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y\\\\ &. f- &?L *, &• -f &4 £v. £5 lr ALMKLOV. OUT. JONES. Prosi.lent. 4io pay. J&' s, I DRUGS, MEDICINES, KURIKO, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WALL PAPERS. CfafciAP VER UDGAKB... Cashier. UiSi OAPITAIf$25000, Loan money on approved colla'tr a!. Sell essha^s-s ?n Mti'nsapolis and New York. Buy Town, School and County Older v.. Ne gotiate Farm Loans. Steamship Sicftets on Xcafcino lines Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent ...... The Courtesy of fclie Runic Extended to all. THE BEST EVER! JULY 3,4 St 5. RACE MEETING CELEBRATION. $ STOCK SHOW 3 THE BEST HORSE RACES IN NORTH DAKOTA. $1000 for -Shorthorn PRBPJUiS ALONE. pt^ES Street iHOW Where? *y Gooperstown. A Full Hand. Seed Barley, Flax, Oats, Corn, Etc. AERMOTOR WIND WILLS, AND PUMPS, DE LAVAL ORE AM SEPARATOR. Which we sell with the guarantee that if they are not the best in the market then *8^ ant) Dealer in —fiirnUuve &nft THntertaftere 5oo£6. jj 4 4 1 2 4 1 MAR! G. H. CONDY Vic. Prcs wnwl Coon Quartette, Indi an Band, Fancy Rifle Shootin«: by women. Jugglers, Acrobats, Hindo jtlybtifier.*, Etc. UM 01 HMD. fed .V I V. Of Course. It ever (ha lot of those who advo cate any kind of reform to incur (he ill will of thoee who make the reform necessary, mod also—to open jOte eold indifference, if not disdain, of those who place themselves on the comfortable plains of nnutral ground. Many haye pitched their tents 011 this wide domain, supposing, doubtless, thnt its peace and quiet will remain undisturbed to the end of time. This is notably so as' regards the temper ance cause. Everywhere the crying need of this great reform is acknowledged, Many drinkers, even deplore the evil6 of in temperance and will vote to abolish it, whereas thousands of the indiffer ent, neutral class, do not Utf a finger much less a slip of paper to aid id iw overthrow. Butatimeis surely coming when the pleasant comfort of the neu tral dwellers must be disturbed. When a sharp conflict is on there is no place for neutral grounds the divid ing line is drawn through its center lrii.ving no ground between on which to stand. The "handwriting on the wall" is clear and unmistakable on this great moral aud economic issue in poli tics _ta.. today. Handwriting as un mistakable as that which appeared on the palace wall at the feast of Bi'.leliazzar, though it appears iu the twentieth century in newspaper head lines. ''Liquor men want Power! ^Meeliug for purpose of Forming Political Or aciz-ttiou, witl be the largest of the hiuil ever held." This appears in a hue daily calling attention to the an nul) ncetneut of a meeting to take place at Pittsburg on June 6th, for the pur pose of forming a political organiza tion composed of the ''allied brandies of the liquor industry." Til general manager ot the Distill ing Company of American says: At the Pittsburg meeting. the national wholesale liquor dealers' association, The National Distiller's Association, The Iijiailer's Association, The Na tional Assbciation of Brewers, aud any number of kindred organizations will be united under a common head. Officers will be elected and an or ganization will be kept intact after the methods of the big political parties.". In short, it is tlie liquor power in the open It not longer seeks cover, but boldly declares its purposes and its power against its op ponents. Heretofore it tias beeu con tent to weiId its power through other political parties. Now it will do so through its own organization. It has long been a concealed, though recog nized iotiueuise in public affairs whereas now, it declares itsfelf a dis tinct and positive factor in politics, and iu terms so plain that it does not require the understanding of a temper ance crank alone to compreheud their true import. Will our nation heed this declaim tioq of war, or is too liitu to heed the warning, and must it now lead to a life aud death struggle between this ^reat beast of prey and the higher powers of civilization. it will be no puny measuring of strength when it comes to that. The adversary is one of giant strength. J'liis powei* with its 2200,000 saloons. Its $1,200,000,000 ui capital in.a its boasted control of 3.000,000 voles. The power that is ever the cruele-ot euemy of the home and all that is highest and best in society and public life. Tne power in whose devastating "industry" Uncle Sam—alas, is an share holder. The power whose god, alone, is money, and who knows its seductive power over men. Verily, this will be a con flict demanding patriots worthy the name. Patriots willing to sacrifice all that life means to save their country from the greed and avarice and ruiu of this satanic internal foe. America draws her sword in defence of moral principles, she has ever shown herself a champion of the right, a defender of the oppressed. Her struggles have been founded upon the eternal principles of Liberty, Unity and Humauity. The question of human elavery which she so effectually settled, atuks into well nigh microscopic pro portions besides the one iuvolved in the supremacy of alcohol. That ene was sectional though national iu its effect. This one is not confined to sections, but is national and world wide, and is the immediate cause of more misery, crime and financial loss than any other agency, not execepting wars, famines aud plagues. The new Liquor Party will duct its aampaign upon the following declara tion of principles: '"We will not al low past affiliations to govern us, we wiltaupport only men who are friend ly to our interests." What tfhall be the answer of America's patriots to this bold challenge? What will the' old political parties do with it? Will they assert their moral supremacy, which they can if they will, or will they bow to the mandates of .this power And coutinue to bid Jor its. patronage and use it. as political capital? Through the ballot box this couutry may declare her freedom this power or she may still perpetuate its de dly peril. Which shall it be? -Voters you shall say. PRESS SUPT. Holds Up a Congressman. '•At the'end of t'..e campaign," writers Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant congressman, "from over work, nervous tension, loss of sleep and constant speaking had nbout utteraly collapsed, it seemed that all the organs in my body were out of order, bat three bottles of Elec tric Bitters made me all right, It's the best all-around medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter." Over worked, run down men and weak, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters. Try them. ~©nty—50c. Guaranteed by. Bateman & Cp. RTVJKIR. 'iy *4 R"r -«g t*i~ Full IMooded ^Shii^ Stallion-Xap. 6421 sire LeRoi, 1548 dam Frolicsome 507. Will make the season of 1902 at the Barnard farm 3 miles east of Coopers town. From Friday evening to Monday morning We will take a limited number of mares to pasture free of charge to be bred to this horse. Terms $12 to insufog'the mare in foal. Mares bred at owners risk. BUTLER & UPTON. What Thin Folks Need. Is a'greate"r power Of digesting and assimilating food. For them Dr, King's tfew Life .Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poisons from the system, enrich the blood, im prove appetite, make healthy flesh, Only 25c at Battman & Co RKKOI'T OF THK CONDITION OF THE r"(vl 1 AT COOPEItbToWN, in the state of North Dakota, at the close of bMniiieiw Apr. .30th, 1B03. •v ItESOTTItCES. I.OHDS and OiKCounte $ 131019 89 Overdrnfte. secured and unseen red 3tl5 U. S. tmndsto secure circulation.. 10000 00 BiiiikinK-hotiee furniture nrid fixtures 7787 Due from national banks (not reserve agent) 18 SO Due from state banks and bankers, trust companies W377 43 Due from approved reserve agent 26121 CO Internal revenue stamps 29 00 Checks and other cash items 940 47 Notes of other national banks kv! 13S5 0-J Fractional paper currency nickels. cents... 39 t9 Lawfifl Money Reserve in Ranlt. vi/.: Specie. S 14058 40 Legal-tender notes 2540 00 KS59S 40 Redemption fund with U. S. treasur er (5 per cent of circulation)...... 500 00 'Total, 239983 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in S 25000 00 Surplus fund 1200 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 5090 94 National bank notes outstanding. 10000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 111987 !)2 Deniiind ci'rtiilGJUvS "f deposit...... 439.2 25 Tiinecdrliilciiler of depoijit 01107 89 Notes and billsrediscounted...... 24204 00 Bills payable, including certifi cates of deposit,for money bor- hV rowed......... ,...v....^ ...... 0k Total 239983 00 Stateof North Dakota, I V. County of lirijnr*, '-y I, Robert Jones. President Rt. of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ROBT JONES. President: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day or May 1902. [Seal .VGECU3.CLARK. Notary Public, Griggs Co., N. I. My commission expires Mar. 25. 1904. ,,, Correct Attest: PETBBE. N EIjSON R. c. COOPER. 11. P. HAMMER. ^Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THE STATE BANK OF ini, At Cooperstown, in the state of Nurtli Dako ta at the close of business Apr. 3.1.1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 844,379 85 Overdrafts secured and unsecured Warrants, stock, tax certificates. claims, etc ........... Furniture and fixtures........ Internal revenue Current expenses, taxes paid, over undivided profits Due from other banks Checks and other cash Items Cash on band and in banks 13 01 201 50 1090 50 10 71 15,044 T» Total ". 960.04* S3 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 110,000 00 Surplus :... 50J-C0 Undivided profits.Jess expenses and taxes paid...... /T. 107 3S Individual deposits, subject tocheck...... 188661 CO Demand certificates of deposit 474 00 Time certificates Of deposit 10882 tttl Cashier's checks outstanding 18 24 50,089 00 Total ....960.646 3 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. County of Griggs. I, A. Garborg, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. [SEAL.] A. ARRORG, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May. 1E02. SEVAL FRI8WOLP. Notary Public. My notary commission expires Feb. 7.1905. Correct, Attest: ,p ','** JOHN SYVKUSON, C.J. LUCK EN, Directors. "v" Notice of Final Proof—Larid Office at Far go. N. D.. -May 9. 1902.—Notice is hereby giv en tiat the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final 5 years proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Oscar D. Purinton, clerk district court at Coopers town. Griggs Co, N. D. on Saturday. June 21. 190?, viz: JOHN K. BAXTER H. E. No. 88371. for the nei4 of Sec. 8, Twp. 14B. of Rg. «1 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cultiva tion ot said land, vi/: David Nicoll. of Cooperstown. N. D.: William Lueht. Fred A.'Mayer.of Blnford. N. D. Clarence Rich ardson, of Mc Henry. N.D. C. C. SCHUYLER, Register. \TD. Glass. Agent. 5-15 Thompson Bros, have just re ceived a large line of summer wash goods. ±pf Jt ... *&« •a W. C.JIMIS0N. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. Low Price and Good Goods. REMEMBER our prices are always right on Builders' VK- gives satisfacfum to every house wife. Mnny 11 Estimates furnished on Hot Air Tf„CURE A DESAIL.'E&R. ETC. Wl -^i|®aintj, Oil^^Uarni'5^ and IBrUjrjej.f OUR PUMPS & WIND HILLS _vr Are the Best on Hie market r'V Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. Ball Bearings. The lightest unnirg in the world. Rapid—saves out* day ii: three. Quick Meal A? 16ft RANGES Furncacs /EAYE TPiOXJJrS•FcoiirgI Repairing of all kinds & ft That annoying Sjiring cGUgh use 3^aterr\an EVERY B0TT1E J*,-?* H. H. BATEH4N GO. C00PERST0WN. McHENRY. QOODDRES8ERS ggJom py the higfaeet prioes tor their doOm' Olie »rt rfdwlng eometly le the artel know mJMMf. The knoirtmi how begina with the cut* y#« dmptofr eeleetkma of woohoa aod tbt taOoriag of vm foeh a house makw t.Friervd's Clothing Jr (Tbeteet Ii easy. There ia sstempof wnertefM^* tof diaraeter to every nrment made by Friend *Broa. It Mpraaonte the aUU of knowing how to make clothea that tit and keep theit- shape.' The ready-to-vear kind that look am though made tor you—fit lik* it—wear like. Find iFriaod'a Clothing label in your apring auit oc jDverooet our guarantee goes with it. THC tLUI&TKATWN 8TAKDABD SACK: T£T .s Mad* ia all atjrlM of atapl* aad tuiey gpdag ead •muMcwaicht vlaaa. 'BUanfMtmed by rdMi Broa. Qtfltaf Co., Milwaakee, Wis# For Sale by Berg Bros. 6 Ce. WORKER TE WMm PI I- I Writes all kinds of insurance I Fire, Hail, Life and Accident I In the best companies and lie I'*knows how to write insurance. -1./'• Call on him before writing else- vhere, IK ohnijs proleeis Ids eestiuei 1 machine "-r this city and t- neatly t!one IRelson's Ibarbwear^tore I- !r*-H js^i at a i, fV -w 'S, ZV^Vt w- jg'if t-v I rh wit