Newspaper Page Text
Loral and Miscellaneous. Loral and Miscellaneous. KRIS KINGLE. t4 ! 1 "KrVKfngle'V coming, and G, ilHrt ..-llVw ' j-.-Ai.-rt f-i'T 1 J.. Crtjuso -aildLiu.Jou! w.iJ.tliftlttflfiJt of flio little ones. an' 'Jfjpljrjca AiijOswcet things! ref jMtthevfixfns (he sweet little IM L ".if ""IT 1" sr haairiipvcd into liUi i! YHAtA makothe test bufirtfies. ' ry :A SHOAT'j'witb-bUck spots on 'WiriitabloShouldany of our neigh? liors fiiidlt among their hoes, they BtaW wi jA load, of good strspv. ,wtntcu i 7.,VtU,tiJ Qffibtf; jftlsb dfjr food ou sub: w-rlptioii:' ;,;:,;;;;: . r. Illl Lost and Found. KB. 'Stephens the enterprising dry goods man lisi lou j been ; lest bwliiud.tliOse'mammotK pllcs of'Diy Oood?, where we found liim -this pf-lua'storqio ull who brouglit Jiim cash in hand, or produce for trade. . .' lit sctfsMa goods sp eh eap that he ' has been obliged to obtain addition- , al help' to attend fully, to tla calls . of his numerous patrons. Country produce of all k'mds ta kU for goods. . ' ,' .; ., TO READERS OF THE TO READERS OF THE "DEMOCRATIC PRESS. " '' Sirs, You may not have been it the trouble to look carefully into the real condition in which we are placed by the present war, and its . ; ; consjrpienecs. You can get a much better price for whatever you nniy liavo to sell this yeur than you could tor many years past, and you ire therefore in a tuu'cu better con Jit ion to pay tor jour paper. But ' ' how is it with us? Ilavoyou thought . on that question? We have fewer subscribers now than we had last year. AW lost 'a cojuidcrabto .sirm of money by the 'Press laatryfear. Wo now paj' nearly twice as much for pur "food and clothing as we '' JadHl last'biinrrmiich' higher for ; papor iand Ink. How t'aen with a . . nnallcr clrculatki), and a much dcaref 'pnpor to print on are wctoj live and be. honest? We cannot do . ".; Uy ..Tlicrej will be a meeting heFd . ' goon in a central town, of the pro-! " jirictor flnd conductors Of country i. ..weekly papers to fix a I price at . . ,wftich hc various county papers " can be sold in future, A few addi tional cent paid yearly by each, of ottrrjcadcr.,wt!lt.not hurt them, . . but will be much to us. If the Dem "wcruts ot.Old .Preble, with' their po . tatoes; wheat; com, hay; pork, but-!':.-"..tcr and frood at un' advanced price will stand by ivnd let their county T ; t .pabCr Bftffer fdf want of a liberal' ' fr.elfeiitiva and generous support, le 'thtfm; dd so-we cannot ; help it. , m j. Ouriafficft toolci will sliow that we . ;r'lA?4i3WfOt!:litWn:.mOlllh8 t a great - -loss" to" ourselves. V did tmuk . '. , , ilat jjfloc Xm Unexpected ! triumph y pfthe Cemocrntic pnrtj at the late ti' .'Jcctlons,. .many , of tbera would come forward unasked to subscribe C j. to tlJf ,J7fi8 Ve sli'al! be compoj ,.," led to raise theprlce of our pajSfcV in the year IBM. All who will pay - us before that time will be charged ' K ...nTqMca.iBrin! WE wilj'pay the higheet CsJ price fcr Tobacco,' 'Wheat, Corn,' Bye. Oosta; Barley, Flak, plover and Timothy seed, at , tbe Eaton Grain Depot, (recently occupied . byrrjorandLiikeXs particular attrnl ion will be given to tit purcuaceinq jmcitini; ot Tobftceo,, Uayton ' pr!!cii Wtl( be iriyen, freiirht off. or contracts will be taken, delivered in Dayton at Day ton prices. ,..f, : : J. u fttmrH c son. 'iiHi .zftra street, C STRAUB, Proprietor TO READERS OF THE "DEMOCRATIC PRESS. " Turnpike Notice. TuriinlliCiSnaiiv will take notice, (hat an JCIottiotl will bhfll4 at tha boose of'.Williniii DletungOi X'ttt Alexandria, l'reblo Con tj, Ohip. on the second ;ffonday'(lith) ' (if .UnwjlHZ. to alect live i cton of laid Cvmnany, to terra for U,e ending: ywv' NOTICE. Solomon StonS&'Eitiater'''. i .1.. mimstrator of the estato at 6oJnmort Stdtity lato' of' P,reble''b6nnr, Ohio,,deo'J, I'dnotm htlK fclalmn agninkt laid estate lHt bree)it llim'nitliin year, persons iiidcbtfd losnld Ostale will nlfme make par men ImhudfnWly: 90SJAH' POWKl.L,'Srl vUeoiJa,tWW8i viii.'nail Adm'r. Howl, 4liei foe keeps eterVtnii?- in his line -, ii;!i,li 0" ol I'l ( ''! Hi .i)it-.U : ., ,.' i, ' -..I HI r.M! H t iVc, Sortj CanIlet Syrup, v. .iiii"inn.u 7' 'nlui' Tish.'J'Dye' tuffj 1 Y;l '1 . -1 1 i it ! ) !- 1 7 'ii'it;' ' In ' 1 Gy fkrty Tobtocv,. German Smitf, .ni.,rf..u.,i :-f.m ..!! v. .-;: '" HAZARD '.'RIFLE POWDEJ?, , ' i' SIIOT LEAD, CAPS, BROOMS, BUCKETS, TUBS, Trace arid 'Halter Chains 'Shovels, jf'Vl-r (..! : -lAH.of.nbicli will be toM -1 ; i- VERY, LOW FOR. CASH, ' " ' on noon rorstiiv i'oi)i-cv'l . , March C, tfG2-ly ,,' In conncciion with tli (Jrocerv, h, trill otilleominuo tbo ,.,, . . . ., EAGLE SALOON in thu same tuildingjuliore his riondi will ahviiTj find a choice variety of or ST EKS, Til 1 PE, NUTS, caxdies; ha1sixs, figs, ". '-."cigars, tobacco, and every other article necessary to a first claan iSulooii. " 83-ly Liveryy Sale and Feed Store VTTOfLD announce to his friends and the i f V ptiblicj that he has jnst taken the old stiintl', rccaitlv Occupied by frilliam C. Deem, and re-opened a Lieenj Htahle, where he will be filensed'tb accommodate all whoimiywixh to aire Uoi-$e, Bugyitt, dr., on reasonable terras. Stable Room and Feed for Horses of revellers, farmers Ac., nlso n Horded. The patronage of the public is respectfully solid te ' ' August 23d, 1860. tf , :V TIN-WARE AND STOVES! - THE subscriber would call the attention of his old friends and customers to tit rcsenjt Stock of excellent of every variety tisuaily tent in Tin Shops.' lie nlso kc)S coiistautly on hand the la test nnd mort approved paterna of COOKING & PARLOR STOVES all of which ho will sell us. low na tau.ljc pur lie ia also prepared to attend to all orders fo ,lnf and Sheet Iron Robflng, on reasonable terms. The work 'warranted -An order, far Repairing attended to on.Bhort nv(ieu and, lh .'work done in such manner at, to rcudcr general satiHlnetinn. His shop still kept at tho old stand, e door North of the Odd Fellows' HuiluW. All articles in his line sold at such rates U Rtfcauifc hijf adherence to cash terms. Iia 7 a j. JU YALTEll P. M'CABli jjgwrAiyii,a8tqr;yin-tf .0 .KOI .:' . ;i-.t EAGLE HOTEL, WINTERS & SHAFNER, j3?.opvieiors,' ' North Baron St.,1etwen Main aud Somers .-Vaton, ohio. , .; '.; r WTflflod. stsThUng for 25'noMia HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Oflie- i my res ce, Somers Strett enr doors east of Levin T. McCahe't, north side. where J can ajwayi be found, unless prol'euioiii!1 engird X . Aunst 22.104. 861 rV-'fr 1; j.;lt;..i For neat and cheap job work, go to tho Press offico?":i y J L- fiubenbe for the Prm. ' I VtLDV,'-1) 'i Tl "Til "p ' ZTi Ma jow openea ft trroeetr tore-on unr- on tittM: bne ddoi- aonrVbfth. 'Kaile w . s v " 'miix''P. f s 1 ?Y TT tnt - 'WSASnY'- it. WM. WATX'Si 1U 'A THE'iUHGS, V. "tu . Oonanmptiorj, ' DeoUne, r Awtha, , t1( Broaofiitit, WMtinff of Wight Swoata, Bpittiwr of BI004. , Hooping Cough, Difiloultr of,. Bwathft, Cold, Coughi, Infla ' etia,,Phtklsio, Fain in tha Bid, . aad aU Diaeaaos of tha Lungs. .. ' ',1!,. ':') M,M DOLLAR BIWARO f 1 M orrtatD ron a better BsdiiW l .III IS !..!. .... . OOPreif.CAMXEC, 50R MIXMH P0I30KI ' '. '.sAa4 it aM br Iht mol UUef oklti' i i. i .. It it MtiVntW H41 50,000 r-. mnnuaagr L'. StatM. eoAstintp ' ind froftt-1 F.bcriy, yt t a Hitlmii ' btriirthoiieeuplit be iTa br tht limljr me bl om propr irmeJr. ' " u ' P. Ham's Qsuah striken at the roof of the , Jiicut at ono tn! is it ifxij effaf Hht any oae minj It nily ttwrdin U di. ructions for twmty-fmr r forly-tijrhl liniiri, I and not eutirely satuuod with iit tnerili, my r'urn " ani' raooirt laek their money. ' The mot''diitrMittjt: eiitrjli is fraqaeuHr ra lisrud br a single riosel tad bmkea Hpjn a ' fd hours ihpt, . 'J'hr a'tlifV1" n"1 "v to iBko bolUo rffr-tA.rtte 'hlnfort thy fin ' whVlVr hf rttntJy i;i sft'ord relief tr'ttM. TJie ptililie hsvo lon imp)d uWh W1 raed!i!stoiiHwbtI by corlifusies'wliich; hare alw.ivs orii;iuatrd frem some unknown ' soomo.M W believe that aiitedicine pwaeH-1'. lag roal meriti will elfect enras wheiwerH 1 is wd, it Uom at woll tl abrosid. This It no psircyirii; pmpitratinn, but one whielt if wed in. .season will savt'the liret of 'thtu' taadi. ' " ' i I ' . It h fl'-oted1 aiiiws tit cniroui esisi, where th-s nvt skillful phriieiaui in ibis tountry and in ICr) e,lkiw(y,iuiidoTd, I aid biivo cjurciiol IbtirlaJdU ,ii(vin. 'vaset ,' which ihey hsivo proiiounci'd Iueurable, and tarrb&8.'ji'd ') s ttopelvn bpyoud a doubt, leaving the 'patients without a siujle ray to ' enliyeu Ihein imilteirftoom, lisrvybren cured. . by Dr. IUII's UHlsa'm, nd llld "Tiotimi of ' uoaiiiviptba " arw noiy .rigorous and strong ai the ni'Mt Mbiit'Sinon w. And these ' cases are nut iielstcl niw j ,th ara numr ausVand sta Wntated-.( ill iwy'aom. nuwiiy wh".'c lliii iji'j.U unrivaled remedy, , hti been tritAl. Wf) l'i i "' Do slow, thon, in belleva the oft-reptattdf atory about the lungs bciu gune ; or rather let no iiieh aprhenjion indura yea to fir np. Ait upon the principle that whilt tbert It life there is hope. You ran never be to low that you may not trait, humanly ipeklf, In Kelt's Ualsini.- More than owe, nay, hua dreilt hat it brought almokl from death to' life, when all elu tad ftilrd Oive; then, Uiii powerful but harmless remedy a trial. ' Call on, the.uxeut and get a pmiiphlel gratis. The treatise ; ou eoiisumplibn aluiie is wortk the price forlhe medlcHie. Yu will find eer liticatr of phvticiisnt in Cineinnati. and ef others whose cures have It ea effected here at home, where they eau le luuiid. V '.VIM IF PHYSICIANS WILL USE IT, WHY IS IT". NOT SAFE FOR THE PEOPLE? i:'" CisriMiiiTi, Key. . Missbs. A. L. StoTiix 1 Co. : , . Pear Sirs, The public generally are fully aware of the lhnuKi!(ls of remedies for dis eased lungs, under the titles of Earsapa. rillas, I'ills, rinsters. Liniments, etc., that are daily brought to their notice through the newspapers, by wsv of sdvertisvrornta. My ,. object iu writing this note for publication it to induce the public, or nt lrast those who art afflicted, (if they will iitc patent medieinet,) te use ent that contains nnirlee ef real ntt 1st pulmonary disetsrt. 1 am consrious that hi to doing 1 am acting nioet oiiprofetsiontlly, and derogatory to (be interrsit of medical science and the regular prictilionert of nedl tine. The medicine to which I refer it Zr. HaWt Saltan for tht l.umjt. I have prescribed It ia a large number of cases, and alwayt with success. One cist in perticulir to which I wish now to refer, was givrn op by several pbyaie.sns vho hed been railed is consulta tion with mvK'.f. 'Ihc pntir.k had all tht tymptpsa or conflrm- ronsumption, suck at Cold night tr aia, heetie fever, harassing cough, with continued pain in the lobe of the right lung, atleisdi-d wiih severe diarrheal lie commenced immediately to get better by . the use of the aUiYe-iiamcd medicine; and was toon restored to his ontal health! I hare also found Vr. Hall's IJalsnm the moat vsluablo expectorant for breaking up dis tressing coughs end colds that I have trtr wed. W. D. 'VYKkiHT, M. D. More Physicians' TestiinoBy.". ' ffr- We, the undersigned Thyticians of Cineinnati, certify that Pr. Wright's state ments ara entitled to the fullest confidence of tht, public, ind we enn fully eorroboratt what he hat taid having used Pr. Iltll'l Balsam In number of cares with the hati-. iest efToet. J. . I.AWPON, M. p., . , M M. ('. SMITH, M.'D,, ! , ,. ' J.I. J011K60N, K.p, t&" St turc tnd ash for Dr. Tn, Hall's talsam. ' 1 . Ttr talt by tht rroprlclors, K .. A. L. SCOVILI &C0., ,( Ko. U Wast Eighth Street, CineinnatL GREAT WESTERN REMEDY 'tStrtEMPLfeV''- - i Compound Syrup of HOPS & BONESET! For severe Colds, soreness of the Breast and Lungs, Hoarseness, Whoopinj Cougli.Croup, t'lironio Uourh, Asthma, and for all diseases of the throat, ,,i . For salt all over the country. ' Sold, wholesale and retail, by - . . . J. r. CUUUlvI.NS & SON, July 1 18C2, Ijr Katon, Ohio. 1862! ; I : . ... , 1862 ; WM. ACKHRMAY, CANDLE MANUFACTURER, Beech Street, one door,?.u,L' of Israel t .,;.;! EATON, OUIQ. , , All Orders Promptly Filld. Raton ; Sept. 18, 1862. t." DE. at II I" t-l1 .1111 . ! .;:, i Ti'f isi iHK.i ra .(!'. 1(1 'Jill1 T HEJffRX RS IE R Cherty S(ti behcce Min jf ::..'jnfijii0 3flU3 Ji'aacwi , HIDKUEATOX, OHIO. .Some- rr..'.ltP ni-.CT purchased the entire above establishment, interest" in' the tind hni tn'ninTplo.s0Tn of Uie J(o Experttnocd h'urkmen in the State, is now prepared to turuiah, oi) the shortest notice, V. EUeailSiJLrjlES of the neatest latest and most approved styles IQLAll work douc up to ordur, in tho vera bust style, aud warranted to he of tho , BEST MATERIALS, nd will he sold as ?oe rein bt bought any vneretn ine went. ' - .! All work Warranted to ' - . .. .) i ' . .r RUX AT LEAST ONE YEAR, u otherwise, be will make it good and sound, nEPAIMNQOFALIf KINDS, A . Done at low prices, and in the most sub stantial and expeditions manner. . l6rHe sespectfully' iavitcs all to call and cxamiue his stock on hand, and be satis fied that he will give them pood bargains. IIKXRY KESLEIt. Eaton, Sept. 5, 1862. ly MULES Gils' AS A EEMEDIAL AGENT.' THIS DELICIOUS TOXIC STIMULANT, .T?SPFX'IAI.LY designed for the use of the AJMcdual I'rnfetsiun and the miy,hnv ng supersccded the so-called "Gins," "Aro matio,' "Cordial," Mcdicnted," 'Sclinapps," etc., is now endorsed by all of the prominent pnysicians, cnomists, connoisseurs, as pos sesainir all of those Intrinsic medicinal Qual ities (tonic and diuretic) which bclone to an old and pure Inn. , 1'ut up m quart bottles nna soiu ov an anipgists, grocers, etc. ' A. M. BININOER & CO., ' V. D. ORVIS. (Established in 1787.) Sole Proprietors, No. 1 9 Broad Stret, N. Y, UNION 1. BAKERY, Main Street, 2 doors East of the M. E. Church. JOHN F. SPATZ begs to return bis sin cere thanks to his friends, nnd the public for tho pntronng6 they hare so liberally be stowed upon him and to inform them that tie still continues to keep the host bread and Hour, butter, cg's, cakes, sweets, biscuits, and other articles which are in general de mand, to which he begs to add for tho cam fort of the public that he keeps the best glass foalc and beer njrd the finest tobacco." Give liim a call nnjfyou will not be uisappoiqtcd August 29,1861. . . .s tf .j To Consumptives.: The advertiser, having teen restored health in a few weeks, by a very'simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread ! case, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-auflerersjue' means of To ill who desire It, ho. 'wift send a copy of tbe prescription used (free of charst) with the directions for preparing and using ihe same,, which, thpy will fend a sure cure or Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, 4o. The only object f the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and Eprcad information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth ng, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Iter. Edward A. Wilsok, June 12-3m Williamsburg. Kings co nnty, New York. Eaton Stone Work PHILLIP KUHN & CO., Dealer vs all kind of BUILDING STONE, Sl'CH as tow and Window SHU, Cap, String ourset, tc, Portico ami leixtth or width. Also water Tables, Rnii"o Work Flagging, Milk Troughs out of solid rock, Door Steps, Ac. Also on hand best clnsa ni EffirC;" : on hand, they nre prepared to till nil orders a low rate tor ensn. Shop nt Knton Kill I Hinvl Pepn August 2:1, lc'iU. ti .1 I inli & t ., si' .:. ii.b '-' ' JUST RECEIVED- " " ! .to.. ' 1 FROM : PHILADELPHIA". riirJi,a8ecl oxclpsivelj' for cn)i ince tlie panic. A full and d cuira- able Htock of Staple, and , : - -'i DOMESTIC DRY 6 010 D S ,, , INCLUDING HAT3.7 . CAPS ' ' ' BOOTS. shoes. HONNET8. , UIBBQN9. iCj. c. ! J ! . SADDLERY & HARDWARE C'AJtlAGE. TRIMMINGS. c. Will be sold on usual terms to otn customers nnd to all wbo wlsli cheap goods, far below the cost of impor tation. C.VANAUSDAI &C0 May 23, 1SC1. Peace Proclaimed! AND - MICHAEL FILBERT till in tho Field, HK has just returned from the "Queen City" with a largo acd varied stock HATS & CAPS, Ready 3rn,cio CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tioteds, Testings, , . ana a large lot el FALL GOODS Tnich he offers to his numerous customers at as low rates as can be bought anywhere. SofAl! kinds of Cuttom Work made to order, on the shortest notice. iuo pubuc are invited to call at his old standj opposite the "National Hotel," and examine his stock Come along, come along, make no delay: ooino lrom every liamict ana village by the way; Come nnd buy the cheapest Clothes that ever you did wear, All warranted to fit yon neat, and to neither rip or ear, Katon, Angust 23, 1860. EATON DBUG STOKE. J. P. BROOKINS i SON, Baron itrecf , first buildirlg ( IJ crlh DEALERS IK PURE DRUGS & MEDIC? .CHEMICALS Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine Hair and : loom JSrushes. Perfumbry, Truaaegj Suppcrterj, nnd Shoulde Uracca. PURE WINES & LIQUORS, For Medical Purposes ; Glass, Puttu. Oils. Varnishes. Dye. Stuffs; Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars. GARDEN SEEDS, M. Physician' Prescriptions rare full. compounded; and nil Orders correctly answered. S. B AVTA, Attorney nt Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC Office West of 0. Vanausdal k Co., EATON", . . . , omo A1. - -', , " 1 ' i. . . IP irt'ttT U DIJttSES 0H1G1NHTE WITH i is d j ,pJ,menllicXiver(A1U;,'1.dlhel;ile bernnict jsipurt, and Mi s In (Urmi"!' tlm wluilc tj: 'Uru lijle hcinj thrown jnta im. This inipuru IJjlo TtUe leifvtXtiJKi.e lu or ls furred, wilh, in most cases, Aaiw and ;iin in tin. lunil. Xnt iSHa then phssh rruni tho Slonnu li inlo !t ,f.,teK - BOWELS, COSTIVENKS,, UflHEALTHV HUMORS, . ! ... . 4VP IMPURE STAT if OK Tit li Hf.OOIl, and tends ti7elo?o (heporci nf ihe Kkiu. which brtwn becomej drt and hii'ky. It alro tendt to impiiir the aatiiiivtot' s-: . ' -THE' KIDNEYS, will be teen bjlhe color mid fiiantity ul the urine. ' ' ,; ';',; . DH.', POTT'S VEGETABLE ' LIVER1 PILLS Will V'K.iMtte n bealthr ctltnoI tht Liver, and plwiijia tlii impure ,iiiif. in a iKiiiinv' stsiic. Tojirt vf nl nr p'tnovr-tlit s.r.Hlni ;il iiiiliisilMiy biU', these Fills have a speeitlc Action on the 'm rif Ani7llA will liprmim NjLa'i,!? siiimth end clean, the 'i'Tp I llile.'ifr wj!l bei-uine huim- 'rnl.aml d!.,lhiiTii..V.'ii.h!Ti,'l . .iv. The Pains In tho Head, Back, nl- gtaznaeh, will l removed. The Biweli will becojtie cleansed and royihir, TIIK m.OiiD I'fllK AM) HK.W.THV, and th I'rine luiuiriil. Althongh thtat pt most s.-ar.-li i n cr In thuir aiHion upon i t fv-tcin, yet they r,re harmlesi, eves forthe most deli cate system, as tlioy contain no Mercury or mineral in any form, but are cumpo'ed entirely of vegetaljlo tibstanies. IIVER COMPIMNT CCHED. I.NUt iN.ii'OI.I.:, iJ, ISJ. AlktsB. A. I., Scoii.t. 4 Co. Gcnti.: I Dm lmrdly sble to cx hrf my gratitude :V.r the bon"(tt whi. h my daughter hn derived from (he ne of Dr. Hott's Liter Pillt. She hnd hron t.-out.leil with wlmt the phyHiciaii culled Liver Com plaint; but our dvelor failed to give li.-r any periranent relief, nllli.uisjli jlio irii-d Irs pn; icriptioua eirectually. She hud bocin.- ln. l nue'iolv, uuiisippy, uii.l licr constitution w.n much hroken do'.vn by ibe u- uf Kc.cui y. Hue tricl Dr. Mott's Liver iills, usid h'srnn to 'u better. 1 mn l'. '.piy ?o siv llial she ha' now entirely ;v h""r hen'hli. Kei...Hl'i!lv ourH, JAMIiri L'Ol'.sl. COSTIVEITflSS CURED. L'anXi,'ilo, frptt.ui'ier '1, H.'.S. Msssa.'. . I). Si .vim. &, i;n. I hovo bM-n Iroiiltl.-ii with a torpid actio:, jf the boivt-U lor six or m ven Tears, whi.j', has boon ihe cium uf si r. s.l deal of f. . Ihj. io in-, nnd 1 limi tu.di'piivi myself i,fia,i.y Isimlsot fooil, nml iim i! iimeii oatmerj. He., until I nt Dr. Kott's Liver rills, end tind that lin y kei p my l.o. 1 regular, and I now esil'::iy!bing tliat my fisaii'.y does. I rno-l . Hilid-'nlly, :.!l OVie Tills to Iho-e who uru troubled vit)i eonttipiitir.ii of tht- I.uwi Ih. Truly your., .HUN r'i.KM13i.i. CaMIisiiimsk. Insi , Ki 1, l!?o8. aiEssns. A. ji. mjiiviii. ,v i (i. Goit.i.: 'fhi.i i, loeerlil'vihal 1 lsr.e used Dr. Mott's Liver Pills in bilious attacks, and foniid them to l. the best Villi, tlat I ever used for (lint piirio-. id 1 hav nl.-n used them us a Cathartic Modicine, nnd have found but liitlc u.'n for a Physician Mure i had them in my familv. Your?, truly ' ASA I'llKXt II. DYSPEPSIA, OR INDIGESTION. Thisisgeueriillyult. nded with nirstiimr, loss of appetite, naii.-e.', tlalulenry, hriir burn, coJtivelies, bent in ihe Htou.n. li v h, n emply, a pain in the side, .etctie of iIm countenance, hngnor, low epirit', ili-lurl.i I sleep, pains in tbe head, .Vr. frnixnnn.ii, finm, J.ily 1, is.'i?. Mwsns. A. 1.. Srftvii.i, A Co, (!cnl.;l have found Dr. Mott's Liver Pills one of the brut nieo:i. iie-i i..r Dyspepsia thnt I ever ud. I bad b.-m alllicteit with the disease H.r tsmre than six moiillis, nml my virtuuls dim my stomach, ufleil to surli u l "gree in lo rau-e vomiting. I was nm.-t of ibe time ....-live. I (baud I hat tin: 1'ilU kept n.y bowels upm, without griping or pain, l have ueiuully gained in weight, since ming th. in, hi in's; :n pounds heavier than when I (oinineiiri..i. 1 owe my cure eolelv to i:ae of iln- Vill. CiKOlM.ilC I'ANA. BLLI0TJS FEVER CURES. 1'orts.mociii, Ohio, .y 1, 1".'.!'. -a. Li. rrovn.L .v Lv. Gail'.: 1 have be,, for ve::r, -jet to alldis of Bilious Fever j 'aud ...i tunes 1 have been up for mimths, s my syaiem leu i-,, a ,y U,. ,, , ttrong medie;,Mj wJiicU was given t in- b. my phy,.,.iall, I I'-vc been using Dr. Mott's Liver Pilli : Some time. 1 find tbul I ran Lresili tho- attacks iu a day or so, aii.t ecav enlii. ! the fever. Sly 'daughter 'had an "a-it.-l; -V Dyspopsia, which disiri ..'d her irk, h : O... could not cat enrccly unytlviu , iih mith coming nauseat. d nt Ii.t Mninclr..ui iiiunll . . Some time sinco shn got and hm been ti-i i.' Dr. Mott't Liver Pillt, rd ho:wr 15 tnothor being. I. have found also that thev are Ihe niovt'valuoble Villi f.. Breaking up Colds, Headache, Pains in the Bide and Bark. 1 would not be without them iuiirv fa-mlv. THOM.H E .SO Kit. For tale by the Fmprieinrii, . A. i: scoviii & co., Ko. li West tlgbth Street, Cincititiatl. The Confessions and Experience of a Sufferer. . P"b,!sle'l t warnin', and or the, espe cial benefit of Younc IU nffcr with Nervous Lichilitv, Lose of Mem. ory, rrema ure XJecay, Ac, ic, br one who baa cured himself bv simnls. m,.?.-.. nf- being put to great expense and inconve nience, throoph the use Of worthless medi cines prescribed ,y learned lectors. Kim-Io copies mnj be had of 1h hiithor, V. A. Lambert, Esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, bv enclosinf? n post-paid addressed envelope. ' Auaress sjharlcs A. Lamukkt, Ksq , . Grcctipoiut. Loii' Island, junl2-2m 'yow vorr. W. l. cu.Mons. J, V. CAMi;KH OIL MO RE & CAMPBELL, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, AND NOTAKIKS PUBLIC. 2r0fiice on llaron Streot. west .-.'J,. dnnrs north of .Main street. ' January 1. iM'.i-y