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The Celina Democrat CAIOJN CARUN Publishers and proprietors OFFICE 2H South Main Strsst. Oitlce Phone. No 'ii. WEEKLY Prlca ONE DOLLAR per yaar Payabla In advanca. THE DEMOCRAT will feel obligated to any subscriber who fll lo receive hi paper regularly and promptly, If com plaint be nuiilo to thia oitlce. FRIDAY, February 23, 1917 It Is Said Comparisons Are Odious UK VAN AXD BL.KXST01UT Put Sandles, Editor of the Ottawa Sentinel The people of the United States did not want war with Mexico. Much less do they want war with Germany. There Is a War Crowd In Germany and one In Washington. If war niut come iho people will unitedly support tho President. The War Crowd does pot like W. J. llryan. Uryan does not want the American boys to be sent to tue battle llelds of Kupore to dies as toll for old world quarrels. Uernstorft, the German Ambassador, nad ttrjau are good friends. Neith er want vur. These two distinguish ed citizens met In New York recently. Since theu theie have been signs that the Kaiser and the President might settle their troubles without blood shed. Somehow, mothers are glad to have tho Apostle of "The Prince of i'euce" abroad In the land.- Patriots Meet To-Day Under the above title the New York Herald announces the meeting at Washington of the advocates of a "big army," a "big navy," "universal military training, and "universal mil itary service." Thus do the jingoes, newspapers, and trallicers in war ma terial and the professional soldiers use the "livery of heaven" to conceal their devilish purposes. If the Uni ted States was turned over to his satanic majesty with full liberty to The Church The attitude of the Christian church toward the European war is Interestingly illustrated In the state ment of Ut. Uev. Herbert Edward Uyle, dean of Westminster, when, in his Christmas sermon, he attacked President Wilson for daring to sug gest a basis of peace to the warring nations. In declaring that President Wilson has "either, In a fit of mental aber lation, sent the wrong note, or he has entirely misapprehended the Euro pean situation," he makes attempt to thow that the purposes of the bel ligerents are as far apart as the poles. This may be true, if, as he Indicates, it is the Allied purpose not to stop until Germany shall be crushed to her knees. For It is equally the pur pose of Germany to thwart such crushing as long as she has a man and a gun. Bishop Uyle's statement, which might almost pass for an ollicial dec laration of England's purpose, com parable as it is to Premier Lloyd George's demand for restoration, re paration and security, will at least be accepted as a statement of the at titude of the Church of England to ward the European conflict. The church in Germany stands likewise with the German govern ment. It may pray and hope for peace, but wculd scarcely any more countenance a peace at variance with the imperial will than would the Church of England seek a peace in Huber Votes Against Woman Suffrage Uepresentative Fred Huber voted against the bill to give the women the right to vote at presidential elections. He voted right. Fred believes in the people and the people of Ohio having voted the proposition down over whelmingly on two occasions there was nothing else for him to do, "Let the people rule." Coldwater Chron icle. Huber and Phillips have as much right to say what the women shall do in this matter as the women have to say what Huber and Phillips shall do about it. Precisely the same. The idea that the women shall ask the men for the right of suffarge is pre posterous and as wrong in principle as taxation without representation and an imputation that the Creator did not know what he was talking about when he said the sexes are The Laugh Is Reports to the government indicate that practically all the German steam ships interned in United tSates ports have been damaged by their crews to such an extent as to require months to make repairs. The German au thorities evidently figured that when the break came with the United States, Uncle Sam would seize all of the German ehips, and put them to the uses of the American people. But the United States is not as sor did as taat, defensible though it might be as an act of war. The Un THE OHIO LAW MAKERS The present Ohio Legislature is a busy business bunch. It works. It will cost less by many thousand dol lars than its predecessor and accom plish a mountain more. Ridicule and jeers do not greet the law mak ers today when they return homeT They work in harmony, seeking the greatest good for the Commonwealth of Ohio. Folks back home will laud and applaud their labors if they fin ish as splendidly as they have begun. Vastly different was the story of two years ago when Ohio won fame and shame under the reign of the wreck crew. Then the pie counter was the high spot from the start. Now the program is reversed. The business ot the people receives first attention. Office Beepers are seldom admitted to the Governor's office. Legitimate business is not alarmed as in 1915. Jokes and monstrosities have not been put in office. The Old Ship of State seems to have anchored in a harbor away from the storm. Otta wa Sentinel. rionrva Washington rhllllpps. i uhn writes mlltorlnls for the Coldwat lil.i and dreams and at contlnuouhly Unas, JaokuHsoa and the wart on tils uck thai lie uses lor .Our hntlnn in now using these li plouients of warfare to Impress the nub it- w til hl;l unparalleled uiimot lum v mivL'pHt that' undo Mark Hole decorate' hlra w ith an Iron ctohh, about the sue of the noa taut so n rlfni.'fi him. and behind which he cai an AH ullv biiln when the recruiting of titer la out looking for patriots of this pattern. THEN LISTEN TO THIS rCeoriro Washington Phllllpps, sr. the flea and wart editor of the Coldwater Chronicle. President Wilson stands today as the greatest peace loving citizen of the world. Ills great love for his ftllowmen tstuiiils out as a beacon to the entiro world. Every move has boeu for peace, not only at home but abroad. And he deserves the sup port of every true peace-loving citi zen of. t!ie United States, lie nas' welched iu the balance and found not wanting. Contrast his efforts for peace with tho "busy bodies, lnclud Ins the stray Jackass from Nebraska who are doing their dirtiest to im pede his work, and If you are one of them, pull up the blinds ana iook in to a mirror anil see wuai a smaii, in significant reflection stares ut you from the mirror. uoi k hU will he could not find a more uv in nntii utin irrotin of colaborers than the sham patriots who, pretending a superior loyalty to their country, seen to exchange the moral prestige of this great republic for the tinsel glory of a red-handed militarism. It Is true that "patriots meet today" not the Herald's crowd but the pa triots who daily meet In the field and factory the ones who prouuee tne nations' wealth and fight the nation's battles. Uryan s commoner. and the War smallest discoi d with the British pur pose. nniv in h United States and her associate neutral nations do we find the church urging and praying ror tho ruaf nrsitinn nf neace UBOD the broadest and highest grounds. Their prayer is not that, peace sjitui tuure ...h..n tho nthi. nf the contend ing parties has gained overmhelming victory or been wnippeu to its nueeo, but they shall cease lighting now, end for all time the Dioousnea ana ues truction and compose their differen ces around the conference table. Like nation, like church; it is a ttory as old as humanity, w e nnu f f'hvist. the Prince of Peace, as widely and irreconcilably divided as are the nations tnemscives. it is kihs.11 wonder, therefore, that the church should be rather an im potent factor in the ending of the war. Wilson, in his note to the several contending powers, has cimnlv nil t in hnsinesslike and dip lomatic terms voiced the thot and hope of the Christian people oi tne u. States. In the Church of England it meets with the same rebuff it receiv ed from the mouth of the British gov .rnincnt The church in France, in Gu many, in Austria views it doubt less each from Its government, siaaj noint. as if the church were part and puicel of the untion. We draw no indictment, but the simple facts seem to tell a story of cliurchnianship that puts patriotism ahead of Christianity. Atlanta (Go) Constitution. equal. This opposition to woman suffrage comes largely from the bar barism of the past when woman was tne slave and tool of man. Some men still want that relation to exist. We venture the assertion that where one man is conscientiously opposed to the women voting, nine men are afraid to give them the ballot for fear that they will smash some of their (men's) dirty practices should they get a chance at them at the ballot box. Had the women of our county their undoubted right in this matter, old Mercer would go dry by 1200 major ity this year. Celina herself by 300 oi 400, and besides the women would not need their smelling salts along to keep from fainting from fear, if they said something out loud about the liquor business, as is the case with tome of the men over there and elsewhere as well Mendon Herald. on the Kaiser ited States has no desire to grab the ships, even if war comes. It Is above the greed that Germany's fears in dicated. It does not want any Ger man ships. So when the war Is over Germany will have a fine repair bill to pay be fore these damaged ships are fit for service again. And while Germany in repairing them her rivals will be grabbing off the trade that might have fallen to these ships if the kai ser and his advisors had not been so impetuous. It is to laugh Toledo News Bee. THE WOMAN'S BUILDING MOVE MEAT AT OHIO STATE Fifteen hundred women students of Ihe Ohio State University are with out a place to eat on the campus where they spend most of their days and part of their evenings. This is the chief reason why they should have a woman's building: In this way only can many of them get wholesome meals at reasonable prices in place of the sandwitches and other cold, unpalatable and unwhole some food now served to them at lunch counters off the campus and without supervision. These women, nearly one-third of the enrollment of the University, are asking the Legis lature for an appropriation to make possible better conditions during their four years at the Institution. The women students have other needs almost as urgent, needs that would be met by the proposed build ing. They ask for a gymnasium In which to take the physical training required of all students. Now they share the already overcrowded Ar mory Building which for many years has been doing double service and Is by no means adequate for the men. Their work Is quite as Important iim thut of the men and proper facilities should be accorded them. The fart that University classes are scheduled from 8 In the morning un til 5 In the evening makes It Decenn ary for many of the women to stay on the campus all day, and they must have proper study-rooms, reading rooms, writing-rooms and restrooms. At prcut'iit they have but one room about 75 feet by 60, which they can c.ill their own. There exist In the University 33 women's organizations as part of the activities of college life, with little or no accomodations for meeting places. These conven iences, or rather necessities, of the University women will be provided In the building, which indeed, will be the center of the woman life of the campus, and all under the direct su pervision provided by the institution. The State of Ohio has been gener ous In Its provisions for the higher education of its young- men and wo men who are attracted to the Univer sity every year In Increasing numbers, and it Is now asked to give the wo men the same sort of a building giv en to tue men a few years ago, a building that has proved Its value many times over. The women s building will afford splendid oppor tunity for the social and educative development of the young women of The Ohio State University. In order to make this movement state-w'dc' in its Bcope the women ol Tho Ohio State University are ask ing that the matter be brought to the attention of members of the Legisla ture by the people of the several dis tricts. KKITUMNG THE COMPLIMENT A correspondent of the New York Tribune suggests that one member of the German embassy be permitted to remain in the United States, on these conditions: (a) that he paint hlm- celf with red and white stripes; and (b) that he be illuminated every evening. EASTER Thia Year Cornea on April 8-In terestlng Superstitions Asso ciated With the Day., Easter Sunday falls in this year of grace on April 8th, being neither late nor tardy. Last year it came on April 23rd, and next year it will fall on March 31st. In 1913. Easter Sunday came upon the earliest date for It In this cen tury, March 23d. Last year's Easter Sunday on April 23d was as late as it will be before the year 2,000 when it again falls on that time. Easter is what is called a movable Testival. It is always held on the next Sunday after the vernal full moon, with the exception that if the vernal full moon should fall on a Sunday, then, to avoid all conformity with the Jewish practice, Easter is not kept till the following Sabbath. The vernal full moon Is that which either takes place on March 21st or on the next date after March 21st. If the vernal full moon falls on March 21st, and that day happens to be Sun day, then Easter cannot be held till April 25th, which is the latest date on which Easter can fall, the earliest being Maich 22. This is certainly a very mechanical contrivance, and one which most peo ple find It difficult to understand or remember. Owing to obvious con nection between Easter and the Jew ish Passover, the French call the former Pasques (from the Hebrew Pesech, which means a passing over,) and obviously some such title as this would ye more appropriate than ours, which comes from the Saxon goddess E'astcr, believed to be the same ast he Syrian Astarte and the Greek and Uomf.n Venus, who was specially wor shipped in the spring season as the mother and gher of life. From the earliest ages various cus toms and superstitions have associa ted themselves with Easter. As at Christmas, it used to be believed that all water was turned into wine, and that all cattle kept in their stalls 'n adoration of the infant Savior, so it was held that at Easter the sun danced in honor of Christ's resurrec tion. BUM JOB Says St. Marys Paper of Construc tion of New Waste Weir on Thia Side of Pond. St. Marys Argusj Declaring that more fish are escap ing by the way of the new waste wier on the west bank than ever escaped througn any other place of discharge aiid that the waste wier "could not be screened for $10,000," steps are being urged looking toward the aban donment of the waste wier and the retention of Ihe long overflow pre viously and at present In use on the west b'ank. It is claimed also that water is gradually undermining the concrete foundation of the new waste wier which wns last year finished at a cost of $1 4,000. On i.i;i-oiut of the great depth tt the discharge fates at the waste wier (fourteen feet) the force of outflow ing water is very strong so much so t at aut nties declare screen to pre vent tha escape of fish would prove death traps, grinding the fish to pieces in the serene mesh where they would bo held prisoners by the surge ot the water. The waste wier remains" unscreen ed, resulting In what is believed to be an important per cent, of fish from the. lake escaping into Beaver. The old overflow was recently screened, after Warden Fran!: Millinski dis covered the screens were missing. Inquiring in the neighborhood, all but two of the screens were found in a barn belonging to Luther Bidle, stored there, he says, on instruction from the fish and game division. Two other screens have since been located in another locality and placed in pos ition at the west bank overflow. BOYS M JOIN NEW CORN CLUB Just Organized By College of Agriculture. INSTRUCTION WILL BE GIYEN Specialists Will Prepare Lessons snd Attend Meetings of Club Members. Membership Limited' to Boys Be tween '10 and 18 Years of Afls Pub lic Schools Will Co-operate. Boys' Corn cfubs are to be organ ized this year for the first time by the Ohio State X'niverslty College ot Agriculture. Club work as now of fered by the Institution includes corn growing, potato growing, pis raising, poultry raising, keeping of dairy cow records, gardening and canning, stock Judging and home making. Who May Join. The new corn olub work will be open for membership to every hoy in the state between the ases of 10 and 18. Roys of these ages have long ugo demonstrated their ability to grow large yields successfully, and the or ganization for this work is felt to be no experiment. It Is tne aim to offer to the members of the clubs the ben efit of the best knowledge that tho Ohio State University Colieje of Agri culture has on corn culture. Instruc tion pamphlets written especially for the boys have been prepared under the direction of specialists. Tho3e will be Issued regularly to all mem bers. Personal visits by representa tives of the Agricultural College Ex tension Service will he made to club meetings. In addition, the club work TV-..-- -N iSU--'JaI A Successful Corn Club Boy and a Sample of His Corn. will be undei t'v veronal supervision of county ar.l di ;t;-ict s:iperiiiten-l'nls of schools, a.s'wtll as local club lead ers. Not a Mere Contest. Thus, the oiijett o! the club will not be merely a contcet between hoys to raise mo:c corn, but to arouse their Interest in a ' titer corn crop. With the help of the Coi'eio of Agriculture and the school r,':i cis. an attempt will be made to P' "'' otu a hecrty co-opora-tlon between t!: lads in solving com munity problems. Picnics and other social ?ath rints will be arranged for the boys from t!pe to time where pos sible. Where other boys' and girls clubs of the university are formed in tne same community, more general social affairs will be planned. Included in the list of rules are the following provisions: Each member Is to grow at least 1 acre of corn. Each member Is to do all the work connected with the preparation of the ground for planting, as well as with the planting and cultivation of the corn, except that which may be deem ed beyond hTs strength. Each member must keep an accu rate record of all labor, cost of seed. fertilizer and other expenses incurred In growing and harvesting the acre of corn. Current prices, as stated In the rules, will be charged for seed, rent, labor and other items of cost. May Exhibit Samples. Eac'n member will have an oppor tunity to exhibit samples of corn at a local or county show held at the close of the season. Each member must write a story on How I Grew My Acre of Corn." In awarding the prizes, the follow ing basis of awards will be used. Yield, 30 points; profit, 30; exhibit, 20; records and story, 20. A representative of the Ohio Rtata University will be In c'ncrire of the county exhibit. He v:!l supervise tin. Judging of the corn and the awarding of the prizes. In order to tslie advantage of the greatest amount of the Instruction. club members are Invited to enroll at once. Information on seed corn test ing, the preparation of the soil and many other problems connected with the earlier work of the season will he taken up at once. Nc charge will be attached to enrollment, pamphlets. Tlslts of specialists, or to answers of questions In connection with specla' correspondence. For a detailed copy of the rules tnd enrollment blanli, write to V. H. Pal mer. State Leader of Boys' and Cirlh' Clubs. Ohio State University, Colura Ohio. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall e Catarrh Medicine nas Deen taKen bv catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- flve years, and has become known as the most reliable remeay lor t-aiarrn. Hairs Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous eurfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dia eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a (treat Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and pet rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENRY CO., Toledo, Ohio, Sold by all Drug-gists, 76c. ., ...... ' M mW;m ! t ' M'iti:i M.iM'itK n tiih rurix. I n; this sritivd To prevent Iohh of plant food by fermentation and leaching In barn )unln anil stables, manure should be spread on tho corn ground during the lute winlei and early spring months. Greater returns are obtained from manure spread evenly over a large urea than from the same amount scattered heavily over a smaller tract. As an average of seventeen years' test at the Ohio Experiment Station i.t Wooster, eight tons of manure per acre applied to corn in a three-year lotation of corn, wheat ami clover bus produced 25 bushels more corn than land receiving no treatment Four tons of manure to the acre on both corn and wheat In a five-year rotation of coi n, oats, wheat, clove and timothy has produced an Increase of 14. 3 bushels of corn, "'as an aver ago of 20 yeais. Eight tons of ma nure on (he bume crops In the same lotation has increased the corn yield only 2:1.8 bushels during this period. In other words, doubling the amount ot manure has incieased the corn yield only 66 per cent. In order to apply the manure evenly and over a larger area a manure spreader Is rec ommended by Ihe Experiment Sta tion. WORLD RECORD lleld by Ex-Probate Judge Dugan In Insurance Field As a Hust ler for Business. Detroit, Mich, Feb. 16, 1917 Mr. P. F. Dugan, Celina, Ohio: Dear Mr. D'igan According to our records, you completed your first cen lury run on August 30th, 1915 Therefore, I take pride In enclosing herewith the company's certificate of merit and a pi eolation. You are the lirst NYLIC man in the world, so far as I know, to complete this centuiy run. In a few weeks you will Jiave completed your second century run, at which time I will take pleasure in forwarding you a second certificate. No other man in the business, so far as known, has written business for so many , weeks in succession as you have. You hold the worlds' rec ord in thl3 respect and I congratulate you most heai tily on your remarkable work. Very truly, . WM, O. BALDWIN, Inspector'of Agencies WHAT "S. O. S." MEAN'S In talking with the wireless opera tor many ship passengers ask the meaning of the three letters used In the distress signal, "S. O. S". There seems to be a general opinion that the letters are words with definite meaning. Persons of an imaginative trend will tell you that the letters stand for "Save our Ship," "Send out Succor," "Sink or Swim," or some such meaning. The letters signify nothing, but that a ship is in distress and in need of assistance. The call is used by all nations as a universal code, so that any wireless operator regardless of the language he speaks can immediately intercept the call of distress. Inasmuch as the call is in use by all countries, it can be seen that the signal can have no meaning in any language. The character of the code makes It a call that can be picked out easily from other signals being com posed of three dots, three dashes, three dots. Otean Wireless News. MOTHERS, DU THIS When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests frv t-nlllnor hnvtr soon the svmotomsmay develop into croup, or worsc And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Mus lernle at hand to irive Dronwt, sure re lief. It docs not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent. Thousands of mothers know it You should keep a iar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, troup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, irosted feet and colds of the chest (it ften prevents pneumonia). 25c and 50c jars; hospital size $2.5(X laudabaugh & Thomas "INSURANCE AGEhTS" FIRE I J Lightning, Wind Storm, and Plate Glass Insurance. Live Stock Insured Against Death from Any Cause. Automobiles Insured Against Fire Anywhere, Subject to no As sessments. Will furnish Surety Bonds. Opposite Court House - - CELINA. OHIO Jotice to Farmers and Owners of Stock We do not wish you any bad luck, but if your stock dies or gets old and worn out, we will pay highest prices for same. Telephone charges paid by us. Calls answered at once from any distance. The following prices are now in force: Dead Horses, $2.00. Dead Cows, according to size, $1.00 to $5.00. Live Horses, delivered at plant, from $4.00 to $7.50, accord ing to size and condition. Highest market prices paid for butchered Beef Hides. Prices subject to change without notice. The Montezuma Fertilizer Co. MONTEZUMA, OHIO . EARLY Hatching Said to B tha Secret of Early Hen Frail, So Gel Busy at Once. Early hatching Is the secret of win ter egg prductlon, Fay specialists In the U. 3. Department of Agriculture. The pullet that Is hatched early ma Iuidh early and is ready to lay eggs In the fall when the supply is scarcest and prices highest. Chickens that i re expected to be revenue proaucers for tUIr owners later in the year should be out of their shells by April 3D ut tho latest. If they are proper H cared for thereafter they will be- ('.n to lay egg.j at the time that eggs. are mot t wanted. To a great extent the poultry men of the country have overlooked this simple ract. For r.ue thing, birds hatched Inter In the spring or sum mer are not Inclined to become broo dy until late the (ollowing season and thus an unprof.tuble circle Is formed. Each year pullets mature too late to produce in tffo fall t.nd winter, and they sit too late for their offspring to do any b Iter. The poultryman who w ishes to get really ood returns of lit flock must break this ciicle. Tho trowlns use of incubators has made this comparatively easir. There is no reason why incubators r.hould not be filled in March anil ear ly April and the hatching over before Mi.y 1. If no Incubator is available it iniir be nostlble to secure broody hens in the neighborhood. That they will renav the trouble and expense necessary to obtain them, is Indicat ed by results at the f ivernment poul try farm in Maryland, 'mere it is not unusual to get a daily average of one egg i-r every five hens through out the fall and winter, and in some pens the average has been as high as cue egg for th-ee birds. If anything fine this percentage could be obtain ed on farms .the ordinary poultry farmer would derive real benefit from ly bring for a period of several month3. TOWNSHIP LINE Ed Coate und family entertained company, Sunday. It. T. Waggoner and family toon siippi-r with Joe Cordier and family, irlo.iday evening. Wii' Monroe sold a valuable team of unties last week. If. T. Waggoner and family. It. B. Monroe and I'amily, Joe Cordier and family and Frank Fetters and wife spent Sunday with F. P. Cordier and family. Uiley Waggoner lost a valuable colt last week. It. B. Monroe bailed hay, Tues day. Andrew Schuuck called on t. P. Cordier, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snider visited Tuesday with Ceo. Smith s nd wife. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Brock spent Thursday evening with It. B. Monroe and family. Will Young and family took sup per with It. T. Waggoner and family Saturday evening. Mrs. Joe Kuhn and daughter and Mrs. Herman Morris and son spent Wednesday with Mrs. Will Monroe. Jt. T: Waggoner and family have moved to thi ii new home near Brad foid. GARDEN 'Sit WANT ED Marc h 1st. A married man iwthout family to care for lawns, cow .chickens and one acre truck Harden. A Bplendid opportunity for in dimtrious couple. Permanent. Mut be polwr and honest. Cottage furnished. Apply by letter stating age and reference. J. r . S1.V1KS, It. ft. 13, DAXTUiN, U. WANTED Man with auto or horse and buciry to sell oils, greases and paints. Compensa tion $4 to $8 per day. STETSON OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of V W. Townsend, Deceased W. H. Townsend has been appointed tnd autillfled as Administrator of the es tate of W. W. Townsend late of Mercer County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 8th day of February A. D. 1017. ORVELLE RAUDABAUGH. Probate Judge of Suid County. PILES FISTULA AND ALL DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Dr. McClellnn announce to ihe proftMifon and the public tiiut ha tuakoi a apecialty of ttiaaa disease! and hiu liad 20 years constant exirience. No pain and iio detention from business. Bladder, Kidney, Wood and Hkin Diseases and Diseases of Women. WK1TK FOR BOOK UN KIMTiL DIHKsSKB ( FHKK) ana indorMioeiito of patients cured. Established 1&0. DR. J. J. McCLELLAN 44isl BroadTtreet COLUMBUS, 0. iaSTKUSaS W We carry the famou "CENTURY" Edition 10c now being advertised to sixty million people Ifrrn are a frw mndntn iptrctlona from our "Cmtiiry"CtttiiloK of 2UU0 tulea: -PIANO SOLOS' rfarella OKaaharti MfMrtlf . ftabMtlola Martha ... kfi uiiarllr a mm! ritlh Nor tarn . rtlai k foal anil Paasaitl . Sup lol.ia'a llnpailert Potior btlvtir Sun , . 1raiitnral hn VftU . . . . altti-ftlttl I Mini ila . hnhttr HmuraMu , ilvarak II Irofauia , Yrdl !) UUM BOB pi ana mm 4 tA ami ttitamt Buppm t Shopwr4 tvf V WIIlM BoftM Hum Nataif fura Aa SimiW . M"' I Mlvar Mart , Qui lialep a bung I VU tin . ItoauUiUa Botua laaipa Ovariara VOCAL SOLOS A Nana . . M"-'fnl I tardarvlla . Oftanuaea briar aii(IITra.)Variil I l.iuiltlwtll'l'l VaraM !MHMJVaaallf;nMiiad I TnnudiM'i !Ui Hal Corns in and sea th edition and get a Fres Catalog GEO. F. WEBER Inclusive Victor Agency CELINA OHIO HEADACHES VANISH QUICKLY When You Take Celery-Mlst'--Get a 10c Package at Any Store Your headaches will simply fade away In a few minutes after you take "Celery Mist." Comfort and relief come. It Is fine. Thousands of peo ple say so. Costs only 10c a package at any store. Superior to remedies that Cost twice as much. Safer and better in quality. Contains no opaltes or narcotic drugs. Try "Cel ery Mist" Just once you'll then pre fer it to any other headache remedy. Also fine for neuralgia, cold in head and grippe aches and pains. Adv. Automobile Painting!! I am now ready to do all kinds of Automobile Painting on short notice at the Seiberf Garage, W. Market near C. N. depot, and guar antee satisfaction. Prices FORD Cars $15, $20 and $25. 'BIG Cars $30, $35, $40, $45 and $50. Have your Car made like new. Otis Coffit NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Josiah Piper. Deceased Samuel Piper has been appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of Josiah Piper late of Mercer County, Ohio, Dated this 29th day of January A. D. 1917. ORVELLE RAUDABAUGH, ' Probate Judge of said County. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of William Hainliner-Deceased. Fanny Baker has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the estate ef William Hainline late of Mercer County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 30th day of January A. D. 1917. ORVELLE RAUDABAUGH, Probate Judge of said County. MB iKuncmnau uonnern Railroad M It. Celina - - 2:45 p.m. Ar. Cincinnati - 7:15 p. m. At Cincinnati connections are made with through Sleeping Car Lines to Florida, as folldwa: via Q. & C.So. Ry. LrXincinnati 8:10a.m., 8:10p.D. ArJaduonvillc 8:50a.m.,8:50p.m. (naxt day) via L. & N.C. ofGa. G. S. & F. A. C. L. R. R. Ly. Cincinnati - - 8 :00 a. m. Ar. Jacksonville 8:30 a.m. Winter Tourist Ticktti On SaU Daily to B.11 points In Florida, the South and Southweat. For full information regarding routes and tickets apply to agent 14P JJ Cincinnati Northern Railroad We have opened up a Junk Yard. just north Of L. E. & W. Dcnnr ot.H east of Main street, where we were 0. KINKLEY & MOTE Phone 893 CELINA, OHIO CHATTEL LOANS Money to Loan on Horses, Cattle. Farm Implements and Growing Crops at a low rate. You can pay back at any time and stop interest Business .trtctlv con. ndcnllal. For particulars call on Ilia Celina Mortgage Im Co. wyeKotT Block Main and Market at., CELINA, O. 91 4 MM H tf n?y- i nrt nnn .11 , -nt.i- A fcri iaaft