. : ; ClgvicitltnraU -: The Kef to Profitable Fiuoilug. : At first principal in proCuble farroipg it to cultiii onlj so many scrss you cH male bettor. It may b yonirrtisfor tup to own Urgn tar ai, and b.wiUuiu, ny other capital. It is your ruin and the rain of the lni, to continue running over t Urge eurtsue, and secure crops that bareley pay tlieexpeDbeiorUbor-.lt were good polioy, in soon. oase,- to sr'J half of the Und to jret capit.il to work tlio oth er half. Iftliu nnot kt (tone, rnek to cultivate only bo muoh an you em tako retnunetative. It is not improving' Und to plow it ami take off a crop. . It slmuld lav man nr enough to raiso seventy-five bushels of ooro, 'and throe tuns of liny to 1'ie acre, when it is laid down to grass. Crops 1-6S than tli'S- ought not,' to Jiti coo aidered giod farming inH is, whore ih natural anil ia not decitlidly bd. Al most any ol'onr exlis.us.ed soils Umt now yield but twenty bushels of corn to th acre, or a tu i of hay, require from fifiv to seventy five loads or half loads of ftrm Yard manure tocive tliem as'art. and put them udii a course of improvement. If a farmer has only manure enough lor one or two acres, let him attempt to culiivnti no more. As id the rest of the farm? let it take rare of itself until you Lave the m-ana "(' i iihrovoment, s " '. "V . . , Another ntinctple in Ttriiuliiblr- farming is to keep only so much stock a yon can kep in a thriving condition. The profit of an anbittl rearad. fur liii 11 sh orates whan he slops growing He slio'd b well fed until ho reaches maturity and then be ulanghterod or sold. Thi pork ers will pay us long as you can make them gtin a pound or two a day. Lean squal ling hogs ore ns unprofitable tu they are dixgraoeful.. Many farmers starve their sheep so tvst hey are unable, to bring for h hiltliy la nbs utaiva thir cowa, ro tliar I'li-y , owe out in tliO Biniiii; looking m.r- li h skeletons than milkers. It tikes h wli l n of good pasiuratgo t retrieve till" ill triMtmont of the wintr r. Erxrv anitrul kept upon the farm should liavo a 1 tlia food he can digest, and as a ruin, the more l digests, tit moro prof itable he will b'. whether you take your pay in labor or flesh. And in this item lt i b! reinemhei-. d that good quarter fir your animals, warm, dry stalls, nd sties, will save twenty-five per cout.aud upward in fodder. Eablt Tom i ron's. The fd'owing is vouched for by a gentlemen w'io says he knows it "all right" Cut item and save it, and at the proper t'nne,ry the experi ment. "About the first Anil take a f-w large turnips and cutout tie hearts of them to form a cup. Fill Ifta cavii'ma with mrUi, and plant two or three tomato 'cdsin ech. Wlieu tie feeds have woll spiout ed, pu'l up nil b the healthiest plant in (ach turuip, and let those thnt mid .tin aiand wl.er timy will have the benefit of thi.- sup, tho plant will ir-w vory thirfty tlie tliii ny.njf turnip I'urnidhii.ff it food. Wlii-u tlio wilier bucoin-s sulliuiootly warm. km tlii turnips in a w. II prepare I anil, ni( l-nsf than three fust apart, mtk) lath frames to keep the vines from llit urouuil, an I ko -p the anil w-H hilled tip around them ami you will hava a crop tint will into n mil the natives. Tim ad vantages consist in getting tlia plan's s'arted early, without sot'iiiv' thum book by transplanting - StTTINO FfNCB roSTd. Sotting fi-ntt" poata in an inverti-d puaitinn, has been frequaii'ly ri-oornmaiidt) I in oui uolumns, And t'-e lullowtnu rrom the UiMiOia'-e I1 ar mer, widomns our views on tins i sfktjxi't: ,hr thti About thirty vo irs auo, 1 to thini', plit two h:ir nus i, M lo by Ridn out tf a ul CBintit ). tf . They wore fiuhi (cet lonir. eitrUt itichei whIh and t aec thiolt. One I si-t butt down, the otlmr top down At tho end of Uu years, ihi ons s-t in butt down M roitml nil, and I ranet it in the same hide. A l the end o sit yaii it was ru.tem-d oiriiain, and 1 put in a now ono. The other lasted lour years lonL"r, ohoD it trot split in two and I took it out and it was abuut two- thirds rottud oil. Sixteen years ago, sot six pairs of piiwts, nil split out of ih but cut of the saint white oak loj. On ptir I sit nuns down, anotlmr intir. one LuUdiiwn tho other lop down, oilnns t tlown.--Fjur years, S'i, thoss scl bun down wore rutted otT, and hid to be re Clacod by now or.ee, This summer I ad ooossiou to rs set i0ft that were t ip dawn. I found thaui all sound cikhiIi le-set. My experience hs convinird nu that h boat way is to set them lops down. fito rurmtr. Ltd on Cattlc Never mind half what the newspaper say about killing lie on Otttla- Sauff, and sind, and tjbauoo jmoe, and twenty othor nrtinh'i whose names none can remember, are rcuoru tuonded in various nuM iort t,ibi!l ! ce. All may bo go-jd all may have a pood tendency nut at tins soason we want to le aura that ws are usiiij; tliu l iylit kind vi mmunitiun, ( il of any kind is an effootnal fxtrr minaior 01 u a. iney ritnnut live in 01 or in ti e viuinity of it. Jir.p oil ol any kind. Soap grease. Any (rreasy mallei is latal to tneni. Atw&niLmil tanner. IinrnRB. Rhuburdbeds klio'u le ma in Mar h or tin ary pari nf Api il iujvuuio last yaara srsa ai the must vigorDUs, but iho rinlt has to be rnn it (i!.'inj an iuf.iri-ir article, at the sd ..... , i- i 1 1 iiij uiuui us iitn, i no surest wav is to taks old roots separata vheni inio as niany tdanu a tbsy wil admit of und retain a portion of ths lop to c.-tuli; plant in uep, non sou, ma tops ai, moliuiulf r tho surface, about two 'et each way, C'.vn over in. amumu with luunuru. T'iej should Dt Iv par milled to run toscoJ. EaIT Curh A faot . Worthy of tint to farmers speuially in thi latitude, in ths r daing of 0'ipn. has of lata been lully d'-monstrated ir ths . orn-gr wing diatriot of Jb . Wrsiern Sisios via; that sosd ta ken (rum tn '-utt end of the sr will ri- fibn evenly and at last thri waaks ear ir than if taken from (hs top or smaller nd of the samp ear, ' .'.The but, il k bo om, ia etrtainly im poriant, as It will render early corn a ro liabla crop in thi latitude. Lah Sttpt tior M'wtr. , . . &n Ann.To ir ri? of thsss pests, trasti your aiiolve clean, and while damp gab 60s salt oa theoa quite thioLly; let it rsmalo on for tiro, and thj will en liralj- disappear, tsnardtian Passancers. A 'V . I. iinti rot ths olio riKxii, it jou j. vutt. .' The twilight elowly breathed away Her golden shadows to Hit night j And, through the window of Ihe ear, .. Jloipcr caine, fluttering, large aud bright. , The mighty train nabrd oa and roared, . Fie-ling Mllk among the snows, At, IIwukU ihu wiuiiy wu.i er lifK. A urj.ot,Hi)rj-bertoJ,(loin. , The darknoat srew aronml lh rata . ' ' Ot eVery Iruvolsr, for llin tilglit, , Till a awiit iemudl'illll, Aadororfiow ilia car Willi lifUt. - Djr aTnrr leal, with folded wIdk, l.oval; mill ailunl, Hju'IihiciIith, A light of anp'U Sllud Ilia gliom A otla ailMion ul lUu air I Bondinj arstiDd t'- trlri all A lew ware guarded lUore l.y none !- TU t uaiintod aver j fare Willi liitlit, 'IIi jujIi I, II Mia; tie,auw aloiio. Though YaniAlusfmm my dreamy gr.o, 1 anew iliev were lb wailera, enme From aeam llialnned ilieir diuatit door; Wiui aueU from fat duora of boiue t And every time Ibo whlitln blew. And ever) 1,1 """ would part, I taw ioiiiu ftiti;el go with him A light of Willis within uiy hoar. 1 Uncle Sinn's harm. The r mount ol lai.d the United States Government' has for salt) is almost ideal cuUble. All the people of fuurt-oo Suites and five Territories derive their title lo their land from the Federal Government, and the records and filed evincing the in ception of their righii are preserved in the General Land Office at Wahington. The public (OQi;tin now covers a sur face, exclusive of water, of 1,450,000,000 M-reK. The Govenmint has sold about 12 ).000. 000 acres of land during ib )wt liiarti'r of a century, tor less than 8lo0,- 000,000. It will . thus le been, Uuule am a farm is htill suuiuientiy lar-'O for practical purposes, and though he bhould aell of lands for centum b to come he would have an abundance still, even if he Iuc4 nut enlarge his bordois by the an nexation or Cub, Mexico, and half the iet ol the world. joinsr lyons, js tx. n z: mh jic ASD HfcALKK IN FIStf.SALT.BACON AKD PROVISIONS GENERALLY f roUI.D ny, iNalhfl li now flllln up Hlock for IV UivMHKlMU TKADK. and 111 ft few d) will lit irui:irrl to supply Itio raruiurswIUi t-ub from thtf ?('rlh'irn lnke. lUlnffoii juur Hacnn, whlrb bo iakft tn icrlm nfee for G"OfUor ntV,ni If doiirod. Remember t my ttrmt ri tMii, mill 1 cui thtm any houae that dnoa a general credit business ilnl I will say to nil nunrtiial paying cltlseue ol town. that I will furnish Pass Hooks, und run their accounts for thirty days, al the eud of which tlma will nxpeut 111,, in-ney. JOHN LVO.NS. i. k. I have forstiio a rukvky inu t.uirti, wlih all .heiinpleinoiits. Alan. a fell set of CARP KN TKK'H IIKAPtlNI) lSbTIIUMKtirH.nll of which I will .(.II very In w. JOHN LYOMs. l,ancaslsi,Apri 13, IBOU snil BARGAINS! BARGAINS. AVjSf. IT. SIIUTT, WbenllnaT Htrttols Luncaatur, Olilo, HAS ON HAND A I.AROB LOT OF CAHRtACES AND BUGtES Also, a Una lot of 11 X r R E S S WAGON S, Whirl, will be illtpoMH. of at (hl tlroo.it VKRV LOW H 1 tiH, for Carb, aliorl iiiuo paper, ur a few good mirauai win dm iBKfin, All wnrk maiiiirmeuiruil from Ui a bttt of tnatahal. ihi put up in fl;rou woraiuaiiiiKu inannar, au4 war nnt"l Utr una ynan no won mi ruttirn nuinttnimr tut unarm patrnn HK axloitdfd to lil in by tho pflnpltj nl this cuitn'.y lurlnr lha pail altilemi ynnri, and would moil ro, ptolfulljr loliclt acuntliiuanci oftliulr ftivom, I.ancniLcr, Fobruory S3, .mw-Cif HOGKING rOHNDRT And Mchine Shop, OrJ r Holicitetl for the fulluivliig Arliclca STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, 1.1, t." mhiI tn Hnrsw mwer. wlilcli In pnlnt of ornnoniy ui lu ul r durnuiiity ul ciiiistriKtliiii slanus uitrivallotl Superior Portable Steam Lupines of tt Ifurwa power, nia'lr tnnrdnr.at a trrant reilucllou fro hi tlm iitnul prlcy charcdiuriueh Knglurt. CANAL BOAT iSTIiAM ENOINKS of hrtrnv pflvrAr with flxtnrei, m1a evproiil)- for (Until limit, ami plaroil In old mid uw tjoutt and warruntud tolve tntlifu Kon. I'ORTAIJLE STKAM B01LEKS fo iluainlns corn, veirclolilus, An., i.isilo to onlcr SUGAR MILLS, ftua Mii tw borw pnwnr irnprovetl. and tho boil in un in tint pitunlry. Tito ono Ikimo will prfit 60 t"N0 Kulloim, and tli Iwo-htirio from I'V-Mn IMiKaUonsJuico par tti.tir atui wurninuMi ntcaiuai i.rpaKafft, EVAP0UAT0IW AND KK1TLE3 fur hillln( cane Juice. PtOWS. Uuf's anil Kuaturnr's Hlnwsalwavann hand an 0 war- rauteilluueof soen material audio run well. Threshing Kluchlues eV lloree l'owpra, ami all Minis nf farmln Imylsmonts rcjiared at ibort nuiire ami an rrasuuauie terms. CASTINOS IN IRON OR BRASS maile to nnler al Inw prlrna, Niuvaa, Kmllrs. fms, I'ans. Si:iontliliir Irmia. Una trAna. flnw I'oliiU, o. Old Uou tftken In exchnnte fur anyof the elmvo arllcli-a. T. R. tlAltST, Um aaler, February t, IH00-4llf .RON AMALGAM BELLS. I tfE take pleasure In directing the attention of f V turns Interested, to Ihe annexed Price Lists nf our cheap rhurrh, Kchool and Farm Bella, which, II -,, vi ii iBerveu, are nnereu at abuut one-lhlrd as 'il'lek an Is usually rhariret, for those nr eorresnAiidinw weigm, o tue uiaauiaciureraor braaa-eom PIKIIIOII 111 Us. inose Hlls are rnmpossd of ta amalgam, In part irnii, which, while It is so much cheaper thnn the metiilsberetorure employed tor the same purpose, vet ..,., ,lm soiiorous qua 1 les scarcely Inferior to the latter. PAKM. Kt'HOtiL. IIOIH,, ARh SHOF UFLIS Hied with Yoke, Htauderds aud Ciauk comple. ' ' IQInch Bell, With Hangings. Weighs SMbs....!'!ad I" ; M- 'e vo " tvo tu 'iS " " - 915 So CHttRrB, ACA M V, PIF R A I A "M, S I K A M BOAT BBI.LH. rigged with Yoke, Standards, Tolling lramineraad Wheel, t Inch Dell, with Hangings. Weight 3P0 lbs. a 35 M . oao M til '.. .. ana, ,. 100 te . ., 171m. ,. All Belle Warranted, (new nnei given In rase of t.Bge oy ringing) mr twelve muutlis from date of purrnase, sua smppea Iree ol charge for rayage, oa iii.iiiuiincr. nr.uor.rt.FKKE 1:0, . ... No.. Main street, Clneinuall, Ohio. SXIscaQacQonH e9aD0&(SCb nn. niaetowVorriCE u at nu olt Raildsnra.ea Whssllnt Street. neatCalnmt.. STreet,hr he will attend tusll the cslls "f 1 Ispr.f. ibssiub. . iiancaster,angitsia, is- Hv CARRIAGEJHOP! DR. A.G. WALLACE, fllHB MROlrAI, HEVOI.l! i mamr ana n i I GIEME PHYSICIAS, of BllefinUlne,-Obto,-(frmerlyofewyorliCltf,)wlllleatlUe ' American House, Circlevillo, May 18. Tallmadge Ilouse, Lancaster, May 19. New L-xington, Moinlny, May 21. Dr. tVallaea will vitit the above ilauea, urofoMlon- ly every month. nr. Wallace nnsi,tiar,-u ii" ', . Inchiniielffainiliur with the theorloanf ea h and all Hie medical eyeiBojt now practiaed; and the reaaou whyhodoee not practice any 01 me ayieuia n" common vonr,e,la, tnicauae no unoerHianu vuoiu knnwa them In be Injurioua In their enocw. nr Wallace uoeanotuse iirna; rtiiuunB " - kind. and ynlhelreataaiK-ceasfiilly all dlwaaea with whieh mankind la alWioted. tiyapepaia, the opproba nrtk n,Ai...t..n. md all dneaaoa arlalnff fr(,nl liidlgealion. he haa err failed to cure permanently, iufrironnetoaiinoutlid Itomakeaa aperlality or I hee diseaMaaad particularly aonciu caaea ui ui l)r. Wallace haa leftafnw of hla olmiltra at our i.oitofflco for (ratuttoua diatrlbutioa. i'leaae call aud iret o.ie for fnrthor parliculara regarding bia new BiLLarcMTiiin, Ohio, April 1, ISBO. I had been afflicted wlih Liver f'nniplnlnt, Kidney Alfiiiona, nvapepeia end Kervoui Debilily for about lUreo jean had failed toiet any permanent relier by the one of several different fbyalclana' treatment be fore I applied to Dr. Wallace. 1 iiavoieeniiainjrir. VVallace'a new, or llyaieuie metliod of curing dliea , the pant Ave ninntht, and ay great grntirlcntloii al I he result. Is. truly beyond eipreailon. lam now well! A nd for the benefit of Invalid, as well a to Cive testimony to Ur. Wallace's efficient treatment. I desire to recounuoml him as a Fhslclaa ofeKtruor dinarvskllland capacity: who can perioononlly eure nlluf'the above nuined diseanes. and many libera which have come under my poraonal observation. For runner particulars regarding my case, anu vi. Wallace's singular tuccoai, address DAVID MOURV. Rellefnnlalne, Ohio. Mr. Moury ia known Intlits community. llo. April 111. 18tji) 3 MORRIS, JONES & CO. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, Klarketnnd Sixteenth Stree, PHILADELPHIA. II IVKon hand. andoffsr for sale, largo slocks of Swede Iron, Norway Null Hods. Plough bleel, aiidolherartlclessiiocluiiyiUHMioiue western mar ket. .NovomberlO ie50-0mi9 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH JITTERS. The proprietor and manufacturers of HOS TETTlilt'S CELKBHATlili STOMACH UlT TKHS can appeal villi perfect confidence to till vsicinoa nml citizens generally of the United (states, because the article 1ms al I ahicd a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facta upon tlii.-i point trill apeak more powerfully than volumes of bare asueriion or blajoning puffery. The consumption of lloslctter'a Stomitclt lilt tcra for tlte last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it ia evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one milljon bottles. This immense amount eould never huve been sold but for tho rara niediciual properlies couUtioed in the prepara tion, and the snnction of the moi-t proiniurnt plijnii:iuiis in those tedious of the country where the article ia bent known, who not only recommend the Hitters lo their patients, but are ready at all times to give Icsliinouiuld toils efficacy in nil cases of stomachic derangements and Hie diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efTorta in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of nn invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time ilaclf. Hosteller's Stomach Itinera have proved a Godsend to regions where fover and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by buudreds. To be able to slate confidently Hint the Bitters" are a oertnin cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is lo the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes nil morbid matter from tho stonmoli, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to tho nervous system, giving it that tone and energy Indispensable for ths restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, mid oilier digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, aud soon restores them In aconditlou essential to the healthy discharge of the fuuelions of nature. Kldurly persons may use tlielMlters daily as fier directions on the bnlilo, and they will find u It a stimulant peculiarly adapted lo comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the pain to, lnvigonitiug te the bowels, eieoiient as a tonio, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of lining this preparation while sufl'uring from stoinuch de rangements and general debilily; acting under the advice of physicians, they havo nhundoncd alt deleterious drugs and fairly tested the morlts of this article. A few words to His gonllur sex. There are certain periods when tlioir cares are so harassing thai many of them sink under the trial. Tho rvlalion of inollier and child is so absorbingly Ivndor, that the mother, expecinlly if "he be young, is npt to forgul her own health in her extreme anxiety for Iter Infant. Should the period of maternity, nrrivo during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is genorally aggravated. Here, I him, is s neeesMty fur a stimulant lo recupe rate the energies of the system, aud euuhle the mother lo brtir up under liar exlmusllug trials aud vespiinslliililioa. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer Ihe Hitlers to all oilier in viola tors I but receive tlio endorsement of physi cians, bsonuse it ia agreeable to the tnste as well na earlnin to give s permanent increuso of bodily strength. All those persons, lo whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: eiillireis from fover and ague, cau'ed by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and nil diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, perilous of sedentary occupation, and nursing motliors, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos teller's Celebrated citoinncli Hitters a trial. CAUTION. We caution (lie public ngniust using any of tho ninny imitations o; counter feits, but ask for IIostbttku'b Cklkbhatki) Stomach IIittmis, aud tee that each battle lias llic words "Dr.J. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters" blown on the aide of the bottle, and stamped ou the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our sinograph signature is on ths label. Prepared and sold by H08TETTER A BMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa., anil sold by all druggists, grocera, aud dealers generally throughout ths United States, Ooulh Ame rica, and Germany. THE mi EMU TO LOCATIi LAND WARRANTS. HOtl T Three Millions of Acres of Latidwill be brought Into inarkellnlhe State of Iowa, In June next. We expertlo niakeexteiislvosuloctlnnslnlhe various Dlstrlclsthrniighoullhn State, prlortotbe of- mrina ui tue i,aiius,aiiu irum our oxperienee in tne business, wn fseloonlhl.nl Ihsl we rnn live entire s- tlifactinntotll who msyentriialthelrbuslnesslo out ours, intseaiorpartiierntine nnn will be in nan casterahounhetttlrtf April, and any business left wiui j, w. a,ineaeonin,ni innicity, will lie alloaaer aitnaitima. rees, sin per yuartcr Nectlou. Corrusiiondeuceiulkiti'd . Address HOOPER & BEATTY, Land Ageuts,Klrksrllle,Mlssoui' March S5,'M8 !tl PI. G. TROUT, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. IN THE OHKF.N BUI f .DINOS Opposite Ihe Shrrller House. La 101 tor, November:!, ISJU lj'i? John e.M.aria. r.s.swiNo. r.r.aaasvHig EXCHANGE BANK OP i Main Street, Lancaeler, Uhlo. -f-vOLO AND KILVKR BODOIIT AND RO "iTKIghtRxrhange an Ihe East for sale lute allowed en IHno.il.: ForDU daysal Ihe rale of 4 per rent per annuty. " months" 5 ,1 ' 9 11 ii .1 a ti i Uiicasler.Fbrnarj7,t1S9 ly fF. T. WISE. LANCASTER, OHIO. TAL.T, 8T.OXJGH. ATTOMEYAIMWy LANCASTEII, OHIO. fremrd alteattoa gits n to Colleellor.a. JtTOFPlctt with Sitncheumh & Clarke. MstTh,lH60-t7'.l OSLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLEDi MARKET, WITH lJIMKHHK HOME AND) EUHOPEAN Tliereaaou why, latha'.by a,urr'a own process it restores iu natural ceior; parmeiieimy ter tae a r , - - -v. . - . L.i.t. becomes grey; supplies ii natural fluids, and thus umkris It grow on bald hinds, removes all dandruff, licliing, and beat from llij scalp, quiets aud tune ui il. a nerves, and thus eurik all nervous headache, and may be rolled unontoeuie all dlseaana or tee acain and hair; tt will alup aid keep It from falling off; mnlri it aofl.rlsMu. aajise aarf sraatiaf . snd if used by tlie vouuglwo or thro limoa a woea. It will never fail or become grey) tbei reader, lead Ike following and Judge for you reel vei: c ' PKW VOKR, January o, iron. Messrs. O. J. Wood Si Co., Wenilemop: Having beard a good deal aboiif ProfeMoi Wood's Hair He aluraliie.itiiit my hair being quite gray. I made up my mind lo lay aside tne prejudices whu h I, in com mon wlih a great many persons, hsd against all man ner of patent medicines, and a short II roe ago I cum ui'oired ualng your article, to teat il for inynelf. The roauli haa been so saltafattory Hint 1 am Very glad I did so, aud injustice to ;ou, as well as for the encouragement of others wb may be as gray as I wa but who Having my prejudice wiinom mj reasons for selling It aside, are auirillingto give yunj Restore- ;ivo atrial till tliey bav) turmer prooi, an.i mo ni roor bring occular demonstration. I write you this etter. which you mavshow to any such, and also di- rAPlthftm lo mn rnr ruriher urooi. who am In and out oflhe S. Y. Wire Hulling Etabllhineuleveryday. My hair is now Hs natural color ano issosimp in appearance every way, belag glossier aud ililcaer and much more healthy looking. I atu yoars respectfully, HFRV JKSKOS, Comer of Columbia and Carroll tre". Brooslyn. 1.1V1SUSTOB, Alal.ama, rooru.r, it. .c,o. fiof. Wnr,-Oear Hln Vnr Hair Restorative has ii... mini. .,aH tn thw nsrt of the country. My hair has been slightly dlininlshlngfnrseveral years,osuod, I suppose, rrom asiignt Durn wnii i w i,o - fanl. 1 have been using your Hair Restorative foralx weaVnaud I And that I have a Due head of hair now .rowlnir. after havlnsr used all other remediea known. lo no effect. I think II Ihemosi valuable remedy now exlsnl.nna aavise an wao are amieieo mat mny tu use your remedy. You can publUh ibis If yon think proper. Yours. etc., n. n.eiiiuiiiiui,, PHILADELPHIA, Septemeer9, P57. I'aor. 'Wood Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is proving Itself bonollclnl torn. Tho fi out, and also the back part of my bead almost lost Its covering was In fact mi.o. I have used but 3 half pint buttles or your Itestorativo.and now ibe top of my head Is well stubbed with a prnroistnf crop nfyonnr hair, nml the front is also receiving lis benefit. 1 have tried otherproparailons without any beneflt whatever. I Itilnk from my own personal reeouimendalion, lean Induce many other tu try It. Yoars, respoclfully, D. R. THOMAS, M. D. No. 6( Vino Klreet. The Resloratlveis put In bottles of J sizes, y f. large medium, and small; the small holdshalfa pint, ana retallafor one dollar per boule-.tbu medium holds at least twonly percent, siore In proportion than the mall, retailsfor two dolls rs per bottle; the largo bot tle holrlsa quart, 40 percent, moro in proportion, und retaitsforlliree dollars O.J. WOOD di CO , Proprietors, 444 Broadway New York, end 114 Market Kltcol, St. Louis. Mixou- iTT'.tndsoldbyallgoud oriargiaiaanu Kancyiwy Dealers. March 1. loot) 3in4 MAGNETIC ,4) Try this remarkable aud most Interesting remedy tlscompoaed of the concojiraled Juices ofthe mosi powerful audihe most sodbing Plants and Roots In nature. cheinlcullv eouibined and insulatod In well sealed glass Hollies, and hnrged by a powerful flat tery. Thus possessing lnadditiontolts suporlor me dical virtues, strong Mugtotlcand Electric properties. profoundly peulrnling nd eminently quieting und southing. It relieves pal nana liinainmation aionce, (when Irecly applied, r iixlnathe strained musoles and nerves, giving new fe and vitality by its life giv ing qtialltloa, to purellls.a1 parts and chronle or long standing complaints, snd weaknesses, allaying ner vous pain, nouraigia.i irritation, aim removing ou strur.linnsllke a charm. Indued all who have used it, apeak of It aa truly a wonderful medicine mid esteem it by far. superior to an; and all other external reme dial In uso. If applied In season It Is an unfailing remedy for the Croup, Ssre Throat, Inllamation ofthe Lungs, Hewers. Liner, Kidneys and oilier organs, Klinuninllsm,riliial l-rliatlon, Ague In the Iiressl) andalalltlmescuresnerrous Heudaohe, Nenrxlgla, Noro I'.yes, Ear Acne, lontn acne, aaueiu too race. Pimples and Kriiplinnso allklnds, I'll.F.K, Bruised and Npralned Limbs. Durps, Pro tun parts. OhlllOlalnl, Inilolontandlnngatnndlig Korea, wounds, die,, Ac. Ilalsnrestnresthe tialrto the Uuld Head,andprevent the Hslr from falling. Tho Magnetic Olnlraenlhas been extensively used upon Canal and Draught Horses for Gulls, Wounds, Sprains and Lameness, snd Is a sure cure, when ap plied hot for Ihe Mcralclm on horses. and the Fool All ouKlieep. All the Proprietors ask for tho Magnetic Ointment Is a falrtrlal,sonldentu.at all they claim fnrlt will be found tree to tho letter. In the neigh borhood where It is manufactured, ninny people buy it by Ihe quantlty,and Ills kepi and used by almost ever) Inhabitant us a Panacea for tho numerous pains nnd rt'-hespverv fsmtlyl more nrless afflicted with. W'esny again TKY DK.TRANK'K M Alt NET 10 OINT- MK.NT. None genuine uiiieaa aigneii "N. liutil-l.." wlih Pen. Hue Pemnhltta containing full directions round each llollle, an circulars left with agents. Price J shillings for snmU and 3 shillings fur large lollies. - ' - Knrsule by G.K A l K VU A a (V I'll., l.anonitc r; f. J. Mnlliir. fioinersel; E. Kalb, KiiHavlllet' Abbott and lnn,rienrport; R Kli.fiwbur.OaVlnii.l; Druggislsand Mi-rrhniiln KOUOrail) inru'iRI, inn i-nuinry. It VA II orders should he addressed toWM MtlioS t ro., KiirlvllH,Madiuiountj, New York. July,'.'!, jn.ia-iji-J j Tbe enterprising proprietor of CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY, (Tun Purest Mudlclnal Aannl ever known. 1 has fuin- lulind thecommiiiilty a Rtlinitlant, Pure, Healthful and Invigorating, at Ihe same time n delicious beverage. 1 1 is calculated tn do away with the vile drugged stuff that Is palmed on on the eonuu unity, and which II In jurious lo body sni mind. In addition In the rerlllt- csissneneniii, ne lias receive,! a iniuoina iron. i,e KTATK AHHICULTUHAL SOCIErV.aud addllieiiai teslluieiiy frent DR. JACKSON or Boston, who lo'll flusuudor uath to ilsabtolule purity. CKKTiri(-ATK9. PuiLtotLPHik, HenWmber 9, IB.VI. We have carefully tested the sample of I liesuut Il rove Wliiskoy which you sent us, and flud I hat It con tains none ofthe Poisonous Hubstauoe known as Fu sil Oil, which Is the characteristic audliijurloualngro dleutuf tbe whiskey in general nse, BOOIII, OAHRKTA l.AMAC, . Analytical Cheinlstl. Nitv'Vosk. September 3, IMH. I have analysed asnmnlo of Chesnul Drove Whis key, received from Mr. Charles Wharlon, Jr., of Phil adelphia, nml having carefully tested It, 1 am pleased tn statu that It Is entirely free front poisonous ordule terlona substances. It is an unusually pure and due flavored iiu-l ly of whilkcv. JAM eiS R.CIIILiON, Analytical Chemist. Boston, March 7, le."i. 1 have made a rlieinlral analvalsnf commercial sum- plea of Chesnul lirove Wblakay, which proves lo be Iree rrom the heavy Km I Oils, and perfectly pure and unadulterated. Tbe Sue flavor of tale Whiskey Isde rlved from tbe Grain usnd In manufacturing II. Respectfully, A. A.IUYKS, M. D Suite Arijer, Ma. le. Rnvlstnn Street. Put aula by C, WHARTON, Jr., Sole Princlr al A gent, No. 1 in Wulnal Street, Phila .elphla. March l.ldnU Smlt TIIOITIAN O. DODSOK, AT FISIIEL'S CORNER, BROADWAY, Manufactors Cabinet Ware of all df BCriDtions nnrl stvlca II IS Wares are made of the best materials) and I tuannractured with special reSerence to ouraell' II); and oner the most modern patterns. Also, UNDERTKINQ. .... f, -,COFFINS of any alyla, furnished on wsoii u "U Hlw usual notice; and will attend funerals In town and country, with or without a ilrarae. He will also attend to CARPETING & UPHOUTERINC la the City, or In ths country. Ptr. IOI,I,Y, In ths same eslsbllsbiacnl, man-, ufaclurea and keopa ftir salu, PLAIN AM) FANCY CHAIRS, road honestly, end to he worth the money the aslt, Uncaeter, Agrll j, lajo j(r VIRGIL E. SHAW ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, OHIO. OFFICE Oa Main Street, nver Slncnm'e ErnV Store. r . May, lM- THE m if m 1 IIt. MOUSE S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. UK. MORSB, the tnfeater of MORBK'S INDIAN ROOT FH. I,hasapeut the greater Deri of Biilife tn traveling, having vlalted Europe, Asia and Africa, aa w.n North America baaapent tboe years among the ludiauaof our '.Veslern counlry-dt was In this way that the Indian Hoot Pills were Srst discovered. Dr Morse waillie tint man le ealabllnh the lact that . . I 1. IIT! m.'U U U L 1, 1 . H t imitflir H mm inrunn I vr inaui,uMii ,,.,.. BottlUl aod hlt denouded uuon this .u..i a, ,i.i. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, Is because they do not get a me dietas which will paaa to the mulcted parte, aud which will open the natural passages for the disuse le bo cast out; bunco, a large quantity offood and other matter ia lodged. at the stomach Ac iiitestinesareliterallyover- Suwiug with the eorrupleu was) thus undergoing dls- agreeauie lenneuvatioii, euusiantiy uiAiiia; wiiu i,u blood, which throws the corrupted matter through everv vein end artery, until life is taken trom the body li disease. Dr. norasTs PILLS bave added to Ibem- selves victory upon victory, by restoring millions of theslck to blooming iieaiia ana nappiness, yes.mnn aandawho have boeu racked or tormented with aiek- uess, pain end anaulsh, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by ibe burning elements of rsging fever, and who here been brought, asit were, wllliln a step oflhe silent grave, now aland ready lo testify that Ihey would have been numbered with the dead, had it not beon for this groat eud wonderful raedlelue, Morse's innian nooi rius, alter one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and absolutely surprised. In witnessing their chsnnlng effects. Not oniy do they give Immediate case aud strongth, and takeaway all sickpeaa, pain and anguish, but thev at once go to work atlhe foundation of the diaeaso.wiiirii Ik the blood. Therefore, tt will be showh, especially by those who use the Fills, that Uiey will so oleanse and purify, that disease that deadly enemy will Ukells flight, and lbs flush of youth and beauty will ufcuiu rumrn, auutiic prospect 01 a longaouaappy lue will cherieh aad brighten yourdata. CAUTION:-".MerchantaandTraderawillbeonthelr guard and uotbe Imposed upon by a Counterfeit of Dr. Morse's Indian Knot Pills, signed A. U. Moose. A II genuine Pills will hereafter bevethe name and signature of B. LAKK JUDSO.f, (successor to A.J. White Co.,) on each bo. 1 - Allorderssnd letters relating to said Pills must he andressedlo B. LAKE JIIDNO.V.SO Leonard Street, New York, rolu proprietor of Dr. Morse's Indian Kooi Pills, or WM. MUilGU dt CO., KarlviMe, Madison county. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills aresold by ail deilors In Medicines. Agents wanted In every town, village ami hamlet In Ihe laud. Parlies desiring the agency will address as above for terms. Price 5.1 cents per box, live boxes will besom on receipt oi ti, postage paid, Rnld by K A UK F.MAN CO., Lancaster; P. J. MrM lor, Somerset; P.. Kelb, Hnshville; Abbott and son, t;iearport; o. rtieierner.unKinnu; iirnggisis and'Mor' chants generally through the country. juiy yi,icju i j iv ANOTHEn NEW BOOK. U onaparte'a Great' Work. TJKlYATKGUIDKTOIlBALTiI- M. ne.rnannn 1 mu ali misdii cssesofthe genitalorgnnsof Ihe tnalo and female, with Ihe latest discove ries In reproduction. The afflicted should use no remedies before learn ing from this valuable work the su periority of the author's Paris and Londou treatment of Iirivale disea1 es : both married and sinrle. should consult it. This book lulls how to euro the following Diseases, and en lightens those who srruiwBiiHlnrknAM. fionurrlitci.GLiet, Cbordee.Rlrlcal. Rviihills.Riilm. Warts, UItches,Kenaiiallsra,SemliuilWeaknesa.Mas- Oirbalion oranir-abiin,LcucnrrleaorWhitea,Suppres-sionoftha Menses, Falling of the womb; how to pre- vvuti i.Knsntj, mnniuuiiuiiii. oarrennuss, itneuma tisin.Ac. Iltroatson .Midwifery, Abortion, Miscar riage, Cclobacy, with remarks to the young and old of both sexvs. It tells how lo distinguish pregnancy and how to avoid It, 4tc. Perfect Safeguard agiinst Quackery. irpForllethodltion l(Kl,fttlO copies sold annually. This book sent under seal, post paid, t all parts of the world-,011 tho receipt ofaj cents, or 5 copies for 2. Dr Bonaparte's Celebrated Preventative. This jlmple, healthful, nfiil vol effectual prerenllte Is beyond a comparison with anything over ;et dlsco ve:ud. II hasboun proved by yearsof experlenccand In no Instance has tt failed when applied according lo Hrectious. Married people whido not wish to Increase their families should be In possession of this instru ment. Price reduced to .V . r. Bonaparte's French Patent Male Rafe!' This ar ticle onables those whose health or circumstances do not permit an Incre.ian'of famliv. to regulate or limit the nunibernribeiroff aprlngwllhoiittnjnrlng the con stitution. It Is Ihe only safe and sure prerentlve against pregnancy and dlsesso. The above article la specially Intended tofuldl this desideratum; It is per fectly safe; no metallicsubslunce enters into llscom position. The price ofthe French Patent Male Safe, aji mo biuk'o uo. bb ,,wr nun uuen. 9f per aozon, Tr?.VIsn(ia lioniva's Female Monthly PHI Is a salt and reliable remedy for suppressions and all female disease. Ladles should notuso them during pregnan cy, as tbey will produce miscarriage. Price, SI per box oxlra line SI. riant to any address by mall. No loiters will be answered unless they contain a remit tance or n p-tsge stamp. YOUNU M EftLet no false modest deter joufrora making your rase known lo one whs. from education and respectability, can alone bo f Met., ,,u. He who placeshimself under Dr. Bonnpartea bis treatment, may religiously confide In hi. hone a erentlentoii. and in whose bosom will bo forovei totted tbe secret 01 nis patient. 1 1 1 .'..I .... .1 . n. d n ... .. -n n iiuiurr. .iiiubmf,! w vt. c. n,ou.,,rSKIa,aO IBS, SyeamoreHtrael.botweon Flfu d Sixth Streets. Clncincinnatl, will be puncluslly vtlended to. Dr. nonapnrte can oe consuiteu upon ai: aecrot diseases. Ho is unquositonsily acknowledged to be the chain nlon and klna of Venereal Diseases, and onlv Phv.i clan In the Union who has trniehd on the contlnertof Europe, ann tne only Doctor wno nas visited their colcbrntod Hospitals, as well as their medical Institu tions, and receiving their monthly reports, offors to all thine who desire to consult a professional person, the result 01 rorty years experience in tne Hospitals of Ku rope and America. Confidential consultation daily from 8 A.M. antlllO P. M. beptembcr I, itfj 1)18 SANPOBD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVrrt liEIIIMTATKS. "I T Is compounded entirely from Ouma. and has he I come an established lact. a Standard Modlclnc. known and approvod bynll that have uned II. and is now resorted to with conflJouco lu all Ibe diseases for which H Is rernmmended. II has cu red thousands within the last two years who had given up nil hopes ol relief, aa Ihe numerous un solicited uerlinrates In my possession show. The dose mint lie adapled lo Ihe temperament of the Individual taking It, and used In such quaulltlesas to act gently nn the Howols. Let the dlnaicsnf vourliidirmentrntde son In tho usoof the LIVhR INVIOORAT JH, and it will cure l.ivercompialnts.bllllousntlscks, dyspepsia, chronic Diarrhoea, Hummer complaints, dysentery, drupir, sour stomach, habitual cosliveness, chnlic. Cholera morbus, ciiolnra Infantum, Aatiilenee, Jaundice, fe malo weaknesses, and may hs used successfully ns an ordinary family medicine. It will cure sick headache, (a. thousands can testify,) In twenty minutes, If two or three leaspoonfuls are taken al cuiuuieiicemeuluf attack. All who use it are giving their testimony In III favor. Mlv waterln the mouth w.th the luvlgorator, and wallow both logollier. Price One Dollar per Uottle. ALSO, jANrns d's CATHARTIC VlUJt, COMPOtf.NDgn FROM PUIIK Vi:C I'Alll f. EXi Rtl'TN, Aud put up In GLASS CAHKS, Air l ight, and will keepln any climate. The FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS Is s gentle but active Cathartic which Die proprietor has used in his pnicllru more than Iwontj years. The conslantry Increesiegdeinand from those who have long used lha PI-LI.1 aud the sattsfncOun which all eipresa in regard to their use, has Induced luu lo place them wllhln the reach ofall. The Profession well know the dllTarenl Cathartics ant nn different portions ofthe bowels. The FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL has, with due re ference to this well eitabllihod fact, been compound ed from a variety of the purest Vegetable Extracts, which artallkenn every part oflhe alimentary canal, and aro GOOD and SA FK tu all cuaoawhere a Chattier ttc Is noeded.such as Derangements nf Ihe Stomach, sloeplnesdpalns in the back and loins, costlreaeas, pain and soreness over the whole body, from S'ldden cold, which frequently, if neglected, end la a lorg course offever,loss of appetite, acroeplng sensstlou or cold over the body, reallessBesi.headache.or weight In Ihe head, all Inflammatory diseases, Worms in children ur adults, rheumatism, a great purlflerof the blood and mnny illaeases towhi.ch flesh is heir, too numeroiislOHtenin,u inlhisadve'rtisement. Jtnae, its lrlro 3 Oiuiea. The I.IVK.K INVIGORATOR and FAMILY ( A- I'll 1 U'l- I 1,1 I 1 S ..a ..I.II.J I... II -.. 1 . . i nn , i , - riMKimu , uriiKKir.s arneraiiy, nil anlil whnlHBBln hv IkA T.bHm i,,nll I.bm tnmnm 8. T. W.SANKORD.M.D., Msnufactarerand Proprietor, IM Rroadway.N. York. For sale by G. KAUFFMAN di CO., Lancasler.Ohia Oitober'.tl, ie.' I yai This limtituti is sse lk$ erssf, etssf tktwffk and pructntl in its towews nf tasiasss trains a Bag Mircanlilt Ctll'f in ! MM. DAILY t.F.CTTJKKSnn Iheoretlcal and practical Book-Keupinr, Cnmmarrial Law.Puliticul Kcon onry, Commercial Kthlcs, Correspondence. Mnthama llrs, Peuinaiiahlp, fie, by men ofexperlence In their professions. The DIPLOMA le In ao case given to any Graduate who is not competent to keep the books of any busi ness House. Tim nf itndy BNiwiss- Usually tnkes an apt pupil from sis. to nine weeks. Can enter at any time, aa there Is no vacation. Tttnl Cp Including Scholarship, Rooks, Board ing, eke., die., about ITS. Scholarship good In the four principal Cemmereial Coin geslnthe United States. For full parliculara, enclose two stamps and address - , .iUFrs,McCOir at CO,. M-arrhS,lft60-Mtr Columbus. Ohio. . .'i . i .ii i. rpo A I.I, WANTING FARMS. SSI AdvertUemeB X lo Hainmc-utou Lands. . ,. D . IP I COMMERCIAL COLLEGES Of COLll.TIHCN, OHIO, Coiiaolldrtted December 1, 1830, MANUFACTURER AND D EALER ST WWS Copper, TinAf Sheet IronWare OF EVERY DESCRIPTION) ' . HOUtH 81DKOW &ralS STREET, ' Utte Door West f that UeyoklMf Tattler Banks ; 4. .- T HAVE Just received a lares usortmentorHTOYIS JL which i will sell lower than ever, ooastst la partner Champion Clipper ScPrtmiutn stoves, roB wood; "; : Victory, Salamander & Tiger FOR coal; Willi an assortment of Six St Setep Piste 1 and Coal aod Wood ' 1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - - Persons In wan: of anything In the way of Stoves Tln.Copperor Sheet-Iron Ware, would save money by railing on me. Harlicular attention la dhecled to thlsRtove, as It possesses more good qualities llisn any other now in nse. Thankful for past favors, 1 desire a coutloaance of ihe public patronage. , . - Water Spoatlng- and Jobbing; ofAl.f. KlNDR.done on slioitnotke. ITPOIdCopper,Urass,aud Pewter taken in exchange James mc.mana.ny. Lancaster, October BO, 1P58 SiStf LINDSAY'S IMPROVED st-BLOOD SEARCHER I A STANDHAD MEDICINE ! For the speedy, radical, ant effectual cure of ALL UlSBAMSS arising from IMPUKITY of the BLOOD. Thlamedlclne haawronghtthe most miraculous cures in aespurate cases of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases. Pimnles tn tho Face. old stubborn ulcors, tellers affections dyspepsia, Jaon- uii.n, niDivurmi uibobsus. UTor coiupitlli,, low Spirits, cancerons formstlons, Frysipelas, Boils, aoro eyes, scald bead, Kheumatle disorders, eonllvoness, salt rheum, general debility, loss of appetite, foul stoiosch. Femalo Coraplsiuta. and all Diseases having their original luau iuipureataleoflhe Blood. The almve Is a portrait of David McCroerv. of Na pier township, who, on the 31st day ol A i gust. 1H5H, inaoeam'iavitoeiorojuBtioeooriey.tUkt he wastreat ed for tlio cureof t'sncer by tliree phyaiciansof Hed' ford countv. end by Dr. Newton ofthe Eclectlo Cot tea-olii Cincinnati. for anertndofnoarlvelahloionilia. nntwithstandi'ig which, bis lip, nose and a portion of' his left cheek wero entirely eaten awty! He had giv en epnii nope,wnen ne nearu onne "iiiona March er," and was induced to try It, Pour bottles cured hlin, and although Badly disfigured, there Is no ques tion bul what Ibis invaluable medicine saved his life. Ibe full particulars of tills remnrkable case nty be socii in acircuiar.wuica can no nau oi any 01 tne agents We alsoroferto the case of Nancy Kleaknev of Kl dertnn, Armstrong eonnty, Pennsylvania, cured of Kcroruia ansr neing unauie to gel out or bed ror 3yoars. To the oasoof a lady in Anaonville.Clearflold Conn ty. who was also afflicted with Scrofula In Its worsl form. To the case of Ceora-e Meisel. residlne- in rtarrnlt. town. Csmb-la county, Pennsylvania, who was so had ly afflicted with Cancer thntlt eat his entire nose off, and hla case wae wnrae. If possible than McCreory's. J lie pariicuiarsui louse cases, every one or Wlllcb wascurod by the uso ofthe Blood Rearcher may also ue iouuu in a circular to ue oao niany agent. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laborolbry forth mnunfaeture and salo. neanim Pa. Kallroad Depot, Ilnllldaysbhrgh, Pennsylvania. nr. uen.ri. neyser. v nniesaie agnnt.Plttsburg, Pa, tor sale by KAIPFM AN &.CO., Lancaster: J. I.. Swain. Groveporl; IE. Schnller, Roberts Haninel, vumik'uiik, u r. o.uvBi,,,, ,, aionursnn, IT. A. W Munsoa, Kenton, January SC, ItfrO 1)39 Brood Purifier and Blood Pills, DB. UOBACK'S CAXDINAVIAN REMEDIES. "KN DR, RORACK, Ihe celebrated Swedish nyaician.lntioduied Ills lllond Puriflerand Blood Pills in the United States.he set forth in plal .1 ""in tneir curative properties. Thia wjts years itu. i ue task or recommending them baa since been ' j ais nnnii. bulightened men whose char ncturforsoundjudgmentand phtlosnphv. glvcslheli opinlous weti-nt inlh. nAmn,.,l, h..l. . ..... , oo uiaao '-aaaursBce doubly sure," bernre ney decide areevery where approving and urging iiicnae ur those wonderful Preparations. All who rniitldo in the wisdom and honesty of this class, o r who " ' invnsiigato ror tneuisolvet are now of ea aiiea ou tuis Im poriant sutilect. ORIGINAL LKTTHRS from members or the MahIp.i p,Ar.,.iAn t?iin i public Journals, well known Merchants and Farmers. ..,i ..nu i us ur tne highest respectability, giving ac counts of extraordinary cures wrought by tho feme .ib, ui wuicu cureatner tnemselrns wero KVK WITKIIIIL'L'IJ These parlies may bo consulted nersonallv or hv let' Jer, bylhose who haveanydoubt upon the Bubject. 1 be evidence In the possession of Dr. Enback . which '"' "mesaocessibletolhe public, establishes Ih FACTS inal lhe BLOOD PURIFIER and BLOOD PILLS uBTnuDsjo proveo nv analysis to CONTAIN NO MINKRALl lha they eurotbe almost universal complaint; ilVfiiilruwi a with unerring crig,and lu a very abort time. That urier all other raodlclnos have proved useless, Ihey llVKR COMPLAINT. and restore tbe health and strength oflhesuJerer.Tnnt . , SICK FKMALfcS, who have languished fur yeara in helpless wenknesi and duspondoncy.reeunerate with great rapldltvunder ,,..i M,.iKoiauugoporaiiun, I natailaexnal dlsabll Ilea are removed by Iheir cordial and gentle stlmulat I'.vj.oiovB. i nm ,nwy recrnii RHATTFHEli r!t)NTi ritTinKa howaverihny mav have henn trlAna wlih mnA h,,. that Iheir direeltendei.rv I. i l.n.ih... nr. .h ... der it enjoyable. Thal.nperallndlrocllv upon the pffV- THRV nsiiBtn ta nvit. and discharge from the ayslem, every lalnlofKcroful ""ii uerooiisrv or otherwise. That they KKCKUIT THB DKBILITATKD. and that there Is no diseaseofthegtnmach and Bow eis.tno b ver, lha nervous system, the skin, glands or n,, .rising iroui impnriiiea in tne mood o eeretlons, which they do not give pry" rri.r, and, (if administered beftire Itte very citadel nf Ufa has ocn uTuueu,isjreC geiafrss nniftrfttt eers. Bear In mindihBifi,MRriAiviiiMsii.w v unVT, BLK BLOOD PILLS are endorsed by tho experience or . housands of living wil nessns, who, In tetters, afll davits, medical worke, and by word of mouth, pro claim them to be the very beat preparation el the kind ever offered lo tha broken-down vtcllroa of 111 neaitn. i ney huel disease thronfli every avenue an urganor the system, and lo expel tt thoroughly an permanenlfY. No one can donhtthotrsnperiorlly after one single trial Ihey are not only belter bul, In fact, cheaper nan any other rilla, for It takes a less number of luvui uiprouuce aoettereaect. Prlcoof tbe Scandinavian Vegetable Blood PurlB er, ai per bottle, or as ner hair dnaan. nriha a... '""avian Veguiable Blood Pllla.SSoentt per boxrer Head fr. Koback's Rneeial?Intl.aaanJ' Tenia.. i.s published in a couspicuoui part of thia Pacer from llmetotlme. ' Dr. Hoback'a Medical AlmsnB.,IR.ii Avi..r containlngagreatvurielyoflnteiestlng and valuable Medical information, can be had gratia of any of bra la dihlcull or complicated Cases, Dr. Jtbbsek may ba consulted personally or hv letter auelosing one stamp tor tne reply. From Rev.Mr.lrfcHrLtiN.PaitorefRoherlaChipel, iwDtaRiroue,ctooarS,7iT. i Dr. C.W. Rosc-U-ar Sir: 1 have a sod your Blood Pnrlfler for a nervous a aoctlon, rrom which I bavesur forei' mnchattlmea. While ills pleasure to tasle.lt cortalnly has a happy effect upon Ihe nerves. Plxeee accept my thanks for your kind regards, and believe me Youra. , J. VV. T. MeMUliHtS.: Principal Office and Rales Rooms, No.8,Kaat Fonrlh Street, 3d Hiilldingfrom MalnStreel.Clnolonatl.Ohio, Mhoratoryln Hammond Street. For sale by George Kauffman n) Ue, Lancaslarf Ah hollaj Son, Clearport: Bowman i Hahlenbaugh,Rny alien: Philip Han, Pleasanlville; Wildermuth, Ml'l Isrdt afaeon, Rastl; O. P. Hamlin, Oakland; Harmon Curtis. Plokartnglon: I. R. Wolat, Llthopollst H. L. Nicely, Balllmeret C. 0. Miller, MIIIerspOTtl Beery Mcf'andllsh, Bromeu; J. H. Rundermaa, Amanda; J. L. Hralton.New Salem: A .. Shrader.SugarOrove, and by Dragg island Merchants generally throughout IheUnlim. Jaly 7, IMglylO PLATFORM SCALES, ! Weighing from 700to 1500 ponnda, Lancaster, February 17, 1hs- J.C.WKAVBI Id) n - 11 1 lLllllll"jm'LJ"L'l BttOmv X v llOTEli, . . U : CINCINNATI OHIO.' -' THE undersigned, hsrlngsgalnassnmsd'lhe mSB agement orthla well known tstsbllshoient. bege 'A- aay to those who lslt Clnclnnstt, either lor bft bsss or pleasnre.thatlhey will Snd the Broadway Hotel one oftbe mosteooveoleht sad desirable slop-plngplseesiaikeeMr.-- ! -J,.Keo"'i5?,V,1'f.- Depots' and thepobl e Lsedlog; mere sa llisnauj other Jloiet In ClnrlnnaMi-imlH wlthlna few mlnuliawalk oftloi Post 0M,UMiBilpirutiMaialUla, and the places of Public Arousomont. ' An extensive rsnge of Bslhlrrg Itoorasand a Bar ber's Shop will be fou.d Is the ull(Hng . Tills house has all the comforts and conveniences thai caw be found In any Drst class Hotel In the West; The whole establishment haa tost keen thoroughly overhauled, renovated and re-furnished, and the" Proprietor feels assured that those who make his house their home daring luelrstej la the ally, villi have no reaaoh to complain either of bis accowirooda II... ..Wl..,.... - S.nM A W nr....... .... , uriiisi-OHrfci-B. uu.ir.rn 11. UUUM V febli. Cincinnati, Kep'.embern. IH55 iff NEW JR1UNGEMENT! China, Glass and Qneensvrare.. Tla reruovsThis establishment To the New Greene Bnildin& Oppoeltsj tue Tatllmadge Hesr WHRRK hrUprepared to tell at Wholesale Ketall.meUrguatasdaaestassortmenlof . AND QUEENSWARE, Kverogeredlq this market. . lie Inwl.ea tu Countrr norcUanla, To wham he pledgeahlmselrto gtre better barenS than they can possibly gelin the TSa'st, frolghti anr brakage taken into the acconnt. He reeelvea hls trooded rccllyfrom Knrope, by Ike way ofNewOr leaua.vla Rherand Caual lo I.anraslor. lie Invitee all; who desire to pstronlse a hom market and to purchase their e-omw i r.w. thmi can be had at any other place tu Ohio. Cincinnati- ,,, ,, s call and they shall not be 1 dlsapoluted. WILLIAM KTEWAUT. uauceaior, uct.se isjrv sotf . m . ' . LOW PUIMflSl Miscellaneous Booka . . i School Books Juvenile Boohs ' 1 Bibles, Testaments-:- . Hj-mn Books, Prsyrr . BooU Csp, Letter snd Note Paper Day Bookt, Ledger Memorandum and Codv Books- Port Monies.Wsllets, Pocket Booke . I'erfuraery, Toilet Soups Pictures, Pioture Frames' sod a creat'TsrietT of QPOQCEICSSP JCh,0paa3snc3fi3 ror saie at cai kkmely low pint KS. at , A. BRBN.NKMANACO'R. Main Street. North Side, opposite Ihe fiheffcr House Lancaster, April 81, l&5 51lf ( COIMSUMPTION AND ASTHMA CU.n ED1 TK,, JAMES, discovered, while la iheKaat' MJ Indies, a cerUin cine for Consumpllcn. Asthmu Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and General Debilily . Th remedy was discovered by him when his only t I d , daughter was given up lo die. His ehlld was cure . aud Is row alive and well. Desirous of benefltllng hlv follow mortals, he will send to those ho wish II, the 0vc,po vuinaiuingiuir oirectionsior making and sue cessfuly using this remedy, free, on receipt of Jhoir names with slkrop for return poslsgo. Theroianota single symptom of consumption that II does not at oncetake hold of and dissipate. Night awoats. pee- visuiioss. irniation oi tne nerves, failure of meraorv,. difflcnltaxpectointlon, sharp pains In the lungs, I Borelhroal.chillysensuilons.iiuasoaaltliealomath, I Inaction ol the bowels, uiini.w,.nr , i.. f cles. Address O. P. BROWN & CO, Nos. 3 and 34 John STariT. New York. , December la, IMP Bm33 X Plows! Plows! ATTENTION FAIIMEBS. YOU will Snd nt P. ) BOVING'S Hardwvcfttore a large assortment or PLOWS and other Agricul tuial implemenls, ofthe following celebrated makers: J. L. Gill A) Son's combination Plows, Points, Purls and Land-sides. . O. C. Miller Jf Co's Steel Plows. A. Peacock At Son's Steel Plows, W. Darsl's Cast Plows, Long's Pattern. All of which have been tlinronalv ....ik.t l.. ,1... Farmera of Ibis and the odjocent counllea, and are ac knowledged to be the best in Ibis market. Call, ex--amino ami make your choice to Bull your ground uud: teams. Also,conslanllv ou hand a full aioclr of IRON; NAILS AND STEEL, Housebuilding Iflalcrinls - or ALL KIKIrS; .Saddlery and Carriage Trlmmlnga. TOOLS' ofall deserlntlnna r,rih.l,..i ....II,. a ... tho lowest prices. FiJi BOVINO. ' Lancaster, robrnary 53, 1SC0 43tf LANCASTER, " OHIO. TTTPrompt attention glvon to Cotloctlons'.J U Office In the .! v Hutldlntni. Wear oft lIocklnBT valler Bank. Ootchorai, lsiusdif , ... SOITIETIIIiVCr FOn? ETERT LADW SHEPPAKD'S Great ltcncfac(o) The Greatest Periodical llemcdr ever OUcorcredt lfiOO UOXF.S RF.TA1LED MOKTHl.V. TIIK Benofarlor Is Infallible for the immediate re moval or ObsltiictloiiB, IrrogularltlcB. Prolap sus Uleri (falling of tho Womb) Leuchorrl.es, lit Vt hltca,nnd all the dlaeasespoculiar to females. This remedy lies never In a single ease failed In producing the Mennea. : I have resolved many letiere of rocnnimondallon.whichall sey: "11 Is Ihe best re medy we have ever used.!' Nlckuosant the Stomach, Languor, D'V.IIII . Pains In tho Head, Side end Bark, Loss of Appetite, Cnstlvenosa, Ac., are some of ths systoms whlrhnltend irregular Monstu ration. This remed may be bad hy addrcaslng J. S. RHKP PAhn,Vest Fourlli Street, Cincinnati, and euclos. Ing gt, and the Remedy will be sent bv return mall. N. II, Ladleswhe arePregiiantrhould not use tbi Remedy, as it Is sure to bring on Miscarriage, tbouth no Injury lu health wonld follow. One Box al, three Boxes an,- All letters orinrjulry mast contain a post B(ioslamd to Insure aa answer. T. S. SftKPPARD, Cincinnati. Sbrppard'a Celekrated Oriental Pre entire to Conception. , Which T Warrant will never fall. NOT1CK. Eeefies who do not alth an lacrease of family may roly On Ihlaaaa perfectly safe and cerUin preventive. It Is very slraplu in iu use, aud docs not Injure the sjstem. i Sent securo from obsoTvatlnn to any part of the United Stales, by mall, on receipt of tho tnnncv. - Whole packages 3, halTpackages S9; Kxtrn'flne tt perpuikuge. AddLcis J. S. RIIEPPARI), Bept.Ws IH59 Jj-SS Box t)43, Cincinnati, Ohio, AI SHOE , JOHN Itl. MILLER 1,NV'TES public sttentlos to his SEW f (JiSocfc of ISools and Shoes. Where he la always prepav" to accommodate tho pnblwlth good , rheap and tistantlal Custom work' and also, every variety of fasilonable and durable ready made Roots, Shoes, CeUrj, 4c, for Lsdlos, Centleineu a id Children. Being thankful ror past favo.., he still solicits a hare of puhllr palroaage. SHOP Oa Mala street. South side, between thi Amerieaaand Canat Hotels. J, M. MtLLEK. LancaBte r, April 14, 1B59 Sfltf S JVELDJ, LANCASTER. OHIO; ; . OFPICIt Tallraadga Building, Mala Street. . Lancastor,,ril l3, IHGP 'Jtf H. H. HUNTJ1R. J. A. HVNTJirr H.- If,' HUNTER & SON, Attorneys nnat Connsellore sit Law. OFFICK-Sha'ffer House, up sUirl. Jin trance West Of the Market House. Lancaster, aprtl IS, 1860 3lf H. L. CjRIDER, . RESIDEN- DENTIS't, LAiy ASTER , OHIO. TBNDER hla profataloaal services to thepablle Pulling, Plugging, aad Plate work done la the neatest and moat durablvnanner. JtyOFFICB-Opposlts Americas HotaW -Uaoaiter, aprtl 13, lBbfe-SU BOOT STORE I Zil nm iTsT' T? c 1