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mjT rn , PAGE TWO THE MARION D s ' . it..". . . i - j-i i M j - ,?! , i'UA'-i"-. ..tfiyiflI.v- a .,.;,, ny -Tif i '.v rMlrr m 7' V i i r & A i i is s Ji i I frt i "i II iS ii ii I! ;i ii Ii v Ii A f II il t I ii ll ii Ir ii i! ft. I' i! I! ' i f 1 ii Sr if E T if- j ' The Mirror's Miisic LibraryNo. 481 :'Hv f MY LADY LOTUS. -'. tfjpLOJJ--- j Sung by CHERIDAH SIMPSON, Starring in the popular Jj heart" beau tap, tar jast ior . jag; tfwc....J w w - f ,1 jr . , j-: ' Li 0p "RED FEATHER." . .. , . . fLmJ ' ? (T Words by J. W. VanDormast. Music by W. B, Korr. ffi " ) S i5 "! " 5 ZZS " i--i . r , 1 rrzpft-q -jjft- -". . , riz z$- ' tjbferfrf-T: i j jf ' TK'ItI x Tj Z - I L ' I. gt''"' ' f , j - 2. She's &W ''-', ... -t C W r-J : tES-s-ar-1 : jjsr- ,jf I charm me. With Ca-pld'A pow-pr dl.m fate, Whether Joa flmlll or WHb J 5 )UJ-SPM I : i:" Cpr<oMta ) To - kl - o a lea house stands, "R'Uli in a gar - ilen fair, Where if ( Bweet as cher - ry bios soms pink, That BcS'nt the Wlm - y air, Her ' r, . fl i i ; I , ! ri all I ' I I I ' T I ', THI )' o l l , , , x, .. ,, .4 . &?--t4 " ( fnv''-" S S'- m'Jr3 "J d- i ---- g--: r I. - - ,W' "( '' Still from your eyes of brown, Summer comes peep ing through ..... la - dy Lo-tua lv Cm . - si , V '--- ' ' ' l.."i I I. : - : " m , n i ' ' i i ' i 1 i i fjs9f w f pel - Bhas dwell, each one a belle With dark and floos - y hair, " A -" 'H" li, r- 1 j - , Ejl-iJ J "jj f ' I fj !:::lT:::Tt:::::Z11;:f "N eyes are bright as Btars of night That spark .'lo ev - 'ry- where t She's ..''' vj ' I &- 'T" 1" " ' '"' ' ' ' ' " 11... I 't- J . j. j. H . Ioto you, By Jap - an - ese ekics a - Ioto yoij, Tp Dream-land you float as, My F i " " a jr N, ' '.111' y ---1 ' ' ' '" ' C nfru 1 i ' i I : i !--' ! -rr- -i ' ! I i 7.: f4 j-j-i M,a , --t .liL mong iho girls thcro's one I know, Tho fair - est in Ja pan, And cv - 'ry night .by' ,''!? , W i" i H " '!" ' f I" f ra f I -I c' -.F " " C daiu-ty as Wis-ter - 1 . a, And when I see her dan'ce, It's Pit- ter pat my, -..?, rf U . ' Bwectla.dy Lo . tus, Com. irrow In my gr - dea, k 'do 'J ' ,6-' N I ;K ,g --S-t a- & . m- ---5 o tE-5-Z J -vg -t - " ta az is ?s a S-H : r- -j' I . t T1 , nii . 1. M F ' 1 1 jo -. s: 5:. " - yy -o- p" "m i ' 1 ,y f 1 n" & " :-j-'.--,i ri- j: j: T -Ts' 1 'I i-. i?,")'- I " i lmm$zghzzaFd3s :; r (iill-lp Hjili1 f Jl y Copyright, MCJiviii, by MURRAY MUSIC CO., New Yo:k. No.ilO. 'f .' My Lady Lotus, appadp, ' 2fo. GO. i I P ,!' r .; rr . . i ' ' - '' MR, BOWSER QUITS Everything Wrong a, Home, Ho Seeks Peace Elsewhere. HIS WIFE CALLS HIS BLUFF. She Singe Merrily as He Departs. Turned From Boarding Houses Old Maid's Fear of Possibilities Returns For Phonograph Music, I By M. QUAD. Copyright, 1910, by Associated Literary t'rvnu j t'V won after Mr. Unwxer boarded 11 Htrt'i'l car lu cOihu Iidiuu the other ovotilnjr that he jot to tliluklns lie hud couie away lu tho muriilii with n frnywl collar on. Mrs, Itowtw'r was lu blame. One ot IiIh Kii;.H'ii(lui-a hud rIvcii way duiitih' the day If Mih. Howuer wa the rlKht Uliul of wife could hucIi A ttllllK llUpUH? He bud put on a Mod; with a hole in the bft'l. anil it bail hunched up and auuojcd hi 111 all day. Home one wuh to bluue. ami wlm but Mrs. Bo)orV lie bad found a kii'iis npot un thu etYO of hilt I'out. lie hndu't put It there, ftmuu one must buvc ko( up In tbo tilnht to do It. and who had tbo opportunity but Mis. Houser? Ip AlJppiiiK tirouiid on the sidewalk ho 1)8(1 dlscoveml that the heel of ouo hce, was run down, rio couldn't ex tfvtly nay Ihut Mm. Howuer had beeu pliqipu lu bin bIioch, but wasn't It ber ijtlty na n vlft-' to lake notice of such tblUBH iui1 IfH lli to stop at the cob-Jjlur'8? Madamf. Dean's FRENCH plUQ A Safe, Qkht.. .-r Jtj urir iron iTfucssrji ' Me.nhtiilatio.v. Ntvca mm 10 rtn 8ifi'l Hurel Sjnedyl hutli (.wlioa uu f antiicd or ironuy iiifiindril. Hon! pie paid fur (MO per box. HI fit net them bu jjaiit forwlitm rt'llevnl. .iiiipj''a l'-Kf. JusUt on gettlncr tbo (.-oniiliiQ, n coptnosubatltiuo. J f your drugKlol dovt1 1 t Uavo tliim sent! your order tQtbo WITEQ UEDIML CO., Bsi 7-), .LlDCistir, ft. m 1 ilSdi la Utrlon bv D. J. Ualoncy 6 Soa ft. And then she was buniliiK moie con,' about Ui than he otiKbt, ami be bad no doubt ut her. that she llchled all the pis burners during the day to bankrupt him as soon ue pnsHlbte. Tlioru were lots nnd lots of things to think of, nnd he was Ko busy about them thai be was carried three blocks past bin own street. Of course -bo bud u row wltb the conductor about it, but Mrs. Uowhor was primarily to bltuuu and must be held 1 ('sponsible. ' And he not home lo tlud the guto HtondluK wide open. Yes, sir, all thu sheep, hogs and covt In town could walk rl;:lit Into thu wild uud nibble ut the stone doK be hud for ornament. They might even bile Hh tall oir. And rltflit on the top Htop was 11 bntr pin a halrplu that must have co-it u quarter of a cent. It umiu'l the cost bo much us the principle of thu thing If Mrs. Ilowser would throw hairpins outdoors, why not potatoes, milk nnd butter? Aud. lastly, there wiik the inn, When bo left borne In the morning that 1 i-c was lying as straight as a bee Hue ii'ow It was all twisted around ami hunched up to boot. If Mrs. ltuwsei wus Unit cuieless of 11 rut,', what (oijld she be In money mailers' Why, she must waste thousands of dollars u year! I A Grouch With the Dinner. Mr. Bowser opened the door. There ' was no Sirs, Ijowser to greet lilm. ' There wds no cut. And right Micro on I he ball tree, on tl peg where )io always hung bis hut. Hits a dusting rug. If Mrs. Bowsuf would hung a dusting rug on his peg would she he-. Into lo murder him as he slept? Oh, tblngn were nil wrong dead wrong, and something ind got to bull pen! He heard her down in tie din lng room, aud lie went down. lie clumped on eucll step to give her no tice that be was 11 determined limn, She was bringing things to the dinner table ami halted long enough to say; "J'ht, (00U hail to go to u luneral this afleriioou, uud that left me the dinner to get. Hit right down." Sir, Itowser nut. Here was another prlevunce. There wiih n funeral. Who lid d bt night about that funeril? Why wasn't lie telephoned lo Dial t If n re wus 11 luhi-raH Was be Mr Sniiiticl Howser or 11 men- cipher In this world? Mm. Howser sut llowu after u mo ment and hoped ho would like the 'din ner uud that she had taken iMillculur palps. vlli I In sU'iik. lint he dtl not atwwer. (she gossiped 11 llltl-, but ho f continued .'.turn, Bbe usLed f.r news I be slmjily glared Here was nnother grievance. Shu jmist sou by bis look and nttltudu that be was put out about something Honielblug tjiat mlgb't bo positively dreudful-iind yet sliu hadn't asked blm to exilaln. No; sho didn't care i cent. Bhe w'o'i'd have treated u bar barian the same way. My and by he shoved back from the table uud started upstairs. Ho ex pected to be called back, but no call mump. Indued, be had scarcely reach- 0 Jl HBfc nowsBii nowa with the oohpootob. cd thu imi ft the stairs whe1" Mrs. Bowser began clearing off tbo tablo and iSluglug. l'oa, sir, Hinging, nnd he flight bu contemplating ttulcjde for all sho know! Dawn of the Crisis. 1 A crisis must come. Things could nor go on this way, Ho pju on hat and orercoat and thou called her, Sho came up vHi u wiping "tpwpl In hand and a sniilo on bur face and wits about to say slio'd bp tijrptlfih III ten minutes when bo cut, In with: "Mm, Mowser. you must huvp seen that flomethlng nils, mo." ".Vo, I hjidn't," sjie ropllcd. "Iij your rheiiniutl'im iKitbcrliig you ngu(n?" "You must have n fooling tbot, a crisis Is nt hand." ,tr "About Joe. Ctinuon?" , ' " "About us Woman, 1, can stand this o lP(igur!" ".yuy, what ialt?" "1 leav homo tonight now!" "You ure not going to climb -Mount McKIuley?" "I nm going bccauijo I can live bora no longer. You aro driving mo out. I have got to go to a boarding bouse." "I didn't know tliitf, I had driven you. but If your feci that you must go I hope you'll pot a comfortable place. Don't tnko a back room. If you do the cats will bo suro to bojher you. Como around und' neo mo when you have time. My' offlco UouM will bo till day and 'nil' qvcnlng. Pioaso ex cuse 1110 uov, as I hayo the rest of tho dishes til rinjsh. Bo sure to got d front room." With that she tripped downstairs, nnd for a long nilnuto Mr. riowscr stood llko a miiaof stone. He'd been thrown down, nnd thrown hnnf. Ho had met thu enemy nnd ho was hers. He had bluffed und been called, nnd now to save his fucoho must 00. Ho looked around the room, nnd tpok n loug farewell and t'ipu strode down the hall nnd bunged the dqor after him. As1 It banged ho heard Mrs. .Bow ser singing "Tup Oqo4 Old Rummer Tme." " Turned Away from Boarding Hpuses. , Mr. Bowser felt nil fhe feeling of a man who had turned bjmsej J outdoors, lie wuked doyu 'Jo'tuVcofTief nnd then down to wjjgro. fte.'hnd seep a sign of rooms nnd board. Hewas tlvo min utes niakmgup'wnnlnd, afid then bo rang the bell, A hatcliot faced woman cqinu to tho (Joor. " While Jie was an nounclng his mlsSJgi) she was sizing him up, and wli'en ho bad finished sho" replied; "You must bave"ib.e.''beBt of refer ences, sir." T ' M "Hut my numa la Bov8r" "That's nothing '' to" rae. I kne a mi'rderer pnmed Bowser once.'' "Woman, d))tj't -tajk'9 Mut she shut tho do'dr ,on bis toes and saved th,o resf'of bis speech. lie tried again one7l)loct,s be)pvv, A young map wjth 11 lsp, cam?' Jo tjao flqor for his mamma. S!rV Bourse? askqd If bq qould get a fron tropin apd bourd, apd tho reply was:' ' ''We had q p-arjtH.berd Who lopped. Just llketh you, and be stole tbo tow- "Hilt wlmfs that gPtVVl1 roB?'f "Why, you might tnl WnliocMI" Mr. Hoier iu'HVH-l---l( ?9- ou: 'Id have hs lipijLii.puhcUedhut be rt- '"-Hi and sbtjt tlio Ooot?; -. )t'c-d y, an old maltj. A(,feiui Wffim W J" door, nnd as soon as the request was mude she answered: "Do you kick ttbout your meals?" "Why, I expect good living." 'Are you 11 married iiinn?" "I expect I nm." "Then I'm ufrald you'd mnko love to me. They always do, you know." "I'm not making love to anybody." "Then you are n bad. bad man, and I'd rather not take you. You see, a eirl"- Mr. Bowser walked down tbo steps nnd straight to bis owu door. He took off his overcont und bat and walked through to tho sitting room, nnd as Mrs. Bowser looked up from her book bo said: "I was going to n club, but I changed my mind. Let's set that old phono graph 'golug und buvo somo music!" Eucired. While occupying the pabtorato ot a western church lu Veurly career Dr. George U. Kiintor. uud a deacon wuose character had always' been above ro proucli until 11 unuln prayer meeting which fqllnut-d a mtiiioii ilurlhg wblcb tho eldi'f hud soliudly slumbered. "Will Hrnen-r Jum-s kindly lenijr wns-mkcd b.v he pastor ut tpn tjegln ning of the pni.u; svnhr. Wuklug with start ut tlu mention of bis punie, jh,- -Jencon almost broue up the sen Ire by replying; " ed Int-t time. It's your uirii What are trumpsr-l-blludepuhi Itecord. April 23' In AlWioan History, 18ia-8tephen Arnold Douglas, stfltos man. pemocra, contemporary of AbAdtiam Llucoltj, b,ort); died 1801. 18312-Uutieral Solomon Van llcpsse Jadr, noted soidler. (Jlei; b,qfu 1774. 1800 The fiiiiioutt national Dpnjocratio convention met n Char;e8toii. TBe couvebtlou divided ojf the Issue Pf slavery, uud Wp Democratic tick ets wore ailtmately mq4-i diving tho election to Llncdln. 10Q5-jIooph Jofforson, voteran dctqr, (lied: born; 1820, ' ' 180p-Form,er United ta'fea Sejmtpr Wlllkni M(, (Stewart of Kiyada died ifi Washington; fiorn J82J". ASTftONOMIpAL EVENTSi (From npon today to ripop fatnorrpw.) Sun set 0j3, fi, :0Mj inoon sets rjs; 8:4 fa m!( easjerp f)ne. fdl moon In copstellatfon Vlrsp; 0:00 b. m.. ?l,.W-'D,UPttWP?-i t mi'ogeei fahhefet t ' & , CITY NATIONAL BANK. COR. MAIN AND CENTER fifS. " capital stock $ido;pqo Surplus and UnrlivJded Profits, $38,Q00. OFFICERS , ' I. A. ftlERCHANT, President. D. H. LINCOLN, CMbJeir. i , " D..R. ORIBSINOER, Vice President. J, U. WETMORE Ifr fljrT. A share of your banking business solicited. " ' Safe Deposit Boxes for Rest, Interest paid on DepPsM. ' DIRECTORS: ' ''1 t Isaao A. Merchant, F. A, Ruber , D. R. Crlsalngcr, James B. sitlttw. John D, Owens, Dr. C. E. Sawyer, Busby P. BwOncy, Charles.lL Mo Elvy, George W. tyug, George E. Salmon, A. E. Cheney, JR.;WMnm, Dan Evana f ,'JT , fi The Marion National BanH manon, unio ' UNITED STATES UEWSITORY. Capital 200,090,(K). VT'iim'BT "T 3 Surplus S70.000.lkl, . r w -r . . ,v -Fwu. unniyiopo Profits 920,000.00. Accounts ol Corporations, rarmers, r'lrms and Individual . Stcjtad AOeneral Banking HuHlnens Tranct. Drafts Issued on Foreign CountrlJ ' ' INTEREST PAID ON TIME QEJPQSITES,- OrriOJSUBt-J, K, Waddelt, President. 0. K. Hawyer, Vloe l'rlient. Ii B. Wadami uawjrei Iitffler O, H Hawjrer , jj - A IliRKOTOBRt H. Q. Han H, Btrellts 3 Oeo, W Kla Charles N. PhllUns. oaahim Bar). J Lae, Asslsfimk Caaiur MartpJ,Brks, 1P8" rr tv w ffiff firmf 4 fBLil iaCXia P0N'T NEGLECT YOUft Ore lrtsuranca ; . .' . ' -Ji' j L i in' '" ' '" ' ''inmi'iujiij ' FREW. PETERS, ll $?$& 1 ' m"f y i"" ,1't'i " !" ossssssfBSa3SsssjBaBBe5assMem Using the want ads ot the Mirror has Sa,vSd many a dollar. Why not lifti.Bnvi.,,, -&$ VPT A Scotchman- baa invautadnavwSeW ..i JT . '.-. ..'. .' '' uramu ?(Wi,mmny)n ft tJirn-vUii m -.n. . -M I V t i $!Sfrvj Va 1' Sj -iJf. .s --?- .k -.