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Aa i PAGE TWO 4 1 AW4 4 V WORK Regular #14)0 ^rade Regular 75c grad* Regular $1.00 Regular $1.25 grade Lee Overalls per pair S J. E. STRAYER Republican Candidate for Probate Judge of Madison County (Second Term) Graduate of the Ohio State University Law College, class of l$0l admitted’to practice in the same year. One of the prinefpd! dtities df this office is the interpretation ot the law. I stand for competency, «fficiency and common hon esty. My name will appear on special Judicial Ballot. Your Support Will Be Appreciated Republican Candidate for Crnmty Commissioner (Second Term) R. W. ARMSTRONG Republican Candidate for Comity Commissioner (Second Term) Your Support Earnestly Solicited 1 EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FAIR WEEK At i V. Freid Clothing Co Loomcraft Shirts perfect fit ihig, pre-shrunk colors, tart, blue) white and green sizes $1.00 4 11 Fardale Broadcloth Shirts pre shrunk colors* blue, tan, green and white extra 1 PxO special. 2 for.... 69c 49c jMEN’S OVERALLS 75c 95c $1.19 MEN’S SHOES Black Oxfords A*:? ^en’S grade.. $Tod grad*......... $3.50 grade $4.00 grade fJ WWW Oti -Pol. Adv. —Pol. Adv. —Pol. Adv i per suit SHIRTS 4 A One lot of Men’s and Jt/C Boys’ Sneakers. Men’s Underwear Rayon Shirts and Shorts, 75r I vv Shorts and Shirts regular $1 grade, at per suit 50c Linen Knick fl. 50 grade, Men’s and Boys’ ers $1.00 and to close out •quick 25c Men’s Hose one lot regular ,35c grade dll colors 5 pairs ... Men’s black, ’tan gray hose, 3 prs ... Men’s Taney Hose 11 "f fl colors pair AvrC Men’s Union Suits regular $1 grade short sleeves and long legs Fair week price Athletic Un- Men’s Big Yank dierwear regular $1.00 grade 69c Men’s and Boys’ Knickers: val ues up to $3.50 Fair week special t/t/L 2. GEOBGESVILLE 4 WILLIAMS CHAPEL Williams Chapel, August !«♦—Miss Haysel Goetting, df Columbus, 1st’ FOB COUNTY MR spending part or her vacation at her home here. She leaves Friday morn ing to spend a week in Chicago, 111. Miss Irene Sexten took part in the final rifle match of the Junior 40 £t 8 at the Chaney farm near Springfield last Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Woosley, who has been quite sick for the past six weeks, 'is able to be up about the house. Mrs. John Morrison, sr., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Ed Smith and family, near Springfield. Misses Grayce and Haysel Goetting attended Mrs. Martha Crawford’s fu neral in South Solon, Tuesday after noon. Little Annabelle Morrison, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mor rison, jr., had her tonsils removed last Wednesday in Xenia. She is improv.-, ing rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Sexten and daughters, Irene and Annaddis attend ed the Free reunion at Rapid &»rge, Ohio, Wednesday. Edmund Dennison was a business visitor in Marysville, last Thursday. Lave Gorman and son, Robert, have been on the sick list the past week with pneumonia, but are improving. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rider, of Grove City, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rider and niece, Haysel Corder, of Harrisburg, and ^Maurice Rider, of Dearborn, Mich., were dinner guests of their uncle, Fred Goetting, and family, on Sunday. The Wilson minion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Den nison, Sunday. Several from this neighborhood are taking part in the pageant to be given at the Madison county fair next week. The Maxey school reunion will be held at the Lewis grove on the Linson pike, Sunday, August 21, 1932. It has been the custom of members of the Ladies* Aid society, of Williams Chapel, to entertain their husbands and families at their August meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Sexten invited them to their home Thursday evening, August 11, to spend the evening. The evening was spent socially, playing games and a short program of recita tions by Barbara Bonner and Annad dis Sexten, Violin duet by Gladys Goodyear and Irene Sexten and solo by Clarence Hunter. Home made ice cream and cake and ice tea was served at a late hour to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Butcher, Mrs. Gus Bonner, Barbara, Marvine, Eddie and Dickie Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Dennison, Mrs. Henton Dillard, Mrs. William Dillard, Joanna and Ralph Dillard, Fred Goetting, Grayce and Haysel and Fred Goetting, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hodson, wee right Elden and Junior Hodson, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hunter and son, Bobby, "Mickey” Lockhart, Kenneth and Leroy Ott, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ruff and Martha Ruff, Mr. and JUrs. Carex- Sexten, Virginia, Irene and Annaddis Sexten. ***Georgesville, Aug. 18 Mrs. Aden Dyer and daughter, Nelly, spent the Week-end With the former’s sister, Mrs. Emma Leister, at Toledo. The Lyons reunion was held at the home of Thurman Lyon, Sunday, Au gust 14. Mr. and Mrs. Muri George and fam* ily of West Jefferson, spent Sunday with the former’s father, B. W. George. .. Mr. and Mrs. D.'O.-Comer, of Ak ron, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frazier, of Springfield, wer calling oa this mother, Mrs. Ella Frazier. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frazier, of Co lumbus, spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frazier. The Rowland reunion was held on August 14, at Oak Grove park. Ray Vaughn and Hubert Vaughn were calling on friends here Friday night. Byron Simpkins is still quite ill at the home of his parents, in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durr and son, Donald, of Columbus, called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biggert, Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. W’ayne Biggert spent Sunday with Mr. Nicols, at Rosedale. Mrs. Minnie Gardner and daughter, Pauline, and Mrs. Aden Dyer and daughters, Nelly and Dorothy attend ed the W. C. T. U. tea at Mrs. Etta Freeman Lane’s, Friday afternoon. Mirta Lyons attended the Lyons re union at Thurman Lyons’, Sunday. Mrs. May Myers spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hef lin, in Columbus. Ruth and Norma, George, of West Jefferson, spent last week with rela tives here. •Louise Barber is spending a few days at Commercial Point. o------------- Classified Ads are Kesult Getters! NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT i Estate of Leah Tracy, deceased. N. A. Bower and Mary E. Anderson have been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Leah Tracy late of Madison County, Ohio, deceased. 19.?Xt( thiS 10th AugUSt MARY CANNON CLARK, Probate Judge of Said County. No. 7549. THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADSON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO Single Horse -Double Team Automobile 25c ■4 -Single Ticket Children under 12 years of age 15c 10c 20c 25c ♦. Night .TiekeJt—Grandstand Ohly. .' 25c CHURCH NEWS St. John’s Lutheran Church Eli Miller, D. D., pastor There will be no church service nd Sunday school Sunday, August 21s and 28th. There will be a congrega tional meeting Sunday, September 4th All members are asked to be presen! at this meeting. Sunday school at 9:15. Church ser vice at 10 o’clock. Methodist Episcopal Church D. L. Browning, minister. 9:30 Church school 10:30 Worship. Sermon, “A For tune to Share.” 6:30 Epworth Teague. No evening service. The Epworth League is sponsoring chicken and fish dinner Friday, Au gust 19. Let’s all help them. The choir will present a sacred concert oi Sept. 12. We are happy to repori hopeful co-operation in our effort close our fiscal year on Aug, 30, which is the date of conference. a Tftnlty Church. LoHtfoh T:30 Holy Communion. 9:15 Church school, Rev. F. C. Randolph. 10:30 Morning prayer and sermon. Rev. C. F. Randolph. The Rev. Robert Kell, of Baltimore, Maryland, will be the preacher. There will be Sunday School anil preaching service at the Rosedah Community church, Sunday at 7:30 p. m., Conducted by the Rev. F. C. Randolph, of London. Baptist Church Rev. 0. O. Jones, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. St. Paul A. M. E. Church S. S. 9:30 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. tn. and. 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. Pray er meeting Wednesday night. AH welcome. Scarlet Mask Band At Jefferson Jack McAndrews and his Scarlet Mask band came to Ohl Trail pavilion, at West Jefferson direct from the fa mous Golden Pheasant Restaurant in Cleveland where they broadcast over WTAM. McAndrews is known a America’s best collegiate orchestra. His 12 musicians vrere the hit of the General Motors show in Columbus an: played in Greystone, Neil House ami Deshler-Wallick. They will be at Ye Old Trail Sunday, August 21. County Folks Urged to Support Art and -Poultry Departments of County Fair Next Week 411 residents of the county are be ing urged to enter exhibits and dis plays in the art hall and the poultry department at the fair next week. The two departments are open ONLY to residents of the county. Republican Candidate for CORONER Earnestly solicits your sup- port at the coming election -^-PolTAdv. ?•» Births Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Harsha, of Wash ington C. H., announce the birth of a new daughter last Thursday at Grant School is near. fast colors...^..... CHILDREN'S SHOES CHILDREN’S STOCKINGS, -per pair BOYS’ BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, $1.00 values BOYS’KNICKERS a wonderful bargain at BOYS’’ DRESS CAPS each BOYS’ ALL-W OOL SUITS to go Tractor Oily i i CM OIL Ci HI ,wm. McDonald hospital, Columbus. Mrs. Harsha is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, Jeffersonville. Classified Ada r.te Result Getters! Children’sDay Odds & Ends Store Saturday, Aug. zo 49c 50c to no at »vO and BOYS’ SILK NECKTIES s» -tach..^... 98c 5c 49c 79c 25c 'l 10c Save Money on Your New Fall Dress and Coat Hundreds of Other Bargains Buy their clothing and shoes here, and save money Odds & Ends Store Don’t orget the n.. Madison County Oil Co. Distributors of SINCLAIR GASOLINE OPALINE MOTOR OILS FRIDAY/ AUGUST 19. 1932 Home From Hospital Mrs. Paul Jenkins has returned to her home in London from a course of treatment at Mt. Garmel hospital, Co lumbus. CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR a real bargain at, per suit BOYS’ WOOL POLO SWEATERS each BOYS’ KHAKI LONG TROUSERS small sizes only pair 'BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES pair WORK AND DRESS STRAW HATS for boys and girls each MEN’S WORK SHIRTS only 100 left each WORK AND DRESS SOCKS plain colors only 200 pr. left per pair 44) CHILDREN’S BATHROBES $1.49 values, each.... CHILDREN’S COVERALLS a rare bargain at. 49c 25c 39c ■ir NC Madison County Oil Co Phone 233-W. HERSCHEL ALLEN oc 4te Delivery Service