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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Newspaper Page Text
! THF CEL1NA DEMOCRAT THE RESERVOIR CITY THE "i 4 f j -J l J J4 Jl, 1 jl 'A . -ii. ml i rfl -J- T - ' " DEMOCRAT is tha noma papar ef BIGGEST LITTLE TOWN ON ,. A -jVtag , K u , .., a,.,,.,! .1 h. .'..,. , po.t..n.,. ...I .u.. . County. EARTH THE HUB OF THE UNI- t.ubluh.d M.i , UV ' . , ' -1 rne21, Number 31 Carlin Off PuMUber, C.Una, Ohio. November 10, WW mfc mum Proposed Belshazzar's Feast of the Interests and G. 0. P. Bosses Rudely Upset by Wild and Woolly West $ SJjw j&rjr "UAi - , i-i.; - ' 1 NwijpJr ' ' .. " TLIv ..-. .t, ', f M I .rrr, iiJJL SENATOR POMERENE I X Wwi5n riw? Ji s i?-Tfacff fo I. 5. Senate over Mney BagS Hertick LATE RETURNS FROM PROGRESSIVE , COX, POSflEREl Al STATE TICKET STATE GIVE. WILSON SAFE I11W SWEPT INTO OFFICE IN GHOST MAJORITY OVER 2300 a " sr'"" GLORIOUS FASHION Uayton. Nov. S.-Jamea M. Cox. who is rural counts was a biB disappointment I'J1 OCON- LirUr TUP CHI JNT STANDS , , i" race for pernor of Ohio, to State Chalrnu.n HatBeld. aithough the OKJ O VV I tit IsUUlV 131 MUD Oyster Hay, N. Y.. November 7.- &t n00 to. J(.mocnlUc strength in the cities was not Colu,nbu8 0., Nov. 8Scattertng nth Carolina 9 Massachusetts 18 -Fine!" Bully!" were the ejaculation day: .reat surprise. returns on congressional candidate. FOR WILSON bOUtn L-dronu Michigan 15 of Tolonel Theodore Roosevelt to-nleht ..There is nothing personal In my vie- ltepublican leaders "gave up the ehost today indicated a net gain Of two Alnbama ! 2 Tennessee 20 New Jersey 14 u.h(. infoi mc.d that Charles Evans tory. rroBi-eslve government has de- wllu old Miami county wel8hed in on the oongres8men in the Ohio delegation : Sr:.v:.::-:::.-:::-::.-:: riV ;i: II , j&szm j?jlZZLZ r;r: ' STTS1:::::. " cs"sr-5 t , ti, ot F. ,d 6 wasuiugtuu South Dakota 5 "I om doubly thankful as an Ameri- ulements Cun hardly be measured. The Failure of Hamilton county to give the (;iMncl congressman N. E. Mathews, . " ' 14 W.voining 4 can for the election of Mr. Hughes. It (..nmoi but be an inspiration, not ,.epu,)lu.un majority counted upon, and t7773hn S. Snook and the fourteenth Georgia... New Ilampshire vermoni is vindication of our national honor. ollly ao Ule people, but men in public life, Uo , Cox in Lucas, district. Congressman S. H. WlliamB, Idaho , California lz 'Wisconsin of some charges that have u.cause it is demostrated that compromise - UB (,m..ho... toE U Bathrick. The republicans Kansas 10 3 Indiana 15 been made I wish to state now that I witu prlncIple never pays and that in the Franklin, Montgomery and Cujahow to ube gecond district, Con- Kpntllckv 13 l t 5 Oregon 5 will not, under any circumstances. right wm obtain, regardless of pelf UOuntles caused the s-tback to Governor Alfred AUen democrat, f , na 1Q North Dakota Virginia 8 make any recommendations to Mr. ;md crlmlnal selfishness." willis. Tho soveror's rural vote did not en victor Heintz beat Stanley S. L0Ui8,an 8 , West Virginia. Hughes with reference to appoint- expectations. Bowdle. who was runnng in Allen's SSSi: .v::. v..".v - -,on' - r'Sw o.. n0V. m AyaiuMrT. arz Missouri 8 connecticu'0 266 7 TZTZZZ tZZ": and U democrat, with this probable M0ntan,f 8 Delaware 3 hnvo repudiated the man who coined Ues tins afternoon gave ; ; 1 fcy eyen cMer ma. Nichola8 Longwortn. Rep. Nebraska 0 Illinois - 29 IN DOUBT the phrase about this country that it ohio by a margin of about 76,000 over '--P111'"1-1'1 , Second Victor Meintz, Rep. North Carolina ;" ; " ; ; 13 MlnneBOta 12 21? Hughes, re-elected Senator Pomerene ov- JT' dt.llloc,.ats may gain in the con- Third Varren Card. Dem. iahoma.-:. V. .V V.V ! '. ! ! ! 10 Maine New Mexico 3 -istratio, con- or Myron T. Herr,ck by at .east 35,000 ---- lnoe President Wilson Wins. Carries California by 2300, giving him 273 2 Xr I;J.KR electoral votes, or seven more than necessary to win. M.r. JTTITZ TlX H'lKfSekeT This messace was Hashed to this city from the- Chicago Tribune a Republican paper, at - ,,wor n.7nMm Governor wuiis' January 8 are L,eute"" tcis Eleventh,' E." D. Ricketts Rep. '"tr kX1'.i iat &arfS farm iwburned :1 - &,rwte rohtiks SEASON ACCBIHT Irn Jit should not surprise any one. It's in the air. fan... oast of Wabash, Wa totally T of CoIumDus. nUllillld 0L"JU11 Seventn ,w. A. Ashbrook. Dem r V k NovenZr 9 -The elec- 3 and North Dakota with 5. tnrnswa, still in progress, New (lest,(, , ., tire about nine oViock whllts tho republican majorities in both mM hteeng H-rth. R. Jsinto tTdfun- An eleventh hour development ously had -nias. HSS-. rortalnlty with "President Wilson and came to-day from Concord N. H., u , H fal.m. -The are hour3 0r more before It Is known whether Hinton, Mbo.-.y township lost the sec- Twenty-second. H. I. Emenwn. R. "y .lu.e ... c.u. to . . w?, .n., we. j l :,,: ,,, ,o jj. -szas?; irrjrr'.sr z.tjrCX"---. "-r,,1;: srrjsaarsaa em States the pivotal ones being complete, but ony paiuy ve u diftpose of pi.eVously doubtful States ima. Novemr 15 and lfi and .t tajprob- n ut kast one branch As lie attempted to shoot a rabbit the Congressman McCulloch in the four- California with 13 electoral votes and f.clally, Wilson led by 93 votes. Ver- hyplaceg by placing West Virginia's l, The showing of Herrlck and WlllU In Imnvl of the gun exploded. teenth district. Minnesota with 12, New Mexico with location of the New Hampshire re- tcontinuid on Ei8hth ran-) visitors. '