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Birthday Party UARDA B. MARSH, Editor, 22V$j E. High St. Phone 286-J Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newell are the guests of Mr. Newell’s mother, Mrs. Nellie Newell, his aunt, Miss Mary Clark and uncle, George Clark. They came from New Haven, Conn., where Mr. Newell is taking post graduate work at Yale univer sity. After a visit here, they will motor on to Kansas, where Mr. New ell will return to his work, being em ployed in making a geological sur vey for the federal government. He has done excellent work, special representatives being sent to exam ine some unusual fossils which he has unearthed. In honor of her little son, Jack’s, fourth birthday anniversary, Mon day, Mrs. Elwyn Byers, E. First St., invited about thirty children to cele brate with him. The house for the occasion was decorated in a color scheme of yellow and white and col ored paper caps and balloons were given as favors. The children par ticipated in a number of games in the garden at which time Sallie Slaughter and Wilbur Geer were given prizes. Jack was presented with many presents by tne little guests. The following were present: Elaine Rea, Sallie Slaughter, Bon nie Ruth Bratton, Jacqueline Bowen, Martha Gallagher, Joan McGuire, Pa tricia Bratton, Peggy Hayman, Ed na Byers, Josephine Genite, Jackie Minter, Jack Denyes, Richard Cul peper, Jack Adams, Nelson Curl, Jr., Robert Beathard, Morris Beathard, Charles Genite, jr., Robert Shoaf, Billie McGuire, Earnest Davis, Bil lie Davis, Buddie Rea, Frankie Jen kins, Tommy Cornwell, Wilbur Geer, and Ben Byers, Jr., and Patricia Wulf, of Columbus. MONDAY NIGHT CLUB TO HAVE PARTY The Monday Night Bridge club was entertained for the last meeting for the summer at the home of Mrs. J. W. Byers, this week. The club will give a dinner some time soon with the following members as host esses: Mrs. L. D. Lenhart, Mrs. Ben jamin Byers, Mrs. Howard Cheno weth and Mrs. Edward Marsh. Herbert Lanigan was in Dayton Monday attending the commencement exercises at Dayton university,, from which school he graduated several years ago. vr Miss Dorothy Buehler, graduate nurse of Mercy Hospital, Hamilton, spent the week end in London, the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Knoblauch. Birthday Party Miss Kathryn Thibaut entertained the following guests, Sunday evening at dinner, in honor of her birthday anniversary, Mrs. Harold Sparling, Misses Laura Ellen Geer, Viola Ply rnell, Helen Park, and Mildred Rob inson, and Mrs. Donald Thibaut. ARMSTRONG'S INLAID LINOFLOR With Accolac Finish $1.19 sq. yd. Small additional charge for laying Just received many new patterns of Armstrong’s Inlaid Linoleums, Printed Linoleum and Quaker Heft FELT BASE FLOOR COVERING, 35c per sq. yd. Miss Harriett Smith and Miss Mary Ellen Marsh accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Valentine to Evanston, Ill., last week. Miss Smith will visit Mr. and Mrs. Valentine and Miss Marsh her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Marsh. y, .ft. HEADS PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Mrs. Warren A. Stevens, of Bex ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter E. Bryan, has been elected president of the Parent-Teachers’ As sociation of Bexley for the coming year. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarzell, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lohr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregg and family, of Urbana, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benjamin on Sunday. Major and Mrs. Dale Thibaut, of Columbus, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh Saturday. Las Aventureras The members of Laa Aventureras club will meet this Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Sallie Bangert. ^6 Mrs. C. L. Thibaut and (laughter, Kathryn, attended the commencement exercises at Ohio University, Athens, Monday. Miss Thibaut was a former student at that university. Miss Ina Mae Young, a graduate, accompan ied her to London for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Phipps, of Hamilton, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Riser. Mrs. Herman Brass and children, of Pittsburgh, are visiting Mrs. Brass’ mother, Mrs. Charles McGhee, W. Second street. Mrs. Clyde Markley, of Orlando, Fla., who has been ill in a hospital at that city ,will come to London Sunday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Bryan and relatives in Columbus. Miss Maitha Beathard returned last week to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Beathard. She has been attending Ohio Wesleyan university. IDWYEIR’*/ Coue*Club Mrs. J. W. Byers entertained the Coue club last Friday afternoon. Mrs. George Withrow and Mrs. L. D. Lenhart were awarded the priz es. Mrs. Harry Freid will be host ess to the club Friday afternoon. Many Springfielders will be inter ested in the following announcement issued recently: “Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robinson of Yellow Springs announce rthe marriage of thei daughter, Eloise, to Edward A. Os ter, of South Vienna, on Saturday, May 28, 1932, in Yellow Springs.” Following a short trip the couple will be at home on June 15 in Yel low Springs, where Mr. Oster is en gaged in business. Mrs. Oster is a graduate nurse of A City Store—But Prices Lower TUESDAY, JUNE 7,1932 THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON. OHIO the Cook County School of Nursing, Chicago, Ill.—News-Sun. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. D. Coons spent last Thursday in Columbus visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Johnson, Cecelia Coons, of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have returned to Columbus for the summer, while Mr. Johnson is taking a summer course at Ohio State university, to receive his Doc tor’s degree. They will return to Atlanta in the fall, where Mr. John son is physics teacher at Georgia Tech. Lafayette Ladies’ Aid The Lafayette Ladies* Aid society and the W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Beckett, on Thursday, This will be an all-day meeting with a pot luck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John Pickrel enter tained the members of their card club on Monday evening with a pot luck supper. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Shaw entertain ed over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. John Bragdon, Miss Jennie Bruce and Miss Mary Kisko, of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lightle and family entertained at dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beekman and family, of Sedalia the latter’s mother, Mrs. G. W. Lightle, of Latham, Ev everett Colvin, and Nathan Stout, of Washington C. H. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Riddle and son William, were guests at a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fabb, near Washington C. H., Sun day. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabb and their daughter, of Warren, Pa., Mrs. Harry Fox, of Sy racuse, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hume and daughter, of West Jeffer son, and Mrs. Charles McLean, of Washington C. H. PRESBYTERIAN CLASSES HONOR GRADUATES AT DINNER A beautifully decorated table witf covers for fourteen guests, was giver place of honor at the dinner party given in the dining rooms of the Pres byterian church, Thursday evening. The fourteen places were for sen iors of this year’s class which has jus! graduated from London high school and the party was the annual on( which is given by the classes of Mrs R. K. Shaw and M. W.’ Levering foi the pleasure of these young people. The table was centered with a largf cake decorated with “congratulations’ through the center and the initials ol the honor guests around this. bring in the class colors, of blue ant gold, iris and lemon lilies were use on this table with bouquets of othei flowers on the tables which were laic for the seating of the hosts and hos tesses, there being places for fifty-tw guests in all. Those honored at the party were Miss Betty Lou Schlegel and Misi Orpha Belle Calloway Guy Alexan der, Harold Barck, James Bell, Jr. Murray Creath, jr., Marion Engard Estyl Pfeil, William Hildinger Rich ard Ballenger, Donald Turvey, Wayne Goodyear, Robert Harper and Dear Hodson. MTSS ELSIE*H0*S()N WEDDED TO DAYTON MAN Mr. and Mrs. Everett F. Hodson an nounce the marriage of their only daughter, Elsie Eileen, to Mr. Clar ence F. Ketzel, of Dayton, which war solemnized at the High Street Unitec Brethren parsonage, Dayton, the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Dak Dutton, on Wednesday, June first, at 7:30 o’clock. Rev. Dutton was a schoolmate and friend of Mr. Ketzel. ■ft. .ft. PRESBYTERIAN TEA AT HOME OF MRS. R. K. SHAW The annual June tea of the Wom en’s Missionary society will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. R. K. Shaw. Each mem ber is urged to be present and to bring guests with her. The girls of the Junior choir will sing, a short playlet, “Crippled Maggie” will be given by several of the members and Mrs. John Belknap, of Columbus, will speak on “Our Mission Children.” Mrs. Bel knap has visited Presbyterian mission schools for the Indians and the Alas kans and has a worth-while message. The assistant hostesses will be, Mrs. Clara Pierce, Mrs. A. K. Chenoweth, Mrs. George Pfeil, Mrs. Marvin Tyler, and Miss Leila Peterson. William and Thomas Cumming, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cummins and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Miller and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shipley and family, of Lilly Chapel, Sunday, and attended Memor ial services at Georgesville. Mary Jane Shipley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Shipley accompanied them home to spend a week, Visit DePauw University Harold Brown, Earl Barnes, Peter Lanigan and Auburn Gossard return ed Thursday from a few days’ stay at DePauw university, Greencastle, In diana. Mr. Brown won a scholarship to DePauw this year. i Ladies’ Silk Hose 39c Chiffon weight, guaranteed pure silk dull finish curved panel heel new spring colors: every pair first quality our regular 59c grade. —Special WaU, Paper Heavy gilt papers for living rooms, halls, etc., 12 (/je to 18c valves. 9C roll Rufled Curtains 59c Barred French Marquisette curtains, with ground colors of rose, blue, green and gold, with 4-inch ruffle of white marquisette priscilla ruffles and tie backs' to match: regu lar $1.00 values. —Special Pillow Cases Full size, cases, 42x3(5 inches bleached a nice, fine quality actually worth 15c. 9c All-Silk Flat Crepe 69 yd. Guaranteed pure silk and washable 39 to 40 inches wide, in the very newest col ors for spring frocks, such as independence blue, castillian red, forest green, tans, etc: our regular $1.00 quality. Wednesday, June s* —Special Children's Socks Ankle lengths, pn plain colored rayon yarn, with fancy roll top. 9C pair Ladies’ Wash Dresses 69c Sleeveless or abort sleeve styles, made of guaranteed vat dye voiles in colorful sum mer patterns all sizes from 16 to 46 bust worth today 75c each. Thursday, June 0 —Spedal Window Shades Best quality water color shades, mounted on brass 'rimmed rollers green or tan. 29c Panel Curtains 29c Plain ecru marquisette selv edge sides 3'inch bottom hem with matched silk bullion fringe sewed on top of hem 2*4 yards long. Save on these. Saturday, June 11 —Spedal Silk Hose ‘'Humming Bird" full fash ioned semi-service weight newest colors all sizes. 79C pair All-Silk Pongee 19C yd. Plain, natural tan color, im ported Japanese all-silk 12 mom me pongee 33 inches wide greatly in demand for dresses, blouses and drapes: a 39c value. FOR THIS WEEK ANOTHER OF OUR FAMOUS 9c SALES To those who are familiar with our store it is unnecessary to speak of the value-giving during these sales. To those who are not we gladly in' vite inspection. We can save yon money on ev ery purchase. Ending Saturday, June 11 SUMMER DRESS SALE ior actual $3.95 and $5.95 values. We invite yop to try them on. A selling event that will prove a sensation. What a welcome event this will be to many women who demand smart frocks, yet who find them priced beyond their means. If you ordinarily pay dou ble these prices we ask. you to ee the model- in this sale. Dresses that arc the very smartest of styles with waistlines necklines. thi the new high and summer’s flattering and ga. of styles Plain rich colors .mints in dozens and size4 AND “Simplicity” Patterns Free With every length of piece goods sbld during the 9c Sale, regardless of the price of material, we will give absolutely free a Simplicity Paper Pattern of the customer’s own choosing. Embroidered Eyelet Batiste—Fine quality mercerized, soft finish batiste 36 inches wide colors are white, pink, maize, Nile and blue very special, per yd. Embroidered Linene- Summer is always accompanied by the desire for linene the embroidered pattern of this soft linene is of white and the ground colors are in striking pastel shades guaranteed fast colors yd.............. Printed Lucille Swiss—Guaranteed fast colors it is dotted swiss and designed too. Pastel and white grounds, with dainty floral designs yard wide per yd....... OtJU Cherry Blossom Voile Small and large floral designs blos somed into these sheer voiles a contrast of pleasing colors in all-over patterns,' compose this wash fabric in’ light and dark grounds 36 inches wide fast colors, and only, yard................................................ it/L Fairy Batiste—From the Amyl patterns to the large floral designs, this material", is one array of attractiveness and smartness dainty little* patterns in color with white and pastel grounds full yard wide colorful, durable and tubable yard.................-...................... Cotton Fabrics The sum mer’s newest weaves and colors, in a special show-' ing and pric' ing for the 9c Sale PAIR IRE CREEN J® f. MAIN JT. I I MtS. OHIO 1*^^AAMaA**j«Ai»A*^*A«**ftM5******^*W^^*M^«»*****«5*****«*»******e’*^V»A**^4^^^Nl^-1A^^9(|^'A!lA*-*A»#» 49c 59c "1 39c ____________ PAGEJHREE Dress Prints 4 29C yds. for A 36-inch vat dyed, fast col or cotton dress print neat spring patterns on white grounds or staple patterns on grounds of navy or gray worth 10c yd. —Special Wall Papers Our very best papers, such as rough plasters, embroidered gilt, etc. values to 35c. 19C roll “Stevens” Linen Toweling 5 79 yds. Genuine Stevens all-linen tow eling full 18 inches wide, with 1-inch colored borders of red, green, blue and yel low actual value is 25c yd. Special Romper Cloth In light and dark colors. 9 yd. Machine Oil W indow Shades 69c Machine painted oil opaque fabric durable and uniform in quality, finish and color. Mounted on guaranteed nickle trimmed rollers 36 in. by 7 ft size tan or green always a 98c value. tnlfed^esday, June 8 —Special Scidng Thread Jen uine Clark O. N. T. thread —black or white—in all sizes. Wall Paper 99C room Designs suitable for bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms new patterns 10 sides, 6 ceil ing, 18 yds. border for 99c. Friday, June 10 —Spedal Raincoats Ladies* and Children’s sizes in leatherette and rubber* zed Jersey materials all sizes. 99c Table Oilcloth 19C yd. 46 inches standard quality oil cloth glazed finish small floral patterns or plain colors a big selection actual 25c value. Saturday, June 11 —Spedal Summer Union Suits Children's checked nainsook taped button drop seat knee length ages 2 to 10. 19c Drapery Cretonne 39c 36'inch, tine yarn cloth, print ed multi-color designs in floral and conventional designs on colored grounds for drapes, curtains, etc. sells regularly at 15c yd.