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PAGE SIX 1—FOR SALE—1 RESNOR GAS STOVES—Three like new. Call 310-W. —67 KENTUCKY BLUE BELL COAL $4.50 per ton delivered in London. Coal advancing in the markets. Place your order now. Farrish Goal Co., phone 393. London, Ohio. —tf SCHOOL HUS—Ford Model T, Green field body. Seating capacity 40 stu dents, A-l shape. New tires. Bargain. Denyes Chevrolet Co. —67 ROOSTERS—White Leghorns for breeding purposes. Mrs. W. H. Skinner, London No. 2S phone 851-J1. BONEY—Pure comb, 10c per section. Wayne Kelley, Mt. Sterling, Ohio, No. 4 one-half mile east of Dan ville. —tf 2—FOR RENT—2 APARTMENT—3 rooms, next door to Madison Press Co. office, on W. Second St. Inquire of Mrs. C. E. Gain phone 149-W, 66 West High St. —69 ROOMS—At 75 Elm St. Miss Bessie Lohr, phone 74. —69 HOUSE—modern, 6-room on E. First st. with or without garage. Vacant Sept. 1. New furnace being installed. Phone 282. —tf 4—waWeF1Oent--4” FARM WANTED—Cash rent or will purchase 400 acres, level, well drain ed, black or dark brown upland or sec ond bottom farm. C. E. Ellsworth, Ironton, Ohio. —67 6—HELP WANTED—6 NEAT. RELIABLE GIRL for waitress and general housework. Must be 21 years of age. Country girl preferred. Phone 830-W1. —67 9-L0Sf^9 DOG—Male collie pup, 4 months old. Yellow and brown. Finder please return to David Watson, 18V Wash ington avenue. —68 12—MISCELLANE0US—if SPECIAL PORK BARBEQUE with relish for 10c. Davidson’s Service Station, N. Main St. —67 13—SPECIAL NOTICES—13 v NEED MONEY? We finance high grade farms 51^% Farm Loans 5 to 20 .years Prompt and confidential service No abstract required—may we serve vou DRURY & COMPANY —tf NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING No hunting, no berry picking, trespassing on the Smith land Stokes township. Controlled by II. Long and Ray DeMent. no in R. .. ... —f No hunting" or trespassing on Jesse Stroupe farm on Linson pike con trolled by Clyde Leach. —adv. Dance August 25 James A. and C. W. Taylor will give a dance at the London armory on Thursday night, August 25. Percy Lowery and his nine-piece orchestra from Columbus will provide the music. Owen Lohr Electrician Convenience Outlets, House Wiring, Repair Work PHONE 74 75 Elm St. London, O. London Grain Market BUYING PRICE Wheat ................................ Oats Yellow Corn.......................... Barley ................. 47c 27c 22c I'LOVB AND FEED PRICES Wm. Tell Flour bbl ... Linseed Oil Meal ............... Super Six Pig Meal, 23%. Soy Bean Oil Meal ........ Hi-Test Hog Feed ............ 60% Tankage Deercreek Dairy Feed ....... Hi-Test Dairy, 32% Wheat Bran ....................... Cotton Seed Meal, 41%..... Middlin H'S Ground Oats ........................ Corn and Oats Chop .......... Hi-Test Egg Mash ............... Hi-Test Chick Starter ..... Cracked or Ground Corn Ringo Bing Egg Mash... Meat Scraps..........$1.50 Dried Buttermilk ......... Hi-Test Growing Mash ... Shell or Grit.................... Ground Wheat ................. Split Soybeans............... $1.00 $1.50 .$1.35 .$1.23 .$1.70 $1.50 and $1.60 ..$1.15 ...$1.25 ...$0.b0 .$1.15 ..$0.90 ..$0,83 ..$0.85 .$1.40 ..$1.75 ..$0.75 $1.25 $1.60 ..$4.00 ..$1.25 .$0.90 ..$1.10 ...$0.60 and Salt in bbls., blocks and bags, CASH PLEASE F. J. WOOD & SONS LpNBON, OHIO OUR WA SEVEN YOUTHS TO WIN AWARDS (Continued From Page One) the committee will be appointed by the fair board. One member will be ap pointed by the 4-H club council. The third member will be appointed by the 4-H Extension association. All delegates chosen will be over 12 years of age and club members who have no previously won the trip. The trip awards will be based on the exhibit, score of record book, at tendance at club meetings, attitude to ward club work, past club record, and all other club activities. Each 4-H club will nominate one of its members as a possible delegate. The 4-H Council will nominate addi tional club members. From this group of nominees the seven delegates will bp selected by the committee. One 4-H club leader will be selected by the committee to act as chaperone for the delegates to Club Congress. Selection will be based n years of service, club record, and other club ac tivities. Four-H Club Congress is a week of intensive training in principles of 4-H club work and vocational guidance. The delegates meet outstanding boys and girls from all parts of Ohio. They come in contact with leaders in all lines of work. Thby learn something of life in the city. In addition to the educational features of the Club Con gress, opportunity for recreation i« provided. Most 4-H club members who attend 4-H Club Congress later become lead ers in 4-H dub work and leaders in their communities. Child May Lose Sight of One Eye Mary Hostetler, daughter 1 Dan Hostetler, of Plain City, may lose the sight of one eye, the result of an ac cident which occurred when the horse attached to the Hostetler buggy tan away. A sack of lime in the buggy v.u., broken, the lime filling the eyes of the small child. The horse became fright ened after a bread truck collided with the buggy. Coon Dog Trials Sunday Afternoon The Madison County Coon Hunter association v ill hobt field trial on Sunday, August 21, mi the Bidwell farm, north of here n I Route 42, near Gillivan. Mono Breaks Arm Melvin Kramer, son er, residing north of Plain City, fell from using while currying broke his arm. He was given medical attention by Dr. B. E. Ingmire. of Plain City. of John Kran London, near a box he was a horse and MISS BUEHLER ILL Miss Dorothy Buehler, registered nurse at Mercy hospital, Hamilton, quite ill with an ulcer on her eye, tb result of an attack of pink eye. o Color printing a specialty. The Madison Press Co, o------------ Classified Ads are Result Gettersi LEGALNOT1CE ’onovei married, her married mum- i. unknown, whose address i.* unknown she now dr-cased then the unknown heirs cf said Cora Cor uv« i Ow.-n Conover if he is now ceased, then the unknown heirs jf said Owen ConoVer will take notice that on lie 17th day of August McSavuney. as plaintiff, ... ...... tion in the Court of Common Pleas of Madison County, b’b... 15X5ti against 'the above named partiea ptaying that the title to the following described real tate li the defendant: may be show their -f that the same a 1932. fih-d i Ohio, in C’as- No. above named p-irtien quieted, that onipcIJed to __ -s, oi interests, and ......................... may he adjudged null nd void, and plaintiff’s title quieted against the same.? Said real estau is situated in the County of .Madison, the State of Ohio, ip the Township of Somerford and in the Village of Sum nu ford, and bounded and scribed e follows, to-wit: Being Lots Nos. (1) one and 52 fifty-two in the Village of Summer ford in Somerford Township, Madison County. Ohio, as the same are known and designated on the recorded plat of said Village in the Recorder's Ofliee of said County. Said parties an. n-qu.iwl Lo MiiMhi on or befor t.he 22nd day of October. 1032 BELVA McSAVANEY. Piaui iff I E. STRAYER, Vttoiney for plaintiff. London, Ohio, August 19, 1932. 4 4 LANDS POSTED Against Hunting, Fishing or Otherwise Trespassing Notice is hereby given that ah trespassers owned named cuted. either ■jartien prose- on the lands gi occupied by the below, will be legally Oak Run Township Chenoweth lands occupied by Rea Wilbur Foreman and Lawrence Gos sett Officials of the county fan have an nounced that a speck 1 entertainment feature has been secured Tor the fair in th- ‘Funny Monkey Circus”, owned and presented by Miss Billie Woods, heralded as the only lady trainer with a complete circus in America. The monkeys put cm a real circua, advance reports state, the monkeys (Continued Frc.m Tfcge One) fifteen minutes for placing and fifteen minutes for writing reasons on eat u ring of four animals. Any memb. .■ receiving help during th contest be disqualified. A silver loving cup will be presented to the winner Thursday afternoon hi front of the grandstand. The cup hn., been donated by the business Londcn. The winner’s name engraved oi men will of U will The .wire judging contest the final meeting i determining iR members of a livestock judging teci.i of three members to represent Madi son county at the Ohio State Junk Fair. Judging training meetings have bee held on hog -, dait-. cattle, beef cattli an -heep during the unmer. Th three club members making the high est average score at these meeting and the contest at the fair will he s' looted as the team. The team ill choose three ring the following at the Ohio State Jun ior Fair on hich place and writ reasons: Beef attic. dairy cattle, hogs, and sheep. Rach member must judge in three rings. Medals will be awarded for first, second and third THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO TO ENTERTAIN AT THE COUNi Y FAIR performing all kinds of stunts includ ing high dives, looping the look, etc. The fair officials also state that they haw secured Wick Leonard, of Plain City, with his trained lion arid dogs for the fair here. Leonard has been engaged in the en tertainment business for many yea”S and has appeared here in former sea sons. places. The winning team will receive a free i rip to the International Live stock show at Chicano in December where they will compete for national honors. Demons! rations Individual and team demonstration contests for 4-11 club members will be held at the Madison County fair on I Thursday, August 25, according to Ly man 1 Baker, county club agent. The demonstrations will be held at the At i hall aifd will begin at 1:00 p. m. Guy Dowdy, assistant state club leader, and Miss Ruth Radford, home demonstration agent of Greene county, will act as the judges of the contests. Contests will be held foil boys and giris in both the individual and team demonstrations. Winners in each con test will represent Madison county in a similar contest ^t the Ohio State Junior Fair in Columbus, the follow ing week. Winners- at the State Junior fail will be awarded a free trip to the Na tional I Club congress held in Chi will cag ci November, where ..hey compete for national honors. An indivirhial demonstration is one in which a club member shows how to do come method in the project, ex plaining as he 'Aork.-, what to do and hov to io it step by step. For ex ample, o club member may show how to make a custard pic or how to ar range a vase of. flowers. Laughing Around the World With IRVIN S. COBB It’s Good the Lobby Wasn’t Labelled By IRVIN S. COBB A GROUP of big city sporting men went to Cincinnati for the Latonia meet. Included in the party was a Chicago personage who knew all there was to know about the Loop and the Lake Front but whose acquaintances with the lesser world at large outside of Chicago wae more ou less limited. Also, he made little use of the English language excepting for speaking purposes. Let us call him Jimmy. In some way, Jimmy became detached from his traveling com panions, lost his way in the unfamiliar streets and consumed so much time in wandering about that eventually he put up for the night in aa obscure part of town. His friends worried about him a little but were confident that he would show up in the morning, which he did. After he had explained his adventures one of the Chicagoans asked: “What was the name of the hotel you slept in?” “I’ve got it on the back of an envelope,” answered Jlttimy, reaching into his pocket. “I made, a copy of it last night.” The inscription read: “Hotel Entrance.” (American News J'canues, Inc.J .REG’LAR FELLERS some In a team demonstration larger subject than the above is show,n YOUR AVANT S ing together. Demonstrations are for the purpose of improving the members who give them, giving information, developing group consciousness and service and interesting the public in what 4-H club members are doing. If a club member can plan a dem onstration outlining by steps, what to Jo and say, how to do it, and why be fore a public gathering, and shows and explains a process in a club project, it should contribute to his or her devel opment., The member is the more im portant the process is secondary. The demonstration is a good way to teach a group how to do parts Art the project. The lemonstrations are given in many club meetings where boys and girls take turns in showing to each other and to the whole group at the same time processes in the project. The demonstration is used in public meetings, where parents and others of the community can see what the boys and girls have learned what they can do and how certain processes are done which they may also wish to follow. The demonstration contests should serve this purpose at the Madison County fair. The demonstrations will be scored on the subject matter presented, in dividual or team wwk, skill, results, and practicability. Style Revue A Style Revue for 4-H Clothing club members will be held at the Mad ison County fair Thursday, August 25, according to Lyman F. Baker, county club agent. The contest will be held at the Art hall immediateely after the Demonstration contests. Each 4-H Clothing club in fhe coun ty has been asked to select two or more girls to participate in the Count.' Style Revue. The winner of the County Sty It Revue will represent Madison count} in a similar contest at the Ohio Staff Junior fair. The winner of the stat contest will receive a free trip to the National 4-H Club Congress to be held in Chicago in November where she wil compete for national honors. Miss Ruth Radford, home demon stration agent of Greene county, wil act as judge of the county style revue. Each girl will model the dress sh has made in 4-H club work. She wil vell the purpose for which the garment was made, such as for school, busi ness, afternoon, or party, the cost, ami .he time required to make it. The purpose of the style revue is to teach girls to select materials and patterns suitable to themselves, auo are economical and healthful, to look attractive at all time, and to show th* public what 4-H Clothing club mem ers are doing. This is the first 4-H Style Revue to De held at the Madison County fail Fcur-H Style Revues have attracted large crowds at other county fairs which they have been held. at Health Record in Health is represented by one 4-H club woik. Special emphasis given to healthful living in club worl says Mr. Baker A 4-H health contest will be heli at the Madison County fair. Thos boys and girls nominated by their 4-F clubs to compete will be given a com plete examination by Dr. R. H. Trim ble, county health commissioner. Th examinations will be given in th« Health tent on Thursday, August 25 All contestants have been asked to re port at 11:00 a. m. The examination is being made t* determine the healthiest 4-H boy and girl in the county. When any defect are found the member will be told hov. to correct the defects and perpetuat good health. Winners in both the girls’ and boys’ contest will take a similar examination at the Ohio State Junior Fair compet ing against winners from other eoun ties for state honors. SLOWLY IMPROVING Robert Thomas, of London, who un derwent an operation for appendiciti a few days ago at White Cross hos pital, Columbus, is slowly improving His condition was serious for a day oi two but he is improving rapidly, i! was stated today. 7 hat’s A 50-50 Division Fail’Next Week SEC Y LAMAR P. WILSON A NOUNCES LIST OF ME N, WOMEN WHO WILL JUDGE SHOWS, EXHIBITS the an va- Secretary Lamar P. Wilson, of Madison county fair board, has nounced the list of judges for the rious departments of the fair next week, as follows: Horses*—C. W. Austin, Xenia. Beef Cattle—George Lincoln, Union county. Dairy Cattle—Joe Wenner, Union county. Swine—Robert Minshall, Madison county. MUTUAL AID SAFE AND PROFITABLE LOANS are an important part of the rightful foundation of banking ... its very existence depends upon them. You are NOT asking A FAVOR when, you request a loan from The London Exchange Bank, for loans are not considered on that basis at? this bank. Quite the contrary we feel that THE BANK is favored through your offer to contract a JUSTIFIED LOAN from which WE PROFIT. Are, you, or i your business* eligible for loan accom modation? Wc will be glad to confer with you, to go over your statement and to show you how to put your affairs in a position which will entitle you to this vital and helpful Exchange Bank service. London Exchange Bank The undersigned having rented her home, will sell at auction at 221 W. High St., on Saturday, August 20 At 1 P. M., the following: One 9-tube Westinghouse radio, like new 1 Pathe Victrola and records library table davenette, hall rack, bookcase, couch, Alad din lamp, 8-day clock, 2 stands, 5 rocking chairs, 1 porch glider, 2 extension tables, 8 dining chairs, 1 sideboard, 1 cupboard, 2 11x12 rugs, 1 7^x9 rug, 2 9x12 Congoletun rugs. 2 bedsteads, springs, etc., 1 Lorain gas cook stove, 2 I riple Effect gas heaters, 1 Coles heating stove, 1 kitchen base, dishes, cooking utensils, etc. One extra good milk cow, some alfalfa hay and corn. Also at the same time and place the estate of W. Price will offer for sale one Hupmobile Sedan, 1930 model only 9600 miles splendid condition. TERMS OF SALE CASH MRS. MARTHA J. PRICE D. H. ELLIOTT, Aurt. OWEN MOONEY, Clerk FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1932 Shecp—J. Earl Dennison, of neat London. Culinary Department Mrs. W. L. Barger, Urbana. Fine Arts—Mrs. Escoe H. Erin, Co lumbus. Granges—No ju,dge selected. IQHN STROUPE SLOWLY IMPROVING The condition bf John Stroupe, of London, who suffered a broken leg in tin auto accident five weeks ago, is reported as slowly improving. Mr. Stroupe is in Grant hospital, Columbus, and is expected to be able to return to his home here within three weeks. -.----- o- Classified Ads are Result Getters! ."1- .... By Gene Byrnes