Newspaper Page Text
mmrata H. FESOtfe.' &4 '-A Thursday, : December 18, 1882. Constitutional Rights Which We Mean To Exercise And Maintain -jCmi irfflan.alial l nv nil ..pecUMg,.-an-.yst8lmcitt 'irf 'gioiij or .prqhibitjingthe free cx .' .cruise thereof;, or, abdrrY0 f)i6 ' freedom ofpceeh. or utih.e'i)rif3.l A meiiJments to yieo)Mittttki , of. ( ,(i .."Lvory citizen, may reclj 8caK writ, and publish i.fiiijpjjU oij nil subjects,- .lejngi rcp'iQi)wHe for tliy abuse ofnjii,Q ,ri;' iid no law shall, be passed to; restrain' or abritlgo (ha 1,1 bcrofc speech, or. of -liYWc 1, jSfW)0)i ll. , .;,,,,.J..,. ; tf"l'h. Editor Mjhi pape'raoe's vi now inmscij rcsiioiiame w '? fpmivnn expressed by his cprresMrid ''mt$. 'The writer, ami notihe Editbr j? raponswlf. " - iT-7,1 .1 Weekly Summary. The- quiet on tlio Uappaluinnock Is bi ca ut lnsf , und Uurnsidt'ii "on lo Rich mond" has bach 'I'hfcckid'. 1 lie wulWeid into iVie trap Wd' for.' ltm hj the. rebels, hnd! al'ttrr u serrre conflictjlins bwn compelled t'i retreat acros? tlic river, leaving his dead v'hind. ' '.' . . : l'rederii;kbbur5 is uga'ni Occupied bj tip, llcbels, who liavo sunt, a 'flag, of trao, reqncstiiig Jum o detail men lo kin.'. .'..l .i...i '. Wm to 7,000, Includiug , Gva. Uiiymd , and in other officer uf iuU). : j : 1'roin Naahvillo the news is unimportant. .Teff.. I)vi.V has reviewed Bragg's otiuy1. ' ' tanks expedition has pnsscd I'ort ltoyal 'bonnd South. ' '-X 1ro 'labor movement is being ihaugn !iracd in Xorth Carolina. '' 'Thekiuiji for soldiers' wages amount to '$ f,OP(),490 per dar, of Which the Government :if oirlvt5l,.' $800,000.' . ' J: Weekly Summary. A WARNING. re have lately had some very . , KTioUa 'complaintifrohiVsotiie'' of vour subscribcrB, relative to the, dif lieulty they:Jiavo in getting the Tress" at their ; respective Post ' 'offices.' , " ;,r ' , ' . . ,'' It is particularly annoying to us, ito receivd tlieso irxiiterfttcd com-, plaints',1 as' we Itai'e 'sp'oktin once and 'agftln,'to 'warn TpstmBstors against thus trifling with lis'Or with our. 'paper. :'Vc'find, tipoh ; inquiry,-tint theliopuhricau-Abol- itioii Bbcets .of-. Katoa and Cincin nati arc not subject' 16 this dclayi neither dd'tro 'Intend' to submit to' it 'any lougcr .'' 'fhjvllc horde of AboiitioD1!iK)8traaater8, from the PoBtmaster-Gcncral at ! Washing' 1 ton,' 'down ,46 tk'Wjririest ' county official, miist tic j'uaclp. tolubw aud . undarBtaiicLlpat they are pound by eoleihn oaths to lorward and deli ver whatcvpr matter maybe placed , in the. I'ostofRco for trttnamiBslon, ' and ,tho people it, tli ' :1he'kecjHh$rl ottth,yIr.;.Gojr "l.'lJjobrflV, WCM'iliit, iii v. Paris, vi republican in politics, .subscribed i i iof our j'ujjor suiiiu iu hw&s Mgu, and paid us in advance,' Siuce ..then, uo has recciyod but.wo pa . iors i tu;o ruonihs. Hovf js this? . Ill paper is regnlnrly mailed 't:,'': Bcweelviy .to Ncv ' Others , irM nanora ho canuot ?ct hifi. li Wo think we see' tho reason: .The AbolitionisU arc afraid fpr any ' .their. own oartr to read: both sides . of tho,,flueUonr. ltt they should . . : 1 1 'hecinie cultghtctod iud converted, hot Abolition officials bf Ware ihe .lav, Af their power w last 'drawing ,ia o. uierpow i ... - i to a' close aha accorning inc nicai sure they havfc,mcted: to Qthora, ahal.l it te moored tblhOm uguln. LETTERS LETTERS Addressed to His Excellency Abraham LETTERS Addressed to His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President U. S. A. LETTER VI. it of l" " m uiuic, nnt,.v.A -i. ,i: j . i i - .... 41.-1 l. ' 8ojcr unon ,vith him by being whip- ped to death. .Sow, sir,.if you can loKOREn'biRi 'The preacut rai and -tHiholy AmoricniVws leAjvtcJV11' evcrlas ruin pt millions, byth in this coun try ancSiujluiftf ; but who cures T let ruin follow upon ruin, until we ' "VfiV Vl,u' raging in its hottest, lierccst, and most devilish and burning fury, on the, banks fi l,ipttl)Wck., FTcrJcLMg fcWnel-of'the hprrihle conflict: how hnl.h frm fnd.your .Oafoinotwuwti fcelgjRsHoti irmiy power to divine; buVarf'tnei belchlMgthlinderiHnd roadiUg eahfibn "ami 'tifoak&W'fVke.'ihc r.tJrrypy.tii rW". dye ff'e n.cWiiUi,Uoodp budiiltutn rlio frbiiftrtficarth Jifo' lilftfli'tcarth" lifo1''' lungtiierf MeMa allftl.'tirsl.v'ontv mllM iiitbni'ondi i'iria.'.TOU.muat feel'. ;QmblrAll'tfecay,,a:''3isay.' It is, more than probable that no tional carnagoyiliavo boei;ivitiios3od ahd-ennt;rrj'd'liipon!;barth,(tineo tlic 'siege of Jertjfe!lcrrf,"a's.ai1c now be- of, the Rappahannock river. , , , -nXiitcnVsi'Ti fliid loot: !' !'be battle rages on the spot! where, the great mid inuncji-tal asbington wak bonii: , Hark!, what .do you bear? Thj troad 'of ! Stewart's ' cavalry. Wjiafe dd you sec t.'.'.Tlio onward rusli. 'oi JJunjside'fi' lucntcr. -The house, iu .wh'tdi . Washington was bom; is' pierced' by a cannon-ball. Lo'ngstreiit dashes lorward, and cries "Mpn, charge qiut,6ave the birthplace of the foundoT of our snercd but insulted institutions." The charge Is made; thousands fall to rise no mor6 upou this earth. But lo,:another and another charge is made, and the white smoke rises as it. advances through the clouds to blend in the rays of the sun. The smoke clear awayy' and what do you see, sir ? "Hear lt;.0 hcav ens, and be astonished 0 earth, for theunfinishodmoitumcnt, under which the remains of Georce "Washington's saluted' mother lie, baa been blown to atoms by a shell from our side. Andrew Jacksoni of imperishable fame, I invoke theo to ' look down from heaven thy soul's dwelling place aud see the' strange ' .things -1iich have happened 'hj jIicse," Moo'dy diis. Tbew the eorncr-jitQntf.jWb'wh til oil didst Jay oil the 7th of May, 1833, to remind future generations that the ashes of the mother of one; of the "greatest,,, and, .best.! of men mouldered there, has beeii shatter ed by a' qannn-balJand the raonu' .. i ,,' ,Ti!fit,r (liilft,, . '' muni " I'puyc.fO.aieapt ruiaew tt is '6ti;ango('ibat. the.; birth places of'v Washington,-- Henry jC'lky- and others, '6hotitd,'bV"Eblectc(J' ns .the ueius in wnicir conrcinuing Jjosts stiould " l(e ','cutocibed, side . by side tod.iavdpaih'B cold, embrace. Sifj-lt has oft,eu! surprised ine,.that yott 1 Americanff ' should attach' bo mu ct ; ' ("sHPS the present aud flomb.lo war, to English opto Ion alnd ympathy ; for it it to w$!l known fact, that during, Crimean war 'and Indian rebelUon) your people, on. thia Vide ot the Atlantic, not -only sympathized with, tljo Ruaaiau war and the In dian Vebcllion,',.lb"it , evpn apoe4 their slaughters with all th con dim'onta with w hlch -your . people kriotr '8o:weH(i'ib. to flavor their political jbhaintinga1.,; 6i,! this war' restore -1 ho Union'.- once knew a man who whipped bis wife,' time after time, till whippod her to death, but strange Ulf I . whip the white men of the'floiitH, (aryPdoubtful thing,) they Wiiji never e wini Uio norm, vr izecrwortd irowiw nporLyour r.roe- tarnation?, and neither thcCrimile of heaveu, nor the occasional 8u'c cesses which have attended the Northern armies, warrant, for a tics will ever bring order out of confusion in America. No, sir, the not in "the unity of the stunt in r.j tllU Uuilfl lit llellefl." TllU evil pas given birth and Atrcniflh ,will. like. tho embers of a bwVniiig ciu, kfan burning lh'nercest liftto; tor ' 7 ,! -'iiji.i-i .ii'tl 'J V, ations to come. ,. ' : l l"...n 'l u i.ltl'. .y.ii'n -j 'in . , . . Sir fieo. how .intcnaclv nianv llllT ll T ' .-.i-. r.J-..t" J J I Iftil Americans hato the Engti ' a the reolt- ei warami so wyl the, Boatrl K61(l"rjh''t9 liiVtc''rtho iortli, i)'i r II '! II'. j, ' J'iiV'.iti . ns a pousc jueWjCgf Jtlya .vyar1. h rYoa have now the third great army oVi' FLU! of iU Jc.Ii.Vt whhMroaWt iron hav crickburg.':nlid I' tihi 'lHclinbd to' think' itai'j3uriisidJQ has reached WfrW-carcciJ and another , Abitioik.Gonerai,!''rnu9tJ be placed in his toa'd.,!' Kir, this state bf things is' 'an".Vc'cident a vtolatldjr of ;'iili'.Ia.y wh'ethef 'hu man'" 'or .tiviiie, ' aid aaiiious siaugmer, ;;carage,ir'plui!dcr ;ai)tl, death. Depend upon it Sir'Tf this war should bc: continued'' much Ibiisrefc the north wcfitcrn jbjiitcs ..jvillj, join tjlic Sputum and Saw. ihigland. will he cast otlt as a rotten'i'drcaBe, to perish' in 1 her own' corriipttotia. ' 1 speak os a' looker on,1 aiid careful listener, and j think I see and un derstand the si tins of the times. Sir, I deny that the South is the cause of the war. That there aro mcu among theni who livnrlcfl Hire Ucvolution is a fact, and I blame them, but the real cause of the war is to be found in the apostasy of the New England Churches, and the love of gain. The almighty dollar, nndNew England's desire to keep down the South, and to draw the whole trade of this groat con tinent 1 to New York', 'Baltimore and Philadelphia, and to keep the "Westqrn States in a state of servile dependence on the East, by a high and wicked tariff, to"' keep the West In 'a it ate of half nudity and starvation,.' ir'e. . a.mong JIiq lead' rig, our. prcso.nt and savage war. I oft'erv to) demonstrate and prove the full 'force "nicd truth of these' facts'j,ilWl,!"1'"im"Vi'i 1 '" . I flhall 'haveoine.tiiiugto say iu iny(iqi,Jc,titpi;,pM the illagality and uuconstitutionality of thefyroceed ' iirgs in CoHkrcs'"ii rid' &ttt 6t Con- feis, tb'kcep'up a ".war 'By w'hjch ' ' ':' '-'n't ' ' ' "a' ' J.'J"'1'' minions oi lunoccuVi men women aud children, both in Europe and America, are thrcatencd with star- vation aud an untimely death. Sh', this stato bf things' will not do it cannot laBt much longer. Sirj J.ave the iionorjto he, u'v. i lYour Excellency' Oh't S'vt, ved dreadful ehecke WILLIAM FERGUSON. Congressional. . !n able arcech on the Presidents ; t-isn'.tW'th , ()j tl. I he ; J. In ,he Senate josterday, Mri Da vis, of Kwifuciy, offered a resolu tion censuring the Ex-President, J ames Bn ehanan, ipr1 , Ma fail ury :to!take necbBBkfyand'prorjer jnea aurea,,. .,to. auppress ' ho rebellion, Which ' waa; laid over under the4 ruler.- ' 'V ' :"' -"I ',:-' '- 0 lV 1 Iu the House, Mr. Fcescndon, of Maine, otterod a reaoluUQti endors ing tho emancipation proclamation, which was-'adopted' by'tWenty-one majority Mr. Richardson, of Illinois made r, i ii orlvittaatAn nf Wncfnrn Virrrinln an' independent State, was rcadA third timo ill, thellousc, and, affci muvfrtUscucsW, pa88ed6y, (Ho fot i L r::.L L i I tr ' . f ftsl j.: :1 . . rl Vorh&s, rindle'ton aii ( Ai40ng,ihsd ivh' Tote aglnat:jt, dCoJf; ) Xfr. Coy, In discussing tho Presrslncf dent's nicesae, said that lie knew McClcllun was rcmovediQ-ai'UlCil. the AboliUonists, because, he frt vreM' conaubtfngHic finder the Constitution. Congressional. Army Correspondence. Congressional. Army Correspondence. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec., 1862. , J;?te8 l? aud brar Ma. IliJiwiuThi uufch 1 lllU1 l!ul' VttihtfWtWWtW I wish to give s'drao "MytfowfiW tlio var, r"l ?!. """'ii:' ' a JsuU wd j 1 I here are quitea .n u mbcr no ' sick soldiers lit the Hospitals in this city. We ''arrived ';h'ere yasfc'fday ,ayl -rut' L-.r.VH-iVlf'' in 'the Hill nuiit iui ii, "Ir-IiianS moV'ii'uigv.')!jth,e, i.pViueipa , JjM$( my letter, will bse- iu reft)rence,to the thinner -in ivhlch Boldiers'ni'c treat' ('dIli'ftVo' been1 disfirflsTcd to aeo nieiAvrj.ayo gpus fjft w un far. .tln,5B.JM.utrv.i...T.hci.,motto of iff B rrrr tit-:. :'nr in i- j-. - . i-, 9 tlio witr! , Is 'JmOnev 'and BirOtilircr Btnps: i(7vcb tn tell 'you, wli6'ia'intbrosted"ih thTVrc far,eof i if. f. -ii -(Mil 9.U 'V i"'"fli i,i .cy.cry, poor and sojdicr, that unless a, man wears straps,, be is not regarded 1'n'oro' than & dog, jTIe mail with the .stra 'goes : arorind nbuBin J'the poor1 8old,i,cr whojias 'tojlp' all 'the . hard, Beilcc.'-' It & enough, Ho tause, every .soldier to throw down his gun and say that he ia n AmeMieftn'' as' well as the riian "who wcAra the straps. ,Jl, mv'r'arL I aifl'lic'rc !to fig)1, and'! would as leave commence on. some' of these Abolition officers as any one else. This one thing ia a fact, take money arid straps away, aud the war will close. I am sorry to say that there aro 6Q many ah landlgham ' men here. There arc twenty eight men iu our crowd, and only twenty-five of them are for C. L. Vnllaudigham ; but I think that will bo the general complaint when we return. These are facts, rnd when I know anything I will en dorse the same, for I am for free speech aud free press. There aro some men in Preble county that go in for the war, and speak scornfully of those that dis pute anything tnat tney may say ; but let the draft come around, and they will 'give all they possess to get out of it. Any man who will urge others to go, aim say tnat fiffhting is the only way to close this war; Und will not go hiraselfrl can't be a good Union man. Let every .man "talk and act according to hi views and docttiues; for jt ia a fundamental principal of 'Con stitutional liberty, that the citizcil shall own. .aiidtienjoy , ,the wealth which, the labor. of his hands ex tort from the bpaom.of the earth, suliject; only. to that lortion which, he roayju.stiy:becncd upon to pay aud hlwsiHg8 oI,,spoial, order. He ha3hi;4otion'p1ver,jjUe.i),tau. his toil bv Divine rizlitj and wh thia la iuvadotl by the Government ' through impolicy or fraud, and the citizen is robbed under the forms of kw; it becomes his highest xtnty. to t epcll the invasion aud resist tho Wrong.' In a freo government this ledone through the peaceful iuntru,- mentality ot the ballot box, Rtiira, change in the agrinta of the people wno aro rosponBiDie tor ihc un nixtAMaxv. opurossiom Anv eve could see. at the 'opening stages of thia rebellion, that the struggle of thia Government.!-..maintain its just authority within ita lawful jur- ialiotion, ,waa to pe pne.o, " terrible and perhaps protracted that ever shook the world. ., , But. bad as it may eem , to eorrie, one of the maifl pri'ncipiea, of war ja nony. Without it armies aoot move aija navies do not flout- and, the purse of the nation. M to ,be,jfound in the pocket of the PC-pie. ."What has been the course of thoae in author Uv since the-war commenced irt re- ""Uru IQ IHC ipiveuuii vi iiuLivnai ecoubniy. ' Have our officers beeii held to a rigid accountability. foe their use of tlie barS earned' revcm ties of thin country? I(a5 fi.'t.ei4'uia : j.. :- flflltliACA in tvli-rt- .1.iaw1 wliM serious and startling emphasis. Let us look calmly and audlthat'God has voucjisajed runwilling, or unaulo. to real ft' h Si;1 wucn me present AtM iiiinistr'ttt'iou came -into nower?- ;rhoskare qucstionsw wwhlohtie people; oftull iartlMfb K' ilepp liud ; ; overwhelming -interest snd jthpy are questions, too, Jvbiclr all in cyrylmrt of flle cbuut'ry, who de- 'iBire; anilionest administration f our public affairs, are now ask oarcfully at these things, not with alluring uml eniuivuiliijg Fiut'y, but with cool and repulsire.rpnii It is the dutv of tnCTebreselitattVe to fully portray those facts of vital importance on which the governing pmwer jrflfhte fyie country, the pco iiroi. will o4it hi called upou to act. We have so long been exalted in happiliess over all other people bo lonhjpssed in every enjoyment that Uoit lias vmichsatecl to any en uo w realize the fact ttfat tffe hand ofjjaffljction has falleji upon ns with, a, foj-ce almost as cruel as that which visited Jcru- salcmiwhei; , Plf tf? encamped MteFcherwa!lB.',atiati rue that we bound itv wealthy and that our lap S aa( bqau failed nth frefisures, but i tigs in lu .world I'exiat pnnel it pnpclrl in connt pally, by comnarir.on'7 but elttsioli, Ilcall on those men who want thla war nut'down'hy fighting to come. aud. help meet the case in that manner, and not ut at home and &noV your cowardice. ! I wish HM-fVaJ'ajfoUfcl ili'ffft, to make t - l . . t a a. a 1 1 1 ltor of the KctmtVr in rauksilisttA i - - ' : - o . - - -i w Congressional. Army Correspondence. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec., 1862. G. W., Sargt. Maj. Sargt. Maj. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. ' Mb Kditor: I will give rotf a few par Cculttr of the war in. litis part pf the coun try. There arc about 123 thousand troops here, and in. the vicinity, but there is but very littlo done at this time. I cannot lull what is the reason why they lay still and do not atjact the rebels At Mumfrocsborough. About thirty miles from this lacu, the ';0lli, and several other . regiments, had quite a fight the other day. We lost fiv men killed and several wounded- Ths 93d, 94th und 31th are here.' There were three regiments taken prisoners near Chalanoocra. where Morgan attacked them. An attact on the Louisviliu and Nashville Railroad is ex pected every day by'. Morga.';-JJe made an attack on the road yesterday, but failed. Tlio troops arc generally well supplied here. This is a cruel war, and touches each tender' heart with surrow. No doubt the prayers of fathers, mothors, and the loving wife, arise nijjhtly to the ihrone of Grncc, earnestly supplicating for the siveet dawning of p.taco, for they are cruolly le. reft of the fond ones that, were want to make the hearthstone bright, and who would again clnsp them in their arms to go out no more forever. ' ,,!.: Sorrow, bitter sorrow, holJs hijrh revel throughout a onco happy and prosperous land; ami if those whose homes are upon the borders of the northern lakes, far from the theatro of this ruthless war, can feel the agonizing How, and cry in their grief, my Uod! when ahull this strngglo cndl than vvhat'musuW the feelings of those whose homes arc the scenes of the bloody strife. ' Behold tbe destsroycr's track and scenes tendered dear to them y Render as-sorfatU,6ftsw!Hit.h!ttl-Jtm6pinries of the astufflTcBsly BiarlSellwItR tne (lospoileHs Sargt. Maj. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. G. W. Sarg't Mal. War News. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. t Wornjtidlla BitrnfoDened orfJ'i'fcaericiBbu rg Up"to'tho latiSat'thV.firo continued unrutcrrftpte'dlyj,' ' Jta . destruction appears to be contain. , The enemy opened fire at seven o'clo'filLThjus "far they have done no Borioua damage. . General Frktrknnra. illviaiou is crowUjg.rcennybi., below tho eityr -ll'WB8irti"otcl brldgea Wjifn but alight opposition. " Our gunboaU are" libelling the euomy fifteen milea down the river. riaPQffA&TK&a ARMX Of TBI Po- tomac. Deti. 11. But little firin of; took-place , between the houraf . . a t l. one and three o eiocic, aunng wnicu time all thc&vailaWe batteries were placed Ma poflition.) i ooy, num bered one hundred and tevcuty-six guus, and at a given signal all of them ooenea npon ine cin-. xne IfjrlHg wa terrible, but ;Ue rebel aharpsRdfltora-cowa ioi -dp ariven trom:tft'eirfddinr placos. I Yoluntcers wero called for to rA '!..! mi. crosa.oveij m smau uumih. iuti or der war no sooner given than hunt drcds stepped forward, but all tbuld jipt go.' ' About one hundred i weiio'.sce4ed. and jthcy, were soon 'OM:thir:wa'. - . ... i ,IAt;).al paBj-.tpar..two bridges wore nmshod oppoJite , the city I Aril r AniiiiA.I rn mill nnVAl ixxi srs, 1 1 in. IJ'diiiBt&'ltoaimaiKliul - when tJicJtroops immediately be gWfQ icross over. The enemy wbM se?1'1 driven from the city back to lielrfine of works. The hridgcf in front of General Fraiktib jwere sucsessfully laid aijiy iij.the day, but hla troops did not cross mntil the two upper onea werercao?' uuring ine uuy ucivt vuu o,vvu . and 9,000 rounds of ammunition were fired by our artillery. Evory thing ia quiet to-night. Tho indi eartour are 1 tlint bnttlo will bo ietir.i-Tho foffbe gan to disappear early in the fore noon, aflbrding " an " uuobfitructed lewoftwr owurantltho Itebol to- ons The troops advanced to their 'Worlt "afTe'lr ITtlinaTel'Defore twelve o(elock, at a brisk run, the encmy'a guns opening upon them a very rapid fire. When within musket range jat 4,ha base of the. ridge, our troopsjrjrejnet iy a terrible firo fronrhflRcbel Infantry, and who jyerooostd! behind a stone waUnfWonic Iiiouses on the right itjSjtM&plA checked the ad vanbe6f'0'ur men, and they fell back to a small ravine, but not out J Of rang' Vflre of tl: eojfiiri! to Re- Dei arcuiory anu lniantry, which our men wero forced to face, was too much for them, and the center gaOe WayMiKdfeQrder, but afterward they were rallied and brought back. a a .m . i i From that nine the hre was Fplnt- the attack on the left, met with better success, lie succeeded, after a hard day'a fight, in driving the RobplB.nboufbhiSmile. At one time the Rebels advanced to attack him, but were handsome ly repulsed, with terrible slaughter, and a loss of between 400 ami 50o Sirisoners, belonging to Gen. A. P. lill's division. Gen. Franklin's movement was directed down the river, und his troops are .encamped to-night not tar from the Massaponix Creek. Our troops slept to nigut where they fought t6-day. The dead and wounded are hoi ing carried from the field. The position of tho rohcls was aa follows: Gen. LougMrcct was qu the left, ami holding the main works. " '' ' c '' ' Gen. A. P. Hill and Stonewall Jackson were in front of Gen. Franklin, with Jackson's right resting on the Rappahannock, and Hill's forces acting aa n roacrvt. . General Bnrnside will renew tlm . battle at daylight in the morning. Washington, Dec. . .14. Vp to midnight no intelligence.of i m nor tatico had been received from tho army. Occasional tiring during tho day, but of litllc consequence in results. The taking of several ritlo pits yesterday cvidentlygnvc rito to the report ot the nrst lino of the cnu my's works having been Ukcn. A number of wounded arrived toinightj and were conveyed to tho several hospitals. Another boat- Jpa tjiQyay., y,r All Persons Indebtod to this Office, will please to settle 'up jt once, as all back accounts are now being placed in the hands of proper parties for collection. EMPLOYMENT. The Undersigned has, for sercrnl rears past, been engaged iu a business, which has yielded him at tho rate of three thousand dollar! per jinnum, and ia now willing to. teach it to others. ' The business is of a highly useful and general character, adap ted both to cities and villages, and one that aqj oersoa tof Of dinary capacity,., voting or 'old, liale or 'female,: aa. acquire with a few hour" practice, and by which they can se cure a ery handsome income. Snvcral Tonne ladies who have received instructions frdw Wbotl 4& Kttri M Pennst ! -vania, are earning upwards of S15 per week by it, and there is no reason why any one else cannot do the same Invalids, ;ven, eta. orAI bf it h peddling affair, bni a boaiaeu that it perfectly respec table. Gentlema and ladies of leisure wh6 would like ,U leirn the business for their own amutometlt or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime, and one that they will take rcat interest, in. On receipt ()( 1 wilh cnd printed initrtic lions bf hch laA person can readily ac quire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative lo the carrying it on so that It will be highly prof itable. The purchaser of the "pnntcd in structions" will also be aethoriwd to teach it to othen ; and I have sometimes received as bich as $200, for teaching it personally to a single individual. I would state further that $2,50 or S3 wlllfiejxsvcry thing that is necessary to commence the business with, and the articles can bo got almost anywhere in citv oncountry. or. if-preferred, I can SONS, No. Sfi Liberty St., Ner Wk. dec 1! -Stao