f 4'P ' f 1 i i I "" Tt- I W" 'rTOTv!jw Jt afWEWf :- , ' r, -"- .-- i t. . .A ;xrrw!? s,rwwT ri , i j i "i rv-. & 4V - i ' '4 ... - r ffUl " . i ' ' . ij -y V . ) J'l - J. ' ;'tV f JV,i.v .ii PAOfi FOUR liilll AIAKION DAll-I MIHHUIt, 1111 MAY, JALARY 10, 1JUS. . v J " m VV"l Iff I I to A ' ' J ' -I 11 Mi .TheMarion Daily Mirror J. BURGESS i. C. HOLLAND tyi M. ARMSTRONG ft - Manager. Editor, City Editor YERTISING HATES FDRN18HEI) us afi'muatiun. sane graphic ew. Service nd Market Bepotti. i BS9E RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: KSIagUCapy lr Wk by Carrier IOe Wty Mall, Par Vaar 94.00 Saml-Waakly Mlrrar.paryaar $1.00 .TELEPHONE - No. 0. j WBATHDR Snow or rain to. Wht and Saturday, warmer tonight scolder Saturday, lritlDAY, JANUARY lo, 1003. fe' DELIBERATION IMPOSSIBLE $' It will bo a long and expensive trip iXor democrats from the east to take xo attend the Denver" concntlon, es vpeclally as the railroads have given notice that no roluced fares will bo conceded. But those who attend tho --convent?bn as delegates may gain In foomposuro what thoy lose In cash, by the absence of tho noisy enthusi asts, who have made some conven tions a bear garden more than a de liberative assembly. With ten thous aud spectators howling for tholr'fav orlto candidate, nothing that a speak er says can bo heard by anyone fifty feet from him, and the art of gesturo Is not equal to Imparting Ideas. fTho British Naval authorities aro said to Do preparing plans for n war-ship 50 per cent greatc than tho Dreadnought or with a displacement of 30,000 tons. Our navnl designers have" proposed to build a war ship of 40,000 tons, which will cost $20,000, 000. When will this rivalry for the slzo and number of war ships coat$,j or what will satisfy this craving for war preparations? In the end It must impoverish tho people of ail countries that strive for supremacy, for theie Is not only llio vast outlay for build ing these enormous war engines, but tho constant expense of keeping them In repair and In commission. Experi ence shows that fa about ten years our finest war ships a few years ago, are now built for tho scrap hen p. Tho limitation of land and naval armaments Is something the world must soon agree upon, for It Is sense less to tax people for the creation of that which Is really usolcss. Tho California courts have held that extortion Is not extortion, so long as It is practiced on French restaur ants. Any man who has wrestled with a French bill-of-faro can ap preciate tho feelings of the court. 'When tho Legislature of Ohio in 3.906 passed tho 2 cent passenger rate bill, the railroad managers declared Jt was ruinous and confiscatory. But the official returns of. all tho rail, jrroads In tho state for tho year ending 2jJun.e 30, 1907, as figured by tho Ohio V'nallroad Commission, shows a sub--BtantIal Increaso over the preceding Sgiyear, This Increaso Is duo to tho 'elimination of free passes and excur JRslon rates ariTI the natural growth o! Vitttssengor traffic. The result In tho gj state of Ohio, however, Is not a fair & criterion for some other states, be jf cause It" Is traversed by Interstate $. railroads" from East to West which "must Increase the returns for pass gjonger traffic. It Is also a more X densely populated state than many f others ranking higher than New York !Tor Pennsylvania perhaps with Its well J to do farming population. It would f seem that the Interstate Commerce ?. Commission could figure out tho cost K6 per mllo for pasenger traffic which g could be used as a standard for fixing jjtho rates In each state as tho Ohio Commission has dono for that state. AvFalr play demands that tho railroads shall Be' allowed to charge reasonable Coxites that will provide fair interest ipon the actual money Invested, hut jjjio return on watered stock must be h expected, ft lAs tho Republican National con jj ventlon will be held June ICth, It Is J; iproTJahla that congress will be ad r ijou'rrr&I by th'o republican leadors "by June 1st. That would mean That few, If any, of the president's recom mendations wHl be enacted Into law, ibut Speaker Cannon's plan of passing the appropriation bills and then going t homo wJTTbo adopted. One way to get even with the rail roads for charging such high rates for carrying brick is for council to compel them to pae their rlghts- oNway from corporation to corpora tion line. "Following the progress of tlieaT torncys In securing the Thaw jury has been Just like going back and learning over again tho addition and subtraction tables. If you hear a noise like a Jollifica tion tonight, do not becomo alarmed. It will be merely an indication that the Board of Education lias effected nn organization. If Thaw's chief council. Martin W. Littleton, looks anything like tho pictures being published, he had best be careful or a lunacy commission may bo named for him. lAdvocatos of a ship subsidy havo never tfiought of referring to the subsidy which Ferdinand and Isa bella paid, making possible the discovery of America. Congressman Burton now refuses to lead tho Taft forces In Cleveland Ho Is probably waiting for a com mand from Roosevelt to "make the fight." North Carolina negroes lynched a iuiiow umcK man. This should en dear them to the hearts of tho white population of the Tar Heel state. Brick makers allege thnt the rail roads are becoming rich haulliiK paving brick. Hero la a good chance for tho asphalt men to clinch a nail. Leaders of republican factions In Ohio Just now seem to be very much afraid that the sore spots cannot bo healed before election day. The Cleveland Plain Dealer us.es a head line, 'WJnd Elopes With Cable." A matrimonial tangle Is sure to follow. What has becomo of President Roosevelt's crusado against raco (..suicide. Did ho abandon that at tho samo time ho turned tall on strust prosecutions? It must bo adm!ttedthat Weston t clubs havo becomo moro popular B since railway passes woro abolished j oven mougn tno two-cent faro law Y oven though tho two- did becomo effective. r i i It is a little amusing to seo p,i- pore which used lots of ink flght- iSlng for temperance during tho tf last campaign, running pago ads for beor now. , i; V w Sonntor Ijamliot'Toledo, proposos repealing tho Australian ballot law. BJBtter- 'not do l until after tto J next election. Wo want to see what ithe 1QQ8 ballot will loqk like. I Wiant's $l.p) Pen A fountain pen uaranteed to glva satisfaction Mr one year; If 'lit laata sue year It will last long rr. ? PeJnUVxchagcd until your . Milted. iWar rumors aro almost as preval ent In this country as revolutionary plots in Russia. Burton need not bo so gun shy Tom JoIfnsGTTTs not leading tho For aker forces. What has becomo of F!ght!ng Bob" Evans and his bunch of extor. minators? It must bo about timo for Har rlman to havo another bath. ilmaglno a Republican lovo under present conditions. feast Telephone Notice. Have you paid your telephone bill yet If not, please remember you save 25 centa if you pay by tho 10th of tho month. MARION COUNTIY TEIxBPHONE. l-9-2t a Tho hundreth anniversary ofUho blrtih of Dr. L. D. do la Loza. an eminent physician and chemist in Mexico during tho last century, Was celebrated by official docroft with in honors to his memory. NOmcn Tp STOCKHOLTO3RS: 'i tie annual meeting of the stock holders of tho Fairbanks Steam Shov el Company will be held in "mnm "A," Masonic Temolo Building, Ma rion, Ohio, on Tuesdav. Prfininrv .fourth, at two o'clock p. m( to elect Mcclain U $ ib I . kKL'J-k '." Annual Auction Sale i Starts Saturday Morning:, Jan. n AND CONTINUES FOR TWO WEEKS. ! 000 Stock of Furniture, Carpets, oxoves, .Lusues, wait Jraper, Subject to any reasonable offers. THIS IS THE ONLY DIFFERENT SALE IN MARION : YOU have been importuned continuously for many months co buy at large discounts by firms who should be realizing a legitimate profit on their goods-. That McCIain's regular prices are low enough to satisfy the average buyer is evidenced by the fact that even under adverse conditions our Fall and Holiday business greatly exceeded any former years, leaving a good round surplus on the profit side of our balance sheet. ". NOW WE ARE READY AND CAN WELL AFFORD TO TALK DISCOUNTS You know what a McClain Auction mean's! It's the one opportunity othe year for lovers of j pood and beautiful home-furnishings to eratifv their everv desire, oositivelv at their own Drice. You don't o v -, o, ? S. V - t even pay an auctioneer's commission, forthere will be no auctioneer. Noncompetitive bidding to run prices up; no excitement; no huiried decisions. Just come in anytime betvven 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. 7 Select the articles you desire, make areasonable offer, and the goods are yours, iAny fair proposition will be accepted. This is an absolutely fair, square, honest effort to turn several thousand dollars' worth of stock into cash. Every penny'of profit will be sacrificed and "a little bit more'' if you say. Its giving you eyery possible advantage and you'll appreciate it more when you come and see.- -TERMS A limit of 30 days' credit will be made on all auction sales. Time Payment Accounts will be opened as usual and we effer greatly reduced prices throughout the entire stock. $60 Davenport to be given away Saturday. January 25. Coupon tickets will be given with every cash sale and for every dollar paid on account from this time until 9 o'clock Sat urday night, January 25. The drawing will take place then and'the Davenport will be delivered to the holder of the lucky number. Remember every dollar paid on new or old accounts will en title you to a coupon ticket. Out of Town Customers and Friends. We urge you especially to take advantage of this chance. Come and get acquaint ed with the greatest home-furnishing store in the state. We will deliver your pur chases free anywhere. 1 ;A fttJ'W V XV UYX Of nvv b kr v re xsxss$iMsssisx ikssxssssssssxsii KssXKSssxSii ssissssssfspss rj3f3 JE CH AS. W. McCLAIN " 1 1 m 1 V such other business a may bo - MM LIUI a iUMl LI H.Il?jiLi:r. I c. arwiANT orougnt up W. D. SCOFILD. Secretary NEW HUBER BLOCK. MARION, OHIO ,,jttGMaHXEJt AND STATIONS! i--Z3t Aw BOUB Of FO0T OABDt. Try ADMIR .W : ... '1 V1, Wv.iv, t f ie ) . ' , . ' f i X m:lftizHJ 1 "i. 4aA H 'U j v oh. un vV 7 "' 4"-y '''WW"-. ffV A , 11 , 1 '1 . H 1 toxorrn.