Newspaper Page Text
Notice Qf lkaring Petition to EstaMfeti Heirship. »B*mO»O^PAKOTA,' ton. court ion. Will H. Carle-' of the estate of Beige Olson, In the 1 deceased. Tout H, Olson, petitioner, Henry Olson and Ole H. Olson, respondents. Kotlceof Hearing Petition to Establish lielr- Noftce 1s hereby given. That Tom H. Olson has filed In the county court of said county of Griggs a duly verified petition Maying for a decree establishing the right of succession to the estate of Helge Olson, deceased, and that Monday the 8d of June. 1908 at itoclock a. m. of said day. being a day of a regular term of this court, to-wlt: of t»ie sixth term, A. 1. ions, at the county court room In the village ot» Cooperstown. county of Grlges. North Dakota, has been set by order of this as the time and place for bearing said petition. At which said time and place an ami all persons Interested may appear .ana 'show cause why the prayer of sain petition should "ot be •granted. Dated at Cooperstown. N. I.. this .atli day of April, 190S, By the Court: WILL 11. CA11LETON. 1 ...Judge of the Count Court. Notice and Citation, Hearing ol Final Account and Distribution. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, IV County of Griggs. f. In county court before Hon. Will H. Carleto'n In the matter of the estate of James G. White, deceased. David llatlett. petitioner. vs. „Z I Nettle M. Carmlchael. ?. Alice L. Pratt, Respondents. The state of North Dakota to the above namudRespondents: You. the said Nettie M.-Carmlchael. Alice L. Pr.itt and all persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified that the final ac- 1 count of the Executor of .lames G. White. late of the town of Helena In the county of Gripers and state of North P-ikota. deceased, has been rendered to this court, therein show ing that the estate of wild deeias'-fl is ready) for final settlement and distriii.M n. and1 petitioning that his account he ed, the residue of said estate-be distrilml- 1 to the persons thereunto entitled. his :i .ninistra- I tion closed and In lie discharged: that Mon day. the HO day of .1 an A. D. 10 o'clock in the forenoon »f tliat day. at ti— i-ourt room of this Court l- '^e. in the viI ti .i of Coop erstown county u£ orifrprs. and s^ate of North Dakota, has been duly apy i.ited by this court for the settlement tlun of. at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing. to said account and petition and contest the same. And you. the above named respondents, and each of you. are hereby cited and re quired then and there to lie and appear fore tliiscourt and show couse. if any you have, why said account shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and said Executor discharged. Dated the a 1st day of April A. D. lly the Court Norwegian Hospital, Chicago, 111. Surgeon N raomm wo. /. DR. J. W. WELLS, 'FMOJVC 3 and 7 to'8 p. m. /, &' NOTICE K®[llVM^^otlceUhcireby 1 at Vun N.D.. May X. IWl-Notlce Ishcreby given Vat the tonjHrlBMiMned petttorbas lied notice of hi* Intention to make final five yean proof tnsupport of btsdatm. and that said proof wHl be madebefore Oscar D. Purlnton, clerk district court at his oflee Cooperstown. Griggs Co., S. D„ on June 21st. 19U2. vis: ARNT .1. HKLLAND. H. K. No. 81135 for the neJK of Sec. In Twp. 147. not Kg. OOw. He names the following witnesses to prove I at pi his continuous resldeiice upon, and cultlva-1 J»W. tlon ot said land, vis: Erlck A- Nord strom. Ole Bakken. Anders O. EHclcson. Tliorvald H, Dalil of Cooperstown, Griggs, Co I) C. C. SCHUYLER, Register. John O. Ole. Agent. The best way to reach 0tycacio &S0&. is via trains. Scenic Imj- Will H. Carleton. Judge of the county court. DR. C. L. BRilKi, I Norsk Lsege. Formally House Pysician, or Loui? Burlington Route Leaving on the Express in the at arrive 5 morning, you Chicago 9:35 p. m. iag in the evening you have the finest Electric lighted train in the world reaching Chicago 9:20 next morning. Leav- ASK YOUR HOMEAGT. TO MAKE YOUR TICK ET Professional Cards. READ BY THIS LINE. AUOEN tJND OHBKN KRANEITEN EYE, EAR NOSE "i Physician end Surfteon. jl twomce over Morris* Barber Shop, I HO. 01 OFFICE HOURS: Call .in and see us, fHi| GULL, RIVER LUMBER COOPERSTOWN. XT ^4, Tf '•.y 7'rTr: ank Threat HOURS9TO 12AND9TO5 .... 2d Floor, Edwards Bldg. -1 M. PA noo, T0NS0RIAL PARLOR. j: MHNHOftRIS,Pra» If you want a w.) 1 10 to 12 a. m. -S-to 4 clean shave and Ia Connection, CO Notice of Public Land Sale. 1 W OGON OCH OHOS SJUKDOMER I Dr. Beaudoux, 1 SPECIALIST 1 )HC.—Notice of Public Laad Kale. (Uolat Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from tho oonxnlsMloner of the general land oflicc. under antlKirlty vested In lilm by section #455. V. & Revised mutates, as mended by the Act ot congress approi Veliruary Mtn. 1MB. we will proceed to ot lubllc sale on the iUth day of June. A. D., .next. atthlsoMceatlOa. ni., the follow ing tract of land, to-wlt: nwii of noli of Hec. *«. Twp. 148 11. Rg.t9 w, containing 40 Any and all persons claiming adversely the 11 bore described lands are advised to file their claims In tblsdWceon or before the day above deslgnut« for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will lie fore felted. C. C. SCHUYLER, 5-15 Register. Notice of Public Land Sale. U, 8. Land Oiflci\ Fnrgo. N. IX. May RtlvlWE. Notice of Public Lund Sale, (Isolated Tracts). Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of I Instructions from the commissioner of the general laud office. under authority vested in him ay Sec 4 5. U. 8. Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of Congress approved February Uitl:. lefts, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the l!)tli day of June A. D.. 1902. next, at this office at 10 it. m.. the follow ing tract of lard. to-wlt Lot of Sec. 36. l'w p. 14711. E«. 110 w. containing 40.82 acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their cixinis in tlis office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of I said sale- otherwise their rights for felted. SGHuyjjER Register. Notice of Public Land Sale, U. S. Land Office. argo. N. P.. May 5th. 15K2 Notice of Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tracts.) hereby given that In pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the general land office, under authority vested 111 him by Sec. 245S, 1J. S. lCi vised Statutes. I as amended'by the Act of Congress approved February, sifitfi, 1MB, we will proceed to ofler at public sale on the 19th day cf June' A. D,. l!His next, at this office at 10 a. m.. the-follow in tract of laud, to-wlt: swM of sei' of Sec. 8. Twp. 148 n. Iig. 00 w. containing 40 acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the 1 above described lands are advised to file tlieir claims lii this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement Of said sale, otherwise their rights will be for feited. -rvifi c. C. SCHUYLER, Register, Notice of Public Land Sale. U. S. Land Office. Fargo. N, D., May, 6tb. 3902. Notice of7 Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tracts.) Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the general land office, under authority invested in liim by Sec. 8455. U. S. lie vised Statutes, as amended by the Act of Congress approved February sOtli, 18H5, wewill proceed to offer at public saleon the I9tli day of Jnne A. IX. lOOS. next, at this office at 10 a. m.. the follow ing tract of land, to-wit: Lot* of Sec. SS. Twp, 147 n. Kg. 69 containing 40.14 acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are advised to file their claims In this office on or lieforethe day aliove designated for the commencement S I of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. & SCHUYLER, Register. Citation. 1 STATE OF NOKTH DAKOTA, j. Will H. Carle- County of Griggs, rt. before Hon. In county coun ton, County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Ferral C. Dlninny, deceas#d. Ferral C. bbiinn^rtttloncr.. The state of North Dakota to all pei Interested In' the estate of Ferral C. Din I O. 'W'E S a first-class hair cut, give me a call. BATHROOM T8OII8 ninny You. and each of you., are hereby noti fied that' the above named petitioner has Hied in this court a copy of the last will and testa ment of the said terra) C. Dlninny. deceased late of Elmira. New York, and with probate thereof in the county of Chemung, state of New York, duly authenticated with bis peti tion, praying for the admission to probate of said document as the last will of said de ceased, and tor the Issuance to the petitioner of ancillary letters testimentary thereon. an that said petltiou and proof of said purported will, will be heard and duly -.considered by this court on July 7th. 1002, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court mom of this court. In the county court house In Coop erstown, county of Griggs, state of North Da* kota and you. and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear before the said court at said time and place, and answer petition, and show cause. If any there be, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be grant ^DatedMayO, 1908.. WILL H. CARLETON, County Judge. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA I County of Griggs In County Court, before Hon. will H. Carle ton. Judge. In the matter of the estate of William A. Baker, deceased. Matilda Baker, Petitioner. VB Alice Baker and Phyllis Baker, Respondent. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The state of North Dakota «to the above nam ed respondent and all persons interested in "the estate of William A. Baker, deceased. You, and each of yon. are hereby notified that Matilda Baker, the petitioner heieln. has filed In this court her petition, praying that letters of administration upon the estate of William A, Baker late of the town of Broadview, in the county of Griggs and state of North Dakota, deceased, be-granted to Matilda Baker and that the said petition will be heard and duly considered ny this court on Monday, the Ml day of June A.D. 1902. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the coun ty court house in the village of Cooperstown, county pf Griggs, and state of North Dakota, and you. and each of you are hereby cited to. be and appear before this court at said time and place, and answer said petition, and show cause. If any there be. why the prayer ot said petition should not be granted. Bythecourt: WILL H. CARLETON, Judge of the County Court. A. M. Baldwin. Attorney for Petitioner, Jsst Dated the Fifth day of May A. D. 1902. tsf Alias Contest Notice. CONTEST NOTICE—Department of the In terior. U, S. Land Office FargO. N. D.. Apr. 15th. 1902. A sufficient affidavit having been filed in this office by Halvor Rorgerson. con testant against Homestead Entry No 88670, made June 20th, 1899, f&r lots l, 2,3 and 4. Sec tion 2, Township 147, Range 61 by Samuel C. Funk, Contestee. In wblcn it is alleged that he bas abandoned said land, has not been up on same for more than one and one half years last past, has no Improvements on said land, has had no building thereon for ten months last past, and the abscence of said Samuel C. Funk from said .land Is not and -has not been due td his employment in tho U. S. army or navy in time of war. and saUl parties arehereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation, at ten o'clock a. m.. on May 19th. 1908, be fore Oscar D, Purlnton, clerk of the district court of Griggs county, N.D., at his office in Cooperstown in said Griggs ceunty and that final bearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m.. on Maytttn. 1902. before the register and re ceiver at the United States land office In Fargo, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper af fidavit. filed Feb. 19.190&setforthfactswhich show that after due diligence, personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice be I given by due and proper publication, in the &r^6^cToc«cSfuyaniuNE&.^. A. M. Baldwin. Atty. for Contestant. -'•it,' *Vv •r 0. JACOB BERG _i STAFF Will be in Cooperstown at Palace Hotel, Monday to Tuesday, Returnjlng Every 30 Days—Con suit Him While Opportunity is at Hand This eminent phyaician ti«t, who is and tlte aeien- great dlaooverer of the South America herbs and roots (that will cure ali diseases, will give 11,000 for anv disease which he is not fam iliar with, and which lie cannot locate in five minutes, i'rs. Berg & Staff are noted for bein»r for bein# the great est surgeons of the day, and their operations performed in the leading hospitals of the couutry, are well known to the medical prolession-, who have giveu them the name of the lead ing men in their line. His remedies, which were discovered after many years of research in South America, are derived from roots and herbs, aud have .astonished the world with their wonderful cures. J)rs. Berg & Staff will cure curva ture of the spine, diseases of the brain "paralysis. epilepsy, heart irc.uble. swelling of the limbs, strict ure, open sores, pain in the joints, granular enlargements, deafness, ipging in the ears, loss of eyesight, cross eyes, etc., neuralgia, sciatica, diabetes, Bright'* disease kidney? liver, bladder, prostatic and female diseases, dizziness, nervousness, in digestion, obe*ity, interrupted untri tion, all wasted diseases in adults, and ail diseases of the ey, ear, nose and throat, lutig diseases, consump tion bronchitis, bronchial catarrah, constitutional catarrh, dyspepsia, sick headp.clie, stomach and bowel troubles, rheumatism also weak men, young me who have bad habits, and nervous and weak women who_ have desires that are unatural all skin and blood diseases, weak back and burn ing urine, urinating too much. Drs. G. lierg & Staff will cure any of the above diseases with his wonderful remedies from South America. His secret is closely guarded and no other physieiau knows the secret. Consultation free, If you cannot come, write the doctor new. DU. BERG & CO 1 so*** 212-215 Northwestern Bldg.'f Minneapolis, Minn I N Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of-1 ace. Fargo, N. D., Apr. 24. ISO? A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by, Tlieodor Olson contcst ant/agalnst homestead entryNo. tB4?7 made April 17. lSW^for nw«, Sec, K. Twp. 1«. Kg. 61, by John P. Williams, contestee. in wlilcli it is alleged that said John P. Williams lias wholly abandoned said tract: that he lias never established his residence on said land since muking said entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said par ty as required by law that there are no im povements of any kind on said land tliat entryman's absence therefrom is not caused by his employment in the army or navy of the United States, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and ofTer evldenc touching said allegation, at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday. June 14th. 1908, before Oscar D. Purlnton. clerk of the district court at Cooperstown, Griggs Co., N. D.. (and tliat final bearing will beheld at 10 o'clock a. m., on Saturday. June 21st. 1903. before) the Register ana Receiver at the U. S. Land Of fice in Fargo, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, filled April 24. 1902. set forth facts which show that after due diligence, person al service of this notice cannot be made, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication in Grggs Courier at Cooperstown.8NfiD.YLER &-1S Register. Citation Hearing Petition lor Appointment of Administrator STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Griggs. .: In county court, before Hon. Will H. Carle ton, Judge. In the matter ot the estate of John Newlands deceased. James Simpson. Jr., Petitioner. vs. James Newlands, Forbes Newlands and Mary Newlands, Respondents. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The state of North Dakota to the above named respondent and all persons Inter ested in the estate of John Newlands. de rrainl 1 You, and each of you, are hereby notified that James Simpson Jr. the petitioner herein has Sled in this court his petition, praying that letters of administration upoii the estate I of John Newlands. late of the town of tenoia I in the county of Griggs and state «f North] Dakota, deceased, be granted to James Simp-1 son. Jr., and that the said petition- will be I beard and duly considered by this court on I Monday, the Ttli day of July A. D. im at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day at the I court rooms of this court in the county court I house In the village of Cooperstown, county of Griggs and staM of«$orth Dakota, and you. and each of you, arehereby cited to be and appear before this court at said time and I place, and answer said petition, and show I cause, if any there be. why the prayer of I said petition should not be granted. By the Court: &• WILL H. CARLETON, Judge of the County Court. Dated the 12th da^of May •. D. II Citation and Notice Hearing Proof of Will. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Griggs. County Co Carleton, Judge.. In the matter of the estate of John Hughes, William J.*E. Hughes, Petitioner. vg, All persons interested in the Estate of John Hughes, deceased. Citation bearing proof of will. The state of North Dakota, to the above name respondents and allpersons interest ed in the estate of John Hughes, deceased. You'and each of you are hereby notified that William E Hughes, the petitioner herein has filed In this court a document in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament I of John Hughes, late of the town of Clear-1 field In the county of Griggs and state of North Dakota, deceased with his petrlon. praying for the admission to probate of said document as the last will and testament of I said deceased, and for the Issuance to Wil liam J. E. Hujdies ot letters testimentHry testimentary thereon, and. that the suld petition and the proofs of said puroorted will and testament will be hearth and duly, considered by this court on Monday, the third day of June A. D. HW2, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day at tho court rooms of this court. In the county court house, In the villoge of Cooperstown, -county of Gri and state of North Dakota, and You and each of you are hereby cited to be «nd appear before this court at said time and place and answer said petition andsbow cause, If any there be, why the prayer of said SUJ WWW a^, vwmwj Ube^nc price 4nade by ASK FOR •c, j* .. r--# I petition should not be g^te^ W.J. Patmb, Agent. WILL H. CAIUjETON, r, Jul rApril, Dated the 7th day PZ -l. 9 iof the County Court. A. D. 190L a '-a JOHN BYVEB80N. President. C. J. LUCKEN. Vice-President. A. GARBORG, Cashier. •v v- Kid Gloves at department Store, We have demonstrated the fact that' we are selling best KID GLOVES .known to the trade. A glove that is GUARANTEED. A fancy price don't make a good glove. A fine elastic smooth skin glove, well made tUdLE ana VIOLA We have made a great hit on our popular line at $1,25 MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. 4 ItllllEI'S. IP-THITE STBttx" ||You ve got the money* isiiWe've got the goods, And If Square Dealing and Low Prices Count We We'll Get Your Money. A full line of Dry Goods, Groceries ^.Clothing, and Drugs constantly on a Boots & Shoes, Etc. COOPERSTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. STATE BANK COOPERSTOWN, N. D. V^Transacts a general banking business. Farm loans a specialty. Collections R~al estate for sale. Steamship tickets. Drafts and money orders, good anywhere la this county and in foreign countries. PAUL "NNEAPOLIS OUCUTH *MU POINTS f£A8T & SOUTH Toi BUTTE HELENA SPOKANE SEATTLE TAOOMA PORTLAND A oM.,-om»AN OHINA yk ALASKA KLONDIKE r-m 4 t* ft •& f* I tit-Jr*. ifc -Ml* saeb as Tj %-f: pSZif. BERG BROS. & COj 1 Mvc Hie a GrtaL Zfr 'Tr •*!&§*• s~ & /. SinforcL Nj. tSaH & IMMMMf ^4^ CoeperstowB Branch McHenry Lewis Blnford.. Jessie Lovell Cooperstown .. Shepard. Hannaford.... Dazey Rogers Sanboru .... I Ar 1 45 p. m. De 2:56 p. m. De 3:14 p. m. 3:38 p. m. 3:50 p. m. 4:40 p. m. 4:57 ,p m. 5:25 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 9KK) a. m. $ De S:B0p.a s' Ar l:lSpum Ar U*G6 pu Ar 13:30 p.m Ar 12:10 p. Ar 11:50 a. Ar 11:12 a. Ar 10:48 a. mv Ar I0ii3a.m Ar 9:40 a. Ar 7:30 p. Sanborn EAST BOUND. No.4.Passenger 808 p.Ob No. 12. Passenger .....4:35 a. WEST BOUND. fe- S No. s. Passenger 8:40 a. Obe No. 11, Passenger 6:41 .p. Pirst-Class Tourist Sleeping Gar. if, tr *3 "Ii 7