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$AGHB VTX Ttm MARION DAILY, MIRROR, SAT! 4-- MYSTERIES OF CAKE By HELEN LOUISE JOHNSON BAKING NO SUCH THING AS LUCK IN COOKING Skill, Intelligence and Long Practice the Only Real Secrets Must Learn Habits of the Range TlIEItE nro. primarily, but two kinds ot enko mixtures, nnd nil thi mnnlfold big and iltttc, rouurt nnd squrirc, lilrgr nnd loaf vnrl- tics arc but modifications, embellish- ments or different combinations of theo two cake foundation!". There arc -si... ,iiiii,int hotter, of which nonro take Is the best example, nnd cako with butter, of which cup nnd pound cakes nro best known. There I no such thing a lurk In Woking It Is like any other art tho result of skill; In some, lit pari moot" M o hers ncnulred; hut In either case, ... . . . . .l Ihn f1lHt IB Vl'l ) V'UU Kllil I1H1U 11 in urnui iu the result of Prlce. Ami n"e " bring It to the kitchen some time he step s Preparation. Ilt $'??& ' fore needed, for It should bo about 70 nnd then Plteiii r In " ' J)l,0"r deirree. K. to be successfully nnd easily of the first maxima of good '"OKI"R ..reaped The mixing bowl may be A mensurng cup ho -.1 table heated with hot water bcMm bogln .p ..-?.. B"iT?' "LV'J. 'T. nUi to mm the butter, hut the but- spnoniu s oi i '"''"" " i: ',., nn.i iMnnnna for ktlehen lice should bo of regulation size. Just ns much n the eups used. Any cup or spoon or handy utensil will not answer. In general, dry material should be sifted berorc measuring, and when a cuoful Is called for. the cup should not be dipped Into the flour or sugar and shaken down until leveled. This not nloho adds more of the particular In gredient than Is called for, but It Is apt to make a messy process out of what can and should be n very dainty one. All measurmonts are level unless the reclpo status to the contrary, and n rounding spoonful equals two level ons Kor It should round aH much above ns the spoon rounds underneath. To measuro a cupful, put the mate rial In by spoon or scoop, round slight ly, then level with a knife, no not shake tho cup to settlo tho flour or whatever It may bo. To measure a spoonful dip It In, then level quickly and deftly with the knife. :ialves are divided lengthwise ot the spoon. A cupful or spoonful of liquid la all tho cup or spoon will hold, not to carrv from pantry to kitchen, but all It will hold right there, where every thing should bo ready. Kor the proc ess of cake making resembles direc tions for a chlldsh game: One. to make ready; two. to prepare; three, to go lam bang nnd then there you arts Let it bo cup cakes with butter thet aro about to bo made that difficult XJiko called ono-egg cake. eea. mlllc. flour, baking powder, bowls. spoons, fork or heater and paiiM ri.tdy greased, nil there at hand. Tho nct Is, not to begin to mix. but to alt' nd to the Are. and the oven, for If the proof of tho pudding Is In the eating tho test of cake making Is In the b.ik lng There are no Infallible rules to guldo the seeker to success here ev erything depends. Ovens are us Indi vidual as people, and rangos form hub its of their own. The lire should be clear and even, and In such a condi tion that it will not havo to be reme died or attended to whllo the baking IS going on. Only experience can ten h one here, but soma of the holps to this may be found in keeping the inteilor of tho stove clean around tho oven; no ashes nor coal nbove or below. And when a, stove Is red hot tho chances rim tho oven Is cooling for tho heat f-om tho stovo Is being thrown into td'v room in plnco of going whoro It belongs. In making good cake, as in making rood coffee, It Is necessary to have good materials to begin with. Tho but ter may not be too salt or filled with water: the sugar should not bo the 'oarso but finely granulated, nnd pas try flour should be used. Measure or weigh the quantities required, then sift tho flour again, and right hero a divi sion of opinion will bo found as to whether the baking powder ehould or should not bo sifted with It. linking powder Is made of certain Ingredients which unite in the presence ot water, )eep Breathing Develop the Exercises Arc the .Best Method Both of Increasing a Flat Chfcst as.d Decreasing Excessive Fulness By DR. EDITH I AM often asked to glvo ndvico upon this sonfewhnt delicate subject. It certainly detracts from th appear ance to be Hat-chested and unde veloped, but greater is the detraction for those who have too much fulness. Thoto who are thin and Aat can easily rerriedy the. defect by wearing some thing to glvo the propnr appearance, hut card mint bo taken that whatever appliance is worn it bo of Burh n na ture as not to press upon the body, for pretsuro will Injure tho dellcato gland disuo and cause ftlrther shrinkage. If inly a llttlo padding Is needed light material that Ih starched can be used, such as 4wlsa or tarlatan, lightly S Jaced Inilde the corset or waist. If ust development is entirely wanting, thp light framework that can be ob tained from nny dealer In corsets will nnswer better. Pads vvhleh nre wadded with Wool or cotton aro often injurious, not atone becausu of the piessure, but because they aro heut!ng moreover, it 1 difficult to give to them a contour of natural appearance, u is only in Mlremn enses that anything of the na ture Just described should be or need he worn. It ono carries nerseic proper jy the Hat-chested look will disappear i releasing rnriwm dioxide, n gas which In in make tho enke light. Tho claim Is that If ply III tit the last, after the batter him lirpli Well liealen. nerfily all the gas In available for raising the cake. Whereim, If sifted with the flour and added with It to the caktv (hat much strength In lout. Tho beat wny Is probably to expertmen nnd find out which method bring the best rMtilt' with your baking powder nnd way of ooinz. The most iltillcult muscular part of cake making I" the creaming ot tho" H.u"r..n"' ,U"? ?lr .". " " "l"i butt, r and the sugar. If tho buttur ter itself ahould never bi ter Itself should never be heated or metted except by standing In tho room, wboe tempemture may or may not be particularly warm. Cream the but ter In n bowl with n wooden spoon, llun mill the sugar gradil'illy, stirring carefully. The butlor should llrst bo of ii soft cr'-nmy consistency, mid when sugar Is added, sultlclent beating must be done to have the mlviure cream and not like hard sauce. If the sugar hup not dissolved before I he cake is linked, tho grains. In melting In the cake In tno oven, make holes In tho i-nke and spoil the texture. Coarse grnlued enke again and again nines from not aufllclently mixing and beat ing In the hUgrr. If one egg only is to lie U"e,l, It should be beaten very light without separating, and added to tho butter First Have Everything nnd sugar. If more eggs aro used, the usual prm ess Is to beat the yolks and whites separately, adding the yolks td tho butler nnd sugar, the whites later. Occasionally, u leclpe calls for more sugur thun can be beaten properly wmi me miller, and in that case a portion of it may be beaten with the yolks, and this mixture added to the butter and sugar. When the egg or the yolks aro woll boatcn In, and the mixture Is light and full of bubbles, begin to add flour nnd milk alternately, beating nnd stirring steadily In order to securo a light, flno-grnlned cake. The whites of tho eggs should bo lion ten to i itlff, dry froth, which means something very different tharl meiely beating them light. They Ahould b" beaten on a plato or platter with a wire beater of somo descrlp- to Bust L. MACKAYE and there will bo no nood of artificial aid, for It Is often not so much that tho breasts nro too small, but because the chest Is undeveloped. Unit it ap pears pinched, contracted, an appear ance which casts down tho aspirant fur good looks. Tho cliost should be: carried well forward. It has been do strlued as If ono IihiI a ro.iotto upon the breast bon. a rosette which Is not fastened and which will fall oft If the body Is not maintained in Just such n position as to mako It stay. Tho frame work of tho chest, the breastbones and the libs, form theviindnrlying founda tion of the bust. They alSo form thu bony cage of the lungs. This frame work can be improved and tho whole bodily health brought to a higher de cree of nerfsctlon bv its exoanslou. This Is accomplished by.dCep breath ing. Take long Inhalations of puro air. expniidlng tlfb lungs' slowly, and then as gradually bredthe the air out. The exercise makes one dlszy at Arsf, and not moro limn a pair uozen sum deep. long breaths eifn be taken, but If sudi oxerc'lsoa are persisted in nigm and morning, gradually Increasing tho number of Inhalations up to twenly-Hvo ur moro, tli Hat chest will begin to Hon. Tho wldtes of eggs 'nro boatcn to break up the tenacious albumen and fill It with air. in order to lieeompltsh this the egg must be lifted, not beaten lOlind and round, and thaiilr admitted, Salt should be added, a fimllll amount to eve:ry cuke, to etihnneo Dr hi lng out Itn flnvttr, and If It Is added to tho whites while they are being beaton, It hastena the piocess by taking up some of the water. The eggs should bo suf ficiently dry to slick to the plnltor, and ins they cannot stand after being beaten without separating, tliey should Bo used without any great delay. In mixing the white ot tho eggs vvlth the bntter. lift and fold them In; do not bent ngnln. Stirring Indicates u circular motion; boating n lifting, In which the Ingredients nre turned over 'arid over; but folding In means a ncntlo mollona vertienl downward move and n deft turning over of tho inlxtme, folding In as much at a time a possible. Stirring mixes ingredients; beating Incorporator air; folding or outtlng In retains tho air nlrendy ln- r7 US- Ready , troduced into nn ingredient or mix ture. I'ans should bo greased with a brush, or a piece of clean puper, which should be at onco- burned. There nro objec tions to brushes, for they nro diffi cult to keep clenn, but they aro bettor than pieces of papor torn from the last grocer's package which has como in. Tho pans should bo greased lightly. Just enough to prevent sticking, nnd then filled with tho batter by pouring It from tho bowl, nnd nil this should bo done ns rapidly as possible. Hero Is where delay costs. Tho linking of bread or cako should be divided Into thrco parts: The cup cako Is going to bake thirty minutes. During tho flrst ten tho cako should rise; that Is tho heat of tho oven should bo moderate, so that tho mixture may round out; tho hollows lr. tho neck will All and foundations aro laid for tno bust development which Is so greatly desired. Upon tho bony framework aro placed tho muscles in the form ot great, folds of llesh attached tho length of tho breastbone, and from thero they oxtend In a triangular shapo to tho arm. These form the second layer of tho founda tions of the bust, and If theso muscles are well developed they glvo a very de sirable support. Theso cicep-ureain-Ing exercises will accomplish this, as will also cnrtaln oxorclses which bring them Into play, Tho best ono of theso I have oftort described, but It 1b so benertlclal for chest development that I will stnto It again, doudio me lists and brlncr them together over tho breast bono, IUlso tho elbows so thut they aro In a horizontal position In front of tho cheat. Keep thorn flrmly In this position and then slowly and flrmly separate tho fists one from tho other, bringing tho artns back so you will feel tho shoulder blades pressing against the back. Try to bring tho points of the elbows together. You will be far from doing It. for they do not go back nny great ways. When drawing the elbows back take n long, deep breath, inflating tho lungs well. Itepeat theso oxerclsbs, beginnlngrwlth half a dozen or so nnd increasing them after tho manner of tho deep breathing exorcises. If you uso a tape-measuro and measuro the chest from tlmo to time you will be surprised to And how much it will bo Increased. I have seen women with vory small breasts, yet with this expansion of chest walls and muscles, who have the appearanco of fine development and an admirable fig ure. Hotweon tho musolos and tho skin, with Its underlying layor of fat, is placed tho gland tissue which forms the brnahts. Jn young girls tho gland tissue Is not much developed, and In fact It does not look well ft there Is n giiat abundance of It. An luorease of gland tlssuo can be obtained by gantlo massage and by the uso of hot and oold water. Water as hot as one oun tear juui rnnt- " " I I IWMiaM iaM I I e v -jii. -. irK.fifii&u"mimmmii .a iilf mm MmmmM 11" P 1 . . t-TU M.MJir JSJ'lnJt1ton ., g 1-J,rv-,. I bo evenly heated and evenly rise. During the second tqn minutes the cake should rise anil' bciglu to brown nnd during tho last brown evenly, set tle a little and draw" away from the pan. k To test when dqiie, listen, for it should make bid a Blight singing nolscj or press with the linger;- it done, tho cake will rebound, nnd most cakes'aro done when they shrink from tho Bldcri of the pan. Fours nut Cafe, neat two eggs wall, nnd bent into them one cupful ot cream, and then one cupful of sugar, Jllx and sift on6 and otie-quartcr cups of flour with one teaspoonful of cream .'of tartar nnd one-quarter teosnponfjll of salt. 8Ur this into tho mixture find add one-halt teaspoonful of soda 'dissolved in tL tablespoonful of hot water and one holf teaspoonful of Vanilla. Hak.o In large squnre Jelly caltcpans until done. Cut In diamond-shafted pice es and put cai-h two pieces together with tho fol- Mix the Butter and Sugar Together Until Beat the Whites of Eggs to a Stiff, Dry lowing filling: Make a smooth p: sto of two tablespoons of cornstarch Ith n llttlo water. Mix this with ono c up ful of clear coffee and lot It boll ten minutes; then add one-quarter cupful of sugar, one-quarter toaspoonful of snlt nnd tho slightly beaton yolkr of two eggs. Cook until tho mixture thickens. After Ailing tho cakes cover them with an Icing mndo bv mixing tho Julco of two oranges with that of ono lemon nnd "tlrrlng in confection er's sugar until stiff enough to spread without running. lU-iuro tho Iclnt dries sprinkle cakes with finely chopped browned almonds. Honlg Wafel (Honoy Cakes.) Boat to a cream one-half runf ii of butter nnd ono cupful of powdered sugar. Bout Into this ono ogg well it nh-tlla bo dashed iipon tho body, and this followed by water as cold as can bo comfortably borne. This tho growth by stimulating tho clrc Ra tion. I am often asked If certain In ternal remedies will increaso tho -dzo of the breasts, and answer that 1' is useless to try to lncieaso the gland tls suo by taking modlclnas. I havo si ok en of tho layer of fat which is Just un der the skin. Ordinarily this IS f. om a quarter ot an Inch to a half nn Inch in thickness, ncoordlng to tho general distribution in tho body. It is this lay, cr of fat which gives tho desired ap pearanco of roundness to tho bust nnd neck. Tho bones are hidden by It, tho muscular inequalities nro smoothed out. It Is thercforo deslrahlo for those who lack bust development bacauso they aro thin to take means of lnorcaslng their flesh by eating more, and by taking fata in their food or in the form of cod liver oil. Itubblngs with fat sub stances will possibly liolp. AT a tli tract of n thimble nartv I saw nn nt- tractlvo workbag. It was made fancy silk ribbon, with tho usual 0 IK-covered o icIb for n base, but nt the top the ribbon was gathered tightly around a wooden em broldory ring, tHUtf leaving the top open, Tho smaller ilug of the pair was used as a cover,-tho ribbon being! gathered around it at ono edgo ana then brought together in tho centra and tied with a knot of baby ribbon of hurmonlzlng color. A llttlo frill stood up in tho centre of tho coyer ns ti flnlsh, and a "handle" ns well, Whllo narrow ribbon was fastened qt each sldo of tho larger ring for con venience In carrying.r-U J. INSTEAD of wetting .the broom Iti self whon ready to nlrtap a carpet, pin or sew n piece 'Qf'old flannel around tho top of tho straw. Thoil pour warm water on this cloth. The water gradually runs down Into tha broom nnd keeps it Just damp enough to lay the dust without wetting thd carpet. ' n. It. II. beaten and one-half cupful of strained honey. Stir tho two cupfuls .of pastry flour previously Bitted -with two tenspoonfuls of baking pow der nnd last etlr In ontvbolt cupful of Hncly chopped Alberta. Let tho mixture stand where it Is very cold (do not frooze) ovorjnlght. When ready to bako roll tho Uough very thin, cut into fancy shapes, br.osh them over with tho whlto of an egg diluted with a teaspoonful of warm water. Sprinkle tho cakea with gran ulntcd sugar nnd chopped Alberta. Hako them In a hot oven until a noldien brown. Chocolate Cake. Melt two ounces .of chocolnto'ln laJ .-t..i.t i, l1n A ,1,1 in (Viln llin vntliv of two eggs 'beaten with one-half of it cupful of milk. Hur careiuny unui tho mlxturo forms a soft paBtej re move from tho fire, ndd two table Hiioonfnls of butter, ono cupful ot sugar and one-half tcnspodnful of salt. Creamy Froth DIssolvo ono level teaspoonful ot soda In a llttlo worm water nnd ndd to nno-hnlt cup of swcot milk. Add this to tho chocolato mlxturo alternately with ono nnd onc-hnlf cupfuls ot sifted Hour, stirring and beating until batter Is well mixed and smooth. Turn into a Hat shullow pan and bako for twen-ty-Hvo minutes in a modcrato oven. Tho cako must bo carefully baked nnd tested ns to Its being thoroughly dono before removing from oven. Uso n while frosting on this enke. Boll a cupful of sugar and ono-hnlf cupful of wi u i- w'tliout stirring until It forms a thtead warn dropped from tho tines of a f"ik. lleut this into tho whlto of nn egg which has been beaten until stiff. Copi'titie beating until tho mlx turq is ci enough to sprond on tho cako without running. Spread It Devices to Cleaning Suggestions to Women That Will Make This Labor Easier Sinks Should Be Carefully and Frequently Flushed w HEN swooping, ns much furnlturo as posslblo should bo removed from the room. Tha remainder should be covered with coarse, unbleached cotton cases, kept on hand for this purpose. Pictures, mantels and Ihlrrors should he dusted and then cov ered with casos mado of thu sama ma terial. "Whllo tho sweoplng Is being dono tho doors should bo closed and tho windows opened. Matting should bo swept with a soft cloth or brush, and then gono over with a damp cloth to remove tho dust. Soap must not bo used, as It Is likely tq dis color tho matting Soiled spots may ho removed by rubbing the matting with a cloth, wrung out In hot water, Windows must bo thoroughly dustod 'bevforo washing, and tho dirt removed 'from corners and crovlocs with a wood- on sKowor and a pleco of cloth. Tho glass may then bo washed In cloar, warm water, containing n little am monia. The wnshlng cloth should be damp rather than dripping wot. Tho cloth should be rlnsod frequently, Tho windows must bo dried with a clean, oft oloth and polished with pnpor. lo clean out glass, uso i, soft brush CAKE MAKING' OF ANTE-BELLUM DAYS How Uncle John. Went to ing in Virginia No Baking Powder or Soda- ... , ! I. ! .11 . , ! ' smooth with a knlfo dipped in hot. water. Maplo Sugar Cako. Cream one-half cupful df buttct1 with 'two cupfuls of sugar until well mixed. uenr. and stir in auurnuiciy ono cup ful ot milk nnd two and one-half cupfuls of flour Bitted with thrco tea spoonfuls of baking powder and ono half tcasnoontul of salt. Then cut and (fold in tho whites of flvo eggs beaten 4rf. n ,1ttr atlrf ftntlv tlnt.A In IHma layers until dono and put together with muplo Ailing modo as follows: Cook thrco cupfuls of maplo sugar with one-half cupful of wator until it threads when dropped from tho tines of a fork. Jleat the syrup into tho whites ot two eggs beaten until stiff nnd dry. "When the tilling is stiff emmgh to spread put It botween tho layers and on top of tho cake. Oatmeal Scones. To ono cupful of woll-cookcd oat meal porridge add on,c, cupful of milk, ono tablespoonful of melted butler, ono tcaspoontui or urown nugnr and ono snitspoonfui or salt, .mix theso to gether well. Sift two tcaspoonfuln of baking powder with ono cupful of flour, nnd stir it into 'tho mlxturo, adding moro flour as necdod to mako n dough Just ntirf enough to handle. Roll out halt nn inch thick, cut with a shnrp biscuit cutter and bakn to a dclicuto brown on a hot buttered griddle. Oatmeal Cookies. Mix together two cupfuls of sifted flour, two cupfuls of oatmeal, one-half pound of chopped raisins, one-half tea- Grease' tho. Iana with a Brush sporeiful of snlt. Beat ono cupf-il of brovn sugar to n cream with thrco quartcrs of a cupful of shortening (one halo butter nnd one-half lard). Add two, eggs woll beaton, one-half tea spoonful fat vanilla nnd one-half cup ful fat hot water in which is dissolved one'halt teaspoonful of soda, fitlr In tho, dry ingredients and drop by big spoonfuls on the (loured bottom ot in verted pans on n cooky sheet. Bake until delicately browned. If TURNED my colandor upsldo down over tho Ash or meat sautolng in nn iron spldor. Tho small holes nl low tho steam to escupe nnd Btlll prevent tho groaso from spattering. Whon turning tho fish, I take It to ono sldo nnd return it ad quickly as pifaslblo. Try it. L. M. Lighten or and warm water containing ft llttlo ammonia. Try to cover tho glass with the brush thoroughly, in order that each llttlo crovlco shall bo reached. Dry tho glass Immediately, and If sawdust Is available uprlukle It freely over thu glass and let It remain for some time. Then romovo It with n soft brush, nib lightly with n oloan, soft cloth, and tho cut glass will bo clear nnd spanning. China dishes should bo scraped of nil food, rinsed In cold water and washed in warm, nontiv wator. If there1 Is gilt on tho china bo sparing in tho uso of soap. Itlnso each dish as It Is, washed In hot water; drain singly (not In piles) and dry. For drying silver, glass and china, linen cup towols should bo used. These must bo washed out in boiling wator otter use, in order that they may be clean for each dlsb washing. Long and short towels aro both' convenient Mi" handling pots nnd paiw. These (owcls may bo ot cotton or cotton and linen mixed. A wire brush, a stirt "vege table brush" and somo wooden skewem will bo found of great assistance In washing kltohen utonslls. To prevent woodonwnro from crack noMse Work Each Saturday Morn-' . ,., .. t..,.i.i., i,- -, A l.TI i put on tlitiW x,ady liultlmoro" ii, u , n ....... ..... f 1 bud justt taken Horn my gaa in n bo i plULtid it in tho centra of the dining loiin table, took a Beat by. tho window aid mhvo a High of ro lliff. It is such K bumpy, mysterious , cako that I utwnys fuel i have turned , out a Jack lloihcr pic. Aly mother, sut by tho open Ire and began talklns , to mc. ', "Lot mo tell jou how your srcat grandmother tiiaib OiiKii." "Oh, pluasu do, and I shull put a page in my recipe buok 'Cako Making in 1WU.'" "i'our grcat-grandmothor," continued my mother, "was uumed Nuncy Ur.cgg. alio luurrlod Capl. J nines Bowles) ot Albcmurlu County, Vliglnla. She had a llttlo conl-bluuk muld uy tlio name, of June, and u lllllu uonl-uluck dog by tho niinio of Trim, whoso cntlra duty, In life scemud to bu one continual romp in and out unlong tho rOso bushes which grow In profusion oh Grandma's lawn, livery Saturday van cake-baking day, uud thi'iu was nuver a llmo In that spurious, hoopltublo homu when wo were out of cike, i "On this large, well-cultivated Vir ginia estate Undo John,, a shtvu, was known and i canceled us (lid cako muker at Iho big house. Tho children felt that he occupied u position second only to Santa Claus. l'Jiuly Saturday morning Uncle John would arrlvo from tho (pjnrteis spick, span and spoilers in a suit of whlto osnabUrg. That wits a cloth milch heavier than Indlun bend nnd wits manufactured) In Maine for the uso ot the negroes of tho South. Ills sleeves vvero short, his faco clean shaven and a cook's alp adorned his closoly cropped head. Aunt Min erva, thu regular cook, went down, to her cabin and Uncle John becamo mon arch of the kitchen, "A flro was in readiness In the big kllchon llreplace, for nil baking was dono there. With a long-handled shovel kept for the purpose the conls wero raked to the front, and ort some Aat, smooth stunes tho oven was placed. Ft om tho spring house were brought tho ckhs which .had been placed in cold water the night before. In tho dining room stood tlfo sugar box. Llko the rest of tho dining room furniture, tills box was mado of ma hogany. It stood, on leifs, was llmjd with Kino and wits the sizcf rtlld slirtpa of a iuuslc cabinet of to-day. It held oxactly ono huifdrcd pdunds. "Of cotirso linking powder was un known nnd soda was not used. In, Inter years came snlcratus and a .car-' bonato of potash, which Was crc'am of tartar mixed with soda. After that housekeepers used- homemado baking powders, consisting of tartaric! acldi soda nnd Aour. sifted till ns fine ns stntch. But tho lightness of Uncle John's cakes depended on the cggsi and they were beaten to a froth. Each pound cake called for ono dozen egg's, nnd ench Saturday called for ono pound cake, to say nothing of the cakes baked In enormous muffin molds nnd pyramids ot crisp, brawn tea cakos. "All of tho mixing was done In a plggln which wns kept for this purposei A plggln was n ccdnr bucket, nnl this ono had brightly polished brass hoops, and Undo John beat his batter over and over -,iMi a cedar paddle so the wns with n cedar paddle so tho was driven Into the cells. He nir.i'io gold cake, sliver, spice. Jelly, sponge, fruit and yet, l.nd." Baltimore. Buci wed ding cako I havo never seen any where. "It Is said." concluded my mother, "Hint nn odor recalls past mtpioites' moro than anything else, nnd w!n T could again have a whiff of that old Virginia klleheT r beX'.re day, Jt would lie reons.A' of nw 'rllood nnd n wedding b.-ee.fnst o'.t morning .In June." 3 U. ing, dry in tho sun Instead of near th lire. Woodonwnro which has not been oiled' cracks very easily Indeed. To re-' mo'.o odors and Havois of substancoj from wooden bowls, soak tho bowl in hot soda water. Saucepans and kcitlca' may bo trcuted In the snmo way. ,, Tho kltchon sink ami tho sink in tlio butler's pantuy are likely to bq, lnja, greasy, unhygienic condition unless means pf pioventlon aiy taken. TluSntv sinks should bo thoroughly flushed s4yj oral times a day With hot writer fylj. lowed by cold water. A Almost every set bowl contains1 n,' groove, Insldo and around tho top, .In which dirt Is likely to settlo andj remain, slnco It cannot ho seen. If neglected too long this causes a peculiar and disagreeable odor, for tho cause of which even good house keepers search vainly. This groove' should bo attacked frequently wth a brush and plenty of Koap or dis infectant, ns It Is quite capable of prg; duclng malignant germs. Sweep tho hardwood floor with a abft hnlr brush and whip with a, long nun tiled dust mop. Where, tho' rodin d6os' not.becoino .very dusty tho uso of the dust mop itlono Is necessary dully. 'f GET a ""pull chain socket" trim . your electrical supply house, -tor, tho sum of thirty-five cents, and , llnve It put In, In place, of the' ordinary key switch sookdt' 111 yoitri bedroom, Then onu cord' attached ,o' tho chain will bo' sufllclent to turn! tho light on nnd off. Thero Is no trouhlo adjusting this nrratfgomeht n'nd' It will not get out of order very read Uy. A. S. ir. t ' i , ' I l i "!l KElJp n whlto apron nt all time hanging In thu bathroom,, Thotlgh wo nil use It. the. "head of the houHe" Is the one win nrunotmctd' it a "bully Idea." Being a vigorous wash er, ha has been spared much hrurhng and rubbing of! of otherwise soapy, wator spots. Vlnlired Hubbard, . .- v-X.' i (A i w 'z. - - . ' - i i e 3csSS'5rs ' rf" Q QiJcfO! ' ' - 'V ,-"t ( 3