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The Marion daily mirror. (Marion, Ohio) 1892-1912, March 15, 1907, Image 1

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Daily Mirror.
: r The Harion!
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WiVOLtJMlB XV. NO. 18!. ; ft
-is ' . L
Flood Reaches the Thirty Six and a Half Stage
Before it Begins to Recede-uamage ts-
tiraated at $10,000,000 and a Score
of Lives are Lost.
Sixty Foot Stage is Predicted at Cincinnati and Grand
Central Station is Abandoned Whole Town of Two
, Hundred is Swept Awdy Relief stations are Opened
; in Some Cities Waters at Pittsburg Begin to Recede
Forcasters Predict the Worst to be Over.
Pittsburg, March ls'.-Tho flood
Jrt the rivers Is receding slowly, ono
inch an hour. The crest was reached
a, six o'clock this morning, with the
highest record or a century. Thirty,
six fee', six incheB arc the official
. Ten' squaro milts of the most
thickly populated territory in Pitts
burg and Allegheny, are under water
and thousands aro homoless.
ens of stores and great office build.
Ings are partially undsr water. Tho
city was In darkness last night. Lo
cal trains on the Baltimore and
Ohio, Wheeling and Lake Erie, Alio,
gheny Valley, West Penn., and
Cleveland and Pittsburg were aban.
It is 'estimated hat 175,000 persons
in 'Allegheny county aro idle! los3es
10,000,000 and more than a score are
The Defence Realizes That it is in a Tight Place Jerom
lr Drives Home Some Good Points Evelyn is
- a , w Placed on the Stand Again.
Now Yolk-, vMnrcii 15. From
six eminent alienists, Jerome today
obtained an opinion that Thaw
kiey what ho wi doing when ho
killed Whito, and ho know that
tho act was 'wrong. Each of these
alienists had based his opinion
upon Dclma's hypothetical ques
tions, a well as that of Joromo,
With his belief that proof of
insanity is the only thing that can
salvo Thow from conviction i'of
murder in tho first degree, Joromo
is fighting bitterly to hold tho
advantage in expert testimony.
Counsel ptoy tho defence realized
tho predicawent in which they wcro
pjacpd.aiid Chief Counsel Hmtridgo
taking the place of Dclmas, began
Full List of Dead in the Jena
, Hundred and Three Unidentified Dead Will be
i : Burled in a Common Grave.
', Toulon, JHorch IB. The
search of the intorlor of tho battle
hip' Jena wa3 completed yesterday
wbn the men engaged in, tho work
( penetrated VW tho englno loom, whoro
a'j, largo number of bodies wore
J 1 a j-toeyond lecognitlon. It Is now be.
,,5y,1tnUeYP(1 lnttt oooiea ,nava oeen
t recovered. The number as given Is
"At tho hospital tho shattered re.
mains of the dead aro bilng exam
ined, and then put away in coffins.
One of the sacks oponod this aftor.
noon contained nothing more than a
foot in a boot, onehand, with tho
flngerB clenched, and an othorwlaq
' Ashless flkolotou and somo burned
'AThe authorities havo doc(doJ that
ijv would be necessary again to flood
dead. Tho death list may be hlghor.
Tim Upper rivers will fall rapidly
today. Below Pittsburg, the rivers
arc rising
"Serious fires resulted today. The
firemen are helpless, as the flood
threw out the city water works, and
tho firemen were forced to dynamito
buildings in the path of tho flames.
. Fifty skiffs are being used to car-
Irv nrnvlslnnn in tlin nrnnln whn nrn
Icut off by tho water. The city has
ordered largo quantities of bread,
coal, hams and coffee and rellqf
stations have been opened all over
the city.
Tho police took 105 women and
children out of the second story
windows this morning, and lodged
them In ttio central police station.
The mayor department directors aro
workIng""wlth the police.
It Is estimated this afternoon that
to pte-ent new hypothetical ques
tions to Dr. Mahon, tho last of tho
stuto expcils. Jcromo objected vig
orously nnd at noon ndjoiunincnt,
wns taken to gio llartridgo a
chance to renrrungo tho question,
which ho liad stated extemporan
eously. 'Tho other alienists wno said
Thaw wns snno aro Dr. Flint,
Uirscli, Fen is, Diefondorfo and
Piichard. All are men of note in
insanity practice. Hiisch said
there is no such a thing as a
"brain btorm."
(After tho lecoss Hnitridgo an
nounced that ho withdiow his hy
pothotieof question and called
Evelyn Thaw to tho stand to provo
that she was Ilummcl'b client.
Disaster now Number One
the dry dock and to explode under
water tho contonts of tho central
and forwn'rd magazines.
The explosives thoro still consti
tute u giavo danger for having been
subjected to great heat, they aro
jiablo to be discharged if touched.
Elaborate preparations aro bolng
mado for the funeral of tho dead,
which is to bo hold noxt Saturday
In tho sauaro of tho dock yard. In'
addition to President Falllere3 and
Premier Clemenceau, thoro will be
present many members of the cham
ber of deputies and tho senate, rep.
rwentatitvc8 of tho public bodies of
Franco and a number of diplomat,
ists. , "
Iho unidentified dead aro to hot
burie.d In a common grave given by
the pity, over which a commemo
rative monument will be ereciad.
The identified dead will be sent for
burial to their native towns at tho
expense of 'the state, aty
n? -
tho total loss from the flood will
reach twenty million. To this must
b added $350,000 fire damage In
ono flro a sixteen story building
and five residences were burned.
Late this afternoon, tho river was
fulling rapidly.
Cincinnati, O., March 15. Tho
Ohio rose slowly during the night,
and now stands at 54.1 feet, but tho
forecaster says it will go to sixty,
before tonight. The flood forced tho
abandonment of tho Grand Central
station. Many business houses on
the river are flooded. Hundreds
wore driven from homes nt Parkers-
fburg. William Francis and family
of four were drowned wlilb escap
ing from their home. Six hundred
hfnics arc flooded at Chllllcothe
and the militia Is guarding the
submerged district. A't' Mlamlsburg
tho town hall is occupied by ref.
At Cambridge, four squares nre
under watre. At Dcerwente, near
there, a town of 200 was swept an ay
and the Inhabitants arc encamped in
the hills.
The Ohio will rise 10 feet by Sat.
urday night, says the forecaster.
Parts of Portsmouth arc under six
fet of water and many wcro driven
out of their homes.
Wheeling, W. Va., .March 13. Ten
thousand families arc homeless In
this vicinity and buslncts of all
kinds is suspended here.
Two.thlrds of Bridgeport Is under
water. Martins Ferry and Bellalro
nro half covered and tho loss Ii the
three Ohio towns Is $200,000. Tho
Ohio is Ptlll rising.
Two Erie.Train Men 'tKilled
and Three Others In
jured in a Wreck
Kent, Ohio, March 15. Roy Lo
gan of Kent, and Hrakouiau Deal
of" Mcudvillo, wcio killed, mid En
gineer Sncarliuo and Firemen
ltcyaie and Mushroso o Jlcadvillc,
wcro injured in n wreck at Geneva,
Pennsylvania. An Erie freight was
der?iled by a broken truck.
Ma8llIon, O., March 15. Tho
body of James Uugan, who has been
missing slnco Dsccmoor, has heon
found In tho canal. Dugan was a
Civil War veteran.
' im&i x?iRK w& w m m
'. 'sffm M mr lH dwr --8k B K
cV ,?&.
5 ' i ,:.. i .
MJiuaMtn, Kussla, March v
l6."-AHti Jowicv riofrf i"
live racd hero for 3d
hours. "One Jew nas beea "
killed and 200 wounded. :
The mob blew up tho syna-
gogue with dynamito,
Had the Dpuma Been in Ses
sion Many Members
Would Have Been
t. iPctcrabuig, Jfarch 15. Ear
ly this" morning a larjo section of
tlio ceiling in tho hull wacr.j llm
doumn sits 'Ciushed dawn. It is be
lieved" to bo tthe result of a nlot,
for had thof flccidctit talccu plnco
when tho doputiis were in their
seals, anaiiy would Iiavo been killed,
as 200 hcatp'wcro smashed. Tliere
wns no session held today.
One Hundred
and Sixtv
Counts Against Him Al-
lowed to Stand.
Chicago, Ma'eoW 15. FoderaJ Judge
Anderson decided, this morning, that
John It. Walsh, who 13 charged with
having misapplied more than $1
500,000 fromthe Chicago National
and other banks, -must stand trial
on ICO counts of the Indictment.
Louisville, Ky., March 15. The
entire street car servlco was resumed
this morning undei terms of an
agreement Reached, by the com.
pnny and Its employes, yesterday.
Practically tho entire force Js at
Washington, March 15. Chailcs
Taft, tho Cincinnati editor, Is hero
sounding the officials on tho chances
of his biothcr, Secretary -Taft, for
the presidency. Ho saw Secretary
Cortoljou and conferred for two
hours with the President.
3MABCII 15, 1907.
New Yoik, Alarch 15. A school
census just completed shows that
there aio 083,427 children attend
ing schools in Gicater Now Yoik
and that 0511,485 persons between 4
and 18 yeatv, the school ago, live
here. Tho number rf foicigu horn
children enrolled 15f,44Q is raoro
than 18 per cent of tho ontiic
legistratiou of tho sclidobi.
Probably tho most startling
thing in the report s tho state
ment that at) tho 58,048 children
whoso eyes wcro tested 17D2S were
suffering from dofcctie vision.
Dr. Mnxwcll, 'head of tho school
hoard, lccoinmcndod that tho city
supply glasses to poor children who
cannot afford ,to purchase them.
Man Who Took Money From
' Chicago Sub-Treasury is
Known to Authorities.
Chicago, .Maich 15. All clew3
connected with tho :fl7J..()00 hub
ticoMiry robbery have been narrow
ed ilimn to tin einplojg ,of, the
tiunsury idepnitment. .lJolli tpw
time nt which tho money was tak
en and Hie perplexing nnettion of
motive nil! elenrpu up "to inontWj,
faction of lho-,e woilciug on the
case, 'according to Teller Oeorge
V. Pitgcrald. Tho money, says
Fitzgerald, win stolen wliilo ho was
away nt luncheon. Todaythe whole
story is likely to come' out.
Fitueinlcl V declaration that tho
cn-e is practically cleaied up caino
after a night's woik ou theoiics
which ho himself has built up. Fitz
gerald answered questions! freely.
"How many clews are being in
vestigated'" ho was asked.
"Only 0110" ho leplicd. "Tho
others Iiavo all been eliminated."
"How is it now thought that the
money could Iiavo been taken?"
"It was taken while I was at
luncheon", said Fitzgerald. "The
fact is, tho man did not intend to
tnko such big bills. Ho did not
know what ho was getting. The
money wns taken from a pile of
loose bills upon amy lck. Tho
man who took thorn did not htuc
time to hclect ho hnd to grab nnd
get away. Jf 1 tell you any more
j it will givo tho wholo caso away."
i , Jumloion in PltUburg DltpUh.
The Bottom was Reached
There was a Slight Rebound but the
Danger is Not Entirely Over.
Cortelyou's Order Reassures the Brokers and a Crash will
Probably be Averted Railway1 Presidents Hold a Meet
ing to Arrange for Their Conference With the President
Reading and Southern Pacific Show Strength Again.
New York, March 13. Tho turn
of tldo seems to hae come In Wall
street. After hitting the bottom,
the market rebounded today. This
afternoon the conviction Is general
that for a time at least the con.
wilslons have ended. Tho bears
are hanging on, however, and have
not been routed. Extensive ltqulda.
tlon has not yet been satisfactorily
All along the line this afternoon
the tent-ency of the inancet was up
ward. Cortelyous action last even,
lug stiffened many backbones and
the rumor of a cabinet conference at
the White House to consider tho
3e Declares He Shall Return -and With Ruthless Hand
Exterminate the Vipers and Dogs of Hell in Zion
" City Sermon not Read at the Funeral.
- !f,IU'
Chicago, March 3o. Six weeks
bcfoiq ho died John Alexander
Dowic, founder of, Zion City and
first npostlo of the Christian Cath
olic cliuu'h, picpaicd his own fun
eral pel 111011. .Hi'eauoo of tho char
acter of the hciiuon, liOWever, it
wns decided not to permit it to bo
icud nt DowieV funeral let it
ihouhl hiing gi enter issciiMon in
Zion City.
This littlu city on tho west
ihoie of laiku Michigan is now
torn to pieces by leligious factions
and an oifoit is to lio mado to
bring tho waning inteiestfc to
gether oiuo raoie in unity, nnd in
stead of Or. Dowic delivering a
message irom tho grave to his for
mer fellow cis, Judgo Barnes, a
life time fiicnd and an overseer of
tho chinch, picachod a simple ser
mon in which ihc evtolled tho good
qualities of the dead man.
Although tho sermon prepared
by Dowic hefoie his death -wns not
used in tho lunoral lites-, still it
was giien out for publication.
This seimcn nuike-. it ijdninly evi
dent that Diwio did not forgive
his enemies hcfoic he died, as ho
lashes thoc who ousted him form
control ns "log, of holl." Dowio
concluded his jiosthunnous sermon
in tliu following manner
"I .shnll reluin and with ruth
less hand shnll I exterminnto the
vipers ind the dc,r,'s. of hell that
now hold high places in tho city
of Zion. They ih earned, nnd in
tho giQneso of their dreams they
thought they had prov.u'ed oer
tho first apostle. And nrw, jiricsts
nnd oldeus of Zion, 1 shall letmn
to striko ye down.
"T shall ictuiii in another form
brighter nnd more beautiful, nnd
ten thousand limes mora tcniblc,
to cut ye off, in tho midst of your
sins, nnd lo win hack Zion for tho
truth nnd for thcuit that hold to
tho woid and did no evil."
Thoro was a small sied pnnio
dining tho funeral ccicnionics lie
cnuo of Ijlio announcement that
Belgrade, Soivin, March lo.
In a conflict between, polico nnd
strikeis hcio jcslordny fivo
shikois woic killed and 20 wound
ed. Fin I her collisions we-io nar
iowly a vei led.
A shiko or mo men employed
in tho sugar and leather trades
began March 9, and today non
unionists wcio escoited by tho ipo
lice into tho factories, whero thoy
Yesterday and Today
pow.wow between the railroad pres.
ldents and WesMein Roosevelt had
a queting effect.
A preliminary meeting of railway
presidents, which was held here,
this afternou, to formulate plans
for tho conference with Roosevelt,
Is an encouraging omen.
One dangerous factor was the weak
close In London, whero stocks were
bitterly assailed, this morning. Here,
Reading and Southern Pacific showed
strength .ifter yesterday's slaughter.
If the railroad presidents go to
Roosevelt, as expected, they will bo
told to be good and they will bo
another of Voliva's followers waa
dying. J 11 the past week;, three of
his lieutenants, who held tho same
noiilions in the church under
Dowic hsif'e suddenly died and
when it was said tho fpurth was
likely to dio before morning, sev
eral o,f the moiimers ran irom tho
tnbci uncle, shouting that Zion was
being cniscd hv God.
Thih excited the test of tho 3000
uiomueis and be fen 0 tho cooler
headed lcadeis could get among
the people to counsel quietness,,
fully f)00 left the house qf mourn
ing. Kaily in the day it was 'believed
that the funeral might ho post
poned because of tho action of tho
wcakmen who were constructing tho
vault in Zion cemetery. When on
tciing the cemetery they brake tho
gato and the management at onco
demanded n warrant for tho urrest
of Gladstone Dowie. Tho police
look the case under advisement,
nnd the case wns finally smoothed
Tho funeral wot quiet and un
ostentatious, it being tho belief
of the membois of, tho Zion City
chinch that display in funerals is
not advisable. Tho hearso was
draped in white, and was drawn
by two, white horses. A small part
of the magnificent choir that for
mcily officiated in Zion City lab
el undo sang.
Tho body of Dowio wn arrayed
in the wondeiful whito lobo which
ho has- worn sinco ho assumed tho
title of First Apostle of tho Chris
tian Catholic churcli. Tho garment
icquiied sit months of, constant
labor for its construction and elab
oration. The funoral oration was
delivered by Attorney V. V. Bar
nes, avhoi was for many years tho
constant fiiend'of the deceased
church leader. Tho fiinerat cor
tege was aUonded by hundreds and
wlulo the body was lying in state
n constant streaon of visitors call
ed. Many of these sought to bo cur
ed of diseases by toupV'Ui lha
hem of Dowie'. iwbes. '
weie attacked by tho' 'strikers.
The jKilico wcro obliged to use theitf
uieninvs. x
Tlio bodies of the dcoa were im
mediately taken (possession, ot by
the stiikcrs, who foi-med a piooes
sion and niaiehod towai-ds the cem
otciy. Ou tho way to tho ceme
tery tho processiou prsed by tba
pailiamout and palace Vuilding. oc-,
cupied by King Pefer, taud the
shikers woio only prevented by) -Strang
foiccs of police froml Bureh-i
mg into tho 'buUdinaa with IUr?.h
dead comrades, , , . , 1 i,v
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