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I Ms PAGE SIX '*rVrT..., 4?*wv lir**^’* rV* -•’■trV Creamery Band Gives Concert In Richwood June 11 *S "S":" The London Creamery Band concert given in Richwood last Saturday eve ning. was a treat to residents of Richwood and vicinity^ who came in large numbers to enjoy the evening’s program. Carl Thibaut, a former Richwood resident, was guest leader fbr the eve* ning. Miss Mabel LeMasters, Rich wood, rendered several accordian num bers in her usual pleasing manner. The program consisted of classical, popular and old-time Selections’ to please all listeners. Civil War Vet Dies At South Charleston PhilHp Kennedy, 88, veteran wf the Civil war died at his home in South Charleston on Tuesday at 6 p. m. Mr. Kennedy was a native of Ireland and came to the United States in his ^crattt.’ He was a resident of Greene county when the Civil war was declared and joined the Union forces from that county. Returning to Ohio following the war, he located in South Charles ton and has been a resident of that community since that time. Mr. Kennedy is survived by his sis ter Miss Julia Kennedy at home. The funeral service was held Thurs day at 9 a. m. in St. Charles church. Burial in St. Charles cemetery, South Charleston. Ohio G. A. R. Meets At Lima Officers For Year Elected After a contest marked by lively ar guments, S. Finn Bell, of Mansfield, was elected Ohiu commander of the Grand Army of the Republic at the annual encampment in Lima on Wed nesday. Next year’s meeting will be held in Newark. Bell defeated John King, of Findlay, the only other can didate. The retiring commander is Ayres B. Adams, of Cincinnati. Other new officers are Charles R. McDargh, of Urbana, senior vice commander M. C. Boice of Chesire, junior vice com mander R(W. H. J. Becker, of Day ton, chaplain Dr. A. B. Garrett, of Gallipolis, medical director, and, Miss Lida Lucas, of Columbus, secretary. o---------—** Silver Urn Lodge Elects Oilicers .Silver Urn Lodge No. 29, F. &. A. M,. London, at the annual meeting on Tuesday night, elected and appointed the following officers for the current year: Fred L. Newsome, Worshipful Mas ter Henry W. Cox, senior warden Harry Holloway, junior warden Rich ard Taylor, treasurer Herman Black, secretary William G. Johnson, senior’ deacon Doris Holloway, junior dea* con James E. Cain, senior steward George T. White, junior steward E. H. Smith, chaplain William Campbell, tyl©r. A special meeting will be held on June 21 for the instalation of the new officers. O Undergoes (Jperatioi) Mrs. Howard Weller (Marjorie Lan non) formerly of London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lannon, under* went an operation recently at Grant hospital, Columbus, from which she is said to be recovering nicely. CPFFE Y^ PA K °I JEAS EIf MONTHS FOR SUMMER Lovers of dancing and learn with interest of the of Coffey’s Park on Route Rattlesnake creek at a near future date, the management having been taken over by A. R. Custis, of Wife mington and R. 3. Osborn, of Wash ington C. H. swimming reopening 38 at FIVE POINTS The revival is now In progress at the* church of Christ in Christian Union. Everybody welcome. Children’s Day exercises will be held at the Five Points Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday evening, June 19. Mr. and Mrs. Trumper Fausnaugh and son have moved from Columbus to Mrs. Alice Downs farm. Mrs. Daisy Arledge has returned from a visit at Springfield and Van Wort. Miss Medrith Devore of Washing ton C. H. is visiting a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Lon Devore. Mrih E. 3. Eong and son Ralph and Mfc. Willey Kelly visited at Johnstown qn Sunday the guests of Mrs. Alma Goolsberry and family. Mr. Kelly stayed for a visit. Miss Minnie Boyed, Miss Edith Hudnell visited Mrs. James Long last Thursday. Mi's. Edward Campbell and son M$rith, and Mrs. Hattie Hudnell and son Homer visited Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess and family last Wed nesday afternoon near Mt. Sterling. Miss Lillie Brigner of near Luth eran church is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Long and family. nil,*-. O Having a bazaar, mramafl* *ak? Ar Church News Trinity Church, London Holy Communion. Church school. Mrs. R. K. 7:30 9:15 Loofbourrow. 10:30 Commencement Service for the church school. Sunday school will be held at Rose* dale Community church at 10 a. m. ’M* Lafayette M. E. Circuit Pastor, A. H. Beckett ,M. A. Lafayette—Sunday school ^:00 m. Children’s Day exercises S:o6 p. m- Gillivan—Sunday school and preach ing combined service 10:00 a. m. Plumwood—Sunday school ^0:06 a. n. preaching 11:00 a. m. Summerford—Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Methodist Episcopal Church D. L. Browning, minister. 5 9:30 Church school. 10:30 Morning worship. Sermon, “What to Do on Sunday.” 6:30 EpWbrth League. 7:30 Evening service. Sermon, “We Need Religion.” Weather permitting, this service will be held on the lawq at the rear of the parsonage. Wednesday, June 22, the annual church school picnic will be held at the C. W. Farrar home at 6:30. The members received into the church dur ing the conference year will be spe cial guests. Members of the official board and their families will constB tute a special welcoming committee. All members and friends of the Church school are welcome. Friday, Jiune 24—Annual Epworth* League convention at Lancaster camp ground. We aim to have an attend ance largo enough to win the attend ance prize which is a silver cup. 'the program begins at 9 a. th., closes at 7 p. m. 1**** First Presbyterian Church S.'S. 9:15 a. m. Morning worship at 10:30 a. m. Dr. W. A. Perrins. Children’s Day service at O’clock. 7:30 Baptist Church Rev. O. O. Jones, pastor. Regular services, Sunday Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. Everybody invited to attend our services. Sedalia M. E. Newport, June 19. Sunday school at 9:30. Wm. Snyder superintendent Preaching immediately following. Concord—Sunday school at 2 p. m. followed by the preaching service. June 26th will be our last quarter ly meeting at 2:30 p. m. at the Con cord church. District superintendent will preach for us, and administer the Communion service. W. A. Cooper, pastor. GILLIVAN spent Mr. and Mrs. Leon Steele Sunday at Hilliards, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sifrit. Mrs. William Holland entertained at dinner last Week, Mrs. William Murry and daughter Mary Ellen of West Jefferson. Mrs. Susanne Messer of Columbus Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Colmore McCoy and husband. Auburn Braithwaite entertained his Sunday school class Friday eve ning. Alpha and Francis Lardis of Co lumbus spent the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Landis. Mr. and Mrs. William Jobe spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, ferover Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Landis spent Sunday with Wert LoVe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Elliott spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese near Hilliards. LAFAYETTE Lafayette, June 16+—Mr. and' Mrs. Edward Woodworth, of Milford Cen ter, called on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tarpenning, Sunday afternoon. Mr .and Mrs. Hanson Hern and (laughter Dorothy, spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom, of Athens, Ohio. Miss Reba’Tom, who has been visiting her sister, returned home. Mrs. Alice Stone was the week-end guest of her son, Robert Stone, and family, of near West Jefferson. Raymond Hill of Columbus, called on" his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, Sunday afternoon. Co Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whisner, of lumhus, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Wm. Whisner. and call- Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Rollins daughter, Betty, were Columbus ers, Saturday afternoon. -----------O------- Attending Summer School, W. F. (Bill) Lange, former London high school coach of athletics, now di rector of athletics at Muskingum col lege, New Concord, accompanied by Oliver K. Cornwell, director of ath letics at Wittenberg college, Spring field, left Tuesday for Columbia uni versity, New York City, to attend sum mer school. Try a Classified ad. It will pay. Fulfilling the need of a dairy plant in the vicinity of Madison and adjoin ing counties, the London Creamery Co., London, was organized in 1913, and is still serving dairy products lo consumers within a 60-ntile radius of the plant. Frank Kaufman was elected treas urer and manager of the new concern, and still holds those positions. Other members of the present board of di rectors are: R. W. Boyd, president O. W. Bridgman, vice president Black, secretary, and Miss Barck, director. ?. y. Maida Kaufman Popular most Kaufman, who is one of the popular, citizens of London, was en gaged in the tile manufacturing busi ness in the northern section of the county, previous to his direction of the London plant. He is prominent in civic and church activities in London. For the first two years business at the London plant progressed slowly, but the formulation of a speedy sys tem of obtaining cream from the pro ducers, efforts to improve the service and maintenance of high quality brought encouraging results, and the organization expanded. It now pro duces more than two million pounds of butter annually. Three brands, Blue Grass, Cream of Ohio and Sunny Gold, are sold extent sively throughout the state. The company is a home-owned organiza tion and operates between 50 and 60 cream stations within a radius of 60 miles of the plant. Numerous cream routes and butter delivery trucks are operated daily by the 90 employes. ■Sponsor Band. One of the civic projects founded by Kaufman and operated by the dairy plant is a 28-piece band. F. V. Black, secretary of the organization, directs the group. Black was formerly superintendent and manager of’ the Standard Crean.ery Co. at Van Wert. He resigned five years ago to join the London company. Plan New Brand The officials of the company plan to introduce a special butter, to be known aa “children’s brand,” which will be produced from tuberculin-tested cows. According to Kaufman, it will be the purest and richest cream available. The photos and feature story are reprinted in London through the cour tesy oi* the Columbus Dispatch. GEORGESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Aden Dyer spent Sunday afternoon in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Biggert spent Saturday and Sunday in Gallipolis. Mrs. Leona McCormick of Galli polis spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biggert and family. Miss Pauling Gardner and Nellie Dyqr are spending their summer va cation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier and family of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Frazier of Lilly Chapel spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Walter Barber and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Davis of Grove City spent Sunday evening with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and family of Columbus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Hany Cooper family spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Sam Haenzel. and and and and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schilling daughter, Virginia, and Mr. Mrs. Oliver Goldhart and daughter Maxine spent Sunday afternoon at O’Shaughnessy dam. LILLY CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCafferty and son Robert and. Miss Netta Henry of Mt. Sterling called on and Mrs. W. H. Hom Sunday. Mr. Miss Mary Louise Pratt and THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO London Creamery Reports Increase In Butter Sales-' Two Million Pounds Produced,.Innually Jn Plant w -iL« FRANK KAUFMAN E. V. BLACK friend of Columbus, called on Mag delene Lawless Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John and family of Columbus took ^Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Simmons and fam ily. i Mrsr^Chas. Kulp and sons of St. Peters&ng, Fla., ate guests of her father, Mrs. John Gierich. Mrs. Lucy Brooks and Mr. and Mrs^ Clyde Scott jmd family spent Sunday^* with .Mr. and,,Mrs. B. F. Boyer, of Columbus. Mr. Oran N. Tamer of Now Bur lington called on Mr,..-and^Mfs. Wil liam Bolen Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Earl Whaley and family of Springfield spent Sunday with Mrs. Blanche Dingman. Mr. jand Mrs. Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family spent Sunday afternoon W’ith Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gauntz of near Harrisburg. will meet Thurs- The Ladies’ Aid day afternoon. The Quarterly meet at Big Plain dinner served at noon. The speaker will be Dr. Roberts afternoon speaker his wife. will Conference June 26. Basket morning and the Misses Betty, Dorothy and Mari lyn Sark, spent the week end at the home of Rebecca and Harriet Sidner of West Jefferson. Ivalene Kinney is spending the week with her cousin Mildred Wrtglrt. CATAWBA Mrs. Prank Climer and daughter, Frances, Mrs. Fay Caplinger, Miss Bernice Wiles of Degraff Leo, Har old and Lawrence Caplinger were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Terry of Dayton. Myron Runyan, junior at the O. S. U., is the guest for a week of his father, Clarence Runyan. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Neer and family of Concord were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mr.'f, Van d. Tullis of Hillcrest.' Nathan Tul lis who had been the guest of John” Neer for a week, returned home with them. The Ladies* Aid society of Nation Chapel was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. L. Artis. Thirty-three members and guests were present. During the business session, arrangements were made for an ice cream and straw berry social to be held at the Pleas ant View school house Thursday eve ning, June 16. were served by the hostess. Dainty refreshments Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Evans and son Phil Harrql were the guests last week of Mr. Evans ’parents at Oak Hill. iss Margaret Evans accom panied them home for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virts, Mr. and Mrs. Marjorie, were the Mr. and Chapel. Philip Virts and daughter, Bichard and Marion Virts dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. doe Virts of Nation The Tri-Mti Bible dass of Methodist Episcopal church was tertai ned home of th€ at, Wednesday evening Miss Dorothy Coe. the girt water. Misg .: 4 ,* s s-4 i'r 'w •W- ST/* Thelma® Bumgardner was devotional leader, in contests arranged by the hostess, Wayman Magill was suc cessful. Miss Juanita Murphy of Summerford, -accompanied.- by Miss Coo as pianist, r* rendered several whistling solos, in her usual pleasing Hepner. Ice ai^L'cakc served by the hostess to the 25 members present. Mrs. Arthur Tavenner ami daugh ter, Mary, of Wayside Farm, were the week end guests of Prof. E. E. Prugh and son Sam, of Indiana, Pa. Theyt yisited thy Perkins Quse^va fory' at O. W. Tfi, Delaware, buildings of interest at the O. and other pyinti in polumbua. Tavenner’s sister, Mrs. George well, of ,Londop, accompanied also S. U. Mrs. Coi-n them. near Miss Josephine Fryant of Mechanicsburg is the guest of her cousins, Misses Margaret and Martha Gridley. The Asbury Community club will sponsor an ice cream and strawberry social at the Asbury Chapel Wed nesday evening, June 15th. Mrs. Iva Wood and Miss Helen Wood of Marysville are the guests af Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tavenner. Miss Amelia Neer ©f Resaca was the Sunday guest pf Mr. .and Mrs. Charles Welch. Mrs. H. C. Shindler and daughter, Jean, of Tuscarawas, were the week end guests of Mrs. Schindler’s par ents,, Mr. and Mrs. George H. An derson, sr, ti Mr, and Mrs. Omer Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughter, Patty, Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Neer and sons, David and Jimmie, enjoyed a pot Ipck dinner .Neer’s wyods, Sunday. Miss Margaret Anderson ja 'the guest of her sister qnd brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Babbs of Columbus. Program Sunday. Children’s Day will be observed at the Bethel church on Supday evening, June 19, at-8 o’clock. McBLT|lG CHICKEN 4-“ HAS FOUR LEGS 1 Mechanicsburg has a freak chicken which is attracting much attention and comment from farm experts. The chicken has four perfectly formed legs and was hatched recently at ^he Mechanicsburg hatchery. Man ager Black, qf the’hatchery, states that in all of the tHbusands of chick ens he has taken from incubators in all his years of experience, he ha: never noted such a freak of nature. Harry Day has taken the chicken and hopes to be able to raise it to ma turity. It is said that less water is beinj Used in New York than formerly oi account of the depression. We should have thought that the depression would cause New Yorkers |o take Urbana Woman A i Granted Right To Practice Law in *i. federal CQiffU Miss Grace Fern Heck, Champaign ebunty’s only woman attorney, s has been notified of her admittance to the Federal bar, entitling her to practice law in any United States Court. Miss Heck is the daughter of Court Bailiff Thomas Heck, of Urbana, and is the Democratic nominee for the of fice of Champaign county prosecutor, subject teethe November, voters. A, graduate of the Ohio State Uni versity Law School in 193 Miss Heck, who formerly worked with the now famous Wickersham committee, recently passed the federal bar exam ination. Ciirl Scout Troop Enjoys Hike Monday -i— The Purple Pansy Girl Scout troop enjoyed a hike' on Monday afternoon’ out the Mt. Sterling pike to the Ches eldine farm apd had supper in the woods. Miss Sarah Jane Shoaf assisted the captain. Miss Mary Davis, with the girls and gave a first aid lesson. Lieut. Mary Koger joined the girls for. the supper hour. Next Thursday morning at 6 00 ^’clocfc the- girls will take a hike to Mary Koger^s home on the Sedalia pike to cook their breakfasts. kL. Mt'SferlinjT Teachers Hired for Coming* Year Thfe Mt’. Sterling' board of‘educa tion has announced the following’list of teachers who have been employed tor the coming y^ar: High School—Hr Sams, superin tendent Mrs. Dome ,C. Finley, prin cipal, Latin and commercial subjects Miss Florence A. Alkire, English Mrs. Helen D. Starr, French, history Har ry Lull, mathematics, biology and ath letic coach R. D. Dickey, science and manual training. Junior High—Eighth grade, A. Had ley seventh, Miss Mary Louise Neff. Grades—Sixth, Mrs. Ethel Ridgway fifth, Miss Ruth Clarridge fourth, Miss Esther Crow third, Mrs. .Ethel W. Wurm second, Mrs. Anna Fulton first, Miss Hazel Hagens. i Hadley is the new instructor edming to Mt. Sterling from Ohio Sjato university, Columhus. Mis? Myers, Mrs. Cordrey, and Mrs. Fortune were’ not re-employed due to a cut in the school budget. Breaks Arm in Fell Orlando Cornwell, employed-at ..the Marvin Ringer dairy here, fractured his right arm jukt above the wrist .in a fall ftonUa window at the plant: The injury was attended by Dr. H. P. Spar ling. ........ ___ ______ Dry'cleaning, repairing and press ing at reasonable prices. B. J. Flynn. —Adv London '.J ‘a-'s .* JbV AMBULANCE SERVICE “SERVICE THAT SATISFIES” Lady Attendant JPhone 21 i LOANS All loans to farmers are made straight time with the privilege to repay, when most convenient. Loans in the City are made on easy terms and can be repaid each week or by the month as best suits .your income. When in need of quick financial help, give us a call be convinced that we, ace different. The UNION FINANCE 681/1 MA’N K. ™°NE 749 NEW FEDERAL TAXES I- WiU qII for. new business methods, new records, systems, etc. We are ready to aid you in any of your printing problems. The Madison Press Company “If It’s Printing We Can Do It'.♦» Don’t Say “Bread,” Say “HOLSUM” The Springfield Baking Co FRIDAY, JUNE J7,.1932 Deaths & unerals BOWNOCKER William. X. Bownocker died at 4:30 a. m. Mon day at his home, 566 E. Cassilly street v in Springfield. Heart disease was the cause of death. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Belle Bownocker, two daughters Miss Hazel Bownocker and Mrs. Elis abeth Nelson, both of Springfield two brothers, Frank and Lewis, of Spring field, and one grandson, Norman Nel son. He was a former teacher in the public schools, and for a time was ed itor of the Mt. Sterling Tribune. Fqi 17 years he was affiliated wjith The Springfield Metallic Casket He was a member of the Central Metho dist Episcopal church. The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the Herr & Carver funeral home, Spring field, Burial in Ferncliff cemetery. of London Lady Dies at LUlw John M. Elliott, aged 112 years, of Lisbon, who died dn Monday afte¥ an extended illness and was buried on Wednesday, was a cousin of J|rs. C. E. Shields, of London. Mr. Elliott was a widely known at torney ,wos the author of the book, “The Annotated Blue Sky Laws of the United States,” and for years was counsel for tfic state banking depart ment Ho is survived by his widow and a shiter, BUnce Elliott, o£ Cleve land. .■' A sister, Miss Margaret Elliott, sup erintendent of the Indiana Women’s Reformatory, died last' week-end and was buried last Sunday. Divorce Suit Filed Gross neglect of duty, extreme Cruelty and wilful absence are charged in the suit for divorce filed (In th^e Clark county common pleas eburt, at Springfield, on Tuesday, by ^race R. Pash, of South Charleston, ‘against John Pash* of fcollefontainft. The plaintiff alleges that1 her .husband strucjc, beat and pounded her\ in a “most brutal and shameful mannert” Custody of three minor children is asked by the plaintiff. The two were married in October, 1914, and have three children, Forest, 14 12, anti Leonard 10 o— G. G. SchlechtyS™k s i- A m- TTavlng a bazaar, rummage Advertise them., s Piles Can Be Cured An instructive bot has- been pub lished by Dr. L. M. oss, the rental specialist. This boo. tells how suf ferers from piles can be quickly ami easily (cured without the use of th6 knife, scissors, burning, electrki-e/ art"eP any cutting method, without confine ment to bed and no hospital bills to pay. v ThSft method fw 25 years and in thousands of cases, This book is sent postpaid free to persons afflicted with piles or other rectal trouble who clip this, item and mail it with name and Jiddrejjs to L. M. Ross, M.D., 131 East’State street, Columbus. Ohio. —Adv. Co. West Jefferson A I v* 1 if