Newspaper Page Text
INA DEMOCRAT Remember The Demo crat's advertisers when in Celina shopping. They will give you xt square deal ONE PAPER In lha HOMK It warth.a dot. In tha byway, and Jutt nminbir THI DEMOCRAT It tht homt pa par f Marcar County. ttebllh4 M I, III). Cam u th-Clta. tiUm. twUnt Hmd iImi mII hiui . Volume 21, Number 44 Carlin & Carlin, Publishers Celina, Ohio, February 9, 1917 THE CEL U.S.SEPE Backs President Wilson inSplit With Germany Only Five, Two Democrat. Vote Against Resolution Approving Firing of Bernstorff mercer countv represented Washington, Feb. 7. President Wilson's eeverance of diplomatic re lations with Germany was approved formally today by tbe senate. Dy a vote of 78 to 6 tbe senate adopted a resolution, submitted by Chairman Stone of tbe foreign rela tions committee, indorsing the with drawal of American Ambassador Ger ard from Berlin and giving to Ger man Ambassador Dernstorff hit pass ports. Senators who voted against the res olution were: Democrats, Klrby of Arkansas and Vardaman of Mlsalaal ppl; Republicans, Gronna, North Da kota; Works, California, and LaFol lette, Wisconsin. With a registration or over 4,000 persons, tbe fifth annual Farmrs' Week program held at the Ohio State University at Columbus last week, broke all records In the United States for attendance at similar gatherings. The statement Is made after careful Investigation. Twenty-five states and Cunada were represented exclusive of the 200 speakers from different parts of the county. Ages of those regis tered ranged from 6 to 90 years, Mercer county sent the following delegation of 6 persons: Marcella Schirack, St. Henry; E. A. Ransbot torn, Coldwater; C. S. Younger, Ce Hw; J. Z. Riley, Celina; Vinton Ilabe, Coldwater. SEVERANCE Of Relations Does Hot Effect Status of Germans I'RIMAVESI RETIHNS TO CELINA In America, and Private Property Is Safe-Wars Hare Followed Breaks Wit k Great Powers. William I'rlmaveHl, of Cleveland, a former resident of this city, has pur chased the insurance business of the Wagner Loan Agency, and will move back to this city Just as soon as he can secure a bouse. Mr.- Prlniavesl will take charge o his new venture bre upon his return the nxt week, from Cleveland, where be Is closing up bis business affairs He will retain offices with the Wpig nor Loan Agency In the I. O. O. F, Temple, WeBt Market street Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Wagner are preparing to move to Lima, where the former has charge of the Wagner YOUNGER r Lone Republican, Again Breaks Into Court-House Judge Bandabangb and Deputy Does, Oat, Credited With Clean and Able Administration. VM. PRATT Jumps from Window and Breaks for Liberty While O fleer Calm 1 Awaits Bis Coming. At midnight last night technically Union..!,. I .!.. ....,. J ,vi. r1"" ,,.w.uu,.uu.u6n .onu... idk Dusiness jumuy iu i.ima bmu iuu relinquished his office to C. S. Young Washington. Feb 3. Breaking off Loan conipanyi ttn incorporation do. does not mean war, but easily may city. lead to war. It Is an act of protest characterized In tbe usage of nations as a measure "short of war." The danger that war may follow Is accentuated by the diplomatic his tory ot the world. Modern times show no Instances of a diplomatic Such I break between two first class powers mat nas not Deen rouowea oy nos till ties. WELCOME To Per Captain -German Tired of Being Interned Here Itcconics American Citizen Caught again, gone again was the record of Marshal Duncan with William Pratt last Tuesday. Pratt was arrested at Depweg's sa- ted States, and of Americans In Cer- terned New Tork, Feb. 6. Captain Jul- The rights of Germans In the Unl-lus Gebauer, commander of the in- er, Republican, elected last Novem her, Judge Kaudabuugh In reality turn over the keys of his office to Janitor Linn laBt evening and they will go into the hands of Judge Younger this morning. Judge Younger Is one of the very few Republicans ever to slip into of flee In the county; and for tbe sec ond time he has worked his way In on second termers, having previous ly, as In this case, defeated his Dera- Hamburg - American liner, ocratlc opponent because of mlsun I- loon by Duncan on an affidavit filed many, are practically unaffected by pcnnsyiVanla will become a full- derstandings that were sown broad - by Edward Warner, of the La Fon- the severance of diplomatic relations. . ' , ' , ,. lr ., . , . cast and enlarged upon to Mr. Young - talne Handle Co.. of Decatur. Ind., No treaties are terminated or sub- fleKded cUlren of the Lnlte1 State9- tr's advantage cnarging mm wun aerrauaing inics nended but remain in fu 11 force and "e maae mis announcement toaay, jnlr unAY.nh h. Five hours of debate preceded the Fetzer out of $80. Pratt asked the effect unless eithre govrnment later following orders from the lmmlgra- good official. His work has been Tote, but the only opposition came marshal If he could not go see his decides to denounc them which, un- lion bureau which prevented men above reproach. He will go back to UYC nciiuLu.o wuu diuuu vui muc bob, who iitcb wun rrmi sis- aer international practice, generally from Interned ships leaving their ves- practicing law In this city. Here's against tne resolution wnen me roii ter, Mrs. Andrews, Derore Deing tan- calls for a notice of one year. sel. Uuecess ta"eu' mr riiMU8 ucmuuwu eu id jaii, jvinu-neanea uanej 1 uerman consuls in the united Hereafter I m an American, said I The work Is not new to Judge leaders poined the Democrats in giv- sented. While at the Andrews home states and American consuls in Ger- the German caDtaln. as he made nre- Youneor Ho'. hn ih hr mg tneir wnoie-neanea support oi mu asKea runner permission to many holding their places by virtue parations for filing his first appllca- and knows what to exnect. the president. BRIGHTER Herman J. Dues, deputy clerk un der Judge Raudabaugh, left Wednes day noon for Columbus and other points on a short visit. He has nothing definite In view and for the present will spend a vacation at the The Board ordered the Auditor to home of bis parents, near Phllothea. COMMISSIONERS go up stairs and change his shirt. 0f treaties continue to perform their tion for citizenship uuncan again acquiesced. After a I usual functions, but they no longer lapse of time, which the officer reitjwork under supervision of diploma was sufficient to permit his prisoner tic officers, to change duds and he didn t show There Is on change In commercial up, Duncan called him, but received relations, already badly crippled by Laalc ! h fifflrlala-Whaitiiair n0 response. A nurried searcn or the war. Individuals and corpora President's Step Makes for . ?. U0M i majr conllnu weir usual anairs i. .. ..... nor Much commendation must be given pM,( R.thr Than War . . "-"- yrurmeu iu-jr uo not ueai in cuuir- ., , . UU6S for the faithful and effl- - i mrn ni, ..r.t.wif , . J . . j .lii .1 - 1 c.' n t Ani prRnn Tn ia. 1 lukii.i rtr 1 . . m.. .... umu uu meir ouiijaimus are as " ' t--- -" cent serviee he rendered. Ha was 1-ratl nas Deen arrested in mis Cl- blndina- iver Severna hn iK7nn Irsiib of W I ami .!,.. v i. i . . . n . m rati. I I " - " ' I l J a UU tliO JUL. UiCdSaUL IU 111 L wasmngton. tea. i.ine ciouas ty before for a like offense. At pres- The courts still remain open to aH th tunnn nf nv.,, n.l vm nmmm mH ninRtairin in ot war nave nguienea percepuoiy in c u ul. u ei rom i- mem ror rearess, out tney nave 10 ,h . 1 , hond3 t0 the ills work. Success to him also. the last 24 hours. Hhe hope, which "ana penitentiary, naving Deen sent facility for direct intervention oft heir ,.,. TnHll.f.,:, rnmmlBllin It is unofficially stated that Miss began to take form In administration UP.,.T The Board in actintr on the matter W Andrews a celce of Judge I a MIR rrilllP rrSIT IB in Rirfniinn- I AwA r A anvtAnnAf rw in I nt m n 9 M I ' I ,i circles on Monday, Want's iAm r nnilnn u.ulo f,, .vuu 1U ..U5 r.ui uu tsiijr iuu. uf ior me interests or tne respective .. fa b connected wlth the10"" the past latlons with Germany would, in the m jaii. governments. ,. H)tffh' ,.v 1R.,r,Pn nn is well oualifled . 1 . , A I I . .... I -v" " " - "I cuu, umno lur (ictct mginu ui wai, ITlVftte ITODertT Safe thnf K.lnrh fllo hA ovfonHprt 200 foe I tavaann am amja ami laVaml a I I v - - - - - nas grown r III lllllir ni Th n 1 i 1 I mm IIPI IIUSIII 1 " - - uc.uilll, u uuu, mute uw llicw- III II I L.nnfl.,H.n f nrlmit. r.rnr.orv olth. in th. ,oHc, f tha VonVoo rn dent'S address to Congress On Satur- 1 " S1W B.IS B TlnitPil fitafo. nr rrmanv Llnh th nHnpr and rnmrnls- j . i . 1 . ,L. n.u.j I" J I " 0 u. lCuuCuuy lu luc wu u although It may be taken for use un- sloners received, rejected same and ?"lCD ""u uu?erve. ii'uitriK.u., Fanacra' iBsinato Opeas Monday der certain circumstances. ordered the work re-advertised for Farmers Want Good Roads That WABASH for Two Day's Meeting Fine Program Arranged. than before the spirit as well as tbe letter of her former pledges. Friendliness is Shown Germany has relased American Drisoners taken off the Yarrowdale. Following is the program of the She has permitted he American seam- Fort Recovery Farmers' Institute, to er Westwego to proceed uninjured, be held Monday and Tuesday, Feb. after she had been baulted by a sub marine and her nationality and des tination determined. Foreign Secretary Zimmerman has issued a statement dwelling in friend liest terms upon te desire of both Germany and the United States to re main at peace and evpresAng appre ciation of President Wilson's express- 12 and 13, 1917 at the Morvlllus oprea huse. Ft. Recovery: MONDAY. FEB. 12. 1517 Morning Session 9 o'clock Invocation Rer. Carl Plummer. "Live Stock and a Permanent Agri culture" C. P. Funk, Wooster, O, Round Table Topics. Mrs. Luella Barr McKee. Bellefon The ninety-five or more German sale at public outcry at the Commis- merchant ships tied up in American sloners office on March 2, at 10 a.m. ports since the beginning of the war The following bills were rejected may be used by the United States, by the Board on Friday: but the German owners ultimately n. A. Myers, refunder on Dec. must be recompensed. 1915 taxes . ...S9 01 The ships, scattered in the ports or Albert Lance, tile across Hart- continental united States, forto Kico jng pje 15 00 and the Pacific island possessions in- The following bills were allowed eluding tne rnuupines, comprise iast Friday and are now payable: some of the best known ocean liners wm. Roettger, tile $3 00 and aggregate 628,837 gross tons. chas. Lutz. hauling sewer pipe 5 50 Only in case of warjs there possU Mike Linn. asst. eng 4 00 bility of their being absolutely confis- q. y". Winter, repairs 7 75 eated and even then such action is Board Public Affairs. Iieht...l3 50 Are Good Roads, and a Way to Tax Valuable Paper. deem all her Dledees. following subjects: "The Housewife s Still Plan for War Pride", "The Neglected Busy Wo- Stries passed by the German cen- man", "The 4th R Right Living"-, sor emphasize, in manner intended to "Th New Profession Home Mak- force attention in this country, that ln . Other People's Money , Con- severing of diplomatic relations has test Work and Judging". Afternoon session 1 o'clock "Horticulture on the Farm" C. P. Funk. Declamation Grace Ulmer. Declamation Goldie McClung. Round table topics. Lecture Mrs. Luella Barr McKee, Evening Session 7:30 o'clock Song Salamonla Quartet. Declamation By Gibson twp. pu pil. Song Salamonla Quartet, Address "A Message from a Hay seed" C. P. Funk Song Salamonla Quartet. Declamation- pupil. By F. M. Yaney, Secretary Report of the 8th Annual Farm ers' Institute held at Wabash Thurs day and Friday, February 1 and 2. Despite the inclement, cold weath er the meeting was a success in every detail. I. M. Biddinger, of Eaton, and Frank Hiestand, of Rossburg, to gether with R. G. Clark, president of Junior Corn Boys' Contest, Columbus, gave very able and instructive ad dresses. Other able addresses were given by E. G. Knepper, district superinten dent; J. F. Fetters and Dr. George W. will riuiko their home on a farm be longing to the groom's father, near Yorkshire, Darke County. Those in attendance at tbe wed ding were: Rev. Brobst and family, Mrs. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hrelseh and daughter Lillian, and Henry Selger, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hecht and daughters, Henry Meyer, Christ Meyer, Louie Hecht and wife, John Oerhman, of Yorkshire; William Hecht and wife, of Celina; Carl Hehmeyer and fam ily, Rudolph Weinard and fanily, of Coldwater; Fred Selger and family, Henry Wenker and wife, Henry Ras awehr and family, Fred Rasaweh and family, Henry Morrnan and wife Dan Boley and family and Evertt Smith. GERMANS Will Hold Gerard Until Count Is Safe cn Way Horns Mr. Ralph Heffner, of this city, and Miss Hilda Laut, of New Bremen were united in marriage at St. Paul Lutheran church in that town lai Saturday morning. After the cere mony an elaborate threecourse din ner was served at tbe home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Laut. The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs, George H. Heffner, of this city, an for a number of years past has been associated with his father n the con trading business. It was while s pervising a street paving job at New Bremen a couple of years ago that he met his bride. Saturday afternon Mr. and Mrs Heffner left on a honeymoon trip to Palm Beach, Fla., and other points of interest In the South. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leininger, 715 North Fifteenth street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Norma to Mr. Milton Rasbury, Tuesday, Janu ary 30, at four o'clock, at the home of the bride's brother, C. Earl Lein nger, South W. Street. Rev. J. Dav- Id Arnold, pastor of the First Christ an church read the service with the ring ceremony. The only witnesses were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leininger. Mr. and Mrs H. Clinehens, Miss Ruby Cline hens, Mr. Ray Leininger and Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Leininger. Mr. and Mrs. Rasbury left at once for Oklahoma City where Mr. Ras- bury's parents are now living and where they expect to make their home. Both Mr. Rasbury and his bride are tallented musicians. Fort Smith Ark. Record. The bride will be well remembered by the young people of this city. Her father was formerly connected with the Overall factory in this city. LITTLE O.NE BLItXED developed no peculiar antagonism on the part of the German people toward the United States. Altho pros,pects for peace instead of war appear brighter, there is no letup either in executive or legisla tive branches of the government In preparing for war. DERNSTORFF Bryan and Stone Acting In Con cert to Arert Conflict With Germany. world court of nations, has been the Celina Sawmill Co.. same.... 51 70 leading exponent of the inviolability g. A. Reuter, same 69 83 of nr irate nroDertr. jr. v ph Mails will continue to move under w u AnH rn nam fi2 Kn L,ies 'or "ockrora. the Geneva convention and other ex- The Tioairt ordered the Gardner Tne Friday evening session was istin SDecial conventions. There Hitrh Knid at nnhHi. nutrrv at the given to schools of the community, should be no restriction on the free Commissi oners' office at 11 a. m.. Wch offered an elaborate evening of movement of travelers between the two countres other than the fixed pol icy. Passports to be Few The United States Is to issue no passports to Americans wishing to Williams, 15700; Bit WAV. nnlaaa havA t14 0 D ft pressing business there. Said bonds ggregate $28,200. and to the people of this commun- In fact, as far as individuals are bear 4 per cent Interest coupons a2 " , L , concerned, the status remains practl- payable semi-annually. cally unchanged by a break in diplo February 16. The following road bonds, rejected by tbe Industrial Commission were ordered sold February 26 at 1 p. m. Anderson, $5000; Severns, $3500; Recovery North, entertainment, and they should be highly commended for their efforts. J. F. Fetter, J. H. Wilson and A. W. Larue, then submitted the follow ing resolutions, which were adopted. as read: l. That we hereby express our The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrick, corner Mill and Wayne streets, had his left hand and Is forehead badly burned last Tues day evening, when he fell against a stove in the Hendrick home. C. C. Santa, of Neptune, was In town Monday having bills printed for a public sale of personal property on next Tuesday, the 13th. Mr. Santa and his wife will go to Alberta, Can ada, to make their future home, de parting as soon as they- can arrange their business affiairs. AS SEEX BY WEAK HEART Song Salamonla auartet. Washington, Feb. 7. If war i- iuai, jub, is, i17 morning session v o ciocjc Invocation Rev. Emch. "Corn Methods by Which My matlc relations. Upon the conduct of Americans in Germany and the conduct of Germans and German By Gibson township sympathisers in the United States de pends the attitude of the respective governments regarding them. THE GRIM REAPER manlfesed, and their liberal support either by financial aid or by their good will. 2. That we hereby express our thanks to Frank Heistand and I. M. Biddinger for their interesting and instructive talks, and to all others who in any other way contributed to avoided one Important contribution to the result will be credited to for mer German ambassador. Count von Yleid per Acre Hag 0Oubled"-H. D iernstorn, wno, since nis passports Bowsher Hume, Ohio were nanaea to mm, nas Deen, i am Dlspnmlon and Round Tahle Tonics mformed. co-operating actively with "Selecting and Crlng fr the Dairy iormer oecreiary oi wuuani 'irjow" C. P. Funk Mrs. E. M. Florence, aged 28 vears. died last Saturday evening at .v. . i. , . vaMflrtn ho-I - IU6 DUt'as Ul LUIS liiautuio nvi&, iucic 10,, .v.. i ner nomo on west lokiu sireei, iui- , i ,k tween the United States and Germany lowlng & 1Ingrlng ,IlneSg of tubercu which ceases through diplomatic rup- h0SlB covering a Derio(i of the past ,nctlft- f. h m in m,i, ture. It is the humanitarian task of two veara ,. . ...... ,. -.- ik. , .mh,-.,. in tw ye.ars- , tey have managed the many difficult """"' " - one is survived oy ner uuauauu uu tftska connected with their offices. (CmUiwI fanrth aaca) CHATTANOOGA Bryan and Chairman Stone of the senate committee on foreign relations to Induce the German imperial gov ernment to refrain from Its threaten ed acts of war against the United States. A conference took place last Sun- Afternoon Session 1 o'clock "Soil Improvement" C. P. Funk. Round Table Topies. two young sons. Funeral services were held at Swamp College, Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Cordier in charge. We have been having a pretty cold spell at present. Floyd Vining was the lucky man to Elmer R. Berry, aged 35 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Berry, for- "Hogs as Labor Savers and Money buy tn0 Lutheran ehurch last Satur- mr residents of this county.dled last . 4. Be it resolved. That we strong ly endorse the building of good roads as provided in our new road laws, but that we urge that the money so expended shall be for roads which shall be permanent and equally ser viceable to heavy as well as to light Makers" H. D. Boweher 'Evening Session 7:30 a' clack Song Ft. RecoTery High School 5. Be it resolved, That we re- day between Bryan and Stone. They Qjee club, made use ot a prominent New York Declamation By Gibson twp. pu business man as an intermediary who pu nanaiea tne negotiations wun von Song Ft. Recovery High School jjernsiorn. Glee club, inru mis meaiary tne situation Address "Our Responsibility ss was aiscussea ana van uernstorn t.oeai Cltiiens" H. D. Bowsher. was asked by Bryan if it were not Declamation By Gibson two. pu- d.T i Saturday at tne nome or nis momer, " " I.-. . i ilIV JJ lb 1 ov A uut. no a - Perry Gibbons is putting up ice. Lima. Deceased v. as oorn m i- tfull k the Generai Assembly Perry says he'll have It cool next wn county uecemoer , is si. v tQ 80 change.the 8ystem of Auto L1. summer. J-t;i;ciu j. x , a?v uiun.u Haiel sUll goes up town to feed the " Miss Minnie Poor, or tnis county, mules, but she can't give them corn, anu sne and two sons anu two u.U6u- Fred Heffner Is on the sick list at "rs as wen as nis moiuer, i0 Dla thia writing iters ana a Drotner, survive. I M.. . . . . ,11 Hud Smith nd Fr.d Wlrk had a me remains were orougui iu m.a not. .....kt. .v hii citv last aunaav aiternoou. ruuciai Contlnuad on Eighth Pi) DAN CUPID VICTIMS pu possible for him to use his good offi ces with the imperial governmen to impress on the kaiser and his advis ers the unwisdom of adding the Uni ted States to therl list of enemies. Von Bernstoiff expressed sympathy witn uryan s point or view ana re- Frank Barger, Inea mat ne wouia do giaa to express 3. Jones, his opinion to this effect to the im perial government, but was stopped s DANCE AT COLDWATER hv thn fr trttit Via fa TiA lnncror am- "J Wiv o not lit 1 J YT bassador. but only private citisen.l nm"'TB,"r',u it mo.n. f mmnninata .o. holser hall. Coldwater. on the even cietly or even publicly with the Ger- 'n ,f, st; yal?ntln.e Da F" Bryan replied that he had no doubt services were held by Rer. Har man 1 t Lutheran church th tiaw flB v-mA nfttsn p.mtm tin me xjciuauy jjvaubcuvai vw, . nr.-vi rK.t- 1 SAriff Ft KAMTArT HlaFh nrnnnl I ..... . , . .. . j . I last TiiaoHav mnrn nv I 0 . vuo - rf I iowti rwfi anPATfi in t n a w nn ana ma i e. . vhan u aa iria rjt Hnh, ..1 1 v - 1 1 ai tt y.iiia " ucu juipo u uvu Committee on Resolution-E. K. :7 Z;, Jm " Clerk George Petrie of the Board 't u..aai t r vrm.. m.H. .. . 15kh ifi .ma nnnrlsod last ""'i vo6"""' uuuro. u. . ...... -" " "IV-"-w-1 Cattanooe-a la -olnr to Have tneir " - -1 ,,,tnA , ,t,a i,i Tr,t,i. Pnn,mlt. nn NnmlnatlniK I - " " V I VIVn,ln,. t- at fnv nf On. """ r-h- 9th and 10th: Evl Monday of the death at Covington unueu . Adolph Schlamb. Wm. erybody Jome and haye a good tlme. Ind. of ; hi. sister . husband George mony. Charles Bollenbacher was out pos- r- wu.n - "Z JA sum hunting Monday. - Charley says mor.?,n- Mr" Williams was engaged by g it was too cold. That's Charley the lumber business in this city for you. - A. M. DABBELT Thn trial nf John Snahr. born in arrangements could be made yet to willshire township. Van Wert county Veterinarian of Coldwater, Makes Statement to the Public about thirty years ago. Mrs. Petrie and Mrs. John Orr attended the fun eral, which was held Wednesday af ternoon. spite of the Inclement weather the church was well filled. Mrs Brobst played a beautiful wedding march as they entered the church. Rev.Brobst.the pastor, performed the ceremony. Miss Emma Hecht, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and Hen ry Hehmeyer, brother of tbe bride, Miss Ida Hecht and John Rammel. of MeckeS &Ram Will be at home constantly to take Li hnirrv hna nnrchased the Percy ft best man have a code or even an open message )s ln progres9 at ' Huntington, Ind. care of his business at all times from witters saloon at Greenville and Mr. John Oerthman were the attend- sent by the Sayville wireless, with the gpanr jR charged with killing Irl Lit- now on- A11 calla promptly answer- took possession Feb. 1. Peter Meckes, ing couple. approval of our state department, to Uer a c. & E. station agent at a lit- ea and tne Det of service given. I a master baker, of Detroit, has After the ceremony the invited Berlin, setting out his feelings and tie town near Huntington.. wil1 De strictly on the Job from this bought Rammers Interest in thebak- guests went to the home of Mr. and advice. 1 on. Business will be business with rv The new firm name will be Mrs. Fred Hehmeyer, parents of the The matter was taken up with Don't forget what Big Pete told me in the future and you can rely Meckes Bros Ft Recovery Journal, bride, wherd a bountiful wedding President Wilson and it is understood you in Nov. and Dec. that he is going upon me. I solicit your patronage supper was served. In the evening this was done. Whether a message to sell all of his Bhoes at the old and will give it prompt attention and Ble Pete received a letter from the Luther League of the congrega of this sort from the ex-German am- price as long as there are any left. I will appreciate it. I have cut out the Kelley's Bro stating that he would tion, of which the bride was a prom bassador will have any effect is a mat- will save you from $1.00 to (1.00 use of all intoxicating liauors and let him know ln a few days when he lnent member, spent the evening with tei of purs surmise. I per pair. ' mean business ta a finish, a dr. Iia noinir to sell the book assounts. th newly weds. Mr. and Mrs. Hecht The Celina aviators might treat Wapakoneta to an exhibition flight on a clear day when the temperature is not too severe. Show us a clean pair of heels, as the race horse man would put It. Those aviators, con ducting a school at Celina, are good advertisers. They get it by taking along with them residents of Celina on the voyages in the air high above the earth. And that reminds, the elements of danger in aviation is such that it requires a stout heart for one to give way to a desire to make an ascent. Wapakoneta Daily News. ELABORATE Program Arranged for Granville Institute at St. Henry Next Monday and Tuesday. The following is the program for the Granville township Farmers' In stitute to be held at Bany's Hall, St. Henry, Ohio, on Monday and Tuesday February 12 and 13, 1917: Monday Morning 9 o'clock Systematic Tile Drainage H. D. Bowsher. Discussion. Soil Management in Practical Ag riculture C. R. Wpgner. Discussion. Appointing of Various Committees oy President Wm. Kramer. Monday Afternoon 1 o'clock Considerations that Relate to Live Stock Breeding C. R. Wagner. Discussion. Hogs as Money Makers and Labor Savers H. D. Bowsher. Discussion. Judging Corn, Wheat, Oats, Eggs and Crochet Wrork. Monday Evening 7 o'clock Song High School Pupils. Invocation Rev. S. Kunkler. Our Responsibility as Local Citl xens H. D. Bowsher. A More Thorough Acquaintance C. R. Wagner. Song High School Pupils. Tuesday Morning 9 o'clock The Neglected Busy Woman Mrs. Luella Barr McKee. v Discussion. An Address on Community Wel fare C. O. Gill. Discussion. Live Stock vs. Grain Farming C. R. Wagner. Reading of Reports of Committees. Tuesday Afternoon 1 ojdock The New Profession Mrs. Luella Barr McKee. Discussion. Community Welfare Address C. O. Gill. Discussion. Features ln a Profitable Corn Crop Passports to Americans Also Ring Upon Attitude of America Toward Old Treaty. Berlin, Feb. 8. Tbe German gov ernment will not permit American Ambassador Gerard, officials of the American embassy, American news paper correspondents, or American citizens to leave Germany until it re ceives information that a safe eon duct has been granted German Am bassador von Bernstorff and his staff. Passports to Americans are also contingent upon Berlin ascertaining Washington's attitude toward the old Prussian treaty, permitting citizens of Germany and the United States nine months after a cessation of dip lomatic relations between the two na tions in which to adjust their busi ness. IT'S CATCHING Only Finishing Touches to Mako Indiana Dry Bone Dry la Ore gon and Utah on Wagea. Indianapolis, Feb. 2. The senate today passed the Wright prohibition bill by a vote of 38 to 11. The meas ure has already been passed by the house of representatives, but must go back for ratification of several amendments. That the amendments will be acted on favorably by the house and the bill signed by the gov ernor is said to be certain. The bill provides that the manufac ture or sale of alchollc liquors ln the state will be prohibited after April 2, 1918. One concession which the liquor In terests were able to have Included in the measure is that breweries will be permitted to manufacture drinks con taining not more than one-half of one per cent alcohol. Salem, Ore., Feb. 2. Oregon's bone dry" absolute prohibition bill was passed ln the state senate on Thursday. The measure has already been passed by the house. Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 2. The Young prohibition bill, one of the most drastic dry measures submitted by any state, has passed the senate unanimously. The house has passed it. OPPORTUNITY TO BUY HOUSE If you want to buy a nice house at Sheriff's sale be at the Court House Wednesday, Jan. 14. This house is located one square south of the south Fair Ground gate. The property at present is owned by Leek Newcomb. It is appraised at $900. A big house and lot. For full particulars see Big Pete or John Smith. AKXET BOUND OVER TO COURT John Arnett, of Burkettsville, was arrested by Sheriff Pumphrey last Saturday on a charge of embeisel ment. He was given a preliminary earing and his case set for Wednes day. After a trial before Justice Scranton, Wednesday afternoon, he as bound over to court in the sum of $500. Bond was furnished. (Contlnuad on Eighth Paga) UT CELINA HAS THE POND The following Is a copy of the Wil dermuth bill which passed the House of Representatives, January 30th. To amend section 469 of the Gen eral Code, relating to the state res ervoirs dedicated to the use' of the public for parks and pleasure re sorts. Be It enacted by the General As sembly of the State of Ohio: Section 1. That section 469 of the General Code be amended as fol lows : Section 4469. The bodies of wat er and adjacent state lands in Lick ing, Fairfield and Perry counties, known as the Licking reservoir or Buckeye lake body of water and adja cent state lands in the northwestern part of Logan county, known as the Lewistown reservoir or Indian Lake; the body of water and adjacent land owned by the state, in the county of Mercer, known as the Celina Grand Reservoir; the bodies of water and adjacnt lands owned by the state con sisting of the Summit county lakes and reservoirs of the Ohio canal, known as the Portage-Summit reser voirs, together with the Summit lake and sufficient of the Summit level of the Ohio canal to maintain the pres ent water level of Summit and Nes mith lakes, and the body of water and exterior lands adjacent thereto that are included in the reservoir constructed by the board of public works In Coventry township for the purpose of supplying water for the Ohio canal, known as "North reser voir," all situated in Summit county; likewise the body of water and adja cent land owned by the state in Shel by and Auglaize counties, andknown as the Loramie reservoir, are hereby dedicated and set apart forever for the use of the public, as public parks or pleasure resorts. The bodies of water mentioned in this section shall, in the order in which they are des cribed be named and designated as follows: Buckeye Lake, Indian Lake, Lake St. Marys, The Portage Lakes, and Lake Loramie. Section 2. That said original see ton 469 of the General Cod b and. the same Is hereby repealed. 4 t