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THE CELINA DEMOCRAT, CELINA, OHIO CICUTA IS DANGEROUS Little Known Plant Menace to Men and Domestic Animals. Uncl Sam's Specialists Issue Warn. Ing Agalnit Poisonous Roots Not Generally Recognized. Many deaths, both of huHDin beings and domestic animals, are caused every year by cloutu, or water hemlock, a poisonous plant. It Is the nioHt vio lently poisonous of temperate region lunts, yet it Is not generally recog nized. Learn to know It and look out for It Is a warning Issued by special ists of Uncle Sam's department of agriculture who have published a cir cular which describes this plant and gives remedies, though cases among domestic animals must be considered ma practically hopeless so fur as treat ment Is concerned. Cicuta Is widely distributed. Unfor tunately, It resembles a number of harmless plants and is not easily recognizable. It belongs to the same family as carrots and parsnips. It has a number of popular names, of which the most common Is "cowbane," or "water hemlock." In the mountain re gions of the West It is frequently called "parsnip" or "wild parsnip." Other names, less common, are "snake root," "snakewood," "beaver poison," "muskrat weed." "spotted hemlock," and "spotted parsley." The plant grows in wet places and Is especially common In some parts of the West along irrigating ditches. It has a thickened rootstock with roots which sometimes take the form of a group of tubers. The cicuta Is most readily distinguished from plants of similar appearance growing under the same conditions by the transverse chambers In the rootstock. These can be seen by making a longitudinal sec tion. Only the root of cicuta Is poisonous. Cases of poisoning are more frequent In the spring, partly because the roots are more likely to be noticed at that time and partly because they appear to be more poisonous then than later In the season. In cases of the poisoning of human beings the recognized treatment is to give an efficient emetic, followed by a cathartic. Some form of opium may be given to control the convulsions when they are violent. If free vomit ing is promptly produced, the patient is likely to recover. So far as live stock Is concerned, about all that can be done must be in the way of prevention. If the land is plowed where the plant grows, enre should be taken that no roots are left where stock can get at them. Where the plants grow in great abundance, as they frequently do along irrigating ditches. It Is desirable to dig them out. When this is done the roots should not be left on the surface, but should be destroyed. It Is seldom thnt stock are poisoned when grazing, un less they graze along ditches, where the plants sometimes grow almost in the water with very little soil and can easily be pulled up. Perhaps there Is no way to prevent some cases of poisoning of children, it Is declared. Something might be ac complished, however, if parents and teachers would attempt to make clear to children the danger of eating strange roots. WILL COMBAT FOOD INSECTS New Branch of the Department of Agriculture Is Cre ated. Another forward step in Uncle Sam's campaign to conserve the na tion's food as a war measure Is the creation of a new branch of the de partment of agriculture which will be devoted exclusively to control of In sects infesting stored food products. Dr. B. A. Back of the department's bureau of entomology heads the new office. This change will permit Dr. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of the depart ment's food insect work, to devote all his time to pests- of truck crops, a work of great Importance now. :: "Kay-vay-yay mwna Kong lor :: J dee-nay ser-ah pray," Is the $ ft proper way to tell a Frenchman ft ft to wake up when dinner is , ready, according to a little ft "French In one lesson" that has been distributed among the ft United States marines who are ft p going to France. Jj Every sea-soldier on the firing Jj line will be supplied with a ft Jt handy little pocket dictionary ft4 that contains about a thousand ft practical words and phrases, to- $ gether with the phonetlcal pro- ft V nunclatlon, according to HannI- J Ji bal, Charlemagne, or whoever it Sf of a uniform, ft Doubtless the little poliu will '$ y lend a hand to his American V v a comraae wiieu cumes 10 u pur- ft tlcularly knotty problem. Should ft J the sea-soldier become peeved at $ IntiilnnAlaB rt TlA 1 n ft (Til O CTO JV he may say: "Ock-oo-pay" Kt ft just like that It means, A Many Two-Toned Dresses. A marked feature of the new collec tions in Paris la two-toned dresses in exquisite colors, says a fashion corre spondent. Yellow and blue, orange and "tela de negre," beige and blue, and, of course, black and white, are the favorite combinations. A model of teta de negre" channeuse has a yel low crepe blouse. A broad yellow belt embroidered In "tete de negre" shows a little below the short Jacket of char meuse. These broad belts are another iovel feature. The art about six or jj French Lessons Part of $ Marines' War Training k JJ was tnat originated tne D rencn jj language. It is Just the size to $ M fit handily Into the breast-pocket ft COLORS OF MOST FLAGS ARE SAME Uncle Sam Has No Monopoly on the Use of the Red, White and Blue. EACH HUE HAS SIGNIFICANCE American Standard 8ald to Be an Ev olution and Combination of De sign Long Antedating the Rev olutlonary Period. The prlnclpnl colors In the flags of all nations today are red, white and blue In diverse combinations. Here and there green is shown, but red. white and blue are the colors of nine teen out of twenty-five national flags and are the colors of practically all the flags of the nations of Europe. The significance of national colors goes back to the days of heraldry and ninny of the devices displayed on flags nre either heraldic designs or have been derived from such designs. Red stands for courage and military forti tude, blue symbolizes loyalty and truth and white stands for pence and sincerity. In the Itallnn, Irish, Bra zilian and Mexican flags green Is one of the colors, and In heraldry this col or signified hope ond Joy. Black, which appears In the German flag la combination with red and white, stands for constancy. Standard of Minute Men. A historian has written that the farmers in the battle of Lexington carried the "cornet" or standard of the Three County troop. That banner was devised for a troop of cavalry raised In the counties of Essex, Suf folk and Middlesex, Massachusetts, In 1059. The office of color bearer of this troop became an inheritance in the rage family of the Bay colony. The flng was carried in King Philip's war In 1070. When the Minute Men Were organized, Nathaniel Tage, III t Bed ford, Mass., took the old flag out for use at drill. When the midnight alarm was sent out Captain Page snatched up the old flag and carried It to Con cord, where "It waved above the smoke of that battle." This flag Is preserved In the public library at Bedford, Mass. .It Is of mn roon or crimson damask silk, and on It Is an outstretched arm with an up lifted sword In the hand. The arm, band and sword are worked In silver. On the flag are three circular figures, which It Is thought were put there to represent ennnnn balls. The words "Vince et Morlture" (Conquer or Die) are on a gold scroll. The design nf the American flag may be snld to he an evolution and combination of colors and dpslgns long antedating the American Revolution. The flags thnt were carried by mili tary organizations In the colonies be fore the outbreak of the Revolution were not British flags, but organiza tion flags. Inspired by Union Jack. The British ensign or Union Jack was the Inspiration of the American flag. The Union Jack Is a combina tion of the English red cross of St. George on a white field, the Scotch white cross of St. Andrew on a blue field and the Irish red cross of St. Pat rick. The combination of the English and Scotch flags was ngreed on In 1600, soon after the union of England and Scotland under James I. The word "Jack," as applied to the British flag Is supposed to be a corrup tion of "Jack," which was the common abbreviation of "Jacobus," the Latin for James. The Introduction onto the flng of the cross of St. Patrick came later. England's Union Jack traces Its origin to those remote times when knights rode In the lists and the red cross of St. George on Its white field goes back to the Crusades and the Hundred Tears' war with France a war that calls to mind such stirring names as Crecy, Aglncourt and Poi tiers. The American flag carried In the battle of Bunker Hill had on it the cross of St. George and a pine tree, the symbol of Massachusetts. It Is written by historians of the Ameri can flag that when the first flag to represent the united colonies was de vised, as many horizontal stripes of red and white were Introduced as there were colonies, and as at that date the colonies were not Independent, but merely In revolt of the denial by the English government of "their rights as Englishmen," the ensign of Eng land, the superimposed crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick, was retained by the Americans In the upper staff corner of the flag. WOULD REDUCE FIRE RISKS Insurance Companies Start Campaign for Greater Precautions With Back ing of Uncle 8am. Fire Insurance companies have un dertaken to obtain the backing of state councils of defense In a war measure campaign to reduce fire risks by educating property owners concern ing the Importance of cleanliness and orderliness In homes, Industrial plants, and grain, food and cotton storages. Director Glfford of the council of national defense sent to state councils the offer of the national board of fire underwriters to do this work, with a recommendation that the offer be ac- seven Inches wide in front and slope to a narrow width In the back, where they tie in a big bow. A delightful model In black char meuse, plaited In fine knife plaits from an ecru' Irish lace shoulder yoke, has a long-walsted belt of Irish lace, which ties on the side and Is finished by tas sels. Big ball tassels are used exten sively and are most effective. Manufacturers of that country are planning to establish th ftrst paper plant In Argentina, A NEW BLOUSE TYPE I'eplinr. blouses have made rather a determined effort during two entire seasons Immediately past to gain gen eral favor. But they have been ac- t corded rather uncertain attention. In the first place, It Is difficult to wear a peplum blouse becomingly. It Is unbe coming to the average figure and should be selected only by women with lender and youthful lines. However, the one now appearing Is different from Its predecessors, says the Wr-sWiigton Star. Instead of the Smart Peplum Blouse. basque type of blouse, the very latest model Is a trifle shortwalsted, giving the figure a modified empire silhouette. If the blouse Is developed In very soft, clinging fabric It has some very good style possibilities. The sketch shows a blouse mude en tirely of georgette. This model would also develop attractively In fine hand kerchief linen. It buttons in the cen ter back, and the front of the blouse Is cleverly cut, so that the wide sash girdle is lu one with it, and this is rRUE BEAUTY FROM WITHIN Beautiful Skin, Outward Sign of In ward Health, Depends Most of All on Perfect Digestion. True beauty comes from within. In stead of from without. A healthy skin Is the outward sign and the natur al result of Inward health. A muddy or dingy skin Is evidence of the presence of poisons poisons that are more than skin deep. It Means the accumulation of tissue wastes and particles of wornout mate rial lying about the cells of the body, clogging the tissues, interfering with all the functions of the skin, clogging the brain, paralyzing the nerve cen ters and enervating the bodily ener gies. A dingy skin cannot be cured by ex ternal applications. Cosmetics may conceal the evidence of external grlin iness, but the grlmlness itself must be got rid of by a simple und pure diet. A natural diet of fruits, grain and nuts Is most conducive to a clear, healthful and beautiful complexion. Cheese, oysters, sausage, rich pas tries, condiments and foods of this kind conduce to the production of hollow cheeks, dark-circled eyes and a leathery skin, which no cosmetics, baths or external applications of any sort can remedy. Clean living is required to produce a clear skin cne that Is clean all the way through, find transparent enough to let the bright, pure blood coursing in the arteries beneath shine through, thus producing the bloom of health. A beautiful skin depends most of all upon perfect digestion. The processes of digestion hnve a direct bearing upon the color of the cheeks, which usually show pretty well whether a woman is enjoying good health and is free from digestive disorders. USE LEATHER AS TRIMMING Idea Is Expected to Be Extended From Motor Coats to Suits, Dresses and Even Millinery. One of the possible results of the military styles being featured this sea son Is the greater use of leather by way of trimming. While heretofore certain of the motor coats have shown collars, cuffs and belts of suede, or of glazed leath er, It Is now anticipated that suits, dresses, wraps and even millinery win be decorated with leather in various colors, and In schemes necessitated by the fact that such garniture will be, in effect, the byproduct or waste of large skins used for army purposes. Thus, as has been proved frequently In the history of dress, novelty will be the outcome of economy and necessity. To Clean Gloves. New white kid gloves may be cleaned by rubbing with a cloth damp ened with .milk and rubbed on, with soap. After gasoline has been used on the gloves this method fails. PUTTING IN THE SKIRT HEM Home Dressmaker Can Do Job Smooth ly With Woolen Frocks by Mean of Shrinking. Home dressmakers frequently find It difficult to put in the, hem of a woolen frock smoothly. This can be done with little trouble by means of shrinking. Place a damp cloth over the hem and press from the lower edge of the skirt toward the top. All the extra fullness can be entirely shrunk out, providing the hem is not too wide. This method does away with small plaits usually found In a hem, the lines of which are almost sure to show on the outside of the skirt when the hem Is pressed. In finishing the edge of the hem do not turn the cloth In. Baste the raw edge flat to the other part of the skirt and over this edge lay a flat piece of seam binding. Sew the edge that does not go through the right side with silk or cotton thread, but the top edge should be sewed with a thrend of the fabric, drown from a lengthwise piece of the material, not crosswUte Pi re drawn to the back, where It Is tied In a soft loop and end bow.- A cluster of tiny tucks at the neck opening In front gives a dainty finish to the blouse. Several rows of hemstitching Indicate the upper edge of the girdle. Blouses that button In the back and the slipover models are unquestionably lenders, except In distinctly sport gar. nicnts, and even lu these the slipover model Is seen. FROCKS OF JUMPER VARItTY Idea Carried Out by Bib Effect Front and Sometimes in Back, of Same Material as Skirts. In Rome of the afternoon dresses f 'or summer seem to be modeled somewhat on the idea of a bretelle or Jumper dress. There Is a bib effect in rroni, and sometimes In back, of taffeta, satin nr of whatever the skirt may be muae, Tills nllows considerable of the blouse, of a thinner material, to show, which gives a light and cool appearance to the dress. The sleeves often stop ue- tween the elbow and wrist. The loose murrain or coat sleeve tine of sleeves nre most favored, because they are new nud Dartlcularly suited ror sum mer wear. They are not cut too wide, about sixteen inches in circumference nt the lower edge. Foulard silk in coin spots or pencil stripes Is the favorite material for these Juniper dresses. The gulmpes are of lingerie or georgette crepe. .Tnmnpr frocks of linen also are seen those made of washable satin combined with net. Georgette crepe Is still considered th ideal fabric for afternoon dresses and voiles, both cotton and silk, which hnve the charm of newness. Plain una figured voile are combined with artis tic effect in lovely afternoon gowns. Th tinner nnrt muv be of the figured or checked voile with tlie lower part of the plain. FOR SUMMER SPORTS Well, what do you think of 1917's smart summer sports girl? Don't you think that her costume is the striking and sportive affair that every young miss likes to wear? The frock Is of red and white striped Yosan, combined with white La J erz. Parasols for Summer. The parasol, which has been some what neglected for 'several summers, Is again high In favor. In its new form It is delightfully fanciful, and both care and Ingenuity have been ex pended upon its fashioning. Those most practical are, of course, in the plain one-tone effects In dark or 'medi um coloring, and of these there is an ample supply in all the modish color ings. To be smart, one of these plain parasols must have an effective han dle, and in recognition of this fact the manufacturers have been bringing out handles that are beautiful and ex ceedingly clever in design. The bright hued enamels are particularly effec tive, and they go well with the gay hues of sports hats arid sports cos tumes. These gleaming enamels come In beautiful reds, greens, blues, pur ples, yellows and rose tints. Sewing or hemming with a thread of the material Is a little secret that even dressmakers know of, and Its practice will give the most satisfactory results. " This metiod makes the stitches as Invisible as the weave of the cloth and should be useu In every purt of the suit or dress where invisible sewing Is desired. Of course some fabrics will not permit of the raveling of the threads, but wherever possible the method should be tried out. Pinchback Sweaters. The pinchback, which has been so popular in men's coats, is entering largely Into sweater styles this sum mer. Persian stripe silk Is made with one, which is belted and has a deep collar effect. It also comes In pink turquoise and other shades. Glass-Handled Umbrellas In Vogue. A novelty in sunshades Is the cut glass handle, which Is shown la col ored plain and figured glass, also with tiny glass flowers imbedded In the crook, and wreathed round the stick. TO Pi i J rA el .1 W , '! J A-4 I I M BT XI Tf INI I I as How Capital Is Fighting "High Cost of Living" nt ASniNQTON. The "farm-to-table" movement, by which the farmers and If consumers are being brought Into direct communication for their mutual benefit, Is proving a great success here In Washington. This movement was YTJ BUTWItflfE FY DO I COME III 9 VVIl tic Hlf a.i)tj. J1 of high prices. A bulletin has been giving the names and addresses of several hundred farmers In Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, with a list of the products they have for sale. One list contains the names of 100 people In these slates who have eggs for sale, another list shows those who want to sell eggs and butter, another list advertises eggs and poultry, and a much lnrger list gives the names of those who have miscellaneous farm products for sale. This latter list Includes eggs, poultry, butter, potatoes, fresh pork, sausage, honey, tur nips, smoked meats, lard, oysters, fish, squabs, buckwheat, cornmeol, hominy, sweet potatoes, scrapple, parsnips, carrots, apples, hickory nuts, walnuts, peanuts, asparagus and other things. Any farmer who has food products for sale which can be sent by parcel post, has only to notify the Washington postmaster to have his name put on the list, together with his address and the things he has for sale. These lists are published In the bulletins Issued from time to time and circulated quite generally In the city. Gum and Other Matters Forgotten for a Moment TWO girls, who looked as If they had come out of a grabbag, were prome nading arm-in-arm along the state department flagging. Both wore cheap white, elaborately trimmed and badly laundered skirts, with sweaters of contrasting gaudlness, somewhat sub dued by grime. One had water scallops to her eyebrows, plastered down with white combs, set with rhlnestones that flashed like summer lightning. The other gave a touch of simple elegance to her side-part with a black bow that stretched from ear to ear and be yond. And both were Irresponsibly Joyous and ready for flirtations on sight. As they reached Seventeenth street corner ' the black-bow girl un linked herself, and going over to the granite cornerstone thnt Joins the roll ing ran a finger under a weather-beaten edge and then looked crestfallen. "Well, Pd like to know who's had "Law Mnme, you don't save your with the inquiry made the rhlnestones "Sure, I snve it! I guess if you good five on, you wouldn't be so brash Cake. Course I don't throw my gum "You might as well, If somebody "Oh, well, I was In a skldoo of a seeing if It stuck. On somebody's shoe I gotta dandy hldin place down nt the "Say, Maine, I think It's a nawfle money keepln' your folks like that. "You mind your own business, Sadie Blank, and leave mine alone I 1 gotta good momma an' the kids are the cutest goln'. Say, look at that young aojer feller. Ain't he grand?" he gum was forgotten. But a woman who was strolling along beside the youngsters, for a reason, caught n flash of loyalty In the eyes of the black bow girl. It wasn't the shine of rhlnestones. It was the real thing. Good Work by Council DKEPARATIONS that are being made I in the greatest war of all history pendous scale of all lines of communication leading out of the capital. The tion a vast system of private wires Is being rajildly installed. Plans for the mobilization of the telephone and telegraph service for war purposes, which involve the laying of a new underground cable from Washington to New York, containing more than 80,000 miles of wire and supplying Important cities en route, are virtually completed throught the committee on telephones and telegraphs of the Council of National Defense. When completed the new system governmental departments with strategic points all over the country by a widespread network of special and private telephone and telegraph wires. Everywhere the telephone and telegraph companies have given precedence to the government service. Lone-distance facilities In and nearly doubled, the original system of the canltal having been lnoreased to New York, under contemplation, copper wire will be strung above ground In many directions. When all this work Is completed there will be approxi mately 500 long-distance wires radiating from Washington. Uncle Sam's Uniform Everywhere in the Capital WASHINGTON the seat of the war pulse tells a remarkable story of the change in the status of the uniform, the increasing use of It and its popularity. It is as if America has sense of relief from the gray, drab colors of peace times. Every second man on the street Is a soldier, a sailor or a marine. Any hour of the dayllt span one may look to the cardinal points and witness a military spectacle. Far out Pennsylvania avenue a troop of cavalry Is Jogging along to "somewhere." Over the brow of the Fifteenth street hill a battalion of Infantry Is swinging along to Join the cavalry "somewhere." Beyond the city, camped up and down the Conduit road, along the old Chesapeake canal, far over Into Virginia, are thousands of young men, in the khaki of the service, awaiting the call to "somewhere." And at night, the grim, gray war department building blinks 1,000 yellow eyes, way Into the small hours of the morning. It keeps its secrets and winks wisely. Yet it imparts a solid confidence to the thousands of men in khaki who are camped within sight of the capital and await the call to "somewhere." The day of uniforms as a distinguishing mark for swashbuckling loyers has passed. Today they mark the young man of serious purpose. CONDENSATIONS Vinegar and salt will polish brass. A pneumatic hammer for tamping paving stones has been Invented. The pomegranate was early culti vated in Egypt ; hence the complaint of the Israelites in the wilderness ' of Zln: "This Is no plnce of flgs, or of vines, or of pomegranates." To enable a man to walk on an In clined roof spiked frames, to be strapped under the shoes, have been patented. inaugurated ty tne Washington post- master some two years ago and It has grown steadily so tnnt it now prom- , tn i(1(,nmR rpBl fnptnr In roiling Ing the cost of living. Other big cities have taken up the Idea and are report ing much progress. The scheme Is to put the farmer In touch with the resident of the city so thnt he can sell direct, dellverlug by parcel post, thereby saving the commission of the middleman, which Is held to be one of the chief causes Issued by the Washington postmaster the nerve to swipe my chew'n' gum !" gum, do you?" The toss that went sizzle, but black bow held her own- had n mother and two kids to blow your "with your nickels, neither, Miss Smart away !" goes and cribs It." hurry and Jabbed It under without good an tight by this time, I guess. Peace monument.1 thing for you to have to spend your Why don't you of National Defense for participation by the United Statei Include the strengthening on a stu vast system of telephone and tele graph wires and cables radiating out of Washington has been more than doubled during the last few months. Comprehensive plans have been drawn for placing the military departments, the treasury and -the department of agriculture In close wire touch with all of the financial and agricultural centers and the military camps and posts throughout the country. Long-distance service already has been practically doubled and In addi will connect the war, navy and other , out of Washington already have been 148 long-distance wires leading out of 249. In addition to the new cable to turned to a form of militarism with a 'Practically the only available source of supply of chalk Is England and France, and in these countries chalk mining has been suspended. John Kanopa of Chicago was instru mental in enlisting 187 young Poles, who marched In a body to the army re cruiting office In that city the other day. . Because Sweden's coal mines do not yield enough fuel for the country's needs scientists are trying many ex periments with peat, of which there is a vast supply. EAT mm lACAROill MADE F10M THE RICHEST CHIDE DUBUM WHEAT COOKS IH 12 MINUTES. COOK BOOK FREE SKIMMER MFG. CO. OMAHA, U.S.A. Urjnjt rWM-oni fAcfory in flmerica Y W't SpoO Ii Ye. U- 000 MICK RED RUBBERS TKm Fit All Standard Jan SpecnUr ncnaaM fat cold pack BM. Sead 2c mp (of ow book on prammf or I Uc is Umpafor oaa doian rinr if roa caoaot get than at ouf doalaf'a. Adtirfm Department 54 BOSTON WOVEN HOSE & RUBBER CO. Cambric!, Mut, PATENTS Wfttiai K. ColcntB. Fallen t Iwyr, Wasbtnguiii, it. u. Advio and books rrM. ftiM rMLftooftbl. BlghMtntvnnoM. itMiMirrloM v. ""v. Bourbon Poultry Remedy ,n.eM.faw1nQI. f-1 . fav droix la Ux drlnkin. nMljUrcS mnd other mbitk diewn . umm i VaJuabte p altry o bouk Mat Itm. Can Fruit The New Way Jackann'l Anti-Mold Capa will UT 70a monf ul fruit, together with endloaa anDoranoa In trjln to ouenold-faanlnned fruit Jars br ITOUCB. Thor k-p twrfeotlr trae from moald and are so cur to opun that a oal Id can oast Ij open the cans. On onetemM rrltns: "Beat ihlnii oat, wouldn't try to can fruit without theru." Send now for caps for doaea sans, gout vrlM. T. J. Jacssou. fort iUcoTerji O, Had Best of It Stude I'm all right, but I can't get my breath. Prude Well, you're extremely 'lu.'ky. Harvard Lampoon. CUTICURA HEALS SORE HANDS That Itch, Burn, Crack, Chap and Bleed Trial Free. In a wonderfully short time In most cases these fragrant, super-creamy emollients succeed. Soak hands on re tiring In the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub Cuticura Ointment into the hands for some time. Remove sur plus Ointment with soft tissue paper. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Willing to Be Good. Albert Chevalier tells the follow ing: "One night," remarked the famous comedian, "in a certain music hall where there was a notoriously bad orchestra, the manager suddenly ap peared on the stnse and apologized for the absence of a favorite comic singer whose name was a great fea ture. "The manuger explained that he had every reason to believe that the artist' In question would positively appear later on; and then, by way of throw ing oil on troubled waters, suggested, in order to avoid a wait, that the audi ence should be favored with a little music. "As he announced this, a pathetic voice In the gallery was heard : "Oh, I soy, Mr. Manager, we'll be good If yer don't let the band .piny 1" Distinguishing poison Ivy. Poison Ivy can always be distin guished from similar plants by Its leaf lets, which are arranged In threes, the center one borne on a slightly longer stalk than the other two. It Is a perennial plant, propagated by means of creeping underground stems or rootstocks and also by the seeds. Subject to It "Is your husband subject to draft?" "Yes, Indeea. He catches cold at the slightest thing." When a woman feels her superiority she never overlooks an .opportunity to show It. For Building Up Quickly Erobably the very est food you can select is Crape-Nats. It contains the ( mineral salts and energy values all the nutriment of whole wheat and barley digests easily and quickly, and the flavor is delicious. "There's a Reason" for Graps-Nuts Am 1