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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
& AH *•{l 1 fen-J' W-" FT* v**,. 'V V* a* 4 A XA •'•te LOCAL. "No. 1 hard The Slate Bank has money to Moan on improved farms. Buy some of ywnr (Christmas presents at the fair act the Con gregational church Wednesday rthellth. :T,rvr A limited (jaaHi1«tyrff 'bran and shorts for safe art. ©ooperstown Roller Mills. ,4 Speaking afowct weddiugs, -who'll be the next? There are a few fossilatediJfi'bachelors still .left in town. 5000 bushels of «oate and barley wanted in exchange tfor trade. BBBBIBROS. & Co. :.J Mrs. B. B. Brown *and Harold .' went to Fargo Monday and from ''there will go tsojNew Rockford g^to Visit B. B. GIRL 7~\' WAINIFFIJD—at Hot el. for laundry ^work. Palce It would see*n as 'if this Mc Kinley prospeinty had started a boom in the matrimonial line. The number of young people getting spliced MB it caution. Dr. Bergstrorai was called up to Binford last Sunday to sew up young Fritz Smith. «on of Fred Smith who had been kicked on the head by a ihorse. He re ceived a bad gash over the eye and down onecheek. :"•.! The Cornier neoeived a pleas ', ant vist mm Editor-Williams, of McHenry, last Saturday. Drop •in again, Bro. "Williams. Married—onjNov.57, 1901, by Rev. H. Ruringj John Christin of Hope, and Miss Annie Atohi man, of Gallatin. We are n»t ac quainted with tifae bridegroom but the bride is the daui|Hter of .'Postmaster and Mrs. ^tchisoji, of Gallatin. The Courier joins vwith numerous friends in ex .- tending congratulations. May their path through IliJefoe smooth and pleasant. It is cheaper too jget your wheat ground at the (Coopers town mill than to boy .your flour. All flour guaranteed. JA new time carvd wienatiinto ef ffect oi- the branch Monday. 'The train from the «®uth now (arrives at 11:50 and departs go ingsouth at 4:40. Maiils clos«-' filing north at 11:20 atrafl going south at 4:10. The mtuuigemeni expect to double the road with oaae train and use extras for the extra work. If they make con nections at Sanborn the new card will be an improvement over the old one. Passengers go ing .east can connect at 8r0§jp. Wanted—a girl for g«nera» housework. Will pay $3J&0 a week Ao one who is competent. Apptf to Mrs. Maynard Crane Married—Nov. 30th, 1901, by Re?. V. H. Ruring, Mr. *01ai JohnsoK and Miss Bessie John son, bath of Cooperstown. Hie contracting parties are well known to our readers. Hie groMn is a popular young farmer living four miles west of town, and Is in every *^y a model gentleman. The bride was one of j0ur school teachers and has aA&rge circle of friends. The Courier hearti ly joins with all their friends in wishing them a long and happy life The happy pair will leave for Norway in a few days where they will spend the honeymoon visiting old.friends and scenes. May they enjoy a pleasant trip and a safe return to Griggs county next spring. 500 bushels of potatoes wanted at once. O. W. KERR. Mr. E. W. Blackwell, who for more than sixteen years has been the efficient manager of the Gull River Lumber Company's busi ness at Oooperstown, has decid ed to remove to Morris, Minn., where he will enter into the same line of business but under more lucrative conditions. It is with keen regret that the Courier has to make-this item. For the past fifteen years the Courier editor has done business with Mr. Blackwell and a squarer man never set foot in this or any other town. His family have also been prominent in society and church matters and the whole family will be much missed from this com* munity. Mr. Blackwell expects to leave here the 1st of January for his new field of labor and he will be followed with the best wishes of a unanimous com* 4munity. CinUladlar CCtallagher is IMI&! on thftkrandh. VHnrt NatlAialK«tli| for RED estate 4*»ADS acoeptubla loane' paid G. «D. ID. Phigps UBest is all right—ifor sale byall imerchants. If mtcall at the imill. Bvery sack gauran teed. W fr 1 "X 1 & i- .. Dr. Sose,'re»ideni dentbt, Onqpen towa, H.ID.,«»n be found in from now on until further uoiice. Offioeiin^yTWFson's new bui a turnup* HtNira .. Y«iuwilhTegret it if you ifail to go t»)itlle 'C3wigregational ohurchi on the IXlth and eat one off Mr. Jack®rowii's oyster stewns. Several*oases of smallpoxinuve been jxeported to the b»»ai?tl of heaith around Hannaford and the cases have tbeeu placed .under quarantine. F01R -SALE—a quantity of BiMion Dollar Grass. Can raise two cropsoevery year. Inquire of W. H. Sansburn Cooperstown N. D. Mr. and .Mrs. A Watne .and son, Martin Lunde, Swea iBflle stafi and-SvenLoge left Monday for a winter's visit to their old Norway home. The Courier wisihes tUem bon voyage and a pleasant visit. They wiliiKeturn in fche.-spaiii^. For plans and specifications for «llikinds of buildings «oresti mates on lumber bills ca£l on M. M. Lie. Binford. N. D. Married—in tha town of Rosendahl, Griggs Co., N. D. on Nov€anber_28,1901, by Reu'/Oscar D. JPurinton, Miss)/ Emma Schaefer to Mr. .John/A?. Rem oter, iboth of the town of Rosen dahl. Ha-airiksgiving day was its'beau tiful and warm as a spring day. Our citizens ^generally spent he time at home visiting with frienfis and getting away with as much tnrlfey and the usual trim mingw itlhutuhey possibly eouild. Bring your wheat to the Co op erstov/m mill, and get your year's I supply ®f flour. We exchange or grind for 15 cents per bnshei.] Misses Liillian and RuthBlaek well gave a Thanksgiving party to seventeen Of their little girl friends last Wednesday evening. The occasion was a very pleasant one indeed for the little folks, all of whom enjoyed themselves im mensely. A 'lunch was served, which was ate® another interest ing feature to :aill concerned. Fleece lined underwear a Bar gain at A. Hjort.jfe Co., Jessie, N. The ball lastTbursday evening was attended by about seventy couples and was a great success in every particular. The band pened up proceedings with a few selections. The orchestra was first class also the supper and Mr. Marquardt has reason to feel proud of his opening. The festivities were kept hum ming, until 4 a. m. Friday morn ing. First-class organs for sale. S. ALMKLOV. "Ingomar," one of the greatest plays of modern times, will be played by Mr. Sanfoftl Lodge and his company at Marquardt's new Opera House as the grand theatrical opening Dec. 13. Mr. Dodge has made a special effort to make this the greatest pro duction he has ever attempted. Special scenery is carried and used for every act, also elaborate settings and new and gorgeous eostumes. The supporting com pany this season will be stronger than ever. "The Musketeers" will be played by Mr. Dodge, Dec. 14th. DR. L.S. PLATOU, of Valley City graduate of Cbristiania University, Norway, will be in Cooperstown Dec. 27th and 28th or the purpose of practising his profession. Regular visits last Friday and Saturday of each month. The ladies of the Congrega tional church will hold their annual fair Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Dec. 11th in the church. There will be embroided linens, Battenberg work, art calendars, fresh cut flowers, fancy bags of every discription—plain and fancy aprons, handkerchiefs from many different states in the union, and a host of other pretty" things all within the reach of everyone's pocket book. One of Mr. Brown's good oyster sup pers will be served from 6 p. m., liU'i! =g= "We sot our first sanw Decern-1 her 2d. :-4f Eyes examined tmd glasses fitted when needed by Varnson, Miss Lillian Haskell com menced a six months term of school at Happy Hollow Monday. Miss Francis Palmetier com menced teaching school in the Ruggles academy the first of the week. I Plenty of money Sor loans on grain, or land or other g*od 'se curity at ,"f'-iw T'' VJ State Bank of Cneperstown. Our store keepers are getting, in some very fine holiday goods and a healthy trade in this line anticipated. Victor Nelsoti made a flying trip up to Lee last Thursday. By-the-way, wonder what Tic is doing up there «o toften these days. Lieut-Gov. BartHett left on Monday's train for a trip to Grand Porks 6o attend a meeting of the board of regents of "the university, of which he is the president." The merchants haTe all agreed to close early during the winter commencing after 'Christmas. This is the riirht thins to do and the clerks heartily appreciate the concessions grant«d by heir .em ployers. Tha two step is not in it at, Mr Henry. From grapevine tele grams received here the hut let step is the popular thing up there. Why don't the decern people up there gel into the game and put a stop to it and disorder The Courier has sent out bill i'for its Hannaford subscribers to W. S. Hyde who is authorized collect and receipt for same. We hope our friends at Hannaford will make it a point to drop in and leave their money with Mr. Hyde—we need it in our busi ness. Messrs. Stone, Rearick, Ade Thompson, Fred Rose, H. Bateman and Doc Winsloe went upto the Thompson farm nortl of town about twelve miles on Thanksgiving day on a rabbit hunt. They brought home sixty of them so that game was plenty for a few days. The committee having in charge the duty of raising money for erecting a national memorial in honor of the late President MclOtaley, has appointed all the postmasters in the country to re ceive contributions to that fund. Postmaster Trubshaw has been authorized to receive money for this purpose and if anyone de sires to contribute they can leave same at the postoffice where the same will be properly credited and forwarded to the proper authorities. On account of the advertising received at Buffalo during the exposition, about our need for a number of marriageable girls to walk off with our bachelors, Lieut-Gov. Bartlett recently re ceived a letter from Scotland from a bonny Scotch lassie who is willing to come out here and make life pleasant for some live young man—Scotchman pre ferred, but will aocept a young man of other nationality if she can't find a Scotchman. Here is the chance of a life time for somebody. I tell you it pays to advertise. Great interest is being mani fested in the coming of Mr. San ford Dodge, in his magnificent revival of "Ingomar." He is supported by a company of un usual excellence. Special scen ery and elegant new costumes make this a grand production which should be appreciated by everyone. This will be the grand theatrical opening of Marquardt's new Opera House, and one of the big events of the season. The engagement willi be for two nights, Dec. 13th and 14th: "The Three Musketeers" w»!l bep*.n»fnl the second, nivru ..• Rehire frames for sale at the photograph gallery. EL W. Blackwell spent several day of last week at Minneapolis attending to business matters. Aaetio* Sale of furniture at the Dakota House Saturday, Dec. 14th. mt.r a North Dakota has been outdo' ing herself along fine weather] fines this Sail. Eastern .people should come out here and enjoy it with ms. I. M. Adams, the Rushford wagoniman, was in the city last 'Saturday, selling what he really •beiiieves to be the best wagon made. Call at the State Bank of Coop tretown and get one of those Home Saving Banks, for your self or for your little boy or girl. A deposit of $2.00 entitles you to a bank. A new sidewalk from Retzlaff's corner to Marquardt's opera house is a needed improvement now. It is good weather for building sidewalk why not have it done? A. Moffat & Sons put O. W. Kerr's safe upstairs Friday in good shape without any mishap. Itwas pulled up through the win dow and weighs 3800 pounds. Lost—Tuesday evening. Nov. 26, 1 large telescope grip, con tainingbaby clothes, etc. Lost between Cooperstown and Alf E. Thomas' farm. Finder please Leave at Courier office. Miss Flora E Clark and Mr. Edward G: Allison were united in marriage Thursday at liitrh noon by Rev. E. W. Day of the First Presbyterian church. The ceremony took place at the iiorrie of the bride's parents. Mr. aud Mrs Geo. E. Clark, at the corner of Tenith avenue and Seventh street north. The beautiful ring ceremony was used and only the relatives of the contracting parties were present. The groom i« a popular mail clerk, having a rouite on the Northern Pacific between Jamestown and Miles City- The happy bride and groom will visit for a short time at New Rockford with rela tives of the grtoom after which they will make their home in Jamestown. The bride who is a most estimable young lady is well known about the city and has the best wishes of her many friends for all possible happi ness.—Call. We have YOU NEVER BUY ffL NLYLIi LLL U/F klFVFH CFII MMMMMtWMMn Food Changed Though imitated by many are equaled by none.. patronage you have to me in the past, I remain, to That Good, honest, up-to-date foods is what takes and more, draws trade. II Dry Goods, Notions, Jackets, Skirts, Etc. what's right. We have no hesitation in Recommendpf. Their high reputation for dura hility, Economy of fuel, Convenience and artistic fiuish. Stamps them as the world's best. Ibold Exclusively by .,, f/ t.H (futility. ilaving decided upon making a change it will bo necessary for me to have the business here tt.ll settled up before leaving. It you are owing me or the Gu 1 1 River Lumber Co. anything in the way of either an account or note you will be doing me a personal favor by coming "in AY ONCE. As I leave Cooperstown by Jan. 1st, you can see the' necessity of an immediate settlement. Thanking you for a a a a give to my successor the same Your friend and well wisher,, .. Poison. Pnlivfylog fund in the 1'iiestinee produces otFcctrt tike thoHo of arsenic, but Dr Kind's New Life Pills expel the poison* from clogged bowels, gently, easily but ourely, curing con Mtipation, billi^iii^neriB, sick huadache, (eveift, all liver kidney and bowel troubles. Only 25c at Batema^i'a. We have improved farms for sale. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. at any price an article you can't use. so cheap that we can't afford to do THOMPSON BROS. i"-:" ,\*r tfX, Bnton 5EnQet\ Pillli .1 -J si valuable E. W. BLACKWELL. I Dr. C. L. Brimi, I ii NORSK LiEOE. .Formerly Houe Physcian, 1 Norwegian Hospital, II Chica^p, III. SURGEON, N. P. R. R. 'PHONE No. 1... 5 Cooperm ow 1 $ ,1 •V 9% Of* ••si IMMKM