Newspaper Page Text
U n,glt gfor the Times q ST- A necessity in Ever; Household JOHNS &'CR0SLEY'S -:. AMERICAN :'"... rTiATm St ttti The Strongest Glue tn the World , For, Cementing, Wood, leather, (Hase, ,ou . lTorytSnina,( J Marble, Poreelaji, Alabaiter. Bone. oral, fto., &o. ?i OWJ iV y -rtlye oy t,-nJ ever pft'J , ,., , rfuftd wAicA vm withstand water. ' KXTBACT0. ' ,!Every housekeeper shoultl liave a supply nf J ohm & Crosloy's American Corneal 0!ue."-JVeo Ywlf.Tunei. . lin t i..... : .i. v.... ' - AS llf'Ctluvuutvat iuuiuvd m iuv uvun, 4Vifw 1 or Exprcis. ..,. " It is always ready ; this commends it to I . everybody, iv., xjnaevenaent j I f.j " VVe have tried it, and hnd it a fi ii n ett bUH as wtef."- Sjnrii of the ' Ttoii. J j-.-t i i -i-J-i. ,.:,' v.,' : Price 25 Cents uer Bottle-1 Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CASH. f2 t&"Vor sale by all Druggists and Store-1 TflTTTTS finRT.TlVti U (Sole Manufacturers,) 78, WILLIAM STREET, Coiner of Liberty St. HIW YOBK Aug 1, 1861. ' ' 4!7 Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be tjg wo j tmctual Altcratue that can be made. Jt is a concentrated extract of Vara Sar.vaparilla, so combined with other stibstnnees of still greater alterative power as to ntford an tSec ' tivc antidote for the diseases riarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that sneh a remedy is wanted by those w ho suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which' will .accomplish thtir cure niut prove of immense, service to this lnrj(e class of otirofllieted fellnw." citizens, How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many f the wont caes to he found of the following 'plaints : co' ' lori'Lv and Sctioi'yijOcs Jo.xm.unt, Sci ,,n an ii EuiTTivE I)isi;asi:i, Uixtus, WiKPTi. v I)i.oii.iii:s, Tcmous, S.vir 11hei;m, riMfr.tts, i, and Svimiiutic Ar BtAi.o IIka vsk, Dihimt, Nei--isenoxj. Mi x I)om.oi'iiEi.x, Duiumty, Drs- K1IX1IA aa I'lo ORsTtOMf KltYSllMIt. VS, llosE rci'nM anii Ind. 11 FiiiB, ami indeed 'he whole on 6fr. Antiiovt's ri-ing from ' Ii'fitnv.or - ... .-j.,Kiuui , r tjik Jii.iioi). 1 be fmiiict n great pro- This compound will 'uii in the spring, to motor of health, when ti Veb f'ster in the expel tin foul Immoii ar. Ilv the time- ; blod at that neasou of the y. . dtling rVk Vy pnl-: .;; ul many r ' uUus can, by m ni-...H in tllJ !il. .'Sl'.ilu ;- isclvfra flr.Mii t .4ud ihit remcdv, aparo I uU-rous the :m.- of ful crirpt'raus ai . I strtvj to 'j-, ... . , .vl.U H tho system wi. 'O W ui . .t-it oi c?rr.i.-M ; ,' ... tn.r ,,4IKL IHKIV . i.-.i .. ilis tliroin; ;h the natural cuan" " Ibv m tilteriitive raedicine. vieaiw '"e trtictcd and slug ...riHii ill iiiu - -vrlicrvcwt -' , . ... ,'. auorder ..i .....l vim- iii miss w ill tell Villi WIK11. l.Vtll wucr.umi"'-'" - :is felt, people . .. ..Til. nntl livo ""lirllUwWwitiithi. all u well; "f r disordered, there can be...'. UttUUIUill la C.:.,n, i til,. Sooner or later eoinetliii".: 1 nf TV .ii'lnucVY ul 4iiu9t go wrong, onu ura b' .life l disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. '"4 ' IJP,? ? ""ulTdeeeived k. ., i.nn.'use tne tlni.-; prcparauoiu oi n, y.m'j , . ..done 1ms not nil the virtue thai claimed nratious. for it, but moro became mnny pre) . l. ..n..,.n,,l,n,ofl pvtrncN ol Contain but little of the virtue of bursupar. or any thing else. . , , During Into years tho public liavo been n.u led by large bottles, pretending to giro tl miart of Kxtract of riarsaparilla for oife dollar. Most tt these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsiipa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment lias followed the use of the various extracts if Saraaparilla which Hood tho market, until the -tune Itself is justly despised, and Inn become - myntous with imposition nnd client. Still svtu i cmjmund Sarsapnrilla, and intend we call. wl a ymiedy oh shall ren:ue the to supply , load 0f obloquy which rests name from tlu , tl,ink wo liave ground foi upon it. And wt n l,ith are irrcsistibl believing It lias virtu.. , Ji,aiBes it is intchd by the ordinary run of tlk. t,cir complete ed to cure. In order to seen. -mcdy shoiil-' eradication from the system, the l . vsiious u.. be judiciously tuken according to duv (be botde. FitErAneo nr - -DR. J. C. A YE K CO. LOWIiLL, MASS. Price, $1 per DotiU SU Uattlts for 5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ksa won for itself such a renown fur the cure of every variety of Throat and Lmig Compl.lnr, it is entirely unnecesaary for us n reixnmt tin evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm , ployed. As it has long boen in constant use throughout this aeclion, wc need not do more than assure the people its iiuiility is kept up to tho best it ever has been, anil thut it may he ichcd on to do for their rehor all it nas ever occu muim mi w. Ayer's Catliartic Pills, ' FOB THB CTM Of CoJii'eiKS, Jaundice, Dytptpsia, Indigestlpn, Vyunttry, Foul Stomach, Eryiipelta, UeaAoehe, Vila, Rliiumatiim, pruptioiu and Min Diuaui, Liter ComplaM, 2Jio)y, Tetter, Jumort and Salt Ithcum, Worm, Uoul, Stvalpa, pi Dinner Pill, ami for Purifyinif the Rlual !'"; They sre sugar-coa.eil, so tlnit the moit sensi tive can take thorn pleasantly, and they arc the , . best aperient in the world for all lit purposes of r, f.uily physic. j. Price 25 oents per Box; Five boaui fr SI.00, fireatmimbersofClcrKyaien, Phyilelans, States men, and eminent - pewmoijee, have lent their names to certify tlio unrallrlcd usefulness ofthese reuiedies, hut our space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Apents below named fur nisli eratisour Aubhioan Ai.mXsaciIii whirh thcy are ulvcn with also full descriptions nf the nlmve romplaints. and the treatment that ihould he fob lowed for tlieir cure. v u .... ii- . . , , ,,, Demand Ayku'p, anil Uko no oumij. want the best aid tbKroVfsThi,ae4iVc) liM. it. AH oiir remedies arc fur Sslo by Fnbscnbo for tho JW." 4T ,T j- ( i-r 17 " A r- j'' sh;,j.,pfc j ster6ouru!i Foundry ' ' ' Scrofula-or King Eyil fs a constitutional disease, a corruption .hi M 19 a consumuomu uiotwnv, - mi i.fmww.-.. 'i, blood, by which this fluid becomes jVitieted,' weak, and poor. living in tho circulation,. pervados the whole body, and mny burst out In disease on anf part or it. ro organ M free from Its attacks, nor is there one which it may : sot destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously ' canard by mercurial disease, low living, dis or(W.c(l of unhealthy food, impure 'if-n1thj (pid, filthy, habits, ttherlcnroasing ViiW nS, above nil.' ly the veuertal iiifec-tion. What ever bo its oriirin. it is hereditary in the con- jtfHutioii. dDiccmUus " (com parents to children r1 v v .a 7 r v " i it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "1) wiuv,isip toe Tfciuuitics oi tne miners upon- iheirvchilttroh!" t . . ir. . ... A :.: t il... ..La-.lUWtO VMUilWVWifk'Jt WjlVMUUM iron, fclomt of corrupt or olarous matter, which, in tacluiiirsi liver, hud Internal organs. Is termed "tubercles t in the grands? swellings; and oa, tlf suilace, fruptions or sores, ini lout coi ruptioh,' which genders in the blood, depresses fhrctkcfEfot'Of lift, olhtaofdouscon8titii fiinaj Sioti ki(y 'inifur otn': scrofulous &im piainta,lut they have" far 'less po wer tS with stand, :the attacks of other diseases; conse quently var " ' mibcf perish by disorders Which, although not scrofulous in their nature: are still rcndoKd. Atal by Mils taint m tun avutmi. )fost of the eoiisuniDtion whicrr-dC 'ctt:Me tliolnin fcmilli8 its origin diroctlr in tlii' sernfulnua contamination I dsatruotive diseases of the Uer, ItMinoj brajn,' and, indeedjof all the organs, -ariso from or are aggravate Dy tn same tanssv unc qunrier oi nil uiu iv-uiiiu mc bviiiub , their nersons are invaded bv this lurkini in- feetion,' and tlieir health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate (lit blood by on alterative medicine, and in- vigoraie , oy nenuny iuuu wm ava,.k Such medicine we supply in i ,'4 . AVER'S ; L'oiBP'jii'iii Extract it Sarsaparilla, lW m.U vlt-itind raiiiedy wliJeh'-lhc medical i.i!lof;Our tunes can devise .ori tins every where provnilingand fatal mnlady.' 1' is com- hined from the most active remcdials that have been discovered far the expurgation of this foul, disorder from the blond,, and tl;e(r.;siuc of the vstem from iut ilestiuetiro wiksraiienoss. lltnee it should b wnnlov. d for the cure 'X not only Scrofula, but also those other alfcc-tlons- which arise from it, such us Eruptive and Skin Diseases. St. Anthony's Fin, llosa, or KuvsiVKt.AS, PiMrf lis, Pustules, Bi.oTc-itHs. Bi.ainr nnd Uon.s.TuMons, Thtteii and Sai.t'Bukix. Scai.b JIeak, Kinowoiim, HHB.vTisi,Sri'iiii.iTicandMEiiccKiAii)is-. bases, l)KOrsv. ''.DvsrarsiA, Deiiilitv, and, indeed, kU. Oompeaintk aiusino yno Vitia ted ou ljireim Union. The popular belief in "imputity oftki Woo." is founded in truth, for scrofula is a deeeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sorsapa- rilla is to purify and regenerate tins vital UuiU,-,. without which sound health is imuossible m 4ouLHnuniUd eonstitutious,. iJ W V " A a .'Li: tn : ( I OPT1Q..J :ii f'M-V r 5 , ( fOM, TIIEkn;e(J)lf - Intermittent Fever, orVever and Kn Rimittriit Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical lleadarli r Iitlloua Ileadache, and Blllnus Fevera, Indeed for the whole class of dlseaaea arlglnat inu in bllinry ileraii)renieiit, canaed by the Malaria of Mluamatie Countries. "We are enabled here to oftcr the eommnnity a rcondv which, liilc it cures the above comnlamta with eertniiir)-, is still perfectly harmless m any nti.ntitv. Such a remedy is invalunblc in aistncta bora theso afflicting tKsoruers prcviiii. i n 'Cukb" cspcls 'ho miasmatic poison el ravEit id AuCp, i"" he svatemi and prevents the do- ipmnit of the Jwasc, if taken on the Arst an veK , ' " svmntoms. Itisnotonly prom. , , --covcrcu lor mis ms 'b', Vaiu u Ui .1 1 the che'OMt- Tllc ,a,Fe of com. '"!" ' ."'', -,';!; it within the i nn mniiui, .. ' -covered for this class nusntit) 1 111 ior a uoii J, . " 't . verv fiiulv nr.,1 u:n... istnc. where rMcnui- ' . j i u. viuinik . 1.. Fkvsv. " prevails, every bou llw" hav', ahi T " f IT "PUl '.' re and pt l.ion.' A great sn)erlority of mis remedy over any other ercr discovered for the speedy and certahii cure of Intennittcnts is that it contains no Quinine , or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other liijurious ellects whatever upan the constitu tion. Those cured hy It are left as healthy as If they had never had thr disease. - . , jTrcr ana Ague is not alone the consequence of tho mimatic poison. A great variety of disor- , 'r. mm lt irvlt.tlnn amnnir uT.irh are' (lh .'....A. r.....l Jl.,. IL imi. 7l,-oir, jh, - oriuinatinn i'u this cause, put on She mtcrmitltt Some triDdlcal.P Thi. CunE " eapeta T. i.i.n h tlie blood, and con?quentljr eures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection ito Emigrants and persons travelling or tepoer!ly 3; in Ae malarious district.. If taken oc sUmally or daily whilo exposed to tho infection, that wil be eaeieted from the system, and cannot icemnnlate in sufficient quantity to rmen inta dia llie Henoo It is even mors valuable for proteo Sm'lhan cure, an few wfll ever eufler from lnter mittents if the stall tUemselver of the yroteotlon thisremedf sfJords... i i Q 2 I . ', treparad by Br. J. 4. All leWell, Hose- The Little Giant FamuJ . Price Ca7ly $15. i J "v'rlein mera. al8'o t n Mi " .'" . tT ftebVOPousc, V. :lmlewiidftHDeler-ie 1 GE0CERXE8' AND PRODUCE , .-j-iiattQESi WIirES, &o.,' V. Main-street, Korth Side, Kear tlft, Uridtje '' EATON, OHIO ' ,m .T7'-(Ej;PS alwava en band;n x-r- vJk,. tensive ssoca'. bi r aihii.i Ubiicebiks, 4c.,. the lowest nriees, for. Ash or Tn. exchange,. t'n rnisin ProdnoA '"' A Town and 'country customer! maylulit rely on the good .quality and cheapness all tho coods kept on sale by J. Crouse. serve well and please all bia customors, tho constant study of the advertiser. Try i.: . .. . J in in. ' f Mr. C. has on hand six eompleto sets Buggv llarnnss, which lie will sell cheap, july U, 8vi--ly .1 rfne'sfreef btliteeri Fourth attd Fiftti, CIX-CIXSATI. : ' C, i j , r " ' : , J : . i. : of Is 1 i el Ol.i ra RTBln I LUUl hKU.LI ICR 0 1 R U " , u ' i)B oitrWin extract ok SARUPARILlA ASUSTlLLIKCli 5 I DWEASBaAtO'AttiOTBEB. C FT nv AW STATU IIV X' THII BLOOD. ' ! nu4U- , ..euia tin Taa a ': aa .' muhI I WONDERFUL CUBE OF SCROFULOUS WHITE J diUu .ZOSWEllInG!!! Oat af the Want Gaaea aver Heear4e4( CinorsAti, O.i 'Fab. IS, 1868 . ' inma. A. I. Soovw.1. Co,;. .; saav Gentlemen .I will ff with great pleasure . fLft', A give my UsUmony , IE ' istowhatvourBAR. tAPARILLA ANf. BTILLINQIA.C. . VA Blood ant Llvei syrup, nas aon iv me. Borne three ana half years since, i. 1 was attacked with a jvfi SCROFULOUS I. W1UTB BVYJSiiA , 1NQ, which was at tended with most cxchiciating pains I J tried varieus remedies, and had tweof the bes.; , Physicians f tl ,city, (one of them . Pro. .lessor In an. Old Scaeol Modical Ool'.ege,) and , they failed to give me any ner.ei i i was so . -reduced that I was confined to tar bed for,, over three months,: The Serves and muscles , of one leg were so contracted and drawn up,, that I COUIjD NO'l" WAHK. I had MOBE., -THAN A;DQZEN RUNNING ULCERS, on my legs, from which I took from time t time, more than, pNEi HUNDRED. PIECES OF BONE, some' of thtsm from three to four inehea long. I waa reduced to al most a skeleton, and , my friends had given up all HOPES Jf my RECOVERY I we im this oondiUon when 1 commenced the use of your Blood and! Iivei Byrup. I have used altogether tome twa ' don bottles. I am now ABLE TO ATTEND : TO BUSINESS, and my legs bare become se atrons: that I walk without any diffleulty--' ATTD HAVE ENTIRELY RECOVERED JlV HEALTH. Yours, truly, ' " ,'-',.'. MARTIN BOBBINS, a , Y! '.'. 352 Wost 6th Street. . ,. . 1 Dealer in Cool Oil and Lamps. Rsad an extract fromKeWeuMiali' mt i 'itaiile jUarttn Aebttn? waa tn the very 7. . t..i Al; nm .a bm mIImI La j; worn laiaKiuauw i x u;... . inrfnn nf Iks lev. nroduced .'bra fall. ' The indications oft reunion of tbe . , -bone, under tho toicaroetnntcs, were very , -tmfavornble, for he would sitfday after day, 'PICKING OUT SMALL-PIECES OFTIlii I t-BOiii; wkioh wosHsWogUt". I found turn tpsmg BCOViu s rreparioB,', y -timed, to js nU-i w we ejected. We save him no eonstiUitional treatment, being Tn atteudabce enTy ss a surgeon ; yet we en: f wo bad rouoh euriosity. to see what could , bo done in a syatcin so extensively diseased 1 as his was." . Tea Doctor rcaTHKa savs, suaco that time he has made use of rfCOVlLL'S 8ARSAPA- RILLA and BTILLINGIA fn-his practioe. and ha turtd the host Dii-ricrjLT cams i of and SYPHILITIC D18EA81.S. I WHOLE FAMILY AFFLICTED - COVERED WITH SORES AND ROILS. 1 Colombia, Hamilton Co., 0., Jan. J(, '48. JIa. A. L. Scovile. ', . Dear fiirr This is to certify that my wife, children,motliex,and myself, about two years and a half ogo; were sorely afflicted. My wife,'ehildrn, and mother, were first taken -,-h a dreadful itching on the akin over the i T..J. J-ody ! and I was covcred witn runniat llv hrnlher called and ties of your BLOOD SYRUP, and. sw. f .11 i,r.,, huA una half of It used. wir'i ali, wklU I had spent oveVone bun. dred dollars before I got your medicine. . 1 Yours, with respect, " 1 'iUmLION M'ADAMS. m the affliettd call on the agent and get a . pamphlet containing eerti0cates of eijres frOTa WeUTCNOWN CITIZENS OP CINCINNATI! - Scovill's Bloed and titer Byrup is COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF VA BLE8, and Is rsariCTtr SsFE for CHIL DREN to use, in case of sore Mouth or 'rep4'0" f the akin. If MOTHEl'B VALU Oie health of their children, th..y should eradi- sate the seeds of the disease , before it is toe late. jt . : -: . .; . ., j '; ' '' Read the stalement ef one of the OLDEST CHEMISTS IN CINCINNATI. . , I hereby certify that I have been made ' 1 rA 1 'with 'SCOVILL'S SAR8APA. ?i STBUP Ii': INGREDIENTS are Into the preparation.'- " 1 One door west of Burnet House, CineinC1 ' ' Tot sale by the Proprietora, . r A. I. SCOTIXt St, CO., ' Ho. II West EigotH Btreet, vmemnaw. A " Card ' to Yourig " Ladies and . - , 0 : (tenUenien. The surjscririer will send free of charge) to all; who desire it, : the Keoipe- and direc tions for making a, simple r rgetauic jjaim, that will, in from two to eight days, r4mWe Pimples, Blotches, Tan, rrecmes, oauuwj na. aurl all imouritioe nd rOnehness'of iue Skin, leaving he same-as atue in tended it should bo toft, Clear, swoo.i ana beautiful. Those desinna ithc recipe,. wm nil Jiistrsolionsf direetpnl, loful advice, wi f ensn eall -in nr address fwith return pos Pi e).TKoi.'i'.!CliA.,-Jreyi'coZ Ciemtsftl '-UU11-.SU1 Oi)luiuomii;,Mv- a w. , ot r..g;d,wckjemy vj JUSTICE OF THE 'PEACE, T .t .IV. "I ,;l'11. V .', ' t i' 0 ' LX''e J'. i i Soi(i-ir ui'comci of Main id,Ch(rrfSlii . SATO'O. erCollcctlona .aiiA Pcnilttiinces promptly mndCf .-.! ! .;' aTi IMS C a .Mr., fif Ellinburqh Medical Jeurnu, vsji. .., vt by its editor, FaWjB. A 'KHHOS, m reH ! tothUBemarkAli,Ckir!:l ' ' y&S . ...j ,niik runnina ... -oi. iRht bot- 1 j ., , -SCROFULA N - ,Jcky Ohio I,yintf fT, . ,a tho only autlioniv Oowt i H-ifif and Ecerw Business Man shmiltl have Jr., f r mw Tfirt! iml H Devoted to tV "ulerests of Merchants,.Ma ufaoiftVMr n olktslneMriaen generally); Jkrfiedin44o MeWbMit trading in; JSw trv .l.irf n1.r.niH IrluiVf W&&Mmmmt Trad,, Pro. Prodt JfF5l4'?J'.l.i9Plote BulneM iroryftr.yor i .r 1 . .. n n ....Uiiinla n Vua n nan on a variety 01 uuubb oumovwi, viioii(,v Tr? rrVWeW .'ialeoP Goods at Auction, ,l.e .MfMiev.MarltPt.':Manfaeturltf 'KS, l.atu tounterleits, ana a vast amount oi- infonh'adnn interesting to busitletk 'wen 6rvBI'v"ri'adi.JlUihooi! : .11', m AII AT Or ONE DOLLAlif if lioVpa'd in wivGO.'l Ramnle coDrcs sent free. I' tiotee of specie paying Banks and Postage Stomps taken at fiar. uorresponaence on yusiiieos wnu Vt icltfid. Address L' V -rl ,id ni . h; HENRY LIVfNfjSTON k CO., .wtHtf i -1 41 Ann-eA, New York. HAVING purchased A,. Dennyyn'ter.A; in the Eaton Grain Depot, we would resnectmllr solicit eotitlnnance ot tne sama liberal patronage tb"the House. ' V , ne wiu pay .iaa..iuH,cvjl,iv" iw -j Mr:-, "it '.L. ' n -T.k. fn anv amount of ., i-.. :. n.i I-t-.i rtf'J tVUE AT, '.CORN,' OATS, RYE, ; BARLEY, FLAX 8EEI,h - . I V ' CLOVEli BEEi &c. ,u All kirlds of grain takenimstore on the bsuftl terms." 'V -n! ' ( ';'' 1 Wo will keen a sunnlr of Coal and K6ko- mo Shingles on Land. ' '! "j b ' ' PIlYQltLAKE. T.'.liiL Jonn 2. 1ft C. 2. ,i . Offi AAAMALEor FEMALK rlcfesrs DUU.WU TO i SELL NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED : MAP.yOF TIIJ 1 United States, Canadas, an New Brunswick, From recent surveys, 'Comleted ugvst 10, 1862; cqst 920,000 to engrave itnnd one year's time.'1 1 ' . Superior to any $10 nmp inado b Colton or Mitchell, and sells at the llW price of 50 cents ; 370,000 names are engraved oiilGit mnp.' It i not only a Cooutyi Map, but it is also A COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the United States and Carians combined in one, giving Every Ilailroaitu Motion and, distauces between. i M'fU Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $j per day, and will take bnck all maps that cannot bo sold and refund tho money. Sorid for One Dollar's" try. Printed instructions how to eanvus, well n rnished nil onr agit;,?'i' II . ; yVANTBD-fVyiiolesale, agents for our maji "in every Slate; Carifi'mim, C'niiMila, ICngliiudi France and Cuba. A fortune Jl'y ' with a few hundred dnllnrH c ...(..v. TTMI1Y l'L.No. Hi I. V Urodwuyt'cw.Yi'irk. . The War Department tisu-ow iimpif Vji ginin, Mnrylaii'l and Poiinsytviuiii. , ,r .:, $100,000, on whioh is Imnrkeil Autfriv . Creek, Starylniit! IliliW'.' vVuliauispurt V,.. ry, Uohrcrsvilte, ..Nolniid', .' Kord. nnd al! iithers on the PuIouuhi, ttU'l.c , vy .;.:. ,.l.n.'e in .Maryland, .Viivinui and l:':if: ..jn.ii.or tlit Wir llnimriment.i Moin yi 1 etiindc I to ny one finding an error nt 11. ' Price Filty ' 'onts. , ., ' ' ''' , , ,'(7 1 5T V : .Won tksj XiiUu ,av Artist 2. ' r 1 ,M. ''lllUtdlA, MaUYI.AND, , ."Li.oyus aw . , t, very large; its cost is but 25 otnu, ""'."' whic'h ear. bepunhated."- .' Lloyd's Great 'Map of Ike " -. ' sippi Rietr. : From aotual surveys by CanU, Bart and I ....... ..! .!. ': t:... :i.... f William uowep, utiaaiasqipi wvor xi.utslfy. St. Louis, Mo., shows every man's planta tion and owner' name from St Louis to the Gulf of Mexico 1.S30 miles every sand bar, Island, town, landing', and all places 30 miles back from the river colored in coun ties and States. Price $1 In sheets. Two. del lar,. pocket forrij, and $2,50 00 , linen, with rollers. Beady September 20. , .1. j, - . ' ! , Navy Department, ) " ' ' 'WasliirigtDn, September 20, 1862. J ' J. t; Lloyd Sir: Send mo y.cur map of . . . ..'"-..K . . ' . Mississippi River, with price per bunarca Copies, .Peaf Admiral Charles H. Davis, coVmin Ji'tlg ''the Mississippi squadroni 'ie aathorizedW'V!,r!,l"8Sr,iS''u'any 09 tJ nir(H for the use of tiifct siftftiron. iPEON,LEoSc'y yffa Navy. C0MMEECIAL, AGENTS WAliXED TO SELL GOODS FOR THB , a'-i7?A'-ri-A'liTJi4 .llv -a.fA. vb Eniba-. 1 MAKurACTmiir!qc?ANYi W e win give a eomuimB.u.. u. per cent, on all goods sold by' our Agents, or We will pay wages at 1rom 30 to $100 per mob, and pay ali necessary expenses. Vot particulars addresif wiah stamp, CHA KUGtlLES, Geri. Ag't For the Adam Manuraetttring Co Tun folloving altdi-itilliis have been made, in the arrival anddo toarture 'oftraina'rrtfm the Eatoi) MetSotj UHAM 3JQlr1AD . ITn trains: 10:30: A. M. 5;i0, and fl;S5;P. M. .,.,.,,' ,-;i DoW'trairisVO: 9;80; A. M. ..A.l.J,l , . . .' ,. a. . .. ,. . ' rJunieuFiFBV V. rr VV AVbrr klkll , jtlia) Uqltt jxfl mpi Fashionable Offlttdal' ttetatt T WheltktUt frica 1 1 'I ,);iili.'lIA J .(jLil'iiMj .t) i'lllt flllik BiTiacriliOrii'ijiafinfactnrorli .and im- 'XT)0fbM Of all'the'intst elegant styles of '.MAk'JEWELgt' wuu k view to exteou tuarr Duainess. to an unlimited extent, "have determined te"ttfTrt the -rallbwrntf ttcn nnd desirable, .deacnir- ?'. (V,i,)W j WATCpSANPvJETOW at tne unnreceaentea .ww prices nameu : Huntuig eomposition o:d Xeve'rt; Eng lieh-naHde Wovemeut, luu jewouoa, ana-vie best jimiUtiqn gold--price ..'.,ii 1 118 00 ff.'LiliiKMUi uv.w M wuimin Hunting silvei bUtefl AfrnV Watch, saneTTor regulated movement, mas- ,e imsti, mil' is. nn I . 1 . i" JJ IAA ,11. ttctails at from iff to 100 dollars. ' :.: ..A jtk'2nmr. Vatch, oiiq of , the richest or)hnrienU jj;i out. Good mavement and handsome ly engraved massive caserrprifit ' 15 00 Ketails atlrom 4U to 1UU dollars. ... ,.r. t , J' HIU'I fruso, moer vt aicnes in erjmisvari- ., . -Qat'loVpriees. U A 9 U 6 I . I Oil f ! Ladies' Sets of Brooch and Ear. fin -i uroria lecorreapona. ,. ii. i -.j R, Imitation Cluster Diamond, a TerV ' ricl"pattern,;fDtirely4ieirf,r,jr lJ04 bfl J Coral Wnd'ad'EnVwrneda very nnnt and nrettvnrnAtnant.hnnnsnmn- JUcftHite?, -''.iJ , uuJ.-y.a Oentlcrnen's Vest Chains, Parte-" S 110 ion, a very rich pattern, I 4 00 Kings, of the most handsome do- siisne. PliitfJO-ly .', Scroll, verp pretty, ,., : 1: 00 Cbastd.; ond. ef : Uie Inta test orna- 1 mentsout, , l "!l CO SeslSigiiel,., ,.,i,.0Q IlKititioli iamoniK,ili:aiivJflr:iennni- clled, k M-.ii2 00 SI cere Iluttons. relent chased, or enamelled, entire new and hnndsome rn:.;i patterns,; ' ' ' iit'ife'aft Double chased or enamelled, only ..r 1 i0 50 opal nnd fancy stoned, , .( ,t . i 2 00 Imitation Diamond, 1 oO Lockets. Double class, and richl;. eneraved: V " ' 3 0d Purcfiasers-have only to name tle arti eles they desire: nnd make the remittance in a registered letter, npon' receipt ol' which no trHi(l oriiqrefl ent tree or ox pen"se.' Parcels tp the wmonnt of $12 and eirwards will be eent bv express, with bill for boKeetion when the goods are delivered 'Aaents,' '.Sutlers, .Pedlars, i Country ! Mer chnntev, etc., .througliont) tho country, who wish to make money, will do well to ob tain our 'Mammoth Circular, which wilt bo sent free. Wo furnish tho most Balenble out-, lits, nt prices unsurpassed by any other con cern Address fV.-w-v- IJ u BR ARD. BROTHERS, ti Nos. 0.) and 07 Nassau, cor. John St., ! 1 oct2S-P,m " ' New Vork.., -f -L-ri : St' - u QUARTERLY l .-'. ,iUP. IMPROVEMENTS. mmer, number will contain , !. lliGE ,,AAJ3, splenpid f'A SMOK-PLA TE. !..': ; Full-Sized Pattern, '' ,.-..i FOVJi ,. 7,; " Comprising the , ! Xem Fietirk li'aist, an Etefjant Sleeve 'and .. ir..... .t ........ s .1 1 it a " " fww 1 1.1:1 'licMvitn nearly 100 Engravings of all the uovi'trip". for .. . , .. , SDMMER BnXXKTS, CLOAKS, TaIMIC.y COIL DREN's DBK8SES, ETC., AD ' ', "luaule information to Milliners, Dress Muiers Mothers' end' Ladies gonorally, presenting the largest and best Fashion ine in the world. Published 473 Mag-. "--! and sold everywhere droadway, New lo,., .' -' f-ee: on at 25 oents, or sent, by mail poe. K receipt Of the amount, Yearly 1 with, tlic following valuable premium-. ' Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 90 oents worth of plain pat terns, from theesigf iu tjje-book. or, from the ohow-reom, orthey may be ordered , and sent by mail any time during the Year, by nnvintr the nnstarpA ' 1 J , )' a-t. is 3 r 1. a. n ' oy iouuiu Auuuooiusua 1,3 uahy njif Sumnier. Number. Will beRea,jlyl m or Mov.t th6j!irstoj Mayk. Dr.1 J-'Le FEVER,'; ivJ unkfTrtDATiiif'DuvMriiiiJ lUMtta.i MetW HfrsUaf4nj ,:r: AJ0. u. 7 an 1 Office if'Sif'te; ce, SomcrS 1 SfprSatt our doors eatfrLevin T. MoCabes, north side, where I can always be found. P ,im i Aim ow xnx 11 fll it f j "i jTi orjo A) EAGIxli HOTEt; 7i WIN1ERS' & SHAFNER,"! JtG IULraJMJL-JtJ.l.JX''Wa.. isiJ. North BarqirStuibitween Main and BOm'eri n . mnvr avta ,1V. VJHW.f!() -pro , 8arHoo.d, 8UWiBg lor.lM uoBSts RWiiMOWlND t Mi;'.ii:i iJ::ii l.'.'.I 1'' i . .7 Boarding by tlie Da?, 'flq 6T Month 8.4C- CASSEL. roprictsr i Ilosom Studs, ft vnriety of new pat-. Bosom and Scarf Pins, Lear, with' : -l , j wiiRJfeiPMS11'3 i f i : i r t . 1 1 H Dana, Brateea, Cats and Hweninaw, CaHe, I. BlarVaea a-a .WMsirtliiaS, lta4afca, ,, Taallatxha, Haraeae, pyeteaama, n Araaat. XI var ilei avlalat, (feaeral De- t ...... w j a mm- tfjaaSia aa Bare iueaia, rsin o " Bl yTeaaj Kyea, fatoa U le aer DUeaae, S)M aatraa, flijl Ceacaaaad Ct. a atitsaaal ii L-BosviUi A XJo.,J. . . r Qent.! Xmt fcveref Jin i u ' va 1st imt, making Inqui- rtea In rmrtrih Ja sales of . tisst Pa1 Paiacba, i; kAaatisAietlBit has given purchasers, Is ' receiveu. Would say ih regard U ssles, that we have received .from you since 1847,4104 lloienVof the Fanaeea. ;. pf IT, know ef no k&ICUI that is apili table to t KAltT SA8EI that has OIVEH as wal" eiIAl MATIBFAC .TIOS Al THII. and SUS TAINED 10-rttOB A SZPVTATION. We have eold 1t, subject to the warrantee, p-d o'MvMa4 V. will have it, and will without it la their families, l.""?. "... tf. Si. ilJOLLEali SMITH k CO., (,ye. 1M Iita8yawra,'U.:Oet. , m. ill TltC'CIt: '.i lit it !"' t if. villi 1 1 Wratuia-JS !KM" in BILIOUS CQLlij. TiMrico. Darke Co.. 6.,' Nev. II. 1IJ7. '' WrsSnS; A.X. BcorsXt at tokfiW , ..OtHlit-rl am IndeeeA by a mm of justice te state to you'lhat I bad a ease m my family of extreme tichtcta. My everel nt- tarked with Bn.ioua Cotic. WS had tho atuW-etK-s food fkyDkian, but etuM aetno relief. WoVlmfnlstoNdDe. BAtxa's TAIS PANA- CKA , and I prediieed tho $miVS effect. 6 1 ne ,lhat we have, had occasion to use it for Pifni in rfc) Aiosf, and tbr Anir rta Ague, and il .mluini cured. I pno of tho benl medlciuea, .Moines.. I' I" ;'-'WllJl.lA W1U1.1D. 1 :! : 1 i,o i , DIAJULHEA AHD PAIN IN THE -, , BOWELS CUBED. CsaTHAUR ; ttamllloudoVO.; Nov. M, 1843. .'0. R.'Baim, il I! . . MmX Etccmcd Friend i I bavo had severe attack of Diarrhea, attended Willi severo ; ir'piif painS. and waa rodiKojl vry lew. 1 ' tried many dilUiroul medicines, but all to no Prteevtniil.,i etsc batilt of tyonr Pain anacea, aud commenced its use. The firs!, dose pnt a quietus on lha' griping 'pains, and ! I bad it used two twenty-live cent lollies before I was. entirely cured. I rdso reeoii' mended it to a friend, who Was -attacked wi:U Jeramp colic, and suflVHng with oxcrueiatii.g l.n,,nni hrcjf ijosce'iitijslvfliVd him. am oiTAaooautf'" ' '"'pBArtlvltlitrri nttB Cs., 0., Aug. Dt U. IU iJm,!ih,- Ii. ,' '.i!i . Air Sir: I hsve this Juv sold the l.:t boille of DIt. BAKEK'S I'At'N PANACEA. I should haytftvritten to you sooner, hut net ' expecting to tVil'the gee shptdy'I had u ' hand. I;iii i; ;lluj last week, hoe-ever, tuf , sales Jiuac -ii four times as. large as any woek siiwe I hii've had your iuvaluablo meiii cine.'nnd the ilemand'ia still Inoreaiing. I havo tii.vcr snlil a medicine that auetainea w high a 'reputation. ' Tlie Lung Fever, Cholera Morbus t'liolcai InliintuMi, Bilious Colic, ' Cramp 4iijii', and Flux, have beau very prev alent . .11 ihia vicinity tho past season, and the l'nrn Punneea has hot (ailed to cure iu every iiulonce nhure it baa been tried, su iar as l .bave beard. , Please lend me a large 1 supply es soon as passible. . ii:-' , I . I Vary rcspettl'ully, yeura,, ' . , II. rV. BTODDARD. . ', . ' Vf. v.: '. :!-it -j U ,A; sirpposmcAciCTJaED , . ... Msssas. A. L. Scoviii. Co. fltnU. : Mr. ', 'ihha Bradley. 6f Bath Ct., Kyi; Had on b: 1 lid a raat s'ad swsllikoi which 1 theiuht ,i.cuAa(,s, having been there .for years, lie jiso had on his chepk bone, what lie sapposad U be a CAfcCKK, ihid coald obtain no rolitf uuLil he. useil Da.. RAmai Pai ;Pa!Caca, which ci'hsd him of that diseSsa, knd also tho swelling en his bend.: This; medicine is thought so rtiucb of that ivxsr vauh.t in our neighborhood, keep it constantly on hand. 1st ! fact, it is the bent -medicine for the diteatu it il 1 rTTO.wo,Oelober 1Mb, 1898. ii;'J if v;i ',y I'iiin ' ii... li'iiuil "if.!' ( 8CBJLTCHE3 CTJEES.' t 1 .... . ... 1 i'i ... Cr. Baker's Pain Panacea Valuable 1 ' for- Horses aa if is for Man. Ussess. A. L.-SeoTTLt Co. Genti.t ..fik tk ,ut winter, most aU the horsea la MrvkialtirwtatMi.'l,'''1 ien ing had; on hand only 4wo Ot tare ... bottles of Dr. Baker's Pain Paneeeain few 1 days I sold the entire toe. ted eetdd hare sold ' macb mon, if I bad bad them, to toy neigh ' bora for . that purpose. Il no cas Baa it ' riLe -re otan; - It le alto Htdiapeauble la) , our neirhWhoo aa J family, roeditine, far the various diseases lot which it is reoem 'mended : and t Will ttf that I have told it I Jits TKAjr, WA.aAKwe) , and iati pat iad .a-isolb asTTLI ISTBaaso,-. , u vaa aaav iitMemi aoefraii Wewaaoes 6isaai uesa aecoa- iu...! t . t.i UjIIMO. n.' 'V JTti-t l lata ! til '"'"'f ?5u roprieivrs oliioJ cianatL ATae r4-rr; Mt aiiXslinYoror at Law, KlotnMfllo, TTILL .attend promptlv to, ILbusiness : YV' entrusted 'to bis care. ff ParticuJar att6ntio,ri''paid to ! ',, Til. r,,HAKr f.f Tihhlt vl .1 . . . Tht partition-bfLanttif and . ... TheStpttmentof Ettales, .Office,, pver. rftephena. atpOji. ,,Store, on Main itr'oL':oppowfe,ppuri,,IlQse. 11 I A XCKERMAN, CANDLE MArJUFAcVuRER, tA'firl dftftx tb4cirael St. m .V'E'AT0'N, OUIO. AU(0rfpri PDmptljili.d. Eaton, Vnt.' 18,' l?C2.-lf It i-jitfA" I . . a a. 7C;mitii