OCR Interpretation

The weekly Lancaster gazette. (Lancaster, Ohio) 1852-1855, December 23, 1852, Image 1

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. - Cj : - :
NEW SERIES V0fr 7.' NO. 33..'
, . ... ... -.'V.;.t..; M, . ; ... ... .. ... - - -. - -....-..,, ......
; , w. I, I 1 . J. 1' - , - - ' i. '
"."V ' Joka tl. Wrlsht, Prlnteri '
' r ' in . i 1 ' r - 1 . .
ft QmCKMlnuage . Building TWri Flour
Min'Slret-8outh Siil.,' T
Thursday EveningPec. 1. 18g
, t Thr Paei Press. The press of Paris
liss generally fallen offln clrculatlonince
' , Jouii Napoleon deprived it of liberty. , The
' -2 Journal det Debatt alone hat kept at its pre
f vious figure of 12,000 coptee. . The Cotuti-
tvlionrul, Which, previous to the eoj d'eUtt,
'' circulated 30,000 copies.rose soon afterwards
, to 33,000, aa It was then the apecial organ of
fhe. usurper, but has since fallen off,some 36
; f AflOO, notwithstanding a reduction of its price
j , , tQ 33 franca, or f$ year, which is conaid
t "eraily !! thn Ihe coat of paper and stamps,
V This journal Jiai, hoWeVM.Just been sold to
' 7,i M, ilires, the proprietor of the Patt, i, rivaj
. " establishment, and now the favorite of tU
C' v rEmperor, : for th of $300,000. The
,1 . pay' sold 18,000 cbptes before December!
-'Jt now sells nenore lUn 1,000. The
" ;r Steele, the organ bf the Cavaignae RepubU
.eas, has been decreased 8,000; the Presse,
: GirardiW pper, has fallen off 3000 f the
' - 2Vrti 6,000ithe QauUti Front egiti
V,;mist, fraiv3?itQ0"t9 3,300;- the. Vnivert,
V Catholic, has decreased 4,000; the Assemble
' . aionate".C.600;'the Ufon,Legitimit, 1.0Q0.
r The cisculation of the entire daily press of
. Paris, jxeepting the Montieur, the olficisl
: oran of ih Gavernment.lias fallen off aome
55,000 sheets aily under the reign of the
..new Napoleoni This urtailig the freed-
" om of the press. Louis Napoleon now makea
paramount to all other objects. He i too
. ' wise to suppose that a people who have ac
' esse to knowledge will ever inbmit to be
'j governed by tyrant. '. It le only the Ignor
i ant, worthless vagabond, who ever aepirea
to anything higher thai ' ta "kiea his
.'! M.iMtv's little fineer or treat toe," lhtill
..limit ta such acta or atrocitVi ana ev
err Frenchman that can be made to renounce
InvVs'tiawion into the pulbic affairs of the
'.' Fro ach Empire.is rejoiced over" by the tyran.
r,i..l hlail.jur.kera who co-operate with
. Naaoloonl With as "eteeedirig greatjoy
.. as is the repentant aioner by the angels in
heaven. V; - .
. s- :
tatstTivt. In the Senate a bill to a
mAid the act reeulating elections was pas-
,eesV Sometimoji'as spent in committee ef
- the wnsle ou the bill forthe Incorporation of
the IIsusel Mr. ShellaWgcrjtate.no.
tice of m bill to Tegu'Ute proceedings in the
- i Probfe Tourt relating to inquests, a 10 iu,
'. rustics, Wiotsaad inaenf jrsen; aled A bill
"' regulating the sale of public Iswu's.ih the
' - Probate Court, in eaaee in which that Court
liae jurisdiction. Mr. Hard Introduced i
; ' bill to repeal the" act authorizing the Com
V " missioners of Jackon county to subscribe to
",i th a Iron Railroad Company.; The bill to ai
. 'mend the act prescribing the mode o,f ' prac-
lice in mm ouuriB w iv..m..w.j- r.---r.r
Ail A rABiitiitirln .was adopted .renuestinf
the Treasurer and Auditor of State to rip'wr
the number of bills issued te the Independenf
: Banks since April 13, 1852, and the amount
returned to them ft the same time, an3 also
.. inviting the Beard of Control to commuhi.
- ' aimilar Intelligence wspeoting the
"Banka eonn'eoted with the 6tate Bank. ; M
LeBlond, on leave introduced a bill to ptp
villa for the safe keeping and dieburs' melit
ofthe prblic funds. . This bill provides for,.
all payment into the Treasury to be specie
' ''or tax-paving banks of Ohio, and all dis-
5 bnrsementa to be in specie. Jv '
i. Thb Sabbat j Pmkob. Wfcen an e
lection Is ordered in France, says the Louis
ville Journal, Sunday is generally the day
"v the ballots are cast. Sunday is the chpsen
' time, there, for fetes of all sorts for public
''meeting's.' for parades, and so en. It waa
i only the other day that the new Emperor
Napoleon himself went "hunting in the
- foreaU ofFontainbleao, with a royal retinue.
on Sundav The fourth commandment is
; thus universally, officially, .and unofficially
- ignored.' A nation which thua holds in
eontembt the' Christian institution of the
" Sabbath U not likely to be greatly moral I
'i other respects. Yet some people are all the
while puzzling their brains to discover ;why
; France s not a Republio Instead of a Mon
,rehy democracy instead of deapotism.
A republio implies selfgovernment.yet how
."can a nation govern Itself when it rcjects
the, only means that enablea it, iudividually
;;:indln''tkViU'ta;gyra itself.: ,
--'EscaU or PmaoHERa ' BltTtMORt.
Edward iluddcn, waiting his trial "for the
io.urder'or Zimmerman; Thomas s Conner,
trt.t for the murder of Captain
Hatchinaon, and five others cofined for mi-
nor offences, escaped from Jail in the city of
Baltimore, en the evening of the lath inst.
i ,n& have not aince been heard from. The
Governor offers three hundred dollare'ro-
' "t vvard for each of the murderers.- ';f ;
u Cwa.-?N.P.'WWI, in his letters onCu
ba, sys:' ' vatever Repttblicaa low there
t roJ f r . i smoBg the Creoles Jn other
if, : '.aland, there. is ho trace of it to
bt. .iii liit the scornful lip of the-jlayana
. ' , gentleman tecogniting an 'American.' i A
' v - eofTee hous In the euborbj the walla of
''"'" 'which' are painted with caricatures .'ttf us,
gives a keyjto the feeling "most prevalent
, , ' ; In the Metropolia." . '''f .1,;'
!s. AARoB.BqRRis, represented thy,, one or
. his surviving relatives, in the, New. York Ob
" server; to have been in his Isst moments a
beliver in God and n Toward. .an p'nhishr
ments hereafter. - ' v '
.... ,- : a-v "' :.a .f -.
Liter trom CAtioRiA. The Steamer j
Illinois, which iirrived at New York on the
13th, brought So puiengere mil two mil
lions In gbW "v J ,
She left t Aspinwsll, the steamor. United
Ststes, awaitlnp the irriral of the WinfielJ
Scott from Baa Francisco, whence ah was
to sail on the 18th. trt t ,.;T .n,;.
Contributions for the relief of the suffer-,
ers by the fire at Sacramento, hsd been ta-
ken up at the principaftownp, nd. in ten
j .r....". - j
u.,. o0.uu were raieu at oB t raocuco.
The passehgers that came on the Ulinais
bring 63OO,00O in; gold, which would swell
the entire arnpunt brought by her to two a.nd
half million of dollars. , .The loss by. the
Brent Mary ville is about 8100,000. . '
"The-(.lndiana on the Colorado had been
completely subjected by Major Ileintzelman,
and a treaty of peace had been signed. '
Major Dossi who has been prospecting in
the regions of Cheppd.teports abundance of
gold in every stream; also plenty . of iron!
The state.pas . gone lor. l'ierco by 3,881 .
majority. i , ,, . ... . i . ' '
Statistics op CaiME.i The Commercial
as selected from the Annual Report of the
Clerk of the Court of . Common Pleas .to tho
Attorney General, the following statistics of
crime, in Hamilton County: i ' ! J' .
'Since the 3rd of May there nave been
prosecuted to convictiou 10 eases of grand.
arceny; 8 of burglary; 1 ol horse stealing;
ol arson; 7 ot passing counterteit money;
4 of having counterfeit , mony with intent
to pass; 3 of murder in the first degree; 1
of stabbing with intent to kill; 1 of utter-,
ing forged notes; 1 of embezzlement, 81 of
petty larceny,, sentenced to county j ail; 4
of petty larceny, sentenced to House of Re
fuge; 23 of. petty larceny,, punished with
fines; 73 cases of assault and. battery, and
13 of riot, within the same period there
have been 38 acquittals, 37 nol. pros., 9 dis-.
charged, and I quash.' The total number of
years to which parties have been senteneed
to the penitentiary, in torty. convictions, is
133. The total period ot all Uiq sentences
to the county, jail and House of Refuge is
320 months and 36 days. Ono was sentenced
for life, and one to be bung, ,. The aggre
gate amount of costs of prosecution, includ-
nr all coats before the Mayor and examin
ing oourta, alao witnesses' lees, die, during
the above named period, ia $3,113,94." -
New York harbor is either becoming
shallower, or the vessels tbey build now-a-dayt
run deeper thin thuse of twenty years
ago. It is n,o uncommon occurrence for ships
to strike aground, by the Narrows of Cover-'
nor's Island Fortunately for New York
even Pierce Locofocoism doea not regard as
unconstitutional Government appropriation
for protecting and improving the A tlantic
coast harbors,, A dredging machine ofl'Sta-
ton Islknd, hard at work, would bo regarded
is perfectly cdnHilutional, even by a Vir
ginia csdiiiat; tvhile a snng-hobt up tho
Ohio or Missisnippi would, of course, be an
express violation of tho Doctrines ol '9al
There i hopr, ther'fure, I'nr the Commer
cial Metropolia, 'four years longer; inasmuch
as she gave 10,000 nmjority for' Pierce.
But, it is possible, in the order ol Providence,
that the trendings of the Gulf Stream- mny
fill up the narrow gut bet ween Lon Island
and Ambey; and visit tho futo of Tyre and
Alexandria on the great American Uuhyloni
BookStohbs i IreIiAmd. There ara
seventy-four - towns in. . Ireland,, pone of
which have "lees than twenty-five hundred
Inhabitants; but which havS only a single
bookstore in the whole number. The pro
portion of book stores in Scotland, compared
With Ireland, in the same class of towns, is
nine topne. There are alao six1 Irish coun
ties which cannot boast of ', even pne book
seller. " . ... Vi, ' .. . ' . !,, .
A CorfessiorI "An Elector'., in' the
Ohio Statesman of the 11th, admits that the
Presidential electors did turn their attention
to Cabinet making. . . , ;
Releasing free negfoea- from whipping,
on their promise to leave the state, . js be
coming quite common in Virgin a.
03rRev. Dr. Duffield, of Dotroit, now
in Europe writes weekly letters to his con
crrecration. which are read every Sabbath
morning from the pulpit.
The Voices of Christmas. .The winter
nibnths elide upon us unaware;they breathe
-deceitfully, almcst hypocritically, and would
persuade sns to entertain the imagination
with the fragrance of apring flowers. But
we will not' be deceived.- Winter may come
noiselessly and simulate the balmy breath
of snrinsrbut one elance at his feet and we
find him india-rubber shod, prepared for oth-J
er sort of journeying than among the meeds
and vernal bloom.'.
Nay more, there are voices of the holi
days all about ua that will not be rebuked.
There are prattlers everywhere who have an
instinctive apprehensive of "the good time
coming," once ayear. Tbcy look into the
newspapers at the breakfast tublc, and their
briehteves gleam from the tell-tale columns,
andone is kept posted upon all the variety of
rare, novelties, and precious wares,, lor the
entertainment of the body and the mind, for
eye and the understanding and. we are qui
etly brought, to an understanding, forthwith,
that Christmas comes but pnee ayear. ..
... r. l m winter ia betroved. though he con
ceal his fiirS and keep the hoar, frost at his
back, Ir the flavor of gofid cheers that waits
upon the season'. 'And there are those who
cordially anticipate' the unfolding ol his grim
authority; and the places wherein men, and
women too, do "buy and sell and get gam, '
are filling op with, seasonable delights, and
.the time Tor the disposal of them is at hand.
Vait. sun! - - r , . ' ;r;, ,v; ; . ,
ftirOn the fourth day .of next March the
city of Washington will, be filled with a
greater swarm of gaunt and , hungry office
seekera than has yet , congregated at that
city. .i Thousands will come away . disap
pointed, muttering curses at each step home
wards, that tboir services to their party have
not been duly appreciated! Such- will al
wavs be the ease so long as the offices' of
the country are regarded a the "Spoils of
Victory." it waa not so, doing the best
days ef the Republio. la. Journal, k.'i
OiTTne London custom of building the
houses at the junction 'qf public thorough-'
lares with founded corners, so as to give a
finished appearance to the street as well
as opportunities ., lor ornamental display In
their architecture is recommended, for adop.
tionin our American cities. ' ' ' .
VVhkre is the Right PabttI When the
mariner is driven from bis course bv stressor
wind, he does not expect to recover it bvl
ouestioniotf the principle, of nsviffulion '
a oa mrowingswsy pis instruments ana m
b'ea. ' On the contrary he relies upon them
more than. ever to enable him to find and re
sume the , right way again, and pursue his
voyage .to, the destined port.' The whigs
have been certjlinlv bsfHitd in their recent
l.t . . .-..I
expedition, . and are sufferinir severelr. but
with admirable patience and good nature,
from an almost unexampled visit of untoward
weather. . Under euch embarrassinircircum
!...,. ,ta , .0:M '
mong tbem should think of taking is to cast
overboard the principlea ther have advocat-
ed. .If any one ia not sincere in this, the
sooner be gets rid of them the better; be
cause, just now, they are likely to do hyp
ocrite no sort of good. They will beat pres
ent a very unproductive investment indeed.
. But with many, und the great body of the
whigs, this matter or conviction is quite out
of their control., They have embraced a
pertain system, of national policy, after due
examination, because they could nut help it.
There is no option on the subject. ,, Who is
it calls for an abandonment of the old whig
party 1 Are they those who have evet real
ly been jts members! .Whit -has happened 1
to recommend so curious a proposal! Or
rather what is there which can render such
a proceeding possiblel , There has never
been, and is not now, any material or legal
ligature to bind individuals together, and
form a party. It ia a union simply of opin
ion. Where this exists, and us long as it
shall last, there. is, and will continue to be,
a party to all intents, because.thinking alike,
when action comes, they will 'of necessity
act in harmony. , . . . .
'.The question, therefore, is not so much
whether tho parly shall bo . dissolved or
changed, as whether their principle shall be
surrendered! We say yes, if they have been
conquered. ! If the citadel of whig principles
has been actually taken by the enemy, we
are willing to capitulate, though we should
like to march out with the honors of w ar.
Our greatest leaders are in their graves, but
they were not vanquished before .they died.
no, that they wero not. . utners will spring
to tho vacant plnces at the head of our col
umns, . Au army of good soldiers never
need despair of generals; they will appear as
fast as wanted, if the rank and file acquit
themselves as mcn.--A'eicari Advertiser ....
Dabiro Attempt to Murder.' -A young
man by the name of Amer Teter, attempted
to take the lire of a gentleman named Aaron
Penwall, a man about 70 years of age, in
Baihbridge, on the 14th int; Teter went
into the tavern, and found Penwall sitting by
the lire; a few words passed, none of an of
fensive nature, when Teter seized a large
iron shovel and struck the old man on the
head, knocking him out of his seat and frac
turing his skull.-' He then drew a double
barreled pistol and swore ho vvoulJ blow out
the brains of Mr. James Morrow, who at
tempted to, interfere; but by this timo a
crowd began to gather and an attempt was
mauB V T" . ' , "
tage of the, excitement and confusion, he
made his esoupe. Nothing wns hrnrd.'of
him until the next day. It seems that dur
ing the night he took his flight townrdi Cin
cinnuti, reached RuinNboroiisrh, in this coun
ty, where he entered tho stable of the widow
Coleman and t'Kik i fine horse, and thi ii
continued his Hi rlu toward Cinuinnuti. .
Teter is a Vi'imv m in about 19 years of
'age, dark 'complexion, about 5 leet !J inches
high. --It is thought that lie has gone to Cin
cinnati to take passage on a bout. . Officer
W. Martin, from whom we learned thetucts
of the case, is now in pursuit, and takes the
cars this evening for Cincinnati. , ...
It is thought that Penwall cannot recover.
' Hillsborough Oatetle. ,
'Agricultural Politics. I a notice
of the Fair in Morrow county, as reported by
Mr, Joseph Monher, in the YYeslern.Agrtcui-
twrnlist, we find the following: - - .''
The show from the dairy, though small,'
was bard to beat, particularly tho ',' free soil
sugar," mado from the maple tree; also,
cheese and butter were exhibited that would
do honor to any county, except one sample
of butter fixed un with o.-namcnu.aud named
"Scott Butter," that did not, in view, of the
committee, bear an examination, but ap
peared too jnilky, or too much resembled
"Soup" that caused it, like "Scott," to be
repudiated. - . - . -.m
This looks a littte like mixing up politics
and agriculture, but as this pnper'is to be
edited by S. Mcdary in future, weentertain
little doubt that the political aspect of the
Agriculturalist will assume considerable
prominence. Zones. Cour. ' '
- 0il7"We notice that our "ablo and .talent
ed"(to nse an original phrase!) friends of the
Columbus Journal, tssume some, credit to
themselves for bringing down the wholesale
prices of oysters, in their city, to standable
rates by purchasers or - limited means.
Whether we, are entitled to put a similar
feather in our cap,- or not, we. leave our
renders to judge. One thing, is certain,
oysters are bound too- down, when we
take up the subject and they have gone
down, within a week, to t) 1,60 80c
'.One house, we are told, is selling even
lower. ,;. '
"The world', mine oyster, whi.:h with the pen we
. open!" . , i , ,
Set. Gaz.i. ' ' '
, ..CT A curious ceremony takes place in
London before the opening of Parliament.
A committee visit the vuults of the Parlia
ment house tosearch for the ghost of Guy
Fawkes. This year- the form was gone
through with as usual. The honorable gen
tlemen found nothing more dangerous than
the hot air pipes, and Dr: Rreid's vcntila
ting apparatus.: After wandering about by
lantern light for some time, they are emerg
ed to upper air, covered with dust and cob
webs, and reported that the honorable mem.
bers miglif consider themselves safe from an
epiolon"du'ring ini cnaplngjewion. . ...
Old Books. Some weeks since we saw
In the city, papers a notice of an.' old Biole,
owned by Archbishop Purpell, and the world
was challenged to produce a hook of more
ancWlt date. It is , known that the Bible
Was the first book printed, and , hence it
might be expected that a copy of the Scrip
tures would be preserved of greater antiqui
ty than my other book But we have been
shown a book, in the, possession of Rev. W,
P. Strickland, of this city, entitled.' "Uisto
ria Scholastiea," in blsck-letter Latin, illu
minated by some monk of, the middle ages, of
equal if not more ancient date. He has al
so in his possession Plutarch's Lives in I
tallian and Latin, upward of three hundred
years old. Cin. Atlas. '
'Faiist Weioht Dead. This celebrated
woman, afterward Mrs. D'Arusmbntwhose
fame has made her' well known in Europe
and 'America, died at Cincinnati on Monday
evening. last., For some' lime she has been
residihg in that city, Where sne nas oeen en-'
gaged In litigation With her ' husband about
certain property. . '' '
Fridny Cveniuu, Dec 17, lHVi
" Lawi-essbms. Our' exchange
from alf nuarters: come ton. filled with
. '
r...,- ' n,.u.
cirv or isaiiimore.inac u nas open i
tho evening,1 it being unsafe for ladies to
appear in thi itreeU though accompanied
by gentlemen. It is indeed lamentable, that
the worshippers at the altar of God must'
give way to the rowdyism of the worship-1
pers of Sstan.' ' Lamentable as the state of
society is in Baltimore, it Is even worse' in
Philadelphia and New York.' Cincinnati,
too, has also recently become the theatre of
crime and depot of Satan. And even in the
little town of Newark, the papers advise the
citizens to' arm themselves with' deadly
weapons for self-defence.. This is not only
disgraceful to the cities in whose streets such
an ul rming amount of crime Is perpetrated,
but it is a diHgrace to the whole country, a
atigma upon the character of our people
Why so much villainy and rowdyism! Do
we not boast of being a christian people!
And have we Hot erected all over the coun
try houses of divine worship,: the doers of
which are thrown open alike to the rich and
poor to all and every class!' It is hot be
cause Christian Societies have been remiss
in their exertions; but it is to be traced to
the accursed and exclusively partizan spirit
of the day.' It iB the natural consequence
of the dependance of candidates tor office
upon tho votes and influence of . impudent
bullies. ; ' - . '. : - .. : :
The man" who has been elevated to office
by the influence of knaves and villains can
not be expected: to deal out justice to them,
No officer can be expected to exercise vig
ilance in discovering the lawlessness ' of
thoso to whose votes he owes his eleva
tion. Dependants upon the vilesi sons of
iniquity, they cannot do. "otherwise Hhan
countenance; enconrsge, and fosteV grog- i
shops, gambling saloons, Sic? No good cuu'
ever ta expected to result frorn partizan'
influence; but once bur people see tho ne
cessity of 'elevating men to 'office upon the
grounds of competenty, thert.'und not till then,
can we expect to note an improvement in.
the public morals.'" ," J ' ''
, These remarks are not alone applicable to
municipalities.. It is notonly the magistrates,
and aldermen ttwt'look to this class - as a
kind of .'reserved battalion" that con be i
wheeled into action in cane of a closely con
tested political combat; but sorry are we to
s'ny, that men. who' aspire to the, highest of
(fee in the nation, descend so low as to court
the favor of a lawless band that hive, been
fortne pnst few years brandishing the torch
of. discontent oud committing the most treas
onable BClnof , uttrocity. . Yes, there are
thoso among us who iven dar,o vcal!umniate.
ihe patriotic and moral portion of cuinmuni-
ty for frowning down acts of lawlessness'.
Arid this too, is dune for partisan gain; to
ingratiate themselves into the good opinion
of that class who are influenced by the most
sordid motives. ' -. ' ' ' '
JLet every honest citizen' shun the coun
sel of the demagogue, and seek to elevate such
as would spurn the idea of a connection
with this class or seek to obtain their votes.
Tho Militia J5ill. This bill has passed
the Senate, and ia pow banded about iu the
House.'! No one! however, need be alarmed
on account of this martial display the pro
visions are very pacific. The Cincinnati Ga
zette is informed that it merely requires town
ship and ward assessors to make a list of
male citizens from eighteen to forty-five
years of age, and retarn them to the County I
Auditor. From him the list passes through
the brigadiers and mnjors general to the ad
jutant general of the State, and from him to
the War Department at Washington. The
bill also provides for the organization of vol
unteer companies from -those liable to duty,
who shall be first called Into service on calls
upon the Ohio militia. , ; - . : .
- Gouet's Lady's Book for the ' new year
gives promise of rare excellence; the Janu
ary number it before us, and warrants ua in
saying so; ' Godey is the model publisher
enterprising and generous, possesses a dis
criminating judgment" aa to the wants of
the reading public. No publisher is more
liberal to American authors, and none are
more, deservedly successful in business.
The price ot the. Lady's Book is $3 a year.
Postage, only 2 centaa number. . "
. . , , 1 ,,l,'
: PatuTEa's Fb tival. Tho printers
Columbus held a meeting on Saturday eve
ning last, and resolved to celebrate (he 17th
day of January next, being the anniversary
of (he birth day of Benjamin FbarkliI, by
a public supper. An Invitation- committee
was appointed to invite the attendance : of
the prf&tere of the neighboring cities, or an
expression of their, sentiments.
" The M'Arihub, . RsfoblicAr. This is
the name, of a neatly printed "VVhig paper,
published in M'Arthur, Vinton county, by
L. S. &' L?-Wt'Bo. The' Vintonitei'of
course wil furnish the 'tnaterial aid' to keep
uv ivuuuiiou .iiwi,., . - . , ' .. i.
Park BEjuAMiM-Thiij:entlf nmrij. ho
has been lecturing inCiucinnatiand Dayton,
has been well received by the citi2ens)f
both places.'' The Dayton Journal sjfenks
highly of their character and the mahner in'
which they interest the citizens. J
.. fy-The commissioners to revise the forms
and legal practioeof the State, have, for-j
warded a part bf their report to the Legisla
ture." 'It isa measure of mbcK importance;
' i ' ' ' ' !. -.1 .
' Oirltissaid that fifty dollars -Worth of
lime would har prevented the: fall of the
building by Which' several ' persons -were
kilted in New.York recently. -p?'''
accounta of outrages committed on both per. I iy 7 ..around." Here thry are: - law makers has been directed principally,
sdnsand propeMy;vidVncinf conclusive. ! I852 wcre 7--9' Mck inc,ule ' , acon ClouSh i-ahoutto tr-ve!, plng to 1 r; the past two davs. to the arrangement
1e tKft. ffim. I, nn tU inAM, k,nK... i 0349 of balance on bandi July U.t. '". move aw. v, of course he's ewng off. of.th.ir r.-spective Coortbills, andbut little
the length and breadth of the country, Soch , ., , . - t'orllnd Maine; dd in rf membranr ofhu tpr of General interest. Since the unfor
ha. become the audacity of rogues and row- (wenae. for the year 1852, exclus.ve of bal- m,ny plesnt ;ff hi?luin.it.n op In the Iwofoco household in
Aia. in it,i,l.h-nttimo.. tK.Hi u. w existing on July 1st, ISjI, ano amount ing at least a e-ecimcn nf.k.t n.t.. I relation to the rltrkship of the Houae, the
f . i d . i I
porlof tb PoU,w.Ur General shows, he op. ,io
" - " Fyar. )
t.. .v. ........ - T..1.. a . 1
i-idrawn from Treasury, J.923.932 20.; The
p0 "count will, Gre.. Britain give.
""'"-'"K "
3d quarter of 1851
10,010 u" :
20,578 15 j
4ih " "
1st ''' ' 1852
' v 40,fK)8 48
2d ' '." about
' 23,060 00 ;
the mails received and sent between the
British Provincos and the United States
were:. '.
Mails received unpaid ' $25,377 08
' " paid ' ' 22,144 60
Mails sent unpaid
' paid
ff 3 1,034 C
34,797 81'
-55,741 97
, " .Total for the year '
103,203 65
Collected in Canada 53,170 26
" United States 56,684 39 t
Postage on mails be- ..;(
tween tJieU. S. and ,
New Brunswick ' r 8,812 56
Collected 111 thi U. States4,5B2 "8
" New Brunswick 4,249 78
- The extra allowance far 1852, paid to
Postmasters nnder the act 1851, was $150,-
594. ,j ; .' ,. ;, . ; '; ,
, Surplus commissions to Postmasters have
accrued at four offices, viz: .....
. New Yoik "
t'hicngn, III.
Washington, D. C. '
8 19.332
Total . utmartnmn.l.sfnn- S56.42I
r - t - - ' i
it A ffnm 1'ita maolnM in eiliiulninnl rvf
yearly accounts 8,992,996. - . . ...
The aggregate number of letter, newppa
pers, and circulars, &c,, delivered by letter
carriers in New. York, Philadelphia, Bos-
,ton, ilaltiraore , and New Orleans .),3I)2,
j636.' ' :..'.- - , ', ' '-. : -;
! Amount received bv ear'rit'ri - 8104,355
Letters ree'rived' in abovfl ' ' '
- citiesartd. Washington and
San Francisco
Number sent from do do : .
Amount paid for transports
tion during the yoar.. , ,
Of which for regular service'
Route Agents
Supply Special Offices
Foreign mail transportation
New York to Bremen
New York to Havre
Chagres to Havana '.
$4,225,31 1'28
3,457,131 09
91,935 83
. 103,016 37
, , 166,608 64
151,000 00
50,000 00
1 l,uuo i;j
Across Panama ' 75,544 75
Liabilities to transport in , . . .
former y9ara , . ' .144,012 28
The letters peid and unpaid during the fis
cul year, were very large; unpaid domestic,
32,072,765; paid, in money 18,443,610; by
stnmps 31,892,750; freo letters 3,148,000;
drop'lctters 973,13 1; conveyed by European
steamers, 4,421,547; conveyed to Havana'
99,392; conveyed to California 1,495,537;
ofdead letters unpaid 2i635,909. Total, 95,
790,524. No less than 87,710,490 newspa-
pcrs passed through the mail; 7,073,548 were
exchange newspapers. Between 4 and 5,
000,000 of letters were conveyed by the fol
lowing lines: Cunard 2,758,096; Collins
963,672;' Bremen 354,570; Havre 345,289;
and by the Cunard 942,950 newspapers; by
Collins 280,974 newspapers. Postage from
Cunard 565,572; by Bremen line 77,219;
by Havre line 80,805 total 952,464.
,. , r, . . , . TT ..' ,
lins, and Cunard collected, in the United
States 468,615 93.
Farsebs Should hot Com plais. Every
productof the farmer is now in active de
mand, and at full prices.' Their is nothing
that he raises that does not readily sell.
But as if more effectually to rebuke past
complaints at the loss from potato rot, and
of other crops by insects, while weeds and
other pests of the field were left unscathed,
Providence is now, by something like the
potato blight, exterminating the thistlo and
m alien of of Maine; in some psrts none es
cape the exterminating destroyer Thus
"good is educed from ill, and the equal ways
of Providence asserted." '
Singular Orioib or a Grape VinE.-The
Elkton Democrat, says there is a flourishing
grape vine.-growing on a farm in the vicin
ity of that town, with the following singular
history. Tho seed from which it germinat
ed formed a covered button or clasp to a la
dy's kid glove; which was Imported from
Pari, among a lot of others, by a merchant
of Philadelphia, and sold to! a merchant in
Elkton..': A lady purchased the gloves, con
taining this grape seed, wore them but, dis
covered the seed; catrsed it to be planted,
nndit'is 'now a floorishing vine. ' 1
. High- Ihcerdiart. In s house on Ms
Donopgh street, last week, smoke was dis
covered prttfceeding from the family Bible,
lyincr on the table near a window. On ex
amination, it was found that the edge of the
Bible was in the exact focal distance from a
glass globe containing gold fish, that the
sun himself was playing the incendiary.--
rortsmouln Jour. ; 1 "
The "Critter.". The New York Tri
bun says thefe are 8,000 hotels, drinking
saloons and dram shops in that city, and ihe
amount expended in them is amazing ajmost
beyond belief. If , 'the .daily sales 'average
$10each, which Is ("very low eetima'e, the
amount will be fc80,000.a day, $3,400,000 a
month, and $29,000,000 ayeart Three years
nf thls expenditure wriuld builds railroad to
California..-'-'" . V ' ' ' '
5 .... r- --. . t 1 4 .-
CTRising Sun, Ind a famous )lace
for potatoes.", From the Republican of the
qih inst , we clip the following? . , y; ,', r ..
tl. 8. Sl R. Epey shipped in a flstboat
from this place, one. day the present ,week,
3,500 barrels of potatoes', itbeing a thou
sand barrels more thna has ever been ship
ped by any one boat from our wharf. .
' . . r-J-f ! V
fJTAn old lady, who Tina, beenreading
the famous moon Story very attentively,
remarked with emphasis, that the idea of the
moon being in habited -was indredible.'to be
lie vo, "for," said she, "what becomes of the
people in the moon, when there's nothing
at all left of it but a little blue sptckl", , ,j
K r .'..;.iv- -r -- . .t'j ' ! ' y A .'. 1 -i
' DEAaFiaEs. yood splgia(Ctnqinna'ti
at nye dollars peoTil.S f . .'s.t .7
l4W..HBii,ln al,ttpr fromV.ltlm.iCorTespden.oftheUncasterGaUe.1
lt vetV. Sprit f the T..e., r,-Uu . ah - - Coli-bw.. December 18. 1383,
coople uf anecd.ws that will 4u t "u.,i ' '
. , .
does do occasionallv. lUt tlm T ,Ti!.n,u. ;
may look out for him.
Stsppieg in at tho Deacon's uaV Ark
nf i Hlnrp. nni mnrnif.ir u lion i.. ..u.
cry thing, from a snc hore plough toach'.ld's
rattle.' !S ' '
Been a treat lorcerr committod: have
you heard of it!"
No," savsI,',haro not, Deacon.. When
who!" . ... . -
"Dan'l Emerson, down here.".
You don't teli me that! What! old man
Emerson V
"Yes, sir, old man Emerson."
Why, bless my soul I thought no man
ni.t.t eoB,m."n,,y-!
Deacon!" srrs I
"Yes I always thought so, too; tot it's
not the first time he did it."
"No! God bless m, is it potsible? Who
was it on! what did he forge, Deacon!"
"It was a plaguy thick - tire, on a UmUr
thenr ..
Old man Emerson earries on'a lw
, j
Ismithery and wsgon factory, you see. I
'grabbed an axe helve, and the last I saw of
r . . i ... i . .- . . .
f I
.in , - ... . . ,
the Deacon about that t.me, was a Jrapnent i a
of h,s coat ta.l vun.sh.ng up into h.s loft. 1 1
confessed the cape '
An o!d.h sort of a rel,c of the past
an old gont who confers a UaSh wnfu!,j
Who has been a suWnW for 40 yMrr,jf
moreorlessto the "Daily Advertiser." a ! .
.journal tiiat never inserted a witty item hut '
;once during its ex.stence, and then it Ut j
l0ver t.wemy snbsenbrs in a h-ap! Th-s j
. old gent came into Deacon Uough's .to re, a j
few weekago,hnd e.-n.g the i Deacon sea- j
; " 2 ".."Z.'rr.0..? I
'tiT j 1 ui;biw, i
in h I farnntrt molinolii.ln f in A mm Ihiunk I
he had "lost all" by th
rn?ales, and owed
two quarter rent ' .
"What is the. trouble,
Deacon Clough,
tui morning!"
"Well," says the Deacort.-I'm bothered
some with the gravel very much, in fact,
Indeed! it s very shocking it's rerr sf-
llicting,'. says oii Wolemncholy; and what
have you done for it Deacon?"
. "Nothing yet; inut attend to it, I sup
pose." " I would. Deacon, I ' would, it's very dis- j
treesing It's a roost, lamentable ill; go to j
Dr. Moore.ortomy friend Dr. Purkhurst,
i and be advised at once. Deacon." ' I
i "Oh,Igueas I can soon Ox it i few
t stitches will answer."
I vStitches!"' says Sorrowful.'
"Yes,"ssys the Deacon. "Yoo see they've
I koAH Mn.mniv .mil ui Mot AI v K rvrt fM i win-
.. J tkn lu anil 'ra nl.miv irrmvt. ul.
to my feet and bothers me like sin!
When tbe foil .force of the terrific fsct
burst in trpon the old sober-side's brsin that
he wasjoked, be liked to have wilted right
down into his boots. He left in horror, and
the Deacon heard that h kept his bed for
three weeks! When Deacon Clough leaves
this village, we shall have lost a good citizen,
and a joker as can't be beat.. So mote it
be. . . -. .
Tke War or 1812160 Arret of l.ini.
The proposition presented by Judge Suther
land, in a letter, some time aince, relative to
granting land to those who served ir the
war of 1812, or other wars of the country has
met the approval of Mr. Wilson the Land
Commissioner at Washington. Recently
the subject was brought to his attention, ahd
he has recommended to Congress to give l60
acres to every man who was out in any of
oor wars, or if dead, then to his widow or
children. Those w ho served their country
in this and tbe oiher States, sbonld hold
meetings and piss resolutions in favor of this
grant of 160 acres, and send them to Cou-
j fa j, m fae j duti the
present session.
Cheap Liviao. The following are tbe
prices of eatables at Knoxville, Tennese
it ia a great place for persons of limited
means sod extensive appetites: "Corn 25.,
Flour $2 per hundred, Oats 12c; Beef2and
3c Butter 12c; Chickens 8 to 10c: Tur
keys 25 to 30c For Pork, holders are ask
ing 5,00, but few are engaging at that price,
expecting it to bp bad for less. Green Ap
ples 25c: Sweet and Irish Potatoes 25c, and
abundant at theso prices.
' Railways, by opening a communication,
will soon have an influence on such prices,
by equalizing them. The common articles
of farm productions will have a market for
almost everything double such prices as are
quoted. " v :
The True Life. The mere lapse of years
is not life. To eat, and drink, and sleep; to
be exposed to darkness end tbe light, to pace
round in the mill ot habit and turn the wheel
of wealth, to make reason our- book-keeper
snd turn thought into an implement of trade
this is not life. : In all this, but a poor f ruc
tion of the consciousness of humanity is
awakened and tho sanctities still slum
ber which make it most worth while to be.
Knowledge, truth, love, beauty,; goodness,
faith, alone can giys- vitality to the me
chanism of existence; the laugh of mirth
which vibrates through, the heurt.the tears
that freshen the dry wastes within, tbe
music that brings childhood back, the pray
er that calls - the' future near, the doubt
which makes ns meditate, tha death which
startles us with mystery, the hardships that
forces us to struggle, the snxiety that ends
in trust are true nourishment of our natural
being.., " ... ... -, V,..';'
. OrBy a degree ol the local "government
of Erfurt," Germany, no one is to bevengaged
In lucifer mutch manufactories who has im
perfect or partially decayed teeth. It has
been found that the phosphorous uaed in the
manufacture, acts on the decayed surface
and spreads to the hones of the' jaw,' which
are in bad cases consumed.' The disease is
called the "keochenfrass." All the work
men who have detects in their teeth are to
be discharged. ... if,1
' ":A'Rich Bishop. A corryponi!i-ht nf fhe
Buffalo Republic suys that "Bishop Timori.
of that Diocese, now holds, by 'grants.lands.
in Erie county alone, valued at 200,000
Somp twenty bounties tf the State are com
prised in that Diocese, and the Correspond
ent of the Republic suppose that the total
value Of real estule held by The Bishop in
the same cannot bejessthan 400,000. -
,1'JfRi!iTER's Toasts. TAi Press" It ex
presses truth, re-presses error im-presses
knowledge, and bp-presses none. r r
,- Babies. Miniature editions of. humanity
issued periodically, and displayed, in- small
caps. .... 'in. v
Editor Onmc- The attention f
- .
democratic fire has gone dowa to its umtal
j tempcratnre, and is comfortably calm in the
!,,K',t superficial observer. ' Bat the eVe
I mrnli nre .till nerrpnliMv at work and nre-
PsnnS ,h Brand conflagration or the 8th
f Jnuary, when an eruption is indicated
"t' will surpass all former precedent, and;
l,rlng the vsr-ltke factions so lately barmonl-,
' QUI snatnnfnnliBnt m imv k FT.r L.T I n ar
ss Herculanemand Porapci. "
The Senate -was yesterday, during1 tho
real business hours of the session, Id com
mitfe of the whole on the bill introduced by '
Mr. Hall, of Erie for the incorporation ofv
tow nships. This bill is intended to entirely
of the township, of the State by prescribing'
more clearly the duties of all township onV
ecrs, as well as adding largely to thsm and
instituting better regulations lor the protec
tion and comfort of the poor. Many provis
ions of this bill are highly worthy of a hu
mane, rich andpowerlal people, and would
doubtless add much, to the happiness and
well being of tbe indigent, as well as to the
...... f . .. ..... n ......, . m . .,1 afflnan,.
f . i . ii i... j ...i.. J.. ,1.,, u...
.'II . ijw UIULIU irswiyt, IU IHV IIUUII. .Ubl.l
repolution, whtcVl m. ,greed to, calling
the Aoditer of State for information
a. to the smount of bsnk bilU iiued to the
ver!t, ,ree banks sine, lbs 3d of April, and
tbe preii(Jpnt oftBe Board of Controal
fc iaformation as to the differen-
t r.u. e.... n..ir Tkn .k;..i s
priiu:,rily to ncerlaiD whether any of the
Baukll reCcnt!y been extending the as
mnonl of their dreilUlkm; and secondly, it is
difficulty - to say . hat. VVa av find out
h,.reail;r. A good deal of attention has
aenb, both branches to the b.I for
1 1 . rr th l nriiuuitiri). n mi
now passed both Houses, and an amendment
made by tbe Representatives was disagreed
to in ttt tWW, so that whtn that is adjust
ed, u bicta. it will perhaps to-morrow, the
- . . - 1 .
' bi:l will be a law. It is very specific in the
d-.,:. f riwhu anj Aalie. ,..a -ill oorhans
Lre ugfroln guui 0f the inconveniences
formerly eiperieuceJ in the organization of
thu troubUlOBl, vrlocl of the govei-n-
meBt. a bill M introduced to-dav by Mr
Hall similar to tbe Maine Law, forthe sup
pression of tbe sals of srdent spirits, and a
very dcWrwineJ effort will be msde to do
something ia the wsy of curtailing this traffic;
but what will come of it is beyond all calcu
lation. A Moderate majority seems, to be
in favor of a liberal toleration of that kind
of commerce, and it would net do to suspicion
wroag if one would ssy that even grave Sen
ators might occasionally be found in certain
localities where the erifter keeps its camp
A bill is before the House which will per
haps pass in some shape to relieve taxpay
ers from the payment of all taxes for the
purpose of paying the interest on stock held
by tbe Stato oa incorporated companies. It
Is a blow at "corporal power" aud amounts
toeflectusl repudiation. . ,. . i
, A grsat crowd wasdiduixZ here last night
I by a .fellow calling himself "Herr Alexan
der." who advertised a "rift concert," and
swindled the ticket holders by a gross fraud
upon their credulity, which, when the dis
covered it, excited their indignation to the .
pitch of seizing his "goods and chattels" up
on the stage, himself barely escaping the fu
ry of the b'hoys, and this morning, by due
course of law, the wonderful magician was
comfortably lodged In jail.. EscoTBSls.,
Ahottter Locoroco War. Mahlon H.
Medary, Clerk of the House of Represents
tives. roraes out In' a formidable two col
umned document in the Statesmen, in de
fence of his course as Clerk, and in reply to
the attacks made upon him by Withrow
and other Loeofoco members of the House.
Marlos is down upon tbeSeerctary ofState,
and tells him ia substance that he is a great
fool. Other members of the party are coolly
told that they are "yelping curs." Perhaps
they are, as they are all of the great Loeo
foco family, and Mahlos ought to know about
lbs matter. Jour. ...
Dreadfcl Eabtb-qtake r Chisa. Tn a
late number of the Pekin Gazette thre ap
pears an account of a terrble earthquake,
that occurred a few months ajo in the prov
ince of Kan-such, in the northwest of China.
The shocks commenced in the city of Chung-
wet and its neighborhood on the 26th ol
May last, and were repeated many times
during a space of fifteen days from tbat date. -
The devastation and loss ot li;c caused is
frightful. Upwards cf three hundred per
sons were killed; more tban four hundred se
riously hurt, and several thousand, houses
destroyed. The public offices,, grsnaries,
prisons, and also tbe ramparts ot tne city,
were thrown down. ....-
ftThe words of a German author to his
daughter are so full of wisdom that tbe
young lady who should make them her rule .
would avoid nail the scrapes ot aer com
panions... "Converse always with your fe
male friends ss if a gentlemsa wre of the
party, and with young men as if your female
communions were present," ., ;
Ma. Edward Furaa, a young man eon
nncted with tbe New Orleans Picayune.disd
a few days ago. He was a native of . Ire
land, and his mother resides miMew xork.
' itr Population of New Mexico 61,000,
Value of its real estate 8(2,700,000. . To pro- ,
tect this handful of people and property
costs our' government about $1,000,000 per
year! Profitable country! .
Mishfsota. St. Pauls is fast increasing,
the- number of nouses has-doubled each of
the last two years, the bauibet of inhabi
tants Is over 3,000. " " J '-' '
- (WAn elk was killed recently near Pert
Oxford, Southern Oregon, which- weighed
830 pounds. His horns were 6 feet and t
inches in length, j ; v . . '"
(yDavid Naglo, charged with forging a
check. for $5,974, on theBank of Louisiana,
has been convicted at New Orleans, . .. '
" fj-Miss DbfTs says the first time a coat
sleeve encircled her waist she was in a-pavilion
built of rainbow, the-window sills of
which were composed of iEolinn harps.
0O"A new kind of paper has appeared in
England, manufactured entirely from straw,
and applicablefor all writing and printing
purposos. j
Suicide. Mr. George L. Brower, watch
maker snd jeweler, on the corner ot
.venue and Garrison .tree., h.C?
city, put a period to "his txmt.c by bang
ingyhim.elfo the raiiinf of h
"i, '
Vi r

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