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The weekly Lancaster gazette. (Lancaster, Ohio) 1852-1855, October 07, 1852, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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a v-v t-i .T' tits? r
WW M'r c
)t Xttedity Gazette,
Joha II. Wrlvht, Printer.
WFICS Tallraadge Building Ttlril Flou
. Main Street South Side. : .
Tebms $1,75 per annum in advanoe.
Thur.dny Evening, Sept 30, 1854
G sit. Scott's Vahitt. -During the march
ing of the procession, at Circleville,upon the
occasion of Gen. , Scott' visit to that place
an old gentleman in the carriage with him,
enquired of him what wag the proudest hour
of his past life! "Sir," said General Scott, "I
consider that the proudest hour of my life
one which sent the warmest thrill through
my heart when I first saw the Lion Flag
of England hauled down and bend in sub
mission to the Stars and Stripes of my Coun
try - The modesty of this reply will be fully
JWectatcd bv referring to the history of
the country, where it will be seen that this Wen" ttl h"ve been "PPolutcd on the
- - - T
flag was torn down, at Port George, by Gen.
Vibciiia . Breakibu Loo'iE. The lust
Kanawha Republican say.-" We suspect the
For the Lancaster Gazette.
From Wnolilnztoa.
Washibutob, Sept. 2!). The Shawnee .
5 ay el Gen. Scott'. Vasivt. It i. UWy' Norwegian CoLoby. Il was ataudbrif-
leadersoflhe Pierce party in this county will : Our German naturalized citizens , Indians that have been here some time, eon- s M"" Knicl-Wko arrV British At- i, g"u "co" I'Pe simpers 1 me other Uy, by telegraph, thai -Ul.
be forced to appoiut a committee to hold!"" turnintf their attention, in the hon- eluded their business with the Indian Bureau i In the London Despatch, ol Scntem-1. Ge"-Scott attempt ' claim all the , Buir had taken luitiatory steps to become
their Vk'ilance Committee before the can-' H BUU . . . l"u- po"c' -"y. receiving ;K,uui',to be distributed bcrS'.h, we find the follow in.' article, which VT ,w,""un' '"L" "tt4e uot n ."'"" n country, in making ma ap-
vasaUover." Read and Judge: ' . -. ;
- i .. For the Republican. '
MoutkofSandy, Kab. Co.,f '
' HeDt. 11. 185a. l'
Mb. Newton: We find that our l)eno-
Government, and are becoming strong and among their people at home,
Inrklu l iL:. I ... r. . .
Uny. i ur in niiiiiinnLion i.,r i
nir i .up. ' nni r.. ti i ..1.1.. u i i cuijsiui'raiioo 01 everr Toter: ' . '
.9 .7 i ."" M""""nw iQ- ..... . .. the lreiilncr.
f a . r . i Citiztfrm lri rn..(.t .(.... 1. I..- i ....
PifropriuU'd l)V Conretfs S lieu.fcrai tnnt m, tJon-'-rvatife and ( ; i .hch iur im j
Onion hlllM . . i . . .i chifVL'd tlllllfP l tflllimtlll ktlit tlmf it IiI'i.-mJ li.tl hu w riin,Fru.l ksiuinii ..!
Ptrnt ).ltfnr.tAk. f,., ti. Mffi.n -7f tK ,iaM V.-j m:. w u ;" i ,wo comiuenu 10 iiiecriuu oueniiun 6d; ..... ... . ..
Labor and IiiterusU of the working CUae. cnt, fur the reiinival of the Mnnofiwnee In- I cTtioo of every voter
I Hf Kiro to be deemed worthy of eo fretU
This i. a source of .inter, gratification to dians. to their new home in Wi.con.in - "The two partie. of the Republic. Whig " 1 " in W " ' rZn .Snc. to U..
1 ..... . .-. 11 1
the fatriot.
r 1 aj 1 .
truism. TiBUllPrf:.l.iif.l I. , .R ovm,i, ur.j
No class of men amons; us io ' for the Purpose. Commodore Skinner vc. ! Pnirressive. Protertioniat and Free Trader-
cratic friends have appointed ui on their more industrious than our Germans, and ' terday assnmed the duties of Acting Secre- appear to have marhMlled thrir forcrs. and is shown by the following remark made by to any but my God;" (pointing opwards,and
uommitteeof Vigilance for tins county. : i.rr aiaae in w pro.peruy o. iary 01 u.e rtavy. J he Oovernment is en- . -lerted thoir f anrti.tates lor tho coming e-;him as L.n.r sjo a M.iy 20tl,, uii in th-' hi face beaming with all that he felt within
They.of course, expect ustobe vigilant; In U' r,ounlry- They exert in the discussion ergetically pushing forward the Japan ex- 1 1' ction. K.vrv Englinhman, of almnrt entry ' ,x ' y. ... 1 him 1 "I shall value the Drivileire of eitizen-
thi. ihey shall not be disappointed, hut they of public affairs, and at the ballot-box, . vast 1 .edition. Clinton Parker, of Station, Pa.. I rla, njoic. in the Pxpect.lion .r ,rce ul ot Ne "rk' lh" occ,""un ', X' a bo.wrrr other eTnhollcti
must not think hard of us, if we preferto be ! Polveruyer our elc9lin-"J. conequently . ha been appointed chief clerk of the Pen-; fr the Democratic, Progressive, Free-Trade enH""iatic welcome a the gUpt of tU ahail endeavor lo iuiroduce bundreda of thou-
vigiiant tor the country, rattier than tne v-j i" umnmn, iuu umcc, vice i npieti, resigneu. pa
Uemocratie party, and for the brave old pa
triot and soldier, who was vigilant for us
when some of us were in our mother's arms,
rather than the present Yankee Candidate
of the Democracy. In fact, sir, ice are tired
of "Northern mm vilh Southern frrUnys"
UEOKtiK H. lAMr,
.. i.- , For the Republic.
Mb. Newtob: Dear Sir I learn from a
a roud" of the honor when he i 8ecod,; becau"e ' Pect on this occasion to , whole collIllry.
I. r t. , , ,. go Ita 1 ever for Scott, inyselt. truly, . ple niind. rhuracter and intei
ntidh Lion brought down by his 6 IkT POM IV i ne . mi o, cuiirutii r anu initi
i .. . j , i. , Ikb tUNU. I German w put h mon tier git
Scoltbisaaeif, amid the scattering fragments
sent In tTl flirtctions by the explosion of one
of the enemyg magazines.. No wonder that
Gen, Sacrtt
aw the B
own fcaad, and we would not find fault of
him if he was even a little "vain" of that his
first achievement in the way of whipping
England's choicest troopa. ' It is no wonder
either that John Bull hates him ami thut the
London Times and other papers in the in.
terest of that gentleman are calling upon
the friends of Brother Jonathan to help them
lick their great leader, having fuilcd to do it
alone. But the people of this country are
not to be caught by the endearing terms of
"free trado" and "reciprocity." 1 '
Salaries. The charges of the Locot. a
bout the amount of money received by Gen.
Scott has turned attention (o the euns re
ceived by some of our Locofoco officers.
The National Intelligencer gives the follow
ing items which are worthy of repeating to
those who are prating about the amount re
ceived by General Scott. . , . ' ,, ';
Hon. Wilsou Shannon, of Ohio, was Min
ister, to Mexico. . Hi salary commenced on
the 9th of April, 1344, and ended the !)th
i)f Miy, 1845.; making one year and one
month. He received, for salary, &c.,as
above, $21,413 54.. . . . .
Hon. Dnvid Tod, of OMo, was Minister to
Brazil. ' His salary . commenced the Ixt of
May, 1847, and ended the 14t.h of Septem
ber, 1851, making four yours, four month,
and fourteen days. He received for salary,
contingencies, exchange, &c, $5(3,3 Hi 33.
The gentlemen above may have earned
tli jir Siiluries. But look at it. It will not
' . .i- i .! .I...... i . ..I i.:.!.-
Do conieiiueu imii inry nuvuuuiiu biij iiiiuy
hi comparison with Geh. Scott, and yet, pro
rata, they have received much larger salaries
than he did., 17Fur tight years' service Gen.
Jackson received 1)8,658: 10, or more tin n
one-third of. what' Gen. Scott received for
over forty years of brilliant services and no
ble deeds..'. But this miseruble attempt to
make party capital out of what was just ly
and legitimately paid to Gen. Scott, is react
ing upon its' contemptible authors.
, . Abothee Nomimatiqb Bolted. The
Canton (Ohio) Repository publishes a letter
from L. V. Bierce, Esq. in which ho an
nounces himself as an independent candi
date for Congress in tho lSlll dibtrictj against
the regular Locofoco nominee, Geo. Hliss
Esq., of Akron. After stating hib position
in regard to the matters in issue between
him and tfte Locofoco candidate, he says:
"I therefore declare myself a candidate for
Congress, independent of party organization
or dictation a candidate of the People and
not of b party."
" (KT'Dr. Luther V. Bell' has been nominat
ed for Congress, in the VHth District of
Massachusetts. Dr. Bell was a member of
the Baltimore Convention, and voted fifty
three times for Mr. Webster; yet, when the
nomination of Gen. Scott was made, Dr.
Bell arose and said that, although he could
not speak for the State at large, yet he could
speak and would speak for bit district, the
old Bunker Hill district. That distript would
8ustaln, and he' would sustain, the nomina
tion of Gen. Scott. :
vital meudures of the country, the highest
value., l'liey leei strongly, like men, that
the corrupt and wasteful expenditure of mon-
y, by the men now .in power, in Ohio, rob
them of too much of the fruits of their hard
toil, and tliutit comIh thrni Ion much tn kpi.n
Democratic Committee of vigilance for t,.i,iuch n,P,, j 0ff)ce, fhey know, too, that
county. the more we do, and make, in our own coun-
I must decline tho appointment tor two . try ,ie more employment, and the higher
other potentate, nor have I bowed the kneo
irtv." icitv. In re v to a Iiil'IiIv complimentary ... .
P , - -. , ., , I i 0 i - i 1 ui my coiiuiry men KfrnrrDBiiown,
ut that power on the side of good mean- p.;,iJ ,. ..;.. ij Jm.vl.r,,.., i.u, Vr.nLli, c,.n il.i u.. i 'r..i ,i
urs, and the growth, happiness and prosperi rom Sew lork. i. . .. J -i bi-twf.i, k..i,... . ;.;. 1 7i , .:...
tv of the conntrv will be certain Th.-v are Npw Y. (M I n, Wi.. l . . lcsn Labor, ponder upon these efidcncea of said: "i t ee n being a citizen of this glorious re-
opinions, independent in spirit, speech and , copnl Church on the 9th ballot. The part which Groat Britain takes in this " f "" ,,,,,., 'rx.Z vi.rki themaelv. .
action,-hold hrmly lo their rights, and The Jackson (Michigan) State Prison is 1 canvass, means something and if our peo- COI)rlut.r .. jt w, ,j"0 observe' -A Iready have a thousand Norwegian. et-
Snd'-pS.'Sn'ra Noparfculars receiv- J 1(? wUholll iu J,0w their irrMi.tub!e vil-r i tied within the hmiu of thi. commonwealth.
YonK, Sept. 20-The Demo.atsof ! . .-vice of Gen. JacL.nd foal,, -d.hi?. were met -i part, and I .before
. 1 1. i - v. Hit.ii .uuifuii ti till? uuc.liu IfiuUKIVII, mm Illlli, II Ullll 11 niCU Tl. t . w nt-i iiiitih,.ii iliaiMlintlull'l., lllc
reasons: : f irst, because there are no J'lerce
men in my region to be vigilant over; and
"rejoicings" of the Englinh prefs and of
r.ngltsh capitalists and ot English uoMes,
Lambert f-r Mayor. A portion of the .Man
hattan gas work was burnt last uiL'ht,lear
..;, :a 1,.,j : .. f ,i.i'H be turned into "lamentations."
. . l . . . . j ... ..uii. ... tuiii.t'jui in... .111:
loss of $15,0U0. General Gonzales writes
to the Herald that no such movement as
Geh. Scott's IsroBATio. Probably
dangers, difficulties and liurdahip were met
and conquered.
The Irih, inJ the Germans, the S.;s-t
and the French, the Briton, au.i other adopt
ed citizens, fougl t in the same rank, under
the siime eoliir side bv fide with the na
tive born American exhibiting like conr-, 'r;ifl'ti, and in the enjoyment of a farm in
age and efficiency, and uniting, at every vie-' ''enufylvaiiia."
ill Virlv the blessingsof liberty In the same
locality. I shall not cease my effort until
my countrymen who wish to emigrate shall
ue in the lull possession cf tbeir natural
r:nir.l li,t,..i......ii::. .., , , I no man in me un.oo is ueiu-r arqua uiea wjt mm uhuj .n.i.u-.a.. ....... wiuiu nic iiimucni nuui i cuu-
fff CO"W,"P,"te,,iwithourPolitical and military history or ha. , our flag and country ;,vlvinia. w here Ole Bull', co.ony i. loc.U
Naw Vn. .. Tt. f,- n,n J. better acnuaintance with our public men. ... rT...e..Z '" :!! . i'1' " 't very inviting location so far aa
waged, we will have, the better it will he ' crtitic' Slate Convention assembled this ! than Geu. Scott. At May.ville, after h.v- idar'ing and brilliant achievements. Let;11"5 fertility of the laud is concerned, but
for the laborer and Ins chlldr. n, and fortho mrnill Fiftv-four delegate present. .t:...i . .i. ,v,.lm n,..r .nA , t 'it...... .1.,.. , ,.f ,.l,.r.n,l 1,.. the hardv. industrious and temperate Nor-
re.. 11 1 . ' t;ibr '! .. .... 1 . ... . . ..
rests of the
AlonzoS. Ball was chosen temporary Chair- I . m,i,Ui,iu .iii.it ...it ! . h ia ! triotism sav. it thev can. what race, accord-! weuiana i!l make a earden a not out of it
A... .. . 1. n r U'llll 1 1 1 I L mil. v vw. "J in" m 0 .
Kahawha Co., Va. Givebs Dis'r. (
Kept. l'Jtli, 1851.
put him on the right side of our 1 ,. ,,.;. n.l n..iW in mnnri ,.pr. ivalof250 citizens from Kipley, Ohio,
I public questions, and his firmness will place ,anellt officers. The Convention is per- hi. reply to this delegation, he paid an clo
iiiiii uiiiung no iiiifBi rciuiuiu oiitwrii-ro
In :ing to number. conlnhuted morU U the fuc- .Several hundred arc already on the spot,
0;K:-Vh."r4 nVia. there wa '
uriui, fumjB iuii iruui ma nearesi wwu.
M. StimiL-fU,. Nr.P.-rmit mt 6 i- ri manenny organizeu uy me election i i.y. quent tribute to Major Ueneral Hrown, alter no room Tor iiividiousilu.tiiictii.n. All urov- T"lu,,"'neiirenvuir.
, . ... . ... ir-.M I am not uisappumted, or surprised attlie. Inan Clav. of Ononduffo. President. The i ...i n : t:i.. :. ' Pl t llAfllktMtvial 1 fit it I. fill all if I 4 lf I til til' lilt' i
iniorm tne -central ih i nocrauc v iguancu ; ,ng of , . ti I have long been cheer- resolutions renorted bv the coinmittea are " " cu,"f'" "'l'"" -" " , , "J.., . Vu 1 Scalds. Keese'a Medical
Committee," (through the column, of the J by t lM tllat lini ,.xi).rien,e ! "f u , CUS, ' co'n""ttee are;ttled, is called; to General Ripley, from , "" : l - Gazette give, a ere for .cold, and burns,
tIZ 5 TnrFrbemocratic meeting i whom U,e town gets its name; and to Gen-' J'" fc.Zt W "f "
VSr Hamer, who.ived in the county f Americans hybirth, .nd A.ric:.n,Ly 'tr ScaYron
steadof bringing Democratic votes to ihe u,,, ,)f Gov,nmcnt, a'nd Ueoted champi-' SwS SSr Gove' Z 1. W" T! XJ ,..,!.!,. '" of burn scald, however
pons, WB nomueciare, vuui lor oiireivs, we ,.r 1 il. ntpn-Kt i,f ninu.ii tv. uli i .. 1...11 o...L . ... aim an acnuamiance wun men ami 111111'', . -r.- , - ,.v,,.s,ve. m Uie scule .uttering o! tne na-
cannot lend our own vote, and inmienuu a-
gainst the champions o( our "whole coun
try." i Yes sir, we now intend lo aupport
The whole Union, we are fully persuaded,
will he perfectly sale under the control el
him who has so gallantly defended our com
mon country at the North and at the boutli
and who has ever proved himself rendy to
spill Ida life's blood at the Flag-Staff that
so proudly bears aloft the glorious Stripes
and Stars of the land. of tne immor
tal Washington, and our worthy ances
it was designed to foster. ' I rejoice that I
begin to behold the fulfillment nf'uiy hope.
Sept. 31), 1852. r airfield.
' For the Lancaster Gazette.
Mr. Editor: The people in Rnshereek
township, have taken some twelve thousand
dollars, conditional, stock in tho railroad,
provided it comes down the valley, and there
has been some four thousand dollars taken,
unconditional, in the road, which together
makes about sixteen thousand dollars for Old
Rushcreek. It has been said that tho Rush
creek people ought not to huve said road,
because they wonld not take any stock. You
will see that this is a mistake. The people
in Rushcreek township have always been
wiiling to do their mite, if the road would
Is Tr 1 n v i, a'ti i x Senators ILile and ,"le 11,0 v,lll,'y- a'"1 ow """'d r-'ndy
, . 1 to deliver tln ir books to the company.
C7iac.r-Tliese gentleman were 111.. Mount j. . RfgncBEEK.
Vernon the other day, and. . the- JknurUti i. ; Bremen Sopt. 27,1353.
Banner has become ulurmed. I hey hud so
little to sav asainst Gen. Scott and so much
ernor; C'has. A. Wncaton, Canal Conning-I ""' ""' vor of lnv .,riMU brothers in the fiVU the
sinner. Georire Curtis Tompkins addressed ! quaiuted with Gen. Scott, do not over-esti-; : M.-ici: and I congratulate v
mute his abilities. them that the common ohi-ct of their eflort
and your hopes the restoration ! pea
the Convention and accepted the nomina
tion, acknowledging the honor, avowinsbis
devotion to Free Soil doctrines declaring
he would etand by them to the last, so help
me God. The platform was then adopted
and the Convention adjourned. -
Connteilviterii A rrtcd.
Philadelphia, Sept. 29. Alexander Ster-
rellandjas Hewit, charged with counter
foiling note and coining spurious dollars,
were captured last night by officers of the
United States Court. An old house occu
pied by them was examined, and presses
and plates for counterfeiting and altering
notes and muking dollars found. Commit
ted for trial.
tient may at once and permanently be reliev
. e.i.aiid that in a moment of time by sprinkling
a" joverlliH injured surface a thick layer of
wheat Hour, by tne band, orwhat 1. better,
. by a dredging box. Every vestige of pain
produ -Cil hy such injuries is instantly rcmov-
VisToa'a OrisioB. Mr. Vinton, in aIlJ tbe sufferer not only escapes the
isrk at the Wlii' meeting, on Tues-; shuckjto the nervous system accompanying
Wilis? have labored since the foundation of l.lv.inid that he had known General Scott. "' h torture, but will generally fall in to a
tlieffovernmenttokeeoloreiirnersfromvot. U'Ui'maf, for twenty vears. He hvl beeu a ,llt lP nmuient the atmospheric
. .... .... t nr!liilT...I I. K.liul t.-i T I. hllll I. Pill .. Il !l
inir. Jliewines nave oeen in Dower sev- i" ."- -v
oral limes and no such result has happened;
but in New Hampshire, where Gen. Pierce
and his friend have the exclusive power, a
fj5"If tho report of Davy Tod's speech, ' ju a probability is now attained."
as given by the Lagle, be correct, it was con-1
lined altogether to the showing that e his remarks at the VVir, meeting on Tuc.
rohdbly a hun- temperature la thus excluded from the
dred times in the coiiiinny of the abit-si . wound. Multitude are annually perishing
statesmen of this country, and with the rep-. 'd " i-teaiiibuaU, and from burn, by
resentativesof foreign countries. Ifj con- caiiijihene.apirit-gaa, and otherwise; nearly
idprod Conpral Scott to he nut! i.t the !-st : all o!" whom miht be preserved from a fa-
.: r .i. r.....: . ... .l.:..-J ' rpad men in the civil hihI ooliticaf hi.lorv of tal result, ifthi simple practice were adopt
rue uuriiuu ui uie uiiutiiun uicifcuiiicu r i - j , . r . i . i . , ,-r
0 1 i.t . . .1 t . 1 ,,1 .j ml 1111i110.l111f1.il.' nftor suph .rii1nnt- W t
... .n 1 in? roimcrv u niirn npi'vi'r Knew. juj nun - ... Vw. w.
ot t he r,ghl to no., o nee. r acts speaK fr tl 'bef, gur.,rist.j at the tuttuMt UIld hope that every individual will remember
louder than worJa." Oh! how such men as I
accuracy of the General's knowledge In re-
.this remedy, and adopt il when occasion re-
them when they want office! "It is mighty
1. To Get a Crowd. The Locofoco lead
ers of Ohio have been so unfortunate in
their efforts to get the masses to attend their
meetings for the purpose of having General
Scott abused and villified, that they are no w
resorting to the expedient of selecting the
days appointed for railroad barbacue. and
county fairs. ' The subterfuge, however,
does not increase the crowd.
Irob Smelted with ' Cabnel Coal 1 it
Jackson. The Cincinnati Gazette recently
announced an important experiment aa hav
ing been made at the Buckeye Furnace, in
Milton township, Jackson county;
It appears that they introduced cannel
coal into the furnace, to the extent of three
fourth caenel to one. fourth charcoal, and
found a noticeable improvement, both in the
yield and quality of the Pig Metal, with
each addition ofcanucl coal. ,
The metal thus obtained was subsequent
ly tested at the rolling mill, and found to
make superior bar iron. We consider, this
novel experiment o be . a very important
one. and. we invite general attention to it.
piketon Journal, 9M. .:; ' ''.'..'"
r "f ijB;tHnBOARU.!t Exi.leb. The Courtess
Casimer Batlhyani has arrived at Csurgo
In Hungary. . Her object is., it I said, to ao
licit the pardon of her husband. Count
Gzmere, (whose letter against Kossuth baa
excited .0 much attention,) and Count Bat
thyani, both of whom are now at Paris, are
anoken of a having broken with the revol
utionary party... Another Hungarian: who
played a leading part at Vienna, and . has
ijuce been an exile in London, Ijas asked
permission to return, and it is said has made
some curious revelations,
against Gen Pierce, th.it the Banner don't
like their speeches ut all. That paper con
cludes an article as follows: :
"S 'liator Chase claimed that-his course
was fully sustained by the Ohio Statesman,
and several other'1 Democratic papers that
eiidorsed the corrupt liar''" in and sale by
whU'lrho was elected to a seat in the S n
ate, where lie now; misrepresents : 'the De
inoc'Miry ofOhio.' The responsibility of his
present course must rest upon the shoulders
of those who sanctioned the adulterous 11
nion which fastened that burning stigma tip
on the name and character of the Democrat
ic party our hands are not polluted with
that foul blot we denounced it at the time
as an act of treason to the Democratic party.
And the very consequences which we then
predicted . would result from that unholy
coalition are now falling with their-' fullest
force upon thcDeinocraticCanihdates.while
this abolition lecturer vauntingly' boasts
that he is sustained bv the central organ of
the Democratic party." , : '
Oj-VVe copy tho following from the Cla
rion (Peiiii.) Democratic Register of the
lllh instant: ,
."Clarion County Sold Out." The above
ia the lltlo of a paragraph, which is going
the rounds of the press. , It is almost true.
A great portion of our county has recently
been disposed of bv the Sheriff, The fol
lowing properties, among others, were soiu,
with the prices annexed: ... t .,. .
Hemlock Furnucei , $2,300
Licking Furnace, with usual oppurte- .
nances, and two tarms , . ; l,ouo
Washington Furnace and property at
tached . OUD
Clinton Furnace 50
These Hre but lew; add behold the. awful
sacrifice. Compare the immense cost ol
these establishments with, the prices for
which ihey were sold. , ,
,i Washington Furnace, wlucn wn. soiu lor
the paltry sum of 350, and cost 30,000., ;
Clinton Furnace, which brought the neat
sum ol $50, actually cost 10,000.
; This is one of the results ol the l aritt ol
184G. , Let Locofoco, presses continue their
arguments in favor ol this suicidal, policy,
and our fair country will soon , present a
wide-spread picture ot, desolation and ruin.
Comment is unnecessary. .
' 05-The largest crowd we have, witnessed
for many a, year, assembled at Yellow
Springs, hear Xenia, on Monday last." Over
10,000 enthusiastic- Whigs, were present,
who we e addressed by Judge Johnson and
R .G... Corwin, Esq.,- obly, cluquei)l.ly ,aii(
effectively. - The Whig iires in tho Miami
and Mud' river valley, burn brightly and glo
riously. , , " 'j'
. OThe , Washington, Union : complains
that Gen. Seott is going about on official bu
siness, while Gen. Pierce Is staying at fionie
on private affairs. jt will,', be pretty' muph
that way after the fourth of March, 1853.. .
Enoch Yan pyjcE, Esq. . has been appoint
ed Pqat Master at Sugar. Grove, Fairfield
county, in place of Eli McFadden, Eq.t re
signed. "y
i 'i'h t'i!sli'i'i4'N.
Boston, Sept. 2J. Litters from Prince
Rdward's IsIhihI. from Cant. B,'ll. of steamer
A Mishit's Beijuesi to QuiiiiN Victoria, novastntiim. savs American fishermen are
We have already stated that u man, who 1 ui.kiug to that, island in vast numbers, 110; vote for ns sure;
recently niyu 111 cngiumi, nan oequeauieu having been seen atone lime
hall a nullum 01 pouiius .hternng to uueen ; pXertiun has been made t
Victoria. His name was INielil, and the be-1 11,,
points, to which the Governor of the lalaud M'anged. and then they say with the New
poor Davy Tod love foreigners w hen they "ard to early Inixlatire history of the United : quires it. PUiUt. Ixdyer,
I want their votes, and how the same men hate I States and of the several Mate
dom met, in these conversation
o!' ilit
: The Dead ob the Pla'Bs. Col. Georga
c. uuMjgrt, wiiu nan jusi reacuea iM. josepn
the Uazette of
quest ci nsists chiefly o' luiicl
various rouutiiis. Nicld was
a barrister
w.i 1. w.ll . 1 1. la iiiiiilj ... .1 I . L. U 'JUli W U UHD JUS1 TCICU
c ' frt.nf fttntri.in..ii . m.iit lioni. n of ns c..rr.it '
clever men you are," say they, "and you will fllfurilliltion u,,n (, wlbjl.ctj pi,,;, t ;rum theplaina. has furnished t
vote for ns sure;" but when tho compliment j the civil administration uf the government, . l"J"",e w'ln " , , conu
:ime. The utmost j js osked in return and they want Davy Tod as General Scott; and he never knew a man ;
o check intruders, j an j hu Mlovl!.n t vole for t,,em lhe ,une u ; who had a higher respect for the laws and
jimts ut different ... , . . , ., , civil authority of the counlrv. He believed ! .
at I
law,. mid died in Chelsea, aged "ti years. lie
w as poHsesed of an ' iminenso fortune, but
was of very eccentric and penurious habits.
At the death ol his father, thiriy years since,
he came into possession of about JCiiiO.OUO;
which sum hail not h'-crt touched up to the
period of his death. The deceased was nev
er know to wear a great coat, and would nol
allow his dress coat to be . brushed, as, it
would take olf the nap and deteriorate it
value. Ilia appearance and manners tea
strangers to imagine that ho was in the low
est verge of penury, and their compassion
was excited in his- bel.all, which he never
failed to accept when it led to an exhibition
of their uenevolence. For some years be
fore his death, Mr. Nitld scarcely, allowed
himself the common necessaries and com
forts of life, and has left a ' poor old house
keeper,' who was with him lor more than
twenty-six years, without the smallest pro
vision or acknowledgment for her protracted
and far from ogreeab.u or remunerative ser
vices.. A few days before his death, the de
ceased told olio of his executors that he had
made a most singular will, but as tho proper
ty, was his owii he hud done as he pleased
with it. . . r . , .
.Masonic Grano Lnnos of Ohio. The
Masonic fraternity of Chilicothe are busily
preparing for the reception and accommo
dation of delegates to the Grand Masonic
bodies, which meet hereon the 19th prox.
In consequence of the firej and lnck of ho
tel accommodations,' it will be necessary
that private families received dehgates into
their houses. We ure glad to learn that
there is a general disposition among our cit
izens to thr,w open their doors on the occa
sion. Melropolisi - .
Time Flies Rapidly. We are already
past the middle of the first fall month. The
titMfl nf dtnhir ifcllt nnnfl hfl iinon US. T Are
j the Whigs ready for the struggles of that
eventful month 1 1 Have the townships oeen
thoroughly organized ! Is every whig fully
aroused to the importance of the campaign!
Our opponents are industrious and indefati
gable.. They, work highland day.. Letevcry
Whig stir up himself, and then look after
his neighbor. Philad. News. .,
C7"During . a thunder storm in East
Bridgewater, (Mass.,) a day or two since,
the liifhtiiiiia entered tho cellar of a barn,
passed through d pile of .hoy, seme ten or
twelve Teel in thickness and escaped through
tho roof, leaving a hole cleare through the
roof, and a hole through the hay, about
twelve inches in circuiinil'erence,.but.neither
iho hay uor. the barn were set oh fire by the
Ightnipg.. , . :
" A' widow advertises in the Boston Tran
script thai she is very much in want of a
husband very much indeed. ne says sue
is "26 years of age, raMer yowl looking, kind
disposition, of good education,' and worth
$10,000: would line a nusnanu wno uas en
ergy and enterprise) and is in eveay tense of
the word a man, an honest man, wether pol
ished or unpolished." , '-. ... .
It ill roil l !Vctv.
Sr. Johns, Sept. L'd. Provincial Govrn
ment closed a contract with Win. Jackson
for himself and associates in England to
build 11 railroad across New Briiriswick. from
Nova Scotia to the United States. Survey I
going on Vigorously.
- , From 'I111rlcstr.11.
Charleston, Sept. 29. Eight deaths
from yellow fever during the 24 hours rnd
ing at 9 o'clock on Tuesday evening, and 43
durinrr the week.
Brevet Mujor Roland, Captain of the 2d
regiment of artillery, died of yellow fever on
Tuesday morning, at Castle Pinckney,
Charleston Harbor, aced 35. He distinguish
ed himself in the Mexican war.
Prom England.
New York, Sept. 30. By advices one
day later by telegraph to London, we learn
that the Duke of Wellington left the dispo
sal of his remains in the hands of the Sover
eign. The funeral and ceremony arrange
ments will not he settled till after consulta
tion with Her Majesty. The body will be re
moved to the Apsley House. A cast of the
Duke s face was taken. (Jrders were Bent
to the troops throughout the kingdom. -
Another Disaster.
ALnANV, Sept. 30. The steamer Rip
Van Winkle was run into on her passage up
last night, by a schooner near Yonkers,
breaking off her forward guards. She
instantly sunk, after raking the guard braces
and paddle box of the steamer.
From Wisconsin.
Kenosha, Sept. 29. Returns indicate the
defeat of the Democratic Stato judicial ticket
in .Wisconsin, and the success cf the inde
pendent ticket. - '
...... Later from California.
ne hundred and fifty persons, whose craves
hp kaui nil lti rnndrtidp. mi the nnrlh ftinV nf
tyol the country. He believed !. ,,, ...... r-..;it. ..i .i.-
General Scott to be itt evrv resiii'd entire 1 . . m. ... .
i Hampshire Loeoloeos. "no you don't; you j y qualified to perform the duties of the of- l r:.. f"C"T, L Tl.
! , , , . I c : r ii i . -.i i i l . i- i did not see, w hilst many bodies are destroy-
may vote as long ns you vote for us, but you fice of President, w,th hyi, honor to him- , eJ e estjnateg ,ne emigriltiJn
have nory.t to hold officej-these are par. s-'lf, d with ;reat uoc.u.ueso lo lhe Cjuo- : lbiyeM at 4u u00 peof,ief 80U0 wagons
'celled out for the faithful alone." We 1,, bnJ aIs0 knou Gen. Pie-ce .i j and about CO.O00 head of cattle
;glad that the miserable demagoguism ol j years having been a member of the House The Pork Tbade. The St. Louis Eve-
!.i..-rn l i .. li.ii I i ?. . . ..; ...!..
iiiesu leiiows uas ueen exposeu py ine nom-i ourmg jir. rierce s it-rm 01 service in uie . ning news says, that new pork to a Con
nolly, ilr. fierce was a quiet, geiillemaniy siderable amount has been put up during the
man in bis deportment, and maintained present month, both in that city and Cincin
friendly relations with his fellow members, j nuti. A iettcr from a wen inwn packing
But he was never considered, by his parly, ' house, states that 1500 barrels of mess and
.. Nbarlt Bohieu At,vs- A Frenchman
living .on .the. Mauniee Ridge Road, Ohio,
was attacked with cholera a few days ago,
and to al! appearance died. Arrangements
were made for his immediate interment; but
fortunately the coffin did not .arrive until so
late in the evening that it became necessary
to postpone the funeral until noxt morning,
and the body was accordingly placed in the
coffin,, and the lid laid loosely over it..-. Io
the morning it- was discovered' that he had
come to life he had .thrown off the Ud, torn
tVsJyoud offhis head, and was sitting up in
the coffin f He is now in a fair way of recovery.
' nation of their party Tor the Presidency.
The Hocking Smtinel says that Wil
Ham Wright, of Newark, New Jirsey, here
tofore a staunch federalist, and George L.
Dean, of Trenton, an active working fakr
all. -I, have come out for Pierce. We sup
pose il is true, as Buchanan, Taney, Cass
and any quanity of others who have been
active and staunch ftderalirl are on the
same side. We givelocofocoism joy iu its
nor by bis warmest friends, its a "man of j other descriptions hare been put up audship
inark," and nobody sought to learn his views j pe, from Cincinnati.
upon any great measure of pftblic policy. 'rhe Pittsburgh Gazette says: "We Bote
ne was noi pm ior-..iru io aun uaie ur uc-, u (,qo head, deliverable here early in
fend even party measures, nor placed by a
party Speaker on committees where impor
tant work was expected. One thing, ijjune,
was expected of him, to wil: that he would
"vote to a scribe" what he considered to he
further acquisitions; but it must be rcmem- j New Hampshire Democracy!
bered that the federalists don't generally
carry New Jersey. ' They may rejoice over
the surrender at Quceustown Heights, but!
that is about all they can do in this can j
vass. ,
Mr. Vinton contrasted the history of S;o't
and Pierce, unt so much ns military men as
civilians, statesmen, at some length, and
said that in view of that history, and from
his own knowledge of the two men, "he had
no hesitancy in saying tbat the civil qualifi
cations he-Would not nresume toassnre his
(TThe Etigle says that, during the re- j audience thathis military capacity was equal
marks of the Hon. J. K, Miller, on Monday to that of Gen. Pierce roars of laughter
last, "tho enthusiasm was received with the , u' oua'tHclinn- ol t.enera Sscolt
. . i . , i .. ,- ,, , were vtisllu suiier ior lolhose of G iural Piero.
highest applause and satisfaction. What-: ,.,.
ever construction may be put upon tho sen
tence, we must confess that for once theEaylt
i Marietta Intelligencer.
Flobi'da Indians at a Concert. Billy
Bowlegs and companions attended the con-
rnrt nt I hpiwtr a 11 mat ii1, in pu 1 nrtr fin t
in..- v.iuirowMii, nut ui,7uuui15vi. Friday tiinht. At first they put on
lers remarks, but throughout the day, was of stoical indifference which they habitually
received bv the Whi'fs with the hi-'hest sat- observe, but as tie perform" progressed
isfaction I from step to step in their ludicrous exhibition,
- -- - j the row of stern visages began to relax, iin-
Tke Words of a Patriot. Gen. Scott, til at length Billy Bo-.vlegs and two or three
at MaVsVlllei said that "he did not come a-1 of his companions broke out into a loud
haw haw, and kept up a laughing accom-
November, at 3.3.) per 100 lbs. net; and in
the early part Of the week of 1000 head at
prices not made public, but supposed to be
a, a hiijti figure?. A drove of 420 head of
hogs caine up on the freight train of O. Si.
P. R. R. on Saturday last. They are
;from the State of Indiana, and we are in
formed, designed lor the eastern market.
This is the first arrival of hogs from the
Great West this season, and is a practical
illustration of the great utility of our railroad
connection with the west, by which our mar
ket will not only be rilled with hogs at the
earliest season desirable, but large numbers
will find their way lo the east, through this
medium of communication. This lot was
brought through to Cleveland via Xenia, and
tlieifce through this city for their
destined market in the cast. Pittsburgh, as
we have before taken occasion to remark,
bids fair tn become an important point for
,. .' packing hogs We are not fully advised
tne look ..... .i i k ..r i . i . j i
ns iu iiii; iiiiii iiimiiM-r ut ii"g3 'uri-ii.Bt;u uy
a single firm in this city, but it is already
large, and will, ho doubt he vastly increased
between this and killing lime."
mnnff ihnm i, nntitiiMnn aatthiita nnlitipnl
o " - r r D.it. n. ..!,.... .... i-
. . . Uii" J'l MOll'illt-iii. until i "in uiiiiioiiuti ao
preiermem, out as an o.u .o.ii.er, engugeo ... rojU(.pd. Th- coinl)letev destroved their
New Orleans, Sept. 30. The Falcon, ! the discharge of a special duty imposed upon
with dates from California to the 1st inst.
arrived at this port to day; she brings 14
passenger's add 200,000 in gold, .
The steamer Ohio left Asplnwsll for New
Wk on the a 1st inst. taking $1000,000 in
gold; the United States also left on the 23d,
bound to New York.
The news from California by this arrival;
h not of sulfioielit importance to telegraph j
from here. . The lugitive eluve case at csan
him by the; councils of the nation. What
ever services be had rendered his country
wefe rendered for the love he bore her. The
honor and glory of the Union had ever been
dear to him, and his highest ambition w as to
attain a place in the hearts of his country
men." '
Scott and Guaiiam Pole. Tho 'Whig
rancisco was ueciuea in luvor oi tne ciuim-; boys of tliacity put ,,, this morning, a very
""nil c . v. ' . !.,:,. r., m :.. . I beautiful pole, with a flag and streamer,
The Falcon bnngB advices from China to ! r ' .
ili.oAthJ.mn. Thn lenders rif tho insi.r- ' hearing to the orcezc tlio soul-stirring names
gents wero captured, but the war still coa- j of SCOTTAND GRAHAM
Sale or Ma. Clav's Propebtt at Ash
land. A sale uf a portion ol the personal
property of the late Hon. Henry Clay took
place at Ashland; on the 15th inst., and em
braced about twenty head of thorough bred
gravity, and the w hole delegation jumped cattle, several hne horses, and a quantity of
up and down and clapped their hands. exliib- j wine, put up several years ago, by Mr. Clay
itinga perfect delirium of delight.. Al the j himself. The sale took place under tbedi
conclusioi of the performances the party i rection of his executors.
drove off laughing and talking as merrily as ! - ;
actnf.atiy of city bucks. Old Abram, paf- Lnpabdobarle Sin! -The New York
ticularly.was in the highest spirits, and just I Times states that there are shop, in various
ai the coachman cracked his whip, Bowlegs ' P"ts of New York city where liquor is reg
sun" out "fust rate." uraly sold tocAiire at a cent a glass! and
- - tie p0iice returns give assurance that
Parallel Link Railroad. A company e keepers of them have induced scores of
has been organwed to run a Parallel railroad , children to become regular froquentera and
in opposition to the present Utica and Syra-: CUIitomers of them.
cuse line, in New York, to bo called the Uti-i '
What Does it Mean! We learn, upon
good authority, that Gen. Cass on Wednef.
day gave ft dinner to some of his 'political
friends, hut tbat, for some unexplained cause,
he' neglected to extend an invitation to Senator
Douglas. ' What does it mean? We also
learn that during his speech, in the afternoon,
he referred so frequently and so signifi
cantly to, the charge of "Old .Fogyism,"
which Douglas had preferred against him,
that the "Young Giant," who was sitting by
his side, left the stand with signs of marked
displeasure. The little evidences of ill feel
ing and jealousy amongst our opponents are
much to be regretted, if not really distres
sing. Detroit Tribute.
: ' Fire.
Cleveland, Oclohpr I. A firo broke out
on the west side of Water street last uight,
about J past 6 u'clock, in the cabinet waic
rooms of Messrs. Hart & Co. ,, Furniture
mostly saved, buildings- entirely destroyed.
The fire was conveyed to a small frame
dwelling on the south side, which was de
stroyed; it then broke out in a dwolling on
the North side, which was destroyed, furni
ture saved.'' ''
The fire companies Were out of watof ' Tor
half an hour, which caused' the loss of a
largo amount of lumber. The amount of
the losses are not yet ascertained.
- Ohio and thr War or 1813 The'Lo
cofocos utiblushingly declare that the Whig
Representatives in Congress lYom Ohio in
voted against the declaration of wara
gainst England! How stands the factl In
1812 Ohio had but one Representative in
Congress that was the sterling old Whig,
Jeremiah Morro and his vote stands recor
ded among the yeas on the passage of the
act declaring war against England. Cin.
ca and Syracuse Straight Line Railroad J fnV'The Cincinnati price current aaya
if...t... .i... Comnanv. This will be the first fair test in there has been a failure in the broom corn
Ul UV.U1 1 llliu VJ II... 1 1 1. 1U. Uliuri liiav I . ' r , , . . . i .. i 1 . , ... .
a , . . j - i .' . the Uuited Slates as to whether there be ! crop this year, and thai there will not be
j flag and the principles which it represents, ; hasiners e ,, tosup,mrt ,wo ii0Ps on one . more than half an average yield. In con-
they intend to grow up gallant soldiers in the . great thoroughfare. The capital of the com- 1 sequence there has been an advance in the
causa of their Country and Equal Rights.
As Old Votb. At Manchester, Ohio,
an old man ninety-six years of age, one of
the earliest settlers in that section, was in
troduced to Gen. Scott. He "said: '
"General, I hope dod will spare my life
long enough for the last vote I shall ever
cast to assist to place the hero of his coun
try in the highest office she has to bestow."
Baltimore and' Ohio Railboad Stock.
Since tho first of January there has beeu
a considerable advance in this stock in con
sequence of the near approach of the road
Id the Ohio river. The Patriot states that
at the commencement of the year the shares
sold at tlxty-two dollars, and this week
sales have been made at over ninety dollars
an advance ol nearly thirty dollars a share.
(5" A writer in the Louisville Journal
says the whole West will not produce over
55,000 hhds. tobacco this season
panV is to be 81,000,000. of which $350,000 price of brooms.
is now subscribed, and the wholo amount is j ' .'".." i i .l
I rnttinT.c r a-tit i-rr a pltf t h a aniivn
population of Mtlville, Grant county, ha.
been swept sway by either the cholera or
AvnA.Iul ... I u. tfebnn i il . Tnuf it ,. i. M .rPKo !
road will be 4(8 miles long, Smile's less than
the present one, and the surveys commence
this week.
New Irish American Paper. The N
Y. Tribune announces that a new paper.
ship fever. In one family six, in another the
majority of the members have died. The
disease was communicated to the place by a
company of cmU'ranta, who passed throueh
devoted to the interests of the Naturalized i Grant into Bad Ax county, loosiaj large
Citizens, particluarly those of Irish birth, j numbers of their company, and in some in
will be published in that city, otl Thursday I stances leaving them dead in the road, with
next. It will be edited by an Association I out any effort, to bury them--Milwaukie,
of Irishmen, resident in New York and Wisconsin, Morning News
Brooklyn, in company with one of the most . r
faithful and devoted friends of Ireland: in OCTLet the Irish remembef that the bill
1843,and a refugee from that country in that i appropriating jv.,uuu iw i reoei . .inrv
dUastrous year. The papcf will advocate i '? Ireland was introdoced in Congress by a
w nt2, auvocatea oy a w nig, anu voieu ior
the election of Gen. Scott, iu connection
with Protection to Home Industry and Inter
nal Improvements. ' '
Orders, post-paid, inclosing the price of
the number ordered, at 81,00 la hunbred.or
$7,00 a thousand, may be addressed to "Pat- I
by Whigs and that it was opposed by Lo
cofoco., and defeated by Locofoco.; and it
is well known that had it passed it would
have been vetoed by a Locofoco President.
tr One of the Locofoco candidate, on
rick O'Dea," New York. No yearly subscrip. the Washington county (O.) ticket baa de-
.. l ni i i ir J J I i i r 1 1 -1 . .1 l;.
lions receivea. v,ieixtana tieraui. ciarvu iui nmiv uu iv.vc.

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