Newspaper Page Text
0 FRIDAY,/ AUGUST' 19, 1932 V NAOMI’ B.*“fYLFR, Editor, MISS MORRISSEY GIVES .PARTJU AT K, 0F HALL Miss Katherine Morrissey entertain ed Thursday evening with a miscell I anepus shower in honor of Mrs. Leroy Loney (Marie Adelsberger),-of Colum bus, whose marriage was recently an nounced. The affair was held in the L. liwK- of C. hull, London. This was the Jirst party to be held in the hall since its redecoratron, which was done re* jcpnilyp with, an idea’of. making it a ^pleasant place in which to hold social s-iiffairSL,t4The hostess had used to fur ther. the ^beauty of the card room ti profusion of late,.^mmegi)t'lo)vers in bowls and baskets. Bridge and bunco formed the enter lainment for the .thirty-three guests ..^resent. Miss Pauline BarrettfcjVhs. (.. Wayne. Tyler, Miss Evelyn Fitzgib bons, and Miss Ivaun Barnes were i awarded the prizes at bridge, while Misis Lucille Morrissey, of Columbus^ Miss Ursula. Loney and Mrs. .Adelsberger were .- testanls at bunco. color scheme Was carried out in the decorations for the lunch which was served following the evening play. -.-.3 3 v Attend Wedding in Akron :|4jss Virginia Ellies, of Washington C. H., and WT. H. Hume, of London, 'attended the wedding of Miss Jane -^3 to Mr. Edgar L. Ellies at Or A.11 at noon on Monday. The bride is teacher in the Akron schools and Mr. Ellies is connected with the Goodyear Rubber company.. .. SUNDAY, AUG. 21st jack McAndrews and his SCARLET MASK ORCHESTRA Direct from- the Gohlen Pheasant, Cleveland YE OLD TRAIL WEST JEFFERSON. O. Adm. 40c per Person DINNER Sunday, Aug. 21 taufies’’ rAid.\Society? of ^LScultTii Solon ‘will serve Fried Chicken Dinner in the dining hall at the Madison County Fair Grounds, 12 to 2 P. M. $3.00 TO $8.50 3 complete Given by your fa vorite operator. M'i WAVE SET Special r- •I'M Piu»- POWDER Blended to suit your, complexion $1.00 ice A delicious dinner, including cream and cake ..Only 50 Cents The-ladies* will also setve* meals each day during the fair PERMANENTS 146 E. First St., Phone Y-W Mark the successful con- of blue and white Face the New Seasoh With Renewed Beauty No matter how well you may weather ...summer’s sunsr.and swims you need renovating” before you face theHall! Inez Rose Beauty Parlor Neil-'Hotel Phone 546 London, Ohio LONDON TRAVELERS VISIT FORMER RESIDENTS Thomas Wood and R. C, Rea arrived home Tuesday evening from a 2600 mile motor journey on which they traveled through the middle and north west, visiting Minnesota Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin ..and else where. ,, t, In North Dakota they spent a short, time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy (Helen Shough) at Fargo and in Mil» waukee, Wisconsin, with Mr. and Mrs. Ch axles p. AliiCall, fonuerly of Lon don, 3 3 NEW AUXILIARY PRESIDENT WELL KNOWN TO LOCAL UNIT Mrs, R. S. Postle, Mrs. Paul M. Yauger. and Mrs. Floyd Williams have returned from the American Legion Auxiliary convention at Toledo. Mem bers of the unit of Madison Rost auxiliary will be pleased to know that the new president of, the Ohio auxil iary is no stranger to them and is Hone other than Mrs. Lester Merritt, of Columbus, who has been a frequent visitor to' the London organization. Mrs. Merritt has been serving as vice president of4*the state organization previous to hex' advancement this week. 3 & Dance at Country Club There will be a dance at the Coun try club Thursday evening, August 25. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle Sidner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sark, hosts. Guest cards may be obtained from social commit tee or secretary of the club.. 3 3 ^.♦-iBirthday Party at Myers Home Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Myers enter tained t^group of relatives and friends at a joirit birthday dinner at their home near Mt. Sterling, on Sunday, honoring their three sons, Richard, Randall and Gilbert and their niece, Miss Mildred Warner. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Myers and sons, of Spring field Thurman Myers and Miss Gahm of Columbus Randall and -Gilbert Myers and Misses Inez and Reba My ers, of Mt. Sterling Miss Warner, Miss Dorothea Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. George Myers and family, Mrs. Cath erine Selover, Mrs. Clifford Harris and son, Miss Ruth Garrett and Roy Garrett?•of 'Loudon Howard Myers and Miss Florence Waples, of Sum merford. 3 3 Mrs. James A. Tyler and Mrs. John Gaynard were the guests of Miss ^.'eifej.wCoUmbus, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bryan, of Fos toria, will spend the week-end in Lon don with Mrs. Almeda Bryan and daughter, Ruth. On Saturday, Mr. Bryan will be present at the Demo cratic convention in Columbus as a delegate. 25 Mrs. Almeda Bryan and Miss Ruth Bryan attended the reunion of the Shepherd family, held Sunday at the home of S. N., .MfrChesahey,' South Charleston. -t lul FINGER waves Wet 35c 50c be- The -soft, wide coming waves! FACIALS Summer facial with 1 arch $1.00 *. A5 thorough skin beautifier MANICURES 50c Keep your nails in pink of condition. Mrs. John Weiss and son, Alden, of Orland. Ind., who are visiting relajl tives in Madison county the past few weeks, were the guests this week yj( Mr, and Mrs..Walter Marsh. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Krum, «£■-De troit, Mich., vrill be the guests tnn week of Mr. and Mr. A. H. Prine, E High street. 3 Mrs. 6, E. bain, Mrs. R. K. Tx»of bourrow, and Mrs. Chester E. Bryan will attend the democratic convention in Columbus, Saturday. -1-3 3 Mrs. Cecil A. Reed and daughter*. Mabel Evelyn, and Martha Belle, am Ben, Harbage have returned from Si Several days visit jp Lebanon, Ind. and, vicinity* Miss .Dorothy Jean Reed, who .-has been yisiting friendr there returned to her home with them. 3 3 Miss Lucille Morrissey, Harry Tip ton and Vincent Morrissey, all of Co lumbus, and Jimmie Morrissey, Flint, Mich., were the guests Thurs day of Mrs. Peter Morrissey and fam ily. 3 Mrs. S. A. Sayre and Miss Pauline .Asher returned Thursday from Wash ington, D. C.» where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ash er. Mrs. W. E. George, of Chatta nooga, Tenn., who has been visiting her father, J. H. Asher, accompanied them to Washington, D. C., where she will be the guest of her son, John George. From Washington she wih go to Smyrna, Delaware, and Philadel phia for short visits. 5 3 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison re turned this week from a motor trip to Kansas City and other points in the west. 3 3 Mrs. Paul Dwyer will entertain the members of the Bridge and Book club at her home on E. High street. Friday evening. 3 3 Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Golden will spend the week-end in VanWert with their daughter, Mrs. C. D. Hines and iw husband. i 3 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Pickrel will spend Sunday in Hamilton with Miss Dorothy Buehler. 3 Miss Dorothy Krautwater, Spring field, is the guest of Miss Lelia Towhsley this week. 3 3 Miss Emma Jane Williams, Mis Helen Smith, Miss Helen Kuntz, Mis Martha Dunavent and W’ilbur Duna vent of Columbus attended the recita' of pupils of Miss Ruth Marie Dicker son, Tuesday evening. Miss Duna \T-nt is spending the remainder of the wefck with Mis.s Dickerson. 3 3 Mrs. R. J. Dingman has gone to Piqua for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Emma Ziegenfelder. 3 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bumgarner and family have returned from a visit with Mr. Bumgarner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Bumgarner, of Waverly. 3 3 Miss Martha Chambers of Columbus is the. guest of Miss Dorothy Down ing. dt 3 Mrs. Frank .JBaughner, of near Piqua, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. U» Lenhart., 3 3 Robert Williams is the guest for the remainder of this week of Mrs. S. P. Bush at their home near Gahanna. 3 .2* John S. Emery, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Emery of Ft. Worth, Texas, who has come to Cincinnati where he has entered the University of Cincin nati for the study of law, is the guest for a week of his aunt, Mrs. W. C. Converse, and his uncle, Judge P. R. Emery, and their families. 3 3 Miss Margaret Rice is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs, Howard James and daughter, of Scranton, Pau 3-3 Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Edwards and their daughter spent the week-end at Cedar. Point. 33 Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beery, who have been visiting in Hudson, Michigan, came Wednesday for a visit with Fos ter Beery and other relatives. CANAAN*- Canaan, Aug. 18 Miss Margaret Hayman, who was visiting her sister at Ashville, Ohio, returned home, Sun day. The B. Y. P. U. of Big Darby Bap tist church was entertained by Misses Dorothy and Margaret Morgan Fri day evening at their, home in Plain City, Miss Elizabeth Marsh, of near Plain City, spent the past week at the home of hex great aunt, Mrs. A^ixa Fol mer, My. .and Mrs. Dietsch and children have returned from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hooper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Okie Rice and son, of West Jefferson,-spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morgan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lare, Hilliards, and Mrs. Clint Atkins visited at Ath ens, Saturday and Sunday.. Mr.’and Mrs.. Paul Murry and chil- THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCR AT, LONDON. OH 10 SALE All'-tadiesxTSSpring and Summer HATS ’25c SALE DRESS PANTS Men’s Dress Pants Men’s latest XL. $1.49 Boys’ Longies f? for school i U v v Canvas- Glovef 3 pait-s Boys’ Wool Elastic 'band Knickers Boys’ wool lined ■Shorts Boys’ School Shirts Boys’ Fancy Sweater Men’s Wide Web Supporters Men’s Silk Suspenders 49c 49c 39c 15c Men’s New Fall Hats Genuine Fur Fel Brown, black, pear or slate gray Men’s Overalls 220 wt. blue denim Boys’ Overalls red trim—.„ Boys’ Novelty Whoopee Pants Boys’ Coverall Suits................... 49c 25c 39c 39c BOYS' MEN’S SON DRESS Fancy rayon CAPS or work for school 3 pairs 25c 25c ■, L. 0.__±1______ Srer^ guests well. of Hilliards, were Sunday of Mt and Mrs. Henry Max- Emma McGuigon, Mrs. Della and Frank McQuigon were the Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mrs. Skates guests Strickland and family. A/ rehearsal of the pageant was held7at Canaan school house Friday evening. H. A. High, F. w. Arthur and Wal ter Walley are spending this week at Bihaia, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strickland and son, Junior, of Norwalk, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Strickland and other relatives here, and at Plain City. Mrs. Mabel Arthur spent a.part of last week in Columbus. Mrs. Eva Loveless and daughter, Ruth, were shopping in Columbus, on Thursday of last week. met with last week East pike Dennis Hunter, trustee, the county commissioners and it was decided to tar straight through from Big Darby Bap tist church to the National pike. The Mad River Baptist association will hold its session here August 23 and 24. The day meetings will be held at Cgnaan centralized school and the night session at Big Darby church. A good program is being prepared and a royal good time is an ticipated. This is a great home com ing event to which all are invited. Meals will be served in the school dining room under the direction of the Ladies’ Aid society. It.has been decided to discontinue the, preaching service at Big Darby during the month of August until some Repair work is completed. Sunday school will be held at the usual hour, 9:30 each Sunday morning. -AJSL4U‘®' extended a cordial welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dawson and daughters, of Radnor, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dawson and daughter, of Columbus, spent Sunday with George Dawson and Lee Francis. David Walley, of London, is spend ing the week with his aunt, Miss Deila High. Miss Ferol Strickland was shopping in Columbus, Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Cutler and sons, Cyrus and/Joel, spent Sunday week ago with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cutler, Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kronk were also guests. ROSEDALE Rosedale, Aug. 18—The song of the cricket reminds us that autumn is near. The Charles Kellar children are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. V. H- Phellis. The boys 4-H club returned Monday from Clifton. Eliza Griffith, of Columbus, is visit ing Opal and Irene Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Stillings were guests Sunday of Paul Burnham and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Long and son, week of Drew Miller and wife. Bill, are guests this week of Drew Mrs. Ed Hackett will teach mathe matics-and science here this yea*’., SPECIAL PRICES xALL WEEK SALE STARTS NEWPORT Newport, Aug. 18 Miss Inez Loveless and Mr. Dick Zedaker, of Ce cil, Mr. and Mrs. George Ford and daughter, Florence Lee, spent Sunday at Ohio Caverns and Indian Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loveless have just returned to the home of his par ents after a two weeks’ camping trip in northern Michigan. Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Burke and son, Roger, of Springfield, spent the week end with ronimous. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hei- Heironimrfus returned home from a week’s visit in Jimmie Saturday Springfield, with Roger Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis and sons, Billie and Robert, of Columbus, Jack Snyder of South Bloomfield, spent several days* with Mr .and Mrs. William Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. George Nance and family, of Duvall, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Hickman, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Drake, Bright on, spent Thursday .with his aunt, Mrs Carl Roth. William Warren, of Mt.. Sterling, spent Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. Lydia Bunner. Mr. Robert Byers and family, of Springfield were here over the week end with his mother, Mrs. Flora By ers. They attended the Newman re union on Sunday at the London fair grounds. FIVE POINTS At BUY HERE FAIR WEEK, FOR SCHOOL, AND SAVE SPECIAL SALE RADIES’ FAST COLOR HOUSE FROCKS N^AT PA I TERNS z High or medium people Five Points, Aug. 1*—The of the Pherson church held their an nual fish fry last Thursday. Revival meeting at Williamsport on August 21, at the Christian church. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Luther Dean are the proud parents of a little daughter. Roscoe Mongold, of Spring-field, visited relatives near Five Points Fri day and Sunday. A goodly crowd attended the Jus tice reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoet. Mr. and Mrs. Hatfort Tharp visited ONCE ALL SIZES SCHOOL DRESSES NEW O(U SIZES STYLES tio’l 7 to 14 Visit Our Shot Department1 For* Bargains Ladies’ Black i-Eye Tie Slippers Men’s All-leather Oxfords for fail Children’s School Oxfords or Strap Slippers LADIES’ NOVELTY SLIPPERS: OR LIES Heel .69 -L SALE LADIES FINE ri DRESSES 4^ Of Silk, Silk Prints, Chiffon Prints, Voiles, Foulards, Etc. tnany new fall dresses in this lot. lot Ladies’ Summer 18 So. Main St. DAN SIEGEL 31.03 O Sizes $1.00 36 to 54 If‘*5 88c -............................. SHOP HERE BEFORE BUYING SalfU Sateen August Furniture Sale Save Up to 25% SEE OUR SPECIAL FAIR WEEK “Model Rooms” Window Display Four Rooms Completely Furnished at prices that will amaze you. iwyiEic’j A City Store—But Prices Lower Mr. and Mrs. Fausnaugh and family, last Friday evening. Sunday evening. The infant daughter Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pollick are Mrs. Floyd Riley is ill. the proud parents of a little daughter. Mrs. Joshua Justice, of Columbus, is visiting her daughter, Chas. Stoer and FUv eV™‘n" fami|y, thto week. with Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Long and o family. Ohio and West Virginia farmers Jack Mongold visited over the week- will attend the Ohio Poultry Tour in end with relatives in Springfield. southeastern Ohio and West Virginia Edward Loyd and James Long were on August 22-25. The route has been visitors at Big .Plain Sunday after- planned to combine helpful visits at ncon- successful poultry farms with the Miss Geraldine Dennis, daughter, of )Sceak. beauty of ths Ohio river. Mr. Taylor Dennis, and Mr. Joe Me-: Cafferty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCafferty, were married recently. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Long and family T“- PAGE FIVE SALE _ies’ and Chil dren’s SANDALS 50c Ladies’ FALL HATS Advance styles $1.00 Yard Goods—Domestics j6-in. Fancy Pxintsi yard "’-in. Check Gingham: ler yard 16-in. Bleached vluslin, per yard adies’ Porto Rican Lowns ..idies’ Broadcloth .adies’ Silk Jngerie Children’s Silk Ankle Sox nfants’ Rubber Pants 5c 7c 25c 10c 10c Bloomers Sizes 8 to 18 Ladies’ MEN’S WORK PANTS Special 68c London, O. SEE OUR WIND0WSMMHBH School Blouses MEN’S FINE \X ORK SHOES o----------- Have you seeu our KVP Bond sta special? The Madison Press tionery ih,n.eii Q. l*"1W*i visited Mr. Edward Boyd and family classified Ads a« Result Cv.tsrsl -A