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....................-.......... ........... eventy-Fifth Year—No. 67 RACES, PAGEANT ON PROGRAM EVERYTHING COMPLETED FOR ANNUAL EXPOSITION AND TWO-NIGHT PAGEANT HERE NEXT WEEK EVENT WILL DRAW THOUSANDS OF VISITORS —ALL DEPART-' MENTS COMPLETE PAG EANT TO BE BIG FEA TI RE OF FAIR Nex^Wk is FAIR WEEK in Mad ison county—the big week of the year, and the Madison county fair grounds in London is fast taking on the aspect of a huge exposition arena, prepara tory to the opening of the 43rd an nual Madison County Fair next Tues day with its many displays, exhibits and other attractions. Corps of workmen, under the direc tion of the officials of the fair, are at work on the grounds putting on those finishing touches so necessary to the Success of one of the greatest county seat fairs in the country. Exhibitors are engaged in getting their displays in readiness for the opening. Livestock men from many parts of Ohio and other states are preparing to make their stock shows general and vegetable farmers are preparing their displays for the grain, fruit and vegetable department? 4-11 club members are busy with the fin ishing of their exhibits the merchants (Continued on Page Two) ..........jB .....■........— Fire Damages -•Bardon Store HLATE ON THURSDAY NIGHT CAUSES HEAVY LOSS TO STOCK OF MEN’S SHOP AND SPARLING BLDG. Loss of an unestimated total wa.» caused Thursday night about 9:30 O’clock to the Bardon Shop for Men, operated by the Bardon Brothers, and the building, owned by Dr. H. P. Spar ling, by fire relieved to have started from a short circuit in the electric wiring beneath one of the counters in the store. The fire was discovered by persons passing the store who noted a small blaze in one side near the center of the store. When firemen and* Kenneth Bardon, jne of the owners, reached the build ing and the front door was opened, the smoke was so dense that the blaze could not be immediately located and tl^e fire was almost impossible to combat. The fire was brought under control after the. firemen had reached the roof of the building and poured water through a sky-light into the store. No estimate of the loss either to the stock in the store or the building has been made. Both the Bardons and Dr. Sparling carried insurance. Thomas Higgins On Police Force Thomas Higgins, London ,is serving as night officer during the absence of William “Smack” Golden, regular officer,’ whose hand was severely in jured a few days ago when he' was attacked by a man he was preparing to take to the city building. Officer Golden’s injury is slowly healing, it was stated today. ...- O -...- Fair Music i _____ iftuSic for the annual Madison coun ty fair will be provided by Prof. Col lins and his London orchestra on Tues lay, Wednesday and Thursday and by the London Creamery band on Friday. For the pageant on Wednesday and Thursday nights and for the fair on Thursday, Prof. Collins will be assisted by a number of trained musicians from the city. ......... VISIT OUR TENT The readers of this newspa per are invited to make our tent at the County Fair their headquarters. A number of chairs will be provided for your convenience. THE PUBLISHERS ,, PUBLISHED TUESDAY*, C? RIDAY EVENINGS AT DEMOCRAT BUILDIN %SECOND STREET MADISON COUNTY FAIR TO OPEN TUESDAY WITH PROSPECTS OF RECORD WEEK William M. McDonald, aged 63 years, president and general manager of the Madison County Oil company and life-long resident of London and Madison county, died of a complication of diseases early Thursday at the Melvin home, east of London. Mr. McDonald had returned to the county only a few days ago after spending three weeks in a Columbus hospital where he took a coui*e cf treatment. He was born in Madison county, near London on November 29, 1868, and had spent his entire life in this community. He was engaged in farm ing for a number of years and then spent 12 years with the Refiners Oil Company before he organized the com pany he headed at the time of his death. INVITED TO COUNTY FAIR GOV. GEORGE WHITE DAVID S. INGAJLXS ANOTHER BAND CONCERT SATURDAY 4 4 4*44444*-4**44** Another of the series of band con certs held in London each Saturday evening, will be held this week. Ah hour’s program, beginning al 8 o’clock will be played by the London ^Cream ery band. ^.MCDONALD DIES THURSDAY HEAD OF MADISON COUNTY OIL COMPANY SUCCUMBS FOL LOWING EXTENDED ILL- NESS—FUNERAL ON SATURDAY Governor George White and David week. S. Ingalls, party nominees for the. The fair will be held four days— Governorship in November, have both’August 23, 24, 25 and 2d—and advance been invited by officers of the Madi-! reports indicate that the “London” son county fair to be honor guests of fair will be one of the leaders in the the fair association here one day next’state this yea.' Mr. McDonald was a member of the (Continued on Page Two) o-------- Team Pulling Contests Listed PRIZES TO BE AWARDED AT THE COUNTY FAIR NEXT WEEK TO BEST PULLING HORSE AND MULE TEAMS Because of the marked success of the horse and mule pulling contests Staged during the annual Madison county fair the past two years, the contest is to be repeated this year ac the fair scheduled for next week. Horse and mule teams from all parts of the county will stage the contests on Wednesday, August 24, and Friday, August 26, under the direc tion of Martin H. Watkins, fair board member. Prizes are to be awarded in the two contests as follows: Horses, best pull ing team, first $8 second $4. Mules —same prizes as offered in the horse pulling contest. Madison county boasts some of the finest horses and mules in Ohio and keen interest is being shown in this contest by many of the leading own ers of horses and mules and by oth ers who take pleasure in contests of any kind. k FIRE DESTROYS TWO BUILDINGS DANGEROUS BLAZE EWEEPS HO TEL, RESTAURANT. DWELLING IN LAFAYETTE EARLY WED NESDAY MORNING FLAMES MENACE ENTIRE VIL LAGE—PRISON FARM, WEST JEFFERSON FIRE TRUCKS AND CREWS CALLED Two buildings including a residence property, hotel and restaurant were totally destroyed by fire and the entire village of l^afayette on the National pike four miles north of London was threatened by destruction in an early morning lire on Wednesday that caused damage estimated at more than $5,000. The hotel and restaurant operated by N. B. Ryan & Son in the George Kaufman building, formerly known as the Clayton Inn, and the Cecil How ard residence property, located ad joining the hotel building to the east, were burned to the ground in the fire that started in the Howard residence, about 4 o’clock Wednesday morning. The blaze is believed to have origin ated in defective wiring in the How ard house and spread so rapidly that for a time, ivthreatened the entire vil lage, the flames being held under con (Continued on Page Two) ----.---------o Anglers Return From Trip to Canada Harry Howard, William Sparling, Robert Amrine and Mr. and Mrs. Fos ter Gossard, of London, have returned to their homes here after a ten-day fishing trip to Lake Nippising, North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The anglers report fair luck with only fair weather and few fishermen in that section this yea* Howard and Gossard are both guard captains at the London prison farm. They'said he couldn’t do it, but “Uncle Steve” Phillips wore his 90 years lightly Thursday and drove Frederick McKinney through to a sur prising victory in one of the heats of the feature event of the Fayette Coun ty fair racing program at Washing ton C. H. Driving his own trotter on the track where he began his rise to racing world fame so many years ago, “Uncle Steve” came in fifth in the first heat, fourth in the second—and first in the third and final contest. The first heat was the hardest, said. His horse made a break and it took all he had to maintain control. In the second heat “Uncle Steve” was off Ma&ison County Democrat LONDON, OHIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1932 Starting in the early afternoon, the Democrats will round cut their state ticket by choosing a candidate for lieu tenant governor They then will swing into their state convention to adopt a platform and choose presidential elec tors,( climaxing' with the address of Governor Roosevelt, Saturday after noon. State leaders are expecting a tre mendous gathering of Democrats from every nook and cranny of the state as well as large delegations from sur rounding states to ^Welcome their standard bearer and to hear his first speech of a road campaign planned to land him in the White House. Gov. Roosevelt accompanied by Mrs. Roose velt, is expected .to. reach Ohio’s cap ital about the time the state convention has completed its business. The presidential candidate will de liver his address at the Columbus as (Continued on Pa£e Two) youthwTns TAKE6 CO. TOURNEY LOSES ONLY ONE GAME OUT OF 30 PLAYED IN TWO EVENTS— STRAUD RUSSELL, DEFEND ING CHAMP, SECOND An 18-year-old youth, Jasper Davey, of South Vienna, who has been pitch ing horseshoes but one year, Is the new Madison county horseshoe pitch ing champion, winning the title in the tourney staged on the new courts of the London Horseshoe club here by taking 14 of the 15 games played, los ing only to Straud Russell, of West Jefferson, defending champion. Davey not only won the county title, but a week ago, won the London horse (Continued on Page Two) DEMOCRATS CLUBS TO SHOW LAUNCH DRIVE AT COUNTY FAIR Infant Son Dies William Colter, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colter, of Chrisman Chapel, south of London, died Thurs day night at the home. The funeral service was held today at 2 p. m., at the grave in Paint town ship cemetery and burial was made by Undertaker G. G. Sehlechty. The parents and three brothers an Bisters survive. “Uncle Steve” Phillips, 90, Drives To Victory in Feature Race on Thursday At Washington C. II, Fair Races STATE CONVENTION OPENS TO- REMARKABLE RECORDS OF HUN- DAY IN COLUMBUS WITH MADISON COUNTY DEL#. GATES, OTHERS ON THE JOB CONVENTION TO CLOSE ON SAT URDAY AFTERNOON WITH AD DRESS IN BASEBALL PARK BY GOV. ROOSEVELT Madison county is being represented today and Saturday at the State Dem ocratic convention in Columbus by the four delegates elected last May: C. E. Bryan, London R. C. Millikin, West Jefferson H. C. Black, Plain City, and B. R. Harrison, Mt. Sterling. Democratic committee leaders and ethers also are attending, the conven tion meetings which will culminate Saturday afternoon in the address of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic presidential nominee. Ohio Democracy launched its cam paign this afternoon in an effort to wrest the Buckeye state from Repub lican national control and to preserve its hold on state administration. SECOND TITLE JASPER DAVEY, SOUTH VIENNA, WHO WON LONDON HORSE SHOE TITLE WEEK AGOb to a poor start. But in the third, after coming up to second on the back stretch, the fine old veteran whipped up to pass Miss Ma rion Toddle and finished 30 yards ahead. The cheers were deafening. “Uncle Steve” was called back and presented with an easy chair, the gift of loving fans. While spectators yelled themselves hoarse, he left his sulky and grin ningly stretched out in the big easy chair right in the middle of the track. For more than 75 years Uncle Steve has owned, trained and raced harness horses, Two years ago he drove in a (Continued on Page Two) DREDS OF 4-H CLUB MEM BERS TO BE ON EXHIBIT AT FAIR NEXT WEEK DEMONSTRATION^ U GI N CONTEST, STYLE REVUE AND HEALTH EXHIBIT ON THE PROGRAM Hundreds -of 4-H club members are to attend and take part in the an unal Madison county fair next week and the club work forms one of the most interesting and educational fea tures of the fair. The work is being conducted in this county on a high plane and the results being obtained are truly remarkable, able. Judging Contest Teaching boys and girls how to se lect better hogs is the object -of the 4-H Swine Judging Contest to be held at the Madison county fair Thursday, August 25. Th(« contest will start at 9:00 a. m. near the swine barn. All 4-H club members are eligible to com pete in the contest. Three rings of hogs will be placed by the contestants. They will write reasons for.their placings on each ring. The contestants will be given (Continued on Page Six) SEVEN YOUTHS TO WlU AWARDS OUTSTANDING 1-H CLUB MEM BERS TO BE GIVEN FREE TRIP TO ANNUAL CLUB CONGRESS SELECTIONS TO RE MADE BY SPEC IA COM I*T E E AWARDS BASED ON ACHIEVEMENT Seven 4-H club members who have made outstanding records this year and in past years will receive a free trip to the annual 4-H Club Congress held in Columbus in November, ac cording to Lyman L. Baker, county club agent. Each county in Ohio is entitled to one delegate to Club Congress for each sixty members enrolled in 4-H Club work. Madison county has 445 members enrolled this year. The delegates will be selected by a committee of three. One member of (Continued on Page Six) o Junior Order To Picnic in London ELEVEN COUNTIES IN THIS DIS TRICT TO HOLD OUTING AT COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS HERE SEPT. 18 Announcement was made today that a picnic will be held at the Madison county fair grounds at London on Sep tember 18, which will be participated in by members of the Junior Order from Madison, Franklin, Fairfield, Pickaway, Fayette, Clinton, Hocking, Montgomery, Greene, Clark and Champaign counties. It is expected that 8,000 persons will be in attendance. Leading mem bers of the Jr. O. U. A. M., and the Daughters of America will deliver ad dresses and music will be furnished by the Boys Band from the Jr. O. U. A. M. home at Tiffin. Various contests will be held to be participated in by members from the different counties. The Jr. O. U. A. M., also is making preparations for the annual convention of the order which will be held at the Deshler-Wallick in Columbus the last week in August. Every county in the state will be represented and an en tertainment by the Boys Band from the Tiffin Home and a general recep tion will be features of the opening night. o------------ Unique Sale Saturday A mosft unique day and night sale is announced by Sharpe & Green for Sat urday, August 20, with special hourly bargain sales beginning at 7 a. m. and continuing every hour until 11 o’clock, Saturday night. MRS. R. BrHOWARF~ SLOWLY IMPROVING FROM OPERATION The condition of Mrs. R. B. Howard, of London, who recently underwent an operation at White Cross hospital, Co lumbus, is reported as improving nicely. Oil leers In Charge of Fair LAMAR P. WILSON Secretary Every section of Madison county has a personal representative and inter est in the direction and management of the Madison county fair which will be (Continued on Page Two) To Repair School The sum of $2,500 for repairs on the Mechanicsburg school building will be allowed from state funds, ac cording to word received by the board of education. Work is to be started at once. ----A------- 0............ .— 444444444*444444 TRAFFIC LIGHT IN LILLY CHAPEL 4 County Installing Lights Fol lowing Several Near-Fatal Crashes at Intersection ■4*44*444444*444 /I traffic light is being installed at the road intersection in Lilly Chapel by the Madison county highway au thorities, the work being done by Mar vin Tyler, London electrician. The light is being placed at the in tersection, following four near-fatal traffic accidents in the village the past few weeks. for the speed program of the 43rd an nual fair on August 23, 24, 25 and 26. The London track is regarded as one of the fastest half-mile tracks in the country and the Madison county fair comes each season the week prior GOES INTO THE MAJORITY OF HOMES OF THE COUNTY A REAL ADVERTISING MEDIUM Subscription $2.00 Per Year 1 T--— .■ Governor White Sees Bright Future For Buckeye State GIVES TALK TO FARMERS CLUB CHIEF EXECUTIVE GUEST Of! HONOR ON THURSDAY NOON AT PIC NIC MEET OF CLUB AT NEFF-ANDERSON PARK 'l GIVES BRIEF OUTLINE OF CON DITIONS IN CITIES AND RU RAL DISTRICTS, CITING HELP GIVEN NEEDY IN ALL SECTIONS Governor George White was thff honor guest at the picnic meeting of the Madisor. County Fanners’ club on Thursday at the Neff-Anderson Spring park near Mt. Sterling and gave a short address to the large crowd gath ered for the picnic dinner and pro gram. Governor White was introduced by Mayor C. M. Neff, of Mt. Sterling, owner of the park, in his own unique manner after Mr. Neff had been called upon for the introduction by President R. K. Shaw, of the Farmers’ club. The governor said in his ten-min ute talk that “I was mighty glad to accept Mayor Neff’s invitation, in fact there was nothing else for me to do, and I regret that there is not time enough to discuss any of the great problems. “I am struck by the contrast be tween rural and urban conditions. When I called the extra session of the legislature, I knew that Madison county would be able to take care uf itself, because of its thrift and in dustry. “There is tnuch want in the cities. Cleveland has 22,000 families to which it is extending relief. I have been en couraged again anti again by people’s generosity and willingness to co-oper ate. “We are to be congratulated upon the lack of rioting and lawlessness, except in the coal region. Some turn to Russia as a remedy, but have been summarily dealt with. The eastern (Continued on Page Four) --o------------- Arnett Harbage Hurt in Accident Arnett Harbage, well known Madi son county farmer residing north of here near Plumwood, was severely bruised and otherwise injured Thurs day when a bolt of the combine he was operating loosened and struck him on the side of the head and also struck several parts of his body. The bolt bruised the side of the head and inflicted a number of severe bruises about the body. The piece of machinery to which the bolt was attached was operating at 1100 revolutions a minute and Mr. Harbage could easily have been drag ged into the combine and killed, had the piece of iron caught his clothes in such a way as to pull him into the machine. •■■""■■J— ..... ............... All Granges To Compete for Cash Prizes Offered For Displays at County Fair All of the granges of Madison coun ty will take part in the annual grange exhibit at the fair, August 23 to 26. FINE RACE PROGRAM FOR CO. FAIR Practically all of the stable room for race horses at the Madison county fair grounds here has been reserved and still other reinsmen from all parts of the state and adjoining states are coming in the latter part of the week Prizes will be awarded in the grange exhibit as follows: First, $65 second, $60 third, $5b fourth, $50 and fifth, $45. to the slate fair at Columbus, giving the fair here a good play in drawing the leading racing stables of the mid dle states. The speed program this year pro* vides for 13 races during the four days. Col. Earl Swepsfon, Columbus, form erly of Chillicothe, will be the race starter this year. He has worked the fair races here before. (Continued on Page Two)