Newspaper Page Text
THR CHfJXA DEMOCRAT PACK FIVK III REALTY GILES I'lirniH Cbiulos Putnam ,admr. to Cecil Davis, 19.44 acrt'8, Godfrey Resurva tion, Dublin township, (1429. , John Plumniur et al to Thomas M Young, G ncrt'H, Section 26, Duller township, $800. J. W. II. Arnett to Geo. King, 10 ceres, Sectin 25, Gianvllle township, 11750. James Ii. Laflln to Clyde Laffln, ? 6.56 acres. Section , 34, Liberty township, $8,050. Elza Lain n et al to James B. Laflln, 125 acres, Section 2d and 16, Liberty township, $1, James B. Laflln to Ezra Laffln, 46 acres, Sections 26 and 16, Liberty township, $4600. Guy F. Heap to Clara Koenlg, 128 acres, Section 25, Granville township, $1. Clara E. Koenlg to Anthony Rind ler, 102.53. Section 25. Granville township, $12300. Eliza Shock to Soloman Shock, 99 acres, Section 14, Blackcreek town bhlp, $1. Town l ots . Henry Stachler, excr., to Elizabeth Iloerger, lot 14, Schunck's addition, $1600. Sheriff of Mercer oCunty for A. B. Flealor to George H. Springer, lot 68, Hawkins addition, Cellna, $915. Prank Goggin to Andrew J. Bur kett, lot 1 Wilkin's addition, Cellna, $1700. Charles Middaugh to John Naher, part of outlot 4, Ft. Recovery, $1200. Albert J. Wagner to Carl A. Bur nett, part outlot 4, Ft. Recovery, $900. WILLSHIRE Jesse Sipe lias purchased the meat market conducted by Bollinger & Son. Earl Haws, who recently removed here from Illinois, has purchased W. E. Spitltr's Interest in the Wolfe gar age. Mrs. James M. Roop, who was In Galion, on account cf the sickness ot her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hocter, suf fered a palnfiil injury. Mrs. Roop, while at the railway station in Gal ion, to return to Willshire, fell and broke one arm and dislocated her elbow. She was taken to a hospital and later was removed to the home of her daughter. The band benefit will be given next Friday night, the 16th inst. Among the features will be a song specialty by Fess Beam. Frank Troutner was In Garret, Indiana, to attend the funeral of his uncle, Thomas Troutner. The de ceased was a blacksmith by trade and formerly lived in Wjillshire. The family of Henry McGough held a reunion, In Observance of the M-venty-slxth annlvtrsary of his birth. HOPE Last Sunday broke all previous records for the year, both in attend ance and offering. The attendance was 196. The collection was $9.39. Dan Eichenauer's class had the ban ner collection!' All persons not go ing to Sunday school are urged to come and worship with us. There was no preaching service on Sunday morning on account of the pastor not getting back from the funeral of his sister, in time. Sunday evening the church was crowded. People were standing. At the beginning of the evening service 12 more persons joined the church, making the total of 26 who joined since the revival meeting began. Revival meeting is still going on. The people are very tired physically but the Lord is still working In mighty power upon the unsaved. This is the 6th week of the meeting; during which time at least 40 per sons, mostly men, were converted; people are coming for miles to at tend services. The whole community is nearly won for God. Others are still coming. Rev. Hartman, of Ce lina, is assisting In the services. Come! POWER WASHER WOMAN'S FRIEND. 4 A REAL POWER WASHER Gentleman Friend get the Idea of pur chasing: a Woman's Friend Washer for your wife. Makes wash day a day of pleasure. Saves her hours of time 'and labor. It is the handiest washer out. Special low price to Introduce. Cata logue sent free. MERVIN SMITH, Agt., Cellna, O., R. D. Public Sale The undersigned will otter for sale, at public auction, -at the late residence of Josiah Piper, deceased, two miles east of Neptune, on the County Line pike, and six miles nortneast oi et. Marys, on the 24th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 1917, The personal property of the said Josiah flper, deceased, consisting or tno rollow Ing: TWO HORSES Conslstlne- of 1 hlnr-lr driving horse, weight about 1200 pounds, and 1 sorrel driving horse, weight about 900 pounds. FARM MACHINERY etc. 1 set team fly nets, 1 set double trees, 1 wagon and bed, 1 set hay ladders, 1 Walter A. Wood mower, 1 McCormick binder, 1 manure . fork and pitch fork, 1 scoop shovel, 1 ditch scoop, 1 fence stretcher, 2 double shovel plows, 1 single shovel plow, 1 hand corn planter, 2 horse collars, 2 cross-cut saws, 1 grain cradle, 1 water trough, 1 pair scales. 1 grain drill, 1 walking plow, 1 corn planter, 1 hay loader, 2 sets double work harness, 1 grind stone, 1 iron ket tle, bu. seed corn, 1 bee hive and four supers, 3 hives of bees 1 seed sower. Also 170 bushel oats in bin, about 650 bushel corn In crib, 16 shocks of corn in shock, about 10 tons timothy hay in mow. - Also about 80 chickens. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. T1CRMS Purchases amounting to five dollars or less to be paid in cash; above that sum, notes on 6 months time, with two or more approved sureities, will be taken. SAMUEL PIPER, Extcutor. SCUDDER Mrs. Andrews and daughter, T. G. Urundon and wife spent Sunday with Steve Slubort and family. J. G. Wlul took dinner with Cue Wilson and wife, Friday. Ezra Laflln and wlf spent Sunday afternoon with J. B. Laflln. Lowell Sielioi t spent a few days the first of the week with his grand pa' rmts, Al fe'lebert and wife. Mrs. Elec Kluculd spent Sunday with Clyd. Laflln and family. Clarence Brlcker and family spent Sunday with Civile Jenkins and fain lly. Mrs. John Davis spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Polly Canary. Vera Chapman and wife spent Sun day with Al Houts end family near Falrvle. Ellhue Davlii Is vl.;ltlng at Tamab this week. Clell'i Jenkins was a Cellna caller Wednesday. Chas. Wilson and family spent Sunday with Steve Wilson and fam tiy. Ray Jenkins, who has been Btaytn in Florida smmt Friday night with his brother, Cleve and family. . John Davis and family spent Sun Jfiy with Coe Wilson and wife. John Knox of Dayfon was In our vicinity canvassing this week. C. Kanorr and his force of men bailed hay for Mrs. W. E. Chapman this week. Mrs. Steve Slbert and children spont Wednesday with Mrs. Al Sle- bert at Beaver Creek. Coe Wilson and wife spent Wed nesday with John Davis and family. Samuel Dixon and wife and grand' daughters. Opal and Carol, spent Sunday with Polly Canary and son Lloyd. SOUTHW'ST WABASH Mrs. Burley Felver.and son, Paul visited her parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Larue entertained company Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Smoyer called on Susie Fennlg on Tuesday. Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Hlnes and dau ghter Opal spent Tuesday and Wed nesday with James Painter and fam lly at Tan) ah. The Wabash string band and Hen ry Lehman and wife and son, Bryan, Mrs. P. C. Knox and Beatrice Crouch spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Davo Larue. All report a good time. Mrs. Katie Spriggs called on Mrs Wm. Crouch Monday afternoon. P. C. Knox and Chas. Rhoades spent Thursday and Friday at Van Wert on business. Henry Crouch called on his lady friend at Wabash, Miss , Beatrice Crouch. Mr. and Mis. Shell Snider visited Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Knox on Monday, Mrs. Kay Carr is on the sick list. Mrs. Jess Shook and Mrs. Thurman Betz called on Mr. and Mrs. Fish- baugh Saturday evening. James Spriggs and wife and Mrs, Adams visited relatives at Erastus on Sunday. Dr. Fishbaugh and sons, Sammy ar.d Stanley motored to Cellna, Sat urday. Mrs. Henry Gibbous called on her sister and daughter Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Charley Teeters spent Tues day with Mrs. Dr. Fishbaugh. Mrs. Wm. Spriggs spent Monday with Mrs. Ray Carr. Milda Librlck called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hlnes Sunday. Elzie lLbrick and lady friend had the misfortune to run over a brush pile and upset the buggy. After this be careful Elzle. Mr. Lehman took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehman on Tuesday. Mrs. Jess Shook and mother enter tained company, Friday: Fred Hlnes and wife and Geo. Hlnes and wife of Landfair. Chas Rhoades called onjils sister, Mrs. JeBS Shook and mother. Mrs. Dr. Fishbaugh called on Mrs. James Spriggs, Friday. ELM GROVE Miss Liszle Taylor Is working In Cincinnati. Anna and Fred Meyers and Ralph Taylor called at the home of W. T. Andrews Sunday afternoon. Joe McCee and family visited with Ruly Monroe and family Sunday. Joe Houser buzzed wood, Monday. Luther Biddle and wife returned home Wednesday after a weeks visit at Farmersville. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at' his residence 1 and ',4 mliu east of uossourg, u., on SATURDAY, FEB. 17, 1917 the following personal property to-wit: Two head of horses, five head of cattle, five Duroc brood sows, five tons of good mixed In the mow, farming Implements, etc. Bale at 10:20 o'clock, sharp. FRED WHITACRE. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Mina Kuhn. Deceased. Isabel Kuhn has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mina Kuhn late of Mercer County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 20th day of January A. D 1917. ORVELLB RATJDABAUGH, Probate Judge of Said County. SHERIFF'S SALE Mercer Common Pleas Order of Sale No. 37. Page 27. Docket 1. Barbara Rlesen, Admrx., etc., plaintiff. vs. Samuel Rlesen et al., defendant. BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale in foreclosure to me directed by the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Mercer County, Ohio, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the east door of the Court-house, in Cellna. Marcer Countv. Ohio? on THURSDAY THE 2Znd DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1917, At 1 o'clock. P.M.. on said day. the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Situated in the Township of Liberty, County of Mercer, and State of Ohio, to- wit: t Commencing elrht (81 rods north of the southwest corner of the north half (tt of the northwest Quarter (VI of Section five (6). town five s south, range one (1) east; thence north four (4) rods; thence east ten (10) rodia- thence south rour t rooa; thence wst ten HO' rods to the l iace of beginning. Said real-estate on what is known as the Wlil shlrn end Recovery Pike. Ivioir on the east side of said pike, said buildings being of frame and consisting of dwelling and a store room, known as the Reason resi dence. Chattanooga, Ohio. APprsisea at f4U.uu. Terms Cash. WILLIAM PUMPHRKr, Sheriff. H. W. Schlndler, Deputy. P. M. KeGBey, Attorn?. CHATTANOOGA The fur mors' Institute at Chatta nooga was well attended. It Is re' ported that this year was the best one of the seven. Wm. Carr and wife, M. O. Purdy and wife and daughter, Irene, .and Lola, Heber Martz and wife, Lorana and Treva Kuhn, Lillian Martz and Floyd Purdy and family took dinner with Floyd Vlning and wife, Friday Fred Heffncr Is recovery slowly. Gale Hook and wife took dinner with Chas. Chew and family, Friday Juke Ruuf and wife took dinner with Mrs. Jake Becher and children Tuesday. Chas. Chew and family will move in their new home this week. Geo. Becher was asked to assist In feeding a team of mules. The owner of the mules came in and hitched George up by mistake. We are having zero weather at this writing. One day this week Joe Kuhn said he filled his stove full at night and In the morning the ther mometer hanging on the door frame registered 8 below zero. Wjow! !! Bui al Rumple and wife, James Fig ley and wife attended the institute, Saturday night. Goldy says they always have full noon at their house. Carl Becher went to Ft. Wayne to Bee bis beBt. Chas. Bollenbacher walked over to Chatt. Monday. He says he needed a little exerclBe. Charles Chew has purchased the Trizzle property. LANDFAIR Sunday school and preaching was well attended at this place, Sunday. Ben Davis, wife and daughters spent Sunday with Jacob Davis aud fdinlly at Wabash. Alvlu Kanorr and friend called on Herny Davis Sunday afternoon. Miss Flossie Stoll adn sisters at tended church at Hope Saturday ev ening. Fred Mines wife daughter Opal, spent last Thursday with Geo. Hines and family. Charles Rhoades spent Sunday af ternoon with Will Stoll. Henry Stoll wife and son, Dillon, spent last Friday with N. R. Black and family. Ed Black and family and Noah Black and family were visiting Sun day. Urban Stoll spent Sunday after- noonwlth Gus Weltz. Geo. Hlnes and wife were Wabash callers last Fiiday. Will Stoll spent last Saturday ev ening with Charles Rhoades. Ben Davis was a Celina caller Sat urday. Jacob Davis of Wabash called on Ben Davis and family, Monday. Quite a few of the young people of this place are attending church at Hope at this writing. Geo. Hines was a Celina caller on Tuesday. Will Stoll and Charles Rhoades were Wabash callers Tuesday even ing. Rev. Houser took dinner with Charles Weltz and family Sunday. Geo. Betz of Celina called on Ben Davis Wednesday morning. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale at my residence and A miles Northwest of Anonia, 3 miles south and mile east of Llirhts- vllle, on what is known as the J. W Vv'at erhcpise farm, on THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1917 the following personal property to-wit; 10 head horses, 10 head of cattle, 6 head of good hogs; four full blooded Duroc sows, and two good grade sows. Farming Implements. Sale will commence at 9:30 sharp when terms will be made known. PEARL. RITENOUR. PUBLIC SALE As I have sold my farm and am mov ing to Ansonla, I, together with Air. D. U. frice, will oirer lor sale at my piace, miles north and 3 miles west or Ansonia, and A miles south and 'i mile east of Lightsville on township road, on SATURDAY, FEB. 17, 1917 the following personul property towlt: Three head of horses, two head of Jer sey cattle, farming implements, etc.. Sale to commence at iu o ciock snarp. M. M. SCHMIDT 6. D. L. PRICE. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Josiah Piper, Deceased Samuel Piper has been appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of Josiah Piper late of Mercer County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this Z9th day of January A. u. 1917. ORVELLB RAUPABAUUH, Probate Judge of said County. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of William Hainllne, Deceased. Fanny Baker has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the estate of William Hainllne late of Mercer County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 30th day of January A. D. 1917. ORVELLB HAUUAHAUIiH, Probate Judge of said County. HORSE AT OUR SALE Celina, Ohio, Saturday, 50 Head HORSES, consisting of Draft Horses, General Purpose and good heavy young Mares; also Drivers TO CONSIGNORS If vou have anvthine to sell, brine it here for all classes of Horses. No charges either private or in auction. Note If you We bay all classes of Horses. Horses at retail at all times. Sale Starts at 12 o'clock noon sharp. Terma A credit of 6 months will be given. 6 per cent interest. CELINA HOUSE CO. NOTICE L. M. MURLIN Heal Estate fcr Sa!a or Exchange Union Block, Rooms 10 and 11 CELINA, OHIO nu NU .itti-i:s i i i hici auy Pruning of n rapes ran well be done In February, although It Is Iwtter to do It later than not at nil. The grape bears fruit only on wood of the current year's growth. This means that a large amount of woo Is aildl to the vine each year which is praeticully of no. use. By cutting out this old wood, the vine is less crowded, will bear better bunches of grapes, becomes more vlg oiouh und longer lived. If there is a considerable amount of wood to be romoved it may be ad vlsuble to cut away only a part of It the first year, leuvlng the remainder for next season. All of last year1 canes should be cut buck to from one to three buds, depending how thick the wood is. SI. A meisKiine from Decatur, Ind. to John Vian informed him that his son's wife, died at that place last Thursday. Mrs. Vlitu and daughtei Clara left immediately for Decatur und Mr. Vian followed later. The de caused leaves her husband aud three children to mourn their loss. Fun erul services v.'ere held Moniiay at Decatur. The Infant daughter by adoption of Herman Gebele aud wife died Thurs day and was 'juried the same day. John Langenkamn had the mlsfor tune to break a leg while leading a bef animal. Iu some mbnner he be came entangled in the rope, which threw him resulting in the above mentioned. He is gotilng along very nicely. Born to Joo Uhlenhake and wife. girl, Friday. Our basket ball team defeated the Minster twain lust Friday at Minster. The score wus 25 to 13. Hurry Konier, Cincinnati embalm ng sc'noo', y,HU home here over Sun day. Ikrbort Romer came through with a moving van Sunday from Day ton to u-ec his furniture. He has been employed in Dayton the past three months, and will make his future home theAi. Dr. Brands spent a few days in Pi qua attending the funeral of an un cle and visitiug relatives. Mr. and Vi;i. Ben Kemper spent a few days at Dayton and Russia the past week visiting some of their hildren and other relatives. The farmers' institute was well at tended here Monday and Tuesday. The extreme cold weather of the past week was fatal to our coal pile FOR REM 8 room house all modern conven iences both kinds water in house- electric lights, gas, dry cellar and large garden. Reasonable rent. En quire at 225 S. Walnut street The Celina Democrat and the Cin cinnati Post now $3.00 a year. The 50c raise was made necessary by an advance made to us by the Tost. Public Sale The underslimed will offer for sale, at his residence on the J. P. Stachler farm. i mues soutn or cellna on tne oanK road. and 2 miles north and 2 miles east of Coldwater, beginning at 10 o'clock sharp. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917 the following property to-wlt: 9 HEAD HORSES One bay mare, 6 years old, weighs 1500 lbs; one brown mare, 8 years, weighs 1000, in foal by Scott's bay horse; one black mare 8 years old, weighs 1400, in foal by Scott's bay horse; one black mare, 12 years old, weighs 1600, In foal with Jacob Hoover's bay horse. These are good brood mares and are well bred. One colt coming 3 years old, one black gelding coming 2 years old, one bay gelding coming 2 years old, 2 spring colts, one horse and one mare. CATTLE 9 HEAD 5 milch cows, one spotted Holstein and Guernsey, 8 years old, will be fresh in May giving milk; one large Jersey cow, 8 years old, will be fresh first of March; one Holstein cow, 10 years old, be fresh first of March; 1 Jersey cow, 4 years old, be fresh In May. These are all extra good milk and butter cows. One black and one spotted Holstein hei fers, coming 2 years old; 2 yearling calves one roan ad one Jersey. FARM IMPLEMENTS One Peerless hay loader, one McCormick tedder, one John Deere corn planter, one Richmond Champion disc drill, all good as new; one McCormick mower. 6 ft; one disc harrow, one 60-tooth spike harrow, one clod crusher, one steel hay rake, 2 Shunk walking breaking plows, one Syracuse gang breaking Dlow. one riding cultivator, one Turnbull wagon, one flat bottom hay ludder, with corn bed; one rubber tire carriage. 1 rubber tire buggy, one double set of breechen work harness, one set of new buggy harness. Also one large size De Laval cream separator, out about six months; 3 dozen chickens, one OaK Dale heating stove, some Early Ohio seed po tatoes, grind stone and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $5 and under cash; over $5 a credit of 9 months will be given, purchaser giving a bankable note. 4 per cent off for cash on credit Bums. DANIEL A. FREEMAN Knox, Vlning & Dotey, Auctioneers. Johnny Long, Clerk. Lunch on ground. SALE BARN IN February 17, 1917 in on that dav. There will be buyers unless sold. $2.00 per head if sold, have anything to sell, phone or write HENRY JjSISA Frank FortVamp and John Hart Iiikm were business callers at Wjllll dell lust Suturday. Aloys AIIh i.", of Detroit, Mich, and MIhs Ki.thcr Schlosser, of St. Henry, visited Bernard Albeis and fumily on last Sunday. Mrs. l-;iiubi"'.h Lochtefeld and son August and his wife spent lust Sutur day lit Celina. . Teuvhut" Anthony Heltkamp and Fred Poppelmun, of Osgood were bus iness cullers 1'ere last Saturday, The local Hoard of Educutlon hired Teacher Albeit II. Dorsten uj;aln for another voar for the nice sum of 90 dollars per month. Ferd W'ocste, of Chickasaw looked after bimluess here lust Friday. Jacob Duhlinghaus and sister, Miss Ka.he' were business visitors at Cellna liiht Tuesday. Quito ;i number from here attend ed the funeral of the deceased MrB. Bernard Strieker at Osgood last Tues day. Grandmother Anna Bruening re turned lust , Thursday from a few weeks visit with relatives at Dayton and Cincinnati. John and frank Bergman were business cullers at Osgood last Fri day. A. D. Meiring and wife visited the latter' motlr r at Minster last wtek who was very Hick. Fred tioltemoeller attended Fafm- era' Institute at Coldwater on Wed nesday. Thii Misses Agnes and Jualita Bomholt were Celina visitors last Saturday. THE PROBATE COURT In the matver of the estate of Jo siah Piper, deceased, executor filed nventory and appraisement. A. M. Uiley appointed guardian of Jesse A. Gilbert. Inventory filed. Fannie Baker, executrix of the will of William Hainllne, deceased, re turned inventory and appraisement. John I). Kremtr, executor of the last will cf Frank Kremer, deceased, filed application for order of private sale of real estate for the purpose of paying legacies under the will. Hear had and order of private sale grant ed. Same returned and filed. Sale approved and confirmed and deed or dered to purchaser. Fanuio Baker, executrix of the will of William Halnline, deceased, filed petition for sale of real estate for payment of legacies. Summons ssued. 'For hearing March 12. Joseph Johnston, guardian of Hel en G. Johnston, filed final account. For hearing March 31. C. A. Stubbs appointed guardian of Fletcher and Paul Sealscott, minors. Inventory filed. WANTED Man with auto or horse and bmrirv to sell oils, greases and paints. Compensa tion 4 to $S per day. STETSON OIL COMPANY. Cleveland, Ohio. Public Sale I will offer at public sale at my resi dence, on what is know as the H. O. Mowry farm, 3 miles east of Celina, and 4 mile north of traction stop 70; 7 miles west of St. Marys, 2 miles south and hi mile east of Center church, and 4 miles south-Nvest of Neptune, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1917 beginning at 10 o'clock sharp, the follow ing property to-wlt: 3 HIS AD HORSES SPAN MULES 1 gray horse, 4 years old, weight 1260; one gray horse, 3 years old, weight 1425; one Arabian colt 2 years old, welgth 1025, uroKe single. Also one span of mules. B and 6 years oiu, weu Droae, weignt zouu. uattlis 7 HliAD Five milch cows consisting of 1 Jersey cow 6 years old, ith calf by side 1 red cow. 6 years old. giving milk: one Guernsey cow, 7 years oiu. giving mint; spotted uoistem and Guernsey, 2 years old, giving milk, one yearung heifer, one heifer call 6 months old. 3 HEAD SHOATS weirht about 60 lbs. each. FARMING IMPLEMENTS 1 Johnson binder, 6 foot cut; 1 Buckeye mower. 5 ft, cut; 1 Buckeye mower, 6 foot cut; one uane nay loader, 1 Thomas hay tedder, one Johnson Manure spreader, 1 Gale buredrop corn planter, goon as new; J Hoosier disc drill. 1 Thomas Disc harrow. good as new; 1 spring-tooth harrow, one drug harrow, good as new; 1 clod crusher roller, good as new; 1 Corn King cultiva tor, 2 Oliver steel breaking plows, 1 Gale nuing plow, good as new; 1 14-tooth cul tivator, 1 Single shovel plow, 1 double shovel plow, 1 two horse wagon, 1 wagon box. 1 Hat bottom hay ladder. 1 stone bed. 1 Star scoop board, 1 mud boat, 1 double harpoon hay fork, ropes and pulleys; one junior New idea fanning mm, new one; 1 Little Giant grass seeder, 1 Steward clipping machine, 1 Cron carriage, 1 bug gie pole, 2 sets of double work harness, : set of double driving harness, 1 set of worK nyneta, 1 set or Duggy nynets, i dinner beUs. Also timothy hay in mow, 2 turkey hens and one torn, and many other articles not mentioned. TERMS All sums of $5 ad under cash, over 3 a credit of montns will De glv en, purchaser giving a bankable note. 4 per cent, off for cash on credit sums. LAWRENCE EICHLER. E. E.Bevlngton, Auctioneer. W. L. Trenary, Clerk. Lunch Stand on Ground Public Sale The undersigned will sell at public sale. at her residence, 2 miles north and mile west of St. Anthony: 4 miles south east of New Corydon, or 3 miles west and ft mile south or waDasu, on MONDAY, March 5, 1917 Commencing at 10 o'clock a, to., the fol lowing personal property: 3 houses consisting or one Day mare 12 years old, weight 1400 pounds; one horse coming 6 years old. weight 1400 pounds, and one horse coming 4 years old, weight 1450 pounds. NiMH, hKAU CATTLE consisting of five head of Milch Cows. 2 of which will be fresh In April and 2 In June. These are all good milch cows. Also one year ling steer and three yearling heifers. 12 HEAD HUGS Consisting of 2 brood V 1 II lailVff 111 II, LUU IV UU shoats, weighing 60 pounds each. V an..ra ...111 I-,. .... 4M A : I A in V -1 r akm iMi'LiiM.iiNTSj consisting or l now Birdsall farm wagon, with bed; one truck wagon; one Champion 6-foot bind er, one Deering mower, one Keystone hay loader, good as new; one Osborne hay tedder, one hay rake and hav ladder, one clover buncher, one J. I. Case riding breaking plow, one Brown Manly cultiva tor, one Shunck breaking Plow, one 60- tooth spike-tooth harrow, one Osborne disc, one superior gram ana fertilizer drill, one Avery corn planter, one Clipper fanning mill, one double set work harness good as new, one double set buggy har ness, and other things too numerous to met ion. Also oats In the bin and hay In the mow. TERMS OF SALE All sums of 16.00 and under cash. Over this amount a credit of 9 months will De given, purchas er giving bankable note. Four per oent off for cash on credit sums. MRS. JOHN WAGNER. Knox & Vlning, Auctioneers. Lunch stand on ground. Capital, $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits, $75,000.00 l ? "Sow an Act and Reap a Habit; Sow a Habit and You Reap a Character; Sow a Char' acter and You Reap a Destiny." No weightier truth was ever uttered. It is at true In tlx finan cial realm as in the moral or social. Ivook ulxmt you and spot the men who are doin things worth while mm of fixed habits and charactrr and you will lie able to truce the line of their development back to habits formed in boyhood. No great financier ever evolved from spendthrift boy. llcie is a jxjint no parent can afford to evade. If you desire your child to be a figure in the business world, you cannot start him on the way too young. The best of it all is that the very habits which make for sound business development are the best kind of character builders. We take a special interest in children's and young people's ac counts, aud chrerfully explain bunking points to them. The Commercial Bank Co. CELINA, OHIO The Bank for Savings and Safety Mary I'attcrsou and Cecllo Stoner spent several days with N. II. Griflith and wife of Nt-ptund. Mrs. James Chambers of Ft. Lora mle is visiting her slxter, Mrs. George Hanna this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. M Colson visited with A. C. Long and lamlly, Sunday. Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Hanna spent Thursday with Frank Moler and family. Mrs. Scott, of Celina spent Satur day and Sunday with her grandmoth er, Mrs. Jamet, Colson, at this place. Garnet Ha ana and wife are spend ing a few days with the la'.ters par ents at Now Weston. Mrs. J:oy Grunden la very low at this writing. Mrs. James Chambers of Ft. Lora- mie and -Mrs. Geo. Hanna spent Fri day at St. Matys with Mr. and Mrs. Swife. Mrs. (j. T. At thur Is spending a few days with her mother at Covington. PROBATE NOTICE NOTICE Is ht-reLy irivn that tne fol lowing Executors. Administrators and Guardians nave filed their accounts and vouch ;rs In the I'rohate Court of Mercer County. Ohio, for allowance and settle nient, and that the snuie will be heard on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1917, ana setilua ana continued II no excep tions are lild thorrto: EXECUTORS FOR FINAL SETTLE MENT Henry Ontrop. et al. Executors of the estate of August Ontrop. deceased. Jos. Quinter, Executor of the estate oi Mngrliilemt Mueller, ileeeaseil. ADMINISTRATORS FOR FINAL SET TLEMENT G. H: Brookhart. Administrator of the estate of A. D. Krookhart, deceased. John E. Hamburirer. Administrator of the estate of Sophia Mercer, deceased. Elmira Schwartz. Administratrix of the estate of Harvey Shively, deceased. Ellle E. Fanger. Administratrix of the estate of Henrietta Schunck, deceased. Mike Kugel, Administrator of the es tate of Caroline Kugel, deceased. John D. VanKirk. Administrator of the estate of Lucinda Huffman, deceased. ASSIGNEES FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT August Eohringer. As.Mkcnee of the es tate of Arthur J. Eehiinger. John W. I.oree. Assignee (of the estate of Fdward J. Niekamp. Gl'ARDlANS F"U FINAL SETTLE MENT Andrew Harb. Guardian of Theodore ami Hulda Leininger. Henry GottemoUer, Guardian of Anna Lechleiter. John liomholt, Guardian of Anthony and Henrietta Lechleiter. John B. Albers, Guardian of Huya Schroeder. UL'ARDI.VNS FOR PARTIAL SETTLE MENT J. R. Desch, Ouaidian of Clotaire Desch et al. GUARDIANS FOR PARTrAL AND FIN AL SETTLEMENT Henry Wendulin, Guatdiaji of Edward and Lewis Schultc. Dated this Sth day of February, A. D. 1317. ORVELI.E RAUDAUAUGH. Jiidge of Moreer County Probate Court. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of W W. Townsend. Deceased W. H. Townsend has been appointed and qualiiied as Administrator of the es tate of W. W. Townsend lute of Mercer County, Ohio, defeased. Dated this ith day of February A. D. 11117. ORVELI.E RAUDABAUGH. Probate Judge of Said County. Wionef to Loan Have $300,000.00 private Money to loan at 5 per cent pay back any time aud stop interest. Money obtained direct No com mmission to divide as other agencies must do, hence can make vou a loan for about what other agencies themselves pay for their money Get in on this fund while it lasts. ED. L. BRYSON, Celina. O. nn Shed north of C.N. De pot. Phones : Office 114; Residence 201. yu mi Mima Is SAFE for Every Member of the FAMILY . Most cough and cold remedies con- cold germs. tain dangerous drugs, such as Opium, Morphine, Chloroform, Heroin and Codeine. They paralyze the nerves, They are dangerous. Not so with Old Black Joe Cough Syrup. It cures coughs and colds by loosening the phlem, soothing the ir- rltatlon, opening the air passages of the throat and head and killing the HIGH- GRADE PIANOS PLAYER FIANOS and ORGANS PHONOGRPBS and Rec ords Player Music Rolls Sheet Maale Bausr& Kef fner Music Co 114 K. Market St.,CELI.A,0. East Butler St., FT. RECOVERY C. A. STUBBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW CELINA, O. Room i 1 and 2, Commercial Bank Building Notice to Public I wish to announce that I have opened an oftlce for the practice of medicine In Dr. Richardson's old odice. 113 E. Fayette St., Cellna, O. Office Hours 8-10 a. m. 1- 3 p. m. 7-8:30 Evening. All calls answered promptly day xr night. Office Phone 167. Residence Phone 191. JCHN T. GIBBONS, M. D. W. A. Middaugh 529 Hoyng Street, Celina Auctioneer Will g far or near. For dates apply at Democrat office, or phone 461 Black. 25-tf A. L. BENNETT Auctioneer (Graduate of Miiiouri Auction School) Mutual Phone 10 H, ANSONIA. O. Live jfock. farm iales, real eitate. Pedigreed Jtock a specialty. Termi reasonable; tatisfactlon guaranteed. Vour patronage solicited and appre ciated. Call, write or phone for dates and terms. 31-10t LOANS On Real Estate for Twenty Years At a reasonable rate of interest. Pay back any amount at anv time and stnn interest. No commission charged. The Wagner Loan Co. 2,000 pounds to the Ton 100 cents on the Dollar e Hilten when ready to sell your Hay There Is not a drop of dangerous drugs in it Just as good and safe for children as for grown folks. One price only 25 cents for a big bottle at any store in city or country. Everybody buys it and takes it Th biggest seller because it gives the most satisfaction and is absolutely safe. tdr.