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(Briggs Courier. THURSDAY. OCTOBER IS U00. LOCALS. No. 1 li«r€l House C'oooer. to»] lent, apply to K. C. Do you know that Bei- Bros. & Co., are selling hardware at reduced prices. Fresh oysters served ill all styles at Skeoch's. Dentist Hose left Monday afternoon for LaMoure. Ivljjeley and other points. He will return by November first. Don't fail to out and hear Lieut (iovernor Joseph M. Devine at the courthouse tonight. Mr. Devine is an able speaker and will entertain you. D'. Rose, resident dentist. Coopers town, X. D., can be found in his office from the 1st to the 15th of each month. Office in Svverson's new building, up stairs. LOST—one red and white yearling fetter from our pasture at the slaugh ter house. Finder please notify HAMMKK & ONDY. The past waek has been most de lightful and ijave out farmers a-chance to finish cutting llax a»d do consider able thi-eshing. The yield is not large andthe llax is spotted. •Mr. ami Mrs. Gouldthriet, of Lne, were visitors to Cooperstown Mon 'day. Mr. Gouldthrite is looking re markably well. He is a stranger al most in town, and hisoccasionalvisits are appreciated. Dr. J. A. H. Winsloe. Veterinary Surgeon, graduate of the Ontario Vet erinary College. Office at H. H. Hate man & Co. drug store. All calls promptly attended to. The candidates liave been getting in their work on the festive voter in great shape the past few days and it won't be. the fault of the candidates il' every voter in the county is not called upon in the next few days Dr. T. C. Kna.pp, of Helena, was in the city last Thursday The. doctor says he intends to remain here until al't 'f election as he wants to vote this year. He and his wife will then settle down for the winter in Michigan. Congressman Spalding will speak on the issues of the campaign next. Monday evening at the courthouse. This is our congressman's lirst ap pearance before the public at Coop erstown. Turn out and ghe him a gocd house. Hon. Peter Hendrickson. for l~ years editor of the Scandinavian, will speak in the courthouse next Satur day afternoon at l:'iO, in the English language. Mr. Hendrickson is a speaker of ability and will at least in terest you. Come and hear him. We publish an article this week on our election law and invite com ment on it. If any of our readers can suggest a remedy for the greivatice brought out in the communication, let us hear from them. We are always willing to discuss questions of inter est to the people. \Vr. C. Langdoti came up from Hannaford Saturday. He says that he has finished threshing and has 1100 bushels of llax. His flax crop aver aged bushels per acre, and docked from to 7 pounds. Mr. Langdon is pleased with this part of his crop. YOU ought to know that when nfl'r ing front any ki lney trouble that a safe. sure remedy is Foley's Kidney Cure. Guaranteed or money refunded. For sile by H. H. Ba a & Co Mrs. Ada Wallace L'nruh delivered a lecture in the Congregational church last Friday evening to a large and ap preciative audience, speaking aloti the line of prohibition. Mr. Unruli is a Very good sueaker and is thoroughly interested in her work. She also ad dressed an audience of ladies in the afternoon of the same day. Those who attended the meetings were well repaid for so doing. Get your coal and wood from Black well. For a brief period Sentinel readers must look mainly to the church, the preachers and the bible for special religious teaching, to their agri cultural, papers for things agricultur al. to the schools, school teachers and workers on sciijneo for scientific light, and to other agencies for guidance in temperance and humanitarianism.— Sentinel. We always had an idea that there was very little good in Bro. Abbott's politics, but now, whet) he admits it. th«re must he some truth in it. Can anyone imagine the nature of the Sentinel's political principles when they contain neither science, religion, temperance, humanitarianism or any thing pertaining to the interest of the agricultural classes. It must ba very handy to have a religion that can be taken off like a garment and laid aside for future use and there must be something very rotten in any politics that are outside the pale of religion, scienc or morals. At the One l'rice Store is where you want to go if you want to buy hard ware cheap. Clans Jackson was up from Hanna ford Frvida looking after business matters. We expect to s-e a big re publican vote in Hannaford this year. A popular question the&e day Have you got bugs? What is meant is: Are you pestered with Box Elder bugs'/ Nearly everybody in town has them and they get into the houses. Wood sawed and delivered by Blackwell. Leave your orders with him. Pete Stewart, of Helena, was in tin city las-t Monday, looking up business matters and getting acquainted again with his old friends. Mr. Stewart has no crop this fall and is cutttng his flax for feed. Will Garry, who has been touring the Pacific Coast for several weeks, returned to Cooperstown last Monday, and is mighty glad to get back to North Dakota with all its drawbacks. Bill will resume his duties as head trunk dispatcher at the depot. Hon. Peter Hendrickson, courthouse, Saturday after noon at 1:30. R. W. Kerr. Hannaford's popular blacksmith, accompanied by his wife visited Cooperstown last Thursday. We a. indebted to Mr Kerr for tak ing our bundle of Couriers back with him. This new train service has knocked out our local papers 24 hours. it should be borne in mind that those ladies who wish to vote for county superintendent of schools will have to register just the same as the men folks. The town board will sit as a registration board on Tuesday. Oct. 23 and Tuesday. Oct. I0. Bear this in mind. Mr. and Mrs. .). P. Blocker former ly turned over the Newell House to Mr. 1*. M. .Johnson Monday morning. Mr. Blocker will commence work for Iver Udgard about November loth, and in the meantime he and his wife will visit around and will probably take a trip to Devils Lake. Get your winter's suppiy of wood and coal from Kiaekwell. Kditor Courier: —We understand it is about time we remind our superin tendant of a promise he made to a certain person two years ago He promised that if elected two years ago. he would not run for the office of superintendant again this year. Are the promises vou make to the voters no good Andrew? Or how is it? Let us hear from you. Gov. Devine at the court house tonight. Imagine the spectacle of such men as R. C. Cooper. C. T. Whidden. Maynard Ci-ant. John Syverson. H. 1'. Hammer, O. D. Purinton. .T. N. Brown. Dr. Kerr and hundreds of others whipping their wives into line to vote contrary to their own judg ment or inclination!—Sentinel. Better let politics alone Bro. Abbott and go back to your religious teach ing. I to ail 1 Cor. XIV. Kplt. 22. 2:t. Titus II. •*». I Peter III. 1. StoitN tl»«» Couyh iiixl AVorks oftlie Cohl. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in one tlav. No cure, no pay. Price 21 cents. We publish this week a report of the independent judicial convention, paid for at regular rates. The Courier columns are open to all. webutilistinct ly want it understood that we are sup porting for re-election. Hon. S. L. Glaspell, the present efficient judge. We believe he is entitled to another term at least and we feel sure that Griggs county will give him a majori ty. Lieut. Hildreth was billed to sneak at Valley City, but he failed to show up at the time advertised. Why did he not show up? Because Co. G. lives there and the gallant Major White, the republican nominee for governor. Hildreth can "volley to the right" and "Volley to the left" up in these branch towns, but he knows better than to do too much talking in towns where there is a volunteer company. Hildreth is what au Indian would term "crooked" tongued. Mrs. David Ba-tlett entertained a number of lady friends at her cosy home last Tuesday after noon in honor of her sister. Mrs. Frank M. Sheldon of Boston, who I left for her home Wednesday, after a three week's visit at Coop-rstown. The afternoon was spent in social chat and getting better acquainted with the guest of honor. During t-ile afternoon the ladies were treated to several selections (songs and instru mental) by Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Sheldon, which were very much en joyed. It was the wish of those present that Mrs Sheldon will visit Coopers town again so that they can get more acquainted with her. her company in the past few weeks being very much enjoyed. \V. Ken- went to Farjjo Monday. Five roomed hou?e to rent «.n the LJou levari. Inquire of K. Mar»juj rdt. For rent, live none! hoi se. furn ished or unfurnished, apply to l'hilip Re mer. Jeweler (J. M. Varnson went down to Minneapolis Monday afternoon. He will return Fridav. is: Remember the Kc so-ial Congregational church Friday All are cordially invited. 0 at the night. This signature is on every box of tbo genuine Laxative Bromo*Quinine Tablets ths remedy that cnrvii a cold in one day There will be another 10c social at the Congregational church Friday evening. ct.. ll'th. There will also be progre.-s-ive games, which we wish ail the young people will take an ac tive part. Hon. Peter Hendrickson. courthouse, Saturday after noon at 1:30. Black well sells wood siwed. keeps on hand aU kinds i.f Leave orders uit'i l.iui. All members of the I. O. O. F. are Conklin pledged the convention that urged to be present on next lodge if elected he would expedite ie busi night—Oct. 22d. Business of import- ness of the court ns far -s possible ance. consistent with a fair hearing of the Also coil 1. Attorney tl lwin we it to Wimble don Monday with Hon. David Bart lett. This is the lirst time he has re mained over ni^ht that town silica he umpire-) hall game a few years ago. He reports a line time and the Wimbledon people tne finest, of enter tainers. FOR RKN'l \V. Kerr. 1 a barn. Apply to O. Free ear fare to any one who enters the Commercial Colleev. Mankato. Minn. You should get one ot their cat alogue. People -liouM bear in mind that at the coming election none but full citi- zens of the United State can vote, You must have your second papers if you want to vote Noveuib-r i. Judge Glaspell will hold a special term of court at Cooperstown on Oo'„. 2ti for the purpose of granting papers to those who want them, tf your want your second papers be on hand Oct. 2ti. Dr. City, will make regular visits to Cooperstown hereafter. Watch this paper for dates. Hon. Pet£r Hendrickson courthouse, Saturday after noon at 1:30. Oysters at Skeoch's not tee in any style. The Independent Democratic Judicial Convention AN I l\ a girl for kitchen work a.tifactory judges the di-tri.-t ever at once. Apply to K. MAKQtWKDT. 1 Irgens, dentist of Valley v»n Monday afternoon of last week Mrs. Carl Scott invited 2~i ladies, mutual friends, of the Norwegian Sewing Society. meet Mrs. R. .1. Biorn at a reception, given in her honor before she left for Minnesota.! The afternoon was spent in playing various games, and refreshments were served. Mrs. Biorn was a favorite with the ladies and was presented with a beautiful silver tea set as a token of esteem. The gift was very much ap preciated you may be sure. erved on short Klmer T. Hagerty editor of the 'ouriei years ago believed in fret no protection. I believed writing to the says: "Four silver and if Brva.ii was elected it would bring hard times at first but ultimately result in good to the country. The most convincing reasons I have to dUb-dieve so now that I am generally just, wrong in what I naturally reason out and mo.-t of the smartest men are on tli other sice. Besides we have been havirg good times, and then the democratic party is too changeable and is more of a tear down than a build up party. Bryan has my sympat'iy if hi is hon est and earne-it but compared with Mc Kinley he is as cliff ere: and miuh wrong perhaps as Dau.lass compared with Lincoln. I will bet m: r. ugh rider hat against a Bryan liar, and wear it too. if Bryan is elected, that McKinley and Ro seveL are elected. The St. Paul Globe is a democratic paper and I think a good, honest sensi able paper as a rule, but it never ad vocated Brya.i four years ago. A man is often condemned for changing his politics and especially for voting against his once ideas of policy, but I shall do so until I see my folly. T» Cure si Cold in Ouc Day Take 1, ixativ" Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2~c. Of the "t!i inst. which met at Carring-j ton last week was attended bv dele-' gates from every county except Logan which was entitled to but one delegate. Fewprojiies were in the convention and the convention and the sentiment was strongly in fa\or of nominating a candidate for judge. After looking the field fiver for the best man the convention nominated by acclamation Marion Conklin of James town. He is an old resident of Stuts man county and a man of tine pro fessional qualifications for the posi tion. In accepting the nomination Mr. cases in order to keep down court ex penses and would enforce all the laws of the state without fear or favor. Marion Conkliu is a native of the state of New York. In US*.1', he re moved to Jamestown. N. D.. where he has since lived with the exception of about two yeai s, 18S.~» and ISStj when he was located at Lan.oure. in this state. He was admitted to the bar in '.S71. and engaged in the prac- '.ice of kr.v at Walcott, N. for several years. Mr. Conklin many \ear* lxforecom ing to this stale rep'-esor.ted his town on the county board of supervisors, and was also employed hy the county! as special counsel in several import ant eases. He has been engaged in 1 the active practice of law since 18SH) in this state, during hich im lie has twice been elected stnt-s a«t-rney of I Stuti-man coiiiit\. the fp-st time in is'.io. I when lie ran again.-t his p.•.-••• 11 p ment Mr. Glaspell and defeited him by a handsome majority. His ad ministration as state? attorney was economical and highly sati factory to the residents and tax payer of the county. Hon. David BartLett spoke at Wim-: judge are excellent. ile is regarded 9J bled on last Monday night to a. crowd-! ns a sal.' counsellor, taithful to the ed house and his speech was well re- interests of his client* and during the cetved. I lie imbledon band paraded long practice ol 'aw has inane lew or tl'.e town followed by a. torchlight pro-j "o enemies: is a. man of even tempera cession, over a hundred being in line, ment and a keen .•» .e-e ot right and and the republicans of that wide wrong, not easily warped by preju awake town did things up proper. dice, if clected judge, it. is predicted iliat lie will make one of the most His qualifications for the office (if Mr. Conklin was candidate for at torney general on the fusion ticket in 18!!i and received a lar_e vote in his county. Speaking of the qualification* of the nominee, Attorney S K. KlUworih. of Jamestown, a. republican and a lead ing lawyer of the district nays in an interview to the pre-^: "Mr. Conklin is an attorney whose legal attainments have at all times commanded the highest respect of his I associates. His honor and integrity are ^achable. It -.t i:i!• I:• .: fur you while yen an- a\'aUi'. tint while yoa siren. ,\ eimi iiniii iv.-isl of iie is rem inual less. A continual savinjrof lira! isii $ $ $ $ .•• ft $ if $ $ ff? i£: & $ $ It: $ It: $ $ H? If $ 9 A L. $ & In addition to this he pos- e.-s in an eminent degree that rare an 1 happy combination of faculties which constitutes what is known as judicial temperament in my opinion there is not au attorney in the district v\ho.«e character gives better promise of a comtcuus, able and conscientious discharge of the duties of judge. His many frie .ds in cluding a ho-t of -republicans who do not believe that this ollice on Id be regarded from a partisan vi-w have every confidence in his election. a a N Yon can not '_".'l at'oiinil the fari tlint of your heal 1 I I A W A tin- rliiinney. Vu a're losiirjr over on.-iialf of youi' fuel. Now yell W O 'l I il I I I ot' MlrH a tliilitr as jroins to your fuel liin si ml throwing over half of it :iw ty. hut just the same that is just wiiiit y'oti jo-e lin ing every lay without usiiiirone of our "Patent Stove Pipe Drums." Made in otii-si/e otiiv. for No. 11 nipe: Steel, price $8.00 Kussia. price $3.75 IRGENS' RADIATOR CO., Valley City, N. D. Klent. BERG BROS. & CO. Dealers in Machinery, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Live Stock, and Real Estate. $ & $ $1 !fi It: $ $ jil $ For A ••ATTEND AT- *111K ».» 11 XL. Mbitien's OF Ladies' and Children's Jackes and Cloaks. a a Prior to Election. K. I., i.iI-:. (,'asliier. I I I W S \^'t. i*liier\ fib H. H. BATEMAN & Co. "prescription COOPERSTOWN. Ijft Hardware, xiinrmninJ xiinixi-Lxirixnr rrxx: $ if j* $ .jj :i 1 $ $ .j is I I ice. I'n-v. $25000. Loan money on approved collateral. Sell exchange on Minneapolis and New York. Town, School and County Orders. Ne gotiate Farm Loans. Steamship tickets on XeaMna lines. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent N. D. PETER E. NELSON. COOPERSTOWN N. D. 'Pho-o