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I- '.v FRIDAY, JULY 22/1932 jS shj A 4 Tot Bike Screen Doors Porch Rockers Electric Fans NAOMI B. TYLER, Editor, 146 E. First St., Phone 5-W MRS. STEVENS ENTERTAINS AT HOME OF MR. AND MRS. BRYAN Mrs. Warren A. Stevens, of Bexley, entertained the members of her dra matic club, Wednesday with a lunch eon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Bryan, E. First street The following were present: Mrs. James Kittle, Mrs. E. J. Merkle, Mrs. Freeman Eagleston, Mrs. Frank Kirwin and Mrs. Stanley Kaufman, all of Columbus. Miss Ruth JoluuUn was a guest of the Club. 7 «i® J® Dinner at Gierich Home Mrs. Charles Kulp and sons, of St. Petersburg, Fla., who are visiting rel atives in Lilly Chapel, were honored •with a dinner given Sunday at the home of John Gierich, Lilly Chapel. The following were guests: Mrs. E. J. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb and family, of West Mansfield, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. George Keller and daughter, Betty Joe, of Marion^ Mr. and Mrs. Hood and family, and Miss i: j'£-. VOGUE SHOP Jean Bryman, all of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Courtright and daugh ter, Wanda, Mrs. Laura Gierich, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and daughter, Betty Lou, Mr. and Mrs. James Howell, Miss Frances Williamson and Clarence Pinkerton, of Columbus, Misses Mary El’a and Clarabella Howard, of Sun bury, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gierich and family, Mrs. Mary Bennett, Mrs. Flor ence Kinney and daughter, Ivolene, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lawless and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and daughter, Mildred and son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade and son, Gierich. Colpen Harvest Day Mrs. Kulp and sons will leave coon for a visit with relatives in Columbus and Canton before returning to their home. J* «.* Miss Nina Ewan will return' home this week after spending a vacation with friends in Washington, D. C. A part of the time was pasted aPVir ginia Beach, near Washington. One Dayt Sale July Z3 Refreshment Sets Fly-Tox Garbage Cans 9 pieces, 1 80-oz. jug eight 10-oz. tumblers wari-colored strip decorated .......... The lending fly-killer qts., Qz« 85c: gals., $2.95 pints V Small family size heavy galvanized bale handle.. Rubber pedals, disc wheels, rubber tires, attractive strong................ $1.00 Walnut stain finish size 2.6x6.6 other sizes at savings......... black wide: New Radium Glow, all colors for every $1.04 Final clearance, quality rockers old hickory or green enamel, etc.......... Non-radio interference 8-in slaUonwy uouclcs These unusual low prices for Saturday, July 23, hnly lOWYER’J A City Store—But Prices Lower Offers?4for Clearance A group of dresses at............. i...... formerly $10 to $16.50 values Marcy'Lee Wash Dresses.....$1.00, $1.95 and $2.95 Full'fashioned Hosiery. 75c and $1.00 AH Summer Hats. $2.00 A group of Gossard garments—Girdles, Combine tions, Corsets and Brassieres 50c, $1.00 and $1.95 La Vogue Shop 54 S. Main St. London, O. $5.00 LONDON CHIRCH REPRESENTED AT LANCASTER CONFERENCE Two of the members of the Ep worth League of the London Metho dist Episcopal church have teaching positions at the League Institute which is in session at Lancaster Camp Grounds this we^k. Rev. D. L. Brown ing is instructor of Comparative Re ligion and Miss Margaret Lukens is teaching Methods. Others in the party who are repre senting the local group are Miss Char lotte Eastman, Walter Walley, Wal ter Garrard, Robert Tracey and John Funk. Mrs. J. S. Chenoweth is chap eroning the young folks. .4 .* AUXILIARY OP LEGION CHOOSES DELEGATES At a called meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary on Tuesday evening, the unit named Mrs. R. S. Postle, Mrs. Floyd Williams to be its repre sentatives at the Department confer ence which is to be he’d in Toledo, August 14, 15 and 16, and Mrs. P. M. Yauger and Mr®. their alternates. Henry Beathard, Surprise 10, a surprise din- Birthday On Sunday, July ner was given at the home of r. and Mrs. O. M. Stuckey. The'affair was given in honor of Mr. Stuckey’s birth day. The following relatives were present: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stev ens, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stuckey, Mr. and Mrs. James Stuckey, Mrs. Sarah Dinsmore, Miss Irene Henry, Miss Wahneta Otte, and Frederick Collins, all of Davton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jorden and Mrs. Jorden, and Robert Whaley, all cf Springfield Mrs. Sarah Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Groves, Mr. and Mrs *Wil!iam Groves and family, Mh and Mrs. b. L. Thomas I and family, Mrs. Frank Henry ,and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and daughter, Helen, Misses Ruth Groves, Opal Haskes, John Gorden, Roy Henry, John Long, Orville Groves Harold Woodring, Delbert Woodring, Max and Everett Groves, Richard Ell wood and Kremet Stuckey. st Dance at Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Johnson will serve as the committee to welcome the guests at the dancing party that will be given at the London Country club on Thursday evening, July 28. The Nite Owls will play for the dancers, who will be admitted by card only. Picnic at Country Club. HaiUey their guest, Miss Alma West, of Wil mington, land Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Johnson and their guest, Robert John son, of Steubenville, enjoyed a picnic supper at the London Country club Tuesday evening. JU j® Miss Alice Jane Christopher is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Knowles, of East Liv erpool. Her sister, Miss Nancy Chris topher, is visiting Miss Nancy Weld, of Akron, a class mate at Birmingham School for Girls, Birmingham, Pa. Miss Mary Ellen Wheaton and Miss Ruth Ann Stevens, of Bexley, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, Wednesday. J® The Coue club will meet this after noon at the home of Mrs. Charles Thompson, Logan avenue. J® Mrs. O. W. Bridgman and her sons, and her father, Frank Kaufman, re turned Wednesday evening, from a ten days’ visit to Washington, New York, Niagara Falls and other places of interest en route. & Miss Lucie Eleanor VoorMes is en tertaining three classmates of l’en Hall School for Girls, Chambersburg, Pa. Her guests are: Miss Catherine Paswaters, of Philadelphia Miss Dorothy DeVutter, of Rochester, N. Y. and Miss Helen Knauer, of Rome, N. Mrs. Lucille NVhite, of Columbus, is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. William A. Evans. g® a® Mrs. Mary Price, of Ashtabula, Mrs. Fred Jones and her son, of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. Homer Davis, of Flor ida, Alabama, have returned to Co lumbus to resume a visit, after a few days’ stay with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rowlen. v* 2* Miss Alma West, of Wilmington, has been the guest lor a few days of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hartley, 4 J® *5® Kenneth Snyder came this week from New Haven, Conn., where he has been employed for a visit with his par ents, Mr. an| Mrs, Lee Snyder, THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO Men’s Silk Socks Pure silk, in colors white, black, gray or champagne sizes I0J/2, 11, 11*/^ actual 25c value. 0 Washable the 24x48 Chester E. J* Bryan Mrs. On Saturday, Mrs. is the guest Warren A. Mrs. Chester E. of her daughter, Stevens, Bexley. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and family will leave for Camp Perry, where they will spend a week as the guests of Capt and Mrs. Edward Marsh, who are spending the summer there. J® & John Dickerson, Earl Dixon, Robert Turner and Thurman Snyder will leave Saturday morning for a motor trip to Washington, D. C. oOG pairs for Silk Dresses Ladies' short sleeve si|k dresses new spring frocks only 18 to sell actual $3.95 and $5.95 values. $1.98 Girls’ Pajamas Girls' one. and two piece Pajamas, of crepe, fast color prints, etc. ages 2 to 10 years actual 59c value. 39c Chiffon Hose Ladies' pure silk chiffon hose silk from toe to hem all sixes and,colors actual 59c value pair Sheets and Cases One colored hem Sheet, J81x99 inches 2 colored hem Cases, 42x36 inches 'both for $1.50 Ciirls’ Pajamas Children's 5ne-piece play‘pajamas of fig ured* lincne ages 2 to 8^ years. k Jl 4“srt’ y^juc, 2^c ’i tv aaHb Ghenille Rugs and reversible cucnille rugs fn iiy^j size: black and green. $1.00 Actual value, ^L50 1! v‘Ro11ins” Hose ceiebiated run-slop Stockings, “Rollins’ in sheer chiffon weight all new colors. Actual value, $1.00 Linen Toweling “Stevens” all-linen bleached toweling, 13 inches wide colored borders 8 yards for $1.00 Actual value, 25c yd. Brown Muslin Standard count unbleached sheeting mus lin full 36 inches wide. Actual value, 8c yd. Former Londoners Wedded 50 Years Mr. J® and Mrs. George Francis, of Mechanicsburg, Enjoy Quiet Celebration at Home This Week Recollections of $1.11 wheat fifty years ago, compared to 35c wneat this summer, were brought vividly to mind when Mr. and Mrs. George Fran cis, of Mechanicsburg, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary this week. A half century ago, George Francis and Miss Isabelle Hughes, of London, were united in marriage in London, and went to Columbus on their honey moon, enjoying a ride on the horse drawn street cars of that date as the biggest thrill of their lifetime. Returning to Ixmdon, Mr. Francis threshed the next day and sold his wheat for $1.11 a bushel. The couple has resided Iff London and Mechanicsburg during all of their fifty years of married life. They have several children, including Frank Biggest Sale Day of ,lE. MAUN II A CITY-WIDE VALUE DEMONSTRATION Combined with the final day of our Dollar Sale Week, will make Sat urday, July 23, the Francis, of Columbus, Carl, of Day ton, Ralph, Mark, Jack, Paul Francis and Mrs. Millard Goings, of Mechan icsburg, and Mrs. Edgar Lyons, of Mutual, Champaign county. Miss Jane Creath Resigns Teaching Position Here to Ac cept School at Bradford Miss Maxine Chrisman Elected this spring by the London school board as teacher of the third grade, in the London schools, has resigned the position to accept a position as teacher of English in the schools at Bradford, pear Piqua. Miss Maxine Chrisman, & gradu ate of the London schools, class of 1927 and a graduate of Ohio State university this past June, has accept ed the invitation to fill the vacancy. -------------o ,....... yu vT WAIT! The Rylex Deckle Stationery now being sold at $1 is a special for the month of July only. Don't delay jour order for this fine stationery. THE MADISON PRESS CO. S’tntlnnrrv—Printed of Plain, Mad’son Press Co. Summer Frocks Quality dresses of lace voiles, dotted swisses, eyelette batiste and chiffon voiles. A big range of sizes and colors. $1.98 New Dresses Here's a special group ot the summer’s newest frocks, consisting of garments made of pure silk pongee, voile, linenc,' 80 square prints, etc., and in a size range up to 52 bust. Compare these with other $1.98 values $1.00 Ladies’ Dresses is a very special selection of the style dresses, in misses’ and ladies' This latest sizes, consisting of plain and fancy print ed batiste, lincne, voile, etc. Every gar ment is a guaranteed $1.00 value. House Dresses A special assortment Qt women's wash dresses that arc guarhntccd color fast the materials arc prints, plain colored lincnc, sleeveless or half sleeve styles: sizes |o 46 bust. Many stores arc selling a xJrcss of this quality at $1.00. 49c Children's Dresses in 1.40* years, consisting of fast color prints, voiles and batiste sleeveless or short sleeve styles. These, arc our regular 49c, 69c and 79c dresses^ Window Shades Genuine oil painted shades green or tan color size 36 inrhr, bv 7 feet 2 for $1.00 Actual value, 79c ea. Tabic Oil Cloth Standard quality 46 inches wide fancy prints or plain colors: yard 9c Actual value, 25c yd. Sheeting Bleached or brown full 81 inches wide good weight 5 yards for SLOG Actual value, 2i9c yd. The FIVE POINTS Five Points, July 21+ A large crowd attended the all-day meeting and basket dinner at Hebron church. The W. C. T. U. met at the country home of Mrs. Joe Call, Wednesday. Miss Margaret Southard is visiting in Columbus. An all-day meeting Sunday at White Oak church. s Edward Boyd and children visited, last Tuesday with Me. and Mrs. W. M. Downs and son. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Riley are the proud parents of a new daughter^ Ruth E., born July 11. Camp meeting began in the Owers brothers woods, Sunday night. Don’t forget the all-day meeting at the camp grounds on July 24. Good preaching also. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mongold and two sons, of South Charleston, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hudnell and fam ily, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Long and fam ily visited Mr. Edward Boyd and fam ily, Sunday. Miss Grace Busic, of Columbus, was visiting her parents last week. the Year Ladies' Pure 'ioned all new sujnmcr colors 2 pairs for PAGE FIVE Fashioned Ilose Silk Stockings full fash' Full $LC0 Actual value, 75c pr. Kotex Genuine Kotex banitary Napkins stand ard size 1 dozen in box. 21c Actual value. 35c ’Silk Dresses Ladies' Pure Silk-longee Dres^s. in size* 38 to 44 bust- nrw styles. 1.1'1! Actual value, $1.98 Children's Gowns Children's Nainsook —-Gowns slip-over styles hand embroidered j. ages 2 to 10 years. Actual value, 25c Hoover Aprons Doubly service apron* ot plain colored broadcloth, in .si s 16 to 44 bust 2 foi $1.00 Bleached Muslin 3D c.mnt, bleaJ.ed mS hn 36 ins. wide n» starv^x or dressing. Actual, Value, T0& yd. Knit Blouses Ladies' and Misses’ Silk and Wool Knit Blouses all colors and sires cap sleeve. $1.!!0 Actual value, $1.98 “Humming Bird* I lose Ladies' first quality, pure silk, service weight Humming Bird Hose all sizer, new colors. Girls’ Anklets Actual value, $ 1 -00 Roll cuff ^ahklctsL 0/ plated rayon silk sizes 5 to 10 all colors. Actual value, 15c Troop 151, Sedalia Therfidt weather has about wielted us we spent last meeting in the swimming pool. Although that isn’t as bad as freezing our ears wheYi bur head was in ice pack or having a sub stroke in an ice wagon. In answer te'4he roll call were eight Scouts and our scoutmaster. ,We wish to thank Committeemen C.» C. Hewitt Sind Fred Dorn for furnishing our ^transportation Monday evening 'Next week we are hoping to find an open date on which we can go to the Neff-Anderson park and teach some., of the boys to swinj. Our attendance tenteet is hr-full swing'.now. The count is as follows: 1st, Doni 2nd, Hux, Lucas 3d, Arm strong 4th, jHankins, Trehearne 5th, AtcClimahs 4th, Gossard 7th, Davis ^th, Leach 9th, Kelso 10th, Pritch- The prizes" will be awarded on March 6, 1933, to the ten holding the highest places.^Scribe Davis. o-------- .— Sunday dinner, fried chicken. Yel* low-stone Cafe -tAly, J? TTaGng a bazaar, rummage Salef,