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PAGE SIX EASTERN STARS T( PICNIC ON JULY 29 West Jefferson Chapter No. 492, Or der of the Eastern Star, will hold /their annual picnic Friday afternoon, at 4 p. m., July 29th at the grade school yard in West Jefferson. Each member is to bring well-tilled baskets and his or her own table service. Ta bles and chairs will be provided and should it rain the picnic will be held in the township hall. Keep this im portant date open, July 29.—The Com mittee. COOL OFF IN POOL The heat wave holds no fears for Girl Scouts who are camping at Camp Ken-Jockety, near West Jefferson, this week. With the thermometer above the 100-degree mark, Girl Scouts keep cool in their concrete pool. At 11:15 o’clock each morning camp ers who are working on the life sav ing requirements of the Red Cross work with Miss Edna McCollam, ex aminer, for half an hour. At 3:15 o’clock after rest hour, each troop has its turn in the pool. The campers from Nevcr-Never-Land swim first with Miss McCollam and her assistants, Miss Jane Mollencop, of Columbus, and Miss Jane Coons, of Granville. The Pirates from Treasure Island swim next with the Pioneers and Counselors swimming during the last two periods. Mrs. Lueta Clark, Springfield, has joined the camp staff and will have charge of handicraft, going to the Piles Can Be Cured Without Surgery An instructive book has been pub lished by Dr. L. M. Ross, the rectal specialist. This book tells how suf ferers from piles can be quickly and easily cured without the use of the knife, scissors, burning, electricity ot any cutting method, without confine ment to bed and no hospital bills to pay. This method has been a success for 25 years and in thousands of cases This hook is sent postpaid free to persons afflicted with piles or other rectal trouble who dip this item and mail it with name and addiess to L. M. Ross, M.D., 131 Cod Liver Oil 84c Mineral WEST JEFFERSON East State street Columbus. Ohio. ■—Adv. Don’t Sav HARVEST SPECIALS 94c 49c 100 5 lbs. troops to assist them during troop meetings. Mrs. Clark was on the camp staff in 1931 and fills the va cancy left by Miss Harriet Rea, Lon don. Impromptu dramatics at gen era! camp tires are proving popular with Hie counselors as well as Giri Scouts. Milne’s “Bad Sir Brian Bot any* and “King John” were drama tized this week as were Scott’s “Loch invar” and several popular fairy tales. MRS. BRAITHWAITE HURT Mrs. Albert Braithwaite suffered a broken bone in her right foot and body bruises when she fell down the cellar steps at the Electric Shop, Mon day afternoon. The fracture was re day afternoon. The fracture was duced at the Emergency hospital. LEGION TEAM LOSES The American Legion recreation team lost to the Wildcats at Edge water park, Wednesday evening, by a score of 8 to 4. Asa Ogilvie pitched for the winners, with Rader behind the bat, and had little difficulty with the Legion sluggers. Glenn Smith was on the hill for the vets ami his offerings seemed to please the Wild cats, especially Charle Wise, who hit two doubles and a triple i» four trips to the plate. The losers were trailing 8 to 0 to the start of the last inning but staged a rally that netted four runs. The line ups included: Legion—Smith, p., Allerton, C, Bor land lb, Gillivan 2b, Lamb 3b, Buck ley If, Murray cf, Miller, rf, Callo way ss, Gorham rf, Pfcil rf. Wildcats—Ogilvie p, Rader c, Mad dux lb, Jordan 2b, Wise 3b, Smith ss, C. Wise cf, Pfeil rf, Lyday If. TWO GAMES SUNDAY The Columbus Railway Power & Light team of Columbus, will play a double header at Edgewater Park, on Sunday afternoon, with Phillips’ re creation team. This is one of the fastest outfits in the league and two fast games are in store for lovers of the sport. DISTRICT NURSE DIES Funeral services for Miss Katherine Lindeman, 77, district nurse, of 495 Park Ave.. Columbus, who died Tues day in St. Francis hospital after an Bread,” Say “HOLSUM” THERE'S A DIFFERENCE IN BREAD The Springfield Baking Co at the London Pharmacy For This Week End Save with Safety $1.00 1 pint 35c Wampoles Fly Spray $1.00 Energine 25c $1.1X1 Listerine Russian Paste Oil 19c Lysol 59c 1 pint Thymoline $1.20 1 1 pint Hinkle Epsom Rubbing Pills Salts Alcohol 19c 35c 44c This coupon entitles bearer to two regular Cones made with Tellings Ice Cream for 5c—or good for 5c trade on any 10c purchase at our new Soda Fountain. Good until and including July 24th The London Pharmacy CI JESTER T. SWOPE, Druggist High and Main Sts. London, Ohio Gem 29c 69c Razors 2 doz. Bayers 59c Aspirin Tooth 29c 75c Quinine 60c Hair Tonic 45c 49c 35c Syrup of Mouth Kotex or Pepsin Wash Modess 60c Lysol 23c i 45c ■M* ?ps extended illness were held at 10:30 a. m. Thursday in the Schoedinger Co. chapel. Burial in Green Lawn ceme etcry. A brother, Jacob Lindeman, of Grove City, also survives. SUFFERS BROKEN BONE Bill Tully, Frey addition, is nurs ing a broken bone in his left foot, the result of dropping a cistern lid on his foot Monday afternoon. Dr. J. Wm. Hurt reduced the fracture. WOLBERTS HAVE DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolbert, West Main street, birth of a daughter, Julia Ann. Wolbert is proprietor of the Tire Battery Shop. announce Friday,’ the Mr. & GIRL SCOUT CUTS FINGER Three stitches were required close the wound on her index finger, suffered by Miss Jean Yantes, 13, Girl Scout, at Camp Ken-Jockety, when she attempted to cut a stick of wood with a hatchet, Tuesday. afternoon. She was attended by Dr. J. Wm. Hurt. to HAS BRIGHTS DISEASE Robert Bynner is seriously ill at his home in Brown township, suffering with brights disease. Jlis condition is only fair, according to Dr. G. C. Scheetz, the attending physician. CHENGS ThILD HURT George, young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Chenoa, Railroad addition, was treated at Emergency hospital, Mon day for a severe cut on the forehead, which he received in a fall while play ing. KR( )GER MGRS. TRANSFERRED Clarence “Soxey” Miller has been transferred from the local Kroger store to the Plain City store and John Laird, of Plain City, has moved to Jefferson. WORKER MASHES FINGER Jim Long, employed at the Climer rravel washer, suffered a badly mash ed finger, Monday. The injury was dressed by Dr. J. Wm. Hurt. GORHAM SIGNS CONTRACT FOR CHEVROLET AGENCY Roy Gorham, Chevrolet dealer, has just returned from the factory at Cincinnati, where he signed a con trad as a dealer for the coming year. SUBMITS TO OPERATION Miss Geneva Wright, 55 Hamilton Park, Columbus, is convalescing at Grant hospital following an operation Monday for appendicitis. Miss Wright s head of the commercial department Granville high school and formerly vas connected with the local high chool in the same capacity. st. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Rome Rev. John O. Lang, pastor. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon topic: “Excuses Which Do Not Excuse.” Text: Luke 14:16-24. o-------------------- Tailcr mane rusts, reliable in fit m.u fabric. B. J. Flynn. —Adv. GEORGESVILLE Georgcsville, July 216—Mr. Louis Young and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Young in West Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dyer, of Har bor Hills, were visiting W. A. Dyer and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stocklin, of Colum bus, are at their summer home here and are entertaining their grandchil dren from Columbus, and Pittsburg. Mr. S. K. Mardis, of Athens, was here last week, the guest of his son, Paul, while attending the state Repub lican convention in Columbus. Mrs. Chas. Gardner and Russell Braskett were guests of’ her sister, Mrs. Frank Gilliland at the Fish Hatchery, near London, Sunday, Rev. Morrell, of Worthington Chil dren's Home, was a speaker at chprch, Sunday evening. Threshing is done in this commun ity. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Windle, of West Jefferson, were here Friday. Mrs. Jack Wood is entertaining her nieces from Sandusky. Miss Jane Crager, of West Jeffer son, was a caller here, Monday. t! 40c Gastona 32c u u i 1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON. OHIO CAMP CHASE Camp Chase, July 216—Mr. pnd Mrs. L. J. Girbert spent Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Eberhard. Miss Delores Mueller is spending ter -vacation at the home of her grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. Wiliam pulling. 1 Mrs. L. J. Gilbert attended the Civie club picnic Tuesday at Maple thade park as the guest of Miss Lil lian Braun, of Grove City. These folks from Columbus, were Wednesday evening guests of Mrs. lena Ruffing, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diehr, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Archer and family, Mrs. Roy Yarnell, Mrs. Xnn» Hess, and Messrs. Herbert and £mil: Diehr. Emma June, ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loel died early Thursday morning at University hos pital after a short illness. Funeral services were held Saturday in Gar den Heights U. B. church with bur ial in Memorial park. Mrs. Nellie W'illiamson, of near Centerburg, has been visiting Mr. and Mr*. L. C. dime the past few days. Mr. Peregrine White is on the side list The airport attracted quite a crowd Sunday /with its program of motor cycle races, double parachute jump and head-on auto collision. Misses Ruth and Mabie White spent Sunday at their home here. CATAWBA Catawba, July 21+—Mrs. Hattie Flautt, of Columbus, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Runyan and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Runyan. Mrs. Van C. Tullis, of Hillcrest has returned home from a week’s camping trip to Orchard Island. Mrs. Bessie McCord, Mr. and Mrs. McKnight of Bowling Green, were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tavenner, of Wayside Farm, entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Covers were laid for Elmer Grove and son, Olin, of Pasedcna, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Rey nard, of Stanton, Ave., Springfield, Miss Mary Ann Tavenner and Mr. and Mrs. Tavenner. Miss Evelyn Bumgardner, of Me chanicsburg, was the guest last week cf her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bumgardner. Miss Marguerite Schultz, of Spring field, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Miner Hardman. In honor of the birthday annivers ary of their daughter, Mrs. George Griffith of Downer’s Grove, Ill.j Mr. and Mrs. George H. Anderson sr.. en tertained w^th a six o’clock dinner on Thursday evening. Covers were laid for Mrs. Griffith and daughters, Dor othy Jane and Martha Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wadsworth and son, Charles, of E. Cassily St., Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Anderson, jr., and family, Ruby Mae and James Henry, Mrs. Melvin Babbs, of Colum bus, Richard Rutan, of Mechanicsburg, Miss Margaret Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs.Andersoa. Miss Mary Tavenner accompanied Mrs. Martha Abbott and a party of friends from Springfield to Sharp’s Landing, near Indian Lake, Sunday* where they enjoyed the day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Yel low Springs were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Strong. Earl Redmond II of Columbus is the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. David Livingston. Mrs. Mary B. Tavenner, of Colum bus, Mr..‘and Mrs. Paul J. Neer and sons, Briggs and Lowell, of “Pleasant View farm, Mr. and Mrs. Odess Hard man and children, Mary Ann and Jim mie, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Runyan en joyed a picnic dinner at Lakewood Beach, Sunday. The Friendship Circle Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal church was entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pearl Cartmell, Mrs. Bessie Neer and Mrs. Walter Mouser assisted. Mrs. Odess Hardman was devotional leader. In contests arrang ed by Miss Rebecca Hayes, Mrs. Louise Hardman and Mrs. Glenn Love- -I NEW GARAGE Comet Fourth and Oak Streets General Automobile Repairing iafizing on Fords and? Torrisons We carry a complete line of Ford parts at all times, Aff repair work guaranteed SAM RHOADS Sport Shoes Black and white and tan and smoke CLEANING less were successful. Mrs. Grace B. Neer was the winner in a contest ar ranged by Miss Edna Arbogast. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses to the fifteen members present. The Ladies* Aid society of Nation Chapel enjoyed an all-day meeting at the home of a former member, Mrs. Otto LeMaster, near Marysville. A pot luck dinner was a feature of the noon hour. Twenty members and guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wertz have returned to their home in Dayton after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mr a. Will iam Corn. The Tri Mu and Junior Bible classes of the Methodist Episcopal church en joyed their annual picnic at Lakewood Beach, Saturday afternoon. After a swim, a pot luck supper was enjoyed, followed by music and games. Thir ty-five members and guests were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bumgardner^ Misses Evelyn “Bumgard net and Robert dinner guests, Mrs. Rolla Ropp, near Catawba Sta tion. and Betty Bumgardner were the Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Babbs, of Columbus, was the guest a few days last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Anderson, sr. She was accompan ied home by her sister, Mrs. George Griffith and daughters* of Downers Grove, Ill., who hav^ been the guests for a week of Mrs. Griffith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Griffith will visit friends and relatives in Co? lumbus anti Cleveland before return ing to her home in Illinois. I _'' .y 4 .4 •ft 4, ............... ..... ’Burg Woman Dies Mrs. Celia Douglas, of Mechanics burg, widow of the late Thomas Doug las, died at 11:30 a. m, Tuesday at the Champaign(lCounty Hospital in Urbana, where she had been a patient for three weeks following an opera tion. Mrs. Douglas is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Glenn Hinton, with whom she had lived for the last three yearn. i-i July Sale of Kuppenheimer Curlec Suits July Sale Price $23-95 Cutlee $22.50 and $25 Suits $16-95 HUME&MABE nil- STORE OF FASHION AND SERVICE Fruit Salad One lot Boys’ Suits Tomato Juice raZoun‘:. Sweet Pickles Shrimp Cake Flour 1 ............. ................. 1 11 '.mu Pork and Beans Milk Flour E FRUITSAND VEGETABLES fe Phones 187-188 The funeral service was held at the Treacle’s Creek church, north of Me chanicsburg, at 2 p. m. Thursday with burial in the church cemetery. Copnty Board in Session The Madison County-Board of Edu cation met in regular session on Mon day at the office of County School FRIDAY. JULY 22, 1932 1 Jack-OLeather Sizes 12 to 18, with 2 pairs pants Suit values to $18.50 CREATH’S Golden Harvest Sale Specials PRESSING Premier, No. 2/2 can 2 for..... ................... nicorn quart jar: Premier, wet 2 cans............. Swansdown a cake plate FREE with pkg E brand small cans 3 for. White Rose 241 2 Jkj,. Od 42c Merrit, 24 lbs.2.. 39C 1 -X --------—T- ____ ______________ FREStFAND CURED MEAT’S LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY 3 M. M. Creath A Sons I i 1 1 I I .3. 23c 10c| II IBs Supt. L. C. Dick and trantacted fou tine business. Screens Stolen. Last Friday night, a nervy thief stole paiz of door screens from the unoccupied P. A. Lanigan property on West Center street. o—----- Classified Ada arc Result Gett&nT 4 -i. •F