Newspaper Page Text
iS & sj-. -SV’ r. *4t FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1932 HppesTo Operate Canning Plant J. t-cfoTBburroWj flecelver of Mt. Sterling Company, Will Attemptt0 tease Fag* 4ery. lor Summer v': •?.* -,n $ With/ the Mt. Sterling Canning 8onrpairy plant in the hands of a re-' teiveriantf with acres and acres of fomatoes and corn contracted for de livery this summer and early fall, every effort is being made by John ]l. Loofbourrow, receiver, to lease the factory or to insure its ‘Operation a period of time at leasto ’si .Th'e factory was-closed when court suits were filed some time ago, fol lowing the failure of the operators the Tlant to idealize any profit on Jpst year's pack which totalled more .than, a 'million cans of corn and to ipatoe.%Two years ago, the plant parked’’ over -a million and a half 'hans at corn and thousands of cans ’W tomatoes. v The plant means employment to .for ft long period of time and the i. receiver is making every effort to se yt-cure some person or company to take over,'the canning contract for this -, year.’ I Permissfrh of the- county common picas court is expected to be granted for the receiver to handle the work of arranging the details for operation of 'the* .factory. Miss Mildred Bumham,- tohe recent ... !y returned from Ohio Northern uni versity, is lege. .between 125 and 150 men and women- befote tbe boafd and tbc mcW. ROSEDALE Rosedale July 21+—John E. Gor don is enjoying a week’s vacation at jiis home hero. attending Wittenberg col- Mrs. Ralph Baker, of Can are visiting the latter’s Mr. and ton, Ohio, mother and brother, Mrs. Josie Burn •v4muyi, and son, Austin. Mrs. P. H. Gordon and son, John, wfero guests Tuesday of M. E. Gor don and family. a MrS. Ruth Guy Pendleton has been visiting recently at the home of Mr. ji ’ind Mrs. C. P. Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl' Roth‘fhrt? Hermia Miller) are vacationing in On tario, Canada, having visited Niagara t'alls, iPcrty Sound and other places of importance. ,r 'ML and Mrs. C. P. Guy and Mrs. Saflie Burnham were visiting friends ifi,Leesburg, Sunday. ^Drew Miller has a sow that has farrowed 45 pigs in three litters, first' litter 16, second 14, and last litter 15 pigs.. This Duroc is of fine strain. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who has itnorti productive stock than this, o Mrs. L. J. Cronin, of Columbus, cn rela- her •,-tertained, Sunday a number of fives and friends in honor of brother, John E.'Gordon. rap- Ellsworth Smith is improving idly from his recent operation. ,j. Ted Roberts while working on the ,,State highway had the middle finger of his right hand taken off when he attempted to replace a pulley. Dr. W. A. Holman was the attending physic 71 iah. 1 Pt Gordon and son, John attended the Barnum & Bailey circus in Co lumbus, Monday eve. There was an 8c. tax for each person attending. 1 GEORGESVILLE: Gcotgesville, July 2H’—Mr. and Mrs.' Carl Biggert entertained at dinner, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dorr and .son, Donald, of Columbus. Mr. anl Mrs. W. A. Dyer rnter Wned friends and relatives at dinner, Sunday. ri Mr. and Mrs. Muri George and fam c.ily, oi West Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. ban Bukey and family, of Galloway, i.,Akd Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schilling land daughter, Virginia, spent Sunday with1 Mr. Bryant George and daughter, Bertha. *’Elizabeth Jordon, of West Jcffer 1 «^n, Rose and Bernice and Bernidine horsey are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods.’ 1 t.1* Mrs. Maud Reed and children, of Columbus, spent Saturday and Sun day with Mrs. Mlnta Lyons. Several from hero attended the cir vx1bms at Columbus, Monday. ,- Marjorie Wright, of Columbus/ is visiting her4 ^randptrents, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Wright. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and family, of Columbus, spent Sunday »,with Mr. and Mrs William Neff.s Mr. and Mrs. Louie You rd and daughters, Marie and Elizabeth spent ipupdav with their son, Emmett .Young and family, at West Jefferson. '. Katherine and Kathleen Edwards, of Big Plain, spent last week with their cousin, Mary Compton. Betty Fern and Hansley and Mary Ellen Hastings, of Columbus, are v^ iting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barber. Jack Hansley, of Columbus, is vis iting his cousin, Porter Gardner. /. A Draw "ilt la a certain club they have ar^ ab normally slow card player. His part ,ner once observed: ’"Excuse me, but bridge Montreal Star. ‘-r- I’ 4 1 ,’.wb. ..... ... ... R. H. Schryver 7 MayGetTdedo s ,* Closed Bank Job Word received here indicates that Robert H. Schryver, former banker of Mt. Sterling, and Colurribus, and for many years secretary of the Ohio Bankers’ association, may be named as deputy bank superintendent in Charge of the Closed banks of Toledo. It is understood that Major C.'?W. Miller, who has been tn Charge at To ledo, is slated to take up other bank ing work in Columbus with, the state banking department. Mr. Schryver formerly was presi dent of the Citizens Trust in Colum bus and later was in the airplane bus iness in Cincinnati Parole Board tn 1 Session At Farm Members Sharp and Dugan, the Ohio board of paroles and pardons spent Tuesday at the London prison farm, hearing applications for paroles for the past month. ........ A total of 132 men have applica- bers will return next week to complete the list, only half being hc#rd at the session, Tuesday. —II I i II- III. Ill 0 I Mr. and Mrs. Leon Steele were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sifrit, Sunday, at Hilliards. Mrs. Wilbur Grewell and Mabie Cfrewell are visiting several days in Tiffin with relatives. Miss Mary Corncy is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Mur ry, on East pike. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Steele attended the funeral of Albert Trehearne, at the Schlechty funeral parlor, Monday at 2 p. m. Mr. Steele was one of the pallbearers. Mr. and MVs. William Preston nee Marjorie Cryder and Mary Loraine, of Cold Water, Mich., who have been vis iting relatives and friends for the past month, left from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Steele, Tuesday fot Allftmce to visit Bernard Cryder and family before .returning to their home in the east. Mrs. Mary Atkinson and son, Frank and Mrs. Iva Franks attended the fu neral of Rev. Rogers, at Delaware on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Landis and family and Willard Bethard^, spent Saturday evening in Columbus. €HENOWETH CORNERS Chenoweth Corners, July 21*—Mr. and Mrs. Green Shumate, of Danville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Shumate and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnston and family visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lugenbeel and daugh ter, Medrith, of near- Derby. Mr, and Mrs. E. Gill and little son, attended a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Deyo, of London, Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Cook, of Canal Win chester, was the guest of her nieyxJ, Mrs. W. F. Baker, last week. Ray Johnston, who suffered a heart attack, Saturday, is improved at this Writing. Miss Gladys Bumgarner has return ed to her home here after attending summer school at Cedarville for the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill entertain ed with a six o’clock dinner Tuesday eve for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deyo, of St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Duff and fam ily, of near Bloomingburg, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baker. Mrs. Roland Barrett and daughter, Betty, of near Sedalia, spent Friday afternoon with the former’s father,, John Lemay and family. Farmers in this community are Jrasy with wheat threshing and Cut ting oats. Dr. Carl Moats is improving from a recent operation for the removal of his tonsils. Dr. Moats soon leaves for Fort Wayne, Indiana,, where he Will establish hfs office.’’ Dr. and, Mrs. G. E. Moats, of Fort Wayne, were guests of Joh^. Moats and family, Sunday evening. -................o....... •_ m,- l■ rreea betcerneaas, nTatemenze, cm is l^s Auction budge or suspension 7 Let Us Print them. THB i MADlbON PRESS CU. Nothing Strange Bill—This item says that a Phila delphia pianist has only one hand. Jimmy—Well, what of it? I know several singers who have no voice at all. Hkay at That Shinn—How’s Abel Sass getting on With that school teacher he’s calling on now Foote—Well, every time he goes to see her she keeps him. an hour long er for being naughty. ~——----0--------- Need Letterheads, Statements, fen. j- jl I il 1£12 Ml»«— p, -Seriously TH i e-v z h- Mrs. 3. S. Woosley is scriwnsly ill with heart disease at her home west of here on the pike. 1 G1LLIVAM v. Gillivan, July 21*—Mr. and Mrs. Colmore McCoy spent Saturday with Mr. and -Mrs. Colmore McCoy, jr., on the Mrs. Lester Kinnard farm. mt. Miss Vera Noble, of New Holland, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Laughing Around tire World with IRVIN S. COBB The Retprt Direct By IRVIN S. COBB A NEW YORKER, who does a good deal of unnecessary galavanting around the country, chasing up history on the back roads, once found himself paradoxically lost in the sticks of New Brunswick. Several well intentioned natives steered him toward Government roads, but in the end he lost his intellectual compass, so to speak, and brought up in a strange section which was utterly without hoards. He hailed a yokel who was trudging along the highway. "What place is this?” ”1 dunno.” Where does this road lead to?** *1 dunno.” ‘‘How can I get out of here?’* dunno.” *‘WeII what in blazes do you know?** •‘Well—I know I ain’t lost.” *JTby New Yorker insisted on shaking hand A (American New* Features. Iae.1 EAST RANGE ??East Range, July 21*—Mrs. Noble, of New Holland, visited Florence Noble, Wednesday. a Alice Mrs. ailu Mirth ziitnui uvu «uu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood and .7 Max Wood visited Tuesday evening I- with Mr. Clinton Wood. Frank McKenzie, of Cincinnati, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Barker enter tained relatives from Rangeboro, and Chillicothe over the week-end. Several relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Noble on Sunday, the occasion being Mrs. No ble’s birthday U4- OHIO S FAVORITE I QUALITY GASOLINE E AT-*TEM PE-E NON-ETHYL -, ’v s A THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON. OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Earl Enochs and chil dren, and Miss Lavina Eddings, of Mt. Sterling, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Barker, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman McDaniel and children, of Plain City, and William McDaniel, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. S. McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Greely Reichelderfer of near Mt. Sterling, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cieopheus Barker. Logical Reason Angus (as opposing teams come to gether almost at the start of the first football game he has ever seen)— What is it, mon? Canna they find the the penny they tossed up wi’?•—-Lon don Opinion. 8 SPECIFICATIONS A COMPLETE RANGE OF PRICES -AND EACH GO Mt. Sterling Lady Returns From Year’s School, ^ork Miss Jean Bostwick, of Mt. Ster ling, has returned to her home from Rome, New York, where she spent the past year in research study in the care and supervision of handicapped chil dren at the New York State school in Rome.,. Jdiss Bostwick, is credited with making a marked impression at the school by her unusual ab'Jity. Will Open Office At Fort Wayne Dr. Carl Moats, of Range township, who recently completed his medical studies and passed the state examin ation, is recoveding from an operation for the removal of tonsils. Mr. Moats plans to leave shortly for Fort Wayne, Indiana, wh je bo will open an office^ ... Exhibition Ball tipjne Here Friday An exhibition recreation game will be played at the field here on Friday evening the Madison County Auto baseball athletic between company team of Tjondqn and the Grimes May tag Washers of Urbana. The game is called for 6:30 and no admission is charged. On Tuesday evening, the London Eagles defeated the champion Madison County Auto team 4 to 3 in a great game, the second contest lost by the auto outfit this season. Herb Lani gan handled the contest. The London prison farm recreation baseball team defeated Sark & Plum, at the farm on Wednesday evening, 5 Stews and the Shamrocks play this evening. —-----o------------- Dfy cleaning, repairing and press ing at reasonable Drices. B. J. Flynn. —Adv STANDABIThas it.. ™™., THE FINEST M,ONEY CANJ8UY OR THE BEST IN LOW-COST PERFORMANCE and this full lute is: always right at hand everywhere in Oh io no farther than the nearest red-white* and-blue Sohio sign (and that's never far, anywhere in Ohio). There you’ll find a complete choice of gasolines and motor oils in a full range of prices. Bay whifjhcver suits ytfur budget best, with assurance that you are getting your money’s worth—and more! Standard sees to it that every product it makes and sells does both a joy the ui benefits of genuine MHHMHIHHER fhn anay •xtra courtesies, the prompt^ fcctly equipped* Follow "THE TYLERS ON YOUR" WTAM 9:30 P. M. every Monday, PFedtvesday, Friday, W W—- 9:00 P. M. every Tuesday, Thundayf Saturday, THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY of OHIO BACKED IS E JOKE ON ANGLERS! Weatherman, With Rains and More Rains, Keeps Fish ermen Away From the Stream Best Ba.,s section are right Fishermen in this peeved at the weatherman and have been since July 1 when the stat? re opened Deer Creek, most famous bass fishing stream in this part of Ohio, to fishing for this v^ar, since tlv heavy rains the day before the open season and for several da niter July 1 have made th? c-? 1: so nr. Hy that no fishing of any worth while notice has been possible to date. Deer Creek is known to anglers for miles and miles around and many have motored here for a try at the bass, but all have gone away "re gust^,”, fi .. London Defeated The London Country club golf team was defeated by the Washington C. H. Country club team in an inter-city match at the Washington .golf course on Wednesday afternoon. homeTrom'hospttal August Sieterle, veteran employee of the London Water Works company, who has been a patient in Mt. Carmel hospital, Columbus, for several weeks suffering with an injured back, has re turned to his home here, improved in health. Mr. Sieterle injured Ms back in a fall at the plant some months ago. Sammy—I wish I hadn’t fought with Tommy this morning. Mother—You see how wrong it was, don’t you dear? Sammy—Naw, but I didn’t know till this afternoon that he was going to give a party. STANMUUTS NEW MOTO* ML..1S QUABT THE STANDARD Oil WARRANTY OF QUALITY pagejhree Former Plain City Newspaper Man Buys be Graft Journal J. O. Lehman, former owner and ed itor of The Plain City Advocate, week ly publication of this county, has pur chased the DeGraff Journal, a v. e’ekly, from the former owners, the Mio»®S Mary and Helen Pond. Mr. Lehnjap, who is, well, known in the weekly newspaper field in Ohio, has had the DeGraff paper under lease Pa^tes State Ntrrscs Icsl Ge*s Ccrtnicafe Miste ’Dorothy Buehler, of London, who recently graduated from Nurses Training school at Mercy hospital, Hamilton, has been notified that she passed the state examination and has been awarded a nursing certificate. Rare Birds Found In Fayette County Two white herons have been seen in Fayette county, chiefly along Rattle snake creek. These herons, com monly belonging to the. same fam ily as the blue herons which are seen frequently in this locality, are some what rare. There is a state and fed eral law which protects these birds, and the penalty for killing one is se vere.—Washington C. H. Record-Re publican. IN HOSPITAL William McDonald, manager of the Madison County Oil company, is in Grant hospital, Columbus, where he is taking treatment DON’T W ATT! The Rytex Deckle Stationery now being sold at $1 is a special for the month of July only. Don’t delay your order for this fine stationery. THE MADISON PRESS CO. ........ .....■-—r FBEE FROM HARMFUL WAX 3Oc QUART .. Flu» Fad. Tax 1 FAMOUS FOB IONG WEA4 -j. s ■J .- 1 3 i