PAGE 14 THE TOILER SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 1920. thing about worsteds and there is a lunch ahead of him at which he is due to listen to a lecture by a reformed Russian Revolutionist who was chased from Nizam Novgorod to Odes sa and out to sea by the Bolsheviks and who is going to speak on how to stop Bolshevism in America out of his experiences in stopping it in Russia. So our manufacturer gives the lady his sub scription to her society for readings from the Constitution and 'turns to his desk to try to tarn his living as a manager of such things as looms. He then in the course of the rest of the day considers the following propoistions brought to him by mail or through salesmen: Membership in the nation-wide "open-shop" campaign. Membership in the organization for promot ing peace with the Orient by favoring the ad mission of Chinese laborers into this country "to relieve the congestion in China and to in- crease the supply of free intelligent non-union Uabor here. Subscription to fund for electing sheriff guaranteed to refuse to permit out-door meet ings by agitators. Contribution to owner of dance-hall about to Tent it for indoor meeting by agitators but willing to change his mind in possible new light of contribution. Project for shop council to bo organized with in shops by expert from American Shop Sy stems, Inc., who will train employes to elect council and be interested in council but not in terested in union. Project for new profit-sharing plan. Project for new wage-bonus plan. Project for new flat-wage-plus-deferred-annual-bonus plan, to keep employes on job till end of year. Project for reducing labor turnover by loan ing money to employes to build cottages that will moor them to the town and keep them from floating off to the next town. Annual fees to twelve societies for promoting compulsory military training in hope that '. habits of obedience to corporals and sergeants may produce habits of obedience to foremen and superintendents a result not noted in Rus sia or Italy but confidently anticipated here. Cash by messenger to support lecture tour by hero who suppressed Bolshevik revolution on Pacific Slope. Five-hundred-word statement (to business magazine on "How I Often Get My Workers to AVork". Purchase of assarted samples of devices from Industrial Inspiration Company, including time-clocks, entrance-gongs, exit-alarms, wires conveying continuous production record of each machine to electric needle running in ink on individual card in central observation station, and red, green, white, blue, and purple bulbs flashing in thirty-nine combinations before each foreman to indicate state of working act ivity of each worker at each moment. Communication from president of local cen tral labor body asking for interview; answered by letter saying "We are too busy manufactur ing worsteds to have any time for taking up any so-called 'labor problem', and especially not with individuals or institutions outside our plant." It is too much. No fellow's brain can stand up under it. And the labor movement will real ly be doing that sort of employer a great kind ering when it pushes him out of his hysterical side-lines and gives him some finally honestly free workers who will do a day's work without any electrical watching devices stiched to their shirts and lets him therefore go on back to his own job of being an industrial manager, not a universal meddler. y jQpm Q NICOLAI LENIN His Life and Work g By G. ZINOVIEFF o This is the book which Bob Minor says j every worker in America should read. If Minor, who knows Lenin and Russia and the Revolution, can leam something from this pamphlet YOU ought to be jj able to do so. o Also you ought to get others to read it. jj 25c A COPY, FOUR COPIES $1.00 o THE TOILER 2 3207 CLARK AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO U