Newspaper Page Text
1 fcTCEFOUin WILMINGTON RACES Gigantic Three-Day Harness Race Meeting Scheduled?^ For July 27, 28, 29 F?- Tf -. Thousands of people—intd’uding’mffft and women from this section—will see one of the greatest harness racing meets ever staged in southern Ohio, at the fast half-mile oval at the Wil mington (Clinton county) fair grounds next Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, July 27, 28 and 29. Frank Woodland, Nationally known racing official, who has charge of the races in connection with the Wilming ton fair Ulis year and through his wide circle of acquaintances -with horsemen has been able to assemble one of the finest arrays of harness racers ever stabled at any track. ‘The three-day fair offers a pro gram over-flowing with feature events and will be enjoyed by the public at “depression admission prices.” Liberal purses will be distributed among horsemen while spectators will come in for a share of the many hundreds of dollars Lu cash and merchandise prizes. The list of stables being sent to The J. Jib 1A V A.'?', battle for your business is on —•and we’re out in front with $18,000,000 worth of refinery yn- -Sr- provements to give you the highest quality regular gasoline that money can buy without one cent extra cost to you. Sinclair Regular Gasoline has been stepped up 70% in anti-knock quality —the new Sinclair Regular is actually Wilmington is enormous, a few of the near-by being printed. Joe Hagler, of Xenia, will be in Wilmington with his stable which includes Ray Hen ley 2 01 K, the most popular pacer in this part of Ohio since -the days of Major Mallow. Other near-by stables are: T. B. Carlock, Greenville, 7 head Cliff Todd. Montgomery, 3 head E. •Sellers, Dayton, 4 head W. R. Watts, Cedarville, 2 head E. Fogwell, Day ton^ hhead Ernest Smith, Washing ton C. H., 37 head '-Fred Rowe, Coal ton, 2 head Frank Lanum, Washing ton C. H., 2 head F. E. Vanmatre, Lanraster,? head Nat Hunter, of Jamestown, 2 head Charles Swiss helm, Hillsboro, 8 head Oscar Val lery,' Urbana, 5 head Frank Parrot and Ed Sever, Waashington C. H., 1 each Verne Schamahorn, Urbana, 8 head of the H. M. Parshall stable W. Conley, Springfield, 4 head, and many ■others including 40 head already quar tered at the Wilmington track. this Dozens of horses will arrive week from the Toledo, Ohio, and Montpelier, Ind., meetings which have just closed. Steve Phillips, the Grand Circuit starting judge of Xenia, will send the l^pr^ga on their way. NEWPORT Newport, July 21*—E. E. Hewitt, of Chillicothe, visited his sister, Mrs. J. M. Neff, recently. work.<p></p>ApUP improvement—70% higher anti-knock (superior, to some premium gasolines)—this motor fuels costs you nothing extra Ctpymbad 1912 *9 S. IL Gt. (Inc) a new w Gaso/ine Opal and Donna Pickens spent the past week with relatives in Columbus. William. Foster of Springfield, was here Saturday. Delbert Woodring is back home from four years in the army, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Woodring. Robert Byers and family, of Spring field were here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Foster, spent Thursday in London with their daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Schumate. Little Johnnie Hingst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elber Hingst, of Columbus, is visiting this week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Love less. Margaret Bailey was visiting Sun day in Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loveless, of Pontiac, Mich., are spending their va cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Loveless. SOUTH SOLON South Solon, July 21*—Mrs. Frank DeMent and Mrs. Harold Lansing spent Sunday in Springfield. Mr. Howard. Dolph, of Dayton, is visiting Rev. and Mrs. D. G. Pleasant find family. Mr. Stanley Marsh, Mr. Arthur Clemans and son, Theodore, left on Thursday for Rochester, N. Y., whore they have SINCLAIR MINSTRELS..on 35 NBC Stations every Monday evening An $18,000,000 superior in anti-knock to some QC6 Of premium gasolines costing several cents more per gallon I Use this amaz ing gasoline for 30 days and notice how much better your car performs! NOTE: For best results use either SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL or SINCLAIR PENN SYLVANIA MOTOR OIL. Both have been de-waxed and also freed from petroleum jelly at as low as 60° F. below zero. Regular •Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.)' Madison County Oil Co. wL-*- K"- WT fHHHMp 55 VT V* T*V THE SEMIbWEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT,_LOhlDONy OHIO Mr. Gilbert Blake returned Satur day after spending seven weeks in southern Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Elliott and Rev. and Mrs. D. G. Pleasant were in Columbus, Wednesday. Misses Helen and Dona Turner, of Washington C. H., spent Friday and Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Har old Lansing. Mrs. T. Scheutle and grandson, Ed ward Blake, and Mr. Rodney Pyle, all of Beaver, and Mr. and Mrs. Theo philus Blake and daughter, Rose, of Bookwaiter, and Mr. and Mrs. Golden Hakes were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blake Saturday and Sunday. Miss Martha Gene Diffendal is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Diffendal. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Atchison, of South Charleston, are attending the mail carriers convention at Portsmouth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McCoy and daughters, Marian and Hazel, of Springfield, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lansing. Word has been received here of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward J. Noble, at Columbus. Mrs. Noble is a sister of Mrs. John E. Diffendal. Mrs. Perry Swaney used her school truck Thursday to take the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church to the Fayette County Children’s Home. The children gave a program that was a real enjoyment to all, after which the hostess, Mrs. Louella Mc Crea assisted by the fourth division, served delicious refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Thomas and son, Albert Leroy spent Sunday in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rowand, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMent and Miss Margaret Long were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray, near Bloomingburg. Mrs. John E. Diffendal visited with her cousin, Mrs. Freeman Bowers, at West Jefferson, on Friday. The Young Peoples class of the M. E. church are having a membership contest. A weiner roast and swim ming party was given in honor of Miss Thema Heidorn, one of the lead ers, at Anderson Park, near Mt. Ster ling, last Tuesday evening. The other division, under Miss Pearl Heidorn. took lunch after Sunday worship and spent the day near Jamestown. Mrs. Myron Poulson, of Zanesville, spent a few days here last week with her parents, Mr. 4nriU*'Mrs. Isaac Ma son. Her sister, Miss ^larth* Mason accompanied her home. 1 11' Miss Mary Self and Mrs. William Neer finished their school" at Witten berg Saturday. Mr. Ralph Deyhle, of Springfield, was a business caller here, Saturday. LILLY CHAPEL Lilly Chapel, July 21* Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rooker and family, of Westerville, Mr. Charles McCoy and Miss Jenny McCoy, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller and Mrs. Martha Radcliff and son, Arthur, of Darby ville, were guests of Mrs, Lucy Brooks, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Johnson, daugh ter, Mildred and grandson, Paul Arm strong, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and sons, of Rome, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scott, Sunday eve ning. i Miss Freda Morris irturrred from Georgesville, Thursday after a week's visit in that place. Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and daughter, Janice attended the State Rural Letter Carriers’ convention at Portsmouth the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wood and daugh ter, Helen Lucille, of London, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. No land. Quite a number of the Gierich fam ily attended the reunion at the home of John Gierich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Broun and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMurray, of near Harrisburg. Paul Calloway returned home Sun day after making over a week’s visit with relatives in Columbus. The third song service of the charges will be held at Big Plain on Sunday night at b:00 p. m. Every one invited. DON’T WAIT! The Rytex Deckle Stationery now being sold at $1 is a special for the month of July only. Don’t delay your order for this fine stationery. THE MADISON PRESS CO. DERBY Derby, July 21*—The Higgins re union was held last Sunday at the home of W. A. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. William Haya and son, Donald, attended their reunion, Sunday, at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. Myrtle Bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bauhan enter tained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hill and family, of Williamsport, and Mrs. Inez Graham and family, of Orient, in honor of Mr. Hill’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennen Leach and son, Dennen McKinley, of Columbus, and Mrs. Emma. Leach, of Grove City, were Sunday guests of Sherman Mc Kinley, and family. n i‘ Mrs. Margaret Ridgeway, who has been in poor health for Some time, passed away, Monday night. Her fu neral was held at the residence on Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock. Mrs. Gertie Phillips and daughter, Mabie, visited her son, Muri Jones and wife, of Columbus, Wednesday. Mrs. Phoebe Brooks i* quite ill at this time. Mrs. Alma I. Hays is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lois Parkeri and fam ily, of Magnolia,Ohio, for, a few weeks. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Virgie Higgins. Threshing has been progressing nicely for the past week and everyone is about finished now. Gladys Jane Graham entertained a group of young people to a party.last Saturday night. —................— O i. r.....i .i.i ... There are seventeen political parties in the French chamber of deputies but they don’t all have to, hold na tional conventions. One Year Six Months ii Three Months PUBLISHER, MADISON COUNTY LONDON, OHIO. Please find enclosed $.... NAME STREET or R. F. D. No. POST OFFICE CHURCH NEWS Methodist Episcopal Church D. L. Browning minister, 9:30 Church school*^ 10:30 Morning worship. Sermon by Rev. Donald Hatfield of Mt. Sterling. Mr. Hatfield is a student for the min istry. He has been attending Taylor university, Upland, Ind., and plans to enter Cedarville college this fall. Ho has considerable experience leader of evangelistic singing. a as Trinity Church, London No arly service. 9:15 Church school 10:30 Morning prayer and address. Mr. Harold Weaver. There will .be the usual Sunday school and preaching service at the Rosedale Community church, Sunday at 3 p. m., conducted by Mr. Harold Weaver, of Columbus in the absence of Rev. Randolph. First Presbyterian Church Sunday school at 9:15. Morning worship at 10:30. Bev, Odds & Ends Store OIDEN ARVE5 W AaMMUHITr-WIDEBmUFESTIVAl Saturday, July 23 Thousands of Bargains Men, Women, Children’s Wearing Apparel $$ BUY HERE AND SAVE $$ The Madison Coun ty DEMOCRAT The Old Reliable—Established 1857” COURTHOUSE NEWS SOCIETY COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CARTOONS and FEATURES A SEMI-WEEKLY *NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION PRICE DEMOCRAT Date. .for which please send The Democrat for. to FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1932 Thomas G. Berger, of Wellsville, will preach. Ba pt fat Churdt 7^ Rev. 0. O. Jones, pastorjl Regular services Sunday Sunday school at 9:30 a m.. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :3( p. m. Sunday school outing Sunday after noon at Wilson Cunningham’s. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:39 p. m. Everybody invited to attend our ser vices. 1 Lafayette M. E. Circuit Pastor, A. H. Beckett, M.A. Lafayette Sunday school, a fid preaching, embined service, 10 m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Williams Chapel Preaching at 2:30 p.m. Summerford—Sunday school, 10 a. m. preaching, 8 p. m. Plumwood—Sunday school 10 ab m. Giliivan—Sunday school 10 a. m. o--------- 1 Oklahoma has been having another flood. This time it was water instead of oil. $2.00 1.00 .50 ■ff® $ ifp J. A A' 'O'A 1 I l,'. 1 i '3 •4 'I