Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE MARION DAILY MIRROR, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911. u iji i-m- SFW, VHE&?JKWHBia5 OF THTJVCfe' ; si b tte Plsy.ssf52) f tfed, TLtdsi TFaifei. A ,1 - 'fAmiTT . . r-W i"- ' I' II" II - l J Slkte? PW I ' 1 S S3 lv P i H KAE,kWSSN PARtfY HoI K Can Be Mad DiHnt, And Bnterteining 11Y HON THE following Is a description of a novel entertainment which 1 attended Inst Hallowe'en: Tho guests were admitted by a Jig - lire draped In whlto with a whlto mask ovor her fare, who silently pointed to tho stairs: when they renched tho top of tho stairs nuothcr ghostly figure pointed to tho rooms where thny worn to leave tholr wraps. As soon as all tho guests had nr- rived we commenced tlfo games The first game was .allod "Eyes." We hud half of tho library, and had cut places for eyes In it, the ghost (who hnd n.i .i. .i..i ..v.t i . ... "" '" "" "i minimum 1UI II1U (tins to follow hor. and led them Into Ibrnrv the ntlmr trlinut ...! lornry mo oiner gnoit gne tbc library each an hehlnd lei write on their cards to whom the different eyes belonged (there were ;,LV" , , " 3, i nf 1,,,i When the boys had guessed, the girls were rent, out of tho room and tho boys took their places; at the end of the gamo tho cards were collected and the boy and girl guessing tho groat est nn'nihnr nt nvo mrrnfttv worn of the boys a pic. c of cardboard , r.J V,.I " . "'.,.. ::..:. IV . ''. " '1 a iienell. The elrli were to otand """ 'c" "" "',u,I " u, ".l?r tho muslin (only their eyes L.l". TA "? PumpKin I. ,.lnM,tn .,. l, l.-.. ......... ... IIHllirill Willi LWU lUtCB UI1U UU UUUI1 fr, (IDIUIUli UIIU L11V lltlj VIU IU er-h given a small pumpkin candy wl'lto Ink. box filled with candy In the form of ' The refreshments woro served on rralni of corn. I fast eolurod papor plates, which woro A large ear of corn was noxt tied decorated with old witches, owls, and t" the chandelier, and the contest black cats, and consisted of apples, wcj to see who could guess the num- doughnuts, Individual squaro .pump ber of kernels on tho ear. Tho prizes ' kin pies, (little cakeswlth funny fnecs f"- this game were two hoses In the i on them, popcorn, chestnutu, and shape of ears of corn, and filled with mnrshmnllowi!. the same candy corn as wcro the ' When they had finished tho re pumplJln boxes. I freshments they counted their apple Tho last gamo of the evening was a j seeds and threw tho apple peel, over larjto sheet with a punipku cut out tholr shoulders, according to tlus old. of yellow cliccoo cloth pasted on the center' this pumpkin was mndc with oyes. nose and mouth, and the guests were to see how near tho eyes they cculd pin fwhllo blindfolded), the HgW BS&13 Belts of suedo and patent leather v.'l continue In first, fashion for fa": wear. Without a doubt they re tho most rcrvleoaulo, wear tcUor and look uotter for a longer time than any othor kind. Tfco shops nro now showing buautlful new styles, with all sorts of fancy buckles--some of them set with mock jewels, Inlaid with enamel or carved In Intricate designs. The bolts themselves aro In tho most pnrt plain, hut for tho woman who desires a fnney touch to hor cos tume n.t tho waist lino thero Is a wide solcctlom of fancy models. A black patent leather bolt will hIiow a lining and binding of whlto or some vivid colored satin. Persian designs are Inset in tho 'contor and sides of the bolts, show ing a lining of multicolored silk. Straps and cross-bnrs of shiny kid aro used for ornamentation also. Some of tho belts aro made of soft leather that la very pliable and, when placed taut about tho waist, wrinkles slightly. Other wldo beltB tako tho form of a girdle and aro fastened with long metal buckles covered with Ipatont leather. Practically tho samo styles aro car oled out In the belts of suede. These, Ihowover, often show designs of metal nnllheads all tho way around. A very .attrnctlvo bolt Is. of golden brown 'suede, which slips through several ob long slides that aro connected nt each 'end with flno chains and nro set with Imitation topaz in stlvor filigree. Whlto suodo Is. of courso, tho proper bolt to wear with whlto gowns, espe cially with the white sorgo skirts and llngerlo blouses. Theso can be easily cleaned and. promise to ho vory popular during the early fall with serge suits. ;, Worth ICnowing. " To removo grass stains from cotton goods wash In alcohol. Keep whlto wax on hand for wax ing stlkateau, for It h difficult to .thread. ' To removo Iron rust saturato spot with lemon juice and covor with salt. Let stand In tho sun for several hours. When sewing In sleoves, Instead of binding the seams use tho French team. It is much neater and quick ly dono. Whon replanting plants, first place the dirt in a pan and put in hot oven 'for a fow minutes. This will destroy nil worms and slugs, 'A little g)uo dissolved in skim milk and water will restoro old cropo, Dip the crepe lightly into tho mixturo and hang to dry in the open air. A, r,ooA way to hjeaoh linen or lrco Is to put it la a towel or soapy water sail wt it out In the strong sunlight. If It will be exposod thus to dust and airt, pltfco a piece of glass over It. i ' Whwi going from a warm ntmos ,pbere Into a cooler one, keep tho inr - wi Mil ! i ii ,M -!, 17 R3& BsiPv' && r ' " -----.rr , ' r - . aBM, fc)- iv ;j i oTfti vs7&ajssS!i .'ii . mmm. - ,i .- by lucilk daudet. A EQAN - i little, yellow pumpkins, also cut out of chceso cloth. Tho girl who camo the nenrost was awarded a llttlo rc- ' tolpt book with a pumpkin , painted , on tho cover, and filled with receipts , for pumpkin, In nil sort of ways. Tho hoy's prlzo was a llttlo pumpkin scarf pin. ,, , ! W"on this game was finished tho lmi I'eoplo -wore Invited to'thc din- ' KjFJP'lT'y.fnVrnWh ,?8t,n , ' ; ",r..l ? 1 ?". ."! jnwn ,vyj j'lvt m iivvuiuvuu ' J""1 i'M j K'1!' W".n" ,?' I the table, the cndsi with old witches .and black cats ilfcl In strips across coming In front of ,.,, .. ...,, .i. 1 ,l 7, ', " :" "' ' u, "V "A1?,,"1' "K "u',u mid tho length of t3io tablo. At each ,, ,... i, ,,,,,i,i nii.i nii, side. Bittersweet bocrlcs wcro .ar ranged around' tho pumpkins, and nlso ' n tllfl chnnilcllor. Two pumpkin on the chnndollor. Tbei"chosts" who had helped with tho ' othor games, waited on trdde. Tho place cards wero cats cut out of black cardboard. tli9 oyes. nose. ' mouth and name lolnc made with customs, After her guests hnd conoMadirs told us that they all said It hadbeon much nlcor than any Ilalowo'oh par ty they had ever attended before. mouth always closed, Bentlmt tho nlr may bo warmed by its passngo through .thetuoso oro if reaches ihe lungs , " '.lk r-iij T, iuunuiir ivuKS. " Matting and .matting rugsof straw may be froshone by washing with salfvuid water and thon ruhblngtdry quickly with a cloth. To.provcnt em broidery from puckerlng.basto tissue papor under the part to bo embroid ered. It will easily pull away.uWhon tho worklis finished. , fv .. ... a k- i- '' Cooking. Butter, r1 Itancid butter is clarified fombak ing purposes by heating it in hotMva tor, Tho butto;' should then khe set asldo to cool, ' It rises to the top and enri ho lffted off with a knife. It should bo used at-onco. Add u llttlo salt to the water' . ,, , ' TV,V Stenciling, V Portieres, painted on one sldo only, with marks of tho stencil on tho, op posite side, should bo lilted on the wrong sldo with a thin Oriental silk to match tho color schema of tho room in which the wrong sides of tho cur tulns ui'Pear. : wsr sxzr wr dBKX vfc VVvn XTS -k .-jvlp ,--N UTCtl I ?. TW !" ,. IA . H&HH&3i3"4 ln7A . t, . j as x - ; r " i rrw t i '--; '- -' wi nI73?Sk. V1 .1 rfOyXL Zt COr .? . ' cimmw ' : a v immsz wmm fe?iliw ' Mm 1 fwBb. - . . , fm I' flEK, IIIHII. '- ." .,J' ( MM rW lHKJIBk, J Mmmx9bMRm -VMmmmMlmlsiKBaU , MMmmW -? "rK iu.jS i m ii - mm. -wmmmmm f.vSHfJ i.. -T'? ;daP s'.sr. : . --- - B...?Tfx'fl INt -''. C TJKV ' Jti .' U.4 M' r tlfe s- . . - - & , wmxii ' a- . Mi it ir:.-yjwiwnfcT-r . i; - iT'ww ;.tv .Blij; , IBFw'Wl" Iw' j t i SIMPLICITY Is the loading characteristic of full hats. -Folt mllllnory with no trimming, but the more band of ribbon, which extends about the crown, will be the favorite fashions for nil occasions, with por Jinps an occasional wing, or a flower or two to roliovo tho severity of tho ,a V01?!0 D,8 wo11 n8 Bma11 shapes aro being uhown, and the varloty Is what hor reqnulKrem8nla 8ff0rd a becom,n 'bat for overy wdmnri, no matter summer l!iK!! We"r U' b0nnot W!1,Ch IiaS heen 800 through tho bonriat ,,f a lin?rv eve a oualnterstylo, and resembles the old-fashioned w'r?i whj, v ,n "s soneral appearance. Wfilto felt huts nro S Ik r!,0f.80,vv' tho llngerlo frook is as 0ftd ioppod by a' i fit. - h I a.s,lH lhe trt'rod suit. It is rumored that .extremely novel designs aro to hO offered for later fall wear. ."" "vei SOME OF HE rMmwm A . ,vv ". :; '-'': tmml.' ',. a W&znmk. wrMmmmmr a 'L. , mwmmmm- K (" '' ' '.' -ifev, J W!L 'J V 1,B&k ' 11. jff jr .! a fijoy NSWjStf HAtfS .. .. t ill! a; ait: bhh. s Ml 'Ml I 8lli "Air & 'mfWBk , H$ BUiSINBiSS GIRfc Mr HIS llttlo sormon was dollvored S at my hairdresser's. Two girls wero chattering In tin chairs tmcic or mo. i could see tholr races In tho mirror. Ono girl was alert in manner and hor voice had a certain ring of coufldenco. Tho othor girl spoko lazily and 'somewhat complaiu ingly. It seemed that girl No. 1 was hav ing hor hair troatod, and In ordor to savo it from falling out a rather sticky olntmont was used, a 111 Not 2 was also losing hor hair, but rofusord to havo tho sticky ointment rubbed In. "It makes nly hair look hideous," she said. "I don't soo how you can stand it." Hor frlond turned to hor quickly. "Some day you'll envy mo and think thut It was an unkind fato that made you bald; but it won't ho fato at all; you will simply ho, reaping tho result of your obstinacy and of your dislike of tho unpleasant. It's all of a piece," she pursued, "with tho way you used to scold mo for staying In and practicing on tho piano while you wero out having a good time. You said that llfo was short and that wo could enjoy it only once. And now you envy mo bccauBo I mnko Biich an easy living with my concert work and you nro titlll dopondent upon tho bounty of others." It was a sharp llttlo Iecturo, but' thoro was much truth In it. Wo nro so apt to envy othor peoplo. Wo call them lucky, when-, as a mattor of fact, thero is back of their success n force, a solf-saorUlce, that has made tholr Inter good f6rturio possible, Buccestsful mon, bb a rulo, ilx a point and work up to Jt. Women, on tho othor hand, drift; thoy do not un derstand that flach year should ho a milestono along tho .way. Men, from tho time thoy are llttlo boys, soo nhead of them some goal. Thoy asplro to he presldont of the United States, a Justice of tho Bu prorao court, a groat surgeon, u great artist or a freat business man Thoy dream of tholr futuro and count each month ns precious tlmo to ho filled with nets that shall help In tho car rying out of tholr ambition. They lot nothing stand in tho way, and thus we hear of boys who havo been rall-spllttors and canal boys reach ing tho highest olilco within tho gift of tho peoplo. It would seem to mo that a ques t on.thnt pack girl might ask at thU tlmo of tho yoar's nwakoulng Is; "What can I do In tho months to como to mnko mysolf of more account to my employer? What can I do that J did not do last yoar?" Or, If flhqtis in business for horself sho would question: "How can I Incronso my Incomo?" Kach year should show an advnuce over tho past roco'd. Husl nees mon understand this, and, by advertising or by soma aggressive plnns, thoy push forward. Women aro moro contont to stagnate. Thoy 'hnve onough to oat, enought to wonr and thoy aro fairly comfortable. There fore thoy lot well onough nlona. Tlmv do not soom to roa)I.o that they might havo moro, that everything may como to them If thoy will have It so. I do not mean that every girl can. be rich or famous but 1 do mean uiai ovory girl, uniqitn',Hhu' Is "Bdrl oiisly handicapped, can Improvo hor condition, o Pricssstfvrition DY MRS. KINOSLEY. Cj,u,ni, lrisn point, nppiiquo, Swiss, torchon, In fact, all of tho laces havo somo way In. which they can be meudod bo that their beauty ns well as their durabili ty will Eervo ono to tho best purpose Firstly, though, let us keep Ihjnlnd. that being amateur lace mondcrs wo must shun putting in such a perfect! paicn mat tno casual oosorvcr can' distinguish It at a distance, theso i tiny patches should ho mndo into lr- rnclllnr oitcrnrl nffnlro an rfinf rhAVi will not bo notlcoablo oxcopt undorl very, very closo Inspection. It Is truo thnt Jnecod odncs should ! always bo cut away, for thov aro at detriment to good work, hut oven at! that It can bo mndo so that tho edges j do not run perfectly circular or spare. j To secure good laco cntnils Kroat ' expense, ro It Is no wonder that thpso ' who possess It aro anxious to keen it ! In good repair, for It Is woll known that real lnco can not bo bought ov- cry day; so oven with constant wear! such a lnco should bo mndo to last ' for a couple of generations at least. ' A largo quantity of Swiss and Irish : point laces that aro now used, as: Dutch collnra and neck nppurton-' anccs In tho rnbat nnd Jabot lino ' have boon resurrected from nooks and ,' crannies whero thoy hnvo long lain, nnd for thnt reason they nro so much J tho moro fondly guarded and cher ished, for somo of them aro made from qulto expensive pieces of laco thnt havo been In tho family prob ably' for many years. i To repair any of tho above- named laces It Is necessary to procure i a very flue cotton, such as number' GO or even 80, when it can easily boi procured, though If one can toll tho! number of tho cotton In tho original: working of tho laco It will bo all tho bettor. Tho process with cluny, Irish, baby Irish, Swiss and torchon laces are nl-, most all tho same, though baby Irish j being mado from a moro dollcatoj thread needs more and kconor atten tion than any of tho others that are made with firmer, threads. With any of tho former whon a! thread 'Is discovered to bo brokon If Is nn easy matter to mond it, but caro should bo taken not to allow It to, undo too far, for thon truly it will hnvo to ho placed In tho hands of a professional laco maker to havo tho repairing properly dono, Still whon a torn portion Is well basted on the foundntlon ns do Ecribcd, tho hanging threads aro caught up In tholr order to that on a spool of tho proper size cotton and then tho crocheting stitch Is worked ns ono would tho natural laco until tho damage hns disappeared, so It really Is slmplo If you can just mako a fow loop stitches with a crochet needle. Whom there Is very much to do In tho Ink npot It is bettor to go around tho plnco to bo ropnlrcd with a neo dlo and sowing cotton, piercing tho many threads, nnd ihus Unking thorn up In such a manner as to strengthen It so that tho real defect can bo gone ovor more reassuringly, nnd thus, al so, tho work i3 moro lasting In lt3 effect." In working if repair In tho cluny lnco, especially, tho frayed edges aro drawn out with tho thumb and first finger and upon Inspection It will bo seen whether It will bo totter to draw them together with a ncedlo and thin thread or to cut thorn off and work a tiny patch. Whon It Is possible to do without tho patch, tho ncedlo chould bo made to pass tho thread loosely through tho loops of tho good lace and when this Is Impossible It Is necessary to mako one's own loops, so that, they might tho moro easily bo connected with tho succeeding work. O - , J MCHUS" . -' " a iF""2 Embroldorcd muslin fichus and fichus of tullo, with a narrow flounco outlining thorn, are tho ordor of 'tho day. Thpy s'vo a novel charactor to tho tunic and mako a dress of bro dorlo anglaiso or ombroldered lawn'of last season quite up to dnto. v Tho sleevo3 are short and tho el bow finished with a narrow flounco of elthor tullo or rouslu to match tho fichu, and tho neck is "flllod 111" with plain tullo or net, surmounted by a high collar band woll boned and neat ly fastened at the back. Ovor this Is draped the transparent whlto material thnt composes the fichu; tho ondB nro tucked away at tho sldo after crossing In front, A pink rose, pinned on the right, is a good finish to this stylo of dress and holps to glva it something of rho 18th contury character, The .blending of satin nnd volvet with embroidered lnwns.nnd broderlo anglaiso Is flourishing apace, and many of theso contradictory olegances are bolng mado rather long, or at Venst long enough to just want lift ing. Vory 'often It" Is a caso of tho wash ing tunic worn over the black satin slip; and then tho blending Is not so unpractical as It would seem, ns tho washing tunic will go to the wash rind leavo tho black satin slip bohlnd, us a separnto pntuy. Tho colffuro which 1b all llttlo curls dies very hard; indeed, porhaps can not bo said to bo dyne at all. Cer tainly uothlhg moro becoming was over Invented, and nothing Is moro easily supplemented ut tho hntrdrcss ers. j i $ . w m 3 :m tl M i '.&. '.nuJf jflf - &aik