Newspaper Page Text
H. FERGUS? I rv 1 1 w flf f M ? (.W'.ti-V Mi v ' - . . - - "' Olrio. 'JEGatoii, Th I .AC 1 00 Constitutional Rights which We Mean Constitutional Rights which We Mean To Exercise And Maintain. 'JifckHu ioftiM,oliibitinr.'tbfe41,eo ex ercise thereof "or ' iMGmfitii6 ,p4'.U-.1!'je?tflllng,;ivofpoU8iljlo . 'ahvi da: Uk l'J)(tt ot nbccli-jisvol for tlvrnbtise of tlie.vjMiii Vii 1 - 1 11 11 . r ifi '''Wm'&lhw of 'lis afywife m? hdld'hmseJf responsible' for lit? opinions expressed bvhis' eorreanmul mi. The writer, and nott tht. Editor it responsible. CHRISTMAS. ' AVebeg most heartily to wish uour patrons aim tneuds, tho.comi plimcnts of the FeasoD,!and a iiiiti--,,. , ' 'ii w-1 py Christmas day. It is -the season lA'xThich' tho il Ainrcs,.oi!inal-e. most sensibly appreciated when t'h'o, ionff'''rare(ttiiicmboi,3' of tko panijimnymcct.ouojjjupriiojind ihc.parQntal hearth,au(J hcflrtfej flponik to jhcart in'thWT'4fttWi' m'ngtf of frlcfidsliip. ,.TorclUio bschfc fcrgotte'nj -th o motto ? tli'kilcB bficYbW 6n:'tfir fiattfq'-iffel4 fttl tUe father prays that his flrgt-born iriity' Jyct return to' i ose TiU ye iu 4ofttb.: Christmas thia year; will be the 'Harbinger "of may 6ad yeVfiaU IweArgeflipies of ithbse gonej ne- ?f 18(!3.tlmFii upon-a peaceful land, a 1 A'Ppy nn atUn J atWilie tTuloTi Yo3 tored, . wth,,r7peape on. aftlj, good- Weekly Summary. THE ARMY. .i.The official reoorkof GenvButu Bid a' brin'ggi 5loWri'ttVtlW9iit' Fi'ed-' crcbur'liff wou n'icd mi mi a'sine! i .,fleu.Bftrlidfll baa written top tbl UaUeck,'-givingh1s ilau8,'. ahd- thelcaiiisft 'offiar 'defeat, Ilallecli. cJ Jvxl iuo snch th InviofetUtfCarodiiBaj-l J?bsher! ha p4:e.jatHUjfairBiBtt attfeold "Tinrnwi'. ' - - Biake has! ofncpW tktf 6il ft n J Djeut ii:-- -mil ifiil) ftio'tud i-r'-'.-'i" : . ... In W est if uucHseeUierqboM-aitt lmsiwcn meccsstVrrTriia raliroaU n-.i.i -..,1 .ii,'.V!,.X,f U WHS uuui;h.i:u uiiu uuonutn us as Holly Springs. Grant is suppos ed to be still moving on to 'Gren ada. Trenton, Tenn. has been 'cap turcd by the Rebels, and the1 Fifth Ohio, Col. Taylor, badly cut POLITICAL. -The Cabinet has split: feewfttd and : Chaeo have r6sirrud'.sVrhieif mienl'if o-rn.r!"i r n si v 5 n ( I nvn.fcM.Ti a Ji Z' J " . -J I Tout cecyrjicoifdltious. arocQnutHod: more wi4cyWUltou8tthltai8G3. T J., Uml-lafMifanfiiiMmUl ptomitliojir&r.rtitfarf gav where the money is ?0 1-Vjmc,f from. linrliirVinrn nfrAffl A nrinp.a v Tr - r. "'sV 1 reBdlntiou in the IlouBoXvJnch was laid ovci! ! v' f ( HiJpciicIlcton'X'teseutetl a pro- ftcst fltaiost indftranlfyuigthe Free- . i i i i, , M i I I a Mn I n it ii nnnniiu 1 1 . lUUUb 1UI Hl liwgui -" uuvvm-.v. onal acts, wlitob wr mused. Senator Powell's resolution or- lrwT3rryrrto""wb"etlior Sto prisoners had becmrequired to taKO an oath not M bring buhb for damages, was adopted. '- ' J . JY hopu thwt pylitjclrmartyrs ' demand LETTERS LETTERS Addressed to His Excellency Abraham President U. S. LETTER VII. ilbsoBEb' Ifl'tiiy last week s i; v i'li. .'' 5ti: rlitv and ;,,iiucoustitutiollity: of vii.r'iiroctfedtnffs;"ii" rskVcnt :of fUrt TTnUnil tefatoa'of Am'6ricai 1 uoT,!Y8u',!aro V'riio rtoci.V ''.'but .'il.' . .. ...... doings arc Ideal and constitutional, is another 'tasltoW1 Mdst mcn 'ire 'wise- n tfieli1 own 'eyes, it 18' so, with mo, aiidvI, 4kf nk; jt,;isBO .with you ! BtlH, tho nnoBtiou has to be Bolved, whether you, as our President, have a legal and moral right to trample upou-.,qur laws, and. t0 ti"l;tlie Con6l1itutioo(,,thc , y.nitcd States iuto a fablo, - ,f .i .ri , .Honored. Sir,..jpcrmit,. m,to:call y9iirr,poiaus .at.tention-tor this a serious-Urap. Jujthe history ,of tlie civUwVd,.ww-ld--t9. vhat,'.is .going on unucr your umiiiinl"n"u The law' 6f the- United- States -de clares; that !no iicwSfte shall :bo tlictioii of any-.pther, $tate;; nor UhaUtftny Sfcitol bti; formed' by' the r v- . - hti.fidtioif M two or more States, ot PnaftB of States. , without me con- letf evi7. i ot eo.gwlaturea ' of the Statciaaiwcll as ot the ..congress. Yet; b! in! the face of this wise, safe,' profound, and masterly pro viso.1 and legal and constitutional provision against all encroachment upoii tiiO rights, . privileges, uuu libertjea of he great American bempcracy,.)30tii jfOD, and the Coiir gr.osB have proposed to erect, v .V31 ern Virgiia- into a separate biate "Hear it, 0 heaveus, and bo aston i'shed, 0 earth !". ; ' ' .Sir, these thiugs are ncithor right eous nor seemly... It ia righteous nes's-that "'exalte'th a nation,; sin is a.Veproacli to any people." ''General Butler's proclamation lew Cricaup, has led to more perate secession tha n the Devi war against' God. and His Christ did' iii heaveu.. Sir, too many your, generals ana aaviscrs nave done far more injury tb the cause they havo..pi;ofessed to serve, than the avowed enemies of the Union. Pray, sir, stand and ask "for good old paths," and America yet 'find rest ' to her soul. ''But ICart.yip,li.uuui:jruui uuu uuujl, Great Itepublicbas fallen. ' : ' Sirjl havethe honor to be, YourxceU'ency'sCb't S'vt, - WILLIAM FERGUSON. . -l(Ttfinni Vknn lha A morlAftn troneral in tho service ot the uni- hobo fltrainst their rebels' and latoli iai up' ncso against their rebels' and lately killed, was a'native of Salem. Mass.. and 6nlv thirt-biie years old. He son. of Frodorick G, ., nnA Kin1 Mff-.v'nQma TPpBrtrln Tnwi1. M,JU Al IO UlIU UW"'V .'.wa.w " 1 " end Ward: he graduate' irm, We 1 JSni tUigh' ." School i.ul 347, nud h tii cif cq f ' 'si P?e on o ' expe'ri ep cc' Uh$ffi'$& ;V"meu. war '-mMmxP h il vr ' W' agai.' ly lJUVi LI1U KMJf 1V1 Hl 1W" vvt- Hhiiflftbi of aac?p40B,ot- STnesBagc: wnav noneaf -co1 1 !,f i.. tfl MV iin ld " ' " Offloial Eeportf lhe Kingston Affair', I ---rj" .r ' r -i r ".v w'ri""w"""' """" ,v"" 5?. rr,8 r 3 t ill Y w aiut w wmf. HpAnk. five miles from this town, nnjat Jh,0 .jQJMaQQk-flLJbj?, atn. Tu n nnemv was nosted there, the front, and a vigorous infantry . i il 1 I attack ou eitner nuus, i succeeueu in forcing a passage and without x This moruuVf advanced 18 inivn fnniwl thnpnpmvBt.mnffJ 1.'. viatarl f n iloHlo t.nrhncrh fll position was 'so yo'n 'clibsen tliafc very little of our artindry brought in play. 1 ne main auacKj try,' assisted by'a'f6w',gu'iis:p'tisrcd ibrwadd1 into the','rbad8r,,oa.TleV a ivk Jmnra' hard fiffhtKutodded in. arlvinc the encmf 'lVotd'hls" rioi ... rlr 1 I . J...J.V. .1.1 Jj.(i.t.-.! LI 1 sition. ' re ioi,ioweu"uiiB"rBTJiuiy . . .. . . . mi L'.jLlLi; ,fT Vi to the riven ine Dnuge orcr ino Nousd, at this point waS prepared . - . . I : 'J 11'. k. ...-.. .Ji lor flrvug;" aiiii iwa ureu .in iu places, but wo were bo close bbMod t .iin t.knt; w BttVCU tfl !)! GV- : The snemyf etrtatod' prpcS'plhiTO iy by the Goldsboro-and .'PikevHle Koads. Thtir forco was -about GjOOO men, with twenty pieces c lRrtjl- lory. -TMfL VftI,av? taKC" Kingston, captdred ejeven liieces of artifibrV, takeirlA)t6 500 IfMrni, and foHnd a' large7 aMb,tpf,m termaster knd CoHssWOwrdi Onr loks will WdbaWiM' -fkfate IIJ Kllieu liu n.uuuuou, , r I' am1,0 wittieaW&peisi, you 200 1 I ail i v itWWaf'i'flBnect, your S. G. FOSTER, Maj. Gen. Commanding. 'i ls it a oMmetd Imperil thO live tiftnAH t.nnflfndrnant'rke'T'Otte transports 1ri tvMcho jtat?f lefl4 eralliaukB1 expedition lefetlils fwt are : reported : fom dAyto 6tiyi& in f distress; One "of ''ttMtipire stoamcriiThames.WRBiitowd'lwtb Pbrt lioy al- last 'week, "utterly disa- h rvr (Lnii wfttt'ftonaemnea-aiiur L,,, tix ! Ofie Hundred and Pourc6nth'R: gimcrit'Of Now iTork; .VoluttteoVa:.; The N'la?arw n old I'ftke'swffmer, .entirely .tiiiBwrorthyi phirttb Phvlttaeipina:.ye8tcruay'-in( a-iBttnj i. Vi V. hfl Aot Viv rH vn -titinirtin!? discovered thatvhofftimborB vrerfc rotteT..' She hhd,"bn"bbaW'tiVe hundrlcp m3n of th' Kftlotlf JMaS sachuscttff iteglmetitj 'Stilt-Si third vessel of'th.8 eXrwdttiortthy-Quiui- ey, carryiht? twe For ty-BdOffa juuss achndotts Kegiraenvana one nun' dred men' of i theieiit;yhtli Connection t, " is reported ; at -Port Royal with dctoetiTo Doners bat ' at W .a wori.1 .'knocks you." down and jostles by you, in it great race, don't sit whining und pcoplQ8, feet, but get up, ruu your viww and begin rgain, Laov-1 n ,-.r.o'. Local and Miscellaneous. Local and Miscellaneous. CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. the .may I n)o Will. J. Wilson of Canidcnhja's laid la a fine- stock, of. alVKiudsto fixina and nic-nax suitable for pre sentation by Santa Glaus' or" Kris JvinKlC. , Ilia oiui v Ju,"j'."V,, ail Kinas pi c,nuip,jjf.j';fy ffewcaws. and KPPi tqiigs; gonert allyj-'Wilh'-ilway!5-8101?'0' thing ntie at these times Tor the lit-1 tie .m&& St$lskM V".. ' ... 4 t . vlr. vouutir a&iea.aiiu ineir-w?ut.Ml'.v?,rf fifi nnil flfio Lim.:iyi)a Ot IWlJlO ttOI LOST! . : 1 Inr ffillowLtowoHmaniMiKe UvRm thfdllayVnao.thwa, beyeeaitffe? CouRt HftvftnUbe, pork-yard! rabctwooii-.tho; porm ydtH'tin'tr the ct.stas'tB ebirfaved on' it. Any' oiierfcturwlig rxeai Oifiqe, wilUo rewaiid MONSTER HOG. Tt OlbrI r"1" "u"".,i'i :. rii, '..-r;.", , v n y; ton, has recently, soldilie larges Ea ' o r - -- - tr wrrViArf ,vnoi!lo-'7finlllK;Jlr1ti-Tflrldi pie's largo, ripe, aud. Mcy,, iko his Hog, they can t be beat . sa-A few bushels of Corawaut- - 'i ?i i, if t--;M-rir-HiTt pneo what is hdu, to us, and make .an'eflort to procure us new subscribers, wo will make no change our terms i ASIIOAIV with tutck AiioU. rl 'tfih nrad miartcrs lias straveu from 1 1 1 1 A 1 our stable, aiiouia any oi our neuni- Vinfo fiml 5t. nmniiir t.hoir lintrq. t.hfiv UViO.u . v - 0 - 7 j ,i,i,,,MV-nf Ill III I 1 1 II . jr. .,in -Ursy TTtllltfiJl AtjeOffib;.a1etflflr)rVoda,'6n;gb- Bcnpnon' nil a, j,"'7. i . MONSTER HOG. Lost and Found. r J3LLStephe.ns' this enterprising 4r4'VitilWilWJ. bocu-.lest bohiu-d thofee'tilaTrihibth piles flf'Di-y fiooilai wfLm..W0nibund I u-inv this f L .A ..11 n,K lu.Mlwhf limi fa tnlJ J lu.o-anii n bluiflft that lit ---M 'ft i 7 .. , I has been obliged to.obtain.adtJwonl- attcuadiuiwi wino "cans 'of hts'irtrrhcrons pairons.'. : All PfirsonRr indebted i to ;T)ndei' ear IM ba'ckacVbu'nts' We now beirra DlacedMrt thd'hands of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .. W IU..i i 'ni: -I) tifn lilrt;nftn:n,,5 Ybeaiciic6.0!Hol,ftlAma'id?of Hi' ofkillij Jsl fro Uhb'.; (Joju'rit of Cyin- 'inhn-'-PIfM; of-110 C .CoUlitV.w t ie iibiivo stated, case.. aq'c"lo ' tli .Shevifi; of i'ud stated, case., aqa io iuo .n-vui. ,W..m fcohlitf rc'c.T(c3,:I ftill OlWi-TAf 'salert puV Kc MctroW,' ttef.r'jortte. tev,ou iii KaMn,irf:18'nia count ' ,.!l t tlie' Slu .ty ()aSiLt4ii'Jiir-JvnuiiTv2i:.4B.ji8G3 of kaifl- tlWlilii foWinjIf UcscrftcfiiiiV 'W tutc, Bitimte in the county of Treble and 9-' foHftir tiwir ' sne mywi nan ;oi tuc Soflh-KHsVifunrtM' otTctinn'o,ii, rown ship No. 9, in range 2 KaM: i,,Coh,iaitiing vib:.ik flil lkV?flf'-'liA,V)r tli8irI "W: quarter oTmfi TRi&wfflWliS) ot range'T r.hsr, kc; ronramrning -i.u acres; moreiflrlossi Hlse09-G0'licfes ofbrnd, biugathc -JpfttU aidQt)fUhe.SaM half cf thq. .otlvV.CBV TOtuartfr..oi; .cctiion, iunutii.i inKnnirn'i V.nat. hnilllflffl nn l..l!4feil,nVMtn - nriMnar' rt-fiSft.'Ihi tlve br diuaion line between inid cyrge lifixvn MUr, Iguiir.ju-vci), niWmutt,;i oi Sn'ulir hv a. certain .tract owned by Georre P lino 4i:i4mg tup aBfc.anUpW Mi mil o ue euartcr Section . atgrcBia.;,,,;was nin.ii o ViiWeVwr-TAnSf 'IvinA null Kmih' in ..i.V Hnnnt::hF 'Prefil.1 and boiftided"'ah4 .... . . .,. vt iir.. . the Boutu-Wist earner, qi ,iuo n., yunwf . rcnn.!nn 11 rrar..ctim titrin nf RniltTA t?orf:' s tliftnoft Vf'Lqt t(1 nnles. tlience tlU u.'1 WI.-, ...... .vv i 1. ; North Yw poles, tneex! n,asi cu pews, vueiice 3..11II, the iiU.8 of boeinninff, coutainiug,lO acre? M Jand. .Also a part of the East, hall ot the ortu-liiist quarter of Sbclior. Vi. ih Township t of Kance 2 j.. ' unrfinh'inir'at h Rtake SO rods North u. - r it,n c..,,ii.AVji I'l.rni'r. oTiHaia uall-otiar ter, thuaqa, linst XLfW, Mieiico ,oriu rods, thence West 12 r.oas, Ihcnce South 13 lutf'-tii-tlia. klaiiii nf tieinnninff. free: clear aoll-hinia-cnmbered of ower,' valued! at $6,' 0U,pO? pn, Ui8, lollpwipg terms, w-wir. Inn tlni'l nt tim nilTP lll.-iK IllUllt'V. UUSU ill 'fKii-a InT-ihe vear. and the residue iu two years fromi'the day of sale deferred . . . . , I .. . . ...n tl.n no.vinr.uta 10 bo seoureui ov iotHtKni-.K premises., and o b,carr sU J)r ceiiyutcrcfst How the day or sale, . , IllU K M ' T J JWltiX It. .UClJl'.iir, ' ' e jijn w n'.Bhetift' of Preble County. Fops L ,CAMrm-:i4.A'vy 'or reuuouer "uc? 2; ' l'S2 tdl pr; f. HMO,,... I J-tri. on. std. Eii". A.:4i JiHii'l M ir.i jn irt iicnii n it 1 rrn i n 11 I 1- 1 Ut-noi W n:t ijhi TVXRSrjAJJT w.'the.OTwmBnmr.imw Iinicu vovt . ..... - --- t 4frecflV':,B'ill',l0u'or'1 tale eti Vrablio . . 1' . .t i 01 d .V,0,;jti4Driif hetConft,aioMe,ii f ne (9), .anew . l"ft " - .--i w. tiaining on hundred and fifty-si -acres '01,11. Tiffin Tl FflllS. AttV. 1 3cra8 of sale;, Onp ihird of ths purchase; 1 1 i U'l' ',.1 rK'k'nn-.l mia 4 It i iH In rirln'MnV iWUI rfwfHcica riw)miflUUfWfc3vrib' V ' a w r I i T II L'i, ,WUB8 Dec. 25, 1S03 Ids r. f. $5 50. I Couikv directed. I wi m1i'L0 CATV 'reblu Common lle4i tlie command of n writ'bf : .i c .i r-. J- reble County, ijahe II oft'or for sale nt min or of tho Court House, fu Eaton, m said County, on between the-tioars ofMTmd t oVTockTr. M." day, tbo following real MWastafOrj flJiidant, Charles Wilmot, situaWWrhWiiriT of Kew WcstTillo, l'rcblo uounty, Uhio, a beiug:LotiitnW.-nirti(, (30), ar knoi and designated, on tbo town plat of st Jacob II. Fooi Att' .Slifriir nf l'rfllila niuinHj,. form-ff. LEGAL NOTICE. Clinton'Cni'f''1'" pliiintiff. " i Treble vs. - '"$"' Common Pleas. Auifta,P. Carroli, " In Attachment. deffittdafit riHi said AP19311'! ,Carrol, jpf Indiana, X is hereby nbtWcJ, thrif 'olt'the Ttltt day ot .Noymnbei'iawiitue said itttntwn uiaa- nelc hied ol ,'rcblo county, Ohio, ins noiition .aainst nlnililifr' n iTf fAtl-,n 00, ijip IJcpmUor. f!l)thj ;8,;ii4.neeureri ine same ov raoriijngo on ccnain.reai &sinic i-i 'Ciimdmt; OhWiith'ifVArlgrfgV'CTcratcil an a aecomt liffnttfifci-eoh-'l l!bt"sMcV rjrwri- isos wefo sold on foreclosure of thcfirst mortgng,"riifl' Ib'MnicrrHefTii'trsaid Court. l'Siii. aia.taiVirt4orfs6f.fto tiro- ee -ds of sg'lejj,4i3 -first mortgage, llie. residue was nmilied.lo thp second mWlnifltltrf tf fTaTanerfiTSiei: 7M2l.iatAiilnyti(lk!iimml-artir IMatf fnr which said Court awarded eN40Mtittuir plain tifl's favor, and for n hich amoiuit, vilh in- jij I lorn i-i.- :'..l I lercsr irora April (.ioj, ursKa juiiiin.-iii against VlbforidilntT Bml' soerindl.v, stating that on February 2J, 1810. defendant gavo his note t' Hoary ArStfoliOtef forf'f 35:08 duo dyi nvhiohl note was onf,t -iiUtefidtb, trsnsferred to plain'.iff.iand,fQr Uiq amount of whicrwilFilllerest pla'niliflf isl judg- !(.. , J. nil jll.-i, aa.J'Jl'lfLi l..rL ineut aglMnsrueieiranni,-nn nuacuuieiii mis been i.-isueil-fifMreriD'i',lu thfeftsr, Brftllun. laud Mm .lfilnnilunft nnrmra .mid. tnnAwtra ni demurs to said fietition..oiv.or t'fbruJ ary 2f; T8B3, S juagriicht wnr be t:Tcn, and au order td -jwlr- th iMiJh f Mpwy, or' other liropcr ordar, asked, tor in.liis ulisijuec. Atlestienb MitjlirAtt JSIot JH IIF LEGAL NOTICE. in Aiiaeimicui. r.t iA-mI .lAtlOln Itojme Jt:.0oi. ijliffi V9. ' .,..MT. A. P. CarrpiLdp('.t.L . rnilEsaid Ainasn. P. Carroll, Jif the Statp L of InWanar- if' liereb UttnvdO.rit llorno & 1'laintiHs, orrtltc-rW ot Ao voinber, 8ti2, lil(3d in thVCoutt'.oJ 01111110 n Picas, pfPreble County, Oliiq, .thmir.atition ajainst hiirij setting fortli that on tljo 21?J of Mayi- ISoO,1 the defendant executed Ins note WMwtciUbaaw.c rorfouuJiw, mie m one year iftoj d:itc. and. al?, executed big m'oitgage oii coitain real .estate. 111 Camden, hioy to 1 seture "th Mo,1' wHfcV 6perRteJ a a tltirtMien lbereontlirft) s'ntd'iotij-wa? ass,igi)eiliby,said,CbadwikjtpUitiilfs--Ttha on the furectosuM or, Miojj mo'aa A'e!Mrircli''tcrih1of 'Baid Court,. JSj'I, the tJoB-t'ifoBila-tiniWotien to ' illstrlbllfe "tlif npAnanrlail'. ttiO-fllulA 'if.. AftSfl i ttMnihnSjilllLl: sailipVior TOVgj;8 c-xbansujisxyd, pre, ce'elfs, ana'that no liart thereof Wfl3",oppljca- Mc tttlhe pftjnieTit'bt Stlif'T.wir, or note: iwHVVjUUri, ml wvm htrh iiMinvrivoniwtiiav tlie 2d of April. was $505 1 frhicji amoniir, wuh interest irora April iu, ioai, tl.,,iJ:,ini;nmlrrhlHir&int airftAst' ilffenrt- aa. ,m.a(,Hwlicut'liM bees isaste served. 111 tlus-ciisek and tlie, deli;nuast nbtilied tli'at unless he appears and answers;, or flemiits , tO-iaiJ petitit.n, r?of(ire'fhl)'2S(llij' An ..f l.'ulx-nrfi, IWl'.M fiilirmpnlfwill K.:iln: ken, audpo all ;th.Q attached pfN perry, or 0111-r pioper oruur usKcu, nlaniirP' ')'iiii 1 : ' : - ri- ' " 1 ...i;ilU0KE CAMPBELL, .., . ,1, Att'ys far lTa: A C W T. iriiiit ( ink llb. 1 uv. v" '1..,V . l!uo LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE. W. Iv.Pl6tad,:Assigne 1 Preble.Cbmm'ow ,vs, ,, .1 ,-uvn. AmWa'P!''r6n.'reTC' tacliment mHE said Amasa V Carroll ' of Indiana I :,- : t 1 .!C J kl V - V " TtT.... JL1 Assignee ilii sam Amasa jr. varroii, 01 inijiiuKi, i-'iB ljcrcby notified tlrat V. S." llalstearj, ,!miu W Bntflnh A -fVi "nil tlin '2rlJ M..riv..-. iA!t4 rj iu AJW,f rm llUlCiuuri, iuu. iiivu i.vuc v.wi. w y., yviu mon Pleas; of Prebltf-fcounty.' Ohio, nil titioh against Mm, slhting'thatVili the21et f,rM.T.i 1RV IliA jp4itiiloitV''1n pot-, to CUrrton-iJUbalM-ickn for $25'&.'dXi eaUtedol moitgiaga nieta(nrcii ctM'irrj t aio0(rtu in, nwaaeenrewne oBBmwr inerated. at)lbitlib Ha i4ioVtM ii.,M. lairAnJ.M IsniJ Ifiluulwiek" UW9 w.f, 6 -" - "7 ' ritfl ACoii!.Ahatoi tll foreclO-Urt V . . , - ii a1. Ifi L nf prior raorigages, i iue w;n whm r...LL 1QAO lUntoniil rfnnvt found on VVUI IUi - - tion 'tOr distribote Mha irowed of sale . . 1 t . . . L.J M'A nn! Bald 'praiMWB.tnat SHia prior muriyunu 0n;l lUfn.U'Rhrl ; thfll lib UUUIVU uhw fivv.- - a -il r RnJ'iaanla tn lit A TnaVIUftnt 1., oTTTKntrioto was 288 IW.AIl'TdMtVest -ynluiutitf asks defendant An 1 JstfffJ'anrTScfVeU ithdifendaalalsfbrth n MAI IJmL.UnifiEft IUl.1 IUUGI.-IUnaPvni of dcniars' to saitf petihvn.on or before tltaKCtr. Bno-.nn . OTncr to sou ine aimcirru T . . l. .1 -Jl V iL. .J - JL i,3etyiir-sari 7di tVi . nil VW -4i . I If I'. ' Ho the nets office; LEGAL NOTICE. secon Common Picas. : iij Attachment. enroll, of Indians, ,i on the 22d day .r.dfiid J. & J. Sle Tin. of Common Pleas, oi lUAll m Preble County, Ohio, their petition against him, stating that on the 29th of March, 184R, tno aetendent gave to Llinton unaawtcK ms note tor f MU 00, due September Z'Jta, i4'J, gjttLi"AWl!ifetSlliaill.-..IWllJWlU?the mil litin , r. entil .Ntn,,.MlL.I vuv uvuu'ia . w. uu . u j.i v. u.i.j. iun premises wore sold on foreclosure4 by oder of saio1 Crhitt',-ana'-nhrMlreh terui there of, 1852, on a distribution oL the -proceeds of said sslo, a&ar JrJischal?J t fi'-'t mortgage, Ihe-residw wnfr-fcpVfled'to the second mortgage, but left a balance of $203 for which said Court awarded execution in favor of plaintitls, and tor whicn amount, Willi llltcicab liuiu Ajuii A, .gu.t in finiu- tlfls ask judgment against the defendant. An attacument has beca Issued and served .i.:. ... .a ioi Jnrnn,1nn nn. ill lUia IHU, ""TH' ltl pmitjiu,mim t.i- i V: V. 4.,-... : pears &m nunniiftyifr tuiuu in emu ncu tion. on -or lieTcirt FobruarT 28th. 18G3. a judehment will jS-Jtakinj and an order to sell the attach4 Droucriy, or otnet proper order, asted fflWiohis abionce. "Att'ys for Plaintiff. Attest C. W. Larsii, Cltrk. Dec. 25, 1882 6w nr. f. il 00, . , LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Solomon Stone's Estate. rriHE undersigned lias been appointed Ad I. ministrajor ojf tho;s Jde of Solomon Stone, lateSSft PV&fe ItMiitrV, Ohio, de'e'd. Persons having claims against said estate will present them within one year, persons . , l , Ml .1 l. inueoicu io Ram csiaic win inense iiiiikc pay LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Turnpike Notice. TliA Infiklinlilom nf llie Tlnvlnn Wpnirrn Turnpike Company will take notice, that an Election wilJ-Uilmlil lUVT'rVtifc of William Blessing, iuY'cBt A fcxnuurin, Preble Coun ty, Ohio, on the second Monday (12th) of .lanunry, 18C3, to elect five directors of said Company, to servo lor the ensuing year. AUXKU DUKLAP, Wcs't. Dec. 11,1863 8t. - EMPLOYMENT. Tin Iliiilersiirned hus. for several venr;c.d I.H a.uan.wjricbs i'lcll.V,ir,ijn.1 'Hf' 1hpMsa)d 'teacu,ivtp otlie.,,. 3ho Jnuincu is,uf hiirhly useful anil general .character, adap- . h . .1. '..:tin.. .....1 .... .1.... tCO. DOIU iu Cll. ea miiu iiiih..-v, iiiiu uiiv iimi, any vcrsoii o( ordinary capacity, young or old, mafotrVllAWiV"l hours' practice, and by which they can se cure ft very bandsonio incouiu. Several younAadies who liavo received instructions froi me, ftU in Kewi Xwk. e nnsy 1 vii&j M rtfjufWi Ji oCsr pet ' weet vt, and there is no reason why any one tAse cannot do tho sumo luvalide, even can do well by it, as it is no peddling affair but a business that fg perfectly rcspoc table, llentlcman and ladies of leisure al,n niiM learn the businciis for their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice t ft pleasant pastime, and ouo that they wilt tuko reat interest in. ' Oil teoceiBtjof ?1-It ci,J. Pr'"'d initfuc nioiis by which any Jicrson can readily ac aluiro tlrr 11 u(t 'lcs0 iuwejtious. will casocont'ainc'very 'phi'lticular relative to the I , ... il will tin l.i,.lil nrnf. ja ilftrrm .itou. B4 that lt.WllL IjcUiglily prot stblo. The purchaser of tht "printed in-itructtoua';,wi!U-alo Vo aufhoii.ed tp teach as to others nhdHiavo sometimes rcccn'cd to high as 200, for teaching it personally ,t iaa single individual L jfould state further that 12,40 or 53 will buy every thing that is necessary to commence the business with, ,and the aiaclotabfl gcilmpHv'wbc) in city or country, or, if preferred, I can tumuli tuem Aanresifj ai.iunu 1. 1 m- SONS.No. 3G Liberty St., New lork. doc lb--2mo L M " J he pp in laid tol , . Of ieirl IQO- The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few wecksi by very simple rem. edy, after haing sufTcrcd sevcrul years with sovore lung affection, ri d thtt durd dia caJCJoiiuijiptJoi jig arxjou to make Known to lm rellow-sutlcrcrsthe means 01 turc. To all who- deeWiVhes-will tend a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the samty .which, thoy , will find a sure cure or Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c Tho only object of tho advertiser in sending tlic-praacriptiop ;s .to benefit the afflicted, aSlapWdSfifoonaliljii wUiJf,lio:conctir to be invalnable, and he hopos every sufferer will tr y bis remedy, as it will cost tbcra noth tig, fttt$I Jt6v "lOHtSaii Ji ' t Parties wishing the prescription will pkt address Kev. Howard a. vvilsok, M Avi rmrt Of 0, lrom iude- aJt- the iri -r 1. ' J. H. E00S,'y and Counselor at Law, WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid 10 ' The Collection of Vebtt, f The PartiliQojIfa0J, " ; The Settlement of Kttatti. OlTice over rUephcne A Co's' Store, on Jan. 1802,-ly Boarding by the Day, Wee or Month, S. G. CASSEL, Propriety