OCR Interpretation

The Semi-weekly Madison County Democrat. (London, Ohio) 1923-19??, August 19, 1932, Image 10

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88077520/1932-08-19/ed-1/seq-10/

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An ordinance providing for the reg
ulation of all livestock kept within the
London corporation, and also provid
ing for the punishment of persons
council this evening. The ordinance
will be up for its second reading at
council on Friday night. The ordi
nance is as follows:
Making it unlawfu.1 for any person
or persons to permit a place where' an
imals or fowls are kept, harbored or
collected, to become filthy, unsanitary
or offensive, or .to conduct the same
in such manner that the stench there
from shall become annoying, offensive
or unhealthy, or to cause, permit or al
low any such animals or fowls to make
or keep up any offensive and unrea
sonable noise, and prescribing the pen
alty for the violation thereof.
Be it ordained by the Council of the
Village of London. State of Ohio:
Section 1: It shall be unlawful for
any person, persons, partnership or
corporation which owns, operates,
keeps or controls a place located with-
Piles Can Be Cured
Without Surgery
An instructive book has been pub
lished by Dr. L. M. Ross, the rectal
specialist. This book tells how suf
ferers from piles can be quickly and
easily cured without the use of the
knife, scissors, burning, electricity or
any cutting method, without confine
ment to bed and no hospital bills to
This method has been a success for
25 years and in thousands of cases.
This book is sent postpaid free to
persons afflicted with piles or other
rectal trouble who clip this item and
mail it with name and address to L.
M. Ross, M.D., 131 East State street,
Columbus. Ohio. —Adv.
Phone 185
High and Main Sts-I
Killeen’s Motor Truck Superior
Promptly, Safely, and Insure them in transit
without extra charge
Our trucks make daily trips to and from Columbus also truck
service to and from Cincinnati.
Phone your wishes to us and we will attend to them.
Make Use of Our Storage Facilities
in the corporate limits of the Village
of London, Ohio, where any animal,
animals, fowl or fowls of any kind
are kept, harbored or collected to
gether, to permit such place to be
come filthy, unsanitary or offensive
or in any manner injurious to the
health or comfort of any person or
persons residing or employed in the
vicinity of such place, or to keep, har
bor or collect such animals or fowls,
or permit the same to be done, at or
about such ^place in such manner that
the stench therefrom shall be annoy
ing, offensive or unhealthy to such/tertained
person or persons, or to cause, permit
or allow such animals or fowls so
kept, harbored or collected to. make or
keep up any offensive and unreason
able noise to the discomfort or annoy
ance of any such person or persons so
residing or employed in the vicinity
of such place.
Sec. 2: Any officer, agent or em
ployee of a corporation, cohipany,
partnership or association of any kind,
which owns, operates, keeps or con
trols such a place as that described in
Sec. 1 above of this ordinance, which
officer, agent or employee has the con
trol, supervision or management of
such place, shall, for the purposes of
this ordinance, be deemed to be the
keeper thereof and subject to prosecu
tion for any violation of this ordi
Sec. 3. Whoever violates any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall be fined in any
sum not exceeding Twenty-five Dol
lars ($25.00) for each offense, and
each day’s violation of any of the pro
visions of this ordinance shall be
deemed a separate offense.
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the earliest period allowed by law.
-------,------ o
Dry cleaning, repairing and press
ing at reasonable prices. B. J. Flvnn.
“Nightly the moon tells the world
lovely tales of romance,” says a sum
mer hotel calendar. And daily the sun
comes out and calls it a liar.
London, O.
The Madison County Fair
May we digress from our usual message on drug prices to say to you that we believe .that the
Madison County Fair, which is to be held next week, deserves your wholehearted support. While
we are new in the community we have known for a great many years of the fine fairs held here
and we predict that the 1932 fair will surpass all expectations. We believe in the Madison Coum
ty Fair and all civic enterprises that make the community just a bit better
Fair Week Specials
All special prices quoted for fast week will be held over during Fair Week
The London Pharmacy
Catawba, Aug. lb*—Mrs. Maude
Melvin is tne guest of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Melvin, West Sandusky street, Me
Mrs. Rose Gordon, Mrs. Lena Jones,
Mrs. Nelle West, Mrs. Raymond Snorf
all of Springfifield, and Miss Favena
Rankin,, of Columbus, were the dinner
guests, Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs.
Van C. Tullis, of “Hillcrest.”
The Golden Rule Bible class of the
Methodist Protestant church was en
Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Frank Hendricks. Mrs.
Art Violet assisted. Mrs. A. R. Wood
was devotional leader. Readings were
given by Mrs. Milton Strong and Mrs.
Carrol Runyan. In a contest arranged
by the hostess’ daughter, Mrs. Walter
Gridley, Mrs. Rogers, a guest was
successful. Homemade ice cream and
cake were served to the twenty mem
bers and guests present.
Miss Mabel Powers, South Charles
ton, was the week-end guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Melchi.
Mr. and Mrs. George Turvy and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cave and
family attended the Potts family re
union at Snyder park, Springfield, on
Mr. and Mrs. George Jewett, of De
troit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Jewett, of Pontiac, Mich., were the
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl
Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Yant have re
turned from a visit at Pioneer and
other northern towns.
Misses Mary Taventter, Elizabeth
and Martha Davisson have returned
from Sabina where they attended the
Young Peoples* Conference of the
Methodist Protestant church. Eliza
beth Davisson was one of the grad
Miss Maude Runyan and J. F. Run
yan accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ma
rion Runyan, of South Vienna, are en
joying an extended motor trip through
the west. At present they are in Wis
consin, and will visit Yellowstone Na
tional park on their trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Virts and
daughter, Marjorie, have returned
home from a trip to Ironton the guests
of relatives. They visited points of
interest in Kentucky and West Vir
ginia. Sunday they attended the Wells
family reunion at Old Man’s Cave.
Miss Martha Strong is the guest of
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Enon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Climer and fam
ily were the dinner guests Sunday of
Your support at the coming elec­
tion will be greatly appreciated by
Republican Candidate
(Second Term)
—Pol. Adv.
London, Ohio
.4 .■■■
X? $■ j.W A J-
Mr. and Mrs. Almond Castello, of
Miss Anna Bumgardner ha? return*
ed home from attending the Miami
Valley Institute last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Coffey are the
guests of Mrs. Coffey’s brother and
wife, Mr.and Mis. Roy Wood, of Mun
cie, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Neer ana
family were the Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Neer, of Concord.
Richard Neer, who had been their
guest for a week returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Melchi and son,
Norman, were the dinner guests, on
Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hil
ton, Springfield.
Mr. and Mm. George Hall had as
w eek-end guests, Mrs. Hall’s sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Camporre, of Cincinnati, who have re
cently returned from a trip to Eur
ope. Additional guests for Sunday
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jacobs
and daughter, Verna, of Sherman Ave.
Springfield, and Fred Webber, of
New Moorefield.
Mr. and Mrs. George’Grove, Misses
Manola and Velma Grove, and Harry
Yanders were the dinner guests, Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Grove, of
Yellow Springs.
In honor of her birthday annivers
ary, Mrs. Howard Mumma was tend
ered a surprise at her home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mailing and son,
Jack, of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs.
H. P. Gaver, of Mechanicsburg, were
the out of town guests.
Miss Audrey Hall was the guest last
week of Mr. and Mrs. John Corn, of
N. Yellow Spring street, Springfield.
Mrs. Curtis Shook and twin sons,
Charles Curtis and James Edward, of
Springfield, have returned home from
a visit with her parents, Mr., and Mrs.
Edw-ard Hurdle.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Terry, Mrs.
Fay Caplinger and Miss Gwelda Min
gus were the dinner guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, of Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Blaine, of To
ledo, Mrs. Frances Briggs and
Frances Smith, of Greenfield,
Mary B. Tavenner, of Columbus,
the week-end guests of Mr. and
Paul J. Neer, of Pleasant View’ farm.
Miss Doris Graham was the guest
last week of her aunt and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Noah Salts, of E. Main St,
Miss Velda Hall was the guest last
week of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jacobs, of
Sherman Ave., Springfieeld.
Paul J. Neer and Merriel Tingley
are attending a meeting of the Grand
Castle of the Knights of the Golden
Eagle lodge, at Sidney.
Mrs. Lucie Ven Meter and Miss
Elizabeth Van Meter, of South' Cliar
teston, are the guests of Mr. and mxs.
Odess Hardman.
Miss Amy Neer, of Mechanicsburg,
is,the guest of her brother and fam
ly, Mr. and Mrs. William Neer, of Na
tion Chapel.
Mrs. Lucinda Hunter has returned to
her home from an extended visit with
her daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Genheimer, of South Vi
The Golden Rule Bible class of Na
tion Chapel was entertained Wednes
day evening at the home of Miss Mar
garet Hankel. Refreshments were
served during the social hour to the
twenty-five members and guests pres
Miss Alice Conway, H. S. Conway
and Richard Virts were the dinner
guests, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Neer, of “Orchard Lake” farm, Me
The Ladies* Aid society of Nation
Chapel was entertained Thursday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Perry Sil
vers. Dainty refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess to the twenty mem
bers present.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virts and Ma
rion Virts left by motor Sunday for S
visit W’ith relatives at Harpers lorry,
Va. They will also visit Washington,
D. C. and other points of interest.
Mr. and Mrs. George Loveless en
tertained at a six o’clock dinner Fri
day evening. Covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs.' E. P. Deaton of the
Clark county home and Mrs. Harry
Densmore, of Springfield, Mrs. Daisy
Rider and Miss Mary Nell Barnhart,
of New Carlisle, Mrs. Elizabeth Love
less and Mrs. -Welthia Hall. An en
joyable evening was spent informally.
Chenoweth Corners,—Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Harrison, of Mt. Sterling, and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lugenbeel and
daughter, Miss Medrith, of near Derby
were dinner guests, Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Johnston and family.
Misses Jane and Ruth Junk are
spending the w$ek with friends at
Mrs. Tude Douglas was the Sunday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Lugen
Mr. and Mrs. James Weyer and Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Junk motored to
Lancaster, Sunday, and spent the day
with Mr. Junk’s sister and family.
Smiley Hughes and daughter, Mrs.
Sylvia Eaggleston, and son, Jack, of 1
Cook Station, visited with Hodge Em
mons and family, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Duff, son, Billy,
and daughters, Marjorie and Annabel,
wer# Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
.x-iAV Ar,’ t-
W. F. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weyer were
guests, Monday of Miss Nannie Bren
ton, of near Hillsboro.
A number of our citizens will at
tend the Farmers club picnic at the
Neff park, to meet Governor White,
who is to address the club.
Mrs. Mabel mmons and daughter,
Eleanor Ann, called on Mrs. Willis
Junk, Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mis. Otis Barker and son,
Dick, have moved to Mt. Sterling and
are occupying the Mrs. Sarah Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Junk, jr., and
little daughter, Suzanne, have return
ed to their home in Dayton after en
joying a two weeks’ vacation with rel
atives here.
Mrs. Ray Ames and son, Jackie
Dean, were guests Sunday of the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs., James
Bogard, Sr.
Mrs. Smith, of Waterloo, has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ercel
Bogard, for the past week.
Mrs. MacElder, of South Charles
ton, visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Moats one day last week.
Plumwood, Aug. 18—Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Littler, daughter, Miss Bernice,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wybright and
David Laird autoed to Charleston, W.
Va., Saturday, returning Sunday.
They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Maur
ice Thomas, of Bidwell, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Murray and
granddaughter, Jennie Lou Emrich,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Warner, of Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Emrich and
children and Miss Beulah Murry, of
Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harley McAdam.
Miss Mary Witter entertained some
of her friend^ with a party on Friday
Mrs. Den Costin, of Mechanicsburg,
spent Sunday with her mother* Mrs.
Anna Hillman.
Mr. and Mrs. James Littler are
very proud of the little daughter
which arrived at their home on Au
gust 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harsh, jr., have a
little daughter who arrived a few days
Mrs. Harley McAdam and children
and Mrs. Nettie
days last week
White spent several
with relatives in
of near Rosedale is
Buddy Dillion.
visiting with Glen Dillion this week.
Don’t forget our Sunday school at
10 o’clock, Sunday morning.
Eldon Fould had as his Sunday1
guest his cousin, Harry Briton, who
came over from Harmony by air-
Republic^. Candidate for
Any support given will be greatly
Phone 53d WM. H. SMITH, Prop.
h. l.
There is only one Lindbergh’, one Bobby Jones,' one Babe Ruth, There is only
one “most remarkable coal”—KENTUCKY EVERGLOW.
Now see how the London Builders Supply capitalizes the value that lies in “The Most Remarkable
Coal” because they know the public wants “remarkable” coal instead of fires with no advantage.
KENTUCKY EVERGLOW is the most remarkable coal anywhere, and here are its 3 REMARK
1st-—In zero weather when people want heat quickly KENTUCKY EVERGLOW gives a full vol
ume of heat in the fewest minutes.
2nd—And when the cherry-red lumps do finally burn down less than 31/2% ash is left.
3rd—Being remarkable it gets the attention that a “remarkable” coal should get to insure perfect
Correctly Tailored
To your individual measure
Supreme Tailoring Lines
$15.00 to $35.00
—Pol. Adv.
Ask us about this remarkable coal. Special Cash Prices in fTve-ton lots
London Builders Supply
■........- I
AUGUSTJ9, 1932
plane. Other relatives from Spring
field were also visitors at the Fouik
Miss-Dorothy Wybright spent the
week-end with Miss Carev T. tt’.'
Try a Classiiieu au.
Republican Candidate
County Surveyor
—s-Pol. Adv.
V'*.. ./■:
125 So. Oak St.
.A ^,4...
4.X1 1

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