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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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4 4- Com* I It's for You ato Say, Sir, Where you are going to buy your material for putting up your new building or repairing your old one.. 1 WE ARE NOW READY 2 always to make estimates ant To Fill Your Orders for .g• •I* Lumber, Doors, j| Windows, and everything in the «f building material Plaster, li 9 We are always glad to see you. *i & *1 P. Sitll liucr lumber €o. RED BOX TRADE MARK IS A QUARANTEE OF QUALITY. If your u..cs uoi Uit.ui.Ic tne... senu a postal earn to \Y ineeke & Doerr. Minneapolis, Minn. A Great COMBINATION OFFER. St. Louis Globe Democrat, (Twice-a-Week.) One of the Greatest Repub lish Newspapers Published, and the Griggs Courier ... $ne £ear for The Minneapolis Tribune ^Twice-a-Week) and ^••••••••••MmaaaMiiaaaaaigiaaoiBi 10° CHANCELLOR, WILLIIM PENH, 10° Corona, Sc U. of M, rn 5c yjealers iWMhlWMMIl $2.00, Courier .. One year for $1.90. in with your Subscription. Additional Locals. It requires no experi ence to dye with PUT NAM FADELESS Dyes. Simply boiling your goods in the dye is all that's necessary. Sold by S. ALMKLOVE C. J. Lucken returned from his Minnesota, trip last Tuesday. There was a great dance at Binford last Friday and a line tiiue is report ed. LOST—a bunch of keys. Finder please leave at the office, of Olsen, Cox it Co. Those interested in base ball should remember the meeting to be held at tlie fire hall tomorrow evening. Mrs. Geo. Stearns, of Rogers, ar rived last Saturday for a visit of a few days with her sister, Mrs. Andrew Gotf. The Monarch Elevator at D.v/.ey burned to the ground Tuesday morn ing. so the telegraph says. We have not learned particulars. Baptist, church next Sunday morn ing. Subject: "Are Prayers An jswered." In the evening. "'The Mercy Seat." Morning service at 10:30. The MeHenry Tribune is working a boom for 'J1. 10. Warner as a good man to take Judge CI aspell's place on the district bench of the lift.i district. There will be no service in the Con gregational church next Sunday, but the Sunday following lie v. K. H. I Stick^ey. of Fargo, will occupy the puloit. .1. A. McCulloch. Dave Mills, William Stewart and other* left Mon ty f. Portal where they will i.uild a I tree 1 very barn for F. A. Sincl ir and Herbert ('hurch. 'Phones have been put in at County Judge Will H. Carleton's lious a at Johnson liros.s' livery barn dur in' the last month. It beats the band I how that telephone exchange grows. 'v. Dr. Knox, of Wahpeton. oc cupi the |»ulpit in the Congregation al I'hui'c.i last Sunday morning and •eve i.ig. preaching two very interest ing as well as instructive sermons. The next Teachers' Examination will held in the courthouse Coop town, Friday. March!), beginning at!» o'cluc.c. ANDREW SINCLAIR. Superintendent. Barney O'Brien, of MeHenry, was in the city Tuesday. He has pur chased one of those, small Acetylene gas enerat »rs from the county and will light up his place of business with it. S. H. Holland, who is to run Olsen. Cox & Co. 's machinery business a.t Binfoi'd, dropped into the Courier of fice Tuesday and ordered stationery for his popular firm. He says car penters wi'l be at work on his ma chinery depot right away. Postmaster Jackson and wife came up from Hannaford Tuesday evening to help put the following candidates through the Degree of Honor lodge: Misses Borgesou and ChrUsie Moffat. Mrs. Rhodes, .Messrs. Lon Rhodes. A. Sinclair and W. A. Abbott. Si. Black's genial face is usually wreathed in smiles but he was smil ing louder than ever last Sunday, oc casioned by the arrival at his home on that day of a bright little daughter. Fragrant havanas wire dished up to the boys to smoke the health of the little one. We notice by the Carrington papers that our old friend Sankey Newberry has been promoted to the cashiership of Bank of Carringtou. The many friends of Sank in Cooperstown con grat late him on his advancement. We expect hear shortly that he has taken a life partner to share his salary. Mr. Jones, of Louisville, Ky.. was in Cooperstown last Thursday as agent for J. A. Craft, who has the contract for carrying the Romness mail. Mr. Boxegaard was awarded a sub-contract but he threw tip the job and his bondsmen have since been carrying the mail. A new contract has been made and the bondsmen will continue to carry the mail. Rev. J. H. Brasted, of Fargo, oc cupied the Baptist pulpit last Sunday morning and the M. E. pulpit in the evening. Mr, Brasted is state agent for the orphan's home society and is doing some good work in behalf of homeless little ones. He has furn ished good homes for a g*eat many children. The North Dakota Enforcement League will hold the oth annual con vention at Grand Forks, March 22d, in the M. E. church. Reduced rate# on all railroads. Lady-delegates will be entertained free by the Grand Forks W. C. T. U. All friends of en forcement invited to participate in our deliberations for successful enforce ment of our prohibitory law. A. H. Tluirnss, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, Ohio, whites: I have been :ttfect*il with Kidney and Bladder trouble for years, pas sing gravel or stone*, accompanied by excruciating pain*. Other medicines only gave temporary relief. After iaking Foley's Kidney Cure, the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, little line stones, etc and now 1 tiave no pain across my Kidneys and feel like a new man. Fo ley's Kidney Cure lias done me $1000 worth of good, For sale bv H. Bateman & Co Notice. If those who wish laundry work done, will leave it at the Newell House, or word at S. W. Black's barber shop or will let me know, I will ca'l for it anu deliver it. 1 will try to treat you right and give you satisfaction. C. C. SHEELY. Prop. For sale bv H. II. 15atkm ak Co. Bromus Inermus. This is the grass for this country, stands drough. don't freeze out. good pasturing, good hay. For sale by Attention Farmers! Everybody knows that it pays to buy acclimated horses. Will sell my entire stock, on easy terms, prepara tory to leaving farm. ^T Cooperstown Laundry. Goini Dovn Hill. People suffering from Kid ney Diseases feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vital ity. They should los-e no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Ciua rati teed Preparation. W. C. llMKSON. For CataiM'listl DOSICHOSN You will find Bunsen's Cn am Catarr hal ju-t tin* remedy you iced. Avoid dl'vintf iiihalcuts: use that which clean ses and heals the membrane. Hunseii's Cream Catarrhal is sin-h a remedy. Cures catrrrh easily and pleasantls: contains no mercury or other injurious bug. It is quickly absorbed, (lives instant relief. It opens ami cleanse the nasal passages Regular si/.e fifty cents. Sample free: also pamphlet tel ling all about catarrh. Ailliv*s VV. Beggs. Sons Co Chicago, 111. For salt! bv H. II. Hatctuan ,v- Co. J. W. Fi F.I CO. Hannaford. N. D. Ilav« you Ln GripptV.* Try Bunsen's Pine Tar Cough Honey. It never fails to give quick relief. Don't says "It's nothing but a hard cold." It is la grippe. It's rag ing again. The otiiy positive cure for it is Bunsen's Pine Tar Cough Honev also a specific for coughs, colds, whooping cough ami all throat and lung affection. For sale by H. H. 4 ^GO BATKHAN te Tl»«' Koxr Salve World For sale by H. H. Co. I ii lie Is Banner Salve. It is made from a prescription by a world wide known skin specialist and is positively the most healing salve for Files, Bums. Scalds. Ulcers. Running Sores and all skin diseases. BATEMAN Co. ©ome in and ©arefully £o oVer Our ^tyle^. Noiii' Botter. None Over Stringer's Harness Shop. ^^Thx-STRAI 0 BETWEEN^GREAT I-V&A RR ST. FINEST MODERN TRAINS OI INI IN 5 OARS -LA-CARTE flfconev to Xoart on ITarm lanbs IN I«*OI-. Wo Can Plenw Yon "We Can Fit You arid AAZould Like to Sell Vou. IKHork Guaranteed BOOTHBY JERMSS. "T^e ©ooper^toWn Tailors- Bssi Line is CHicago aim si. Louis. "The Limited," the finest train in the world, leaves Min neapolis 7:Ll p. in.. St Paul .'l:tl" p. in., every day. Elec tric lighted, steam heated, ha.-compartments ami stat.dard sleeper*, inc 1 ining chair ear*. coai-ln s, and dining car on thee:-. !e plan. "The Scenic l\N press" leaves Minneapolis 7:iii a. in.. St. Paul a. m.. except Snndav A-k your h. .e ai-eiit for tickets via th's line, or addri ss P. S. EUST1S, GEO. P. LYMAN. a A A I a A I A O I A I N N RAW FUR HOUSE is the largest house of its km.l in the country. We pay spot Oa»h tor all klndm ofSklnm and Fun, Our assorting is considered the most liberal and our remit tances tlie most prompt. We remit by draft, money order or cash on the same day the shipment arrives. WeYhnrjre no commission on furs, and pay express or freight charges when same do not exceed 10 per cent of tlie value of ship ment. We keen you posted at all times on the prices of all kinds of furs. Write to-day for Price List and Quotations. As to our responsibility we refer by permission to— METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK. Chicago. CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, Chicago. DESERET NATIONAL BANK, Salt Lake City. Utah. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, Rock Island. III. IOWA NATIONAL BANK, Ottumwa. Iowa. nONTGOMERV WARD & CO.,Wholesale l)r (iitods. Chicii(0. NELSON MORRIS & CO.. Heel and Pork Packers. Chicago. ROSENBAITI BROS. & CO., Union Stuck Yards. CLAY, ROBINSON & CO., Union Stock Yards. SilBERMAN BROTHERS, 122-124-12S.13B Michigan St., Chicago, III. •ULUTtl, SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC RT NORTHWESTNTME i. .^f. EAST- I OTIAW JJ -0.. at reasonable inti'ivst. Farii! lands boajrlit and sthd. Fire I'.i.suran(•(.. Office in conn of H:inirr]ei- iV Con dy's store buildi:i«r. HANS 0. LIEN, CooDerstown N. JOHN ALBANY eovtoN BUFFALO NEW YO T.H. LARKE.ASST.GENL PASS.AGT I N N