Newspaper Page Text
-1 J ! i. I c I i V 1 iion.iay.ttrnluK! Feb. 13,-134 . '. Foodasd Fuel art both rising rapidly in ' ' , tht towns of England, &. It t a Wonder tint the general consumption of other articles : Cebould continue so great, there, under such -circumstances: 'A ; prolonged continuance ; v 'Will unquestionably effect a rhange. The , I pries of bread in London bat been raised . tt.) s. and Is. l-2d. for first quality; lOd. to J. Id. .- forsecound quality, and 8JJ. to 9. (or in-1 J . rior,uweigbsJ. .'In consequence of the 'mbasnce of farther supplies' or' coal to tb , x-' Louden Market, the prioe bat agaiu ndvane- " d. ' The present retail quotations are from' is. Bit to 3. peresrt., being at the rat of tat.' to 60 per Ion. ' r--'J . - Of tat Strictress or the Passport SvsTtJt, sud the dangers from, new comers which haunts the Neapolitan official eniud, . good story has just beeii told. A lady, ex peeling her confinement, wot off Capri with . her husband.. Wishing lhat the child might hi born on the main Is nd, they sailed. ar.ryss ; . lbs bay but tbe youthful Neapolitan hat , Jug unexpectedly 'made liis appearance dor luff three hours's voyage, they were riot ',.! ' llowed tolrtiid, because tbe infant was nit . .. on the passport.. "- . '. i . A . ,r -r ... ' . , V ; - GnciH Was i Eubnt. -The lone of, "Baarly'hH the private cortiniPrcial'jeo'i, ' "Arabia, itis3.'iof"lntcb a' character" as to .- forbjjMrilyTexpectuUeft- ef eacef 'that land will bay able much longer to' re' frain from taking in active and leading part '' against Aussie. ' ; r ''" '. ,;. t-- . ! '- v Si loiM FiSKi.i.-rThe British Adrni tslily have announced that if. intelligence ' .( of Sir1 John Franklin or hitebip,the Eribus . and Terror, and of the officers and crews . being alive, i not reoeived by the 31st of t ... March next, they will be considered, as hav- , j in j died in Uiemnjeaty'sservice Who m vt, Attend Scuool Mr. Harney, Stale Superintendent of Common School', 'publishes a communication in' the' Ohio '. . Slit-sman defining the rights of children to . " attend Sell iof lie say's: All children, of ich ! tgf ore entitled to ', the privilege of atleiiding (lie school situu ted in the s hoot district in which their par. x eiits, or guardians, or l"iiployrs reside, un ,, less excluded by the directors, on account of their misconduct. " In otlior words, ell children iucluding in the annual enumera- . tion of the directors of any school distrlnt. . are entitled, to atieud the school in such dis- triot. Chi.dreu of nun-resident parents, coming into the district and - bardin), for ' , the purpose of attending tnbool, are not en titled to such privilege without permission ' of the' directors. When, . however, such ' children are hired to liibor or service, in jtooil faith, in the family of an iuhubitsiit : ' of the district, or are (rested as a part of thy ' family of such Inhabitant, and not merely 1 temporary loardert, they are entitled to par ; ticiiate equnlly with the other childreu of ' tbe district in the privileges of the school. 'u THtPonKTuAne ligencer estimates -The St. Louis Intel, the number, of hogt packed there, at 80,000 lies I. Last year the number packed there was 00,ouo 'head. A correspondent of that piper gives the fol lowing returns from three packing points in . Miasouii, namely: Rocheport 1,000; Brunt ' wick 2.H00, Hill's LmiJIii 400 total 4,000. '''."'.".' Shoes Adb LtATHER. The Wheeling Gazette has been a'lown a letter from a gen tlemon now at the ca', vvho says that throughout Massachusetts and all the eas tern markets thoet huve advanced from 25 to 35 per .cent, on last year's prices, and leather of all kinds list advanced 100 pe cent. The oause of the advance in leather ' is found in the lion Importation of hides. Wheat at Two Dollars a Bushel. Three limes in the present century hat Wheat reached the high fiuure of two dollars a bushel In the vnliey of Genesee In 1816, ' by reason of a remarkably cold eu tinner and '-a very short corn crop! In. 1830, by turns what unpropitioitt tcuson anil neglect ol tgricultore fur tha purpimea of trade and. speculation compelling the largo Importa tion of breaddlufis from Europe; and in 1854. by reason of, abort crop in Western nd Centril Europe mid the wnr between Russia and Turkey .--ftochssler A merican. 0"7If one half the pains was taken to improve the human race that , there ia to Improve the breed of sheep, the I lood of ' horses, and site of pnmpkins, we a'tould ' have soma hope for the "perfnctnbillty of . mankind." Hut so long as physical and : moral deformity .and disease are licensed to perpetuate themselves, the .breed of ilMirip ' en slnnera will continue to multiply so rap ' Idly as to postpone the milluniuin beyund the boundary of human hope. . . i Laio Claim A meeting of the heirs of the original proprietors of the Western Retervsef Ohio, it to be held at Hartford, Ct. It Ubelloved'thatthey are legully en titled to Certain turpi ut land in Ohio, which Jhas now become very yaluable. Field Marshal BgEtroRD.Thit distin guished English officer, who was one of the ' heat of Wellington's lieutenants in the - Spanish Penmaular war, died In England on the 10th of January . lie fought agalnut Boo It the bloody battle of Alhiiers, the most desperate- and beat eonteated action that grew out of Napoleon's Invasion of Spain. II was io the 83d . year of hit '' age. ' . ,. f ,. .. .. s . . . ' Gtr A woman living In the eastern part of Dayton, a abort lime since, presented her ) husband with a boy who. weighed just one pound:- His first bed wasmndeon a com- mon-slxed dinner plate. The event has created a great sensation in the Convention i- city. The OateKi says half the ladiea in .. town have been to aee it, and the rest are 'getting their things ready" to go to see ' 1 faCinainnatt Oautl: . - - The mother oallt It a "pound tweeting." "i i ! ' l .. '' . . " Wtbtvs met wont conundrum! than the following? V What winds would a hungry sailor wish ' 'for at tea: A wind that blows fowls and "rtacnf chops. : . w. . , - When It hedge dangerous to walklnl ' When ihe hedges are shooting; and the bull- ' vnahes ont. . v '. . . In what color shrxild a secret bs kept! s IQVIOISIS t9 vioiei.y r What proof Is thera that Robinson Cm soe found hit Island Inhabited! .Because be aavn a i;reatwell pitching Into a little cove, ---What was Joaa of Ars rAad. of f. ;Vf Orleanf. 4A . ;. . ; RAILKOAD WATTtRS. . v- Rnltrni. The annvi rejpri uf the directors of the FichbuT: rHiiioid coeipsuy wt presented insoekholden at Ihsir meeting on the 31st ult. ' The pi eeentcapilat stock of the compa ny is i s3.5).0UO.l ' ' ;; EsrHines Tor the past year bars beea St5,4M 37 lenJi!uii'8, dlviiitftij&i, 613,317 H Siirtilus : Surplus hut jroar'. , v . 5J.93S 66 Total surplas $33,219 31 Of the smiimt inclndrd in expenses, 5T,- 91 1 hare b en expendnd fur lie' locomotives, new track, new freight cats, etc., not strict ly chargeable to the rnnntrr of the road for ihe past year "The deJt'of the compnny at tho .present time, la )fHH.;')7 ; and the as sets. a mated, f'iOl.O-M) 70. Of the debt 91,500is oft account of Hie new building just erected by the company in this "City. The increase of passenpef over the last vesr '(eleven monihi-J lias been lU4ir.:; increase of freight t tons, notwith standing the roes freight by partial failure of the ice crop. Tim directors of the Philadelphia; il m rig on and Baltimore railroad company have published their sixteenth annual re port. The receipts for the year show a Urge increase. ' Tliey mn mot to - '' 6G3,0n7 Bl ; 5i2,19 Kail Hiv expciiaos and interest to Leaving the nat eotninas at Surplus of previous year, . , 3-15,t 02 V 51,730 6 7 Iteaeipts sf the pwasUe Co., in - liiii, wore, - . !,.,.. , . -, CxMinro ibeMevresnle rond.end - w Kurvni jtlwcli t4cuii Ins reci'ipls . ' - by, , ; , f., - 831,1)54 ttHl03,465 23 i . , I... i . ..i. Rodocinf (lie turplutjo DiviUoiiJ aid :vv' v. H,5J1 6G $U0,I)1 t)9 ai.OOO OO Carried te renewal Itnid, Surplus after dividend renowalt ' : 80.1'Jl 3J The Newcustle road is leo-itd liy llic l'liil tdtUphia, WiluiingCiiii and BuUiinore rail way company at an auuual cot ol 7 V cent. on the capital. The aiiii'inl report of the lj istnn and Wor center railroud (or the yesr enduirr on tho lot of U i;rrnbi r last, ehowa the income to Iiuva bee.n m follows ; For pnscnjers -l,aja 05; Tor freights, ifaii.OOd 51 ; minis, &,., -3.4'0 yi. Total, iucmnu, Sd7,21!) 87. Ths lotnl working expenses Imve ben IJI.M.OJS VI, louvmg a net in ooine of . $l'dl,0'Jl 83, whiJli, ul'ier deduct' ing two btioi-nonuul uiviuunu ol V per cent, each, leave a bulmicq of lla,) eia for the reserve 1 income uocoiitit, D'tdiicluig ifW,075 for the depreciation of engines and ears, the lotnl reserve .inrome is 1.5,041 .")!. Tho uniHs receipts huve beon $1:28,400 4JI ,.... Im,i .... ami tlm aviliindim v..- ctl- .d Inst vear ly 4S,787 7o The fl laiingJand his f.mily, and setting bounds to tho dbl of tho couipmv i S niip-ov i$l6o.&ll 70. with a funded debt ol 12.),IRK). of which .-J5.000 is flonve r.iblo into stuck - at the pleaoro ol ths holders ; but there is an excrHt of niasnt over debit including 4,2,")0 shines of insura lilu sioek, cash tin hand, &e., of (il7.1,01 ij. The directors state thul tho earnings ol the yer. over tho current ex;!ndiluree, his been 9 V per cent. The siiuuil report of the troaKiirer and Hiiporiniendenl of ihe Lilile Mia.ui railroad tomiiaiiy presnnts iho following facte : . "By a recent iirrngoi)ieoia, the Liltl Miami railroad. 6 1 miles to Xoia, and I ha Columbus and X"inu railroad, fid miles from Xnnia to Cnliimbusi without having the cor porate and distinct existenco of each com pany Interfered their relations with their stockholders disturbed, will be united undxr Iho cimtrot of ono mperinlendence, and conduced hy one set of ogenls, as if in fact they wcrtf but one road, the disvision nf the prolits to euch being in relation of CO and :!$ " - ; ' . The Coliinihns and Xnia railroad wis opened in F.ibriciryi isr!), and was merely t branch of the Liitle Miami railroad, pay ing only a dividenl of 4 11U per cent.', until 'ho L'lke Sl.oie failrosd was opened i'i No vember, 19")'3. Rinco Jumniry, lS51,lhe entire rccoipte of the Columbus oud Xeuia company bine been $777,0 H, the net euro ings being 12J per cent, or f 151.081.'. The last yearti' n celpl from all four cut nf ilu I.inlo iMionil railroud, wero, e.fiSS ffi Columbus and Xenia ruilroaJ, ai4,'t.1l 56 Toial,-, ., .-. . .. 931,99i 84 : Bunt netrly a million of dollars gro.-s re. cnipts during nuo yesr, on a road only 118 inilet in length.-' i . The ineresssof receipts nn I lie previ- oils year by the Lulls Mi'iuii rail road, - ; (H0,812 U Ths iucrens of rumdptt on till pruvl- . t run year hy the Uulunioim and Ae ins rsilraotl, ... C0,C1 59 Total, S-'iM.rm oo . rassnnger transportation on the Little Misini railroud In lW : rbrough,- . 139,237 I Way, 152,138 Total, ' " ' 891.373 Pjsn?ef Irnniportolii'in on Iho Colinn hut and Xeuiu railroad in : Through, ' 1 10,202 1 Way, 33.510 . Totul, , : 175,742 B'ling an ine.reasn in one year on Lilile Miami, ol 7").0-JS, and on tho Coliinihus and Xenia, of 4.1,500 p-issongers. Ten years ago, but 0,4011 pusaed over llifl Little Miami railroad; now near tlOO.OOO have passed over ths asms road without ths loss of a sin gle life... .The total enst of ihe Little Miami ruilroad, ineliiding all its appurtentincas, sueh it real estate, depots, machinery, cars, &.C., l 3,100 7!l:l. The stock it owns in the Columbus mid Xunia railrond, is 10,"), 100, in the Cincinnati and IlilUborouli railroad, 11,717 dollars, in the Cincinnati and SandtiKky telegraph company, 1,200 dol lars, in tho steamer Crescent City and Quoen of the West, on Lake Erie, U2,0'.)0 dollnrs, and subscription made to the Sprinrneld, Mi. V6Tnn and Tiilsliurg railroad, 200,000 dollart, 150.0'JOi.f which is paid. ' Three passengers and six freight trains daily pass over the road from Cincinnati, by Columbus, the capital . or the Male, to Cleveland, 254 miles, there connecting with iho Northern Lake, the L'ikeNiore railroad and the railroad leading eastward from Dunkirk and Buffalo. The comparative income of tho Cheshire railroaa in October, Nevembor and Decem ber of the two past years, has been as fol lows, sho'vmg t gain of nearly 25 per rent: - , k ,. 1H52. . .. 1M3. October, - 27.917 24 ' 33.2110 58 November, (. . . 2i,CJl 49 32,500 62 Oeosinbert . . 81.700 39 v 26,507 20 Toial; ' - im vi 40 The Syracuse and Umghamplon railroad it nearly ready lor the ruila, the grading be imr comnlolo, except at the terminations. U will be continued to uwegn, with the six foot gntga, and form s great trunk line from Lake Ontario to New York and Philadelphia, by way nf the coal beds of Pennsylvania 1 lie Boston money maraei is easier, ino Courier Saturday says : . "There was a sudden lot op yesterday in the money niorket, which was as agreeable as it was unexpected. Demand loins were negotiated at lower rate than beretotore.and the landers' were more numerous than Ihe borrowers.. Some of the banks esme into ths sUsat to lend surplus muqev. Ths stock market, .however, responded, but faintly to this change,. although more nrmneia wastp parcmt than for some weeks part." Jdaiii The BufJslo'and Pittaburs;, and Buffalo end ;. (Allegheny Valley railroad compjiiiet have, jointly given notice "that tbe latter hsa j merged ia the Buffalo and Pittsburg compa "By. 4..- ' .t , . ' : 1- .V ; Tlio s'xlh annual repori f t!.e Cletclir.--aod Titlsburg railroad company has K-'u published. Tha reports shuws tho reci ipid tor the year, to have been doiin and 40 cents,' and the expenditures 100,40 i dollars and 68 cents; leaving fot not earn ings. 267.277 dol. andW els., ouiof whitii two semi-annual dividends of 6 percent.:; have been declared, amounting to Hm.U ,- doll. and US rents, and interest on i Ij t , , , :.-,-ivioii ji .j n .i. n.,. li ing a surplus W 8.4 dol; end 13 cW. -On , pruperty.and point cxukingly to If as, a the Beaver extension tbe amount expanded ( I rich Inheritance for their children.will wbis during the pant year ia estimated at 105, ?16 --j tja B different tone In lew .years if they do dollars and 47 els., whifb is mot. than ,,na. jj h& lheir The, wi .filld fourth of the whole estimated costs. i lie , . , .,. rail for this brtrtch bis been contacted for, of borne manufacture, an portion is now ready for delivery j Work oa the "Beavor cxteiiBiiwi baa also been done to lbs .amount or 50,023 rlol. and OH cts .' or a little more than cne finh of tho whole estimated cost The condilion of th? company is 'such, we quote from the report, 'at the present time, as ta enable it, with the amount of subscrip tion to its slock, applicable tn this purpose, to carry foaward the work of llio extension hereafter, wiihool resorting to exponsive rx pedienls ta an J eappomiblu state of the moiT y Market-" : - ; v " " The finalcial condition of the company stands as follows:'; - Ths nresm amonnt ofstock, is $ l;l79.ino 00 tun teJ dt)t, . . - . . w Balance of temporary loanB and otacf ; accounts, ' "' ' !53,f08 29 "t, Total. 'Ir, i r . i3t2T9,90.-29 Of the stock as ebovis ited. $2 13,000 were issnd st a Inan to tlio Tiiskarawns ex lension, mJliiiff the actual amount )f stock inmted in the mshie .l'uie; l,7Gl,0C0V " ' ': 1- t n t t i ' r i-- ' 7 - ; 'i;x:7uopjEii',ArrAiK.,' fy The .MUltnry Strength of: Francei ' The NeAlYork; Times, in the cour of ah article nn the proposed war in Euope, furnishes some inlurosting fscls irr relation io ihe military sfrength of France. ' A re cent report from the war department plates the number of men availublo for actuaj ser vice in France, in the evonl of a g-jnoral war at a million and a quartet for flit land service. At the same lime' we understand ihnl.70,000 men are ready, at a moment's no lice, for tho cair.p, part near Adrldnoplo, and the rest near the copiul of Turkey. It may he interesting utid instructive, at the pres ent moment, io recur to the number of troops pi t into movement by France in "great contact with combined Europe from 17D1 to ISI3. The signal of war was sounded by tho National Assembly after tho confiden tial interview between Loopold II., of Aut iria.snd Frederick William, of Prussia, at Pliilnilz, held "to unite in o concert of meas ures for obtaining the liberty of Ihe Kin'' oangeroos excels oi inerrcncn ivevn.u- linn." und afief Ihe oftVial declulion by Kau iiitz, on the 2Ht of December, 1701, that (hero was a general concert nf the Sover eigns of Europo "for the limintainnncc of public tranquility and tho stifely and honor of crowns." And this signal, echood by l wenly-five millions of the French Pa'inii, mss kept thundering over Europo for looro Ihnn twonty years. The total number of citizens enrolled in tho various French ar mies called into service during this period, will be seen from tho following authentic list: t,evi. sofHih Juns, 1701 ' - 130,000 " September, 1792 liKi.OOO !' 2lih Fobniarv. 1793 3H0.mi0 8,-cond levy In April, 1793 30,000 Requisition of Itiih Auii3t, 1 T!:J 1,500,000 Conscription of -HI Veiidciniuire, Vllth year ol the Iteputilic, l'ju.oou Conscriptions of 2Sih Ocrniinal, VHth ' ' ! year-., 150,000 " ' 21th Messidor. Vllth year- 110,000 " ' 2h l'lorenl, Xth year ."' X II til yonr-.-r DO.Ot'O Levy of 8ih Nivose, Xlllth year ftil.t'OO " 27ih NivoTO, XIIIili vear (iO.nOO " 24 VniKlemiiirie. XlVih year tUl.oOO " 1Mb December, ldo6 PO.ul.0 " , 7th April. 1U07, Wi.OOO ' " 4ih January, 1 80S 80,000 " JOlh Hrplemlier, 1S(8 H0,OH) " lith September, IS03 HO.oOO ' 11 January, 1W19 to,O-)0 " 23lb April, 1809-.... . 40,000 " 5th Oclober, 1309 ..... 36,000 " . l:)ih UJceinhor, 1809 VW.lKi'J " Thosnniedny 40.ts " , 1st f?eplcrebor, 1813 - 12.I.IHO " HlhJnnuary J813 .TAIHH) " . 3.1 April, 1813 180.0CO " Clth AiiBiist, 1813 30.000 " Pihoi October. 1813- 230,000 " 5ih or November, or all classos antoiior Io that of ISM 300,000 Total .'.. 4,5:G,000 This is a tremendous force to bo raised from a! population of hut twenty-fivo mil linns. The army of 1815, it is true, consist ed of recruits from 18 to 20 years of age, but this only affords additional evidence of the military spirit of the nation, France has now a population or over thirty-six million nf peoplo, and a military organigition which makes a soldier of every citizen. CnusHma Argument Aoainit the Pa cine Rail Road. The Philadclpeh Ijeilgcr recently brought to lights difficulty hither to unthought of, connected with, traveling, or any attempt to travel, by railroad, across the vast plains and mountains intervening between us and the Pacific Ocean. It is known that immense herds of BufTiilos range over the regions to be traversed by the pro jected road. The fact that tlleso tnlmuls are very short sighted both in physioal nnd Intellectual vision, and that when alarm ed or enraged t ley rush together with tre mendous force, and bear down all obstruc tion in thoir course, satisfies the Ledger that the idea of traveling safely through their domain by railroad cars would be a terrible mistake. Tho St. ,qm Herald takes off well the profound deductions of the Ledger and to show the caso with which a mob of exasperated buffalo bulls coulJ overturn a railway train and scatter it in a twinkling, he gives the following mathematical calcu lation:"' ' ' "A bull bufluto will weigh 1,000 pounds; and wil rush on a train at the rate of 15 feet second. Supposing a car to be fifty feet lung, and tho assault upon it to be made at right angles, about 15 bullalos would reach it at tho ssine instant. Fifteen bufTulos would weigh 15,000 pounds. Now as the momentum of a moving body la compounded of its weight and velocity multiplied togeth er, 10,000 pounds of buuulo beef coming down at the rate of 15 feet a second would bring on the Oar at the moment of collision, more than 465,000 pounds. As ths car would weigh probably not more than 0,000 peundt, here would be four h.mdred and six ty-fivo thousand pounds aeainstsix thousand; giving odds against the car of more" than eeventy teven ' times and a half. ' This Is truly fearful. Who need be told that a ear could live in such a ttorm as thief What imagination is to dull that it cannot tee tho terrifio visions of broken heads, and fractur ed limbt and bleeding bodietjtho moan, the groan, iite aereara the shriek; the woful spectacle of men nset ailro'ervv snd of men whomturgery will leave 'malmeij mmbers of the Commonwealth durinff tho wretched . . r . i .. i ... remiiini oi ineir oaytl ' ' ' ' This Buffalo bull objection now settles tbe matter., OppotlUon from these head-strong creatures wonld beitill more ogfy lb in Erie riot. : i . ' ' ''X ' I0CAL INTELLIGENCE. ! J)uld More Ilettses. The present demand : f. r tonemeuta cannot be supplied;, end we k ira that several citiiens of our p ity hive ' I . . n applied to.from abroad, for houses. . i Towns and cities, like individuals, can J never sUnd stiH. They must either d jvanceorretrogtade. Our city is as jarge as it will ever be under present circumstsB cm. Those of her citiiens who possess iescrleu nouses no one to rruv m i. and po one to live io them. They posses. the power to prevent this if they will. They ... - i i. ii .1. can erect new cunnings anu eaiauusu meny kinds of manufacturing to keep their population together, and add more besides. It would be better for property holders to put their heads and capital together and bt ild sy one hundred new dwelling hous es, and in this way bold out inducements to people from abroad. We lire in the imme diate vicinity of building' material, which can be procured to greater advantage man in any other city in the Slate. ' , There is no county in the State which bounds with more cxhauslless riches, to r as the gifts of nature is concerned,' than tie county of Fairfieldv Our land presents ejery. variety of soil, and .the Agricultural exhibit nt our county Fair test fall, is proof 0Bi!lu6lvr,ihnt It is inferior'lo irons nibsf 1ny lbs State, -, Evf n our high lands and hill sides, aire moat astonishingly productive tn the growth of corn, Oats, wheat and tobacco, and nearly In all cases where the sjll is con sidered too thin for these, the lands are still capable of being made profitably' for pasture particularly for the growth of sheep,whichl if rightly managed, might be made a very profitable business iu this section of the State.' .' " . ,.-'''' Wo have been induced to allud'u to the Agricultural resources of the county, be cause wo wish to call the attenthn of per sons desiring to make investments iir reul property to this section of country, and be. cause we think the intereeta'of tbe country ana city are so Intimately connected that the one should not bo spoken of wiihoutsome allusion to the advantages of the other. V must confess, howoverhat the country far outstrips the city in point of Improve ments; but we trust the time has come when our geod citizens will see the absolute ne cessity of kepping up with the goaheadltive nets of the times, and not let our population lag behind for want of the propsr buildings necessary to accointnctlute a rapidly grow ing city. Therefore, iu view of these and many other considerations, which might be mentioned in connection with this subject, we would say to all persons, of either Urge or small capital, who ore in pursuit of an clligible situation for an investment, -to make it now in our midst. To strangers we would eay.como to our beautiful city 'and examine for yourselves, beforcyou purhaiie elsswliere, and we are willing to stake our judgment upon the fact, that all who do to will not have occasion to regret the' loss of time or money In making Iho trip. More onon. . Valentine's J) ij. This ancient anniver sary has again occurred, and for the past two or three days the post-office 1ms been "fit. ling up" with "Live rqismsj" of various patterns and . shapes, from the tasty and beautilul to tho Course and vulgar. It is a day formerly held in high esteem by tho youth of both sexes, and if we are io juJije from the crowd of "little folks" who con stantly besiege tho post office, is still tho great "galla day" of tho season. Jinny p lad and lags will fin! pleasure in the re ceipt of a dolicato testimonial "by post,' nnd many ngainmay be offended or displeas ed by having "placed lu their way sum ugly charlcature, the sending of which will only indicate the lack of a refilled sentiment, and incapacity for appreciating the sanc tities which aro supposed to cluster round so venerable a mode of expressing in purity nnd truth the early afTectioiis. The custom, w hen not perverted is harmless, and Is more over, productive of considerable amuse ment to young folks, who wait with anxiety the day on which thay may luvo &ti oppor tunity of counting their be treas ured hereafter as tosmentos of the .joyous day t of youth. . The number sent through- the pott office to-day in this city it much larger than any preceding year, end amounts to upwards of two thousand.. Alh ms. -Circumstances seem to warrant the inference, that tho nrliclo, In tbe last Athont "Messenger," on the subject of th Valley Road, defined the position of Athens, in regard to that enterprise. ' ; ' ' The very exceptionable manner of that article secures it entire impunity. It can provoke, in this quarter neither feeling nor retort. ' - What effect the"postt!ofi; which Athens has unexpectedly assumed,, may have in averting a result shs sems to apprehend, it it revelation reserved for the future, ' local Valentine, We are very much. In debted to seme unknown friend for" the fol lowing railroad information: N - . "The Locomotive is in the station house of a Sundays. "--Val. A "Local tern." The fallowing,- from the Liberty, Indiana, Herald, is original and unique in the way of a local Item': v "Nothlnjr worthy of aapocia! note hat transpired during the week ' past in this world-renowned, rickety-rackety, God-forsaken owl-roost of a town." . DIF.O, . In this city on tho Cth iust., after a linger ing illness VVii.iiAaj L.TnouT.ofthe late firm of Robinson & Trout, aged 1 Twent-eigbt years three months and twenty -seven days He leavos young widow to whom he had been united bu a few months., lie. was a young man much respected by Ills acquain tances &, we also learn that he was a mem ber of the Presbyterian church', and that his last end was peaceful) happy and triumph ant Covi i ' v. ' On the i2lh inst., Mifa Elisabeth Ever sou, daughter of Mr. David & Elisabeth Erfrsole, agod 18 years; She had remem bered her Creator In the dnys'ofher youth llred piously, and her end was, peace. She leaves larffl cirale of friends -t6 mourn her early departure-- 4 ''- . Voluntary. Testimony From tn old (nttaoea. who aeakl of Dr. S. A.W. ver't MotUi'lnmi frnio experience, after hsvinx btdoA i ui oreiuuoa titer nuny yers itimtiii. Tacsto, Mass . March SO, 1363. To Dr. We- Var.New London, Conn This ia to certify that I, the undsnlghod, have beon afflicted rjstra or l.-as with lore lega for thres yura or mire,, not deep, but pa the surface, sod discharged a thln.'wstory substance. I W triad many kinds of modiclne and received all kinds of prsacrip joni, which were ofTerod as well from Qu&ckopkthy and Allcopathy as Homoepathy. and all to little or so purpose. About this time 1 i w a certifies! e in a newspaper, ilgnod by tha Hon Joel Loomli, of East Lyme, CI., setting forth his esse, snd the benefit! ho had received from your ay rap; but I Tns .atill Incrcduloui, until I wrote him a letter making the neeeaaanr Inquiries, and when I received bis anawer, which appeared to bo ao can. did, and he detailed hii csso, (which vrns a bad ono) o minutely, and idvlaed me to try it, that my con fidunc became pretty strong. , 1 ImjuadinUly obtain ed of your agent in Taunton, Mr. 8. 0. Duabar, a bot tlaof your syrum, and box of cerate, and went to work according to diroctions, and ht about a fortnight I perceived a coniideruble Improvemant Tliii was the first of last October, and in January they were all heated up smooth and sound, and remain ao still. And now as It respects my csso, it would be very difficult for me to name the sum of money to mako me wilting to bs placod back again aalwaalast Oc tober, and I would advise all who are afflicted with tha like disease, to obtain immediately soma of Dr. Weaver's syrup, snd go to work with it. You may not receive so much bene It from It as I have, but it will do you no harm if it dona you do good Tha world is full of what la cs'lod quack medicine, and quackery, but aftar all, there is some of your ao call ed quack medicine that ia a sovereign remedy lor some oisftases, ana ine nest way io know is to try and soa for yourself. Necessity compels a man so i o-flmes-to.tbrow i.ll his- prejudices to the wind and tat.-y modt-iili which hs has heratoloro duspi-md and ... ! : ' : . .. i i . . .. i : . : . .. 1 . nuicuiaa, sun siw wiic.wt inu itf nrvM,ivun Ws hand on kua mouth, and Us mouth Hj .noJioiaai, aaily porforiai; euros of the most id liie Siimi --Mjiat7t verm. -4 ' iVf. ui.j-. i. -r.vs i: lliie Siimi -At xa K 71 vwfi. lours K.petiuHy, . br. 1 11 rKr.suKH-r. -N.B. I sotmoaa to Btifmatiza tho above aamod medicine, aa I uaJei "tand thai Dr. Weaver is a regu lar bred Physician of the old school. I. N. Harris & Co.. Cincinusti. ronsral aeonts foi the South and Wast, Sold ia Lancaster, wholesale and retsil by Kautfman St Coandby druegiatKzmierally . ... - ivl n imr.A - PnoCLAIWATION. TO THE INVALIDS OK LANCASTER. 01,000 RKWAHD! - FULYEttMACIIER'S HYDROELECTRIC VOLTAIC CHAINS. ARE fur the first time introduced to Ihe peo ple nf Lancaster and vicinity, ns the most core'.(, effectual, uud strictly scientific mode of iustuutly relieving nnd porm menlly curing all KKttVOUS U1SKASK3. Now we kn iw hu. announcement to the u'love meets the eye of tho render nlinst iliiily, ami perlmps this nriy be clusied with iniiiiy iitliei's, But listen or you dn us injiKtice. it is claimed lint I'olvenimcher's Elrctric Chuin,is Ilia only m iftnelie remedy Ih it is secu -ed by pntent, granted by tins voveinmeut, ou His grounl Hint it was a strictly ".infill und scientific ariiclu. The Cbiius are now an exhibiti in al the Ccystjll'iihice and ultriict much uttention IVoin the tlnius:inds who daily visit it. , . MODE OF USE. The maim-rof using the chiiins is very simple. Tlie ch in is tirat moittenei with common vinegar und thaii one eud of the clmin is nppliedgJn the part where Ihe puiu ia Incstoii. nnd the other end oppoiile to tin first The ends iif the chain sh inlil imvor touch encli nlber.. Atllie in niiit ol iijip'i c.itiin. I lie in sl acute pain is insfan'ty relieved, wherever it is locuteil, by tbe pulsing tlin.u ;li tha pari a cnustunt current nf u lintemijited dec tro iiMgnetisui. In the folluwiug flineiiaea, no other remedy has over given suoh coniilute und perfect aiiiislnctinn to llie patient as 1'u' veriii;i. cher's Electiic Chiiins: Itluum itinn. i'oinful uud swellc.l JoiiiU, I'.iios in the Hick. 1) juliiiws, Uliiiduess. I'.irulysi. Neu -nlyia in Face, Lung standing Nervous lieu Indie, I'ulpit.itioii nf the llourl, General U ability, P;aiep8i, l'oinile Discuses, Asthinn. ConH'.icte(l Joints, &c. 180(1 DOLLARS w II beghren to any person wlm will produce so inuuy well auihent'cuted rertilicules oicure from intelligent patients and scientific physijhins, nf llieubive iliseanes as has been performed by the useuf the Electric Clmin during the p int yejr. ANOTHER FACT. . It is truly Ihe I.Kit Hut wlurever lite Electric Chains have been inlrmliiceJ, bottle. 1 nostra ns snd coiniu in Ijrd hare irrcnllv diiiiiui.iheil in s i'u. people having become diapiM.-tl willi iho pr'ic: tico of uiiug lheir stum icba for ilriigshuis-RKCO.I.Vli:.NDTIONS.-The Klecliio Chains are highly reciin'iien led iy rrol'es irs Mott, Van Huron i'.ist uud Curno cli in. nl Now Y o k; uru 'm in daily me in evory llosnilal in lliat city. The chillis will last I'm' years ore ul ways rejdy lr use, nuil prodircj no iiijui'luui resiitis, wneu mcil n (HrectuJ' FEMALE DISEArES. Ihe liilMductiini ol tlm Elcctim i Imiii into lliiscoU'llry is the dawn ol a new era iu moiliciiie. During the lust twenty yeuis. it c.iu safely lie estimated that ten thomnni leina'cs bavo die J yearly from tins one disease. PROLAI'SOS JJTKUr.' It Is well known to medical men that this cum mon diseusis beyond the reach nf ins.liciiie.nud that in proportion tn Ihe Hoioivit of ineiliciiici giv en, the more the piitieul is doomed to sailor, uud soouor will death close the scene. During the Inst two years more than one thou tand cases of Vrolaptnt Uteri (filling of the womb) have bneu p'.rmaneutly cured iu tviglaud nnd France. . Mist of those cases were ladies nf high st:. oiling, who had tried ul! other kinds of treatment with no beui flt. Among the distinguished tallies llmt h ive been cured l.i Paris is llie present Qmen of Frnnee. In this country during the last year one hundred cases Imve boon cured in the city of New York, many who have allowed tueir names tn lie ulilieil lor the lion elil nl tlnse snlfj:iag with similir complaints 1 ne nioiie ol use is Minply to npply our end n u link chain to the spine just ub ve tlm hipa.nnd the oilier nJ uii ui the nb luiiii-n. uud allow llie ehiiin to remain for one hour. Tiiis to bn repeat ed lour limes during the twenty-four llou-'S. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. ' The Electric Chains never fail to relieve the eeeere pain and swelling Incident tn Ihis iliseme. Ths worst forms nf this disease readily yield to a few Bpnlien'i'Jiis nf a clmin. nnd in no ainuli inslsnce have tliey failed tn give insttnl rivliel', if tlisy did not ettect a permanent cure. All pe.'snus who are victims nf this usual wintor cnmplainl, ure kindlv invited In cull and nliluin a pamphlet nf M Z KREIOER, agent, wlm Will also explain their mo le nl me. " The Electric-Cli una can he Sent by tnil to any port of the United States, by ad.lreasina (post p;iiJ) any of tha stents iu the prinnip'il 'cities, nr Jotoph Steiuer, fir8 Hroad way, New York, CaRD TO LADIES , XaiTios who ure eneienl ere rerjUMlei! not to wear Idem eiy for n few minutes ut ouch appli cntioii, for hy long o niliiunl no . isearrl ig-t is frcqtieiilly proilneeil. M Z. KREIDER, Agent for Lnnrasler iiml viriuity. JOSEI'll 8TEI.NEH, Feb. 9, 3 j j. Ojii. Aent,.r)fia Brosdwuy.N.Y. Jot tor thb cut the following from ths ' Philadelphia Saturday Gazotte," and recom. mend onr readers to peruse It carefully, and those auTerlng should not delay purchasing: "Dn. IIoortAKD's Cibjks Bittkhs: This eel ebrated medicine, prepared by Dr. C M. Jackson at ths Imposing German, Medicine Store, No. 12, Ahoh street, la exciting unprecedented public atten tlon, and the proprietor, who ia a scientific physi. clan, is selling Immense quantities of it. The virtues of this romedy are ao fully aet forth in ths extended noticoof it, to he seen in our advertising- columns. that there is hardly any room loft for us to speak of it. This much we may add Of the long train of physical ills to which humanit v is heir th nr. 1. nnnn more distressing than the general derangement of th ; . .... ...Lr.u - en. ..... -.3.. .... n pip,BiuB, which never isiia id accom- panya disordered state of the liver. Headache, piles, languor, fretlulnass, a bilious tongue, a morbid breath, loss of anostite in short, an indescribable wretchedness ot existence, are its insufferable and life-waatinz attendants. These disnains. which have baffled the skill of the ablest Doctors, have bean radically cured by Hooflaad'a German Bitters,". .' 5 Estate of Stephen VVhltonell. , . IHO the creditors of Steohon Whltesell. deceased I On the 29th davof November A. D.1H53. the Probate court for Fairfield county, Ohio, declared the Estate of Stenhen Whltanell. deceased, to be proba ble Insolvent. Creditors are therefore required to present their clairaa against the Kstats to the under signed, within six months from the time above men tioned, or they will not he on Jtled to payment. For convenience, creditors can preaent their claims at the office el' J.D. ft C. I). Martin, Lancaster, Ohio. This 1st day of December,. 1. 18o3. .. ... : SAMUEL YVORR ALL. Adm'ter Of flu' Ettat of Stephen rhiteell,4eceaed XrVEB OOMPIAINT. VMep)la,jMdice, Chronic or h'trvout DtlilUy , . Diicass r th h'vlneyt, VfiV' diseases arising from a disordered Liver orrUomach; suchasconnimption inward pil, fuiin.. ol Llood io the head, acidity ol the atomaeh. nau.ra, heart-burn, di-gust lor food, f',nf' weiirW in ths atomach, sour eructations, elnUnr or fliitlerins at tho pit of the stomach, swimming ol the hoad, hurried anl dil!ieult breathing nurtoring at ths hwrt,chokingor auffocation acmationi when In a lyint postiiro, dimness of vision, dots or wobs beiore tbe sUjht, tevor and dull pain in the hoad, deficiency of jwrspiretbjn, yellowness of tbe skin and eyes pain iu ths side, baok.chost, limbs.etc, sudden ttusn s of heat, burning in the flash, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spirits. CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CCKF.D BY DR. HOOPI.AND'5 CELEBHATKD GERMAN BITTERS, rairtaiairoa o. jacksor, VT Til E (i Kit MAN M KDICIN E STORE No. 110 Anon sriiCEr, PHij-aDBLniiA. Their power over tha above diseases is not excel led, if equalled, by any .otbat preparation in the uuuea niHLB- , ina euros atiost, in many cases ai tor skilful physklans had failed. " ' These Dittera are worth v the ttnnlinn nf inralids. Possossing great virtues in tho rectification of dia o.ises of the LivoranJ lessor glands, exorcising the most searching powers in weakness and affection' oi tuo digestive orgaos, tliey are, w'thal, safe, cer tain and p'easant HEAD AND BE CONVINCED. ' -F. KcatBi.aiEiR, Jewolcr, Wooster. Ohio, T)eo; 2d 1851, Slid; "I embrace this opportunity of informing you of the great benefit I have derived from the use ol Dr. Hoolunl's Gorman Kilters. I have used thorn for chills and fevsr, and diaordored stomach, and lound relief in overy case. They are the best reme dy lor disordered stoinich, I think, in existence." P. Folfv, Blontnfield, Ohio, October 7, 1S57, said: "With feelings of gratitude I take my pen to inform you of tha Incalculable beaolit I have dorived from ths use of Iloofland'a Gorman Hitlers I liave used than for the Liver complaint, and take pleasure In recomausnuinitham to tho public aa the safest and best lemody in use.'1 . The Kdilorofthe Wooster JVmocro'.May 0.1852. aaid: "lloolUnd's Carman liittera This invaluable markable character. We do not speak of this medi fine wtthont a knowledge of its ellicacv, aa we have triod it In our family, and find it to be the only thing needed in llver.complaint or dyspepsia. Dim: a & Clauke, Cambridge, Ohio, Nov. 17,1R53, said: "By those porsons who havo used vour Iloof land'a German Hitters, they re considered anlnval uableremedy for dyspepsia." O-You should bear in mind that these Dittera are bhtih-KLv VKQBTAB1.K. thereby possessing advant ages over most of tho preparations recommended for similar diseases. For sale by KaufTman & Co., Lancaster, E. Kalb, Kushville; R. B Walker, West fiu.hville; Porter & Wcirsten, Lytbopolis, and by dealers ir medicine everywhere. Dec. 17, 1H53 ly OARTER'S rPAITXSHEriSTUIlE The Great 1'urificr of th Blood! NOT A PARTICLE OK MERCURY IN IT. AN IwrALMBLE Remedy for scrofula.Klng's evil, rhoumatism, obstinate outancous e-uptions, pirn plea or pustules, on tho face, blotches, boils, chronic sore eyes, ring worm or tetler, scald-hoad. enlarge ment and pain of the bones and joints, stubborn ul cers, syphilitic disorders, lumbago sptnnl complaints, and all dUoasea arising Iron) an injudicious use of mercury, Imprudence in uie.or impurity ol tne mood. This valuable medicine, which has bacoma cele brated for the numbar of extraordinary cures effected through it agency, has induced the the urgent request ol their frienda, to olfjr it to the pub lic, w uicn meyno wiin ineu moat eouuuence in ua virtues and wonderful curative properties. The fol lowing ciirtificates, selected froiua large number .are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; and are all from gentlemen well known in thoir lncalitlos, and ot me lug nest respecta bility, many of them now residing in the city of mciiinoau, tiiein:. F. Bovdon. Eja..o' fheExchsngi Ifotel.Richmond.- known every where, soys he has aeon the modicine called oastkh's Spanish mixture administered in over a hundred cases, ia nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishing ly good rosulls. I lo says it is ino most extraordina ry medicine hs has over seen. Aoub Ann FnVEa-Ureoi cure I hereby certify, that for three yeara I had Ague and Fever ol the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took quantities of Quinine, mercury, and I believe all without any permanent relief. Atlaatltried Car tel's Spanish Mixter, two bottles of which effectual ly cured ma, and I ann happy to say 1 have had nei ther chills or fever sine. I consider it the best tonic in the world, and iho ouly melicine that ever reach ed my case.- JOHN LONUDEN. liaaver Dam, near Richmond, Virgiuia. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in tho city ol Richmond, an 1 (frmany yoara in tha Post Oflice. has auch con fidence in the astonishing ehVacy of carters's span 181 MiittBr.thit ho his bought upwards of 60 bottles, which be his niven away to the afflicted. Mr.Luck says ho has nover known it to , fill whtn taken ac cording to diroctions. Ir. Minua. a practising Physician, and formorly of tho city hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnwsodin a numbor of initancos the otl'octs of carter's spau'sh M x ure which wem most truly aar. prlmi;. lie says in a case of consumption, deoen dent on the livor, the good effjeta were wonderful indeol. ' . . . . Bimnel M. Drin'ior, of the firm ofDiinlier & Mor ris, ichmond, was cured of liver comfilaintof eight years standing, by tha use of two bottles of carter's Spanish Mixture. ' . ' Ureot cure of Sfrofuta.1Vi9 Editors ol the Rich mond Republican? had a servant emploved in their prasa room, cured of violent aerofu'a, combined with rneumatistn, wmen entirely uisaniou mm irora wors. Twa bottlos of carter's Bpanish Mixture mado a per iod cure ol hnn.tho Kuitora, in a pnunc nonce, ay thovJ 'cher;ully recommend it to all who are alllict with any diaiaso of tho blood." Mill another Car ortrrofnla. had a valuable boy cured of scrofula by carter's Spanish Mixture - I consider it a va ua'.de mndicino. James M. Taylor, conductor on theR. F.&P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Vir ginia ! ' Thnmn.mi r.iilinu in the city of Richmond, was cur ed 0 tliroo bnltlos of carter's spsnish Mixture, of salt rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and wh'ch all the nhvsi. ians of tho citv could nit cure. Mr. Thnrnpjon is a w.i'l known merchant in the city of tiienmonu, Virginia, ano ms cure is mu, rciuaj-iauin. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, Va had a servsnt cutnJ of Svphilis, in the , wont lurm, by car er's spinlsh Mixter. Richard K. West, of Richmond, was cured of scro fula, and what thvsieians callod confirmed consump tion, by three bottles of cartor's Spanish Mixturo. Edwin Burton, commissioner of the Revonne.says he has seen ths good atferts of carter's Spanish Mix ture in a number of syphilitic cases, and says it ir a porfeet cure of that horrible diseaao. . Wm O. Harwood.of Richmond, Va., curod of old soros and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a fjw bottlos ol carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanontlv cured. . ' , Principal Depots at M. Ward. Close k CO.. ISO 83 Maiden Lane, Now York. T. W. llyott ft Bona, No. 13a North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett and Beers, No 125 Main street, Richmond. Virginia. And fnrasleby KanlTman Sco., Lancaster; E.Kalb, Rushvillu; R. U. Walker, West Kushville; I'ortor & Weiratoiu, Lythopolis, and Dealers in Medicine evo rywhero. Dec. 17.1S63- ly AMnnicAN Hair Restorative. Wo rarely no tice edituvallv any of the patent or copyright claim ants for public favor, but with pleaure depait from, oui usual rule to sp -al of the article named abovo. .... it . l ... ..-. j -II l. ruuiiy ouiieve. inai 11 nona ail it. uiacuvuivi claims for it restores hair to heads considered hope lessly ba'd. Several gentlemen of our acquaintance. in tuts 'iy .in uaiiii mu ...iwij B'w timony aato-its olhcacv. -The Pittsburgh, Gazotte sayaofit. L'levela:ul llcrald. . AMKRICAS 11AIH ItESTOIlATIVal VB. BALDNESS. One of the most important mmlern discoveries, and one that has won considerable reputation and has a collection of evidmre in its favor hitherto not acquit ed by any other article for the samo purpoae, natno- IV, tne restoring ol nairon Dam neas is me pre paration heading this notice. . The i lea ol producing a copy of new hair on heads that hare been bald for years, has, we are well aware, been often attempt ed, but wo do not know of any, unless afow isolated cases, whore success has attended a remedy foTthat purpoios. Tho Amarlcan HairRestorative.iindoubt aitlv. has a list of in its favor; among them clear and distinct baldnesa, of years' standing.iertiusd to by persona wnocoriainiy wouia not allow their names to be used In that connection unless thsre was a reality in it. The Restorative la worthy of the attention of those who sre bald.and also of those who aro becoming so, aa we are assured that it will fasten the hair and prevent It falling otf, and we cannot doubt from the eredence In its tavor. that it will ra lore hair on bsld heads in a majority of casos. 1 ne individuals reierrea io in an auveruse- mint In another nart of this naeor. are persons who would not lend their names to any thingof this kind, unless it were deserving It. We refer tor further particulars to tbe advertisement. Caktch's SrAMisii MtxTunc atanda pre-eminent above all others.- Its singularly efficacious action on the blood; its strengthening and vivifying quail ties; Its tonio action oa the liver; its thendeney to drive all humors to the surface, thereby cleansing tha system according to Nature's own preset iptiop; its harmless, and at tha same time extraordinary good effects, and the number of cures testified to by many of ths most respectable citizens of Richmond Virginia, ft elsewhere, must bs conclusive evidence that there Is no humbug about It. The trial of a single bottle will satisfy the most scentieal hf its benefits. - -! ' - l ' . V See advertisement in another column. . A FINE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELS. -TV V the latest publications, for sale at the city book Vatore.oppoaite Shtefler's hotel, by -;AprH9. .' . JOHN 6SARLE3. PIANOS. IN ADDITION TO A LARGE STOCK ALREADY on hand. I am this dsy In receipt am' openinc thai following style of 11 AMOS, for sale at Maculae; turer't ericea, ranging from $200 to H0O. )yarraiU ta for Jtv SiMt. .. . S seven octave Louis ai v.ricniy carvea; 3 seven octave, carved top moulding; , - 1 seven octave, plain, round corners; f r. 1 seven octsve, Alolian attachment; 3 aix octave, round corners; S six octave, found corners, top moulding. 3 six octave, hall rou nd corners; 3 six octave, square cornera; 4 seven octave, richly carved bcudcir; 1 acres octave plain boudoir; - 4 RJ octsve, carved boudoir; 5 ti octave, plain boudoir. . A. REKL). lloston Piano Hooms, Columbus, Ohio. Aucust 4, 1163. SECOND HAND PIANOS. One Seven Octavtt Rosewood Piano Forte, nearly new; One 6 octave, nnaewood Case; ' Ono Coctavo.Mahogauy case. For sals vers; cheap. Columbus, July 29. . . . A. KKE1). ODD FELLOWS' FESTIVAL. THE Undorslgned Committee from the several Lodges and Encampments of the City of Zanes- ville, respectfully announce to the Members ef the Ordor, snd Citizens generally, that thore will be ai u-ruTia veiewonon,, in nonor oi tlie meeting ol tne Grand Iidiro of Ohio in this Citv.on Fridau. IhrliLh. day of February, 1854 There will bs a procession ana uratinn tn Ihe slternoon, and in the evenings BAtsQUETatthe ODD FELLOWS' HALL, to which the citizens are respectfully invited. Neighboring Lodges and. Knearapments axe roque .ted to attend ill full regalia. . JAMKS DARLIKGTON.l - ELIJAH CHURCH, i vuuiii mlttee of Muskingum " TIlOMAS GRIFFITH. V Lodgo, No. 88. JOSF.PH CROSBY- . ' K. W COX t-or,1,nitteo of Moxahala THOMAS DURBAN, S ' "- I4 A. C. ROSS, ; , Committee of Pataakala. W .11. HHAFFER. Kncsmpment. No. fni?V; v.SA"' i C0""""" f W.lhonding i0im "AZLETT, J Kncampment, No 66. Jan 27. 1854 Courier. v , Estate ofPliiltp Embich. YTOTIC heroby giving, that I have this day. 11 been duly appointed Administrator of the Ks tate of Piiit ii-JCmbiob, deceased, late of Fairfield county, Ohio All persons haying claims against said Lstate, will present them legally authenticated; according l law. within ono yearand person know ing themselves indebted are requested to make im mediate payment. SAMUEL UKERY. Adm'tor. Lancaster, Jan. 13, 1S54. lw36. ' " ' ' SAAV-I.OGS WANTED. THE Undersigned will pay the highest prices fcr ' all the Saw-Logs he can get delivered at his yard in Laneaster.or on thecanal at acme convenient place. He exports to hare his Mill in running order in July next, when ho wi l saw for cash or on chares. For fui flier particulars enquire ef the undersigned. Lancaster, Feb. 7, lb4 3a J. S. SNYDER. Bj-Eagle snd Telegarph copy. For Sale or Rent. THE aubscrlber will aW or rent his valuable prop erty in Greenfield township.. Fairfield county, 0. consisting of a NEW SAW MILL of the most im. proved and scientific plsn, with a Grist Mill' and other machinery for making broom handles, plaster' ing lath, fencing boards, snd many other articles of treat value-. Also, two good Dwelling Houses and tabling, suitable for convenience y 100 fruit trees of a1! kinds in good bearing order, with oleven acres of land, all in first rato order. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber living en the premises, 9 miles south of Carroll. Aug. 24, 1863. , JONH S. SNYDER. Valuable Property for Sale. THE subscriber will scll.uponjreasonsblo tern a, his property in Oakland, twelve miles aotith 1 1 Lancaster. on the Zanosvillo&Mavarille Turnpike. The property consists of a good Dwelling House andanewStoro House with Ware-Rooms attached. Also his Steam 8aw-Mill, situats on the sdjoinii.g lota. The property ia in excellont. repair and in a healthy section of country. Any person wishing to engage in busines in a sma ll place, will do well to call and examine my propertT. Odaand.Nov. 10, 1833. GEO. F. HAMLIN. Felloes, Spokes nnd Hubs. WE have now oa hand and which by arrange ment with the manufacturers we ca", offer at their bill of prices with freiihts addod. ,IA I'll jv.vs .viva r Diiuea- ' 150 " Spokes' - 100 . Iltthe . . ; 60 " Shafts . W0 ' linugv Bows ''" ' EFFISOER. WHITE LATTA. Lancaster, October V? 1853. . 25 ' To the Public. - IT' OR Eighteen years past we have transacted thet mercantile business in the city of I.ancsstor, and have never had a general settlement with those who have dealt with ua. But our circumstances are such at prose as to require aid from those whom we have often assisted in days gone by.. Please call and settle your notes and secounta at our and thereby save hard thoughts, and still continue the smiles and the friendship heretofore extended to vou. Lancaster. Jan. 26, loot REBER & KUTZ. Assignee Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Christian M. Beory and Thomas Kidwell, as pardnnra underthe firm of Beery and KitlweD, did on tho 5th day of January 1854 mike assignment tn the undersigned, of all their property and effects, in trust, for the benefit of thoii creditors. Persona knowing themselves indebted, either by book account or otherwise, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned , Jan. 7, 1854. . . . J. R MDMADOH. Kagle and Ta'ecraph copy and charge this office. " ASSIttNUI-J NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that Christian M. Bee ry and JohnJenkint, forthemselves,and Christ ian M. Beery end John Jenkina as partners tinder the firm of Beery & Jenkins, did on the 30th dsv of De cember, 163, make assignments to the undersigned of all their property Real and Personal, intrust, for the benefit of their creditors generally. Fersons know ing themselves indebted to Christian M. Beery, or John Jenkins, or lleery ft Jenkins, will call at' my Ottice in Foster's Building and make payment. .Lancaster, Dec. 31, 1H53. . , I. R.MUMAUGH. tr7Eigle ft Telegraph copy and charge thia ol!ico " NOTICE " IS hereby given that Ilenrv, Beery James McFad den and his wile Mary McVadden, the proaenitors: and owners of the several lota contained within tho seat and ad .it ion to the town of Sugar grove, known as Boory's addition to said town, have filed their pe titon in tha clerk's office efthe court ef common Pleas, of Fairfield county, Ohio, praying the vacation of the platand addition aforesaid and that application will be mule at the noxt term of said court for such) vacation. HUNTER ft FINCK, Attorneys for Petitioned . August lOtth, 1853. ,. , .... Instate of Henry Holland. rtJOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has L bon aobointod and Qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Henry Holland, deceased, late of Fair field county, Ohio. - UOllKRT McBROOM, A dm-. Jan au. t 04 wso ,. , .- v. ' Estate of Henry -lloninger. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified aa Executor on the Kstateof Henry Moninger, late of Amanda township Fairfield county, Ohio, deceased. - Jan.JW, loos 4woa . . lllKAfll MO.NliNUli.lC "Administrator's Notice; NOTICE is hereby given that I have this day been appointed administrator on (he estate ol William Dare, late of Fairfield county, deceased. jj. .7,1854--ao. . . .. Thos. M. W11.SOH. ' . Attachment Notice.. 1 - - j T my instanoo, an attachment waa this- day issu ed by Jacob Embich, a Justice of the Peace of Hocking township, Fairfield county .Ohio, against '.he property, credits,- moneys and enacts of l lomii R. Sill, a non resident of said county ol Fairfield Jan. 23. 1854 4w3ti CHARLES D. HERRINO Partition Notice. To Tsaae Henna, Cristna Wlldermuth, Nathaniel Ha vens, Iaaac B. Havens, Martha More anl Joseph Havens. ... YOU will take notice, that iths understated, on the JOthday of January, A, D 1864, filed a Pe tition in the court of common Pleas- ot Fairfield county, Ohio, wheie the same is now peading, de manding partition of the following premises aituate in aaid county of Fairfield. nd known and distin guished by being Lot number Thirty-Four (34) in the Town of iiavensport. r . , :.. . i . - Tho undersigned, demands that partition be msde of said premises as follows: Tr the- undersigned - Catharine Shorrh and to. Nathaniel Havens, Isaso B. Jlavens, Martha More and Joseph Havens, each ene-tamth: ta Isaai Hanna one-hall: and to t.Tiatna Wtldermuth dower in an undivided, half of said pre- ".At the next term mf said court, an application wllL -be made hy the undersigned, for an order that parti tion may be made, tie , of said preirises. , . WILLIAM SHORRH -CATHARINE 8H0RRH- ' By J. D. ft C. D. MARTIN, their Attornies, January 11,1 364.wS6pf3iia . - 1 V -v 1 Si" r