota is now placed on exhibition at Bowden & BUCK'S. Cheap for cash: One top buggy—near ly new, warranted. Apply to F. H. Adams COURIER Office. Wood pumps for $6, at A. N. Adams'. 0*Smoke the celebrated Nilsson ci gar. Best in the world. Sold by Bow den & Buck. fVAsk Bowden & Buck for the Nilsson cigar. The best in the world. t9*Geo. W Greenleese & Co. have a fresh stock of the best brands of flour and feed, and are selling at popular prices. 0*Whidden Bros, have just received another lot of furniture—chairs, tables, bed steads, etc. ^Genuine Henry Clay cigars at Whidden Bros KTWe have for sale a few good farm work horses. Davis & Pickett. —School bonds and warrants taken exchange for school furniture. School houses built and bonds or war rents taken in payment. Knud Thompson —Examine the Flying Dutchman Sulkey Plow at Berg & Larson. JAMES MUIR & CO., Contractors and Builders. Plans and estimates for building care fully prepared. All carpenter work promptly attended to. (lOOPRBSTOWN. Dak. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE COURIER. Cooperstown, Griggs County. MBER*-^TIMBER MAYNARD CRANE & CO Coal. Building Material To prospective customers:—I will be pleased to favor old friends and gfew friendly with strangers, by giving estimates of anything in our ling at lowest liv ingrates for ready money. A1 ow us to figure on a 2 scantling (rough) or a furnished cottage, and I am morally sure your "shopping" will end right here. Come and get a cigar in any event. Very Truly, Tours, MAYNARD CRANE. The Lenham Elevator & Lumber Co., JohnSyverson cfcCo. (SUCCESSORS TO ODEOARD A THOMPSON,) GENERAL MERCHANTS, HONEST GOODS! -AND- Honest Prices! IS OUR MOTTO. Call and be Convinced. EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW that the cheapest place in seven counties to buy IARDWARE is at the emporium of STEVENS & ENGER, COOPERSTOWN, DAKOT where can be found a complete Line of Stoves and Tinware. Builders' Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass Putty. OUR 6TOCK OF HEAVY & SHELF GOODS is full and our prices are guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. Guns, Ammunition,Blacksmith coal, etc., etc. We keep a First-Class Tinsmith and are prepared to do jobbing expeditiously. Come ana look our stock over before doing any business in our line, and you will find us ready to sell nonest goods for honest prices. S STOVE STEVENS & ENGER.