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THE CELINA DEMOCRAT, CELINA, OHIO r ETHEL HUESTONI OF HHE m- (Copyright, br ILLTJSTRATrD BY W.C.IANNE tli Hobba-MerrUl Corapaii).) THE MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION FORGET THAT THE PARSONAGE FOLKS NEED MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS, SO LITTLE CONNIE TELLS BANKER SOME PLAIN TRUTHS Mr. Slarr, a widower Methodist minister, comes to Mount Mnrk, In., to tuke charge of the congregation then?. He hns five charming daughtcYs, the eldest of whom, rrudencc, age nineteen, keepM house mid mothers the fitmlly. Her younger sisters are Fairy, the twins Carol and Lark, mid Constance, the "hnhy." The family's coming stirs the curloHlty of the townspeople. After a few weeks the Stutrs are well settled. 1'rudence has her hands full with the mlsehIe"vous young sters, but she loves them devotedly deNpite their outrageous pranks. It Is a joyous household, hut the parsonngu girls nre embarrassed at Christmas time because the congregation has failed to pay the pastor's salary. Little Connie needs clothing, and sadly disappointed, takes matters Into her own hands. CHAPTER VI Continued. , "Oh, I luid her dressed warmly un derneath, very warmly Indeed," de clared Prudence. "Hut no matter how warm you are underneath, you look cold If you aren't visibly prepared Tor winter weather. 1 kept hoping enough money would come In to buy her a coat for once In her life." 'She has been looking forward to one long enough," Put ln 'nlry- "Tnl8 will be n bitter blow to her. And yet It Is not such a bad-looking coat, after jail." And she quickly ran up a seam on the machine. "Here comes Connie!" Prudence hastily swept a pile of scraps out of .bight, and turned to greet her little ulster with a cheery smile. "Come on In, Connie," she cried, with a brightness she did not feel, ""airy and I are making you a new .coat. Isn't It pretty? And so warm! See the nice velvet collar and cuffs. We want to Bt It on you right away, dear." Connie picked up a piece of the .goods and examined it Intently. "Don't you want some fudge. Con nie?" exclaimed Fairy, shoving the dish toward her hurriedly! Connie took a piece from the plate, nnd thrust It between her teeth. Her eyes were still fastened upon the brown furry cloth. "Where did you get this stuff?" she Inquired, as soon as she was able to speak. "Out of the trunk in the garret. Con nie. Don't you want some more fudge? I put a lot, of nuts in, especially on .your account." "It's good," said Connie, taking an- other piece. She examined the cloth -very closely. "Say, Prudence, lsu t this that old brown coat of father's?" FaLry shpved her chair back from the :mnchlne. and ran to the window. "Look, Prue," she cried. "Isn't that Mrs. Adams coming this way? I won der" "No, It isn't," answered Connie gravely. "It's Just Miss Avery getting home from school. Isn't It, Prudence Father's coat, I mean?" "Yes, Connie, it Is," said Prudence, very, very gently. "But no one here has seen It, and it Is such nice cloth Just exactly what girls are wearing :now." "But I wanted a new coat !" Connie . did not cry. She stood looking at Pru -dence with her wide hurt eyes. "Oh, Connie, I'm Just as sorry as .you are," cried Prudence, with starting tears. "I know just how you feel about It dearest! But the people didn't pay , father up last month. Maybe after Christmas we can get you a coat They .pay up better then." "I think I'd rnther wear my Rummer coat until men, saiu Connie soDeny. "Oh, but you can't, dearest. It Is too cold. Won't you be a good girl now, and not make sister feel badly about 1t? It really is becoming to you, and It Is nice and warm. Take some more fudge, dear, and run out-of-doors a -while. You'll feel better about It pres ently, I'm sure." Connie stood solemnly beside the table, her 'eyes still fastened on the -coat, cut down from her father's. "Can I go and take a walk?" she asked Unally. "May I, you mean," suggested Fairy. "Yes, may I? Maybe I can reconcile myself to It" "Yes, go and take a walk," urged Prudence promptly, eager to get the small sober face beyond her range of vision. "If I am not back when the twins .get home, go right on and eat without me. I'll come back when I get things straightened out lu my mind." When Connie was quite beyond hear ing, Prudence dropped her head on the table and wept. "Oh, Fairy, if the meni 'bers Just knew how such things hurt, mayoe iney a pay up a 'little better. How do they expect parsonage people to keep up appearances when they haven't any money?'" "Oh, now, Prue, you're worse , than Connie I There's no use to cry about . It. Parsonage people have to find hap piness In spite of financial misery. Money isn't the first thing with folks like us." . "Poor little Connie! If she had cried about It, I wouldn't have cared so much. But she looked so heartsick, didn't she, Fairy?" ' Connie certainly was heartsick. More than that, she was a little disgusted. Bhe felt herself aroused to take action. Things had gone too farl Go to church in her father's coat she could notl She walked sturdily down the street toward the "city" ironically so called. Her face was stony, her hands were clenched. But Anally she brightened. Her lagging steps quickened. She skipped along quite cheerfully. She urued westward as she reached the rorrior of the square, and walked along Unit business street with shining eyes. I bounce. In front of the First National bank she paused, but after a few seconds she passed by. On the opposite corner was another bank. When she reached It, Rhe walked In without pausing, and the massive door swung behind her. The four older girls were at the table when Connie came home. She exhaled quiet satisfaction from every pore. Prudence glanced at her once, and then looked away again. "She has reconciled herself," she thought Din ner was half over before Constance burnt her bomb. "Are you going to be busy this after noon, Prudence?" she asked quietly. "We are going to sew a little," said Prudence. "Why?" "I wanted you to go downtown with me after school." "Well, perhaps I can do that. Fairy will be able to finish the coat alone." ."You needn't linlsh the coat I can't wear father's coat to church, Pru dence. It's a it's a physical impos sibility." The twins luughed, Fairy smiled, but Prudence gazed at "the buby" with tender pity. "I'm so sorry, dearest, but we haven't the money to buy one now." "Will five dollars be enough?" In quired Connie, and she placed a crisp new bill beside her plate. The twins gasped! They gazed at Connie with new respect. They were just wishing they could handle five-dollar bills so recklessly. "Will you loan me twenty dollars un til lifter Christmas, Connie?" queried Fairy. But Prudence asked, "Where did you get this money, Connie?" "I borrowed It from the bnnk," Con nie replied with proper gravity. "I have two years to pay It back. Mr. Harold says they ure proud to have my trade." Prudence was silent for several long seconds. Then she inquired In a low voice. "Did you tell him why you want ed it?" "Yes, I explained the whole situa tion." "What did he say?" "lie said he knew Just how I felt. because he knew he couldn't go to church In his wife's coat. No, I said that myself, but he agreed with me. He did not say very much, but he looked sympathetic. He said he anticipated great pleasure in seeing me In my new coat at church next Sunday." "Co on with your luncheon, twins," said Prudence sternly. "You'll be late to school. We'll see about going down town when you get home tonight, Con. nie. Now, eat your luncheon, and don't talk about coats any more." When Connie had gone back to school,. Prudence went straight to Mr. Harold's bank. Flushed and embar rassed, she explnlned the situation frankly. "My sympathies are all with Connie," she said candidly. "But I am afraid father would not like It. We are dead set against borrowing. After our mother was taken, we were crowd ed pretty close for money. So we had to go in debt. It took us two years to get it paid. Father and Fairy and I talked It over then, and decided we would starve rather than borrow again. Even the twins understood it, but Con nie was too little. She doesn't know how heartbreaking It is to keep hand ing over every cent for debt w-hen one is Just yearning for other things. I do wish she might have the coat, but I'm afraid father would not like It. She gave me the -five dollars for safekeep ing, and I have brought It back." Mr. Harold shook his bead. "No, Connie must have her coat. This will be a good lesson for her. It will teach her the bitterness of living under debt I Besides, Prudence, I think in my heart that she is right this time. This Is a case where borrowing is justified. Get her the coat, and I'll square the ac count with your father." Then he added, "And I'll look after this salary business after this. I'll arrange with the trustees that I am to pay your fa ther his full salary the first of every month, and that the church receipts are to be turned in to me. And if they do not pay up, my lawyer can do a lit tle investigating! Little Connie earned that five dollars, for she taught one trustee a sorry lesson. And he will have,to pass It on to the others In self defense! Now, run along and get the coat, and If five dollars Isn't enough you can have as much more as you need. Your father will get his salary after this, my dear, if we have to mort gage the parsonage!" "What In the world T te.m. gazing out Into (he room, Imlf-llghted by the moonshliiu, and seeing Carol and Lark shivering beside her bed. "Shi Shi Hush !" whispered Lark. "There's a burglar la our room!" By this time, even sound-sleeping Fairy was awake. "Oh, there Is I" she scoffed. "Yes, there Is," declared Carol with tome heat. "We heard him, plain day. He stepped Into the closet, didn't I he, Lark?" "Ho certainly did," agreed Lark. "Did you see him?" "No, we heard him. Carol lizard him first, and she spoke, and nudged me. Then I heard hi m, too. Ho was at our dresser, but ho shot across the room and Into the closet. He closed tho door after him. lie's there now.' "You've been dreaming," said Fairy, lying down again. "We don't generally dream the same thing at the same minute," said Carol stormlly. "I tell yon he's In there." "And you two great big girls came off and left poor little Connie In there alone with a burglar, did you? Well, you are nice ones, I must say." And Prudence leaped out of bed and started for the door, followed by Fairy, with the twins creeping fearfully along In the rear. "She was asleep," muttered Carol. "We didn't want to scare her," added Lark. Prudence was careful to turn the switch by the door, so that the room was In full light before she entered. The closet door was wide open. Con nie was soundly sleeping. There was no one else In the room. "You see?" said I'rudence sternly. "I'll bet he took our ruby rings," de clared Lark, and the twins and Fairy ran to the dresser to look. But a sickening realization had come home to Prudence. Iu the lower hall. mm mm. TheirTare and Gikivaf iorv. S22 OIIFS OWN PLACE PROBLEM THAT CONFRONTS DOV 8TARTINQ LIFE WORK. 3 r 5 L if 1 -5 ,-v V, 4" CD J ' Good Taste Dictates the System of Planting Large Bunches of Single Spe cies Together Rather Than the Old Way of Mixing Up Several Speci mens. Prudence Dropped Her Head on the Table and Wept under the staircase, was a small dark closet which they called the dungeon. The dungeon door wns big and solid, and wns ennlnnpri with n henvv cntch- lock. In this dungeon, Prudence kept "re rauch raore Vioaalng, both grown the family silverware, and all the USE CARE IN COLOR OF ANNUALS For summer flowering, annuals are very satisfactory, blooming profusely through the entire season, while the cost of a seed packet Is but a trifle. Good taste dictates the system of planting Inrge bunches of single spe c!p8 together rather than the old way of mixing a dozen varieties in as many square feet. It is the tame plan that places a dozen carnations or roses In a vase rather than a heterogeneous collection in the old-fashioned bouquet. Mass your flowers if you would secure the best effects. The old calllopsls, "lady's breastpin" they used to call it, is a handsome plant. Its long, slender stems render ing It extremely useful for cutting, and the shades of gold and brown harmonizing nicely. A mass of it next to the shrubbery In the background gives a most pleas ing effect. Some handsome forms of single dahlia may be secured by planting a packet of the seed in pots early in the spring and transplanting the young seedlings to the garden as soon as danger from frost Is over. The colors of some is very fine, and to one liking the single flowers, the plan is a good one of getting a variety at a small cost. Unless started very early, these seedlings rarely mature tubers that will keep througli the winter, though they commence flowering almost as soon as the plants are started from the tubers. The chrysanthemum-flowered asters money she had on hand, as it could there be safely locked away. But more often than not, Prudence forgot to lock It In masses and for cutting, than the "quilled" bouquet sorts. If but two kinds are started, let them be white and lavender with rose as a third choice. Do tW order mixed packets of seed. It Ij a great temptation to do so, but If fine specimens nre expected, the surer wy Is to single out one or two colors. While the mixed packets are In many Instances highly satisfactory, the single colors are made up from the best Individuals. With fianstes for spring, sweet peas for summer and asters for autumn. SYMBOL UNTOUCHED BY WAR one mnv be sure of havlnS an abund ance of the most beautiful cut flowes Have you ever awakened to find a burglar in your room? What did you do pretend sleep? Or shout? Or keep still at his command? fade, pinch them off; your flowers will keep ln bloom much longrr and the blooms will be larger if you pay attention to this little detail. Pansies and sweet peas particularly require looking after. Use your flowers ln borders and around the sides of your lawn. Never make flower beds in the center of your lawn. A bit of green-turf, well-cared for. Is an asset to any home grounds. If you want a soft, thick turf on your lawn, mow It often and let the clippings He where they fall. This keeps the soil from drying out too much and helps, fertilize It as It de cays. Support sweet peas on a hedge of brush. This is better than poultry- netting, as the sun does not heat It and burn the tender tendrils of the cling- ing sweet pea. Plant your shade trees far enough away from the bouse to allow the air to circulate around the .house. Sun shine ln the home Is a tonic and care should be exercised when planting that trees do not Interfere or shade the windows too much. Do not plant your flowers too close together. Give them all a chance for life. Pansies should be plunted ten inches apart; petunias and verbenas at least eighteen Inches apart; marl- golds, two feet; popples, ten inches; zinnias, eighteen inches and phlox a foot. Flowers will not be plentiful or thrifty if grown too close together. Nothing is better for winter bloom ers, or for hanging basket plants than the Grand Duchess Oxalls. Put the lit tle bulbs in light soil, keep in a tern perature of about 60 degrees and keep the soil moist until the leaves appear, and gradually increase the water as required. (TO BE CONTINUED.) SUCCESS WITH COSMOS Sow cosmos the first of March if you wish to get any satisfaction out of It. Push it along as fast as you can. It does not transplant readily, there fore grow it in pots. Then sink the pot In a border and from the time the plants are six inches high until the end of July the shoots should be pinched out. This will keep the plants low and stocky. Long after severe frosts your cosmos will be giving you your beautiful flowers for the window. Examinations Made by Experts Are of Supreme Importance In Guiding Footitept of Youth Into Tholr Proper Sphere. In view of toe practical quality of the results of psychological examina tions, it it not uureasouuble to uy pose that much practlcul knowledge run thereby be gullied concerning an Indlvlduul, which may give a cleurer conception as to his place In the world, and may even ludlcuto the coudltlous which lead to his fullest development, Pearce Bailey, M. 1)., writes lu Scrib ner's. The boy who seem to have no spe cial qualifications or special Interests when lie reaches the period when he should begin to prepare for his life work la convicted by his own Indif ference of not being first class. In the event of his parents having no employment or occupation reudy at hand, ,he falls into something hap hazard. Such a boy under present arrangements may have aptitudes which might permit him to 'excel at some particular calling, or he may have defects which definitely prohibit certain callings. There Is another class of boys be tween whom and their parents there Is disagreement as to what they should do. Each Is, perhaps, controlled by an Idealistic preference for some occu pation, but the ideals do not coincide. Psychological examinations might determine whether the boy really had some leaning to or qualifications for what he wanted to do, or whether his Ideals on the subject were purely imi tative without solid foundation, and whether he would do better at the call ing his father wished hi in to follow. In deciding this question, the antipa thy which not infrequently exists, al though hotly denied, between parent and child would have to be considered. It has often been found, when a parent Is determined on some one thing and the son Just as obstinately ca another, that the divergence is not on the real issue, but on a personal antagonism which neither of the two admits. There Is another large class of boys and young men who are almost cer tainly predestined to get ln wrong un less they are wisely directed In youth. There Is some twist ln their mental make-up, either congenital or acquired, which unfits them for certain lines of work, and If they follow these lines t lie result is not only economic failure. but physical and mental collapse. Such young persons are recognizable by a variety of signs. . . . There is no absolute standard by which such indi viduals may be judged as n class. On the contrary, each one Is different, de pending upon heredity, environment. early education, passionate prejudices acquired through individual experi ence, a lack of balance ln learning and a discrepancy ln moral development. capacity and ideals. Each requires a different social remedy. They are boys that prtesent the most serious problems that parents have to face, such as drinking, failure In studies, tendency to evil associations, criminal and Immoral tendencies. The vast majority of these are the product of conditions and are not incurable de linquents. Could the fundamental dis harmony be recognized early enough, and could conditions, be changed, many of these boys might be saved from ultimate collapse and might be come useful citizens. WHAT A JEWELRY fll'J 1.1 They Invested Some of Thclfl Spare Money in Canadian Lands. B. Joseph It Sons, of Pen Moines) Iowa, ere looked upon as being shrewd, careful business men. Having Rom pare money on hand, and looking fo aultablo Investment, they decided t purchase Cunadian lands, and farm lt With the lHtance of the Canadlaa Government agent at Des Moines Iowa, they made selection near Cham) plon, Alberta. They put 240 acres o land In wheat, and ln writing to Ma Hewitt, the Canndlan Oov-rnraenl jent at Des Molnvs, one of the menv bers of the Arm says: "I have much pleasure ln advising you that on our farm five miles east of Champion, ln the Province of A berta, Canada, this year (1916 we ha vested and threshed 10,000 bushels of wheat from 210 acres, this being as average of 44 bushels and 10 pounds ta the acre. A considerable portion of the , wheat was No. 1 Northern, worth at Champion approximately f 1.85 per bushel, making a total return of $19,010, or an average of $81.70 pep acre gross yields. Needless to say, w re ertremely Well pleased with our landfc. It might not be uninteresting to reafl. the report of C. A. Wright of Milo, Iowa, who bought 100 acres at Cham pion, Alberta, for $3,300 ln December, 1913. lie stubbled ln the whole lot of It, and threshed 4,437 bushels Grade Ko. 2 Northern. Mr. Wright, being a thorough bust ness man, gives the cost of work, and' the amount realized. These figured show that after paying for his land' and cost of operation be had $2,472.67 left 4,487 bushels, worth $1.55 at Champion $0,954.89 Threshing bill, 11c per bushel $ 493.57 Seed at 95c 144.0i Drilling 100.OT Cutting 1C0.O0 Twine 60.00 Shocking 40.00 Hauling to town, 3c. 134.C1 Total cost .. lost of land .$1,182.19 . 3,300.00 $4,482.13 $4,482.19 Net profit after paying fop farm and all cost of opera tion $2,472.0? Advertisement COAST GUARDS SAVED DEER for all occasions. Red petunias and red geraniums are a combination to be avoided. They make a discordant note. Single petunias are easily grown Lion of St Mark Has Escaped De struction,' Though Hand of Time Has Been Heavy on It The Hon of St Mark still stands. Curiously enough, while utmost pre- from seed, although this seed Is so cautions have been taken to preserve minute. In fact, they will perpetuate the edifices and monuments of Venice themselves from year to year through against the ruthless hand of the avl- self-sown seed ator, this, symbol of the republic, one If you want the double varieties, the of the chief artistic and historical glo- safest and quickest way is to buy slips ries of tiie city, still poses on its col- at the greenhouse, as the seed is dlf- WATCH THE YOUNG TREES Toung trees should be watched care fully and the open spaces In the ground about them, which have been made by the wind swaying the trees, should be well firmed down. This Is Important before the heavy; winas or spring. WANAMAKER A FLOWER FAN CHAPTER VII. A Burglar's Visit "Prue!" A small hand gripped Prudence's shoulder, and again came a hoarsely whispered : "Prue !" Prudence sat up In bed with umn in the Plazzetta with never a sandbag, masonry shield, or wooden covering to guard it from harm. The lion of St. Mark long has been an Interesting relic, source of some speculation aud an endless amount of historical legend more or less authen tic. There is a tradition that when Napoleon carried It to Paris there were diamonds In Its eyes. They were really white agates, faceted. It Is conjectured that the lion may have formed a part of the decoration of some Assyrian palace centuries be fore it became the symbol of the Vene tian patron saint, St. Mark. The livid. except for the crown, the mane, and the larger part of the body and legs, except the claws, are much older than other portions of the figure. The wings and paws are of a much later date, while the rump part and the tail are restorations executed after the lion had been sent back from Paris early In the last century. The lion Is In a condition that care is required even under ordinary condi tions to prevent its disintegration. There are rents and fissures through out the body, and the portions are held together by Iron rivets that have rust ed away. Many Initials mark the metal, presumably engraved by artists em ployed ln various restoration The Lion of St Mark could be de stroyed with little effort It has sur vived the chances of war to the present ficult for the novice to manage. One of the best plants to use for massing Is salvia. FLOWER HINTS FOR BEGINNER By E. VAN BENTHUYSEN. Flowers should have a friable, very fertile soil in which to grow. Often they will make a fine showing In a very poor soil, but like humans, they appreciate good care. Do not allow the flowers to form seeds. As soon as the flowers begin to People who know the name of John Wanamaker ln connection with a gigantic fortune, with the making of speeches at national conventions and as that of a philanthropist of modest, Cabbages and Kings. The time has come, indeed, to talk of "cabbages and kings." Of kings icnough has been said. But surprising reports come concerning cabbages. A ear ago they were sold at six dollars a ton, and there was no market for them. Hundreds of tons were fed to hogs and much of the product was' used for fertilizing. This year the wholesalers are paying Maine farm ers $8 a ton for cabbages, and it is expected the wholesale price will go to a hundred dollars a ton before spring. Half the cabbage used in New England comes from western Maine. Farm mortgages ln that sec tion are being erased, and savings bank deposits are growing. New Bedford Mercury. When He Escaped. The other Sunday evening, when church service was over, a young cur- though important roles, will be sur- nte started oa hls Journey home, ae- ptised to learn that this busy man of method and system is an ardent cul turtst of flowers. One of the most striking sections of the recent exhi bitions has been one devoted to show ing his foliage plants. They are mar velous! y developed and show expert handling. The plants were grown un der the personal supervision of Mr. Wanamaker. What He Left Mother. "Tour father was pretty rich when he died, wasn't he?" asked the young man In search of an heiress. "Oh, yes!" replied the world-wisu maiden. "Did he leave your mother much?" "About twice a week." Loudon Answers. ' rv a: ,- f jlfr companled by two young ladles of the choir, when they began a conversation about hymns. "What Is your favorite hymn?" asked the curate, turning to one of his fair companions. " 'Draw me nearer,' " she replied. At that moment her companion, who was walking on the other side of the curate, to make matters worse, said Innocently ; That is only the chorus; the com mencement of the verse Is, 'I am thine.' " Then the curate sought safety ln flight-London Tit-Bits. Rescued Animal When It Had Broken Through Ice, Revived It and Set It Free. Humanitarian activities of the coast Trxurd extend to the saving of wild fitmal life. A deer chased by dogs attempted to cross the ice, crashed in, was rescued, nearly done for, by the coast guard crew of the station at Quonochontaug, R. L; was taken lnto the station boat and thence to the sta tion ; was worked over until It re vived, and then was set at liberty. The tale comes ln the report ofi the keeper of the station. The Inci dent happened on the morning of Jan uary 3, when, about ten o'clock, the? station crew sighted the deer, pursued by dogs, crossing a marsh about a half ttlle away. The bunted animal at tempted to cross a pond on thin and' rotten Ice. It was observed to fall through, and try ln vain to extrlcata Itself. Three surfmen launched a small skiff and reached the deer after an hour's work ln breaking through the Ice. The deer was nearly dead from Its struggle ln the Icy water. 4k ' A v John Wanamaker, Merchant and Philanthropist, Is the Owner and Grower of These Follaae Plants. Rich Graphite Mines. Important graphite deposits near Turkushansk are now being worked, and it is expected that the mines will supply sufficient mineral to fill the de mands of the country and leave a lit tle for export purposes. Tests have shown that this mineral is to be had at this point in very large quantities, but the most important feature of the mines is the purity of the yield, which is said to average 98 per cent pure carbon. The graphite supply has here tofore come mainly from Austria and Ceylon, but the Russian mines prom ise to equal these sources of supply. FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent BottI of Danderine Right Now Also Stops Itching bcalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence oi a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.1 There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, Its strength tad Its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and Itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of KnowltonV Danderine from any store, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance W'hich is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear ance of abundance; an Incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after Just a few weeks' use, when you will actual ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new. hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. Odd Troubles. "There Is one thing queer about, splurging on a limited income." "What's that?" "The more' you live ln a society round the harder you find it to make ends meet." Second Thought Mrs. Fidgettes I wish you'd call Willie in the house and punish him severely. He's been out in the yard whistling the same thing all afternoon and it annoys me dreadfully. Her Husband That's not Willie whistling. It's a bird. Mrs. Fidgettes A bird? How I love the dear little feathered sonesters! Suitable Kinds. "What measure would you select for a line of light poems?" "Why not try a gas meter?" Only Om "BROMO OIW1NE". To rfT the tfnninv cn!l for full Dams JLAXATTVW BROMO Ol'lNlNB. Ixxj for ilimmum of B. W.' &KOVJI. Van Oold la Uut r. fc. Shoes with aluminum soles have been Invented for persons working la water or damp places. Dr. rierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. ' There Is a Catholic dally newapapea published la Tientsin, China, 1