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MADISON CO. FAIR GROUNDS AMONG BEST Few Sites in Ohio Can Boast As Fine as Madison And All Are Invited to Attend Big Event When the 43rd annual Madison county fair opens in London on Tues day, August 23, to continue four days and two nights with a special home county farm bureau pageant on Wed nesday and Thursday nights, the fair VOTE FOR O. P. VAN SCHOIK Democratic Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE $ $ w MANY THANKS -Pol. Adv. *1. 4 VOTE FOR JOHN GEESLING Democratic Candidate for Commissioner Your Support Will be Greatly Appreciated will draw visitors from aU sections be cause the annual event is one of the recognizea successes in county fairs in Ohio and because the grounds are credited with being among the best in the state and middlewest. The fair grounds is located just at the northern edge of the city, within the corporation line, and offers a most delightful place in which to enjoy the many features of the annual exposi tion and to meet old frienda and even a picnic dinner. Few groups of the kind in Ohio offer the equal in shade trees and accommo dations for all visitors. Trees a-plenty are scattered over the grounds for use in time of extreme ..sunlight and benches for the tired and weary are built around many of the trees and located in other spots that are con venient for the public. Healthful water from city mains supplies a plentiful quantity of good water for all purposes exhibit build ings are easily reached shows of all kinds afford an opportunity for enter tainment in fact, every known re quirement is furnished for the many who come to the fair and spend the day. The race track is the best in this section of Ohio and called the fastest in Ohio by race horse experts who claim that a record here means a rec- Rapid Shoe Repair 147 So. Main St. Opening Saturday Men’s Soles and Rubber Heels ................................$1.00 Ladies’ Soles and Heel Pol. Adv. Free Stationery For Our Subscribers DURING the FAIR The Madison County Democrat and The Madison Press will have a tent at the Madison County Fair. Make it your headquarters while at the Fair. TO THOSE CALLING AT OUR TENT DURING THE FAIR. TO PAY THEIR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE PRESS OR DEMOCRAT, OR TO THOSE BEGINNING A NEW PAID-Uf SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONE YEAR TQ EITHER OF THESE NEWSPAPERS, WE W ILL GIVE free One Box of Stationery THE OFFER HOLD GOOD DURING THE FAIR ONLY FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1932 THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTYDEMOCRAT,JJDNDON, DHIO 75c Lifts ............ Children’s Soles and Heels 65c up Men’s Rubber Heels... 30c Ladies’ Heel Lifts ....19c Ail No. 1 Oak Tanned Leather Used. All work guaranteed Harry Norris ord in the state that is hard to beat. The track is in fine shape for the speed program this year and the stables have been overhauled and made ready for the horses scheduled to race here. Madison county’s fair is one place wherd you can come and bring your neighbors where the best farm pro duce is displayed where the choicest productions of machines and looms are shown where you can see the latest in transporation, dress and Wiusefit tings where you can be amused at the smallest cost. The Madison cbthity fair beckons you to attend each and every day, or at least one day during the week ’of August 23-26. ----.--------o Tailor mace runs, reliable in fit nfld fabric. J. Flynn. —Adv. o Teachers Asked To Aid With Spelling Contest At Fair All teachers of the county are in vited and urged to help in any way possible with the spelling contest which is to be held at the county fair next Tuesday. Any pupil in the county is eligible to compete in the contest. Deaths & Funerals WRlSNER—Douglas Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whisner, of London, died Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The funeral service was at the Church of Christ in Christian Un ion, West Center street, Wednesday at 10:30 a. m., conducted by Rev. Frank Soilarg. Burial in the cemetery at Lafayette, by G. G. Schlechty. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Rogers, Riley addition, died Sun day night and was buried Monday at 10 a. m. in the Paint township ceme tery by G. G. Schlechty. LITTLE Following the funeral service at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Sun bury Baptist church, Mrs. Nancy Lit tle, 23, of Columbus, who was killed Monday in an auto crash in Harris burg pike, was buried in Sunbury cem etery by E. T. Snyder, Mt. Stealing. On Radio Program “Neighbor” Fred A. Palmer, former manager of WAIU, is presenting his well known radio “Family Party” Sat urday night at the K. of C. hall in Co lumbus. Part of this feature will be broadcast by WAIU from 8:00 to 8:30 p. m. This is Palmer’s first ,radio party since leaving the station about a year ago. Well known radio personalities such as Baughn Bros, old time orchestra of Madison county, Ed Bath of the Farm Bureau Noon Hour, J. Howard Doyle the announcer, and Neighbor Palmer himself will all take part in entertain ing the audience. Several groups from London are planning to attend. -------------o Tho Hurt in Crash Two persons were slightly injured in an accident when two automobiles 4. collided, at a cross road on Route 40, one mile west ot Donnelsville, Sunday afternoon. The injured were John M. Geese, 243 W. Liberty St., who suffer ed bruises and shock and Mrs. C. O. Geese, of Dublin, who sustained a broken collarbone' and likewise suf fered from shock. The other occu pants of the car operated by Mr. Geese were: Mrs. John M. Geese and her daughter, Elsie, and Mr. C. 0. Geese. They were uninjured. Springfield Sun. HILLIARDS Hilliard, Aug. 18—Mrs. Alga White, of Columbus, was the guest of friends here last week. Wm, Connor, sr., who has been a patient at University hospital for sev eral months, returned to his home here last week. Mrs. Lydia Neumeir, of Conover, was the guest of her. sister, Mrs. Mae Weaver, and other relatives and friends here the past week and attend ed the Latham reunion on Sunday. Miss Ruth McCann is home from Ohio university, Athens, to spend the remainder of the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McCann. Mrs. Guy Bedford and son, Norman, of Columbus, called on their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Alice Lohr, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Kenneth Swepston underwent an operation at University hospital Wednesday, and is improving slowly. Junior and Virginia Swepston are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buchwalter, at Laurel ville, during the illness of their mother. Clifford Durbin underwent an ap pendicitis operation at St. Francis hos pital, last week. The Franklin County fair is being held here this week. The Ladies’ Aid society is serving meals all three days. Miss Sarah Kuhn who is employed at White Cross hospital, is enjoying, a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill McCullough were the guests of relatives in Co lumbus, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ormerod, Miss Mina Van Schoyek and Miss Sarah Kuhn called on Mrs. Alice Lohr, Sunday evening. Mrs. Harold Spindler, Mary Vir ginia Myers, Mrs. Cora Spindler and Miss Elizabeth Stoll called on the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Myers, in Columbus, Thursday evening. The 29th annual Latham reunion was held Sunday, August 14, at the Franklin County fair grounds with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Cramer attend ed the wedding and reception of Mrs. Cramer’s cousin, Miss Josephine Hutch field, at South M. E. church in Columbus, Saturday evening. Mabel Geyer, of New Dover, is the guest of Emma Jane Jenkins, week. Miss Sarah Kuhn entertained Mr. and Mrs. James Sifrit for dinner, Sat urday evening. Miss Margaret Schatz returned to her home in Columbus, Sunday after a week’s visit with her uncle Simon Schatz and family. Rev. Miller will go to Cincinnati on Aug. 30, to attend the annual confer ence of the M. E. churches. Sunday, August 21, will be the last morning service before conference, and Rev. Miller will administer Holy Commun ion. LILLY CHAPEL spent one day last week with Mrs. John M. Brown and Alice Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scott and fam ily and Mrs. Lucy Brooks attended the Ambler reunion at Scippo pank, below Circleville, Sunday. Mr. Floyd Fitzgerald, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Fitzgerald. Edward Sidner, Wayne Lilly and William Bricker, of Mt. Sterling, spent Sunday at Serpent Mound. Mr. and Mrs. Florence Kinney re turned to her work in Columbus, on Monday, after a week’s vacation. The commissioners are doing their best to avoid accidents in the future at the corner in Lilly Chapel as a new traffic light is being installed. “CAMP CHASE- Camp Chase, Aug. 18—Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Clime and E. O. Clime spent several days at Prospect, Marion coun ty, with Mr. Herbert Wahlslegel and family. Misses Jennie and Lettie Neff called on Mrs. Minnie Sandusky in Columbus on Thursday. Miss Ernestine Hummer, of Cleve land, is visiting a few days with Miss Mildred Collins and Miss Ernestine Wuertz. Mr. and Mrs.-Charles Weber spent Saturday evening in Grove City. Mrs. Lena Ruffing, Mrs. W. G. Col lins and son spent Saturday evening with Melvin Neff and family. A large crowd attended the Leh nert reunion held Sunday in the grove on the Lehnert farm. Mrs. L. J. Girbert and Mrs. Walter 1 Ford 1 this the the The third annual reunion of Stoll family will be held at Franklin county fair grounds on Sun day, August 21. Clark Sells motored to Kentucky, last week and purchased a car load of feeding pigs. Mrs. Anna Lattimer, Miss Laura Breese and Jeanne Bynner were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Breese and family, in Columbus, last week. and of Lilly Chapel, Aug. 18 Mr. Mrs. John Madden and children Springfield, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Bradfield. Mr. John Brown, of Columbus, is spending his vacation with Nir. and Mrs. Lester Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forrest attended the American Legion convention at To ledo over the week end. Supt. and Mrs. J. F. Alford have re turned from New York, where Mr. Al ford has been doing graduate work at Columbia university. Jean Miller, of Columbus, is visiting a few days with her aunts, Mrs. J. A. Simmons and Mrs. Nora Shipley. Ruth Brown is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMurray, near Harrisburg. Mrs. Florence Kinney and daughter Ivalene, had as their guests, Thurs day, Pauline and Sarah Jane Rowland, of Columbus, Helen Miller, Gertrude Stickel and Mildred Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hill and fam ily entertained relatives from Harris burg, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Truitt and son, Claude, of Plain City, called on James Truitt and family, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dingman, of West Jefferson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Blanche Dingman and family. Harry and Wesley Soon, of Colum bus, spent several days last week with their grandfather, Fred Swartz. Mrs. Charles Wilson and daughter £K 'BW‘ l' in Don’t overlook these bargains Used Cars. They are real values —ready to give you good mile age service. 1928 Tudor .$150 Ford 1929 Tudor „.$19S 1 1930 Model.... Ford 1 $295 Durant 1930 Model.. 1 Ford 1930 1*4 ton Farm Truck .$250 $250 MADISON COUNTY FINANCE CO. 7 E. High St. London Girbert were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Wm, Ruffing. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Neff and Miss HARRY F. FAUVER Candidate on Democratic ticket for Commissioner of Madison County Lower Taxes, Efficiency and Economy of this Office will be my policy Your Support Will be Appreciated All loans to fanners are made straight time with the privilege to repay .when most convenient. Loans in the city are made on easy terms and can be repaid each week or by the month as best suits your income. When in need of quick financial help, give us a call be convinced that we are different. The UNION FINANCE Co. 68'/a S. MAIN ST PHONE 749 STOP! LOOK, and LISTEN! Quality is our watch word—that is why the Ladies’ Aid Society of South Solon decided to use our products for their Chicken Dinner on Sunday, August 21st, and also during Fair Week at the Fair Ground. complete line of Fresh Baked Goods. A trial and you will be convinced Fair Week Specials Buns and Sliced Bread THIBAUT’S BAKERY J. A. MAXW ELL Republican Candidate for We invite vour account .and offer courteous and confi dential advice in your ft nan- cial problems. Consult any of our officers at any time. Central National Bank SHERIFF Your Support Appreciated SECTION TW« Lucy Neff spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. George White, near Plain City. Pol. Adv. PoL Adv. C. E. SNYDER r. JAi