OCR Interpretation

The Marion daily mirror. (Marion, Ohio) 1892-1912, January 01, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88077573/1912-01-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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, m 'v'
1 dt-ijrt- .C .-
Anything to Soil?.
M too T'"tJirouKlt tlio Oliimlllail
Jff " Columns of
Tho Daily Mirror
Want all the Netys? ,
0t It fty reading carefully the
Columns of tho
Tim Tlttiltr IWirrov
All XT
Henry Clews Reviews Busi-
ness of Ydar Just
Cotton and Steel Both Show-
ed Big Gain at End of
Crops Not so Large Last
Year But About as
t Valuable.
Grow 111 ttf Anil Industry Kurprl'dnj?.
l'uet mint Autos Mostly Used l'r
I'lcusuro ANo Guio Dnilii r Money
1'Yoin Otlicr llu'dncwc.
(My Henry Clows.)
New York, Jutr. 1. As we cntor tho
taroshold of u now yonr it In nppro
Iirluto Hint wo gltmco at n few of tho
irlnclp:il ItoniH In tho nntloiiil ledger
for tho year Just loft behind. Horn
arc mmio of tho things accomplished
In 3911, compared with lain:
TJnnk clearings 1911. $150,100,001,000;
1M0, $1C2,S7!.000,000.
Agricultural products 1911, ?8,J17,OflO.
X0; 1910, 8.G'J 1,000,000.
Exports' 1911, Jl-SWrnooo; low, ,.
Imports 1911, 11,392.000,000; 1910, .!.
426,000,000. 'lilt. onrnlliKK, groat 1311, W.365,000,
GM); 1910, J2,50,OOO.OOI).
Itlt. earnings" lull, ?G7G,ooo.ooo; 1910,
Now Mcoitrlty Issues 1911, $I.GtQ,000,
ooo: 1910, ii.gin.wi.ooo.
Klovon montlm ending November 30.
Ton months ending October Ml.
TIicsq IlguroH prove tliat there was a
Tt odornto reewiulon In limliiow during
l"lt. llecuuse of lower prices la muni'
UJrcellpnH tho shrinkage nppoars great
er than It actually was w:ion mensur
eiti ly (iiantltli!H. Thtru ws much
jiforo complaint about tho reduction
if profits than slAmt nay reduction In
lho voluinu )t business, llapidly our
funning classes arc enjoying anolhei
3onr of prosperity, oxcept whoa pull-
lrr, out of debt. Our c.rniw, 1 not
nrnito T:riimlMtr-rrroprevlt.urr&rtr.pf1Wr 'refcF"
KliH'obovo tiio avcrnjio ia money yield,
m,en In tha who of cotton our Imliw-,
"ttlul olagtmH hava not f-u-ed muII bo
well. Tho btcel trade suffered more
thnti any other Industry, production
''frjlliiiff uh low na tr, ior conl f cap
acity, Biul not rfoltiB beyond 80 per
coty- In tho year jut cloiod our
production of k Iron wa only Si!.
1.00,1)00 toiib comivirrcd with 27.3fM,Ho
on.3 lu 1910. Next to stool tho cotton
Industry suffeted tho keenest depreB
Hion, owIub to IiIrIi priced cotton and
Ussoned eonsumptlou. Iloth Hut Htecl
nd, ootton lm)ustrlcM showed pro
nounced recuperative tcndcnc'lea In
'November and December, a chunjo.
largely tho result of a foteod read
justment of prlcos to meet too niiukot.
In othor lines of trades and Industry
tho volume of buslnesH was about hop
rial, Thoro wero few slgna o'f over
production, although In many cast
c nsumptlon was chocked by an ovt
ilont oxhuustlou of public buyiiitf pow
ev llllsllKNS Coillllfloilrt.
lluslncss niqn have iieen vnntcndlni;
trroiiKhout 1911 moro BiiccosHtully than
ls generally jecoRiilzed iiKalnst d
Verso conditions. The year opened uu
dbr a cloud of uncertainly, which con
tlitued In one form or another without
Interruption until tho e:oei. First
camo the action of tho Interstate Com-
ncieo Commission, rorusiut; jiormlsslun
itn tlm riLllronds to n t unco 'rates as
J&linponHUtlon for InciotlsBfl ojRftlitlat,'
l?itnntiAa 111, a .ltlnrru Wnfli iirnillptnd
If "tho udvnnoo was rufuaed. It was rc
fiibcd and nothing htimionod, exceiit
that tho inllroailM iiroinffUy und wlso-
; ! met tho situation bj curtailing ox-
uenses. No dividends who reuueou in
f cpriBC'iuoncc. In fuct sonio dlvldemlH
yvero Increased, nnd tnls mi sldto ot
jrccjjin's-ed Hlucknusa In tmdo. Hull
r(iad earnings wero surptlslngly woll
jnnlntalncd. Aftor uncorUlnty about
tho actjon of tho Interstate I'ommoroe
CTyiimlsalnn had subilded then doubt
about tho Oil and Tobacco canon bo
ti.mo ncuto, and Insted for many
Weeks Tho llnanelat jjubllo roally tip
1'carud anxlouB to havo Bomothlng to
Worry abgut. As In tbo celebratgd
Northern Scourltlea decision, tho Until
jironouncemOnt of the Suprumo Court
in tho Oil ntiu Toiiaccu ciifcos niu i"
1 liavp tho ruinous effect oxpected. Still
etoclt nuukot which operated through-
Mexican rt'lfllculty, which llnally pass
ed off without harm. Than camo tho
uoxtra session uf congross, w'tn its uts
turfllng effortB to loglslato beyond tho
vt&njr--thc scope for which It wan
vSilfiU It succeeded, howovei1, In iwss
iDH "H10- 'oolproclty till with Canada.
Tho failure of thut country to respond
ffcTorahly waa a disappointment. Kin
o'ly&imo tho Moroccan dispute. This
piovcd tho most uouto and sorlous of
rjl drawbacks Inasmucn ib U involved
gravo strain In tho Uorlln monoy mar
jfbt, which was forced to procuro lib
eral assistance from Now York. Jn
('onscduenco' we wero lendlns largo
sums fo Europo at a time when wo aro
usually borrowers, thus illustrating In
u, striking degreo tho tlnanolal strongth
jtmo soundness of tho United States.
Among other hindrances, against tho
t ,cH mfirkot which operated through
-nit tho year wero Ihoso of a tdrlctly
ivlivMli plmrftstor. Tho. prcsiUvatlul
campaign began almost a enr in ad
vance, lho trust end t'irliT pi'ibleuir.
hlltlg tho IllnBt Itrilt it noiii('(8 of -il-
xloty. All In nil It bus been a enr
of rnunv pcrplexltlcB. The nrrvca of
'.he ilnanrlul dlstilcl nave been severe
ly Ntralned, but so far without Im
pairment.. There 18 really, in Home re
spects, More confidence at the clone of
tha yefir than at tho opening, and If
anything In needed for a enmplcto ro
ttntloti It Ik absolute rest from tho
huirylng and Inquisitorial atlltudc
which congress has Been fit to adopt
toward business for tao purpose of
pleasing constituents it: noine.
Pollllejil and Social TTniwt.
There Is one Influence affecting busl
nt88 that should not ' be overlooked,
and that Is the general bocIhI unrest.
It may or may not become n serloitB
lv disturbing Influence, nut It Ih sure
to bo a vital force In new legislation
lor sonio time to emtio. The nodal
uplift wlilch Ih now ko:iii? on Ih not a
movement to be 'cnorwl. Thorn at the
I'fittom of the noclal ladder r flht
ItiK for it hotter chnnco, and they ro
KoIiir to have It, ns they rightfully
Bhould. Tltjlr nletrm-natlon to se
cure a forger nhatv or tho Kaneral out
put has hoen lmni"itFoly stimulated by
tho phonomennl Ktowth of unwieldy
fortunes, In this countr.-, not to spenl;
nt tho often, vuljtnr nnc ostentuttous
dfgplay of weulth which Iiiib natur.i'ly
rroated ilndHBlruble rltiBB antagoiilflm.
TheHO Mwollon fortungs, It Is thor
(iiiKhly appreciated, lmvo only been
l.-'nilo itoaslble throuxh rpt iiiMb;ov
o. anient and IrkIbIkiIvo prlvllcgcB In
one foim tir another. Sueli prlvllKc
havo foatered nitiitoHiIv, and an In
ordlnato concentmtlon or cupllal. Tho
dfocontent bred from such comllllonB
I. am been inaterlally (MCKnivatil by
tho coiiKnBtlon of p'tpuutlon In our
Kront cltloB, and-the laoieul tendencies
oi' forolKU population! wliicn either can
not Or will not tnltc llhclf to the farm
at 111(1,1 ii ii llci1 eltJ whero thero a a
Ix-ttuft-ilatn 'ml for ujiNklllod 1 ibor than
111 our Kfoat rltlra. 'i'fie various abus-'
(i BriBliiR lrom tin
fc uondltlons have
croatcd a 8trone an
h dfoturblni; si'iitl-
n.eul (igaliiKt capttn
eHpecla'My In the
form of great cor
iiaowu ly lho ov
Kimtlons. This Ih
rwliulmliifj jiub lu
Kiipport Klvon the
nerniun Ia, iiih
tho popular approvo
of recent Bovern-
ti'tpUI offor to
owiihvt cdiparate
lute' htjfllnes-- ttnoro
f eciy tlHit tho
country mint bit nj
.ntnic of f, ornm n
oprtred rir a jvhl
nctlvllleH In IhibI-
i.ihh affairs, wli
lier on miiiitclpal.
stulo or natlonnl lin
.. Jt Is to b hop
ey will be lutein-
(d that th'.K teudei
Rontlj' guided uitil
Upfwlthln the II-
mltM of iiKuleratlou,
Ouvornment own-
ci ship Is tih-Aincrl(au and di'structtve
of both nntlontl ami Individual liberty
and progress. AVUo roK dutlon may
solve- many of tin- iH-oblenis of the day,
end our ilnanolul ann iii'iiuBtriul lead-oi-H
wll do woll to bc: t.iemselvea In
lmrmony with nnd not against the
popular will . This will b good bust
rrss (iilto as much at good ixiIUIch.
"lho Interstate C'oinmereo Ciininiisslon
and many of our publlo tervloo oom
inbWloiiH havo already proved their
usefulness as a inuuis oi' protection
not only to the public out also to cor
porations and Investor.--.
Of Into thero has been a decided
tendency- to curtail legislative priv
ileges. The check Imyosoil upon nioii-
nroly v the Sherman lnv and the proT
osttd curtailment of excetisivu protoc-
tion by a reduction of tho tariff aro
tho first steps In this direction. It Is
iulto certain that prlvllogoB of this
character will hcroaftsr bo very diffi
cult. It not Imposlsble, to aecuro. The
trust movement lies reached Its zenith,
and monopoly must hereafter choose
bttwoen facing competition or rigid
governmental regulation. After a lit
tl: oxpeilonco with t'ie latter, It will
piobnhly prefer the former.
What tho final outcome ot pren-nt
tendencies will ha cannot bo forutidd.
Urent chongen havo taken plact- 'In the
r-i'st twenty yearn, ciir:iig which our
lunustrlnl systom hns bcon completely
revolutionized. The largo curporatlort
Is bore to stay. Ho. too, Is Its counter
part, the union. Hoth lmvo misused,
nay, grosely abusod tholr, great powor
to lho public detriment, llulh hava too
tr.i ny points of axcollencc and vitality
to b ollnilnatod. Iloth ahould be ob
JlHWl to obey tho lay nid auhmlt to
tiioro rigid control. Alroady capital
las boon obliged to surrender lis mon
01 oly jiower, and lutior unions, too,
ivlll.ovontunlly bo obliged to bow to
(tlillo ojilnlon and glvo to othero the
same liberty of action that they claim
'or themselves. The days or monopoly
prollta and Itrutal competition aro ooin
tiiK to an end. .So aluo, lot us hope,
is tho oxeiclso of vlulcnco by labor.
1'iltllo opinion will nolonger lolorate
i-lthcr, ami tho corpolution or tho
in Ion which has demands to nriks
will bo obllifcd to provo tholr uecosMty
I'rul justloo nnd kaqj thorn In nrcord
with sane and sound public opinion
Aa a. cheek to discontent arising
from monopolistic tonflouolos nothing
lutH boon moro reassuring than tho rfeol
Blcna of tho Bupromo Court In the oil
and Tobacco cants. Those were not
unduly dr(Ia.tto opinions and nolthor
destroyed property nor t Impaired vesi
ca rights. Thoy simply curbed mon
opolistic plans, put an onu" to exorbi
tant monopoly .prolltn, miyo others n
bttter chanco to compote and obliged
combinations of a monopolistic char
acter to dissolve fls far no practicable
Into their original partsi Of course,
a.ioii a pronounced change of methods
h our Inisluesa system waa a inajkd
I CunUmicil on rEo,,'.l'ltfeo,
PoliccStart Country wide
Search For "Star
Boarder" at his home.
Was Thought Morrow
Killed Himself.
Chicago, Jan. 1. "Convinced that
Chorlc Jl. Morrow, Inventor and for
mer member of the board of trart
whose frusen body was found on tha
back porch of his home w,lth a bul
let wound In the head and another
thtoiiRh the heart, was murdered, tho
police todsy startod a countryw'Iclo
search for a young automobile sales
man, tiald to be the "star boarder'
nt the Morrow home on Prairie nvc-,
mie. Mrs. .Morrow, tho youthful and
attractive widow of tho InVontor, I
held by the police and a formal
charge Of murder haa been place!
against her. .She hhd told tho police
that her husband had committed sui
cide and tho coroner's Jury aocopwd
her statomentK.
An autopsy performed by Coroner"
l,h.slclan IJr. Jooph Springer, at
tho request of Attorney Cullibert I).
Pnttn, A friend of Morrow, after tluj
liKluost, startled tlm police by did
closing the fact that the first woun I,
that through tho heart, waa fatal, nnd
..lint Morrow could not posulbly hava
fired tho seconJ shot. Tho pliyslclan
also discovered that a11 Interval of at
least two lulutrteM ulapscd between
the two shots.
Attorney l'otls; told the poHco or
Morrow's unhappy life and showed
letters and popfrs contradicting the
statements ot Mrs. Morrow that her
husband suffered lrom liiclincholi.i
and had threatened hla life The in
llco arrosted Mrs. Morrow, holding
her for lnv8ligs4Ion, later lodging
a. formal charge Of munder.
Arcoi-dlug to Htatami'hts made l
rolls to UoHro Insiiector Clancy,
Mrn. Morrow' had secured from her
liiMlNinil t deed to hie property nnd
this slit refused to roturn to him. She
fltteU up a boudoir for licrolf In thu
front of tho house and gnvo her tui'v
haud u disused klU'liou for his room.
A few lay iprlor to lifo deulli, ac-
corl OB 4v JOWh Murrow, iwuiiiKI.UuDi:jii.Ji-iifc
TirwirWfr &. MiriasuT
him fiom the Itouso with a butcher
ltuire tpruatfiilng to kill him, accord
ing to a statameiil .Morrow U aJIeg d
to have iiuido to l'otls. According to
Information lu tip' lianda of Inspec
tor Clancy. .Morrow found his wife
and tho "star hoarder" In a compro
mising position In their homo the
day before his donth. A violent quar
rel rollowed and Morrow wat again
ordered out df tho house.
The followlps; morning- his body
was dd4eovored on the back porch by
ISsther Johnson, the maid, who was
coining to work Neighbors told the
pollco tiny heard the shots, but saw
no one.
Mrs. Morrow protests her Inno
cence. .She was amused by tho lioliro
and placed under arrest at 3 o'clock
yesterday nioinlng. She showed no
silt prise and did not protect when
tho officers ordered her to dress and
accompany them.
Attorney Charles K. Hrhstnln, rep
resenting Mr. Morrow, today stated
that ho would hava no difficulty lu
clearing tho woman, lie produced
a maid employed in a neighboring
bouse who told Inspector Clancy to
day that she hoard a quarrel lu the
hack yard of the Morrow homo on
tho night of Morrow's death. A foiv
mlnutfM later he hoard two shots
and. that a man run down tho alley.
Tlio ontlro detective .force 1b at work
to clear up tho case and to locato tho
automobile salesman who, It Is be
lieved by the police, can tluow most
light upon tho trfigody.
Mr, ltene Morrow Is Morrow'
oeon'd wife. She gave his age ns 51
nt the Imiuest. 8ho is 37. Morrow,
according to 1'otts, frequently stated
that ho rogrettod his marriage to a
woman Jo inuoh, younger than him
self, lie frouontly said, Potts de-
o.med, that everything wont well su
long as his fortune was Intact, but
whoa he lost his money ana wax
Continued on Pago I'our.
Philisophical Phelix,
Vl.tt &0-ROY. S
idoT ucw. wcvj
n,j nco( t
LiTi. '
ii'i; t'lUMJ'ii i.'ri ninn l
litp Winlslit and pi nimbly' Viiw.
VT - r - u .. J' -t. . - - " vn
". i i I i iw ". u je.. jl j ' - i
JSfK?cir5r3i!9?IniA i r "'lv..f. A ..v. i
Y . l-Cfp
New York, '
crowded Molt
litJcW, JiVftieb tii aio-st
- - r:A -
parlies t oat ohop suoy. thev ciK -
brutcd today tho birth of the iilmv
Chhieso ropulillu the republic tin ir
dollars earn cil lu many sweating
hours over the ironing board, had
helped to finance Tile slant-e.viil
ChlneHO enigmas to Americans
showed their lojalty to tbe gre-it re
public auroiM the sea lu a muiinrr
lyplcally Oiientnl. On hundred
thousand firecrackers, brought from
China for lho occasion, were exploded
In tho labyrinth of streets that start
nowhere and end nowhere down
there In Chinatown. ' Day Mi c works
by lho gross were burned, rlc wlue
drunk by tbo banal, and rurn viands
of the Far Kast eaten.
Then, just at noun, the beud man i
of Chinatown, led by ph turosU'i
"mayor" Tom I.p, lllod 'low u Into
tbo great Joss housi', where Chinese
merchants and students from Oritnn
blt university, addressed them. The
proclamation declaring tha oldest na
tion In tho world to be tho nones
republic, was rend amid cheering,
Tho assembled head men then re
paired to the roof of the Chinese pub
lie hall, where thoy holstid the new
Hag to tho ClilncHo .republic Thou
sands of Chinese Mood In the narrou
strtota below anil txplodeil their tlri
erarkera as the b.i nor miapped to tlv
chilling broczif Tlio Hag li.ia n id
body, with tb upper left haini qiiar-
. n
"iOlflL 111. KtluuLIb
.711. 1. Mown III I
Two more days of grac e given to secure members.
Time extended till Tuesday evening. Still a baro pos
sibility that the Commercia 1 club may bo closed.
' Ji' tho business and pro i'cs.sional int'ii oi' Marion
want to do their duty toward their homo city in tho
matter of rejuvenating the industrial side, they must
come forward and join this great progressive forward
movement. It .has been extremely difficult to intorest
our citizens, 'ljhoy do not take hold as they should. Two
more days to sOcuro names. Two short mid-winter days
contain hardly Sufficient working hours to accomplish
the results nocassary to place tho club on its feet auain.
Tlio solicitors j'hi) havo labored long and patiently on
this proposition wish tho .Mirror to mako this announce
ment: J3e ready to sign tho petition when presented by
the solicitors. Ill names m ust be An by Tuesdav even
ing. .It Is not the wish of the committee to overlook any
one. Jt is impossible to seo all in so short a time. Many
who havo beenlseen'that did not join, could not for
lack of timo be seen the second time, livery business
and professional man in Marion is wanted to join this,
what is believed and expected to hi (if made a go) the
greatest Boosters Club Marion has over known. Let us
all bo wide awake once more
New Year right. Phone any member of the' (loumuttee
and tho reorganization for Hie coming year will bo ex
plained. Hyi
J, A. Schroetqr.
T. IT. Pro.ndcr&ast,
J, E, Phillip
GUY- v
ii r in jia'e
Mm I 'nthc blue buck
K'""od Is .i wlu.e ilnle, rcvrfSMitlmr
The blue rcpnMOiitt the rtern ll Mkv.
whlle the led tvplfletl the blind of the
patriots whn di (I that China, might
be burn again. At Ip.isI, that's wh.it
one or the Columbia students told the
Chlnoao republicans.
The On Iyc'ung longs and lllp Slugs
had promlseil to bury Uio war hatchet
ami thn more modern revolver for ill"
'ay, but the police took no chances
and plain clothes men from the
strong arm squad "frisked" every gua
man who appeared in tho streets.
11 tellers Am Hold Outs.
"New Ynik, Jan 1. Ttho two groat
pitching "llnds" of II 11 are hold
outs for 1 u 1 und may not bo seen
-on tho (llamond. They are Vean
:rsgr, of Cleveland, and drover Clove
land Alexander, or Philadelphia,
ftiloh demand a K'.OOO sitlury. I.iul
iteasou, (Iregg won twenty-three
gumoH and lost seven, whllu Air Nan
dor won twenty-eight ami lost thir
teen. Prepared for llanl I'lglil,
Oukland, Calif., Jan. 1. CltliHgo
"Knock-out" lirnwu ami 8'iller l.
ttvsky, the two crack inlddlMftelghu
ate procured for a slashing leu
round b.ittlo here this alternoon. Hoth
men announce ihe.v urn lu the pluk
of condition and each is couftdunt of
Jrtor Urowii Ih a tin to eight fa-
and joiiii then start the
l t4V ' ?Kit, " XWT"'-"
of rf KM
or &
Af, -JViiVA
ari(t IS3
Day That Common Poople
Are Permitted to Greet
tho President.
- -'muflw.
Yale Glee Club and Marine
Band Furnish Music For
Gtila Occasion and Gorgeous
Uniforms Are
Washington, Jan. 1. .Mr. Coinwion
t.. I.. l... ! L. ... .,
-,., .u. nuiiira wiim r. ana
Mrs. President rktht In tho Whits
iioiiso today.
Tlil is tho ''big wcentlou itav
when ull comers, no matter how they
may lm dreased or wimt tholr station
lu life, may enter the Whtto House
and bo revolved by Wio chief oxeou-
the If they will stand in lino lonu .
The Vale C.leo club provided a
special feature of the reception this
year. They camo with song und jest I
from tho president's alma mater and
they wer given siietial consideration
A reception Mas arranged lu their
honor and tho boys, lu return, wing
several specially composed glee, in
which I'roeldbnt Tuft tlguroU its tho
subject of the hoiib;s
It was the third lime that Presi
dent Taft and ill. Taft wore hosts
at the New Year' reception and thl
er .Mrs. Taft's health was better
tlm ii on either of tho former occas
ions, It whs a great gala occasion wIMi
the murine baud in full regalia pro
ildliisT muslo and tho crowds form
ing for hours beforo the doors were
(lung open at 11 o'clock. The buglers
of the mnrliH) band announced the
approach of the preahiont at 11
o'eloik and the big social event start
ed with tlio usual military precision.
Thl( presidential party came down
the winding stairs and greeted Vlco
President Sherman, who was tho rlrst
to ixteud the wishes for the coming
v 3k
n rr 111 I In III
lULl S EUIu Si a
Ti A B i n S" Br mnrinr
ifi nil r Si fiSinr
Ir lilt i Si 1 1 1 I I
m IU S H y ill
year the year of th0 national elec
Hon, marking the most Important
phasp of tho president's ambition,
'llioti the meinbers of tho miblnot and
their wives worn greeted. The parlv
walked to the lilue room and formed
a receiving' lino to meet the diplo
matic corns.
First of all tho diplomats oamo the
dean of the corns, Baron llenge Imul
lcr von Hetigorvar, tho erect, dis
tinguished looklnjr amibaasodor from
Austi la-Hungary. In his full regalia
the liaron presented a floe appear
ranc at th0 bond of t!w Hns. liehlnd
likai cHiiirt the peraonal represeuta
Uvea of lho monarch 4od rulers of
tho world.
All worn their most gorgeous uni
forms and It was the gala occasion
of thu year for them. It Is practically
thu. only timo that Hie aoriw in full
aiipeara In Us ilucst array n the day
llgtlt. The diplomatic reception and
various othor diplomatic i vents of
the year occur In t'ho evening. After
the (Uplnmms ama the Judiciary
headed bv the elite Justke, Kilwnrd
Douglas AVhlte. In fills line the bit
Aasoelato .Imtl. e Ilarluu was mlssliift
for the first tlmi in 83 Mrs. Art. r
the JuilleUrv i th. lonKressmcn
and their f unllbs thMi tvio army .ind
and commi'.xl. .tiers i imnoiis patrloili
anl dammli l.inris ) m. rous mtrlotU.'
goclMBgj then th fib '"h and last
but (most nimurouH, the common
pcoi W, i
' - i "!. HHmt i ii.mii,.
Opens Three 'Days' Cam
paign at Flint Thia
Enthusiastic Gfreeting
President's State a
Hand and Throat Swollen
Because of His Fino
Cincinnati (jes Illni ono of lost
i:niliiifila.tk I'liilorvemciilH Ad-Im-
Olito riletul.s Snl (o Kntlorso
njr Candlilnto nt cmiunitiiis Today.
i, ' t
IVtrolt. Mich., .Tat. fiWTo bowt
Sknntor Im rorMrns' j,htf Itoptiblloiin
tinmlnoc fur prrtMpt this brand new
ir Is the .xear. resolution stigRMted
today to Michigan. Vi
This nii.rnlrtlfc de)H A ihlllv re
ception with th,MpH. wavr of tho
ymr, I,i Koilctle. riil oiT tlm it M
1811, la-gin a three day' cimpulK'i
in MbhlgHti preaching the doctrlni ,
of .progressive Urmibllcaiilnn. II.
spra8 nt Pllu' hn morning. Sag
Inaw this afiernodn, and Tlay Clt
Henalof- I ITollcttn, was greatly
elated thia mor ji lug when he left foi
I'llnt. Prnmwsm of big If llbiv crowds
anl recoll(jM of Ohio nuccpsses
wero causes. ftjUt also todav ontir
hu lhirt)vlllrt year of nnrriod life
'Jin- li"t thing done butt night was
to i nil .lr.i. Ui '. .illctte u long tele-gr.-un
Airivlmj tc iaV",,fhf from cin
Wniistl. Kfnulor 1 Kol.. tie was met
In a total rcivtlriit rnminlUee with
luianioliMe nij'k lakeu toji Tiolel to'
HperflJ .tlffr nigSr jnaklrig jin MrWt
hrk '. . ' i i
lltthi I'ooplc Kire Toduy.; T
.Vttch Interaat ItiroMglioitl ilWtlgit
In La lllotlcN tour is PvinntT
''(option ciimtnltcc ninn KlQVqitJO
lli.n tmiiHlm. fpnm 1'llnt .H.v.,ilBWt
ikp .f'ftltii'. Tin ,. imatv
U p( i te, to swill pne i rmvili, Tui
aombir of the "plain pc, pto" .)
whom 'l.a 1'ollcUc npedally ilMlrcsV.
talk, bring ffeo touay '
To refute rhargo of "nulloallsin
Senator La Kollelte today openod hs
.MlehlKDii campaign nt Ktlnt hyiiui v
exhaustive anabsis of success n
U'tsconsln under his proloclivo fdas.
t ("Villette enters AUchlgaii JJrfrtt
ly handicapped pbyilMl Ills tbrniH
H4 lvlif t(irtr1 haiUii it , I I.M 1i
""" " -.- .. V.., U,-
ng us h. hum', ilaweili.l up" ovw
the Ohio n-i tiitioH. in throat Is
swollen from t.cpnndhig for fcHr '
days to the- In -.latent shouts of "go
n, go on," fr.-ni the Ohio audiences.
Tho aoro "nn" Is a souvenir ot Ohio
Hospitality, his hand Doing pumped
Into ft red, swollen, aln tingling
in mber by neighbors and fellow clt-
ixciis of Prmtrtent Tttft at Clticln-
nntl. Thoy almost put his baud out
of biislm-as Haturday night when 200
swaruicl upon the stage and nnrly
shook his arm off, "milling" around
him lu political ocslacy.
IClllllUrJUbtll' at ClUL'lllllUtl.
Kuwlioro In Ohio was a moro en
tUUJNutlc wept Ion given tho lte)iub.
lm lMler than at 'Inclnnatl. Tho
jsroWd jumped to Its root and choer
od, waving; hats ami handkerchiefs
when 1 Polletto stopped on tho plat
form. Today Senator Ii Kollette Is oag
erly awwHlng ncv.s from the program
s, H6tiiiUllcan convention at Colum
bus, Ohio, where lho Imle'peiidont
members of the party meet for the
first time to organise. Hi suits or La
Toilette's campaign will be rellootod
by tho action of the contention, al
though endorsement of any candidate
is not expocted.
.lohn D. facjilor. ciotelaml attor
ney ami secretary of the Ohio Ilepub
llcan 1'rngresslvc league, Is loading
the Ua iFVdlette forces nt the Ohio
Senator T Kollettu js said to havo
advised bib friends hi Ohio Out ho
disfavors endorerineijt of .my candi
date at .this tlmej,"ilut the Ii Fnl.
lett partisans ur.'?lotcriiiliioil to cap
ture control of lho state organisation,
InoliHlIng all offieurs and prevent or
ganisation of the statn .progressive;)
for lloosevelt. la toilette's siserhw -In
Ohio aro conaldored by his frlwnds
thero (o have turned tho tide In his
taor und checked tho riving lloose
velt boom.
.Mliclui Hock's Hide ami ScoI
HoRton, Oi-c. 30. The hlf
gest bide and seek tsatno of
the eur Is on Imrsi today, all
of Huston being "it" and Man
rlco Maolerlluilc doing thu
hiding. Ho far lho author liaa
not been lii'utod.
riouio one registered ills
nuin-, In potirlA. twpiwleil
urlting nt ill. i HoteVVMltnilll-
ati r Mil night Todsyluip man
win. runlsti red und
hill ..-( ( i . in- two
( oil. .' Milllhs lu
Ma.biuie M.i. I. rlinck,'
Tm., i sK. il uti.ro her hus
band i, repii' 'i Jenturoly
"Why ask mo UlO-tV Jlo' M
a genius How should 1 hdPI Vi .
fi tnuk of him?" j ; r it i
UDiHld, f
luttrmrjiua '
tm TSnl'Jy.
.. (1... 4
' '.V
iaaMtf"i)Vr". -
'JFF. foww)lUtfS4if,
rtf niTiiiiiniii
.. -W

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