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College of Arts College of Law COOPERSTOMI W.HPhipps Cooperfifown mm ¥ou mil however need something in fhctl| of building material, and be it little or we will be ^i°ased to sell it to you. Oooperstown N. D. lft S The University of North Dakota (STATE UNIVERSITY) GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA. Will open tor Its Eighteenth Annual Session TUESDAY. SEPTEMBEB 24th, 11101. ENTltANCE EXAMINATION. TUESDAY. SEPT. 24. The University Is tbe oldest and best equipped educational institution In the state' Tii Library. Museum and Labratories^are unusually complete. The standard of scholarship in all departments equal to that of the oldest Insti tutions in the country. TUITION FItEE. eseept In the College of Law. BOARD—with room, heated, lighted and furnished. Including bath, use of laundry, etc.. 33.25 a week. The total expenses for the year need not exceed I13H. (See NEW F0I?R^T01{Y SCIENCE HALL—A commodious building for the Science. Me chanical and Mining Departments. All buildings heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Four different courses of four years each—leading to the degree of Bache lor of Arts. tieorgeS. Thomas, M. A., Ph. D.. Dean. s,', •*7 *iS* -,V The Normal College A five years' course, two of which are of college grade a broad and deep normalcourse. Graduates rrom first class high schools can complete it in 2 years. Mrs. Alice W. Cooley, recently Supervisor of Primary Work in the Minneapolis schools, critic teacher: Joseph Kennedy. B. S., Dean. or Offers a strong 3 year's course and lias a strong faculty of instructors and lecturers. Graduates admitted to the state bar without examination. G,uy C, H. Corliss. Dean. For further lnformotlon and catalog, address &•' "if WEBSTER MERRfPIELD, y'M arm produce fa taken in exchange IV.-V": for goods. Low i. good goods. prices, ,,,{':i,.»v,- College of Mechanical Engineering .Excellent advantages. Do not' go away toother states remain at home where every facility Is offered, A prac-, tical course. Calvin H. Couch, M. E. Director. College of Mining Engin eering (School of Mines) A good course in mining engineering Send for catalog. Earle J. llabcock. B. S.. Dean. School of Commerce Newly established. 3 year's course, offers excellent facilities for prepara tion for all lines of busldess. Gradu ates of first-class high schools can com plete the course in one year. Preparatory Department For the benefit of those not enjoying high school advantages. Coursej may be completed in 8 years. fe Fresident University, N. D. :eOOPERSKIWN ROLLER MILLS Keep Flour and LFeed of all kinds FOR SALE. Pay the highest market.price for WHEAT. OATS aud BAREY imw Floor lot ieoi Ml for 15® per W. Ct JIMESON, Dealer In' Genera! i• 1 Merchandise, Fruits, Bus. Claim Holders Will Have 4o Live OimTheir United States Special Land Agent Lounsberry spent a part of last week at McHenry and visited several claims in that vicinity. It seems that he had been asked by someone to make an official visit here and in vestigate the state of things in his special line of work for the govern ment, and see if there weren't a few irregularities committed by filers and holders of government land. The Tribune is informed that he found a great many claims that are being held under conditions that do not conform to the law, which render the claims contestable. The special agent says an occasional visit to a claim, whether it be once in six months or oitener does not consti tute residence within the meaning of the law, and he takes eyery oppor tunity to warn those who are relying on that kind of residence that they would lose in case of contest for failure to establish residence no mat ter how extensive or valuable iheir improvement!) it -is well known that there are quite a number of claims in the vicinity ot Mc Henry that Mr- Lounsberry says is not suf ficient to establish a good title to the land, and in some instances proofs have been made which, if contested would be declared n. g. When one actually resides upon their home stead, says the agent, a temporary absence on account or employment will not interrupt. continuous resi dence. Cultivation is also required. To break and grow to weeds, grass etc., is regarded pretty good evidence of bad faith. Where one has made filing previous co June io, looo, lie does not lose his homestead right in case his claim is contested, but those who have filed since that date would lose both claim and right.—Tiibune. Read! To those who wish to know about one of the blackest disgraces which ever befell this government, send for "The Ramshorn" of March 30th, 1901, and read page 5. If ever there was a reason for the na tion tc cry out, it will be found in Jessie A. Ackerman's report regard ing the foul social cancer in Hawaii under the protection of the Unitea States government, sanctioned by the chief executive of our republic. READER. ESntertatnlnar Squirrels. Alive In his native woods the squirrel Is an amusing little fellow, and he will entertain you by the hour If you will let him. You probably become first aware of his presence by his dropping thiiygs on your head. Then he plays hide and seek with you as he zigzags up a tree. While he pauses for thought, or pos sibly to wash his face, another squirrel comes scudding along the branches of a neighboring tree, and away they go, one chasing the other, jumping from branch tip to branch tip, racing up and down the trunk and making the bark fly. Sometimes one loses his footing and falls headlong 20 or 30 feet to the ground, landing tliqre with a force that makes him bounce. You think every grain of sense must be knocked out of the small body, but be only blinks a bit, and. after a moment spent perhaps in letting the stars set that must have suddenly risen before his eyes, lie streaks it up the nearest tree after the other fellow. Long after they have disappeared from sight you hear them chattering together up among the leaves like two watchmen's rattles.— Philadelphia Record. '.,1 It Came In Handy. Poet—I left a poem here the other day. Do you think you can use It? Editor—1 have already. It came In so handy. 1 simply had to. Poet (gasping joyfully)—Ah! Editor—While I was writing my last editorial I ran out of copy paper your poem, being written 011 one side of the paper only, just helped me out Catholic Standard and Times. A Triumph of Photography. Of course it was a Missourian, one of the "you've-got-to-sbow-me" type, who remarked to a companion as they examined with awestruck interest a picture in which there was seen the faces oY ail the presidents of the Unit ed States. "Say. Bill, how in thunder did the photograph man ever get them men all together at oncet?"—Kansas City Journal. -V f? .3 -vv I rV tm might tnii aaked si tfor a kaa «f lO cants -to food. He took them to a praal—d to provide as mauthqr had flntahed eat* log. When thqr reported for work, 1M said: "Boys, my cellar's foil of water, and I want you to {ramp It oat. l'r« Qxed these hand putupa right here on !be sidewalk. Never inluil the people. When they come along, aud ask ques tions, just you say nothing. l#it pump till the water's out of the cellar. Keep cool* Don't hurry, hut pump, and I will, pay you well." Now, a tributary to the Xepiturhan river ran through this man's store cel lar and out under tiie*ldewalk. aud the pumps reached down iutv the river. The water puuiped out by the liohoes ran Into the sewer and back into the Nepperhan, hut as the sidewalk was tightly -flagged the pumpers didn't know the size of tlielr job. The street became jammed with spec tators. who roared with merriment as they watched tlie hoboes. All but the men at the pumps knew what was up. When the sun went down. It descended on the wrath of two Weary Willies, armed with coupling pins. They hunt ed all night for. their kiud employer, but he was in New York telling his friends. Chocolate. '"-*v In South America the retail price for the better grades of chocolate averages about $1 a pound, while in Italy, France. England and in the United States the better grades sell at a much lower price. In America the ordinary chocolate of trade sells for aiiout one third of the price tliat is charged for it where it is produced. The cause of this, the producers say. In that the original product Is adulterated greatly before reaching its final market, a cheaper article than the cocoa beau constituting the large proportion of 90 per cent of the chocolates of commerce. The cocoa bean from which chocolate is manufactured is produced in its fin est form in Venezuela, tliouxh various other parts of Central and South Amer ica grow and export large quantities. Two crops of Bnarland'fe Old Common Field System. A "common field" is quit* distinct from a "common." It is a field be Ipnging to nuinerous owners. The land (Consists of long narrow strips, perhaps not more than ten yards wide and run ning parallel with one another. What are the exact rules of cultivation that obtain in Kent today we do not know, but of old it was usual to have a regu lar rotation, such as wheat one year, barley or oats the second and fallow the third. When the crops were bar vested, each member of the community getting his or her share, all could put In their cattle, which roamed over the whole field, feeding on the stubble, etc. And this was termed the "right of sack." The "common field" system was gradually done away with by statutes in the reigns of George III and Wil liam IV.—London Express. Tine to Go to Work. A woman was once trying to Induce General Sherman to use his influence for her son in order that be might be given a place in the army, for which, however, he bad shown no particular fitness. "His father was in the army." said the urgent mother, "and so were bis grandfather and his great-grand father, and it seems as If he ought to follow the line." "Hm! Three generations In the army." said the general. "Don't you think, madam, that it is about time for one member of the family to work for a living?" We Are Shorter at Ktecht. It is an undoubted fact that the hu man body is shorter at night than in jthe morning, and that is due to the weight of the- body compressing the intervertebral cartilages. During sleep or while in a recumbent position, the pressure being removed, their naeural elasticity enables them to resume their normal size consequently the height of an lndtli£ual will vary from tbree eightba to half an inch between morn ing siul night. Holed and Corneifed. Wife—1 mended the bole In your trousers pocket last night after you had gone to bed, John, dear. Now, am 1 not a thoughtful wifeV Husband (dubiously)—Well—er-y-e-s, 2ou are thoughtful enough, my dear, but how th& mischief did you discover that there was a hole in my pocket?— Exchange. Wr t( J-^e J^ "i 1#' ilu einntn 1 (Si the bean are gathered each year, and the manufacture con sists simply in grinding up tiie lieans into a meal and then adding sugar and arrowroot, with the necessary flavor, usually vanilla or cinnamon. The mass is moistened until it is in a semifluid state, after which it is run into molds of the proper shape. Cave Dweller? In Dieppe. People who only know the gayer side of Dieppe would be surprised to hear of the existence of the cave dwellers there. One is apt to connect such peo •ple with the knawed bones and flint implements of prehistoric times. Rut here they are at Dieppe within a stone's throw of the casino, and they may he seen any day about the town selling the shellfish from the rocks outside their habitations. They have certain marked characteristics, one being a pe culiar complexion of their own that can be traced largely to a disinclina tion on the part of the cave dweller to avail-himself of the water that washes so close to his door. Their language also is peculiar, but whether it really belongs to the stone age no one seems to have discovered. They have to bold a license from the municipality, though, which savors of no age but the present —London Chronicle. -%k-5' ,r*'i m*rv •i (!*&&, JOHN SYVERSON. *•, President.: CD,bright JCKNMQRRIS Prop If you want a clean shave -r. and a first-class hair cut, give me a call. Bath Room Accurate, Reliable Service anil Prompt RETURNS, me your bill of ladinf with instructions as to selling and I will make you a biberal advance on your grain. Can give you satisfaction and save you cost of draft and telegraplung. jfcrt fv ISlSt A. HJORT & CO., —Dealers In ©eneral ercl^Qndi^e, Farm Machinery, Etc. Farm produce bought In Exchange for goods. C. J. LUCKEN. Vice-President. Transacts a general banking business, Buys town and school orders and good notes. Sells foreign exchange and tickets to and from Europev Loans money on real estate and other security. Deposits protected by fire proof vaults, steel chest with time lock and other safeguards. Your business solicited. 7 We can sell you good goods as low as can be bought any where in.the county. But when you are ready to your fall and winter supply of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, JMKETS, (10AKS, Come in and see us we will show you a line so connection. A. GARBORG.O Cashier. and new that you certainly will say we're up-to-date. lours truly,. iftT:, 3'KSK. THOMPSON BROS. Dr. C. L. Brimi, NORSK LiCGE. Formerly House Physciari/1 Norwegian Hospiial, Chicago, 111. SURGEON, N. P. R. R. O N E N 1 Cooperstown, N. I. Jt va V\ rr -T" Bf!^ HI A •-Jv Mi W&. & ,v- r4„ JtV W" -M)