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DAILY MIRROR. 1 M' VOLUME .XVI. NO. 283. WILLIAM J. BRYAN NOMINATED FOR THE 4 ON Mmost an All Night Session was vHeld Thursday Night and the Nomination was Not Made Un .. , ' til Almost Four O'clock in the Morning. ; Delegates Seemed Determined to Have the Question of the Nomination for President out of the Way Before Day 'light The Platform as It was Reported From the Com v mittee was Adopted at the Night Session Governor - Johnson and Judge Gray were Placed in Nomination but Showed Little Strength when the Balloting was Begun The First Ballot Gave Bryan, 892 1-2; Johnson, 46; .Gray, 59 1-2 Wildest Scenes Follow the Announce ment of the Vote. Donvor, July 10 A second wild dojiKHiBtratlou for Bryan urokc out last night whoa Ignatius J. Dunn placed his namo la nomination, Tho chcora broko 'out as booh as Dunn flulnlicd. Each delegate and many of tho visitors had llttlo flags which, they waved Incessantly. A bannor with. 'Bryan's prtralt was lowered oVcr U10 platform and a. white dove was, loosened and floated over ttw auditorium. , . Again the state standards woro Btartcd In a mnrcli to the speaker's staud.all but llvo slates, Maryland, 'Minnesota, Now York, Georgia and .Delaware Joining In tho domoustra. tlo'." y,A peculiar feature of tlio scouo '-was, tho explosion of flash, llghja every fow moments. TI16 cheering ceased for a moment whjle the, ,cntlro audience Ming tho " "Sjaa $paugled Jlantief' only to breaks out, again- with Increased In tensity. , I'innlly Chairman Clayton AbndpiiC() all cftorUj to control tho gaThorlngftatid tho crowd began singing "4Wo Won't Go Homo Till Morning"; Tho sceno In tho hall oon becaino n bedlam," tho crowd and- tho bund vlolng with one an other in making tho most noise. After forty-llvo minutes of tills noise Cualririqii Clayton again tried to )?ot order, but failed. -Th'o delegates wore culled to order In tho night session at 7: 10. A Hiniall Amorlcau flag iliml boon plac ed on every delbgate. This was tho unmistakable uvJdcnco or tho nomi nating bctaou of Uie convention ami quickened tho interest, of thu specta tors; who niailo an eaily rush for tho pallorlcs, lining thorn t' overflow ing, At i o'clook, howeve, thoro wero fow of tho dolegalcs In tliolr 'places. They had lingered long at dinner, tho slow dying twilight of the Colorado cvonlnfcs 'proved docoi tlvp as tho hour. A male quartet wius an added reaturo of tho musical program of tho night session. They sang their l!rt selection through a megaphone and got u royal recop 'tlo'ii,' A Chicago band rcllovcd tho cow ihoy musicians, who had served so loyally" slnco the opening or the con. vontlon on Tuesday, The bandsmon nfVtho plains, It was generally fltfrced, had earned their rest. TJioy have bpRU untiring In tholr ciror,ts td'-cntea-taln tho multltued and tlio excellent quality 0f their nuwlc has boon widely commontcd upon. 1 srr. Clayton .recognized Jlr. ,Mc Qu'lslen of Pennsylvania, who an nounced the selection of James Kerr n member of tho national I'onunlltro from that suite. ,f(Vllhout objection tho selection of Air ,Kerr will be considered as ratified" said tlio chairman and a mpmcDt later nddod; "Tho cimlf hears none, and tho selection of Mr. Korr Is ratified.1' Chcprlng and a few hisses greet ed tlio annouhcomont. OUIo James of Kentucky moved that a coipmlltoo of three bo ap pointed again to wait ujhh tho plutforni committee, and ascertain when It would bo ready to report. The motion prevailed anil Mr, Jumcs J. Thcww lloniu of Alabama and P. ""P. Lynoh of Minnesota woro named. ftlv. Lynch's appointment was tho llrst recognition the ndhor. oiits of Gov. .Tohnion had received In tlio choice of convention com mittees. .Pending the report of tho coin. nilttoe' of Inquiry, Thomas P. Hall THE FIRST BALLOT BY THE DENVER CONVENTION of Texas was Invited to address tho convention. ALr. Hull called out cheering when ho said It was ' great pleasure to address such a notable ratification convention an I declared Mr. Uryan. would bo nonit. nated becauso the peoplo of the states who sent their delegated to tho convention wanted him nomi nated. Before tho convention was called to order tho crowd had assumed proportions that mado It almost dangerous, A ticket of admission was no roqulslto for admission and Inasmuch as everybody In Denver and all the visitors were most anxious to witness a presidential nomination, it wan but a nhort time before all scuts wero occupied. In addition, tho aisles In tho galleries and many of those- on the conven tion floor wero jammed so tightly t hut tho peoplo who occupied them were held almost Immovable. Tlio windows 1 111 tho hull wero packed with spectators who choked ofT nil circulation of air and made tho at lposphero In the hall almost as foul as It was hot, and tho heat was Intomo. "In November nuxt' said Chair, man Clayton, "we will witness In Now York, tho Tviiuiiiany .tlgor drowning tho Republican elephant. Therefore I Invito to tho stand for a speech from- a Democrat to a DomooraUo convention, cnulor Thomas V, Grady or Now York". Senator Grady was given a mast cnihuslnsllo welcome us .ho nppcarcd on tho rostrum. .When ho declared Unit tho convention could uomlnalo no candidate am adopt no pint foim that would not receive U10 united and enthusiastiu support of tho iNow York Democracy, ho was rjivon still gicator applause and ro tuned lo his seat amid crlos of "Grady,'' "Hurrah for Jlrady", Followlug Senator (Jrady, Chair man Clayton Introduced Judgo N J, lVndo of Iowa, tho representative of tho grciit corn stato." lly tho itliue Judge Wndo had con cluded his address (ho crowd Jind Incioascd still further, and tho doorways wore packed in a manner that Bhowed lulsmutugoniont on the part or tho doorkoipcrs that was pot far from .criminal. All tho doors -worn opon and no placo in tho entire building was nu Impas sablo as tho oxlt. Thcro was hut one degrco of congestion in thorn all. and that was tho highest pos sible. Tho only difference was llio-. tho more commodious they wero, tho more peoplo they hold Just as Judgo Wndo finished his Hpopch a woman soatcd in tho rear of tho pre seats fainted away. It was out of tho question to carry fhor out through tho jammed aisles and It was found necessary to Hit her bodily over the railing ot ono of tho boxes, and sho was only carried to the outsldo with tho greatest difficulty. "I am suro the convention wl'l bo ftlart to concur Jn tlio request of Missouri to .hear from old Champ Clark of that state, ono ot tho knlghtllcst Democrats who ovor drew a glittering bludo In doronsa of tho party." It was lit theso words "that Chairman Clayton Introduced tho noxt speaker whoso appoaranco on tho platloim was a signal for great cheering. ' iMr. Clark predicted that tho DenKcratH would sweep the coun Contlnuea on Page Boron,. ivi'jiuij MARION, rlpn. William Jennings Bryan LUISTANIA S&IASHERS HER FORMER RECORD New York, July 10 With ovory record of th'o bca smashed, tho great Ounaidcr, l.usltanla, reached Now York today. 'Her lluio of passage was four duys, la hours and 'id minutes, III minutes faster than her provlous record. Tho Lusltahla Is I now tho only 25 knot uoat on mo teas, MORE BLOOD IS SPILLED Riotiog in Tabriz Continues and Hundreds are Being Slain. Kt. Petersburg, July 10 Tho spe cial correspondence of the Novoo Vremya who has Just arrived at Tabriz, reports that tho situation thcro has reached a stato of oxtrumo emarchy and that the bomliard. ment of tho town Is Imminent, According to u despatch to the' Novoo Vremya Kachln Khan, who Is In command of a largo force, ontored the city yesterday at tho head of sevoral battoiies of quick fire guns and presented orders pur. porting to come from tho shah, that all Itussinu subjects cvacmito the KJilavana quarter, wJioro the revolutionists aro mussed and liavo been holding' uninterrupted .meet ings in tho mosques, Aftor atachln Khan's urrlvnl the ltusslan couiuol, iM. Phltonoff lied to his country villa a fow miles distant, taking along with him as nn Cocort, a majority of tho avail, able Cossacks, illo left a inero handful of Cossacks In Tabriz to protect tho lives and property cf tho Europeans and thn consular of ficials. . .;- ..iki s.. :. ,..,!i . .vv.t - OHIO, TTIUDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1908. mHBFk&x mmmamtrntLmw .Msmsmt WILL NOT SEEK A SECOND NOMINATION William J. Bryan Says That if Elected He will Ask but One Term and will Not Spend His Time Trying to Fix Things for a Re-election but will Devote His Time to the Best Interests of the People. lUueolu, Neb , July 10. ilmmedl. ntoly after lOCelved assurhnco of this nomination, he gavo out this statomcut: HTho Presidency Is the highest of ficial position In the world and uo ono occupying It can afford to havo litis views upon public quoUous biased by pcivftuul ambition. Per Eouhlly recsgnl.hig hlH jcpouslbllty and his obligations to his country, M)SSE IS SEARCHING FOR WOMEN'S ASSAILAftTS Wniltfttorth. O . July 10. Mrs. Lo Yl Leulltormnu Is at tho point of li hero today, whllo a Iwso Is hunting two men who saiurd entrance lo tho Jioiibo Into yonlorday' when the woman v(3s nlopo, bound, gagged nud assault ed her ,theu ivblicd tho l)oiitc and fled, WJion tho husband returned, ho found Mrs. Loathormuu unconHcIons on tho bed, AMERICAN SHOTS ARE LWIMN1NQ THE HONORS Uiiulon, July 10. (America won first honors in tho 200 motor ovent In tho International shoot at Blsloy, to day, by a 3ooro of 128 to fSwodon's 123. Walter Wlnans, tho American shot, who yesterday tied with Itnnkln, tho nnglUhman, in a double shoot run ning deer event, shot off today ami wqn (Capturing the gold modal, ' .'V itNj.w Ayii). tibi4 ho should enter upon the discharge of his duties with a singleness of pur pose.. HIeloving that ono can beot do this when ho Ih not planning for a Bpcoud term, I announco now, that, ir elected, I shall not bo a caudldato for re-elect Ion. ''This Is a noniliiitlon as purely from peoplo as am be, and It elect ed, my obligations' will bo aa purely to tho peoplo." BRYAN PLEASED Says the 'Platform Suits Him and Will Add Strength to the Fight. Fulrvlow, Lincoln, Nebraska, July J 0 . ' ' I am very much pleased with tho platform. It is clear, specific, tuul strong, and I am grateful to tlio convention for tho work It ha-3 dono In stating tho Issues. I am suro that tho platform will greatly strongthouua In tho fight upon which wo aro ontor Ing." Tho abovo statement was mode by Mr. Bryan today. jilBgfcaM.AuAiWjfa-MiA.lVjtiiliw..., tt-.Wi ti .iiv PRESIDENCY ? - Immediately After the Nomination was Made the Convention Ad- ; journed Until One OClock this Afternoon. WWHM Delegates Spent the Morning Hours in Sleep and When the Time Came for the Convention to Convene no one Knew who Would be Selected for Vice President -'4 Number of Men Were in the Race but no One Could Strike Governor Folk Developes a Boomand Congress man James Pulls Out The Fourth Day of the Conven tion Begins with the Enthusiasm Unabated. Denver, .Inly 10. -William J. Bryan was nominated ifor president by tlio Democratic national convention at 3:03, Dcnvor time, today. Tho total otes stood: Dryau, 892 1-2; Johnson 1C; Gray, r9 1-2; not voting S. Necessary to a choice, 071. Tho nomination wa then mudo unan- linoiis before tho totals woro an nounced. Tlio convention then ad journed until 1 p. m., when the vice presidential candidate will be nominat ed. The vote was mado unanimous on motion ot the nominator ot Governor Johnson, seconded by two of the Gray supporters. Stnugo to say It was tho vole of Pennsylvania, the homo of Bryan's arch enemy, Guffey, thut first gavo the Nehraskan the required two-thirds 071 votes. The session closed amid wcones of wildest rejoicing by tired- out delegate. Polls were taken of two of tho states during tlio call, Pennsylvania and New York. Tho result In the former cavo illrvnn 4fl i-1 votes. Johnson !! nnil fliiiv fl 1.-V wlHi lr nnf vnttnir. In tho Now York oaso tho demand for a poll waf mado, by J. K. O'Con nor, or Utlca. who hail challenged ''Big Chief" Murphy's announcement that under tho unit rule New- York would east her cutlro vote for Bryan. It was O'Connor's purpose merely to put Murphy and other Tammany lead ers on record. Thoy took their med icine with a wry face, but answered "Bryan" as each of their names wero oilled. A detailed vote at New Yorlc showed six for Johntsjn, but accord, lug to tho rule, the cutlro 78 votes wero cast for Bryan. Tho n I slit and early morning hours wero replete with sensational Incidents. For an hour and a querter paudemou lum relsned after Bryan had been placed In uomlmtlon by Ignatius J. Dunn, of Omaha, In his thrilling speech. As to volume It surpassed Thursday's demonstration. Tho speech of W. S. Hammond, of Minnesota started a twentv-threo min uted demonstration on liehalf of Gov ernor Johnson, and Judge Gray's namo recolvcd with Ics enthusiasm whon It v,ax preceded by ti. Irving illangy, of Delaware. Uryan was seconded by orators from nearly ovory stato, except Now York, Minnesota, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Tho report of tho resolution com mlttco 38 presented by Governor Haskell, of Oklahoma, ana was adopt ed unanimously, This morning tlio delegate? aro MAI DEMAND THE ELIMINATION Taft Receives Many Telegrams, Some Urgirig Compter mise but Most Urge Forakers Death Knell- Sheldon Says He will Keep a Record of ail Contributions . Made to the Campaign Fund. Hot Springe, Va July 10 Antici pating tho Democrats on their own plank, Gcorgo It. SholdOu declared himself for tho publicity of cam paign contributions whon ho arrived hero today to confer with Taft and Hitchcock. Sheldon personally doos net agreo with tho publicity plan, ''But," said ho, "wo will keep a complete record of all donors and receipts of ononoy and list will bo .UlftM. a kmih)!ximMibu -ii&fltiitikb PRICE TWO CENTS. -i u slumbering with nu thought of tho work of selecting the vice president. Judge Gray Is still talked of as tho leading candidate, while tliero la also strong sentiment for Governor !-1k, ctf Missouri. Folk 1 willing. Tho Now York delegation has doclarod for .Judgo William Gaynor, while Charles A. Towno, of New York, and OHIq James of Kentucky, aro ('till In Uta running. K All Btates and terrlrtorle?. except tho following, cast tholr solid vote fqr Bryan .beforo his name was mode unanimously: .j Connecticut, Bryan 9; Johnson, C, Delaware, Gray G. Georgia, Bryan, 4; Johnson, 2; Gray 20. ',? Maine. Bryan 10, Jolinsou 1, , not voting, 2. Maryland, Bryan 7, Johnson 0. J. Minnesota, Johnson 22. iNow If?inpB.ilretJBryanJ7, Johnson 1, New Jerbey. Gray 24. ( (Pennsylvania, Brj-hp'4 l-2";"Johnsoa 3, Gray 9j 1.2. not voting, C. Rhode Inland, Bryan C, Johnson 3. ' Vermont, Bryan 7: uot voting, lv Denver, July 10 Ono feature ot tho final ,cssIon or tbo'reoolutlons commltteo was tho defeat by a ris ing vote of the proposition offerl by Governor Noel, of, Mississippi, that "Horoafler a majority voto shall be sulllclout to effect a nonil nation of any candidate for presi dent or vlco president In tho nat ional Democratic convention, InBtoad of tho two-thirds ru.u now existing. Tho biggest fight, however, waa over tho plank condemning poly gamy, which waa defeated 20 aaj(a to 18 aye. This was tho only fijyht; in the resolutions commit teo that was at all closo. On th.o otner sub ject tho big Bryan majority on tie committee mado Itself folt, and the "pile driver" wasuscd to crush out opposition wherever thoro waa anyj As to how Bryan wishes planka worded, one of his lieutenants would call him up at Lincoln over long distance telephone and ask him what ho wanted. JIo would return and say "Bryan wants It 'this way' and tho commltteo would agree. The absoluto control exercised by Bryan was shown to a greater extent jix tho construction of platform thi In any other feature of tho convent tlon. . , Denver, Col., July 10 Just .bo foro tho convention went Into, sea- Continued on Pago Four ' y? OF publlslted la uccord&noft with tho Now York law. All moneys -"will t bent to mo at Now York." Ono result of tho Ohio situation Is likely to bo tlio doom bf Foraher as a political force. Bcorea ')ot telograms aro iwurlng In to Taft; some of tlioni Imploring h. comprol mlso in tho state light, hut m6k of them squudlng the call for -FoV auea-fl political ueatn jcneii.- . i FORAKER i. 1 ' H . 1j