Newspaper Page Text
... ,:.v i : .5.' Lit 1j i P; : h I j I 7 '.Vei ;,. .'. . ; f '- 'rf,!.t t7,..:.,.ri j ' 'ill m .;. .fi t :..:t!T .. Xwell&, 1. 1 11 :.MM!' J f ; ! 0.' 7.1 ',11 li! ' !i'1,'I j CiTj)N,.-TItEBLK: CO., OHIO, ',(1! f;iti .in-.;-,,:., 5-34. ; i 3 vt : Tilt newr-MHar 6B, BAPHAKL U the bait. Jlo no. cteile when all othera bare fitileX ' . AIL WHO ARB IN TROUBLE, All nho hare been aulbrttnitfto, all Whoae fond hopea km ' been dltiaitiioint),nnialiel, Mia blneteeVaH who have been . nwlooed by Wee proviiaaa aial, all wbo bam been Secetrremt trifled with, all o to bin for ad tie and la atteeitebdlua. - ." " ! lio aukaa yonr miefcrtnnea pate away, lie ranVee tua lander and anvy of your enemies fiill hitniitesli, and ha toifatitii yonr cluiractor and respectability lu nil la of aril Mworin and Bliimrr. U who are lo doubt or Ilia nfleo- ttutai of tlioaa thev love conealt him to relieve and entlafff their minim, mud 10 nnapuLUull..WUH wm 4 , jlllt-a.W.w.t a - lie haf Hie aferat t-irfaiaar lia aflortloni of Hit oppv . alto aM, Ue.auiduitta tiaale to a wonllby aud haiiiiy Biarruuie. ana maite uta uurnea Danny, ilia aid and advice hai baea aoliclted in Inntunerabla lnatauoea, aud tuo reeoit aaiaivayi oeaa 'i ' i" 1 A SPEEDY & HAPPY MARRIAGE. To mk things mort tun, lu will iliow yon tlw 11k- r . ; ; ... YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND OR WETE. -' U ylll tell jrffl tlnlr clrcnroaloBCM uml their ftitiir Iirotitecli; And what 1 Iwtter tliaii nil, lio ctin tblV ytin lfr thotMrliu unit wiiat tiiir"rMl" iiiieniitmii are, Mmt It butter still, lit cux tell ym If- Ujc will iiwk juo l)r. Rflf)hftt tt. tltontfbre. nr drfwndono. V Yo all In iHulneM hte ndvica to Invaluable, lUcanfbw trll, wltli the greateat cortiiiuty, the result of all commer ri:il and btMltiMH tninaactlAniai.liiecnlllerM. -Ir. Ha lhAul IntwprwU dreamt fur lottery cuuibere wltfi i)ubilllii aa-iiracy, , ; LOTTERY NUMBERS . jlten without tty extra charge. - MORE GOOD NEWS!!! ' PH. R API! AKL will nutt ymir BoToeroiio or writ your AAtlvltr. Kverr man. throuicli the leiifflb ami bnallh f the luml.whu hni hnd luck, aiul who chu out get on hi th worlil, ahonld he lu ppeeuwloa of hie llonwcuiw, ami gel W, UtttHltUII f. . 1 (-"'. ., 1 Written Opinion of hit Future Froav . , .. pects in Life ; It will gtild him to wwlth, fmlnfwt, and honor, Tliuuutitla of ffood mon. wiio wure tiiifiirtiiiititi) ami mi- loccemfut In thoir bimtnoM wen who wurkwl lmnl, and whottniBirMaffaiiMtaflTeniltvand niUfurtniiellwKreaWr Mirt of tUuir live, and wlto found the mon they trlvl tv girt irwnrd lu tlie world lite more lump wimvagiunef thorn; Tliete men got Dr. Kunuaorf wrlilrrtojiiiifc'S upon their rmnro nroiici-ta in lite, au uiumo wiw wwcijf wi- lowed vu iupiutcra on viae are uow RICH, HAPPY. AND SUCCESSFUL In all their nudertaklngi; while thoeo who wtrc Ulndetl ly pnJiiiUceaml Iffnumuce, mlectttl hie advice are etill laboring againet aavenitjr aua uoreriy. , t-:jt ''Do awured WEALTH, EMINENCE, AND GOOD aio within the reach of all. If you U a to be rich and nipy you win commit nun aiso, GOOD NEWS fbr tKt .AFFLICTED. lie hoe the rift, and can tell the afflicted the eaime their (.Imam and ntfrurlng. lie estit )) tell whetlter they out he cured or uoti thiu aaviug the aftlicteU botk trouble and oxnense. Considlallnni onllr. Sunday' excepted. Office honn from 10 A.M. to 6. P. M. t , , r All b.torrltwaatyatrictly private anil conftdrntta. .' Theroforo we any, qjn ouel guall! and couault"' '- ': R RAPHAEL, V1'1 -TM Astroloyet f the 19th Ccntniy, - No. 69 EAST FITTH STREET, ar PraoWl IntoCTiow grunted t Oentlomen only. AH biwiiiew vita I .LADtES i , iw-p,nonaatailUtiuviare.mnnt'n,temjrint- .nii.ilnn rA.tai aach fetlw. All Wlara, cuiimrnilca- tinn.. .ad Interrlewn. ara alrlctlj private1 and efcnlV' " tial. NoaMwarWiH l W tu iMIeri Bl 0i . Ur le liialaKa a a Uanewuiiou Bf.u j f i . A4ilri!Ulettnajllo: , ' i,,',,- ''i- C .!,, iDRRAPHAEi;1: : BOX No. 2463, POST OFlCB, ' 'iiClNOnmATI, OHlOUiui ' , ,, .....,,, Letlttioclsarl)iin '. that the prle. named as a coninltatlon fee nye for ' tnllatioii oltlyi It duee sol pay for th Bot 'i ! eufoiouof Tour ftitura proapectl ta Ufa. Itooeas i' (it winning tbe aflactloua at tlia oppoalte aex, nor I "' 1 connuimtlonofahappymarrlaiiorforaV)tnrali: 'II bnainea. named In tu. auora advertbeaeent. Toa ' . Laaa flint price for doing each aeparate liualneat. I ." conanltatlonwiththeDoctdfcJonleanihoia joooib tHe fond Imp. Dearaat joor keart ; JaaaaetoUIn ' . - aaa get all roo, want, and ho jronr bnalneae ongo . ", ' done ee that It ean not fcil. He will fcretell what l J '': I 1)K81'1N In ihort, be IU teU via iWirJi ; 3aotfto-tha Pahlic ."bi.! v ifci-'W. Haptiaet, the tetrologmr,' haatncrtoni with PBOFKSSOB or Dr. W. M. BBhl. Wl other gfnllaman of the eanie naina. - t . itr(Jit Uik aHwrttiement ent When yoW . ' I hrtng tt wlIU Jba ami ahov IMa ths gU i Soor. To pretent mletake., aa to . ., SEE THE DOCTOR H1MSELI lETTHE AFFUCTEtfRE And learn that A perfeetand radical ure k wi . and guaranteed to all oho an afflicted with we ' ' oebllttr, perrons Bomplarnta, 'melancholy thongl ' preHion of plrita, dlatiaaa and angniah of aiioi, tloep, loaf of gunwryi Iom af energy and mnacnlai : puny growth, waiting away, and a want of conns' ' ' thefflxriwa, binttng tu, omnUalra trsmhUnga .. . . iaeoeariddiairuvtof Hie. . ' .,,..3 . HBAB WHAt IUK MKBICAU ITtlSS SA - 1 1 Borne phyalclana reqnlrrto be totd the natar. ;,dhm--tl1a SNOLI8U BOTANIC PUYSICIA, not, Hie perfeat knowledge of the hnmaneyetem ' '' him 'fodeecribe tbe diMaeee whhottt any nfurmatlt i i'l ! , tbeatleat.'to explain Ita original caoae, and to gn , ... tta cure. And,whatimoreTaluable.UII,he willh , , . : and frankly tell whether yon can bo cored or nt.; ! i kla aaniaanleattana and foterrtewa an atrictly i, td conildentiaLJfwtioal Joaraat. TK. IL.Unk tkiudla of nr. TUntiMt. the Inir J i I 'taDlel'hjelelan, nee klled ye to make a pert, j j,,.,,,..,ai, and nennanent enre of ALL PRIVAIB, B t JIKIJ IfcKaubAU iiioaiuan, wiiaun ue we I - 1 cory-wtthont hlnderanoa fron bwelweaa, and ,u n a fear or auoonry on aipomn. no aaauiy potto aa arasnie, nna. ruaiica, uinum. or wij "'u- . ii uieruui ji nor any deadly minaeafci ewitlriwif h' t"1 Tmrelalile Botanical Itamoduaare nani by thai ,.8otnic Phyaitian. Ilia Botanic Bemedieanner j ad to remora all-ntareary and other impwrlUaa. ayataea whan att. other enudlea had jaifeiLrf oil .' Goorj'inrwB k sinsib nr contt, l.inU i IN HAaUlIAOa. : Hear what U BaltlaMri . , . pondeat ot tha Oddfellow, Boaneboro, Uarylaaii a ' ,' Ihureiury, the Shfof May.lSOO: -' n I pi ' Jmnereiai enrea of diaeaeea tauaed Vri earrr 1 luvinrlNW mrTnrrul li. .k. F I.k. D.,.1 - aioiaa, inel my amy, nannaa aonw :)t',.. 1 (late the Su-t. beUeviui ahat la dolwc ao 1 wiaf do tha antraruig. una cue u parucojar yoona aaaa In tbla city fa worthy not. U4 '- beeene tha ttctia of habit, thaHnera alloaiea to caueea'd ahndiler, and aftaa yeara af ,eMT.rinS and gave ap ail nopoa af reoorary. Jla aUhed tb and wae dearljMaslored by aa-aweeVh girl aa .vnrdaof'atfettkm, bat fcavwaa feartal.oerrona, Iia dared art welt an aceonn of aha auu of'hU iretem. He aunght relief at tha hand, Botanic PhyaUiaavandt-aiUmlahing aa It any the bloom and rigor of youth baa returned, aavvekUaaIiOFali(Ua," Anr who araauAtrtnc. no matter whM their tan eau on in isoianin rnyaictan aoanaenuauy. r : . ' but. relw anon MlieC .Bin oSioa at t Mo. 69 1 ' ' J'UTU Bet. canuire St. ajud Broadway, CUiCIlia ".NWt II) I I II i I I aw i!.t t-i .iiiiui ntiiiai . Width . !.- . . - i .,;r.i:3 "l .-. - - ' - u uaiurwuM usvBXfnrapiaUiiwf io! nt turn ,ri ...... ji . ji, , - j,, Bc,u.aSii!'ntliatl BE'JtffMAt'triSAKNEgsZ'Eto.;1 CAtt.bE ii-.i! fjrjREW BY one who a wally curedtinr '' "ri-n self: and nirtareds of Other, and will tell "mU''- ytrn n(i thing "bttl tlie: TBUTIL i Uddreai -U inHstampi' EDWARD .'TRATER, f. uti; itiw,i4 u: ...: -' Loct Bo,1 Boston laasc" - March 2, 18G5-y , V j . ta . : '. I 7 .laini. i .. ,-f i rltSoe tite Cafd.oil)r. iStepheta, I Wii - Tilt i t ' lLi " ' -..' . f?01!11' ? tf,?i ; ; tit hi, a. 1 IAFOETUHE! li.l. j , EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBO- UY. : , 10 jigenti 'iffanted )tKropKmt ttie IT. 8. ?nn.nnn , ,r,,: Watct.ei' Clialns, 8e' of Jewetry.I BinS, Pins, Bracelet!, 6iero "SilverSpoonaand Forkt,Cnp, ; " ' Calie BftsketBi' fcc, wortb. " iu-; ; " Eicht Hundred Thorn' ."-'.-, ' ' "and Dollar. "; " "' ; , Jw tsn-;1I.9 of Foii the purpose of "closing oat the ttoek tethe earliest possible dte, ire ndr- niirnciJ. lmve dfcided on a creat ' aiatnbu- tinn maHo iia' lollowj acA and ttery artU We, no matter how valuable, oemg major m ;'; '. ., '.:v.:. A. ; Ckvipicatb of each, article .with its value printed npon it is placed, in, an em relope aro cai607-iuese pnrempra., nhorongbly ! mixed and sold for twenty Jive tenU eah-the person receiving one of those enveldpes is entitled to the article named therein by reiurmng me vertinca.e to us with one dollar, and the . art cle, no m.tutr how valuable it mar ue, will bi lor- warde i to-, him or her M onee- mere are n Unnk ncrtifinftles and therefore CTerv oae is ore t get' at least, thefull value of his or her money tbuooiU.tneariicie urn edon theicertifieate not suit, an oth wbith he may select of the same value will oe uo stitnieL We sell the cerkificates as fol lows: !.. il i.-l': ' , i rinA ftr I'.ptn. fivo tor 81.' eleven for $2, thirty for $5. sixty-five fortlO, one hundred lof Sip. ' Tins disiribution affords a Gne op- th nil a an il trmeii ri much' he'adtlressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maided Lts? Kew York. ! LIST OF ARTICLES. all or wmcrt awc to as soad fob 1 CAC9 tnft rjo...' wnli1'iIiint5n?-,: ' ' ' cane wtclis ' ..ww iau eacn 300 Lad'.ts' Gold T.nd en- ''" am dicase V atch -s ... no TU ' CUU Ornts' All orders must .portunity for Agtnts, as What lady or gn- ' tleman will riot invest twentyfiee eentt with a ptosppct of gelling five hundred oral 35 .50 15 t, 4 Eil.rr Watches. 200 Diiimond Rings 30p0 Pold V-st f.nd (JbMnE SiloO av' do.... H000 Gold Dand Bracelets 4C00 Chased vl'ld Braceleta 20C0 Cba'rlaine Chuins 4 Ond Chains', .tt.;...' 6!i"0 Solitaire ahd "Gijld Brooches ..... ........ I'OOO Lava aiid Flo.-rntii.e Brotcheg- ' 200'J iland Upai uroocs'is,... ..AAA 1 1 : Tt 1 L. 1. L.. Flort.ntine Eat Drops' 4 USOi)' i'or-tl, Emerold" and 100,, 30 ' 8 10 t 29 4 10 y 4:.. -6., r8j ti ti n it it-'r ft II f) in frill I Infill. 1 1-: A w or a had which factor ing amrry, awearVaped andproa trated. atiatterea of tha aaear, all hw at onaanlaint. A' Ka r fnijE ersi(sSkS will JLfoc sale at rublic Auofco, at bis denccinpNooioe Towtrahip, seven norlfcJrSrot aton... i .,. . On Friday the 24thdaj of March Lat KTJ'clpti A.'M. thffrollowing trtahw. ' 2 v. A rif OF, rheep, 4Iachihc jHAiJe ' Ik- UKeeper.-t-ttraUril' urag taaMt R Carriage, 1 Bup.(fy.. Harnesar? f .t, QaswojaTS, and l arming ImpluraeeU K3 i General!; OntUWlgarer' I7oormCanti Spinning ,-tr.i . m? r ... - tvOTOT -ojeaerif wexcrtpuon.i SOTUSHQTrD GOODS audmnrrv other artidca net enumerated. TXSi--PDrebaes amounting to anfwnJer cash; abore thai sum note rnaJhwUh good aecliritv, will be - BAilCjli BAKFILJa.,r" March 9, 1365-wJ. V' J ; 1 ' V. ' '" ' ' . ' ' , . .' , ".'-' 4 REEVE'S n io-lTiftl llnnnin and Reliable FOBWETflROWTH, BEAUTY AND yESBYATOJi. OPTHE HAUfc 4 JUXoDUIIUOU. Aouy. C. V ', I ..fJMa.TSyW.J' pottle, . . , . ihow.iivine evidences,-. -k of its excellence. Photogrupb. and read it! H . u ie,Tiia., i A..i:ir . ci;riiii;'o ;f,ASttlat4r-nar .f . jt i ' j jHql 0 IWJH lngtb. used- tweves Amoro- - . ; . sia about ' 20 months. ' ; rr'.-. - also 1 . Photograph nd cerr i v1,-i'v. t'tlicate of Mrs. ' L. M.' f i,.v HewU-hair rivi rw inv . length used the . Ambro- ' sia 18 months. " 4 . - V T.i.-inuna . mini V f- r , I I 1 nvvoMiia w ""'"ft this ,i preparation c ano, , ' OK1ALS. ."' .'; - Thus, nhotorranhs. taibk mom hcen awarded to extend the ItnOwl edge of the niRiT -of this wonderfbl fliscov vrrv HtindredM have seen- these ladies aud heard tne lacis irom tuoirowu ups. Airs. Maxwell' ' TeBtijrlonlaU. JtkiiX 1 New Yoi k. dec. 13d. 184. -Knowing poilivelythat BeCve Ajnbro sia'produced a beautiful head""of haiif for Mrs. Xissie Shepherd, of Brooklvn N. Y., J was induced, tbereoy, to use u worougniy. needed iomelbing for my Jiair, it being short and thin; hnd used one.half dozen hsttlos Whea l could plainly notice an ih- Creaae ipjts iciigiu, airmigtu, m o".'i nas prov now, by in length I neatiy reaching the flour. I hare allowed my photograph to proclaim tne Bterws or ueevc Jtmvrona : to tne worm. ,s.l Air. WJaiLAUKMaAWtiUlj, ! ' All Enterprising . '. '. Druggists have these Photographs, ' . t AHD KEEP FOB BILK - An experience ol about two years hi e(j ft c(jrnplite success. My hair is i measurement, our feet ten'taciesii Reeves' ' Ambrosia- tit 75 ets. per v. Bottle. " 70 - ' i ' , t i A ' Drnirist8 who mav not neve' onr,prepar- atipns will s?nd for it if applied to. ! rrrineijpal depot,: Z tullon acreet i . : s - 6 months' Ell n I- a n 1 1 I 0 UREKA PILLS' . ITBYTTEMI TIIYTHEMIIJRY ONE JJOX! PURELY4 VEGEjABhEi .A GOOD FA MlLJf'PJlTSl CJA N ' 'V Cum JUter'CSiiLpl&int. i Cum iVtst'coHs or Sick Utaiaehe. jfi'fiiPallHiti' remsdv (For f?entVoVms tliey neVerfiill-injdestrying-Vr6tns that Vyilbllilli.iv.iiiiiti:t VuVi'Kurcii. 5 I ', A surertrn'edj'or Foifrs, if taken? iq the early stages. ; ;. ' : '. . , a3h; JC6x Contains 25 1 PJlIs. x-. Trv one Doxf-Send 2tcentsv-i5d'w. will lend bji Mail,: sand 2, nd wa wiU send One.dofiea. t; ' '. j ! DrnirgUts supplied on reasonable Jerms, rrr,'iX7c-?csr : .-a levtis, 84 Nassau Strret, Bo 3,391. For reference to the Revrtfr. ,'Halladay, rndianapolis.' i"."': - ',. f Jtev. Mr. Shelling, Chicago. ' i AU oras or the tratto, must be address ed to" " . ':'' ' x V; l,i .. a. . n . m - zi rara now, x. f eb. ZT, 1866 -moss. Js LaaU fsa 1 tbe be order a nee a- mittS ; CO. oax. OFFim rcMi. mil .n 65 property 1 ' new, wagons, PWws,,., ; : v $5,00 at 12 taken, real i -', ', wUi .4 Ij i k Bow, NC ' J.ame ,Elder; ' iiniin .JT WHOLESAL AND atvTAtn- BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, onih-tasi Corner of Mai aAiTPearl r-l:lllCIIMQNl) , INDIAlf ijk trfeEPS 'Jenetatatment o ScaooZ, Albnmu roper, Envelopes, and a of Stationery- "' r" -?"" , :Xrrnaef as iQw ns.any otuer esuDusu. meat in .the West '''''" great. c6mb1nat;i6n manufactory lll'l ( -LIVERY STABLE 'CQMBIMEDJ neo . a The . undersigned . keens , const antlr hand till kinda of custom-made wor. V Sprint Wg?ni ' Uj ererj doscriptioa r: -xupeurmg anaiMpaiunvyznK. ";-;. lr-tii-i.-:.; ; done in a,'n'eit and substantial warrehted to give entire satisfaction. Terms as low as can be bought anywhere r4th?Vrest.r;v'4 . :-v . . . . He roapectfallT Invites all to tive hi -111 1 a k. L r anu auwin, aia aivca v. ,.uu aaUsfied thaV , J ul TO -tLsos Vargams - v,;(. ei.s'bi tti GOLD 1 FOR THE i Pens to Suit the - Suit tne The Best GcL1 On receipt of the f . send, by mil, 0(as Ui Pensj selecting jtte ; description, aamelv; J2CJ13. isaVtK-) - " Sion Cates'i with Pencils. , . ' For$l No. 2 yen. for fl'45 No. 8 pen; for 1 60 No.4peo) ?3r $2 No. 5 pen, for $2 25 No. 6 pen. ; These' pens are stamped THSIMPERIAL PEN, and are wrll finished and fine writing Gold PENrl, rilh good aridum points; al though tley arc unwarranted, and cannot be exchanged. , 1 ., , WAMANTEDfiOLD PEN3, Onr name f A VtMCAK GoLD PlJlCo.N.Y.) is stamped on all our 1st quality Pens, and tha nninti are vflrrantcil for six months, exi cept asainst accident j Our secoko QrtM.l tt fens, are stampeayAuii nunuBau PEN, with the imtielspf our hrm (A. Ix. r Co-) and are -carefully! tmade, " having the aamn' nninta an our firkt noalitv Pens, the only great difference offing in the quality of the Hold. , Gold Pens, 1st and 2d quality in Solid Silver Extension Cases, wlthPenci,s ' For f2 00 a No 1 pen 1st. quality, or a Nn. 2 ncn 2d aualitv. : For $2 25 a No. 2 pen 1st quality, or a number 3 pen 2d quality ' For 82 25 a No-3 jcnlst Duality, or a Ni 4 wn 2d nualitv . ' For $3 50 s No. 4 pen 1st quality, or a No. fi nen Zd aualitv. ' For $ 50 a No- 5 pen 1st quality, or a No. 6 pen 2d quality, .''. For $3 50 a No. 6 pen 1st quality. The same Gold Pens, in Solid Sil ver or Gold-Plated. Ebony Dak Holders and Morocco Cases. Foi $2 25 a No. 3 pen 1st quality; or No. 6 pen 2d quality. For $2 oa o- 4penlst quality, or lio. 5 pen 21 quality.' ' . For 13 20 a No 5 pen 1st quality, or No. 6 pen 2d quality. , , . . . . . . i v... or uuiami poav is qunu.j. a-w . SOaNtUtSWaNo, n . 1 .IIiim i 1.1 ... n . 1 avlfgrat quality.,. r;v Onr pens rank trrouiout tne coaiiry equal if no: npeiior to iny gold pens man- . W CODt.8 f' ." . I I All remittances by mail, Reo:8Tsso, at onr risk - To all vhb enclose 20 cents extra for .registering, wiguaranlee ts aenvery oi tne goous. i Circulars 'of all oar aew styles, wi'h gravings of exact tizes nd prices, noon "reeeiDt of sumpi if ' desired. repointedj or 50 cents; j mail. Stationer and JcwcUrs are requested correspond, with us as wo can offer (them great inducement. , ; 1 . , T Address - . ' ' . iVinaMliVAM uuiili a i.. vv . No-240 Broadway, N. March 9, 1865. 3moi ufaetured. lh)tT)nlf ioi their writing tual ities butdurabilitrandlcgantlitiiah. greatest care is used infhtir mnnulacturp, and none am sold with the slightest imper fection which skill can detect. -' : PHrties in orderinj mast specify the name numbered and aualitv t all instances and whether stiff or limberr.ourB! or-fiue. 'i A" discbunt of 12 percent, will be allowi ed ot sums ol $15, if set to one address, Cincinnati, Eaton & Richmond i RAILWAY LINE. ' ; ' WJNTEB JLERANGEilENT. - Passenger trains will Cbn on this Road, -leaving the several atations as iouotr; rTJrAiB"TBAlS'. u WILL LEAVE Cincinuati 1 Hamilton.. Seven Mile... Collinsvilla. :mj ISomerville, iam!ien...... Bamefs..-.. Eaton..... Mew uope..t i i , I ttlornce. Westville... iDAW.JjinetiqD Arr. Birhmoad A. M l TOO 8.25 8.45 8 56 907 9.22 9.30 9.41 10 02 ;U:i9 10.18 t "T)0WKWAB 1 WILL LKAVK Eichtooad DiW. Junction nr.. . II , Florftnce.-., New Hope I.MJUm.. ........ Barttet s...... Camden..,, Somerville... Colliasville ..... Sevea Mile....- Bamilton Arr.tCin tt0.33 10.40 P. Mi 5.65 6.02 617 6.24 632 6.45 1JB5 7.13 738 7.39 7.60 8.10 9.45 i t ' . P- McLaren, Sup't 8. C. Col-.Ti, As t Bup t; on I C1.-!' of manner , - -.- si. a I .uv rood iW. a-,, Frazer's Saloon- IVlWoi Kr? ArVhlslyl ovta nro ykaes old - ' Will be eof4 fa qnantitiew 'rarvintr from eiU to three gallons, to suit nu.-haseni . at it . ' . lim p-a .' . : fi i1 UA11 in anu sew .uu. aa rcspeca at rw freshments he pledges himself lo please you batter man .Any umer Kao. , RAILWAY LINE. The [...] Church. not in mere antique, but full ot lite and youthful vicor. The Catholic ' iiipn i ia ofil QonrlMirr tnrtn TO trie furthest ends of the world mission- ari'es as zealous as those who land- ed in Kent with Augustin, and still confronting hostile kiDgswUh tlift onmA oninfe w h Whltill BU6 (re. The proudest royal Rouses are but of yesterday when compared with the !ine'of guprem,e Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an trri broken aeries from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the nineteenth-century, to the 1'opo who crowned Pepin in the elgih; and far bevond the time of Pepin the august dyuasty extends till it is nut in the twi lffUt ot laDie. ine Renublic of .Venice came next in : .. .'' . ... tt. antiquity; but the KepuDiic; oi v et nice was modern wnen compareu to the Papacy; and the Republic is gone, and the Papacy, remains. The Papacy remains, not in aecay a I a I I as PDirit confronted Attilla. The number of her children is greater than in any other age. ller acquisitions in the New World have more than compensated for what she has lost in the Old. Her spiritual ascen dency extenda over the vast coun tries which lie between the plains of Missouri and Capo Hon, couni tries which, a century hevice, may not improbably contain a popula tion as large as that wnicn now in habits Europe. The members of h r communion are not fewer than a hundred and fifty millions; and it will be difficult to show that all other' Christian sects "turned a- tu oecvo uuivuva mountto. hundred and; utwr uu iiro-fooo uj f-1!,081,!' tier lung uuiiimiiou o biiiuovm ion?. Maccauley. Treatment of Fowls. are safe En sent to Y. at The Country Gentleman has correspondent. who .writes aa fol lows: . , . . . .. , The best English chemist")' have pronounced kerosene oil to be most' cnectuai ana narmtess reme dy, kupwD for the destruction upon animal aud fowl3. .havo,- pM-fcfi it by experience; ine lice ai once anu ineir exiernun: ation is almost certain. Two days' confinement is generally, sufficient loovercomeuacuDaung lever. I th'nk it is by tar the best most humane remedy' kown. very valuable-' remedy15 for; ' fowls i-s ialap. .1 have often - tried it, and been astonished at the pidity of their recovery from ease; it is very efficacious in many diseases, and its timely adminis tration wonld save many a valua ble towr; fourteen to sixteen made into a pill la a dose for a sized fowl. ,.. j Profits of Fruit Growing. ' - ' - - n.- Lookina carefully into - rnatter of the Drofit realized from all acriptions of fruit growjng, ! ' ' ' I a A T. ruuniutr over oiiiv titii or mrtj thoritieson the subject, multitudes of u6tancea ju-a to be louna '.jujALI iij exiraorarnary gaintr aro anonaiiy realized without apparent care skill.' - Some yeara ago there . an orcnara ot 70 wayaune enerry trees, a few miles below IfhiladeU pbia, tbe daily sales Irom during the season amounted to A' single Washington plum .' in a city garden, lias been . to yield six bushels of fruit, Sift Dr bushel. IA vineyard sixteen miloa. .from Philadelphia, occupying three-eighth of an has produced $300 when the sold only for eight cents a of tbe rate ot $800 pet? acre. single 'Catawba vine, in the neighborhood, has produced bualiels, ; worth $iO at - prices. .;. 'i , , -.; - No matter what fruit ia exAtninv ed, the same .Tesults are found, occur, '. A row of common berrieea hundred yards Jonr realized 1J40.'1 Two superior trees haVe produced $100 i'f - - ipi oi iruit, ids, i Onondaga pear aey gardens wnich , msoD... AThereart ar lr .in NewtJer, , Wiu -IJ aoughV; eret jjeason? to net owners $S0 per tree. - ..i' . ';''ir';i Rous for Tioluvs shonkl pe withalitUeyiteiar. Profits of Fruit Growing. Louis Napoleons Health. t toiitr;i :t)thol.. t HtU el , 1. ill i : nov I,' !, v . .1,4 I '' support gives way ,Tthe buhalng H Belt must come aown wtia a crusu, as it is hardly to be expected that the French would submit to JiU' gdnle's rule; an attempt to over- throw-NapoleonlamwouiamosiaB-suredlv bo made, and as the. pcoi pie are fond of ehange, the attempt woula very probaDiy prove.successi ful. Prince Napoleon might then, perhaps, step forward and offer to restore freedom; but the propos'n tion would hardly meet with much favor. What would follow the Empire is difficult to predict. A restoration of the legitimacy under thft auRnfoca of the Bourbons is out of all question, and there would on. ly remain the alternative between I IUO VI IL'UUB uiautu miu u ci""" lie. Both of the might bo equally acceptable to us, for Maxlmillian would, in eitheir event, be left to his fate, and friendly relations es. laDlIBUeU WHU uutbuivcb The solution of the Italian question would also become easier. FLANEUR. What to Read. - l , .4 ..... 1. tl.. nnmnn . a . t nXtolK-.HtrrT Jl 1 U V u u uwuva wa.a V av w wwa va SlRead Goethe and Mackenzie. . Are you deficient in taBte? Eead the best English poets, such Gray and Goldsmith, Pope and Thompson, Cowper and Coleridge, Scott and Wordsworth. Are vou deficient in imagination? Read Milton, and Akenside, and Burke. Are' you deficient in power reason! Heart. (Jtullingwortn, ana Bacon, and Locke. Are you dehcient in judgment a of Are you deficient in vigor Btrlc? Read J unius and Fox. Are you deficient in political knowledpe? Read Montesquieu, the "Federalist, -YVebBter and Knnn . Jlre vou deficient In patriotism? Read Demosthenes, ani the of W ashinffton. - Are you deficient in conscience? Read some of President Edwards' works. . ': - Are you deficient . in piety? Read the Bibie 1 J6TA correspondent of the York Independent gives a a:CQUnt than we have betore of the origin of that Deatititui faymn . "X lNearermy God, tfi Thee.'' ' It -was- writteBv-ytMrs. Homer Adams,, an English who died In .London in t-rifer knvn! ' :;Tf iinv thine mora than praise ' of her friends could and A sick rai dist good , fladdened Mrs. Adams, it am sure, have been so know universally that hymn has been ceived and approved, particularly in this countr-. I have noticed . I . . i . . quotation by Thfeodcre Parker, des. Roman Catholic, . the Congregat and tionallst, and Presbyterian in I T . l.An ll.A M AAnt.J . ti .ti uui tt uao uccu aauui'iir-u ur universal, as the outpouring wnere longing, nor, oi a oronen spirit, n i t.... i.n:.. t,tu . uut uuvw iuiu nmu i or er.M" X " A ".. 1 -i was which (80. tree, Known Mr. Edwin Booth states the assertion of the Buffalo that Captain i BeaU wae with his family, is a ehadow of foundation. There not only no relationship of any worth gree, but there has never been some remotest, acquaintance with acre, grapes pound, ,.; A same fen market i; to goose hare Apiii cot worth on the lrt of any member family, ' ; i .', To Removb thi Tastk op Wood.1-A new keg, chnrn, ori other woodea veeseLwail a'llv .communicate a -disagreeable taste to anything that Is put it, . To preventjthis inconvenience. first ecald the votsel well with water, letting the water m it twi cola., .1 nen dissolve nearlasbt or soda in luke-warm water,' addihg a little bit (of tolt, and wash the inside viuaal 'wall -t! K f K i a 'amlntini AfUscWJird9 scald it mM with water,. and rinae it with aita c- their '. i ' , : ,v i r Afbmale employed iathe , Bury at Washington has - been melt- tectedin abstract firactionalcut ed ' Mny.TuiJaiTe8ted. .Tnv-t'Mil. w1 ? What to Read. Give the Boys 'a Chance. i r II. I - '..I,.,.. m,tu ' farms. Teach them how to raise a crop, and how to dispose of it after wards. You will thus fit them for the duties of ncanhood, and in the future, thev will often recur with pleasure to the time when they first started out a. farmers on the home place. We repeat, give the boys a chance. Potatoes. as Farmers who turn their atten tion to this crop will find a ready market and high prices. Some decline to plant largoly, for fear of a dull market, in conse quence of the closing up of the war. This we think is a mistaken idea. Even should the war close by the time the crop is ready for market, prices must rule high. In the North we have an immense population that are consumers oni ly, not producers If the war should close, our soldiers must be added to this number. Then the South must be fed for one year at least. Pctatoes were largely ship ped South before the war, and will be so again. At one dollar per bushel, we think the farmer can raise no crop, more profitably. At fifty cents he woula be wen pai. l rocure gooa seea, piant in goou 1... I I 3 JL A. A.1 soil, cultivate wen, ana iruBt tuo rest to Providence. Billings Seven Proverbs. oft I ID IT lO B 3.'hat.fllilM' are'caIled.Bh e be I fttUBe .tUKV HVO accu a uiau I - 1. That onions are good for tv bad breath. 2. That clams are a good open ing to any young man. of "Life the lookout. 4. That turning water into wine is a miracle in these days worth at least three hundred per cent. 5. That boys are not apt to turn out well, who don't get up till ten o'clock in the morning. 6. That if a man is going to make a 'business of serving the Lord, he likes to see Urn do it when be measures onions as when he hollers glory hallaluyer. 7. That wisdom am i notmng more than edicated kunning. i . . . Profits of the Oil Trade. New The aggregate yield of oil per fuller da Biylh Insurance Reporter, Feen . - f -n rflrr5on of the United gtateB ;8 6 qqq barrflla. On this, in i i its crude state, the average profit - . ;8 about five dollars per barrell, 80 Sarah that the net profit on all the crude lady, petroleum produced is ?30,000 per a ne day, nearly ?ll,ouu,ouo yetriy. . , , , the aiRev. B.I. Lane, a Baptist have clergyman at South' Farmington, wonld, how re its the fact nlll nuim and on fV. wu (hat Cour ier,' con nected without is de- the him, of' his New bucket gener into boil ing remafn some lime of the piafn cold Mass., has invented a iacket and mask to protect faremen from tne smoked and a flame of a five while pursuiug their arduous du ties. . The apparatus has had seve ral trials in BoBton and works well. - -;,,,v " fjsj.Precision is a: good trait of character. A writer in a late nam ber of n.gricnlturel contempor ary Bays that 24 days, 12 hours, 43 minutegavand about z seconds is tne turkey's natural time to sit. Me. WIlijam E. Sins, the man ager of the Chesnut street Theater, Philadelphia, nas ottered a reward of $500 lot the arrestfJL Wilkes Booth. (.According to the Detroit pa papers, tne full half of last year's crop is still in' the hands of the farmers. x)f Michigan and . Illinois, who are holding it in hopes ot a rhe. ; .' ' ' ' 1 . m Tree. de- awSTEorse- flesh soup, horse flesh hash, horse flesh truffled, and horse liver, were on the bill ot fare at tbe recent horse flpsh , banquet in Paris. - Tickets were three dollars. WA National Bank has been established in Richmond. IS-Pittsburg, Pa., is to have its Academy of Music. Poor JJngham Toung is a wid ower. One of his wives died on the 22nd of last month. ' She was the handsomest of all Brigham's wives except six. .-. Tts)e are fonr thousand newspti jtn in the Unite 1 States.