mmmmmmmmmmmm ADE IgHT THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER A' w TUESDAY 8EPTEMDER 27, H0 $' k ! k M to . ,. l I'fV r . F' SHORT LOCALS Eggs 2C, butter 34c. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. A. Kollcy spent the dny In Mansflcld. Latest styles In Indies linnd bags nt fiOc and up at Woolson's. Mr. William Wondorly of Lancaster was In the city today on business. Mr. Robert M. Greer left this after noon for Cincinnati, O., on business. Hindoo and Tower turbhns on'dls Jilay nt McIIale's millinery opening Friday, Sept. 30th. Mr. B. N. Graham of Milwaukee Is spending several days in Mt. Vernon the guest of friends. l Mrs. Delia Moyer of Cincinnati Is spending several days with friends In and near Mt. Vernon. Nowest designs In beltings at Wool son's. Mrs. Horner of Oberlln, Ohio, Is spending severnl days In Mt. Vernon, the guest of relatives. Miss Anna Purcell of Cleveland Is the guest. of her sister, Mrs. Agnes J. Tlghe, East Front street. Mr. B. E. Hnrdacro of Macon, Ga., tpent Sunday in Mt. Vernon, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sapp. Mrs, W. It. Eloy and daughter, Vir ginia, of Washington, D. C, nre tho guests of Dr. nfid Mrs. T. h. Eley. See tho ladles' neckwear depart ment at Woolson's. Everything now in jabots, 'Dutch collars, bows and nich ing. Mr. Frank J, D'Arccy of Cloveland, formerly of Mt. Vernon, spent Satur day and Sunday with friends In tho city. Wythe & Ogg will have their Mil linery opening on Friday, Sept. 30. Special exhibit of pattern and tailored hats. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ifoggy of Dubois, Pa., nre tho guests of their nunt, Mrs. Emma Tlbblts. C18 West Gambler street. Miss Edna Charlton has returned from Akron nfter n Bovernl weeks' visit 'with Mr. und Mrs. It. F. Ly bnrgcr. Flower pots. Woolson's. 'Squlro Herbert C. Wood has gono to Cincinnati where- ho will tnko treat ment In a sanitarium for nervous, trouble. Mrs. Ilehccca Gordon of Springvlllo, Ift., is spending sovcrnl days with her hi other, Mr. William Dunlnp of near Brandon. Mrs. John Kirsch of Mnnmiold spent Sunday-in Mt. Vernon thoj;ii(Ht of hor sister, Mrs. Clara Diol, of West' Gam. bier street. . Clougb for sowing machines. tf Mr. J. O'F. I.lttlo of Pittsburg, Pii., spent Sunday In tho city tliu miest of Mr. und Mrs. Hobert Clurko, Nortli Main street. '" Mr. N. U C. Kachelnuichi-r of Co. 'lumbus spent Mondny In Mt. Vernon Jn tho Interest of tho Mt. Vernon Hall way and Light Co. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Iloozo returned to their homo in Akron Monday morn ing after spending Sunday with rela tives In Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Todd and Mr. nnd Mrs. Oswell Todd, tho latter of Port Alleghenoyv Pu spent Sunday Jn Columbus, tho guests of fiends. Mr. Charles Sapp returned to Gam (bier, wheru ho Is attending Kenyon OSllege, Monday morning after spend ing Sunday with his parents In Mt. Vernon. Miss Fforonco llrcroton left Sunday evening for her homo In Salem, Ohio, nfter an extended visit at tho homo of Mr .and Mrs. Philip llreroton.of North Gay street. Fresh candy and fresh crackers. Great reductions In cans and fruit Jars. Best cash prleo for number one fiesh butter nnd eggs. Vernon's groeory, No. 3 East Vine strout. Mr. Philip Wult'ors left Monday soon for his homo In Now York City, nfter making an extruded ylslt at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, S. II. Potorman of East Gambler street. Mrs. W. C. Cooper, Mrs. .lames Is rael, Mrs, Edward Dunnlck, Miss Flor ence Seymour, MIbs Mary Seymour and Miss Lizzie Elliott spent tho day With Mtb. HobtiliiB near Centerburg. Kirk & Jackson havo a full lino, of uw hair puffs und curls, switches and inflators. 15 E. Gnmblur St. . Mr. und Mrs. Fred McConnell and daughter, Mary, and Mrs, J. S, McCon nell arrived homo Saturday night from Torchlight, Kentucky. Mr. McConnell "will return to To'rchllght In u fow days, Miss MeWllllnms has opened dross making parlors at 004 E. High' street, and will bo pleased to consult pat rons from 2; 00 to 4:00 p. m., or by appointment. Citizens'' 'phono 111 lied. , tf Mrs, John W. Spltzor and daughter, Miss Wlllla, lmvo-returned to Colum bus Softer spending Sunday nt tholr homo, 210 South Mulberry Htreot. Miss Spltzor has chnrgo of tho olllco of tho Standard Insurance company whlo hit brother Is away on his wedding trip. - 4 mMtikk Mr. J. L. Cable of Lima. Ohlp, spent friends and relatives. Mr. Frank Tlgho spent Sunday in Newark the guest of friends. Mr. Italph D'Arcy of Cleveland vis ited In tho city Saturday and Sunday. Dining room girl wanted at Mans field's restaurant, 102 W. High St. tf Mr. Henry Stanbury of Cincinnati spent Sunday In Gambler tho guest of friends, Mr. J. S. Metzgar of Columbus spent Monday In Gambler, tho guest of friends. Miss lluella Trlmblo of DaTivlllo spent Sunday In Gambler tho guest of friends. See the lino of new art goods at Misses Kirk and Jackson, 15 E. Gam bler street. Mr, Hobert Gorsuch of Columbus spent Monday In Gambler tho guest of his parents, Mr. O. ifansoni went to Utlca Mon day morning to attend to some busi ness mntters. Mr. Preston Rouch of Centerburg spent Sunday In Mt. Vernon with friends and relatives. Mr. Patrick Brannlngnn has return ed from Columbus whero he attended tho grand circuit races. Mr. Kenneth Campbell of East High street went to St. Louisville, Ohio, Monday noon on business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Rlngwalt left this afternoon for New York City for n stay of throo weeks. Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Plckard of Mt. Vernon spent Sunday In Bran don, tho guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon of Maren go spoilt Sunduy In Sparta tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Larlmoro. Miss Nelllo McKown has nccepted a position at tho McIIalo millinery store. Mr. E. I. Secor of West Gambler street underwent nn operation iat tho Mt. Vernon hospltnl on Monday morn ing, i MIbs Cnrcta Mastellor returned to her home In Cleveland Sunday after a throo weeks' visit with relatives In tho city. . LOST A bock comb on tho road be tween Aft. Vernon and Frodorlqktown Sunday. Finder please notify Banner olllee. Mr. Nathaniel Jenkins of Green Val ley, left Sundoy evening for Des Moines, Iowa, whero ho' will mako an extended visit with -relatives. Miss Mary Ilarker of Mt. Vernon has returned tojier home after a sov oral' days' visit with hor brother, Mr. William Hurkor, of near Brandon. Tho M'ssos Bell and Lllu Butcher and Lqnu Hunter of Brandon spent Sunday with Mr, nndMrS. Harry Pat ton, who reside just south of Ilomor. Mrs. T. II. Hlckctts, who has been tho guest'1 of Mrs, Marthu Benin nnd daughters, North, Main street, return ed to her homo In Columbus this utter noon. Mr. nnd Roy Moroy and Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Wlllams nnd sou, Harold, of near Brandon spent Sunday in Ap pleton, Ohio, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albej-t Long. Call np Woolson's Btore, telephone No, 29, for uverythlng In fruit can ning supplies. C. O. D. deliveries cheerfully and promptly made freo to all parts of the city. Mrs, I), C, Baxter of Brandon spent Saturday nnd Sunday In Mt. Vornon with friends. While In Mt. Vernon, Mrs. Baxter attended the County Sun day School convention. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Thompson of this city, who have been spending two months traveling ubrdud. aro now on the ocean on tho return voyogo and aro expected liomu about tho first of October. Mr. Claronco Honey woll, who has been through tho wost, Canada nnd Alaska, and who has been vIMtlng Mr. P. 1), Proper and family and other rel atives, has gone to DenlRon, Texas to visit his mother. Miss Alice Shaw nnd Miss Floronco Cochran (linvo returned from a visit wltli Mrs. G, A. Henley of Wooster and Mrs. Orvlllo Wolr of Mansllold. Mrs. Henley was foriuorly Miss Mil dred Sapp of Mt. Vornon. ' Mrs, Ermine Schooloy of Sparta Is conllncd to her homo by a severe at tack Of IlltlOHH.' Mrs, B. F. Hammond of Millwood spont Saturday In . Mt. Vornon tho guest of friends, Mr,uml Mrs. Rollln Johnson sof But ler spent Friday in Mt. Vernon with relatives and frlonds. Mrv Floyd IIuuub of Butler spent Friday In Mt. Vornon ntendlng to Bonio business mutters. Miss Minnie Hayes of Buckoyo City Is spending severnl days In Martins burg, tho guest of friends, Mr. Earl Hayos of Homer spent Snturday In Mt. Vornon nttondlng to some matters of business. Mrs. Flora Wolmor of Danvlllo Is nttondlng tho Sunday school conven tion which Is being held hi Mt. Ver non. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Sporry of Mt. Vor non spont Saturday In Danvlllo tho guests of Mrs.' Sperry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pnrrlsh. -,"k..,.A . ift.r.s ,, i.t.1 j i,' ,,, f 'Vi,;,-,; DIVORCE Filed' By Mory C, Cass Against Budd 0, Cass On Grounds Of Cruelty And Gross Neglect The iiess Will Has Been Filed in Probate Several Transcripts Filed In Common Pieas Other Notes Of Interest From Temple Of Justice Mary C. Cass lins commenced a suit for divorce In tho court of common pleas of -Knox county ngalnst Budd O. Cass. Tho plaintiff states they were married In this city on October G, 190G, nnd that no children were born to them. She 'charged tho plaintiff with gross neglect nnd nlleges that ho has failed to supply her with the necessi ties of life. Tho allegation is made that tho defendant left homo on July 7, 1010, saying ho was going to New ark, O,, to work, but In reality ho went to Chicago ntid left tho plaintiff with out nny means of support. She states that she furnished the defendant tho sum of $000 nnd started him in busi ness In Mt. Vernon, but on account of his laziness and dissipation ho spent all tho money. Sho alleges cruelty and states that on nccount of the ac tion of the defendant she Is extremely nervous nnd unablo to work. She asks for a dlvorco and that sho may bo restored to her mnldon name, Mary A. Baker. Lewis B. Houck Is the attor ney for tho plaintiff. The Hess Will Tho last will and testnment of Lu clndn Hess, lato-of Mt. Vernon, has boon llled in probato. Sho gives her homestead on West Vino street nnd nil her personal effects to her husband, II. C. Hess, and directs that after his death tho property Is to bo sold at pub lic or prlvato salo and tho proceeds di vided equally among John Clifford Oury, a young boy who has mndo his homo with tho testatrix, and tho fol lowing brothers and sisters: Simon Mowory, Jacob Mowroy, Carolln Soum, Emma Trimble, Mnrgaret Young. Sar ah Hess, Elizabeth Cochran, Eliza Shollenbnrgor. Certain porsonnl ef fects aro given to John Oury. II. 11. and ft. M. Greer aro named ns exec utors of tho will which was signed November 29, 1007, In tho presence of Northa C. Draper and Martha A. Krlng. A codicil dated September 10, 1910,1 witnessed by II. II, Greer nnd Martha A. Spoliti, revokes tho bequest mado to John Clifford Oury. o Executor Brings Suit Frank Moore, executor of tho Inst will and testament of Elizabeth Mills, has commenced suit In tho court of common pleas of Knox county ngnlnst Monroe Mills and 29 other defendants. Tho suit Is brought for tho purposo of obtaining tho direction of tho court respecting tho trust and property to be administered and tho rights of tho Into Elizabeth Mills. Walght & Moore nro tho attornoys for tho plaintiff. o First and Fnlal A llrst and llnnl account has been filed in probato by Frank II. Lewis, administrator of Sarah E. Lewis, showing tho following: Received $350, paid oiit the sumo amount. Transcripts Filed In tho case of John Douglass Co,, vs. Garflleld Snow, a transcript has boon llled from the court of 'Squlro Herbert C. Wood, whoro tho plaintiff socured a Judgmont for $32.25. In tho case of tho Peoplo's Savings Bank Co. vb. O. Ransom and J. II. Ran som, n transcript has boon filed In tho court of common plons from tho court of 'Squlro Wood whero tho plaintiff secured n Judgment for $67.00. hi tho ense of Ebn L. Lonoy vs. H, O Porter, a transcript has been llled In tho court of common picas from tho court of 'Squlro J. II, Dickie of Mor- rls township whoro tho plaintiff secur ed a Judgment for costs. In tho enso of Wlllloin II. Clarke, ns receiver, vs. Anthony Sch(appncas8e, a transcript has boon llled in the court of common plens from tho court of 'Squlro Ilortor whqro tho plaintiff se cured iv Judgmont for $14.15, In the case of Win. IL West vs. Ed ward P. Chrlstel ond Pearl M. Chris tel u transcript has been Jllod, from tho cWt of 'Squire Wood wheje tho ,,,n SS5SS? iwiiifiiaifl Acn In thn fMln rF f.nneiitnnl,nn conccntratetI,easilydigcsted fi nourishment is necessary. K " r or J5 years tJ Scott's Emulsion lias been tho standard, 4 world-wide treatment for k Consumption. All Druiglcts jjjj MJKSSI plaintiff $50.08. secured a Judgment for Action For Money Ransom Brothers, meat dealers, have brought an action on an account In tho court of common pleas against Frank O. Levering and Byrdess Lev- ering. The nmount claimed Is $14.87. The attorney for the plaintiff Is W. A. llosaclt. o Marriage Licenses Walter E.' Gregory, machinist, nnd Edna C. MIckel, both of Mt. Vernon. Wade Wright, laborer, and Rosa Hill, both of Brandon.- The Rev. A. B. Williams. o, Deed Filed Clayton 11. Bishop to Dplly Ash- bntigh, lot 17, C. B. & O. B. Messmore's add., Centerburg, $175. o Second Partial ' A second partial acocunt has been filed in probato by II. W. Jacobs, guardian of Charles Jacobs, showing the following: Received $80, paid out the same amount. o Deeds Filed M. G, Levering ot-nl. to W. B. Mann, C.S4 acres, Wayne, $1,308. Anna M. Sutton et nl. to Mary Ann Hoar, lot 37, Israel & Devin add., Mt. Vernon, $1,200. . Quick climatic changes try strong constitutions and cause, among other evils, nasal catarrh, a trouble some and offensive disease. Sneez ing and smithing, coughing nnd dif ficult breathing, and the drip, drip of the foul discharge Into the throaty all aro ended by Ely's Cream Balm, This honesty remedy contains no co caine, mercury, nor other harmful in gredient. The worst enses yield to treatment In a short time. All drug gists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 50 Warren Street, Now York. 4. RiEQUEST Made For Another Com mon Fleas Judge In The Knox-IMing-Del-aware Sub-Division Newark, O., Sept. 26 Tho Judges of the sixth Jurdlclal district mot hero Saturday. Measures wore discussed for relieving tho congestion In tho Licking county courts, which now contnln upward of 500 civil coses. Tho Judges fnco tho prospect of a vast number of criminal actions, growing out of the llot nnd lynching of last July. Last October an adjustment of the times of holding court wns agreed up on, but tho Nownrk conditions hnvo slnco grown bo bad that tho Judges will mako plana now for tho rest of tho Judicial year which ends tho mid dle of next month and nlso tcntntivo arrangements for all tho ensuing year. The subdlstrlct to which Licking, Knox and Dolawnro counties belong, him grown so populous that two Judges nro no longer nblo to keepabreast of tho docket and tho legislature will likely bo appealed to for relief, asking that anothor Judgo bo assigned. Man Boxes Tho P. O. Dopt. has Issued a request that all persons receiv ing mail should provldo them selves with a suitable mall box. AVo aro rollably Informed that If tho request is not generally compiled with that nn order will bo sent out that mall must not bo delivered unless thoro nro proper boxes put up to receive It. Wo have boxes In stock, both safo and coiivonlent, that will hold your mall and that have been approved by tho Do partmont. i RMflrdiis & Co. ! l... J j i.-.. a CANE RUSH Won By Kenyon Freshmen By A Clever Play Of In tho enno rush at Gambler Sat urday afternoon the Freshmen liter ally "put It ovor" tho Sophomores. Whentho two classes lined up, tho Freshmen were massed on their line, while the Sophomores extended their membership the full length of their Hnq. When the signal was sounded each side rushed forward, tho cano being In the hands of Captnln Ander son, who occupied n position In the rear of the Freshmen. Just ns the two classes were close together, Captain Anderson turned a neat trick by liurllng the cane Into the air over tho heuds of the Sophomores, It land ing n short distance Inside of tho line of tho Sophomores. Before' the on speeding Sophomores had realized 'tho clever' play and rovorsed them selves, the Freshmen had secured pos session of tho cane and carried It across tho lino of the Sophomores. The transaction lnsted but n few sec onds, and was'all over before the spec tators realized what had been done. It was tho llrst time such a play had been attempted at Kenyon. i 1 h J 4 ! f 4 I J I 1 "V OBITUARY ; j. 4. 4. 4. 4. j. .j. 4. 4. 4. . j ,5, 4. Miss Nora Mulhane Miss Nora Mulhane, formerly of Mt. Vernon, died early Sunday morning li St. Joseph's hospital, Parkcrsburg, West Virginia, after an illness of many weeks. Her death was duo to tuberculosis. Tho deceased Was 50 years of age. Up until a fow yenrs ago sho resided In this city. Sho Is survived by two sisters nnd one broth er, tho Rev. L. W. Mulhane of Mt. Ver non. Tho funeral Tuesday morning in Marietta and the interment will be mndo In that city. ' Father Mulhane" left Monday for that city to attend tho funeral. The Kelley Funeral Tho remnlns of tho late John P. Kel ley, whp died nt his homo In Kansas City, Mo., aro expected to arrlvo In Mt. Vernon Wednesday noon. The body will bo taken to tho Clmppelear chnpel and tho funeral services will bo conducted nt 3 o'cIock, the Rev. Ira J. Houston of tho Congregational church o III dating. Interment will be mado In Mound View cemetery. Joseph Pflster Joseph Pflster died nt ljls homo at No. 211 South Mulberry street Sua dny afternoon at about 3:30 o'clock at tor a seven months' illness caused by a complication of dlsenscs. He was thirty-eight years of ago at tho tirao of his death 'and Is survived by his wife, Lotta M. Pflster and throo chil dren. Tho funeral- at St. Vincent do Paul's Catholic church Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, Rev. L. W. Mulhano officiating. Interment in Calvary cemetery. Elizabeth J. Penrose Elizabeth J. Penroso died at her homo on East Burgess street on Sat urday evening nt about eight o'clock nfter a nine months' illness caused by a cancer of tho stomach. Tho deceas ed is survived by her husband, hor mother and four children. f. , J Society News Tier-Sea Wedding Word has boon received hero an nouncing tho mnrrlago of Mr. Geqrgo Tier of this city and Miss Llzzlq Sea, which took placo atj.lck Creek,. Ken tucky, Sept. 20. o Wrlght-HIII Wedding Mr. Wndo Wright and Mrs. Rosa Hill, both of Brandon wore united In mnrrlago Saturday afternoon by tho Rev. A. B. Williams at his ofllco In tho McDormott building. 0 Entertained At Danville Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mllligan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones delightfully en tertained tho morabors, of their Sun day school classes nt tho homo of tho formor lit Danvlllo on Saturday oven Ing, about thirty being present during tho evening which was spont plnylng games nnd In music. Dollclous ro froshments wero served. s 4. Whon n man Is his own worst ene my ho doesn't try to got oven. BANNER WANT ADS PAY GUILTY Murder "Was Doctor Crippcn Found But Name Of Stenographer Not Mentioned London, Sept. 26 Dr. Crlppen waB found guilty this morning of murder ing his wife, Belle Elmee by the cor oner's Jury. The name of Miss Le neve, his stenographer, Is not mention ed In the verdict. Run Down By A Careless Bicycle Rider Joseph, the lnfan son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCormlck, sustained a very unfortunate Injury on Friday af ternoon. Tho child was In a baby bug gy on the public square when a boy apprdached rapidly on a bicycle. Tho boy wns coasting and was evidently not paying very close attention to ob jects In front of him for he ran dl- reotly into the baby buggy. Tho child was thrown from the buggy nnd the boy on tho bicycle pitched head fore most over the handlbars of his ma chine. Baby, baby buggy, bicycle and boy were all piled in a heap and when things were finally straightened out, It was discovered that tho Infant receiv ed a nasty gash over the left eye. Tho wound bled profusely for some tlpie, but was stopped by Dr. James F. Lee, who dressed the wound. 4, CABLE Decides To Return To Ken yon And Captain The Team Mr. C. M. Cable of Lima, Ohio, who was elected as captain of tho Kenyon foot ball team for this season and who was expected to bo unable to return to college this year, has surprised his many friends In the college by an nouncing thai his plans havo been changed and ho will return and take chargo of tho team. This will dispell the anxiety which has been felt as to who will pilot the team through the games In 1910. . LEGAL NOTICE Bmld O. Cass, whose residence is un known, but whoso Inst known residence wuh ChluiiKO, Illinois, Is hereby notified that JInry A. Cass 1ms llled her petition In tho Common Pleus Court of Knox county, Ohio, against him for dlvorco and other equltablo relief. Hnld causa will be for hearing on or after the 10th day of November, 1910. Dated, September 2d, 1910. I.KWIS B. HOUCK. Attorney for Plaintiff. 9-:(l;10-4,n,lS,25;ll-lS RAILROAD TIME TABLES Mt. Vernon, Ohio B. & O. R. R. East No. 14 5:50 a. m. No. 4 11:24 a. m. No. 16 6:02 p. m. No. 8 6:31 p. m. West No. 7 8:26 a.,m.' No. 17 8:57 o. in.. No. 3 2:44 p. m.' No. 15 10:10 p. m. Nos. 16 and 17 dally except Sunday. Other trains dally. BABY C, A. & C. R. R. South Bound No. 506 12:41 b. m. No. 620 9:58 a. m. No. 623 6;30 a. m. No. 604 8:57 a. m. No. 518 10:55 a. m. No. 602 ,.12:25 p. m. No. 608 6:10 p. m. No. 600 9:37 p. m. North Bound No. 507 2:25 a. m. No. 601 7:24 a. m. No. 509 8:34 a. m. No. 603 1:26 p. m. No. 605 5:53 p. m. Np. 619 6:52 p. m. No. 621 7:10 p. m, No. 623 (To Mt, Vornon only) , 7:30 p. m. Dally. Dally except Sunday, " Sunday ouly. i I 44 ! J ! ! ! I 1 ! l I I J 4. W"X OCCUR 80ON J i H f 'i" ! 'I' i 'i 4 4' ! "f i' Tho meeting of Pomona Grango for September will bo held on Sntur day, October 1, at Plko Grange hall. Applicants for tho fifth degree should have their petition In by this time. Tho meeting will bo In chnrgo of'Plko Grango. Tho meeting plnco Is tho Eaglo Grp'vo school houso In Pike townshli. o Thennnunl meeting of thoMt.Ver non District of tho Znnesvlllo Presby tcrlal Home nnd Foreign Mlsslpnary Society will bo held In Homer Thurs day, Sept. 29th. The first session be gins at 10 a. m the afternoon session will close nt 3:30. Good speakers havo been secured and n largo attendance Is earnestly desired. The Knox County Agricultural society will meet Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at tho G. A. R . hall for the, purpose of electing directors and officers. 4. FARM BARGAINS 131 acres with nice, new house of 8 rooms, large barn and outbuildings and 15 acres of good timber. This farm lays good, has a fertile soil, Is closo to school and church. Located 5 miles out on excellent road. Only $65 per acre. W. C. Rockwell. , tf Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Conard and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stream of this city spent Sunday In Sparta, tho guests of" Mrs. Mary Liggett. FOR SALE OR TRADE Farm of 32 acres. Good buildings. Lots of fruit. $2,500. W. C. Rockwell & Bro. tf win What Governor Denocn, of tlllnolo, bays Aoout it: Ooyornor Dcnccn, of Illinois, cn niep- ,riaa oi inuu in MipKntclitman. ununua. Jlo Dm said la au Internum A nn American I am dolichto 1 to teo tho re mnrLfihla nrncrniM ni Western OjinnUfi. Oar rooplo nre flocking ncrosi tho boundary in thou sands, and I havo not ret mot ono vrlio admitted ho had, mndo n mistake. They aro all dolus well. There is ecnrcHv a com munity In tho Allddlo or uestern Dinics mnc naa not a rt preventative In Manitoba, baskrttehawan or Alberta." 125 Million Bushels of Wheat in 1909 Wcatnrn Onnfttln Sold crop for 1SKJ9 will tiMUjloM to tho form, or 17(,0()0,000.(IO In null. 1'roo Jioinefttcmlsof lUOacrpfl. and pre-emptions or 1(10 acre t ifll.oo nu nero. lUllwny and nnd Comnnnles lmvo land fnr ealo nt rpiwonahln prlcea. Slimy farm ers Imvo'iMilit for tliclr liuicl out of tho prnfoods of ono crop. cici'lli'iit railway fnt llltloa.low id I'lininic. goou pi railway rut lilt I iteR. wood, wnli irc'iKiii nui'K. womi. n lumber enMly obtained, 1MIV nlitnlniMl. , For pamphlot "Lnst Host West, particular, as to ealtnblo location ond low eettlers' rate, apply to tiup't of Immigration. Ottawa, Can., or to Cunsdlan Gov't Agent. H. M. WILLIAMS, 413 Gardner Hide., Toledo, Ohio (Use address nearest yoa.) 1 esaeeese(9ssa9a Safe Business Methods ! Have TheirlOrigin in a Bank Account a e Or all the successful men you never knew, nearly all placed their money In the bank each day, and paid their accounts by check. In this way the bank does your book-keeping and every cancelled check Is returned to you and may bo preserved as a receipt. s AVo furnish pass' book and checks freo with first de- posit. The Gambier Banking Co. I Gambier, Ohio A991 ! TAYLOR'S ! BEST I FLOUR' It's Good Very Good We sell all kinds Peed Sole Agents Purina Poultry Feeds The best known feed for ! ' I chicks or chickens ! The Northwestern Elevator & Mill Co. liTIWTJWK- B "sir, Pi tratactoaV m "J ,? i.. ' ? : e , i ' n ' Jb W & ife, ffr. .--, i? . fj 2 C 1 'i "$ A $ it nr 1 V' w w , S - 'w 1 ifi M 'iTA & m l "3 'LJ s A A u V r ' 1 , 47 m I .ffitinritolL -Aritofcy-tfajj!!