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$&? ir:.; V .Jrv ,., V., A :m flt.'-iv 'V ?W Vi ..... "cr; ' "m HTT :iu t .??. A V t$ ?' a . a i j, "y- .&' !:' :"'"" TH43 MARION BA1LY, MIRIKWIWIODNEWDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1907 pAtti robi: 1 ,i " LECTURE A RARE TREAT mmmtmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmlmmtmmmmmmmm - iS " ' "" A 1, X) A A ft J. A AAA. fc Ul LAST WORDS OF DECEASED In Form of Jest With His ;.'Wife. Practical Xmas Gifts. ti VI !- , ,. .j' iW. I ii- A 1- S ; ' ' W- ; r. .', ;f, U.A. 'fttv'!k jyk , 3C1: Meet us face to face we-wjll treat you RIGHT. X V i . n.TraL ?t Fcjt Boots, German Sox, Rubbers. )C ,; c'It Hot Shoes for Cold Feet. W - r.. ." fJBl Fur top Slippers of all kinds. & BEATTY & LONG YOU KNOW US. yTV. 5TN !()-H)"if 'Cpiip'CP'ifc $. 11 1 v -i - - "B Slab Wood and Cuttings We have plenty of each on hand just now. If you need either, it would be well to order now. HARD AND SOFT COAL. WOOD IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING CU, 'Bath Phones. BEST QUALITY GOODS ONLY Lime, cement, sewer pipe, etc. MARUandSOFT COAL -ii l.iT-ir-t nr nrt " -x' ! BRIGE & ;Tv 1, CHRISTMAS DISHES, VHINA.CUT GLASS, Etc do. to the biggest cltios and you will find no larger, no (Indr Oliristmaa ptooks aud you won't find suoh reiiBonable prloej either. Every china market of the old world hns contributed Its sharo of fancy decorated jvnd art Roods and wo urge early selection before the throngs appear. Christmas shopping will begin Mon day morning and grow nioio lively until Xmas. Markerts China Store WE EXCEL in Laundry Work be-- cause we spare neith er time nor money in order to turn out perfect work. - Anthony's Laundry. COAL -The main reason why YOU should buy dHlItrom us is that you get just what you pay for. Won't that j trial? W Ml iV 1. 1 PHONE 22. telPlillio&El m;m j ua'nn trrr a Holiday JPAflVPfliPfirPCs"; "' ,......... ..... MJUYWllHrllVVd for you to take on your vaca- 41$$iP? fountain pen, TSCHANEN BROS., ' WttfllHiwa-MMMtfrffii A. 1 1 ii 'in iifhYBiffiiif I 25 DISCOUNT on all Tools for Machinists Carpenters N Mechanics IT'S A GOOD TIME TO BUY AMMANN North Greenwood St. 'rTwT TrT" " HURLEY PHONE 284 EXACTLY usiify on'e evator Co tvT A;n ortlW We sell tie "Waterman's v. . DrUgglStS. vt : v tti t i 'iiflririr r'i ' k, -..i -. .fi Large Audience Greets the Orator. IiAh'itb art) FATHER I. J. VAUGHAN tit "i '- Til' J I J Appears as Third Number of Lecture Course. "Sermons From Shakespeare," Sub ject of a Masterly Discourse Given at Epworth M. E. Church Father L. ,T. Vauglinn appeared at Epworth M. K. church Tuesday evening as( the third number on the Y. M. C. A. lecture course. (A largo and Intelligent audience was enter tained for an hour, while the remark able orator painted magnificent pic tures of Shakespearian characters and disclosed some ot tho prettiest les sons and Impressive thoughts that have been expressed In a lecturo In this city In many years. "Sermons from Shakespeare," was the subject of tho lecture which the dramatist Interpreted. Twelvo years of Btago nto In which lie carried tho heavy roles In various Shakcspcar- Inn plays, fitted tho lecturer to handle the subject In a masterly way. Fath er Vaughan is n painter of word pic tures and with hia powerful and mo- locflous voice he Is able to drlvo his thoughts home to the hearts of his auditors. Mr. William P. Moloney Introduced the speaker. Father Vaughan Im mediately plunged Into his subject and there was not a dull moment from the beginning to tho end ot the lecture. Ho declared that If tho work of Shakespeare Is llteraturo then literature Is an art and should bo studied as nn art. "It you have a magnificent mnsternleco of art, do you lay It on the lower sholt of your parlor center-piece or do you place It high upon the wall whore every vlhltor may admire tho beau tiful scene. W'.hy Is your volume of Shakespeare hidden beneath the library table. Is It not one of the greatest masterpieces of art In lang uage that the world has over had?" said tho lecturer. Father Vaughan pronounced Shakes peare a marvelous picture artist. Said ho, "tho first feature which tho artist alms to develop before paint ing his, scene is to have a, magnificent and appropriate' background. The background ot Julius Caesar rolls out before tho reader In marvelous clearness.," iThb lecturer pictured Caesar's rls? and downfall as Shakespcaro had portrayed It. Ho acted tho sceno of Ma'r,k Antony, llrutus, Casslus over tho dead body of .Caesar. Ho ex claimed that the scenes of Julius Caesar woro simply drawn pictures of n "world without a God. " iFathor Vaughan reviewed tho play of Henry tho Eighth, giving an Im pressive description of the downfall of Cardinal Woolsey, Perhaps what would be considered ono of the rich est and most dramatic parts of tho lecturo was the portrayal of SlVylock In tho Merchant of Venice. He acted tho part of tho rich Jow when Antonio asked for tho loan of throe- thousand ducats, Tho act was per haps the finest over seen In the city. "Tho play of tho Merchant of Ven ice Is neither a tragedy or comedy," said tho speaker, "hut It Is a satlro. It ridicules professed without brotherly love. Christianity It Is a satire of Christian teachings "No man In tho history of tho world has pictured more deep down devils than did Shakespeare, lago In Ofhello Is as mean and desnlsable n character as could oe painted. Yet whero Is there a more beautiful character than Desdamona." he said In closing the sneaker' rofored to various scenes In tho play of "Hamlet." MR. SIDNEY FIELD DIES IN MICHIGAN Deceased Very Well Known in This City. Bad Often Visited at the Home of His Daughter,- Mrs, , ' 'Geprgct E Barnard. .,,; , HI ...J . t l.'Ji .l' , ' "ii jMrHj.'noorga lE.Ji BarnardWof iSoutlf State street,. received. viu; telegram AVdneBday.i;niornlng;uanhounbIng $ho death of herid father, 'I'Mr, Sidney Field, at Coldwator, Michigan, Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Field was seventy-threo yeara of ago' and his demlso was due to a general breakdown. Ho had often visited In this city and was quftp jj )tnown aer0( Besides Mra. Barn- ard, another daughter, Mrs. Edwin uiarKneas, or cowwater, survives, I iDfttr mill fia T1nfnn.fl drill tanvn v,. m .,.. ,.,., M n..M ,MfU ifhursday morning to attend the fun- eial which will be held Friday, Ji; : : - jt.. A .-r EWiOF THE DEMB tamed When Funeral Ear-, ty Reached Marion.h - B. C.Gedmu was Taken 111 Short ly After: Arrival in South Body Arrives Mere This Noon. The liwtt!-KwordB that Henry C. Godnmn'j'aT known to have spokon wero lnjtl; form- of a llttlo jest with hW wlfo who was on her way to call a - physician., Just a .little while"' befow his death at Daytona, ria Saturday. As sho started out of tho house he told her that sho "'had abetter, take tho baby" with her, roferrlng to a llttlo dog wJulch they had. When sho re turned with tho physician, Mr. Godman was found to bo dying, Tho details of tho death wero made known today after tho nrrlv. al 6f tho funeral party from Day. tona. Saturday aftornoon, n short tlmo after the family reached "Day tona for Iho winter, Mr. Godman made conipliJlnt of severe pains In his arms and back. He ato lunch, however, 1 Jind seemed not to be iln distress. A physician was called and gayo him, some medicine. Tow ard night his pains increased and Mrs. Godman insisted, upon calling tho doctor again. Her husband pro tested, 'but sho went for tho physi cian, nevertheless, and upon her return with the doctor It was at once seen that nothing could bo done to-save Mr. Godman 's life, and he passed away without ha v. Ing again Spoken and within a few minutes after they had entor- ed tho room, Funeral services wero held at 0:30 tills ; morning at his now home 1415(riBaBt Uroad street, Co lumbus, and tho body was brought to Marlon ,..for burial. The funeral party, bringing tho remains, (arrived hero on tho Pennsylvania,' at 12:47 o'clock this afternoon, and'' proceeded at once to Marlon cemetery T whoro a short sorvlco was followed by into'r ment. Tho remains wero met at tho station and escorted to tho cometery by a large number of tho local friends of tho deceased. fr Personals &Ir. Ed. Stalger loft la3t night for a business" trip to Chicago. Mr. Wllllani .Benodlct of. Los Angeles, California, is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. John ', Krols of Walnut street. Mr. Kmorson Schoe'nlaub has re. turned from tho State univorslty and will spend tho Christmas holl. days visiting his parents. I Dr. and Mrs. D.W. rcNeal and (Mrs Li. It. -McNcal of Prospect left this morning for Columbus, North Carolina, where ihoy will make their future homo. GRAHAM SHORTHAND IS BRST. Chocolates that will Please. We put up as line a box of pure chocolates af? 50c a pound, as you can buy for 80c a'pound, in advertised brands.1 We put them up fresh, every day, so, you know what you are buyiug , yhp quality (.ia. absplutely "pure, and theassortment - 7 ' ," We are jilling a large number of Candy; orders these days May we not add your name to our list of satisfied customers ? KALER'S CANDY SHOP. L jgSp Give something that has a. use. a . i W x,1. Smokihcf Jackets House Goats, Men's Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Now is the time to buy. We will deliver them to you at anytime before Christmas. HUGHS & CLEARY, Main and Center. DR. GREEN WILL LECTURE Special Meeting on Sunday Afternoon. RARETREAT IS PROMISED Well Known Orator Recently Appeared in City. Lecture will be Absolutely Free Subject' "Ihe Drama of Life in Three Acts. By special arrangement with Jiho Chicago Lyceum bureau, ,T. H". Oatey, general secretary of, the Y. M. C. A. has secured Dr. Thomas Green.Mho noted lecturer who opened tho citi zen's lecturo course hero several weeks ago, to deliver another of his famous loctures in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium at 3 o'clocic nexi sumw afternoon. The lecture will be abso lutely freo, tho association to sianu all expenses connected with tho en tertainment. Tho largo audlenco that listened to this lecturer's effort at Epworth church soveral weeks ago, pronounced him ono of tho finest speakers and most pleasing orators that has over been heard In tho city. It Is a wonderful opportunity for Marion people to have presented and no ono can fall to miss this special meet ing next. Sunday aftornoon. Dr. Green will give his lecturo "Tho Drama of Llfo In Three Acts." .Dr. E. Li. Brady, coroner of Ma rlon county and ono of tho city's most prominent physicians, will lec ture In tho Y. M. C. A. nudltorlum Friday evening at 8 o'clock. It will bo ' tho second of a special lecturo series by various physicians or tho city. Mr, Vernon Main, osslstant secre tary of tlio Y. M. C. A. has re turned to his dutleB after an ahsenco ot soveral days on account of sick ness. flic Gebhardt and C. D. & M. bowling teams of the Y. M. C. A. league will roll a postponed gamo on the Y. M. 0. A. alleys at 7:30 o'clock tonight, TRY ADMIRAL. COFFRF). MRS. A. MORROW GIVEN JUDGMENT To Receive $466 42 From the Schrote Estate. Plti'atiff'Siied'theAdfflrniflalorto Collect $509 for Her Ser- (? iv vices ' as Nurse. After being out llttlo moro than a half hour, tho Jury In tho case ot Mrs. Armlnta Morrow against Itov. C. W, , Honsol administrator of tho estate of Mrs. Julia Schroto, returned a verdict giving Mrs. Morrow' Judgmont for ,f4flfl,42. Sho sued for ,$5!M) ' which sho claim- i ., ', oenis umDreuas, Combination Sets, Neckwear, Sweater Vests Stingy. Most all stores arc stingy vith their credit. We are different, we extend credit to everybody, and plenty of it CHRISTMAS is here and )Tou will need all your ready cash to buy presents.. You will also need clothing! Come to us buy what you want. Tell the clerk that you want it charged. Pay a little each pay day the only way to buy clothing. Give us N Marion Clothing & Cloak Co. CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE WITH US. 1 1 1 - - 11 1 1 1 1 1 Just a few more shopping days left. "BETTER HURRY", get busy. Early selections means larger assortments. "FOR HIM" . . . . Neckwear, Bath Robes, Golden Eagle Clothes Shop UliAT Neuro Magnetic Treatments case pain r.nd remove disease from tho human body is now proven beyond ull dispute or cavil. Somo of Marion '8 most respected and Influential citizens have shown their willingness to testify to said fact under oath. Hence tho treat, inent Is growing dally popularity. NO CHAltGE for diagnosing and prescribing trcntment. . .'. C. MARSH, Phono 1700 " 437 Franklin Gtreet. ed was duo her for sorvlces ren dered in nursing Mrs. Schrote. Tho hearing of tho caso started Tuesday morning and lasted until 1 o'clock Wednesday aftornoon. Rev. Mr. Honsol states that the caso will not likely bo carried into tho hlghor courts. "CLEVERALITY." A Little Descriptive Stroke by Char ' lotte Bronte. Thero Is a story that Charlotte Bronte, when a girl of 1C, uroko out very angrily nt somo ono who said sho was always talking about clever poo plo. such as Johnson and Sheridan, "Now, you don't know tho moaning of clever," sho said; "Sheridan might be clover scamps often are; but Jonn son hadn't a spark of 'clevorallty' In him." That remark really gives the cssenco of Johnson and tho koy to the great qualities of his work; for, In his case, oven more than In most, the proso was tho" man. Whoever want! ''clevorallty," whoever wants what Mr. Boranard Shaw is supplying to the presont goneratlon, had best lcavo Johnson alono. Tho signal merit of Johnson's writings is that ho always means what be says arid always says what he means. He may often have talked for victory but, except, per haps, in the political pampbloU, ho tlwaya wroto for truth. Word Making. "' "Is that young woman , an au thoress!" "No," answered tho man'who dls likes affected forms of spoech; "the a newspaper reporteresa." ' . .. j - zn Suspeffders", Fancy Vests. Comfort Robes. Gloves. Mufflers, Umbrellas, Hose, Jackets. A Purpose for the Change. "I thought that mirror In your bed room had a black frame," Bald her visitor. "Didn't It?" "It did," sho replied, "but you see, It Isn't mine. It belongs to somo people In tho next flat, who asked mo to keep It for thorn until Soptember, aud so 1 have painted tho frame light bluo to match my bedroom, and, too, an they won't know it Is theirs when they como back," ' Party. Dancing and Full Dress Slippers, Patent and Suede in Black Suede'in 'Gray faake1 "roost accepta ble Xmas presents. 92.00-94.00 Carriage Boots for the'Qab or Auto-' mobile. JOHN STOLL SHOE CO. THINK IT 0V2I . .(- 1 VM,v fu ,W i.Til ; ? i ?Wi lsssss , ijrl VJ f:f 7 l.v J t rfVli! y,oI aK'