Newspaper Page Text
.9(1. jjHif'Oillfllf OOlt-i40i',i(. fil.j-.Wj vHt' .-i'.'1 yjua Yin inoit ni ".VJiot ImoooO l.i inrnl hi Will Villi l?i()S'Otl8 lib f-.qooil .M Jixl ono lO'j'in vf sill W I 17 1'' t J It 11 I it i X sr i .mi r si ii e a,v v t 1 IVHIMIIM . i m i' Mil 'Vv srj f 'If V I V A .V r '-ii emus' no iitci IL i.'ilmbiivj ,00) ,H0iS30p J mi- lo ii luibu jVjijo ko;Jii!un! io 1hiuoi 000,0 lo jjnilha liia uioiioa ? vtovwf mUM-ia ina yJ Lain sit ff,.,. -jw.i i. t r.-jr 1. II II I I JU I .fl I f 1 flrt I I tfumiV" inula!" ,r 16 noiasru. im saTf ,oli;!i In'jl)ii9i5ni v hTi it r IHIJVIM lT full su;w:)il trl .) ViM ' 4' " 4iwim-4ui Mil I,....JJ ix'l'.ij i uiU ' 1,11 ''. .. - r.i Jul ''Hyl.finnMb oj tJrfLA,r 'f'-ifl rnniiog vHit :fi,i,. sal io itsm otiilf oill qiil.- PC3 'imr I? I.'D JUOh'jIfl Oil 'loiuiriA. rar ifvii-ff '''" ,I?,J1 q woifoi uioi oi I7f on II -i-ra iii in oft 8 TT2J. . 1 Jf!rt(ii7iiniMfin. .r :.-' - - Jilrio s.?il 'IQV3 HI it st!t Ii in iiitii.i $1,60 iPf nmimitt In Advance. flOOTt . . . . : -fivj- ft via .)') fl r mui iienj t ;a .aoolo.o j jnoio ijwtuin r.iii w.-irjtii ii .sin uiijci v ou ,.,u ,.-;i qoo-ig'j.jirf noil Pfl.T' .mil. boiimii'j o f JxiiJi .rt .l.fftr "ffo (ftfL OltOlR il JnlillOO .-JH-P0 lilnh odl no t'jfcafyj -l)fi 0i(J l"j-J:iii:i fR(T IIj y-.iI) l.iin Atom !,.. 1?J U'Jtia? ino Ir-ii Jinf ,')iiiv!i Hams n o) iod . - - 4 . .r . .,:i,,i) io T.HKHTKS In itoiilv ,7itiu.'i;ii i'lia furAiUn Tod . I.!;:M'.Jtjj?jid,TjJ-BO0K AJIDr 10;, J VaI jrlUiVliJ I'lIB lioilli,-! rt9YT pi'J ( tl;,j ,7 I i i 'n w ifr 'mi '.fin. j.fiiij moi j : 0-jB, viil Ml.n Jt fi'HTI9 ViFt' 111 IMfP Ji H'ITItt9 7 '.!' -,!!" iivf.i!i:in i ( v.- Jvin ,!!! i!i no ilvJ.i Villi! ,'y'" 'ihtH Al .kHid'n TiD'JCl1 ;(t : ii fv i .Ij ii f .3if-:it -'viib IILiI n : 123 Li .liiiiiEATONl'iOWdJ I' (foI ' j'l Mfti) aiio J A t.7 .uW. l.'.riiivlt flr-dcJl f-.i'i MiiiJ aiio J A ! -SI - ii!in-in:il -m-ii Jud ,iii;i !ij?u oj i v,1 i"t ''i'i;;8 'jIi.IiT,"): il.ti,liy!i',!C ;-ita..j "d: ii.:i: ('"I- !,-.Y.i-;l 'lo ?(! : f.on ' ;'- 1" .'1 .. .nvi .? ! T y 4 ; 1 1 T: . JTi T-i 7tTT j " h .no!:4Yil it Win '. .-. tmi i.v JiiuiiiaYi-iii -'n."!)nin'f .n-j,) iiii- . - I. lJMf'IC attention is respectfully Ihvitod . 'l 'Uhrtti,rrtpVlntUtrtioA ni tteTfcveu ivjil 'n'iraT):pdgrot)iT pepWft nndi clmrg?,, ."! -j'l.: I. ,i.iH "V, l)i;'-.(i f ! ,.,,.,,;... hlill rl'l(l ''lit 'ti (! il.V.Oq -jij'J.' i'ill " III .1 ,II'H :r.7t ,! i !1 VI: JT.'II I ii,i.7.-aii..t' i .... 'nil ; .a .!;; ; '' .IIm t" 1:"iil l.! :f:i,ll llf'.-':l.:l. Int.: .;bf'i;.ii:iLi!i:Jl - x I f no v;iiif...i . " .rBALfci K4bji)')ii i;;,UBEL3J CARDS, isrfnv -.rTT'iiP 'li?i;;i-(f l ii Tra""'-" ' "' ) ii 1 T.riirpRii'jMK x. MB.r r IHtrKRS. T)R'APTS: t I..!.. I !... ! " ii i arrii rr : --r :3 oill iir.P.Wi-ftliMi! Ml n it.-r. .!),; ! NO'l'KS, CliWKS, -.hi Ill in. w .Ijt. on fi Jl-(1 r7l;l.-'"! 'it )i:tn' . . lit Ull " ' " " . tt'l l! lJ. I-.'! vIllK.l.i .lit V ml: V,1-)Y ' n.v ;.nil Jviil .'Jill 'K. t'i-iii!ii i : .il.iij.'o ii l.i i miiih! A . l iu I'fVl'l 1 vv7i!05 wn u:tij. .".U5iij-oil ,ino7'j! i!f.fiJ ! i'lui :lj fn i"l' firll ct btftdebni fnoaie'J HA i .1, i jis ef.TJv036 jfosd lie es ,oono It) fbncrffjt CLbta R"i9d.7Yo n l .Jin 1 null: .TH3.MY0JTM3 07r, sivjh i) 17 .nitfl ml t.injjiMohn'J ;.rT imiioit wdl lo i J.i mil Lifclii. ,i 'tj...! Uvhpih bav luV.a (Uid ill luo Laa tcj. ,9iUs j iitj nis x"!' -d Td bsrn .BSriMiif -ined . - 1 - if ni .. 7.14 vi v iiaiJtM am ai ftnrti nn ii J,..- ,31 11 vum 00 fOja 110 f,.!, 3 ..:i!i;i,-Ti J J A. itajifliiru n iwala B ALL tin U rfin I r tvu mn Ui .1 oii.oii ia i?.imh W Mo;neO tidal UiSiflV mi lot shewed iiaiH 01 ,510 MmwoiIw :!! Lnil l.i .Muuiol iulftSwm.a ao fino jit .diilsa. 3flei j i ssUMia nO in teialuJ Jmrt lli dl mil nio:.'ouijii fij.filtwl;n ,ita ajj worn O'J Mtioliieff v,oi!j,oaa.tfi 1:7 vi..i;,.i! !J u.w Ii .'.! 04 a 3smM ijljx.T'' t.' Id lr!vif.. ttitV- ,eldi L;vrfio d ol iVim "a.Ni)inJa IjyissitB-c;.! -pim ff( Liff.m m.o e li vjka.-m- j si ..ii.pS-.i ,00ti a dJ m liiln.'l tun Lin.- I .!( !'b;,;bni .rw a o 1 !i West' Malii' Street,Cliorr, '''' 3 vbi jviiuiiia.i.j f T4.A!!'i S-fntXL. l&i,,mfM in. ..f. c. . Terms Cash;! ,. M l View -NW.i.V4tVMMa.u.Ml . ,. 1 10 U bdei y,oJ ') 'l-jYO III n!iary?7. j;jil ri'iv ., , i". Ji t, nvviTrAUiw' nrfMiudi..i!?. J! talTflMtWMft VIWAM ffniAm l 8 addle TiTir ky' oil i ttYigV.i 1 -oj -.viiowiiU 10 rjilliTrSiUj; a.goonssoit)ifuiMu u iii ! .viia till row oi0 UW;PDlt.BBaqo6aUie! Itrnii,..,., i 9oill no i fiioll. Ho if A RTDT. . till-JOtiiil ql'jll 'jYl'Ill I -ilJlmf ii:o'i ;' ji.l .'on linn fVlieJl 7, M I rvM . i '"'HOI JIU'll i 1V j i . Surffeon oi JJATi t.isi( .TniS'J Jttlll I'IJMIIIHIMlJ rl Jiiti J , .1 t Ml n Ml n tun , . IVfflB Thill 111 111 fn(llv llml Trfktn Aii mm nuaiolaaca with Dr.. 1 ultln rHrAliilU fcxlend ta lum riui'prtvflego of rQrring U( us a to histompctCBKjiwipwjrBtiTeDejitiiit. i-roi. r. m. irump,,.!!. u., Wallaea . U:J T.'S. (JahS, M. t) ' Bd'W.JLimfcay Jl D. .'.' I !nl ii.i f.iIT .7i! ' " '.: I ' ,'. ..Ill I.I '1. '1.1 Tl'lll ; ii! iw j Jail (! 'I ''' ", 9!l Fit I' .. . '.r : l I . .m't eii!) 1 7I v.'!l 7 il n ;,TlN-WARE .lAMfD jSitOVCS ! , rTifft',"!r''1 -.orf.iJ j.-. I ft rilllf. aiibscnbcr would cnU t,Ke Meition oi X ins old frionds 'anil custom'erg to Lit .Milent BtooTt of (txcollelit in'- V't nj of every var?oty usually tept In Tin fehops, 7 ; : ile- also tesps' constantly n iand theihi tot olid moat apptoved pmtoro b( , I , . f . COOKING & PARLOR STOVES all of which lie WilFsoTI ui low as can b pur ennaea euewiiero in tne eoutttyin. I ' i ; ,Ue ia; also prepared to uttcnd tq all order fo .Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing, on reasbn able term . Thf;wbrk' wananlcd ; igLAlTordert for6 Ilprfiriilg attended to on uliort notice.; and tlie worki. done in auah manner,eiider reuoral snliiaction. ' H)S SD.0D Still ' kt'Dt . nit the (il.l utnnit. m nnr Knrlh of tho i").i,1 irull.iiB'u,.n'';i.i!I -' All his. line sold at'aueh ratelr aso'roquire his mnierijrieo to (jnsh terma.'ir nioKHi tbiiw ft;.in ii fun Tin; ,. .''.Jin nr. i I -toil '. ,i rr-ji!lin Hit' ill ni v-,., Juki I, !').! f4t ffi-id ol n.;.-!n ! 'i' -'lin'i .Sfeyf.felinware. Q TOERoom tbi-ea doors West of 0 rari v7ausdal'i store ! .;.. . .0 Vi 'J ti W. J. OILM0I. 'j !I I,'. t ' . van ubumi ; ' GtiMti)y& CAMPBEUi , V-Viim feint .l'ji!o yj. 1 .. i Attorneys 6,.ppunselor t Law, ii ., : iANWKOTAIIIKH Ph'RI.Tfi. '-'H iloorsnormof Irfam atreet' u'u" ! fI(,,i. .ranna-V;!il8C?- J h"":o'!'I,: ! i 1t- frf.ftt.iin -j.-nrti.-. ...IT :,Ii"''f,: SUViVJSIT .viiiki l .f lioh f. . . I". Afl .. H P "1 ' I" . . 1 1 " ' " 1 - .l.ifl ... 'i rr IfffAt'i ,DAJ40T I'll .1 . j. , ... . ' , . t lo SiSj If 0Y1 lo 8'iv lo '..MottttO IWBVtt. 1 ii:-al.,.k. U .... ; L ; . . . - 1 ..IW nntWIHgnaa ftarV.lw-a;.,, iXUUJjIU ' : "Office atflbliujMiJk -Ji;"ffa-'j!fil i ..i I' nuucqi, W 1. Ml nsd see them before, sailing iUotbara. , i"llll IU f,. 'i, talon, JaaiJ, lWt,! "1 The Duke of Wellington. miiWA HMrkm'ikX. 'i. 6KpnJ4 thfinNwl ft!rM j.bokrd shouts t .i a . i I i; (fern vol f n F Av..). ad I"" Uulie or Wellinitt6n. A irranti fll J lfwa m met oyi$Mn)nof,'rtwr,l Jeta. - Vfc'S J9fl9. coiumed to, repreiiiBnr V'Ufl.'Jf I'll i.-w1- lillr i . . ciaraclarf in one of Scptt'a noirelto ' The around. 1 IllA alnnfl V I wnndAbiiVA lkA. W'tidaling fotrf taijuke olWinagton- k.HreiUed hiW'Wr.Tled'U Mi iiitiaUrc "Ippwe;iJL.Ui ektenfoY aliof I(,air!" A7l;af that AeTDuiie: oW naro had the throng to the nppei ond of the Wuofri . g - ,iV1H l. VUI.IUn.Wfl, hwi awme'forln appirentf rdefteg by .opening .:path for hlim .rWheb MnwAed tha un- W HM. h"&;o ma r4, iaidi;'''thank fncidenta" WtorIo.X'ijiyiarl:ik: ' j "J-rri,'.-i! L Lid ltilil'JHL-J. ri.i : .. ... . . . ii; your. urace iff goqdi fi ley House if yptfare fond of pictures." ' "Z heed not 'sat ' tW V im ..r. f j . -- ' T yitt'Askrjstf toforti t rMvserVtwt hwlf, at itlla gatanf ihtftiaaiifioiii whilf:stlll, fn its KYr'tlpn, , KW bltnds irftflinaej t5o' napser-jdiat lh.Dukej ad once fofidlt 'necessary to protect his windows frofa ifioh fury. The1 Duke1 ' rederVe7j; iie-'tir kindly and 11 toiMe tedT4i't rWotrcrIoo''gnIIervT-a lona; Ae was hbrmstomed aii-. nuafjy itoputortWY tha ply .jwroeJ'of ttie great ; figh;t of, Juno. 18, 'j8p. jMany of thd! i!?8iWrongW, ic. '.''fl' were, nil? in arms, and M NancleonT! whoso milit'irr K ; ii' ii-.;;:. ,f. . "-!. ' ,v r gnjus hp seemed delighted to.Ironor. 1'here was r a, .colossal statna. of Napoleon iat' thd fpotofthe stairs. There was but one pic-1 tura Of the batje of Waterloo iu;the gajlery, and reprasentcd Nsppleon jwd his staff .'fflilnf fMiM, fjmpo, distaiice al most en.veloe.iBjsrpokei I; yen),iired"to ask his Grace wlnch,was.the.Wl?iWreeHrilori of .the battle, ;be. , bad iKyr seen, ''All bad;; sir. i,A Rattle oandpt be piuutd,.1,It,ia aon-; tiniixl motion, t I.chfisc this. Iiein'iin T .nl.l not pay it was fle. ..It,is:iiliiet(i than artv of. the athnr.'! Then prj.jy , , Jfeicant on the. falsehoods perpfimicii'jy.twSiitors.; M." :J. L-.i... . . - r. . . , iiu. .iiurr.m".'? s-.Muf JltirKer 1 paiming yi my meatiag with ttiBupei; 0n tlie held, oi Waterloo; . It is absard." Ha baa Imade ua Ini tho aot of saluting iwitn' onr cotked. hats.ii That was mot the iway'flf it a, all. ' Bluehcr rnshed bp to me at Ua Billa Alliance, threw his arms ardund.imt ne k. kissed me, and covered roe 'wltbJmud 1 I see that. Maolire kasi'sent i'ni4'desig;o for 4'freaeo! illaafatloit nf! khkitiJK ji ic. 1 ( - via w a u VIIO House' )of Lrird;ui (from' the-'dscrlplfoii giren"eflit' thd i$aperI fede (i'wUl be bo .1 kU.'. Li. 11. f.l. . r.Bi't ....l . Hunter vu no iruiu juan jiaxicer s. ' , . n. ' ) '! Tor '.tt fcidrw 'ftttafA oP tbe , Dale ?i7w)nthpre's!efiK t.. iW.rchi'o-' W.Vit-,rnJ.!- MitA,:ttlI tiU ii J J' I -ww rvj ..JjV.i Ll' 1 1 1 1" I m ----- 11 Ti heart' 0 Mas ib4 aonie eCtlie'st&u called YteAof aitmitoanwyj, ano4gtouid,ot have been hrt,'0 Mitf lbs loma of. tlift-itutT oRllorl thiaoaa,fteirlaWteoCthe ,oom, fL yiarl . V r, I. i wig !: Sw nnnjof, 4 ventured Tej, trqfthat berried out, w jj, mmwv " uomi! , a aasj ; crisis or 11. . . n ... - 1 W.ra.U.I IT..:J.! IITa. " x-- . ivirikwvoijjuvjiniuii Ai.avnnqp reason ' . i' . . I ft wuara 'iudt n jruir aanri tv.mnrai u nnici . nMmknAtt, il.J,.mtmm iWVflilJ4iJ:uT -a;ltusiSi;",,'Jc :' ''OnVlatef tjM8lfI'rontt,,the'l)uke in m- vwiit? ur tuunuiti, uui. Burubiuiz hit n iiisuMiuBijei; 1.1 warf 'nlirtrVl tfitati' 'vyllil'l') '!. ' T:(If .(jT' y l!. jed for sale representing Lord- Cardiean J.?BpW'6ver;a jrnpj at Balnklavt .Whcn Prince' of Vffales saw tins' lie asked me, gWjfe'y ,aceomplli fcati .and on ' " ' i ""e''"'8., no .cxciaimea, hen wiry do tWy 'pprpcluKte-gncb' errors?" lever wisjs i ,feir,ol"fy '-rex. l Important Resolutions by Mr Vallandigham —The Abolitionists Put on the —The Abolitionists Put on the Record. . of . . , 1 ... I r ' ... . the ........ , . r, -xr, . -- iwpreaentauve., were not tekgraohfed 0u '. .. r - . 1 "IIT i i r wa iVitlU O'.U YOII SYati . '""WW i . jffe4 b Itr." Steyen jeaterdari.1pJiU! POstnohe '(hi lr' ' COUwderalmn i( .Tli. i JUbt i TtSk AY. mdU a"!iJ':w.. mMA rwrIepdlnwiiitaineai rih and "7 wreTer.vnhvo"l6rB na 1 1 i it. n f. i. . i ... J . f" r.ry'T. 'p'cfijjprpvwing. ujf araendmenja. mchded. f ( ' , .( j 7, - uaonea; ruat a any person in the cifvil otiimifltaiiy sewnc of -"the Ctiited Ljii . ... . i : "(propoafiteras ietf peate.r accept of ,. HuLf on(auy other, basis than the, integritf of the Federal Trriion.'arid' of thi" ' s.2(. comprising M ii'me, Hi thtttrjtorieaof tl.: ITnioVai it'th,-BJiBrnWf tbVpre- BPllt i.ivll l.. ,:ti k 1. Lr'Ji j sent civil war, he will be !gnUy of. k hig'h cnwe.,;y ,t .,,,.. rWI..,.,.ir ! l.i 1:7111 , "Koohed. That thli ,hnvimmfln'l'f.n ii-Tfii ;.rr..;M' Sii IiTP'.-t; I nnuiit noi.Mii. Ik. r 'liation in'Ve'gair'o! td'th'i 'pVekefit mil, war. "Rok4it fhM the-' ntifiappy -eiyil war in wbich, we art oBgogLiwaa.7mged itt the btr Pfo'i Pf injaiiy.apirllfdf op jireuion, or tpji any purpose of .omjaest D suKjiiati9nvo,rfor the purpose of overthrqwr siuue or foi to a wa; d? conquest and subjngation, r the overthrow or fn'terferinff with the v , ','JtaioM, , lint, whoever shall nronose br I I'Mllaral . .. 1 ? "r '",'fr .. u1.0xwnsu1aD1.UT -of tha 'S.tl0!'ontMlei0,V or ?o declare ,anyof ; fUoin avi'n..rol.ll -..J' ' -x 1. ' 1 . I uv u crtiiiicmoiicu. ai u tu esLKniiflii t apmii. ... - . , 1 . - ; 7 -, -7" r VVY r'u riot noir7.nmr.a ,:V: ii' 'J-:' . -.". 171 .... v--rv...u.VlliB TtlVUUI IUU BIUe, Will, D6 i dofnd a(id laaUtmiii -feel aapremacy of tho rf . "'JiiW' fJWj 'Preseryei the;.Union eapeoiaflly b'y.tiiB ararij!dDd.dvy'6f thdtTni'- tcd.: States,.,,and: that, ..tlereforei BhaH .perwrtiW fttteipRtto. pervert, to ; a 7""" rigMs oresttHiHd'institntiiriig of anV.,fr tijetSks to sbolfiA.aJary therein; fro the pnrpose ,of ,destrovin8!,, imjalririg the J---.... .. . r 0 I ; uigoHj, equality or rights. , of apy of Ue OUIICS, win oeiUlltV 01 a Haopunl hra.nh r . Public mtrti hikb 'crU astth " Gnsi(,Ili,w,1.adtl,e rjrfo-Wr- "vi; guilty of ahii& crinle aiinsttb'e'Conalitu .tion andtheUnloitnil i I .inn rRetolved, That whoeyer shall affirm that it is competent for this. oBseranj, other authority, to establish a, djctatprshlfyin Ue tfnited States, therebV suDerseain nr '... peadin'g the' Con'stftu'tionaf';k.Ytrifi;ll. -Ar ihe .Uoion, ana- ahall proceed to wjake any movenieBt towardn the, .tfcolarin at a Uma torship. shall be iruikr nt hmi. against the Constitution and tha Union and pabliclibehy.'1'"'" , J "-''""'' ! 1 " The sblbtlomJ laid US - iii' 1 U' P !'.t motlbn ofillr.'Laveioy; by hi folldirt Vcos-T9 1 -Mys-teO.,) 4,Ui : -'-- f 'thev A..t. l. w-, ? 1 j. i tT Li 1 i a ?MSW P W,er maae ill. n-r r-r .ir-rr rv 11 lai i-uiarnm ava uiViAa.hA aaivIJ "'" , .M! radmwhat differently 'asthiW'sftWtf PIn6ndrdif'edo!his!ljdstttftei khw-'iiio;ier8.fl5 n IIIU JU WHO Dltti jl I, V Ul S..II H.I1 IfH I ' I I r I I vu tue jueu of iBSjUDg ucicetBHf cled t -i.,r. .n : r, .n t . A'.'saloon-teeper in .CJeve and, gled hiA in Tna'aAAvi.ifMihrAii..HA' '..u . aargeaitoimt'ofsrr, iff.e,Vr1,!,Wi,9ne drunk.rt and a nnmhpr of twln'flht" w v-wi ua.atuNma Vl-V tmiUwDnkUlillltlUVIIb the ercat neeuniflrv Insst nf no. rHcV, 0 ---- r t-t 11. 41 HBwHIB lU.QriinjfB R w Ac.jfff ll(JI tAl JlL&SilULlit Si 1 jb 'Tbe!keth We fi-ftuds thaY w al- him geti Wituj :toar aud' nera)Jy the y??iviuiiiil Kruanv., ... . . . nolln,, Matrimony is a . 8ort;pf , chess- i j 11 ,w.b ; , m.ftu'y a, poor ' wo maixgefs fool-ina'fed. . :.; If a woman does Leer n... aiiornt , . irr niuww,vi it u petty sure t0;W'wi,th telling effect " " " 1 ' ' :!. .' and ; gur bac if?t HORRIBLE DISCLOSURES ABOUT CAMP CHASE. From what "w leM-u' of l.lJnin (iriznna jdiIi hovn Knnn .L ' fL rT""0 ffrf.rilQem nt1naa itvA lin hm ... nnp wrnrfl r ar Annn 4ah.. j f hAT-ff beirih kept In prlioti fr fei4 atyeari.irithtfuir bein tillowed ,to r!T-v, ... .,A7,.UHu,;pr iriRnn. f' ' 'TKev' arfl' riitiiril'''iHt ' 'ah'I . - Wnrle blanket. aui:; their bfothine; ''"come ,BitiV' (trKr scarcely I. n k .u.!. I 1 . mi i 1 uu2s4iyvu.fupir uvita..4.nej' pave no bedtling, and are therefore .cprq- TJe led to BleeD on the hnro I.nnnla They haVe'iiot eriooth-woodi ftf- niBhed to keep tires all tight,' hence he1cold wefttherr Jt tbejr attempt aftef dusk, to walk out'ln the yard th'h ,f the dreary fht 7 arinifantlvthreatne4 Raid ha laid nn a Knra Krwar.,1 imtiii hiB'hips were black and blue. ", ' 'The priaon'has become awfully filthy.; and. the rata . sir In Amvaa tf'M18, prisoners atfumpt to kill one of these' rafs, they, are forbidden or tliaeatened with being'shot insrant Iv.1, Their prison is Dcrfennlv ulirA wlth llce, and no chance is given to escape the living vermin- A dead nfllrioil mil In Ikn .1 rt - . j . . . , v. yv fcw i ki u yard, and laid there Over nighty in ,ioe moruiusj wnen visited by other prisoners, iney. louna his bair stiff fir i tW )irt'a nn.l t i.., J.I.' - I! L - iiyia ,nvo auu uiLa LiiH Jin nrpon. eyes' in irrcat nunilif-ru and ,r' and out of his Open mouth. 4lWF'nWmis'ht fifo further... but God klovj78 .thi8 W enough ,fpr once. It io ciiuuju m lUillVO UllO 8 UIOOU TUn COld to think of It.' If the Legislatdre when It meets " lu es"'niro wnen it meets li0.Ha?.Pt wtieq8t,: why, if sent Ffir TOlII Million notli ll iLl. j . . fium mi tins, JjuJ: T v. f'w u tins, . . - " nui.u 1HdeCen?' " Public ueweyaper.-,;!.!. [From the Rochester (N. Y.) Union.] A Camp Letter. ..jA.'ember; of Captain Browne lAmtMl M tf In IUaT L!.t- il.f. 1 It wuiubu t 111 lii h 1 innv.rnipn ifam i r T Trf r". tit' ha ' Trr,.!ff, 14. trifent,' has" written , a letter from earrtp,' near Acqula Creek, dated the" 1st i instant,! frprh; which we quote a few extracts and facts : ; , "I have changed my opinions somewhat since going into' the army 1 and Coming down' Into Vir ma wherd one can sea 'tha riXw T. Jm . will; fcbango a ...... t, ... ii buiuu men ih'durVompauy" who, tyh'en they: i. iMwuesrer, were tne blackest Bepublkaiis, yora ever Ww'hock iaiLor, patriotism, troinir to d ft fnr tne', cotintsy, with the Star. gpWpi 't- ia.h,?e.r .fl6ati? ioove them,: an vuat iuu vt vuiug, .ixow, Are the verVmen whorara toA a et, his off T talk 4vei 'Uiat 'iBUIlrU,anur IU Ui& . i . J ' ireffB.BmpDaiwimaTaavaeiels. you 'wh Woea luovf Ki8 'goiirtd'eiflist agaiWirhe1 to do dutyw oTheiStar Span: Biinnfir? la. I'nlawfl .nuf.'' K-tfK . Banner ia.ii'pUi'ed .out' witti - 'tT-- - . loiaier York ttiao vHiW fiot toiheum(nitlf-i)f 2q YliiL- U .l J ITrfTi. gnard. There were about tw firilHI vf larflri aH eai rtl i ,1 - "71 ' jAvoisHwuj wuu' .yuB OX jOUT UQV8 K.nunhri lu I JI 1 J r ! . for a tieda TTikntoWi. ; f M...H 11 V 1. W would! wom tahe broait awnv frhm poor colored man?' .A iJ,i;j 1 1 r, .. ,) 1. I' 1 1 I V 1 "".v luyurs Jimi Oi.grUDS, tE9ldyiht that 'while the nip:- ii ,.'.ij' i ! t . .,i ' !.. .. ,e lovuntrg iioo-iresn Dreaa irom Alexandria lr Vrhatiavlwa-o, jh lies.' Tliia .wixr li ..i.;n.r is ke'ptaA'ohig; the uitfger wilt coiivonl'luruk.' el r. ...r.. The Bollmeyer Fund. iy& teg 'to" 'Inform .our readers tieiaSotitaU' an'd Consery iiti ves of th e North-wesifor lie purpose of ere'e tlnVti'utonumehl to tuo lamented T.T. 'or' Tftte Editor of 'tlin . , , , - 1 an nriAcf j - -'' j miv4 ay v BU;uib of hia fafiiiry. W(j'h(ipe aur friends will respond liberally, to the appeal, aidi thus show' that thev resncct thynieriiory 'of' tlie Tnsuvho bat. tied so rblyfor Uic.! cause ofDc moeraey even, unto death.. Suh- ecriptions wlll bc VbcefTed by the ijt.:. .'t .i. nJ.-A' no? . 1 t a-iuiiui, iii, iu u j rvas vjwcc, una uy Messrs,. Gilmore an Campbell, Ea ton, of whom .subscription 1'iBts may be obtained., , itti' .V... The Military Lessons of the American The Military Lessons of the American War. [From the London Times, Nov. 26.] tne torce. well iiaud led. wnll well managed, would If the American War tn-iflina nu any lesson at all. it tcnc'iea tlint. science and discipline are of moro irnliiyt 1 1. 1. ! . 1 1" I I mo iiiuu uuiuuma 111 111c iicia. We ll&vn BPpn at. ovnrtr Eton nf tlincn - ...... . . v v. . I v v w .lltaOl. CftmnaitrnR thnt m liffln fnrf 11 ?fu Jt O 1'iivii w a v uivi AfO work, while a groat army perished Dy its own weight., . J uuging by that experience,1 it is certainly bet ter to nave a good system oi dei. lenses than half a million of men. Happily, indeed, it seems to have been established that" enormous levies' and prodigul expenditure are by no means necessary for tho cfi fective prosecutiott of a war. ... The Confederates have spent far. less than the Federals nnil Imrn. done more. The fabuloue charges incurred on the Federal forges have not rendered them in tho Inaot Aa. gree moro effective. It is thought, on the'eontrary, that a tenth part of the force, well haudlcd, well uuiiiuM, uu wen mauageu. would have proved nioro formidahln tn the South. Numbers have done little or nothing. , whereas ovirv scientific appliance has done won ders. At Corinth, twp gunboats saved an army, and in llanipton Roads one iron-cased ship saved a State. , The Merrimacwas actually valued . bv the .North urn rr selves as an equivalent to 50,000 men. ' ' TBI last numliRr nf ' ' - v, MMVS4 liO cartoon embodying the teelingol' England on the mediation question. Palmerstoii stands, hands in pock while NaDoleou. shoulder, across tho water where Americans are makig war, addresses him oo.. i.n.,'. ... - . . yttmj y. auu II 1 U better tell our MmA th makuig a fool oi himself?" and 1, i . i ... x.ttllHersipntine. proferblaily judu cious bottle holder. ;8gtuticantly answers, "irm. wolf.' Riifvrww. umi to hirii youraelE ! Me ' great admirer of youraVyoa ikoow.'" "AiEy!lijn): cIFjP'Aiests.--. A New Yorfeef, whose-' namo wo suppress i ;for j ke-iipuUicatibn mav hari'Ifi Inm.-'ivnrpi no fimm tli. : . t . . 7 -r .- -f. ."j ni'- Baltimore, jail,- where h'e,',eay8 ho hasbeen impHBonel ivltlidut cause-, Binca'" Aa'ffUstij 'jVTei . Aafhrmrtu ...;! odr legal proeess,, but; am uot get VV Q h... B U.. 1 .L J V. j 1 Mr'.'Sedretary Stautori forgets- half brthe men i whom- he orders to twison.' K thia Adm.itiatrtXfkn uru rtolast as long asi the' Bomba Ad- llllStratinn ftfNnriloa'VliA' i..'ol. ,..!. . . V t ' v.. v., i.WDUVUJU soori have' yburig tacti fcomine out ledaa ttf Naple.-iT'p Jfork Ex. 'Thci-e is a; m'nch ;iit knowing when' as in knowing how to speak. Probably Eve took tip With Adam becaitse she found herself m match for the devfl,,, if 1?; ( j : .' Choloria man often ta Lro 71 1... am fteljists deliver fire at U19 word. ' For4 neat and cheap job work, e j tq-the jPm; office, i